OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 14, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1916-03-14/ed-1/seq-7/

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'-" T'J'mY'
May Get Through as Part of
General Wator Power De
velopment Measure.
', "Washington may get tho Great Falls
water poorer development authorised by
Congress, atho presont session, aa part
of the price for tho passago of a Ren
oral water power development mea
sure When, a few days ago, the Senate was
concluding consideration of the Bhleld
. power bill, Senator Norrls of Nebraska,
Introduced a rider, directing tho War
Department to develop the Great Falls
power, and appropriating over 115,000,
000 to do the work.
Detfplto that It carried this big appro
priation, tho amendment was .defeated
by a majority of only two votes. The
sentiment indicated clearly that dn h
fair test tho Sonate would pass such u
Now is it announced that Congress
man Bailey, of Pennsylvania, will
father the Norrls measure in tho House,
and insist on it being attached to the
general woter power bill. t ..
' IIo will havo tho support of all tho
conservationists, who arc- especially
anxious to havo Great Falls doveloped
by ho Government MM . , .
They say It will provide an object
lesson for tho wholo country in tho
possibilities of wator power develop
ment by cltloa to meet their municipal
mxi private requrements.
J.I1U OUliHUtlUJB U tt,.w. -"!
power lcgslatlon have found that their
measure .migni gain bohio buwjii
ha this' Great Falls rider attached to
It, and this may prove on Important
consmorauon in iiciihhk twj m ...
the Fotonlao tf.ver project.
It Is also understood that Seoretarjr
of War Bafcsr.ls going to bo much
more friendly totho Great Falls cnter-
prlso than was his predecessor, Mr.
Garrison. .
The latter discourngod the Groat
Falls cntorprlso, unri his opposition
probablywas urged in tho Senate. VIth
the new secretary supporting tho bill.
t Is it is. confidently predicted ho will do,
' the situation will bo much more Xavor-
aJbJe. -
Mackensen and Hindenburg
Called to Direct New Of
fensive on City.
(Continued from First Pago.)
clear woather yesterday tind In air in
vasions far buck of the German lines
observed the lnpotirlng of fresh enemy
Mackensen at Front,,
.Theso jiame, dlopatches revivor the re
port that Field Marshal Mackensen Is
now at Verdun, and carry tho rumor
that von Hindenburg had been sum
moned to tho same front by the Kaiser.
The Infantry assuttlt that almost cer
tainly will follow tho thlrty-slx-hour
bombardment of the French Verdun
front is oxpected any hour. French
critics 1cllevo, that tho crown prlnco
will drive simultaneously on both banks
of the Meuse, striking to capture the
Gooso Hill and Dead Man Hill positions
northwest of Verdun, and Fort Vaux
and Fort Tnvcnncs, cast of tho city.
ParisAdlspdtches report that the Ger
man artillery, flro Is developing tho
greatest Intensity on tho west bank of
tnc mcuso arouna uooso mil and ucau
Man Hill.
Tho 'Germans, it Is believed certain,
will renew the offensive- with a de
termined attempt to fight their way
through Corbeaux and Cumlercs woods
to tho southern roads, cutting off the
French positions on tho hills.
Rc-dlstrlbuting Forces.
The Paris correspondent of the Mall
declares that the lull in Infantry fight
ing at Verdun was duo partly to the
need for artillery preparation for new
attacks and partly to the need of re
distributing tho Germtin forces.
"The ferocious struggle of tho last
week has so terribly broken tho
Kaiser's troops that whole brigades
havo practically -ceased to exist as
units," tho dispatch said.
"The Seventh and Twenty-second di
visions, which bore tho brunt of ro-
ncnled nttacks at Hethincourt and
Gooso Hill, havo been most severely
handled and probably need soverai days
rest, it Is quite possible that, llko the
TClnventh reserve division, they will have
to be replaced. Dcsplto tho marvelous
efficiency of Grman transport, such an
Interval aa tho present becomes im
perative." Italians Prepare
Way for Advance
Big Guns Tear Up Austrian En
tanglements On the Isonzo
IJNDON, March 14. Inlenae Italian
artillery firing along the Isonzo front is
apparently a preludo to an Important
action, tho Rome corespondent ot the
mt.. wAnA.a iAnr
Annuo !' '""" , , .
