'VR& ZZ&0K?W - r - n.it ' Tyg .rpwi "a(f?3WfMp rj-W ,;0, I Wxt WuMxigtm Waxtetf WEATHER FORECAST: Rain or Snow; Colder Fui Report on Page Two.) . HOME EDITION ITUMBEB 8847. "WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MABOH 22, 1010. PBICB ONE CENT. , YTt ir" r r v. tffcsfc '. Ift s DIGGER OF GRAVES GERMAN OFFENSIVE "IE SQUAD" MEN TELLS OF STRUGGLE AT VERDUN ENDS IN ARE READYTOSTAND ON SMALL WAGE FAILURE, PARIS SAYS TRIAL ON SATURDAY Arlington Cemotery Employe Before House Committee Hearing on Nolan Bill. UVES ON $40 A MONTH Lilts Expenses at Request of Committee Wife Takes in Sewing to Help. Trom Arlington Cemetery where eosUy monument tower above the rest to places of a nation' heroes, where patrtotlo speeches occasionally Inspire crest multitudes to cheers, and where ths pomp and corcmony of military burials are staged there came today, before a House committee, an humble gravedigger with a story of how he tries to support a family on J40 a month. This gravedlgger, paid from the Treas ury of the United Mates, had, 'clinging to a worn-out suit and rundown shoes, the clay from nowmado graves. It was raining without but graves must be dug whatever the weather 'may be, Daring his faltering story he told the ilouse Committee that there were five graves to be dug at Arlington today by men who get f 40 a month. Crushed and Discouraged. The grave digger was a big man phy Ivally. Ills mud bespattered form was the conspicuous thing In a committee room filled with the' advocates of the Nolan bill whch requires that the rich United' States Government shall pay no employe less man w per day. Despite the physical strength of this fravedlgger, however, he was at heart crushed and discouraged Ills story was Interrupted by a choking feeling In the throat: his lips quivered and the tears came to his eyes. Congressman Nolant at this juncture, aided tho witness to regain his com posure by talking to him of the com parative cost of housekeeping now and a Jew years ago. The scene reminded some of Shake speare's "Hamlet," but even In this melancholy pta the gravedlggcr was a man of Jest and an easy-going philoso pher. The gTavedlggcr who told nil unusual, siory toaay to ine iiouso sud- 1 it J4 JWUW-'fflmire.'"; H6' told of life's struggle on a salary of 140 a month. Story of Struggle, Out of. this 140 a month, he testified, there must be paid W per month for what Is called a house near Kails Church. An additional J5 per month goes for car fare for the Journeys to and from his home. Out of tho re mainder must be furnished food, cloth ing, and medicine for a family of rour. "The cheapest thing we can get to cat," said the gravedlgger when Mr. Ptclon questioned him. "is navy beans and hominy. That Is what we art bringing up the children on. I remem ber when beans were 8 cents a quart; now thoy aro 20 cents per quart." "Get your wife to make out a state ment of what It coct to keep house whrn you were first mnrrled." said Mr. Nolan. "Then havo her mark down tho price of some of tho thing sou huv ana some of the things you need now." Near Breakdown. It was this request from Mr. Nolan that enabled the cemetery laborer to continue his story when ho was ubaut to break down. "Do you have a garden?" ho was asked. "I have one," ho replied, ' tut I have little time left for gardening. I fro to work at a quaiter tc 7 nnd get home after S o'clock. A fellow hasn't much, (Continued on Page Twelve.) Protests 10 Cent Telephone Tolls H. P. Jones Complains and Ask: Ruling by Public Utilities Commission. Protest against a chargo of 10 cents for n local telcphono message sent from a' hotel was filed with the Public Utili ties Commission today by 11. 