Newspaper Page Text
Iv Ik I u 15 a ; SCATTER, r AA,T r A -A 13 3IN6 ' I6AVC TftlWfc 5ECONJ3 TO tifcT, 1 . gi r ilC5S ( P' TELLS OP STRUGGLES (Continued from Flrit Par.) irtronrth left for rnnlenlnc after ili ink In that tard clay." As ho srlsncr-d apologetically at his flioes and muddy clothes, ho added: "Thoso Arlington rtxaVes are hard trraVe. in winter they are ei- lBdally hard. I'havo been up to my nees In mud and water manv a time. We had Ave (travel to r over there today and look Low tt la rain inc oiiuide "Ood knows. If It were not for th Mlfo taklnr In a little towing how w would live. "I huvo heen there elrtht yeara. and whenever I ask for a ralie I am told, 'Well, you know what you can do If yoJ don't like It.' Lump Appropriation. An examination of the eatlmetes for Arlington and other national ceme teries for the enrulnc fiscal year ahowa that there la a lump turn ap propriation for the laborern and earn takers. These tame eitlmates ahow that In thrie Inatltuttona there are oinploytvl lahorora who Ret as llttlo ar S0 a month. The eitlmates call for 9 laborers at 130 a month: 29 nt li': IS at !0; S at 145; 34 at Jl a day. and 138 at $1.60 a day. The highest pajd laborer, It appears, re ceives $2.60 per day, and there are only two of this class. Two more fat $2 & day. Tho lump sum appropriated Is expend ed under the direction of the War De partment, which has supervision over all national cemotcrles. The sundry civil appropriation bill, which will carry this appropriation, also Is expected to carry $100,000 for continu ing the work on a $760,000 ampltheater at Arlington. Aska Sum of $5,000. The sum of $60,000 Is asked to con tinue the work of getting headstones for the graves of soldiers and $12,000 la aaked for the repair of roads In the cemeteries. After tho hearing today Congress man Nolan said he marveled at the fact that a nation which spends one billion dollars a year should have men on Ita payrolls thatare support ing a family of four on 4Q a month. The Brave-digger who came before the committee today spoke for all the under-paid employes 'of the Arling ton Cemetery. A committee "Had pre viously filed a petition with the labor aubcommlttee, but the testimony of the mud-covored grave digger was easily the most affecting Incident of the present series of hearings. The Labor subcommittee heard briefly several other witnesses today. All of them supported the Nolan bill, which would provide a minimum wage In all fjovernment departments and Indus tries. O. W. Dawson, a watchman in the Treasury Department, told how Impos sible It Is for him to llvo on $720 a year NIs expenses, he said, averaged about $1,000, and he had received assistance from friends In West Virginia. He said he had spent for "pleasure" only $10.32 last year. Lives on $720 a Year. Stanton -W-.-Algatc, employed at $720 In the Government printing office, said he oould barely subsist on such a salary. and Martin W. Oansberg, a watchman of the Smithsonian Institutions and Kenwlck Bush, of the Government Print ing Office, related the difficulties of underpaid employee. It la probable that before the hearings close tue enter cierKs or various oov ernment departments will be asked to testify and Information will be sought particularly concerning tho number of Government employes who work for less man hi a uay. What It Cost One. Oeortrj W. Dawaon, who appeared before the committee for the sub- clerical forco of the Treasury, made a statemont as to tho high cost of llvlnc In Washington, lie presents the. following table showing what it cost him to live In Washington last yeur: Itentt $180.00 Groceries 296.00 Milk .. 32.00 Shoe repairs 4.60 Clothlniv. Including one suit for himself 180.00 Airaicine Z5.2 Doctor lO.u) Carfare 24.52 Dentist 14.00 llullroad fare 21.75 Household goods 24.00 Movlnu Fuel Gas Kor pleasure 10.00 C2.00 12.0 10,20 Total 1,099.70 Salary 720.00 Deficit., which had to he made up from other sources so that Mr. Dawion could meet his actuul living expenses 379,79 Pittsburgh University To Have Aero College PITTSBURGH, March 22.