Tho Italian gunners havo blasted
away enemy entanglements, tho dis
patches say, and the Austrian artillery
is replying less vigorously. Tho Italian
censorsnip prevents ins bviiuuik oi hum a
aClflllB, ill" WW I w.w. ...... ... v..
Exclusive Homo dispatches to the
United Press yesterday roportcd tho
sudden resumption of fighting on the
Isonxo ironi, pariicumnj' a it" "i
hinted that an Important battle was
about to bugm. .,...
An official statement from tho Aus
trian war office several hours later
corroborated these dispatches, report
ing Italian artillery activity along tho
entire Isonso front.
Baltimore Jheater Official
Dines Washington Party
A party of Washlngtonlans woro the
Kuests of Frank Fold, troasiirui; of
the Oayety Theater, In Baltimore last
Vrlday pfternoon. Mr. Fold Is tho
son of John T Ford, of Ford's jrnnrt
Opera Hohko In that'eltv. and during
their stay they witnessed a presenta
tion of I). W. Griffith's groat photo
play spectacle. "Tho Birth of a Na
tion." Following- thl. they were ontfv
talnod at the evening performance of
Harry Jlubtlnir'i liiulesquurs. wnlch
shows at the Oiivoti this weelc. Tho
party Included Howard Flsk Hurry
Ducloitein, Hany Waid. and Ernest
Sailor Tells of Battle in Which
Austrian Destroyers Llka
and TrlglaV Sunt
HOME, March U. An eleven-hour
navol battlo off the Albanian port of
Duraiso resulted In the sinking of tho
Austrian destroyers Llka and Triglav, It
was learned today,
Tlie ministry of marlno recently an
nounced the sinking of the enemy war
craft. A lottcr from Frans Lugano, an
Austrian sailor of Italian origin, from
tho Austrian prisoners' camp, to rela
tives In Italy, brought details 'of tho
"Coming out of our naval baso to
bombard Duraszo, our fleet encountered
the Italians," Lugano wrote. "Wo had
fmtnble success, but lost two destroyers,
hanks to Italian (submarines. Destiny
marked out my own boat, the Llka, for
ono of tho victims.
"The battle occurred Just off Du
rnzro. Tho first shot was llred at V
a. m., and rho fighting lasted until
In the evening, unrapnei wan Dursting
all ovor our deck, and I don't know how
many men I saw die. Tho dying woro
colling for help, but there was nothing
wo couia' ao. in me miast or an mis
tho Llka was struck. Mor boilers and
munition mairaslnes exnloded. and sho
leaped Into tho air. breaking In two.
"Of 110 mon on the Llka, about fifty
were saved. Ten of us were picked up
by Italian lifeboats. I had been floating
on some aeons ror twenty-rour nours.
The others were hauled aboard the de
stroyers with ropos."
Isaac Gans Talks
On Business Ethics
Addresses Members of Graduating
Class of Business High
School Today.
"Business Ethics" was the subject
of an addreits delivered by Isnac Gans
to the members of tho graduating
class of tho Western High School to
day. Mr. Gans talked to (he members (if
tho class fur moro than an hour on
the methods of tho modern 1-uslness
establishment explaining advertis
ing, tho linnrillntr of customers and
the ircncrul organisation of such In
stitutions. "Integrity In cdvertlslng is worth
striving for," declared tho speaker.
"Hero as In all other business opera
tions of the present day the proverb
concerning honesty being the best
policy still obtains. It pays to ad
vertise what you have for sale hon
estly." Mr. Guns contrasted the present
"one-prlco" system with tho old sys
tem of buylnir and selling in tho
stores. He declared the old way was
conducivo to useless haggling- nnd
bargaining uhlch fosteicd fraud.
lie explained that with the "one
pi ice" mothua peopl. usually knev
thtit they aro getting their monoy's
D."J, Kaufman Host at Seven
'r teenth Annual Event.
Guests from out of town and n num
ber of Washington business men joined
with employes of tho Man's store, 1006
Pennsylvania avenuo northwest, In tho
seventeenth annual dinner tendered
them by tho proprietor, D. J. Kauf
man, at Harvey's lust night.
Tho dinners are regular features of
"stock-taking time" for tho firm, when
accomplishments of tho past year and
prospects for thc succeeding twnlve
months aro talked over Informally be
tween tho employers nnd their em
ployes and business friends.