1', Jones. Mr. Jones says It Is his understanding that there are throe hotels In Washing ton which charge a uniform rate of 10 cent for local messages. tie aaKs whether, under the public utilities law, this Is not a discriminating charge. Under the rate schedulo tiled with the commission by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company tho charge for a local message Is 6 cents. While the question has not yet been referred to htm officially Conrad' H. Byrne, general counsel, mid today that It mignt do possiuie ior ino commis sion to order the telephone company to discontinue tho service furnished a hotel whose charges exceed the rates filed with the commission. General Counsel Syme will submit to the commission an opinion on tho question within the next few days. Reichstag Fight May Not Develop Agreement Between von Tirpita and Bethmann-Hollweg Factions Hinted. BBRMX. March 32,-Open debate In the Reichstag over the government's submarine policies and relations with America may be supprcssori by agree ment of tho von Tlrplt and nethmann Hollweg factions, It was hinted toduy. A special committee of tho Reichstag met this nfteinoon to consider tho reso lutions dliectlng tho chancollor to en ter Into no sgreemont with foreign pow ers restricting tho uso of I'-bouta. It was reported that consideration of tho resolutions may bo Indefinitely post poned. On ass of tho Kelrhstr.g Is iiI1 to have ronmcert the on Tlrplts clement thct llethmunn-ltollweg hast a an to ma jority and that a right would be useless. Military Critlos See Shifting At taok as Confession of Ger man Disaster. LOSSES REACH 200,000 MEN Allied Conferenoe at Paris Be lieves Disaster Greatest Since Marne Defeat. BERLIN, March 22 Russian troops commanded by General KuropatkJn continue their vio lent assaujta against von Hln denburg's front on, a wide sector south and southeast of Riga, the war office announced this after noon. All Russian attacks, how ever, hare been repulsed. German troops have captured more trenches in tho Avocourt woods, northwest of Verdun, tho war office announced. PARIS, March Zt The third ana probably the last phase of the Verdun battlo has ended, according to dls patches received here today. The German successes In Avocourt wood were of minor Importance, French military men declare, constituting only an admission of German failure else where. It is not believed the Uermans will renew their heavy assaults on the north ern front of Verdun, at least not soon. Drive lias Ended. Thus a great German drive, precipi tated early In the year by the phe nomenal spring-like weather, has ended In what the, French believe Is the big gest German disaster since the defeat at the Marne. Nearly 200,000 specially trained young German trench atormers have been either killed or put out of commission by wounds .in the four weeks of ;the Verdun offensive. These troppkisannot Ma rmlemy.amlsiH,. JU .la sMWVltitM tore;td-talK 'about? iislng'the Interlude to mas fresh forces than It is to carry out the performance. Conference Is Pleased. Allied officers arriving; here for the military and political conference are all smiles. They are confident that the allies now hold the whip hand. "If Germany has been fought to a standstill at Verdun while the other fronts wero weather-locked, what will happen when cvcr ally Is free to tako (Continued on Third Pave.) Cyclone Derails Speeding Trains Passengers Have Nightclothes Whipped Off by Gale in Indiana. MARION, Ind., March 2i Twenty seen Pullman passengers narrow! v es caped Injury early today when a wind of cyclonic force swept three cars of a Clover Leaf passenger train down an embankment near here. Three train men received minor injuries. Tho wind lined a heavy steel sleeper from tho rails as the train was speeding to mako up lost tlmo. The sleeper was uroppea uown mo siae or me emoanx ment, but did not turn over, Uxctted passengers who rushed out of tho car had their nightclothes w nipped on py tne gaie. i'lre destroyed a drugstore In Marlon with a loss of S25.000. while tne sale was at Its height. The wind unroofed a scnooi nouse ana two lactones. The wind claimed one life at Jalapa, near here, when a chimney' has blown down. The bricks fell through the roof or me tarm nouse or it. Williams on to tho bed. Williams was killed and his wife seriously injured. LOGANSPORT, Ind., March M.