Newspaper Page Text
' - - ."W IfTWRW -W ;w ' H 5J 4 THE WASHINGTON 'TIMES.' TUESDAY: MARCH 14; 1016. Eighteen Scholarships For Boy Musicians CITIZENS TO READ HAY HOT FORCE VOTE ON 0. C, DRY MEASURE Supporters of Sheppard Mea sure Perturbed Over Legis lative Situation in Senate. nOOO REQUIRED STRIKE SETTLEMENT NEW m PROTEST AGAINST FMFmiOUR PLEASES LABOR I of cine M L Piney Branch Objects to Pro posed Sito at Fourteenth and Upshur Streets. TO FUSH CASE VIGOROUSLY Association Passes Resolutions Protesting at .Language of Congressman Borland. HOSPITA ATI Plans were, 'mado by tho .Plney Branch Cltiiona Association last nlnht to distribute pamphlets In northwest WashlnRtoo In which flvo clttsens' association's are on record In protoRt against tho removal or tho Washington Asylum Hospital to the proposed lto at Fpurtcenth and Up shur streets. . , All residents of the sections adja- cent to, the proposed hospital loca tion were urgeM to write at once to the Commissioners, to the chairman of tho House and Benato District committees and to any friends they may have aln Congress protesting against the location pf tho hospital' on the proposed site. Tho pamphlet, first copies of which were distributed last night, were signed by the Flney Branch, Bright wood. '.Brlghtwood Park. Columbia Helffhts, and Tetworth Cltlsens As sociations. CaUcd a Detriment. Location of the hosptal which houses the city's publlo charges and stole patients from the District jail, wouM be a, decided detriment to one of the best residential districts of tha city, tho protest of the Cltixens' Associations sets forth, and. preju dicial to the personal and proporty Interests. Establishment of the hos pital on the proposed site would wholly check the growth of that sec tion of the city. It Is declared. A commltteo consisting of Dr. E. M. Hasbrouck, John W, Keener and V. U. Croissant, was named to confor with Senator Galllnger, who has been actlvo in the matter of obtaining the new hospital, in order to got his help in opposing the location of the hospital on the poposed site. The association also went on record as protesting against language used by Congressman W. P. Borland reflecting upon citizenship of the District In. recent communications. Tho following resolu tions, presented by Amos Tyree, were unanimously adopted: Text of Resolutions, i "Whereas, Congressman' W. P. Bbr- ' land has under date of March 10, 1916. circulated among hla colleagues three communications, tho tenor, of which seriously reflects upon the citizenship of the District of Columbia; and,, "Whoreaa. tho Plney liranoh Citizens' Association! firmly of the opinion that the sentiments expressed In said com munications do not reflect tho views of members of Congress generally. In whose sense of fairness wo have faith; thereforo be it "Resolved, That this association earnestly and emphatloally protests against the undignified language em ployed In said communications, and against tho aspersions and reflections thereby cost upon tho citizenship of tho District of Columbia; and be it further "Resolved, Thai this association regrets that a representative honored by the citizenship of this great' nation, should consider it necessary to forget to such on extent the dignity and fairness which should characterlzoatho actions of a member of Congress and be It further "Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be furnished to the Speaker of the House of "Representatives., and to Mr. Borland." ! I ! I a a v Extension of Red Cross Urged As Defense Step Major Robert U. Patterson, U. S. A., the principal speaker last night at the monthly "get-together" meeting of com pany section No. i, American Elecirlo Railway Association, at tho Potomac Electric Power building, urged expan sion of. tho American Red Cross as a step toward preparedness. Tho speaker dwelt upon the unselfish manner In which ths country has con tributed clothing and medicines to the war-stricken countries of Europe, and declared it was now tlmo that it began to conserve its medical resources fbr Us own defense. Charles Seymour Kimball, president of the section, presided. J. P. M. Bowie, tenor, soloist