A number of tho employes who at
tended last night havo been with the
firm a dozen years or more. Several of
them attended tho first annual dinner
and havo been present regularly since
J. Harry Cunningham presided as
toastmasler last night. A handsomo
sliver loving cup was presontcd to tho
head of the firm. D. J. Kaufman, by
his employes. Amusing Incidents in
tho year's business experience of some
of tho latter were related and caused
much merriment.
Sues Electric Company
For Husband's Death
i .
To recover damages In tho sum or
810,000 for the death of her husband,
Wallace Whttaker, Ethel Davis Whlt
aker, administratrix of his estate, today
tiled suit in this District Supremo Court
against the Potomac Electric Power
Tho plaintiff alleges that Whttaker
came to his death April 3 last when he
co mo In contact with, wires carrying
more than 1.W0 voluts In Khncrson strcot
near Arkansas avenue northwest.
The power company is charged with
negligence in not properly Insulating
tlici wires and with failure to safeguard
pedestrians from contact with thorn
while in the street.
Tho petition was filed by Attorney W.
Gwynn Gardlnor and F. R, Glbbs.
For All
Sample Paek-
S ot tis
' k m O U B
Pyramid I'll
Now Offered
Free tq Provo
What It Will
Do for Yon
Pyramid Pile
T reatment
nlves quick re
ef, stops Itch
1 n ar. bleeding
or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and
all rectal troubles, In tho privacy of
your own homo. 50c a box at all
druggists. A single box often stops
them entirely Free sample for trial
with booklet mailed free In plain
wrapper, If you send us coupon below.
629 Pyramid Uldg., Marshal), Mich.
Kindly send me a Frco sample of
Pirnutld Pile Treatment, in plain
City State
la' BJbT'-bbBI
London Papers Comment on
Terms Carried to President
Wilson by Col. House.
LONDON, March 14.-The London
nowspapors comment at length this af
ternoon on reports of German peace
terms carried to Prosident Wilson by
Colonol House, transmitted in dis
patches from Washington. They gen
erally ridicule tho German proposals.
"Peaoo may be made in the not dis
tant future btu not by Berlin," says
tho Evening Standard.
"Germany will not dictate terms of
peace, and it will be well ror waaning
ton to observe proper contlnenco when
the time comes," says the Olobo.
The Pall Mall Garotte says tho Ger
man idea for proper peace terms is a
"fantastlo. dream.'
Army TooKBusy to
All Available Officers Needed
in Villa Campaign, Depart
ment Says.
Shortage of regular army officers due
to tho Villa campaign has resulted in
the abandonment of plana for civilian
training camps this summer, tho War
Department announced today.
At certain camps tcntaUvo plans had
been made to establish eight or nlno
camps similar to those held at Platts
burg, N. Y.. and Ft. 8herldan, III., last
summor, at which civilians received
army instructions from regular Army
officers. Nearly 29.000 men had signi
fied their Intentions or Joining tho
Tentative plans called for the estab
lishment of camps at Plattsburit, N. Y.:
Oglethorpe, aa.: Ludlngton, Mich.; Fort
Sheridan, III.; Fort Henjamln Harrison,
Ind.. Ban Delgo, Col.; tho Presidio,
Monterey, Cal.; tho Puget Sound dis
trict, nnd Fort. George Wright,
Spokane, Wash.
Necessity of sending nil available of
ficers to tho Moxlcan border precluded
possibilities of securing Instructors In
the camps this summer, tho department
announced. Meanwhile efforts aro being
made to pecuro action of Congress nnd
tho Executive Department or the Gov
ernment for recognition of tho civilian
unrqmhm.nt nlnna '
Collier to Bring Home
Consul McNeely's Body
The collier Htorllng will bring home
tho body of Consul McNeely, who died
In the sinking of the Persia, the Navy
Department announced today.
The moment "Pape's Dia
pepsin" reaches the stom
ach all distress goes.
Instantly stops any sourness,
gases, heartburn, acidity,
"Really docs" put bad stomach in or
der "really does" overcomo Indiges
tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and
soiirness In flvo minutes that just that
makes Papa's Dlapcpsln the largest
selling stomach regulator In tho world.