-One man wna killed and many Injured here last night, the result of a terrific wind storm that swept through the city. Prop erty was damaged to the extent or thousands of dollars. The roof of a broom factory was Uown off, crashing Into the home or Benjamin Rlcketts and killing V. J. Rlcketts. . Oliver Replies to Reed Insinuations Admits to Owning 1,000 Shares f Stefel Preferred Denies It's Worth $500,000. Senator Oliver of Pennsylvania today skated close to the edges of the "short and ugly" In a brief speech replying to Senator need's alleged Insinuations yesterday that Oliver's ownership 01 joW.OOO worth of steel stock may nave influenced him In opposing the Govern ment armor plate plant. "The Senator either made an enor mous mistake In calculation or delib erately stated something; which was not true," said Senator Oliver, rising to a question or personal prlvllego to ccriect Tteed'a iMu.000 figure. Senator Ullver said he owned 1,030 shares ot Steel preferred, but that Its market vnluo was JU7.W0, and not 5000,ouu. 1 can attention 10 the (senators mis .lement and failure tn lakn nrlvnntuf.t statement and failure to take advantage or an opportunity to correct It," suid Senator OlUer, saying Senator Reed had piomlsed to make the collection in the Congressional Heconl. Senator Oliver declared his personal Interests had never been considered In bis legislative conduct. Howes and Elliot Accept Serv ice of Warrants at District Attorney's Office. PERSONAL BONDS TAKEN Warrants Issued Following Con ference Between Mrs. Ken nett and Laskey. Detectlvo Mason L. Howes, acting head of the "vice squad," and John 11 Elliot, temporarily assisting In the" vice crusade, will be tried In the United Htates branch of the' Police Court Sat urday on the charge of unlawfully en terlng the resldenoe of Mrs. Rose Ken- fiett, 33d and i polaware avenue north east. The officers, against whom warrants were Issued late yesterday artt,rnoon, appeared In the office of Assistant Dis trict Attorney Ralph Given, In the Pollce.C'ourt Building, at 11:30 today and accepted service of the warrant. The men asked that their trial be continued until Saturday, and their personal bond was taken for their re lease until that date. The warrant against the men charges that they without legal au thority did enter and attempt to en ter a private dwelling nt 326 and .salt on Delaware avenue northeait, against the will and consent of Roso Kennett, lawful occupant there, and did refuse to quit the same on the demand of the lawful occupant." Confer With Laskey. The charge against tho officials re sulted after a conference held In the office of United Htates District Attorney John E. Laskey yesterday, at which Mrs. Kennett. .her young daughter, Gloria, and her attorney, J. At the direction of Mr. Laskey. the tivc and not Intervention purposes, and nvn? " VU" '" thwarnf. ffiK? WSTX the IKe, of men Howes and Elliot from duty, pending and with our national honor more than . unini, nam iJrvnuill. uio iwi. ui me case. prosecutor uiyen todav declared that ' njn. "Railroad communication has l"FSIvtm&ipJtiAtt. is sbowr. that the-atw :Vlcs,-ffanatttie flfircmiV HftriKK'ttrS'P "J." ?7 71 had been -thorfniB-hly nWleid by -irs.j Kennett and Attorrey rosier of mo ucnw auirounaing me entry -of her . , ., residence by tho vice squid officers "w have few thousand noldlers Detective Howes and Po Iceman Elliot '" Mexico. They will soon bo hun reiused to discuss the case. To nil in: 1reds of miles from the boundary, qulrles the chorused this response- "I T,'e railways are demoralised. Tracks haven't 11 wnA !-... rMponM' 1 1 and bridges are destroyed. In case Officers Are Silent. When n.Wni if II..,, h..a . ..1 j When asked If they had retained toun - sel to resist the action, tho officers wero noncommittal. Questioned as to whether they were authorized specifically to en ter the Kennett home the men refused to answer. When asked If t!ic hud a warrant for that address In Delaware avenue, the defendants still maintained their reticence. ACCOrdlnr to Mr. Kanni.ll'. ,ln,i, 1.. the District Attorney's offko Howes nnd Elliott entered her residence, cai ly lost rfl.iiJ s j i . ii"i") inuriiini,. one 101a tne ) 1. trlct Attornev alio bellevml o, mn ..... burglars and that she Immediately tele- S honed to Police Headquarters for aid. Irs