Newspaper Page Text
ferF,"; ap 'Vf-wipr v n 1 Sfmej OME WEATHER FORECAST: ProUWy Snqw Twiifht, (Full Report on Page Two.) fDITION .c r",li -L ? WASHINGTON, WEDOTSAaY frVNING, MAuOti: ltf itftG. PBICKONBOIGNT. NTJMBEH 8840. LONE BANDIT RAIDS -A-"; . Hie watogfa it . RIGID CENSORSHIP VEILS BORDER; TOWN IN U. S. U' Ifr SENATE PROMPTLY PASSES Unmodified Measure to Go to President at Once for His . Signature. ROLL CALL IS ORDERED Resolution Adds 20,000 Men to Forces for Service on Mexi can Border. Br unanimous rotB, the Senate this afternoon passed a resolution asked for bv tho War Department authorizing in .crease of the army organizations to war strength and thus providing for an acldl. tlonal 20,000 men for service along the Mexican border. The Senate acted after brief discus alon. The House passed the resolution last night The Senate did not modify ARMY BILL RAO) KRUPP WORKS: BYUNANIHSVOTE DESTROY SIX SHEDS Jt. and It Mil promptly go to the Presi dent for his signature. Roll Call Taken. , . Contrary to the usual practice when there Is no opposition to a measure, a roll call was taken. This was done at the request of Senator Galling er, Repub lican leader In the Senate. After the resolution had been debated a short time Senator Galllnger said: "Mr. President: In order that It may be demonstrated that there are no (po litical dlffeerncea In this chambervWhen the Interests of the country are at stake, I ask for the yeaa and nays." Vice President Marshall, accordingly, ''ordered that the roll be called. Not. a single vote was recorded In the nega tive. After the resolution bad been adopted Senator Mcv,umber said: "I am glad we have had the oppor tunity of r yea and nay vote dn this question to .show that while we will do all we can to preserve the peace of tho country with other nations, when condi tions do arise and it becomes necessary to uphold our right, then Congress stands as a single man undivided In defense of the rights of American citi zens." , Its Moral Effect. It Is the general belief of members of the Senate that tho prompt action of Congress in favor of the resolution would have an important moral effect on Mexico, and that it might prevent trouble wtn the Carranza forces. Previous to the action of the Senate en the emergency resolution, the MUl . tary Committee met and considered Uie army bill. It made Important progress, and Senator Chamberlain said that he believed the committee, which met again this afternoon, would be able to complete tho bit! by tonight. The resolution for the Increase of the army was taken up by the Senate . afeortly after the session opened. Senator Cronna at first objected to consideration. But Senator Chamber lain urpad the importance of imme diate consideration and Senator Cron . na withdrew hlu objection. Senator lloko Smith preoented an amendment to provide that the en listment under the resolution rhould be1 for two vears with the colors, the 'bnlan.eo of tho four-year period to bo In the reserve. He said he would not Firess It If it would hinder the reso utlon. ' du Pont Explains. Senator du Pont explained that the new military legislation would deal with this subject, and Senator Smith there upon aald he would not press his amendment. "I will urge this matter In the Sen ate later," said senator Smith. "I am opposed to long-time enllstmonts and muklnar men Into permanent soldiers. I believe that part of the enlistment period of soldiers should be devoted to 'preparation for civil life." I Senator Vardaman ald the Secretary of War had stated tlie additional men iv ere needed, una ne penovea me reso lution should he passed promptly for Its effect. . "It would have an excellent moral effect," said Senator Vardaman. "I think it ought to bo passed promptly that preparation may be made for the campaign the Mrmv Is now starting on." Senator Newlsnds entered Into a dla , russlon of the question of national defense. Mail Held Up By Railroad Strike HATTlESnilRO, Mls, March 13. "XVIth the mall held up here and disturb ances all nlong tho line to Jackson. Miss., the strike situation on the