If what you eat ferments Into stub
born lumps, you belch gas and eructate
sour, undigested food and acid; head Is
dizzy ahd achm: breath foul; tongue
coated; your lnsldes filled with bllo and
Indigestible waste, remember the mo
ment "Pape's Dlapepsln" comes in con
tact with tho Btomach all such distress
vanishes. It's truly astonishing al
most marvelous, and the joy Is its
A largo niiy-ceni caso oi rape s uja
nenaln will clvn you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hands you your money nacK.
It's worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can't got their stom
achs regulated. It belongs In your
home should always bo kept handy In
case ot a sick, sour, upsot stomach
during the day or night. It's the quick
est, surest and most harmless stomach
regulator In tho world.
Papo's Dlapepsln Instantly neutral
izes the acids In the stomach, stops
food fermentation or souring, absorbs
gases and starts tho digestion. The
relief Is qulok, suro, wonderful stom
ach sufferers have a pleasant surprise
awaiting them.-Advt,
European Plan. Fireproof
Washington's Most
Exclusive Hotel.
Notud for its cuisine
and perfection 6
individual service. ,
B. S. DOWNS, Manager.
14tk St. & Park Road
Every KrentBg
i atae
Monday, Tnesday
Tuesday and Friday Afternoons,
J. A. WILLAItn, Gen. Sfgr.
State Department, in View of
Conflicting Reports, Inclined
to Doubt Torpedo.'
Tho State Department inclined today
to bolieTo.the Norwegian bark Blllus,
with Americans aboard, was sunk by a
mine, not a torpedo, as first reported.
Press dispatches conflicted; official
word on this point was expected at any
time from tho Havro consul.
Meantime, the department took into
account that Havro roads, whoro tho SI.
IIus sank. Is thlcklv mlnn.ti-m Ma.
over, officials said first 'reports wcro
limy to jump at conclusions of torpe
dolnir. '
Thn rnnfliit. th.A.w ma ....... 111.. . -
his previous report that the vessel had
.Si "i1"0""1-" wmioui warning.
The injury of one American, John
Hartman, of MU Coral street, Philadel
phia, was yerlflod in a cablegram, today
Hnrtmnn fa hau . f.H.ia.t i
jatlsfftctory condition. Three pertona,
IhA pihlMirnlrn is tinea ,1 v..-! ...... mi
vrera two Norwegian, Jnciudlnff tho
Daniel Nobel, John Van Galen. Henry
sailed on Saturday on tho atoamer Tex
indfior, due at New York April L
Tho Slllus was not armed. Her cargo
.in uuti one carried no passcn'
B orJ .T.h?. cJew totaled seventeen.
Hnnlllfl It h. n.vta...l ... .1.-. n
.. ... .. V..HU juici mm a uor-
without warning, endangering tho lives
Oi fiovnn Amprli'An .bIIa... r- .
vvas said, on tho beat German authority
act of tho submarine commander and
mako all reparation required.
No report oft the Incident has been re
ceived by tho German, and Austrian em-
basaleii. Tlmv nrn u.itin ,'.'
tlon from Ujo Btato Department or tho
Norwegian legation.
Tt In .1ff.lnpnfl h. ... I.,.. .. ...
J&&siZ 8S
-.... .......un.iuuu uccrco or March I
Is wrong. The Slllus. according to all
rcnorts. w.tii im .mJ .j".i.!".'
j,cr purpose in destroylnt
m'hJS!?"0 Bwccp thc cobwebs from
n.ffi ,ri "'5.awcu'n cleaner?"-
.n...w,u tfiiiC4VUU,
S. Z.
New York's Greatest Dramatic Sensation
With A. H.
ON TRIAL 1 Is Produced w,th two revo'vinB stages.
More Profit Less Risk
In these times of sudden style changes,
many merchants are carrying smaller
stocks of merchandise. Through
Day Letters and
Night Letters
they quickly fill broken lines with new, fresh
goods. Results more and faster turn-overs,
smaller investment, fewer left-overs.
LONDON, Feb. 26 (Dy mall).-Tho fol
lowing discussion ot tho length of wars
as tending to throw light 'on the dura
tion of tho pfcVsnt conflict I from the
literary supplement ot the London
Times: , . .