Kennett said she did not discover the Identity of the officers until another policeman had come at her telcphono call. &he Informed the District Attorney that since the entry of tho oollcimcn she has been 111 and unable to brim: tin. matter to his attention before. Hho declared that the alleged entrancj of the officers frightened her Into hysteria, and so affected her etKht-year-oId daughter that the child has slnceibeen very ill. ' Calls Entry Unwarranted. She said that she was prepared to show that her premises had always been free from any disorder, and tho maintained that the entry of the of ficers was wholly unwarranted. Since the Issuanco of the warrant for Howes and Klllot, Mrs. Kennett has employed Attornoys Turnage and Qulim to be associated with her counsel. At torney John C. router. Mr. foster to day expressed gratification that the Dis trict Attorney's ofilee had decided to prosecute the officers, lie said that he would give Assistant District Attornev Given any assistance neded presenting id iii junto uuuri an angles or tne case. When asked It Mrs. Kennett enntem. pluted any civil action against Howes und Elliot; Attorney Foster said that ho still was Investigating the advlsublllty 01 instituting; ouier proceoaings. Talk to Pullman. Both of them reported today to the office of Major Pullman. There they were Interviewed by their chief. Policeman Howes was asaitrneil to the "vice squad" two years ago. after the enactment or. tne jienyon red light law. Klllott, who had worked on violations of the excise law cases In the third pre cinct, in the guise of a sailor, nnd who was instrumental In making many of Inn .rr..l. In th. "Ininwi.. Ill am,...h and pictures" crusado a few wcoks ano. was but recently detailed to the squad. He was named temporarily In the place ot Policeman McDonald, German Ship Sunk; Flew Two Flags Black Sea Steamer's Crew Is Captured by Russian War ship. BUCHAREST, March 22,-The 7,000-ton German steamer Kspcianza, carrying food supplies to Constantinople, was4 torpedoed and sunk by a Russian war ship off the Roumanian port ot Kallakrn, Sunday, uccordlng to delayed dispatches iccolved today. The crew has been Imprisoned. Tho Espernauza wna Hying thn Span ish and Roumnnlan (Ugs. Cnpo Kali.ikra Ilea just north of the Bulgarian Black Se.i port of Vnrna. It 's poMllilu tint tho IMpriniiza was In terned In Vatnu nt the outhionk of tho war and' attempted the dash to Con stantinople from that port. ASKS 50,000 VOLUNTEERS; U. S. TROOPERS STRICKEN; HUNT MISSING AVIATORS SENATE RESOLUTION CALLS FOR HEH TO Sherman Declares U. S. Is Trifling With Lives of Men and National Honor. SAYS ARMY IS UNPREPARED Asks 50,000 Volunteers to Fight Until Villa Is Either Killed or Captured. A resolution nuthorUIng the President to Issue ft call for W.W veUnUera for Mexican eervlco was Introduced In the Senate today by rienator nnerman. Il linois, He "Id not ask Its Immediate passage. The resolution was allowed to Ho on the table without debate. Hherman made a brief statement, declaring de velopments In Mexico show the army Is not prepared to pursue Villa. fliinrpmn ntlnulaled that tho volun teers proposed be used only for punl- nome people recm to tnin. mam oner-1 ... ...,15'k; viCyTd'brepare' IJ iinxsrcrco. t ne w.i way 10 pix,,p sgnlnst disaster Is to prepare before It ! strength could be mobilised promptly !for the aupport or protection -of our f... distant line advancing into un- of an emergency wnai military known terrltor; torv? 'Shall we wait until another Khar tum has done for us In the annals of history what It tlld for England? "Will nothing- but a massacre waken the dull routine of Rovernmental ac tion?" Preliminary to the consideration of the army reorganization bill. Senator Chamberlain today called up once more lhc ,,in lo double the number of cadets is !!! riAliit .v i-ui. The discussion of this bill was renew ed at the close of morning business. After It Is disposed or, Senator Cham berlain Intends to call up the army bill and endeavor to have It considered ffrom now on practically to exclusion of other business. Senator I.chIkc had a resolution adopt ed by the Senate calling on the War Department for a statement of the num ber of men In the country who have been trained to arms In the last ten years. Forces favoring closer national con trol of the national guards were again defeated In the Mouse. An amendment to Havs bill bv Tl'.son of ConneetlcuJ. requiring imnrdsmen to take an oath to scive at all times sn the President or ders, was heavllv beaten. 