of Foundry M. E. Church, and George H. Wilson contrlb uUd a musical program. tVAR CROSS GIVEN TWELVE AMERICANS College Men With Hospital Corps to Be Decorated. PARIS, March 14. Twelvo American oollcgo men, working jwith cmbulanco corps at the French front, have been cltod In orders of the day, and will bo decorated tlth tho French war cross. The Americans to bo decorated are: Covering Hill. Edmund Curley, Dur ant Rice, Stephen Galattl, Marquand "Walker, and Joseph Mellon, of Now York, and Henry M. Buckley, R. Hlno- DecKny, ana Tracy l'uinom, or uosion, all Harvard graduates; I'owell Kenton, of PhlladPlnhln. a University of Penn sylvania grnduato; t,uko Doyle, of Bos ton, a Yale emanate, anu uavia uoug las, of Newton, -Mass. Civil Service Union. A meeting to elect permanent officers and adopt a constitution and bylaws win no htia oy T-t. i-eaerai cmi ocrv-lr-n ftmnloirea 1 jn In G. A. R. hall Friday night. Tho special commltteo on Constitution arm iiyiaivB id im-cuiii, vory other afternoon at tho temporary headquarters In the Ouray building to Iicrtect Its work before tho meeting frtday night. Tho newly elected officers are to ap point dclCKAtcs In ench department and bureau to work for the union nnr" .....mUmlilni TtiMii Hftpcrnllnnn will in turn select members of the ex ecutive committee, ono rcpi cBciiwuis eacn aepnrimeni nnu ommu. Neutr&lity Proclaimed. resident Wilson today signed a proc tarnation of neutrality In connection with Portugal's entry Into the war. Tho proclamation is In the same form as these previously Issued by frills coun- National Cathedral School Has Opportunity for Those With Musical Gifts. FLLL EDUCATION IS GIVEN These Courses Are in Addi tion to the Regular Vocal Training. 1 .ack of musical environment Is , a thing that Is coiiftantly bclrg deplored In connection with musical education In tho United States. We have In Wash ington a sptcndlil endowment that af fords both environment and opportu nity of an exceptional character for eighteen boys'who through special mu sical gifts, provo worthy of a scholar ship that not only gives them training In music freo of charge, tut alro in cludes a full education Unit take the student up to a college entrance point. These scholarships nro the. gift oC Mrs. Harriet Lone-Johnston, tho niece of President Buchanan, as a part of bor bequest of KOO.COO to the National Cath dral School for Boys, at Mt. St. Alban. XDno half this J300.000 to the Washington Cathedral fund was for the hullding now known as the Lane-Johnston building, and Uio other half aa an on Awm,nt funri thn Income to be an- .piled "to the free maintenance, educa tion, ann training or. cnoir uuyo, iuur. lty for those In the service cf the Cath dral," as a memorial to :r husband and two sons. Happy Environment. The Cathedral choir school has an In comparable location overlooking the en tire city, with large wooded grounds quite Ideal forharborlng nn embryo cre ator of sacred music. It has already graduated one of Us rcholarshlp beys who has gone on to college. Another, .who received free organ instruction, la now teaching In the University of Wis consin and Is organist and choirmaster at Bclolt, Wis. havlrnr previously been in charge of a choir In Chicago. Such taken of the voices of the boys that they usually sing through only three of the six forms of tha school, thus receiving fully three years tuition with no service rendered. The ages for singing In the Cathedral choir Is from ten to fourteen, but the boys of a junior choir for those who are not old enough for regular church work are given skilled Instruction and one rehear sal a week. The regular choir boys have rehearsals twlco a day, with a dally service In Bethlehem Chapel. They have a special music room In the school, and recently received the gift of a Vlctrola to broaden their musical repertory. At present the twenty-five boys of the choir are preparing a representative pro gram of church music, which Includes tho anthem, ."Before the Heavens" Ho ratio Parker; "Fierce Was the Wild Bil low," Tertlus Noble; "How lively Are the Messengers." Mendelssohn; "Let the Peace of God." Sir John Btalner; the prologue