Gulf and Shin Tnjand Is growing serious to day. An Inlunctlon was Issued bv the Fed eral rourt ut Meridian restraining I, strikers ti'.d their nympathUers from ' Interfc-lnv: v. lth train operations. .Ne groes are being ued to renlacp. whlto (legmen. , The mayor has Issued a proclamation warning boys off the streets at nlsht. Manv mllea of road are shut down, and several milts have suspended ai a result Though several trains have been stopped, trainmen deny interference. ALLIES' AVIATORS Aero Squadrons Attack Essen, Gladbaoh, and Munich, Am sterdam Says. LONG AERIAL JOURNEY Essen Attaok Involved Travel ing 170 Miles North French Lines. of LONDON, March 15, Allied aviators have raided Essen, home of the Krupp gun works, according to dispatches from Amsterdam today. Other air squadrons have attacked Munich, capital of Bavaria, and the city of Oladbach. the dispatches said. The news has not been confirmed by the war office, but aroused great en thusiasm here. Since the beginning of tho war aeronautic experts have been urging a great allied aerial raid on tho Krupp works at Essen, which lies about 1T0 miles north of the French lines at Verdun. Tho Germans are known to have taken great , precautions to guard against air raids, both on Dsaen and on Oladbach, about thirty miles south west of Essen, where German machine guns and munitions are manufactured In large quantities. If reports of the air raid on Munich am confirmed, the raldlnr fllera hare made one of the longest bomb-dropping AVTMifMMftn. nf . tk. wai. fiiMlnh II,. ' nearly MO mites east of 'the French lines in Upper Alsace. The allied aviators destroyed six sheds at Essen, tile Amsterdam Tele graf reported. ' The city of .Oladbach o also known aa Mumchen-Gladbach.The German name of Munich 1 ''Muenchtn-" It Is -possible that the Amsterdam cables to London meant to say that the cltlea of Essen and Munchn-Qld-bach, with a few miles of each other, were raiaea, nut tnc translations enr- llsh and- the cable iransmissioq maaa the mesaagts read bach " i- "Muntch and Glad. Osborne Cleared; Charge Dismissed Supreme Court Justice's Action Is Regarded as Complete Vindication. WHITE PLAINS. N. T March 15. The Indictment against Warden Thomas Mott Osborne, of Sing Sing Prison, charging perjury, was dismissed today by Supreme Court Justice Tompkln before the defense was to begin pre senting Its case. Justice Tompkins quashed two counts of Osborne's motion to dismiss; first, that the Dledllng investigation, before which he was alleged to nave conynlt- ieci perjury, naa no auinonty to in quire Into prison conditions, and, sec ond, that the perjury charge had not been proved. Osborne's frlonds regard the dismissal an complete vindication, and predicted his speedy return to active charge of Sing Sing prison. Osborne said he would make a for mal statement of his plans this after noon. George Gordon Battle, his chief counsel, Issued the following statement at once: "The result Is very gratifying, because the decree Is based on the find ing that Osborne did not commit ner- Jury, because Dr. Dledllng had no right to put him under oath and no right to question him. The court's decision up holds the contention of the defense that Osborne had no intention to deceive, his attitude being merely that he would not betray the confidence of prisoners." The motion to dismiss was made at the opening of the trial, but Justice Tompkins deferred his ruling until the evidence of the State had been pre- seniea Whether the auaahlnsr of the ner. tury inuicimem win aiso mean un lorne's exoneration on the misman . . . j.. " . - -... -v ----- r -. jry Indictment will also mean Os- agement charge was not Known. .Osborne announced he would ask Justice Tompkins tomorrow for an early trial of the remaining charges resulting from the same nvestlga tlon alleging mismanagement and im morality, LION OF MARCH IS READY FOR PARADE Look out for March's lion! He Is due to arrive In the Capital to night bringing with him rain and snow, sharp nqrthwest winds, low tempera tures, .and all the various kinds of un pleasant weather