10,000 Homeless By Paris, Tex.y Fire Flames Sweep Thirty Blocks, Causing Damage Between Two and Three Millions. PARIS, Tex., March 22. Two-thirds of the residential and business districts of Paris were wiped out by flames which today had left a funnel-shaped wake of destruction from two to ten blocks wide across the city. The loss Is estimated at from K.000,000 to 3,000,000. Work of relieving the suf ferings ot the homeless and destitute started today. Fully one-half of the population of !0, (KX) Is shelterless. Urgent appeals for groceries and money are going out to neighboring cities. So far as known there were no casual, ties. Starting In the warehouse of the Lang Transportation Company, tho Are, fan ned by a high wind, quickly spread to the Paris cotton compress, thence mak ing a clean sweep of the southern por tion of the city, destroying more than thlrtv blocks of residences and business buildings In an area a mile square. Soon after the flic started the plant of the Texas Power and Light Company, supplying power for the water works system, burned, putting the water serv ice out of commission. Destruction of the light plant also crlpplod the tele- pnone exenunges, Tne central nre sta tion was burned, with most of its' equip ment. Today there Is not a drygoods store, drug store, wholesale grocery or hotel left in Paris. Only a few retail gro ceries remain. The only restaurants are two railroad eating houses. Mayor Mitchel Has Conference With Wilson Mayor Mitchel. of New York, who puclnltatcd something of a disturbance nt Ihe recftu St l.ouh I'onfcrcnco cf mayors l declaring for compulrory rrllltary service, told President Wlli.in oliout It todav He had a half hour conference with the President today. n hi bo VILLA'S PURSUERS II GRIP OF TWO EPIDEMICS Many American Soldiers Drop Out With Pneumonia and Dysentery. MEN NOT USED TO CLIMATE Returners Tell of Suffering as Columns Push Through Semi-Tropical Country. EL PASO, March C American sol diers, unaccustomed to weather condi tions south of the border, are dropping out wjth pneumonia and dysentery. Seven sol-llera who reached El Paso today for treatment in the Fort Bliss military hospital, told how sickness waa thinning the ranks of Pershing's column. The Intense heat of the semi-tropical desert country Is claiming Its victims by day, they asserted, and the extreme cold of the Mexican nights has resulted In a pneumonia epidemic of serious pro portions. Insufficient water caused much suffering. After months of camp -far along the border, .many soldiers have found it lm- ..,, , w..k .,. r.tln.1. U rj'"" '"'' "mrt.iZ2r iiL'ik lk &&&Z!&S&5&l&&te TOrrauniniiTii oir uopw.u.s. 0ne k of (,,,, a dlat of , btMK bacon, coffes, and brestf has placed mriny soldiers under the care of physicians and the more seriously artlicted are being sent back to the border as rapidly as possible. Private R. J. Harding, of Compan A. Sixteenth Infantry, the latest arrival, today said pneumonia was prevalent In the column. When dysentery was discovered In the ranks the medical corps Immediately Increased precautions against the use of Impure water. Sanitary precautions also were redoubled. Dysentery, on ot the greatest tsrrors of an army on tne (Continued on Second Page.) U. S. Troops Kissed At Cascas Grandes Old Glory Is Brought Out From Hiding Places as Dodd's Cavalry Enters Town. KL PASO. Tex., March 22. Women kissed American soldier rescuers, men cheered, and Old Glory was brought -out from hiding places when Colonel Dodd's cavalry rode into Casas Grandes after a record march to the relief of the Mor mon colony. The story waa told by Mormons here today. Children carried the tired, dusty troop ers water, fruit and other