to Gaul's "Holy City," and "nnat Thv 1Xnnpn." from "Elijah. '.Mendelssohn. They also use the tradi tional cnurcn music oi j. ravers, ii.c Whltford. and Purcell. Gave Two Cantatas. At Christmas ihe choir gave on two Sundays artistic rendition of the Christ mas cantata, "The Eve of Grace," by-J. Sebastian Matthews, quite the gem of this lovely work was the solo, "The Vir gin's Lullaby." sung by the boy soprano, Howard L. Young. Four old English carols are incorporated In this work, and one of the most impressive was "The Little Door" given with fine shad ing by the choristers. The choir school is in charge of Edgar Priest, who for nine years had been or ganist and choirmaster with Bishop Sat terlee, the first Bishop of Washington, at St. Paul's Church, this city. Mr. Priest, who is now organist and choir master of the cathedral. Is eminently fitted for this position, having spent four years as assistant organist or Man cheater Cathedral. England. where he was1 also connected with the Royal Col lege of Music. He noWhas full charge of .all music for the services under Bishop Harding in the lietnienem Chanel of the Holy Nativity, the beau tiful crypt chapel, the first part of the cathedral to be completed. Two organ recitals are given here each month, on the second and fourth Sundays at 6 o'clock. i J. Macu. "Babies" of' British Navy Are Fearfully Ugly ABOARD H M. S. TOnPEDO BOAT NO. 00, SOMEWHERE IN THE NORTH SEA. March 14. Visible proof that British shipyards have not been ldte since this war began was seen from the deck of this little craft today. . .. Steaming slowly past a long doublo line of warships, observers aboard wore able to look upon a new type of sea fighters, many types In fact built for war and not for looks. Theso ugly colored craft with mottled sides and daubed plated were the "ba bies" of the Meet, "Infants." who have plunged their noses Into the sea without ceremony or publicity. The shipyards from jfyhence they came are turning out sister ships as fast as mon can put metal together. No lime Is being wasted veneering the officers' cabins la mahogany or to put ting the painter's touch on the hull nod superstructure. These newest craft are Just plain ugly, but they embody all tho latest kinds of efficiency for which naval constructors have the experi ence of the war to thank. The- makn-up of theso fleet "babies" must remain a mystery until after the war. In the meantime thev are the secret prldo of tho British navy. Some Food Prices Have Gone Up 112.9 Per Cent LONDON, March II. European food prices are higher than before the war, according to the English Board of Trade Labor Gazette, by tho -following percentages: England, 47; lierun, Z3A Vienna, 112.9; Italy, 31.2. The Oazetto based Its estlmato on food staples In the various countries. It dates the Increaso from July, 1914. Tho percentages of Increase are car ried up to February 1, 1916, In England's case, and to January 1, 1916, In the cases of Berlin. Vienna, and Italy. Attention Is called to the fact that In Berlin and Vienna many prices are artificially kept from going still higher onlv by government order, and that In such cases the articles purchased are to oe nti in noming out. limited quan tities, and that some foods, like lard. beans, peas and lentils, apparently are praciicauy unooiainame at any price, i Hurt By Elevator. Seriously Injured in anelevator ac cident James A. Lochte, forty-five years old, of 22S E street northeast. Is at Emergency Hospital. The police say he stepped on a mov ing elevator, at 1116 Connecticut av enue late yesterday, and was caught between the car and the second floor. VTIIsBBBBBBBBBBH 'if ?i aaBBBBBBBBar' f VABBBBBBBBBsK?!?1!!' IbbbbbbH JS VIbbbbbbbbbbbbbIW BBBBbH' llBBBBBBBBBfAi BBBBBBbHD: JIBBBBBBBrlll HrV TWjbbbbbbbW?V BBBBBBBR.V JiBBBF-.i M '. bbbbbbHLL U4bbbbbbbbbVvvF; LbBBBBBBBB9T( vBBBBBBBBBBVft 5$ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWX-'' ' JbBBMBBI iX'if f ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbbbbbbbbbbbb 3?V kf. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBaa! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh bbbbbPbbbbbbbPbbbbbbbbbP" S-'4 bbbPbbbtVbbbbKV V PJf .i4PJr S 'VBBBBBBBr ' . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw J BBBBBBBBhw bbbbbbbbbb BBBBBbTjBbIbBv jtBBBBBBBr JT'BsBBBBBk Bm. v 4 k a l4trfl XBBBByS?7-?7xfvyvV AlBBBBuBBBBBBr & l it '5?-53 BBsMImBBBBB' i V' i TbBBBBBBBBmBBmW H jJL nv?4 BBBBBB BBBBBaIriBv Wric4b i - Above CONRAD FULMAN MILLS Below HOWARD L. YOUNG. MUST HAVE FANCY HAT FOR CARNIVAL This Is Ultimatum For Arcade Event On March 21. Whllo you don't have to wear fancy dress to be there, you are requested at least to ind a grotesque hat if you Intend going on the dancing floor. This Ultimatum refers to tho carnival Tuesday evenllg, March 21, at tho Ar cade, Fourteenth street and Park road, for the benefit of the Neighborhood House. Tho Invitation reads: Come In a carnival spirit. Come In a spirit of Joy, Leave care and trouble behind you. Be just a girl and a boy. On the floor commltteo for the event are Count d'Andemar, Commander Henry Butler, Arthur Campbell, Wil liam Bowie Cark; Capt. Ridley McLean, Charles Richardson, Count J. R. do Slbour, and John H. Wllklns. The committee on arrangements In cludes Mrs. Paul Bartlett, Mrs. Charles J. Belt, Mrs. Ward, Brown, Miss Beatrice Clover, Mrs. John Fremont, Miss' Fran ces Noyes, Mrs. George T. Odell. Miss Sophie Slebert, Mrs. John W. Thomp son. Mrs. Walter Tuckerman, and Mrs. John Jay White, Tho board'of trustees of Neighborhood House, meeting yesterday, elected Miss Sophie Slebert president of the board. Boy Struck By Motor. Harry Hufford, twelve, 00 Louisiana avenue northwest. Is at Emergency Hospital with an Injured foot. He was hurt yesterday when he was struck by an automobile at Eighth street and Pennsylvania avenue. Garden Mensa, eleven, 1000 I street northwest, ran Into an automobile bo longing to R. W. Thomas, 12H Glrnrd street northwest, last night near Eleventh street and New York avenue. He was bruised on tho head and body. Astonishing Power of Iron to Give Strength to Broken ' Down Nervous People Physlclnn Bays Ordinary Kuxated Ifon HII Increase Strength of Delicate Folk 200 Tcr Cent In Two Weeks' Time In Mnny Instances. Mniir vAnu- M V Tn 11 rflrent dls- courso Dr. E. Bauer, specialist, of this, . ,.,. it ..An w.m tn mflkn an actual blood test on all people who aro 111 you wouia propauiy uu kivh -tonlshcd at the exceedingly large num- v. H.l.M Imn unit whn are 111 for no other reason than the lack of Iron. The moment iron is suppnca an uicir multitude of dangerous symptoms dis appear. Without Iron tho blood at onco loses the power to chango food Into liv ing tissue, ana inereiur-j Humm ju . .,.... ..a.. n, viii ilnn't tr.t cut unco yuu ! &w. w -.. - - ,u .t..nnili ..,, nt It Vnnr fnnn mere ly passes through your system like corn tnrougn a nun win mo ruuera ou m apart that Uie mill can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and .a h,m ..-. ,lnM n.nn1. h.nim. mtnnr. I1CI vo awi vauuin w,j,,3 wv..u,.y nv"r ally weakened, nervous, and all run down, and frequently develop all sorts or conauions. una in iuo nun, an other Is burdened with unhealthy fati some are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; somo can't sleep at night; others are sleepy and tired all day; some fussy and Irritable; some 'skinny and bloodleM, but all lack physical power and endurance. In such cases It Is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expense of your llfo later on. No matter what anyone tells you, If you are not strong and well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: Bee how long you can work or haw far you can walk without becom ing tired. Nest take two flve-graln I Friends of tho Fheppnrd bill for pro hibition In tho District are consider ably perturbed over the legislative sit uation that Is developing in tho Pennte. They aro beginning to wonder whether they will be able tn force a vote this session. Tho prospects for a vote ap pear much moro doubtful now than somo tlmo ago. Lost night, the Myers water power bill was made tho unfinished business. The fjenato will voto on the Tillman armor plate bill March 21, Advocates of preparedness ore getting ready to force consideration of the army bill