-A move ment ha been started by the University of Pittsburgh to establish a course In aeronautics In honor of the late Prof. Samuel Plerepont Langley, the pioneer In tho science of heavier than air flying machines. The plan was Inaugurated by Dr. Wal ther Riddle, trusted of tho university, and expresldent of the Engineers' So clety of western Pennsylvania, The establishment of the course In aercnautlcs will be the first of Its kind in any university in tins country. Dr, Riddle In .advocating the course saM: "The scientific principles on which aviation depends today are due to Lang ley's work. Pittsburgh Is entitled to be taown as the birthplace of aviation." DIGGER fl ::r POP?" -.w 1 6 BrV 13 oY CSoimG ME TEN INTO T-ttB.ttOU3E r rtrCA- . t . -" BY BISHOP OP TEXAS Methodist Episcopal Delegates Gather for Meeting at Alex andria. ALEXANDRIA. March 22.-Aftor a stirring address at the opening of tho lUd annual session of the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South at the Washington Street Southcnv Methodlit Church this morn ing by Bishop Edwin D. Mouxdn, of Texas, president of the conference, tho business of the conference was rapidly gotten under way. Bishop Mauzon made strong appeal fbr the pastors to consecrate themselves to God, and devote their Uvea to Ills fcivlce without considering too greatly the needs of toduy and the applaudlts of the world. At the conclusion of the, bishop's ad dress the Rev. 11. M. Canter, presiding elder of the Washington district, the secretary of last year's conference called the roll, which was answered by 178 psstors and 40 delegates. It was ex- nlnlned that manv of those who ex pect to attend the conference win reach here later durlns the day. The Ilev. Dr. Canter was reelected secretary of tho conference and named his assistants The Rev. Dr. J. W. Duffey. pastor of tin VViifhlnrton Street Church, made a number of announce ments of Interest to the delegates. Tha hours were fixed from 9:30 a. m. until 12:3) o'clock daily. Luncheon will be served from 12:30 to 2 p. m. Committees Named. The presiding rlde'rs announced the committees for tha year. These com miltees, who will have a great many mutters referred to them, will meet every afternoon during the reminder of tha week. Meeting places have been flxd as follows: Chamber of Com merce, board of missions; Methodist Protestant church, Bible board, commit tees on memoirs and collections; Trinity M. E. Church, Joint board on finance; committee examination for admission on lilal; First Baptist Church, board of education, board of church extension, committees on publishing Interests, Bab bath observance, temperance, confer ence relations, district conference rec ords; Westminster building, Sunday school board, Epworth League board, committee on admissions, examinations for first year, second year, third year, ond fourth year. Announcement was made that tho meeting of the Epwnrth League board wilt b? held tonlirht at 7:30 In tho South ern Methcdlst Church. The Sunday school bootd 111 meet tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock In the Southern Mctfo dlsl Church: tho nluinnl banquet of tho graduates of tho Randolph.Macon Col lege will take plate In the Younrj Peo ple's building on Friday ut 6 p. m., and the Board of Missions will meet on Fri day night In the Southern Methodist Church at 7.80 r. m. All nt these meet ings aro open to the public as well as the meetings of tho conference. Unable to Attend. In accordance with n custom of long standing lu the conference that the an imal sermon be delhored on the even ing preceding the opening of tho con ference session yesterday evening wna 'set aside for the event, out at the last moment the Rev. J. B. Winn, p-utor of Greene Memorial Church, Rranoke, who had boon selected ns thr preacher, was taken 111 and was onnblc to h present. Dr. Winn Ms the guest of ludco I. C. Barlev nnd had been complaining dur ing the day. He wan greatly Improved this morning. The Rev. Dr Duffey. of this city announced to thn congregation that It would be a great disappointment that Dr. Winn could not appear. He said further that he had tried to got some other mnmber of tho conference to preach, but his efforts had bean un availing. He said that bafore him were 10o or moro preachers, nil of whom could preach, except when called upon tn do so. The Rev. H. P. Hamlll of Martlns burg, W Va., read the Scripture ses sion and made the opening p-ave" nnd Dr. Duffey rpokc briefly on tho iiibjeet of Importance of