for which the beast Is noted. Persons who are going to bo out of doors this afternoon or tonight, will do well to take with them overcoats, umbrellas, rubbers, and other parapher nalia that Is used to withstand foul weather, according to Forecaster H. C. Frnhkenfleld, of the Weather Bureau. The rain la expected to turn Into snow late this afternoon, and this will be ac companied by a sharp drop In the mer curv and a strong, biting wind from the northwest. Tho clouds will be chased away by morning, declares the fore caster, and tomorrow Is expected to be fair and cold with a continuation of the wind. The temperature tonight Is fix peeted to go down around 30 degree. OFFICER'S WHO HAVE GONE' - - ... -. BBBBBBBBBBBsKmiSii 4?BBBBBBBBBBX SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsTntSsllllsSSSSSSSSSsU&SSSSSSSSSS. LLLLLW :1 ' "TiWBaSSlLTr - SSSSSSSSSSSSSsVYvX JLHIsSSSSaSSsHlHsflsSSSSSSSSSSSEHBa$flnBlSSSSSs! 'wJSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST ?WWS3BBBBBBBBBlKt' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSBVIM BSBBBIHBHRBBBBIBSBBIBRiVBBBBBBBBBBBBBmlplwRSflMBBBBi IIIssssssssssssssssssssHk ' 'sssissifiklt sssssssssWMsaMIII WIBtBBnSsSmftKtBUSB3K.'v!M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSBKBBBBMrr SBBBBBBBBBBBHkSP1RbHIBBSBhY'BLSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBB1 XXXvSSflBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWsr&IXiSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBSar BSBBMftaYSlBlBSBBRaBSnBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl YvwIsssssssssssssIsssssssKIeIjsssssssssssssssssssKt ssaiHssWRflHllillsHLsssssssssssssssssssssssl MmKfyy sMsisHBfwHirBHH Mr r nmmatM gvtro aiaBBiiiiiiiDBSIBPABBBVAaBHamGEBBBBSasliiiaBiaiiiiBiiiiiiiiiH MAJ. MELVIN W. ROWELI MEUSE OFFENSIVE HALTED. SAYS PARIS Vicious Counter Attacks on West Bank Check Expected Advance. LONDON, MorcX JB. Vlcfous French rnnnlr-ttnrk have halted the new German offensive launched yesterday on the west bank of tne Mouse, nonn ?at r Vorrtitn Recording to Official dispatches from Paris this afternoon. The French war office statement is apparently confirmed In the official statement from the German war omce. Berlin claims further gains by Blleslan regiment west of Crow's Wood, and the capture of 1,025 French prisoners, and reports tho repulse of four French .Aiini.r.iituriii. These sains, it Is ap parent, are those admitted in the French official statement given out loot night. The Germans did not return, to the at tack last night, tne rroncn wr u...w asserts. Both Positions Held. r. j. irtrhi rnnflrm the report that the Germans attempted to encircle Bethlncourt and Dead Man Hill, after thirty-six hours' artillery preparation Both positions are firmly held by the French, tne jrrencn wor umuo ---nounces, as well aa the village of Cuml- eres, east of Dead Man tun. In announcing that tne jrencn noiu "the southern edge of Cumlerea wood," the Paris war office, however, admtts for the first time that the GerroaVis have recaptured a portion of the forest. French counter-attacKs fans reporw, recaptured positions taken by the Ger mans on Hill 265. the northeastern spur of Goose Hill. An English position near Neuve t-hap-elle, with Its occupants, waa blown up by a mine, the German war office re ports. Berlin also announces the destruction of two French aeroplanes northwest of Verdun and one English biplane near Bapaume. From Athens comes Information that large German detachments are moving from Macedonia, and Serbia to the western front. German Wedge Driven In French Verdun Line LONDON. March 15.