at tho earliest opportunity. It looks much now as If a great mass of proposed legislation would be side tracked .by tho consideration of pre paredness legislation and appropriation bills, as well as revenue measures. Tho Rhrpnard bill for prohibition In the District mav bo ono of tho bills doomed to bo sidetracked. AUCTION BRIDGE MADE CLEAR IN TWO BOOKS Volumes By Wynne Ferguson and R. F. Foster Are Authoritative. The doubt and confusion, the shifting methods of play in auction bridge brought nbout In the mind of the aver age nlayer during the oast year are cleared In a very satisfactory manner uy two dooks inai nave just Deep pud llshed, "Auction Bridge for Air," by R. F. Roster (published by Fred A. Stokes CompanuT price Jl.OO), and "Auc tion Bridge, 1916" by Wynne Ferguson (published by Wynne Ferguson, price 25 cents), Both books aro authoritative, and both are highly' Interesting to the novice and the expert, as well aa the average player. Mr. Foster has long been re garded as ono of the best authorities on bridge, and the velumo he has pre pared has the distinction pf being so written that tho novice can glean as much from its pages as the expert. It was. In fact, designed for the pur poso of giving the novice a practical un derstanding of tho gamo and to make plain What are somntlmpH rnn!rtorsrf the Intricate methods of play. The book devotes conslderablo space to the matter of bids and of leads, explaining exactly mi, rarwin lorrai or oiaaing ana lead ing are tho most .desirable to adopt The PhllOSODhV Of mint Inn hrMtr la dealt with extensively, and makes In teresting reading oven for those familiar Mr. Ferguson's hnnk l nnnM.l much briefer than the Foster publica tion, but quite as valuablo for persona who wUh to have a handy reference work on tho most debatcl questions likely to arise In a bridge game. Both books give tho official rules of the game. Pleads With Ohioans For Greater National Defense Taxes sufficient to enable the United States to prepare an adcaunin nutinnni defense would not mean taking the .,. v.. v. uiti uui oi mo mourns or tne people, Oscar T. Crosby, formerly of tile KnC IIAflP fViiroa 4nH w..m.. - the Ohio Society, meeting nt Ilauscher's . ... iic siun'ricai. people JlUVe always beon able to pay taxed to meet their national needs, ho declared. Thn flirtAfllf IM N las. nrlUAAni.J -.,-. ... ---- -;-" umiuwmcu mi Hilar" national tribunal to settle disputes tie- .wctii uniiuiin. Miss Ethel G. Miner contributed vocal selections to tho program, and Miss Silvia Miner played a violin number. The meeting was presided over by John J, Edsonvjco president of the society. To Discuss Prohibition. The Central Northwest Cltlzin' j. soclatlon will hold a, public meeting lonignc at 8 o'clock In tho Garnett School building, to discuss prohibition for the District. I. T. Momn nwaMrnt F 41.,. m.n. ber of Commerce, will present the side or those favoring the referendum, and Andrew Wilson, president of tho Anti Saloon League, tho side of thoso favor ing me oneppara dui. His Danger Signal . An American Flag NEW YORK. March 14 T.n,,l. a-i ler was arraigned before Magistrate Walsh, In Brooklyn and fined 12 for an improper aiapiay or tne American flag, Sadler, who Is in the lumber buslnoss was going downtown when at tho cor ner of Flushing and Clinton avenues PrifrAlmnn Tlvi-nr, nt tt... ,m. .. l-intlwlri Clinf lnufnn.1 ....! "1UUU, ng at tho rear of the load, Sadler was udiiib mo uiuivu oiuicb nag. He explained In court that although i a.Huw.H.. j u. .., .u nna llUluritllZeU and had no Intention of reflecting on the HUE. tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three tlmei per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have trained. I hnv ..n m. "1 nervous, rundown peoplo who were all- ..'", " " "mo aouDie. ana even triple their strength and endurance and en tlrely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten to fourteen days' tlmo simply bX taking iron in tho proper form, and this after they had In some cases beSS doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. You can talk as you please about all the wonders wrought by new E-,Kid&.