, Of recent times Wars have tended .to
bo shorter than they were. The Auatro
rrusslan war of lm was an oxtrcmo
case, but each of the two Ualkan wars
of 19)2-U was a matter of wcekar uo
were tho Berbo-liulgarian war of ISto,
ntiil thn Tiirnn-llrKnk war Ot 1W.
These Balkan conflicts were the wars of
the Httlo peoples, but the giants were
almost as exDedltious. '
Tin Crimean war. in whlch three
great (and one growing) European
fiowers were involved, was ft matter ot
Ittlo moro than a year; ten weeks suf
ficed for tho war of Italian liberation
In 18S9, and tho Franco-Prussian war
was practlpaUy decided In tho month
DOiwoen oaarorucK, on August t, nuu
Sedan, on Sopember 2, although Paris
stood out till the ond of January.
Wars of Uniform Lengh.
Other wars of tho last half century
wore hardly less brief; tho world seem
ed bent on showing that there was, after
al "- norm for the duration of wars,
apd that it was about a year or eight
een months.
These were the limits of the multitu
dinous wars of 1S4S-46, of tho Itusso
Turklsh war of 18T7-78, of tho Chiao
Japancio war of 1S34, ot tho Spanish
American war of 1838, of the Husso
Japanese war of 1904-05. and of. 'the
Turco-Italian war of 1911-12.
Tho Doer war of 1839-1903 Van for- two
ears and a half, but there was some
Justification for the lord chancollpr who
described lta later phases as "a sort of
Of that sort was much ot the fighting
in tho Greek war of liberation, which
nominally lasted from 1821 to 1127. and
can be easily explained as an excep
tion to the normal brevity of nine
teenth century wars.
The grcntest of nil the wars between
1815 nnd 1314 does not, however, con
form to the nineteenth century rulo of
brevity. The American civil war lasted
four years.
Long Ware in Modern Times.
Such a duration of the present war
would not ninko it long in the eyes of
tho student of history to him. if It
lasted 'four yoars. it would still be
short, for the brevity of war Is but
e. moden .phenomenon.
Even tho nineteenth century began
Had it first performance in New York, at
thc Candler Theater, two years ago, and
it scored n tremendous hit, running for
than a year.
Has attracted more attention and created
more discussion than any play in years.
Has twenty-six speaking parts and requires
a working crew of 40 men.
Is the Ultimate as a Heart-gripping Dra
matic thriller.
Has been declared the greatest novelty
that the American stage has known in
25 years.
Should be seen by every mother, every
father and every young man and woman.
Will be given for positively one week only.
Seats should be engaged at once.
EVENINGS, 25c, 50c, 75c
Id rfBk yl r
With nearly fourteen years of a war
which had already lasted for .eight
The preceding century, which closed
with to year of Merengo and JIa en
linden and the capture of Malta, had
opened wth the twelve ysars wt of
the Spanish succession, and during IU
ama witnessed tne eignt years
Will' rtf th At.Ml.f.M ..I.M. ..... .t.
seven years' war for the existence of
x-russia, ana or tne British empire,
and the seven years' war for Arnerl-
in pom tne 'sixteenth and seven
teenth tPAntllrla tti.A w ..-....
------- ,w-...w ..v,v T.K.V iw.s
yftara of war than of peace, and some
of the wars were of portentous 4ara
tln' .Th.eJ? .wa". tno Thirty Years'
wr S !" 'n Germany, and the
French Wars of Itellglon were inter.
tMlltSklf naa m bImII.. .S
7-1- Jv-ri5 " ywrji. u-uce,. irora
ua a U. ..- a m j -
Tlarlr In tha tfrhtilA.u hji i...ii.
centuries thero waj fought-the Hun-
-- tMVknocu uiiHianu
rfinu jTimnuf); ana ono ntea not Do an
. Strtt lnf t n t. la. 1j itu.i .- .
"i"""'" " """ ii m present
war wlJl bo short compared With that
century of conflict.
Wars Via va nMn aU&.. i
of their flharpnew. They rnlffht atlll
ln.f fn. .M..alMM.i .1.-.. . ...
" kmwh;ii. mor were.auii,
as they were In the Middle Ages, a
' iuuro man me summer outings
of the landed gentry and their re-
Masonfc Funeral For
Rev. Charles L. Bragaw
Funeral oervlcos for tho Iter,
diaries L. Bragaw, who died In New
Mexico last Wednesday, will be hold
from the residence of his father. Wil
liam M. Bragaw, at 911 O street
lta.,. a- Winn u . .