-Oermn troops have driven a wedge In the Frenoh front between Bethlncourt and Dead Man Hill, according to Berlin dis patches, transmitted through Amster dam today. Bethlncourt, Berlin asserted, Is near ly two. thirds surrounded and a slight German advance will force Its evacua (Continued on Page Fourteen.) BETTER, MEXICANS NOT ANTI-AMERICAN Conditions Quiet Below Monterey, Travellers Tell texans. LAREDO, Tex.p March 15, A number of Mexicans, arriving here from points In Mexico aa far south as Quaretaro, report having conversed with General Carranza as late as Sunday. They stated conditions In Mexico be low Monterey are quiet, and that the better 'class Mexicans are praising the United States for Its determination to eliminate Villa. News la withheld from the peon class, however, to preclude -the possibility of an uprising. Mayor McComb Issued a warning to citizens to go Into their homes and remain behind closed doors If disorder develops and soldiers patrol the streets. , isiBiBBiieiiw .r w kah r nihin asBBBBBBBssHir-'&. - "aatssssBViaonniljEsssnaMsssssssassssssssssssl ("H ;''A;.;' a -u'hliililliiiiiiiHBBiiiiiiH .H iwm-HBp V'IpijiIIbIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH raBkit KbIIIIHIIIIIbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHbIIIIIIIIIIW ' BlIIIHiiBMlMt'jBltBlllHBllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllV K'-IbHb bebibbIHbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIk'sIIIIIIIv BBSBSBSBm."-! twSBallUI "1 COiXWWJT HHHHkHH MAJ. CHARLES S. FABNS- KBHB worth. iiMnHiiJrinjpnnoiiin mom MAJ. ROBERT L. HOWZE. Washington's Army Circle Is Being Rapidly Depleted by the Mobilization. Washington's army circle Is being rapidly depleted by the mobilization on the border and the organization of the punitive expedition to Mexico. A. num ber of officers are either leaving dr have left for the border. Major Robert L. Howze and Major Melvln W. Rowell, of the Eleventh Cavalry, and Major Charles S. Farns- worth and Major James T. Moore, Six teenth Infantry, all left for Columbus, N. M last night. All were bn duty at the Army -War (jonege. They will Join tneir regiments at Columbus. Orders have not been Issued for the movement of the Fifth Cavalry or the artillery at Fort Myer. The Fifth Cavalry la being held under orders to be readi; tp move at a moment's notice, fcech of 'the four majors from the War College left his family In Wash ington. Major Howie lives at 1SU Twenty.first street northwest, Major Howell at 703 Nineteenth street north west, and Majors Farnsworth and Moore at the Cumberland. ADOPTS HUSBAND'S NAMELESS CHILD Wife Says She Blames Man More Than tho Girl. CHICAGO, March lB.-Mrs. Charles Stockwell, herself childless, today adopted her husband's child, born to an unu-arrtcd girl, Mls Oertrude Rhodes. For two months previous to the birth of the child Mrs. Stockwell nursed the girl, and when the baby waa born asked the court of domestic relations If she could adopt It. Mrs. Stockwell also In sisted that her .husband pay the girl W0. which the Illinois law allows an unwed mother fro mthe father of her child, "I blame my husband, more than t do thQ girl," said Mrs. Stockwell. "The burden of caring for the baby 1 will gladly assume myself." Berlin Denies Plan to Abandon U-Boat'War AMSTERDAM. March 15,-An official statement telegraphed Here from Berlin today makes absolute denial of fresh rumors that Germain1 p!nns to abandon or postpone the new submarine war 911 armed merchantmen. FOUR MAJORS QUIT D. C. FOR BORDER TO BORDER ' PoNMBtlGllli War Department Clamps on Lid Most Rigid in United States History. .."Somewhere in Mexico" promises to be the most overworked date line tn American newspapers from today and until pancho Villa Ja taken. .The War Department's censorship program Is completely In effect. The lid is tight. Secretary of War Baker Maj. Oen. Hugh L.' Scott, chief of staff, arid Capt. If. N. Cootes are sltUng on lt-'at this end. At the frotat. Major General Funston. Brigadier Gen eral Pershlngi uid one other officer are deciding what the war correspondents can and cannot send. .The present censorship !, the most rigid In the-history 'Of 'the country; it ls.Mn fact, the first real censorship . hii.hH Vhr was little or no censorship during the civil war. Th-telcraph was .then In Its child hood, and bx .the time newa reached, the papers from the batt cflelds ttju too stale to be. of value to the enemy. uurlng the upanisn war " ,;:. degree of news 'censorship, but "ie policy was not as rigorous as today. There waa no. wireless In IMS. and the various