-bIll Wh? y como downX hard facts there Is nothing like good old Iron in Tint m.. in .. r. . . hu sk 'rija-" stomach stwngthener and the best blood builder In tho world. The only trouble was that tho old forms of In organic Iron, like tincture of iron 'inn ilfflWW n. ggft Svefne ii.. kV B wrKaiuc iron all thla nas been AVAmnni xr....a.j - " KSffJ".Si:t-.uKiSSJ dlately benenclal. ""a '" a,mMt ,mme' NOTE-Jhe manufacturers of Nuxated Iron bve such unbounded confidence In Its m" tency that they authorize the announmmSnt that they will forfeit 1100.00 to any Charttibla imtltutlon If they cannot takS ,ny mine? woman under sixty who lacks iron and In creaee their strength 200 per rent or over In four weeks' time, provided thev have no serious orxanlo trouble. Alio they will re. fund your money In any rase In which Nuxated Iron does not at l't double your strength In ten days' time. It It rllspenH.1 tn this city by James O'Donnell Drue store, niker-ltecetnan. and People's Drug Store, sad all other druggists. AdvL Congressional Union Announces Plans for Invasion of West ern Suffrage States. Fifty thousand dollars will be re quired to .cover the expense of the dele gation of women from the non-suffrago (States who aro to Invade the equal suffrage States of tho West In April to organise a national woman voters' party for tho promotion of suffrage in the United States. After carefully mapping out tha itinerary and rlguring all the details of the trln. Including tho cost of the special train on which they will leave Wash ington, statisticians at tho headquart ers of the Congressional Union an nonced today that the total expense will bo approximately m.vm. indications at present are that tha total will exceed that amount, it was mm. Thn money has all been sub scribed, and when the "Suffragist Special" pulls out of tho Union Station on tno. nigm oi Apni tnero win m uu financial cloua to aarxen tne norixon. Wnnl wm received at headauarters lmr this mo ml n r from Miss Mabel Vernon, organlxor in Kansas, that the governor or ivansas, togetner witi li!n staff, will welcome the delegates at Topeka. , . Among the prominent suffragists who will be included. In the delega tion ard Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch, In charge of the political department of the Union; Miss Anna Constable, of New York; Mrs. Nina Van Winkle, ofl New Jersey ana .miss cut iteigei, or Philadelphia, who win have charge of the party. Music Club Gives Choral Selections Six Rachmaninoff Choruse: Heard in Admirable Interpretation. Choral music was featured, on the program of the Monday Morning Mu sic Club, under the direction of Ed gar I'rlest. at the New Wlllard yes terday morning. The assisting solo-i Ista were Miss Ethel Garrett John ston, pianist; Mrs. Harold A. Brooks, mezzo soprano, and Miss uiaeon xi. Pillow, contralto. Six diverse and lovely choruses or Kachmanlnotr were given with de lightful detail by the club, showing the admirable tone work, the shading and genuine interpretation that Mr. Priest has achieved with this chorus of about forty women's voices. The In the opening chorus, "Night," were most effectively bal anced, and "The Lonnlv Mnn" u-a a lovely bit of tone coloring held al- iiiu.i wnouy on a monotone. The at tacks nnrt rhvthm w.-.. ,i.... .i.i. nt.i... " "- icn wuin Sm.-lVJ? acf". adding much to the u?UA"a' a?S" " the. Grieg chor- ZSi ? i-rue nothi in .h JLad.a fnclIe execuuon. 2!i ,!:v '.n,tho Ohopin "Bolero." op n: and the "Nocturne,", op. 27 No . Held In a legato of ease aid grace RhS gave a so the "Ballade mTVt Hrahms "Capricclo.'' "nd theP" iS'ri, Calnt Sacns "Oavotte" "n E Mrs. Gideon H. Pillow gave In . resonant contralto voice. Lalo's "L'Ea clave." '-The Cry of Bachef " by Ma?v T.Un;erlal,er' a"d "J'y Soul," by Cat r o Jacobs Bond, adding wincoro the Oley Speaks' "Llttlo One a Cryl n' " Mrs. Harold Brooks sang elTectlvelv bkus ." of Massenet, and "Her n6se." ..!, -?on,.b8-.. ?ne B,ao Kave the duet. KMX&le by Chni"""e. with Mrs McCarthy Hanger, who sustained the "Pler voice with admirable clarity In her high tones Miss Lucy Brickensteln gave artistic support at the piano. j. MacB. Millionaire Gets