conversion, suvlntr that nothlntr clso can inkn thn nlnrn i,t conversion The remainder of the hour took the form of a ffonc .frvlpn luri MMlimllut experience meeting If wMe i number of the members of the confcrcnc took part. Threo of thn delegates In the Mnlhrnllst conferenco had n hnirowlnct exnerVmco last night. They wero iinnl'encil In a hoarding house on Frlnep c'reet' tins morning to nnd themrelves almost as phyxiated from coal itis, vhl-h wan pouring out of n small coni stove In the room. The men bad tetlrrd and had failed to turn tho draftn of the stove In the nroner manner. Dr. G. T. Kllpstoln was called In and they quickly recovered although on of their number, J. W. Liggett, of Rockingham, waa compelled to re tire during tho day. The othr two delegates were E, C. Eagle and E. C. Berry, The Alexandria city jail has been nracticallv emptied of Its occupants by guards of the road forces who eame here yesterday and took ten of the men connned there to Rappahan nock county where they will be em ployed on the public roads. Fire at 8 o'clock last night damag ed the rear part of a small frame tenement house known as 70!) South Washington street, occupied by col ored people. Tha Are Is thought to have been caused by an overheated stove. Miss Ester Dickens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. K, Dickens, of Brlr tow, Va., formerly of Manassaa, who was brought to the Alexandria Hos pital late yesterday afternoon with a number of sever cuts and with CONFERENCE OPENED jjr;'' ".'f'.i- -w? IHE WASHINGTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY. MAHCH 22, 1016. Mrte. AfPE YouH irA, i - j i . . . NonkJ ( I'm goinS outj i ;j yp j,Yo SEE IF E 13 TEtfe. V6Y t i t yvsJ both arms broken as a result of hav ing been run down bv r Cheaaneakn and Ohio train near Brlstow, Va., yes terday afternoon, Is In a aorloua con dition, although her recovery Is ex pected. in tno accident the girls compan ion. Mrs. Rosle Manuel, was killed and it la said that a child, a member of the Dickens family, narrowly e. capca injury, rue three were waiK Ing on tho Southern railway track , on their way to Manassas nnd stenDed off one trnck on which there was an nt- pracning ireignt to another trncK, oblivious to the approach of north bound C. A O. paarcnger train No. 4. Mrs. Mantlel died on the train short ly after being picked up and hoi body turned over to tho Undertaker at Manassas. ANACOSTTIA. The Maryland Dredging Company this morning began to dredfie the Eastern Branch channel and jo fill In behind the. sea wall In the proposed reclaimed area. The large-dredge started- near the foot of Third street. Tho Government dredge Dclcarlla la operating beyond tho Pennsylvania' avenue bridge. The choir of Emmanuel Church at tended servlcei In All Saints' Church. Chevy Chase, last night. 8. M. Frazler sent one of his large automobile trucks to convey the .arty. Many visitors attended the dance at tne uovernment Hospital for the Insane last night. Music was furnished by the hospital orchestra, and refreshments wero served. The Ladles' Guild of Emmanuel Church met yesterday afternoon In tho parish hall, with Mrs. B. F. Thorcn prcsiaing. Several members of the Ansenxtu M rJ. Church are in Baltimore today to utm cvangciisi uiuy tfunaay, HYATTSVILLE. More than fifty Rlverdale citizens are today before the delegation at Annapolis urging passage of the bill Incorporating that town. The purpose of tho Incor porptlon Is to get a fund for electric llghta and the road rebate- fund paid by the county commissioners. The bill pro vides for' a tax not to exceed 2S cents on thu $100, Tha town would b divided Into four wards, and the ortlclala will be a mayor, four councllmcn, and a treas urer elected to serve four years. The treasurer would be the clerk of the boaid and be the only paid official. The charter also provides that thn town be "dry." Capt. Oswald A. Oreager has received an unofficial report on the Inspection of Company F Monday night by Brigadier General Gaither, commanding the Stato guard, nnd Capt. O. Arthur Hadslll, United States army. The company has established as good a mark as that of last year, which brought a letter or commendation from Major General Wood. Miss Edith Gallant, assisted by Miss Angella Vandoren and Miss Virginia Gray, presented