Interment will be under the ausnli.es
f.f Pcntalpha Lodgo No. 23. T. A.
a. in.
Mr. Tlragaw waa ordained a Pres
byterian minister In this city. Be
sides his father, he is survived by a
wife And Xhrte children
Sons of Confederate .
Veterans Meet Tonight
Business and entertainment will be
meted out in equal portions to the
number of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans at the monthly meeting at
lonreaerate Memorial Hall tonight,
Tho buslriess meetintr is regarded
tkm ftf mtlt f IXatnf trvirvnf nnnm eV.
officers to urere ns large an attend
ant as possible. When the business
is disposed of thero. will be a smok
er and an Interesting program of ad
dresses and music.
That is what the able Trust Company can
be to you WHILE YOU LIVE and to your
The trend of the times is to specialization:
System Safety Satisfaction.
Washington Loan and Trust Co.
Corner Ninth and F Streets N. W.
gives you these in its various Departments
Banking, Investments, Trust the experi
ence and judgment of many trained men,
backed by a perfect organization and made se
cure by its large capital and surplus.
The protection of this "tower of strength"
can be yours in the distribution of your prop
erty when you are taken away.
Now is the time to make your will. Make
this Company your executor.
Ask Jor our book containing valuable in
formation relating to the making of wills, ex
ecutorships, management of trust property,
etc. Offices open till 5 on 15th, 16th, & 17th.
Assets Nine Millions.
On the
and Nowhere Eke
Here aro two facts about
tho Remington which
every trpevfritec buyw
should know:
t The Reattngtao Column
Selector adds 25 per cent to
the letter writing speed of the
typist This is not a claim or
an estimate. It is a definite fact
proved and estabgihed by any
number of comparative tetts.
2. The Cokmn Selector it a
Remington feature exclusively.
No khcr machine haa it or
anything like it
Oh, yes, other machines have devices which look Eke It, wtth the five
keys, etc It Is easy for a talesman, who knows the supreme merit of
this Remington feature, to call them ''column selector" key. But there
Is no other device on any other typewriter which can do whit the Rerateff
ton Column Selector does.
The Remington Column Selector
U the tnty lesture on any type
writer which permits Instantane
ous itttfag of thn carriage at
deiired point on the line.
It U the onfjt feature which pro
vides this setting by either tor
ward or backward movement
It Is the mo' feature which pro
1340 New York Ave. N. W. Tthplme H.it 336
Hair Stain
The Fotmtaiji of Youth Haa at Laat
Deea I'ohbJI Ib "BrawBataM
The Oro Perfect Staia That la
Entirely HarmleM and Bare
to Girt Beat Resalfa.
You need not tolerate gray, streaki
or faded hair another day, , ft takes but
a few momenta to apply "Brownatone"
wna yuur cuius or
brush, and Just a
little' "touching up"
onco a montn
ihould keep your
hair the beautiful
shade you noat
icesuits always
the same always
pleasing. WHl not
rub or wash oft
and guaranteed to
contain none of the
dangerous Ingredi
ents so often found
In "dyes."
Prepared In two
shades. One to produce golden or me
dium brown, the other, dark brown or
black. .
We will send absolutely free, for a
short time only, a trial bottle of
BROWNATONB If you will send us
your name and address, accompanied
by 10c to help nay postage and pack
ing. This offer Is made for you to try
tmOWN ATONE oir Htaln, and nnd
for yourself just how superior it Is to
an so-cauea ayes, - comos, etc., etc.
Bold and guaranteed In Washington
by O'Donneil's Drug StoVe and People'
Drug Store, and other leading dealers.
The Kenton Pharaacal Cesayany,
649 E. Pike SU Covington, ICy.
Please send me your trial bottle of
close 10 cents (silver or stamps) to
help pay postage and packing.
Address .'
Town State
Do you wish golden, medium, dark;
brown or blackY
State which............ ....
Add2S per cent tetfea
Adda nothing to ma
vide true "express ervfce wh
no rtop-to-ttop movement ta
reaching any wrkkg poaat
And tfuit are the features which
make the 25 per cent speed
Let us show you the real and
only Column Selector oa the
Model 10 Remington.

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