Leap Year Proposal By Mail SOUTH BEND, Ind.. March . It Is too bad J. r. Oliver, sr , millionaire plow manufacturer, is not an eligible bachelor so far as a fair woman, with picture enclosed, giving her address as Calgary. Alberta. Canada, Is concerned. It Is a lucky thins:, too. that thn nail pf Jealousy has no claim on the Oliver nome, because Mr. Oliver has received a leap year proposal, the first reported thus far In South Bend. The love note was delivered by regis tered mall to the well known capitalist CATARRH CAUSED BY A GERM Mast Be Destroyed Before Catarrh Itself Can Be cored. Wonderful Ilesnlts from Breathing Medicated Air. Medicine that acts on tho blood alone will never cure catarrh. And neither will the sprays, douches, lotions, creams and other temporary reliefs that so many catarrh victims make a habit of using. To cure catarrh so it won't come back you must first drive from your body the millions of germs that are flourishing In the inner recesses of your nose and throat and are causing the disease. There Is a preparation used to do this called Hyonicl (pronounced Hlch-o-me). Hyomel is a germ-killing vaporized air, formed from the purest oil of Eucalyp tus commnea witn otner neaung ana antiseptic Ingredients. you breathe Hyomel through tho mouth and nose bv means of a llttlo hard rubber in haler which druggists furnish with It. This medicated germicidal air penetrates into every roia ana crevico or tne mu cous mombrane of your nose and throat, 1.111s tho catarrh germs that lodgo there, soothes, reduces and heals tho swollen Inflamed membranes, stops the dis charge and opens up the clogged nose and air passages In a truly wonderful way. It gives blessed relief In live minutes from catarrhal distress of every kind and If you mako a practice of breathing Hyomel for a few minutes each day for just a few weeks not only will all the symptoms of catarrh vanish, but the disease Itself will bo a thing or the past. No ono need try or buy lly nmel on puro faith. O'Oonnell's Drug Storo and many other leading druggists tn Washington and vicinity sell It with tno poauive tiuniiiiuca (llltl lb llliiBk tuid cntarrh or that tho money paid for it will be refunded. Hyomel is very In expensive, and with this protecting guarantco behind your nurchaso there la absolutely no reason why any sufferer from Catarrh should not give It a fair trlal.-Advt. Speakers Express Gratification At Meeting of Central Labor Union. Gratification over the settlement of the street car and hnrv vnriimim strikes was HDrtn,ii hv ru,ia nt th meeting of tho Central Tabor Union IHBl IllKdt. llesln Orr. ora-enlM, nt tl, ,l.ui ,. employes, reported for the Carmen's Union. Ho declared that "It should not bo understood that tho company licked the men In their difficulties, but rathor that tho employes and the employers mutually agreed upon iu-tlons better ing the condition of both." Mr. Orr expressed appreciation of tho mlloner9, Secretary of Labor Wilson, ;..." uiuiiiui uugRmin, ot tne media tion board. The delegates from tho striking brew ery workmen reported tho signing of j J5en:ent by tho brewery owners and their employes, and expressed con fidence that work would continue un interrupted during the life of the sign ed contract. WAR SECRETARY HAS BOY SCOUT TROOP Has Formed Junior Order Foi Himself and Son. Secretary of War Baker has written to Colin H. Livingstone, president of the Boy Scouts of America, that he has "formed a Junior order of Boy Scouts in which my little boy of eight and I are the enly members," The tetter of Secretary Baker was sent to Mr. Livingstone to correct the Impression that the head of the War Department Is opposed to the Boy Scout organisation. ' He states that he declined to be a member of the United States Boy Scouts, and the error In the name of the organization probably resulted In the publication of hla supposed disap proval. On the contrary, he states he has enthusiastically approved the prin ciples and objects of the movement or tne Boy scouts oi America irom tne time of Its original organization. Moses Offenberg Heads Young Hebrew Society Moses Offenberg was elected presi dent of the