refreshments. while the men of the colony turned over thetr alfalfa and farm products to the army. Women assisted In cooking tor the cavalrymen. Mexicans of Casas Grandes were silent witnesses to the wild demonstrations of Joy, but there was no untoward Inci dent. Marion. John and Bob Vance, sons of a colonist and among the arrivals from Casas Grandes, hid In the mountains after barely escaping botng taken pris oners by a Vllllsta hand they encoun tered on tho road after leaving home In Colonla Chihucupa. John Vance, their father, was reported to have been executed by Villa weeks ago. A detachment of Colonel Dodd's col umn went through Casas Grandes. but the main body encamped outside of the town. General Pershing, who after ward Joined the vanguard, established his base and headquarters at Colonla Uublan. Just outside of Casas Grandes. A field wireless plant and aviation headquarters were put up at Dublan. Passengers on the train from Casas Grandes reported seeing no American troops along the line of the Mexico Northwestern. Dr. George Patrick Dies Here Suddenly Dr. George E. Patrick, for about twenty years connected with the Bu reau of Chemistry in the Department of Agriculture, died at t o'clock' this morning at his apartments In the Sherman, Fifteenth and L streets northwest. His last Illness was brief. He was taken to hla bed only last Friday night, Ir. Patrick was in charge of the dairy laboratory of the department. His greatest work was done at Law rence, Kan s., as professor of chemis try in Kansas State University, where he WBB engaged following- hit grad uation from Cornell University. He spent several years there, and leter, about six years at the univers ity at Ames, loa ' eM- coming to Washington. He was born ! lt'jiJle, Mass., October 22, 1861 He was a mr tr o. -h Cornell Club of Washlf "i nd one of the organizers of t- '. Ktfiy Club of this city. fnssssssssssS, issislssssssssss!sssssss ''JsssssssssVjRBaX sssWSP' ' H -:-mmrv- m:H7m 'bssssssssW MftimfcltM sBskBIBBP'sf'VTvvssH jyjHKssfMsifll IssssssssssssssssssssssbbHME39 .HH 1 HiKSBSsjV ssginsV fj?w5l' i ssssssssWitA. w.V-H . . BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHiBBBBBBSBBBMsllBBBBBBBBBBBfttMBSBBBBBBW kSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBEBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT HsBbV 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVPHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm4sBKSBBaV 1 VSBSSsHBiBSsKft''J ' rnamzr- ' MUk 'jrx.Ls.....wBr mifr sVsSPlTJjtSBSSm sbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS iMMllylW -ifiSSH BBBBBBBBBsHsoHHNfa 1 1 bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhHNbsHL sHa! llsBHHH! Above LIEUT, ROBERT WILLIS. Below LIEUT. EDGAR S. GOR RELL. FIFTH CAVALRY OFF I Crowds of Relatives and Well wishers See Troopers Leave Fort Myer. Under tha most cheerless conditions for leavetaklng. but with crowds ot relatives and well wishers surrounding them, the officers and troopers of the Fifth United States Cavalry left Itoss lyn, Va., en routa from Fort Myer to "somewhere on the border," today. The lait of tho three trains bearing the troops left the Itosslyn siding of the Pennsylvania railroad a few mnutea before 1 o'clock. The first train pulled out Just before 10 and the second de parted shortly before noon. Col. Wilbur Wilder, commanding the regiment, and the officers of his staff, were the last to board the train and the last to take leave of friends who .went to bid them farewll, Co'.onl Wilder said he was under or (Continued on Second Page.) RainySnowandCold Due Here Tonight Tlaln and snow and colder weather are due to arrive In the Capltnl tonlcht, according to the Weather Bureau. A storm which Is centered this morn ing over the Ohio Valley is coming this way at great speed and Is accompanied by high winds and considerable snow fall throughout that roglon. Indica tions are that the full force of the storm will strike Washington late to night, bringing rain at first and later turning Into snow. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy and colder. The storm, which yesterdav mnrnlnr was Just eawt of the Kooky mountains, has made n record weep across the con-. tlnent. covering the distance fn about1 half the time It ui.ually takes, accord ing to the Weather Bureau. H. FOR M FUN GRIST FEARS FELT AERONAUTS LOST. IN DESERT Scouting Parties Scour Foot hills of Sierra Madres for Two Young Officers. SNIPERS BLAMED' BY SOME Columbus Commandant Scoffs at Theory, But Gravest Anxiety Is Expressed. COLUMBUS, N. M March 22. Scouting parties composed, of aviators, motor truck drivers, cavalrymen and infantry aro scouring the desert country in the foothills of the Sierra Madres to day searching for two United States army aviators who have been missing since Sunday. The missing men are Lieut. Robtjrt.'H. Willis and Lieut. Edgar .Grrrbrtrr experienced 11? j men, whose fate'Tias"" ,cauSed ominous speculation and great suspense among other members of the aero squadron and at military headquarters here. SHORT RATIONS. Anxiety over the fato of the two army aviators was heightened by the fact that they carried with them only three days' rations and sme.ll canteens r.Ued with water. The fact that two aviators ahd their J machines which left here early Sunday railed 10 report to i-.ipi. uenjamin u. Foulola at the advance base In tho field hi Mexico la believed to be more than a coincidence. While Major W. M. Sample, command ant heie, discredits the story that tho aviators weru thought down by snipers, others believe either tho activities ot sutpors or serious accidents am re sponsible for the disappearance of the men and their machines. Captain Foulols, to whom the missing men were to havi- tor.orted early Mon day, waited until yesterday afternoon before gtvhig their up. He sent n wire less message to Major Sample, advising him of the failure of the two licuttn ants to report and asking that an in vestigation bo stat ted. Immediate Steps Taken. Realising that tho two lieutenants were doomed to starvation in the burn ing desert, if thny had not already perished by accidents. Major Sample took lmmcdlnto steps looking tn thetr rescue. A number of motor trucks vere dis patched Into MoxIcl with ordors to run at top speed to participate in the ienrch for the missing men Hcoren of cavalry scouts also were dispatched to partici pate In tho search Captain Fnu!ols. after communicating with Major Sample, sent un three avla tori from the advance base In the field with Instruction to remain aloft as long as daylight lasted and make every effort to locate the missing acropicnes and lieutenants. The scouttner aviators returned to the base last night without having found anv trace ot LleuUnnnts Wills and Gorrell or their machines. Lost in Bad Country. The country In which the two missing men are bolieved to have disappeared Is one of the worst localities in a!l of Mexico. The route followed bv the other six aeroplanes which left here with Lieu tenants Willis and Gorrell waa over 110 miles of desert and mountains throuah the Casas Oiandes valley, from which point the expeditionary forces are ope rating. Tho aero ecouts. motor truck drivers and members of the Infantry and ca cli' squadrons searching for the tntss Inx men are carrying rations and water with which to relieve tho Buffering of the lieutenants should thev be found. Neither of the men was accompanied by a mechanician. This was cause for further suspense, for even though tbo rren merely descended to repair their machines or correct defects, the fact that they were alone may have pre cluded their being able to copo with the situation wmen conironiea mem and compelled them to remain helpless in the desert or mountains. 126 GERMAN U-BOATS CAPTURED BY BRITISH Nearly 5,000 Trawlers Engaged in Snagging Submarines. One hundred and twenty-six Uerman submarines have tbeen" captured" by tha HrltlMi admiralty, according to an un official report which has reached the L nlted 8tates Coast Uuard Service. The report states that nearly b.Wt Kucllsh trawlers aic engaged In snsg cliis submarines, nnd that each trans atlantic liner, leaving the English coast hsb n path swept for It by a fleet ot trawlers with steel submartno not.