her piano pupils in a recital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Vandoren. At the meeting of tho Hyattsvlllc vol unteer II ro department last night It was announced delegates to tho stato tinmen's convention at Havre de Grace, June 7-9, would be chosen. R. J, Ham mond was elected to membership. Women of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South, entertained at a "News-pnpt-r Social" at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Severe. The feature of the exenlng was short speeches from sev eral boys dressed In the leading news papeis of this section. Mrs Charles Dunlap, president of the Rlverdale Mothers' Club, Is recovering from a brief illness. Mr and Mrs. Otway B, Zantzlnger and daughter. Miss Louise Zantzlnger, have returnod to their homo, after spending several weeks at Cloarwater, FIrf. ROCKYILLE. Former Governor Phillips Lee Golds borough addressed a large gathering of Republicans in Beco Hall yesterday aft ernoon. It marked the oponlng of a campaign which 'will tako him Into every county of tho State, and which, ho said, ho was confident would end In his being declared tho cholco of his party for ttho nomination he seeks as Senator, Following Mr. Goldsborough, Thomas Pat ran, Benjamin II. Miller, D. W. Uoker and othora spoke, after which a Goldaborbugh campaign committee, with Paul Hleman, of Chevy Chase, bb chair man, was formed. This committee consists of ono member from each pre cinct of the county, as follows: Lay tonsvllle, Cranmcr Griffith; Clarksburg, Jomes K. Day: Poolesvllle, Dcwalt J. WUIard: Rockvlllo (first precinct). Har ry A, Downs; Rockville (second pre cinct). John S. Glllis; Colcsvlllc, Morti mer O. Stabler; Darnestown, Hattan A. Waters; cBthesda (first precinct), Fred erick W. Page: Bothesda (second pre cinct). William T. S. Curtis: OInoy (first precinct), Charlea F, Kirk; oiney (sec ond precinct), Tarlton B. Stabler; Galth- cisourg mrm prccincw, u, neon uuvali; iialthersburg (second precinct), George D. Curran; Potomac, John W. Lynch; Uarncsvllle, Windsor W. Hodges; Da mascus, James M. Mount; Wheaton (first precinct), Cornelius , W. Clum: Whoalon (second precinct), Edwin W. Byrn. Each member of tho committee was authorized to organize a committee of ten In his precinct,. The meeting was presided over by D. W. Baker. Rev. Oscar W, Henderson, pastor of tho Baptist Church, officiated at the marriage here yesterday afternoon of William R. Cline. fifty-five years old. of Alexandria. Va., and Mrs. Delia Smith, aged forty, of Cleveland, the home of tha minister being the scene of the ceremony. .r-- -, .;',jfr : LOCAL AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS R'WAY AND ELECTRIC Both Preferred and 4 Per Cent Bonds Find - Good. Dc - mand. Washington Railway and Electric Company Issues, at firmer prices, dominated a market that tended to Ir regularity on tho Washington Stock Exchange today. Both the preferred stock and the 4 per cent bonds of the railway company found a good market at recontly pre vailing prices, and tho common stock was In demand at higher figures. A total of $12,000 worth of tho bonds were traded In at 81, and, of fcr 12i shares of tho preferred stock had changed hands at 82, tho bid for tho Hock was ralwd H of a point to .. Tho lowest offering waa at 82V4- The bid for quotation lota of tho common stock was advanced a" full point to b and 84'4 was offered for odd lots. Mergenthaler Linotype stock suf fered an appreciable decline and Lan ston Monotype was fractionally caslor. Mergenthaler, on transactions total ing 30 shares, sold off from 166Vi to 102 o. nnmnirtH with the DroVIOUS sale price of 167, and the bid dropped from 166ft on yesterday to 166. A quotation lot of Lanston brought 7 and an odd lot of 2 shares sold at ' The' only sale of Capital Traction stock consisted of 19. shares at WA. but the bid for quotationa was lower ed H a point to 86. The bMa on the tnnka f thn American GraohODhono Company wero each lowered 6 points, and that on Washington Gas a I1?!!"... - ..-..... - .u. Wa.hlnptnn ino oias ior uwn oi wo ......,.... . Market Company, on Jhe other hand, 'wore each advanced i a point, and tho bid foi Norfolk nnd Washington Mteam boat Company 6 points to 155. A quota-' tlon lo of tho Steamboat stock ten sharea brought 157. ' Continental Trust Company stocK gained Hi points, ten sharos selling at IZV'A. J ne oiner saies inviuuni ..uw worth of Capital Traction 5 per cent bonds at 107; a Potomac Electric Power Consolidated 6 at 100, and a $M Wash ington Gas 6 at 107. 