Young Men's Hebrew As sociation for six months at a meeting In Flynn'a Hall yesterday. Other officers elected were Falk Har mel, vice president: Harry Berman, recording secretary: Jerome Schnur, financial secretary, B. Goldstein, treas urer, and Morris M. Hclme. sergcant-at-arms. Tho following standing com mittees were appointed: Welfaro com mitter, the officers of the association and Frederick M. Belzman, George Hcl- ford, Herman aianzman, and tsamuel Hhulman; social committee, Edward Hosenbtum. Chairman: B. S. Goldstein. Charles Rosenthal, Louis nosenfeld. Bam Blumenthal, and Samuel Shulman; membership committee. Harry Berman. chairman: J. Schnur, and Louts Rosen feld; house committee, Benjamin Offen berg and Herman Glanzman. 50 CENTS ATTACHED Ss SLIPKNOT RUBBER HEELS Slipknots are for those who never wore rubber heels and for those whose rubber heels never worewell Get yours to-day. f"Be.aGvelone.,,a"WearSlipknots. MuMsfsMarea aad Guarant I by PLYMOUTH RUBBER "COMPANY, Canton. Mast. KLEIN'S ItAPID BHOB IlEPAin. TH NINTH BT. N. W., 78s BYJUP-TEENTH N. W. M. OAJIFINKI.E. DIBTnnHJTEri. 1117 BEVENTH 8T. N. W.. WABHINOTON. D. C. 120,000 Made Happy by Klein's Shoe Repair Co. Foot Troubles have been banished by our modern Sjhoe Repair methods, while foot wear bills have been materially reduced. flPSEf Work done in 15 minutes while you wait. Leather heels repaired, 25c. EFFECT Tl OMOHW Traction Officials Revising Their, Schedules So as to Reduce Men's Working Hours. NEW QUESTION LOOMING UP Carmen's Union to Consider Status of Employes Who Did Not Go On Strike. New wage scales, brought about by the recent street car strike, will be come effective on the lines of both trac tion companies tomorrow, Tho Washington Railway and Electrlo Company men will bo paid on the fol lowing basis: First year, 2v& cents an hour; second, third, fourth, and fifth years, 2H4 cents; sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years, 25H cents; ten years, 27 cents. Capital Traction men wlllt receive pay on tho following scale: First year, 23tf cents an hour; second, third and fourth years, UM cents; fifth and sixth years, 25 cents; seventh, eighth, and ninth years, 16A cents; ten years or more, 27 cents. Officials of tho companies tagan work today revising the schedules, on paper, so as to work out a system as early as possible which will enable the com panies to reduce the working hours of tho men, and glvo each employe eight hours' rest between runs. This revision must be completed, and the new sched ules put Into operation on or before April 15. It probably will necessltato tho employment of a number of ad ditional men by the companies. Although tho two agreements of final settlement say "It ls understood and oKrcea mat uns agreement constitutes a full settlement of all controversies now existing between the companies and their employes," It was said todny that the grievance commute., of tho union would get busy early next week to settle another question which has not vet been tha subject of contro versy. The carmen's union will hold a meet ing next Saturday night nt which it la expected to take up and consider tho status of the motormen and conductors who remained loyal to the companies and did not go out on strike. Rcntlmcnt in the union Is divided nn this question. Home of the unionists call for tho dismissal of the non-union mon and otherti Insist that the loyal men bo unlonlred. Tho loyal employes each received J10 from the companies Saturday night. On Community Forums. Prof. E. J. Ward, community center expert of the Bureau of Education, presided at a meeting In the auditor ium .of the Business High School last nlRht. The meeting was called to explain the alms of the Johnson Mil for the iiss of the public schools of the District for community forums. 50 CENTS ATTACHED Washington Feet Have Been O'Salllran I aal AaaSaaCa. SB J Men's and Women's t?A. HALF SOLES Sewed 3 WC RUBBER HEELS 35C 3110 5UC Including O'Sullivan's, Cat's Paw, Spring Step, Slip Knot Work called for and delivered free. Phone Main 988. Klein's Rapid Shoe Repair Go. 736 14th St. N. W. Just Atjove New York Ave. Branch: 714 9th St. N. W.