scene of action were too far away to make news a menace to Anw lean arms on land or sea. 1.n,.hi America's -first military 5nlorh'; was experienced during the Vera Lrua occunaAton. but It waa nothing like the Stygian darkness produced thlsweek. Members of the ganeral staff today poln; out that far greater care Is to be taken und'r' Preaent conditions than If the Unlted States andrMexlee .wars .at war. In that .event the United states could control all meana of communica tion Into I Mexico. The present being merely" a bandit chase, so to sepak. commercial wire's Into theaou ft re publican cannot be Interfered with. Any mcftage Villa's agents In tho United States want to send him must be sent through unless, of course, they are ob viously Improper. ,, ., , . .. There la no censorship on dispatches sent fro many point that Is not Included In the xono from which the expeditions Into Mexico start and from those seo tlons In Mexico through which Ameri can troops ore advancing. Correspond ents can send messages without regard for the .censorship from any other points along the border or from Interior pplnts In Mexico. For Instance, correspond ents In Mexico. City can send dispatches thut will not be Interfered with by the army censors, provided 'they do not en ter the United States through a point which has been taken over by the mili tary either aa a supply base or as an entering point. Locked in Tomb With Body of His Dead Wife MONTPBL1BR. ,Vt., March 15.- Iflcked In a tomb which contained the dead body of his wife. P. Chcntte strug gled for four hours .before he was able tp pry open tne neavy aoor ana escape Clerk Good Plow Womkn. LONDON, March 15. One of the most ruccessful plow women among those do ing "war farm work" in the Louth dis trict of Lincolnshire previously worked' long years In a' dry goods shop. REPORTED BY CARRANZA TROOPS ABSOLUTELY DENIED A ) - Military Authorities Take Charge of all Tele graph Lines to Washington Points and Prevent Confirmation of Reports of ' Troop Movements. EL PASO, Tex., March 15. A military censorship unparalleled in the history of the American army, gripped the borde rwith such secrecy today that none but military officials know definitely this afternoon whether an Amer ican invasion of Mexico has begun. Reports that 5,000 Carranzistas had captured Ha chitaN. M., seemed to have been disposed of by a state-' ment from the El Paso and Southwestern railroad offices that its wires were working to Hachita and all was reported quiet there. The railroad reported a Vilista bandit looted a few homes in the outskirts of Hachita, leading to the report that the town had been captured. The Mexican consulate here also denied thatjarran , 2ista troops had occupied Hachita. , ..,r. l despite rumors from a score of points that theinva?" sion in pursuit of Villa has started, the telegraph lines to Columbus, N. M., and other points of troop mobilization were held in such strict hands that nothing could be con firmed. GENERAL PERSHING IN CONTROL. Control of telegraph and telephone lints has been taken over by the forces under Brig. Geo. J. J. Pershing. A long distance call to Columbus brought tie reply from central ' that he wm under censorship as well aa very one In the community. Censored telegraph reports from Co lumbus told of preparations there to establish a base for the operations In pursuit of Villa. Railroad switches were, being built and bridges were being constructed. Troop movements were not even men tioned. Reference to the arrival of the aero squadron from San Antonio with its consort of lorries waa permit ted with the additional noU that It Is teh first time that aeroplanes may be tried under actual conditions of war fare. The Unltfd Press staff correspond ent in Columbus waa permitted tn telegraph at 9'I0 a. m. today that It will b perhaps a week nftr he goen In with tho troops before the tensor will permit htm to send any details. This messago did nut necessarily contradict rumors that the expedition hni started because "wav" qorren- Bnndents warn not expected to enter le.xlcn with th vanguard. Fort Rllss would not discuss the ru mors that the troops had crossed the border during the night near Colum bia and Just east rf .Dounlan ArU. The evacuation of Palomas, six miles Pursuit of Villa Has Begun at Last, Report The pursuit of Villa Is believed to have started at lan Private adxlcee from Oouglas. Ariz., contain what cui ports to ,bc authorita tive Information that the vancuard of Funston's forces, consisting of a large detachment of cavalry and mountain artillery, crossed the border at Culber son's ranch In the "lower square" of New Mexico, at daybreak today With a rglrous censorship In force the Wnr Depaitment prtfetses to have no confirmation of the movement. ' Of fllclnls thero admit, hMn-ver. that Gen tral Funston will niolmbly withhold an official report intll his forces are well acrose the line. Official Washington is expectantly awaiting the first news of a clash. Although gratified by the accepunco by Carranza of the reciprocal border crossing arrangement between the two governments, officials at the War De partment confidently expect that the de velopments of the next few hours will determine to what extent Carranza can hold his followers In line. Congress Is prepared to stand behind the President whatever happens. Fol lowing the action of the House yester day In authorizing ttae President to re- INVASION' south of Columbus, where the main di vision Of the Villa expedition was mob ilized, waa announced by Consul Garcia at the consulate here. Their withdraw al, to Guzman was In accordance with the statement made by Qen. Lula Gut ierrez that General Rertanl's force at Palomas would Join In the Carranza pursuit of Villa. Garcla's statement that forty Carran aista soldiers had been left in Palomas to 'garrison tho border town seemed to discredit rumors that the American forces had entered Mexico, unless tho de facto government haa decided to cope with the United States expedltioa ary forces. Reliable reports from Cases Grandes, Moxlco. stated that a number of '.h Carranza garrison there had deserted and Joined Villa to fight the Americans. Bishop Hurst, of the local Mormon cnurch, announced that, according- to his Information. Villa was In the viola Ity of the Mormon colony at Casus Cliandcs, with whom Bishop Hurst nad comrnunicaiea mis morning. He said th colonists were safe then, but that Villa "wis hovering In the vicinity." The bishop had hopes the Carranzlata soldiers, Mltli tho Colonists, would es ct.rt them safely to Pearson, Chihua hua, where a train (n the Mexican Northwestern lino was waiting to bitng them tr, the boder. Damngn tn tl)o line let ween Coiralltos und fiablnel, where Villa was reported tc have lorn up con siderable of th" right of way, haa been repaired. Tvn froltjht trains stalled: by the break were movluc toward Jinrex, clearing .tho way for the expected Mor mon trMn. Unconfirmed rtrorts Inilst that artl Aferlcan sentiment umt-nr the tr mi I: and file of the Carmnta army In Chihuahua Stale was growing. i?j;ult Jh...armY. t0 ,u" ar strength by forces of the nation, the Eonate today f r. "" .K unniious consent to rati. IV tit nilMltltrt rt th. Ia,.. 1.- i Anticipating this favorable action, the War Department has opened recruit ing stations in all parts or. the country and reports are already beginning to come In of a heavy enlistment. Secretary Uaker, it was stated today, has practically decided to ask Congress tor an emergency appropriation or, from 5l,COO.yoo to 2,ooo,K to covr tho extraor dinary expensea of the expedition. Automobile factories ure working overtime to execute an order for the Immediate delivery on the border or fiflj-four automobile trucks to he used in supplying the expedition with pro vlilons and ammunition from the Amer ican border bases. Sensational Reports. Sensational roports concerning the un eusluess among Carranza soldiers in northern Mexico continue to reach Washington In press dispatches, none of which, however, has received con firmation at the State or War Depart ments. The carranza garrison at OJlnaga. ep poslte Presidio, Tex., Is reported to