'ihe Union Savings Bank has de clared a quarterly dividend of 14 per cent payable March 31. The transfer booka will close March 25. Tho regular quarterly dividend of $3 per share has been declared by the Na tional Bank of Washington, payable April 1. The books will be closed from Murch 27 to March pi. BALTIMORE, March 22. Giving the Gospel MlBslpn yell, moro than 100 visitors from Washington march ed Into tho RUly Sunday Tnbcrnaclo this afternoon. Two hundred moro are coming on n special train leaving Washington I nt G:01. The delegations from Washington came under the auspices of the mis sion. thorn were not onl volunteer workern at the Gospel Mis sion, but social service, chnrlty, nnd church workers from all parts of tho ! city. Though tho Lutherans In Baltimore are not co-operating with tho cam paign, one of the leaders of the WnahlnKton oxneditlon Is Mrs. Ilnr. rlet E. Monroe, of Luther Memorial Church, who has ntngod many nengeants depleting the life of Luther. When Hlilv Sunday asked the Wosh incton dr.ttlon to stand tht-v not only stood, bi-l raised their left hans. to which wonj tieti imnuKerchlers. The Gospel Mission veil, rehearsed on tho way over In a special train, -follows: "Sav vlium, havo you seen Tlm othv II. 2!1ST "If you havo then Thcssalonlana I. 5:22, wdlll tell you Just what to do." Apply for Special Train, II. II. Taggart. passenger agent for tho Balttmorn nnd Ohio, who had charge of tho excursion this morning. said applications had been made to liin for n special train one a dav vet to be set for a second oxcuralon of the young Feoplo of Mt. Pleasant and Columbia (eights churehes. Arrangements already have lipon nmdo for about SO" to como over on tho Prcsbytorlnn oxcuralon March 2C. Throo Canadian visitors to Wash ington wero on the tinln today. They wero Mrs. Georira Monroe of Wln don, Canada, and Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It, linger ol Hagerxvllle. Ontario. Mme. Thoumaln. wife op tho only IVigllsh member of tho Turkish Par liament, also wan on the train. Amonjr thoso who eumo ovor In tha mornlui; wero Mrs A. 13. Hvon. Mrs. 11. A Edgar, W. A. Van Nobs. Harlan It, French, Miss Sdlth Adams, Mrs. H. It. AdHms Mrs. M. P. Thompson, Mrs. Nolllo R. Logg, Mrs, A C. Hlnes. Mis. J. Frnnk C.ironboll Mrs. O. W Dunn. Mrs. W, J. T.-ultt. Mrs M. C. .Iiipm. rs. C C Harrn, Miss J. N. Roberts. Mrs. M B aruves, Mrs. F. P. Wild. vs. B. W. Holman. and Mrs. C. W. Robertson. DOMINATES MARKET ninioT BILLY SUNDAY MEET Fyr jr rBUT AVENV You AA!? )&wii-l. GET TOU ?' ,1 Local Bond Market. GOVERNMENT BOND8. Bid. Asked. U. S. Reg. 2's WH .... U. H. Coupon 2's m?i ... II. S. Reg. 3's 1024 102ft IJ. H. Coupon 3's 1024 Wl U. S. Reg. 4's 1104 ... I'. 8. coupon Vs 1114 ... D. C, 3.65's..... l. 1034 ... GAM BONDS. Geo. Gas Cert. Ind. 6's 1U24 .... Georgetown 'Gas 6's luzw ... Wash. Gas 6's., 1W) 1074 Ool. Gas ft Elec. Vs 78 Col. Gss & Elec. Deb. 6's W RAILROAD BONDS. Cap. Traction It, It. 6's 10fUi 107 Ann. Pot. Guar. 6's -. W4 ... Anucostla & Potomac 6'a , W4 ... City &. Suburban 6'a 1024; vn Metropolitan It,, It. 6's 104 ' ... wash ily. & Klec. 4'a w 814 MISCELLANOU8 BONDS. Potomao Klec. Cons. 6's mi 100',; Potomac Elec. Lt. 6's 1044 ... C. P. Telephone 6's 103 ... Amer. Tel. A Telga. 4's...... 95 Amer. Tel, & Telga. 44'a 1034 .. Uraplionliciiti 6'a 33 tr4 Wash. Market 6's. 1927 MM 1004 Wash. Market 6's, 1917 954 W04 W, M. Cold Storago 6's 9.14 1004 N. & W. Steamboat 6's 105 Rlggs Realty 6'a (long) J02 Rlggs Realty S's (short) 101 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Capital Traction (S Wash. Ry & Elec. com ,. 81 Wash. H & Klec. pfd 82 N. & W. Steamboat 165 Washington Gas 744 Amer. Tel. & Telga 1234 TYPE MACHINE STOCKB. USV, 4 iw Mergenthaler Linotype Ifi5 16S? mansion aionoiypo ,. u ym MINING STOCK. Greene-Cauanca 47 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank 1D24 10) Capital Nat. Bank 216 Columbia Nat. Rank 210 2M Commercial Nat. Bank 1I4 -10 District Nat Bank 137 Knr. A Merh. Nat. Ilnnk 240 Federal Nat. Bank 138 ... I Lincoln N-it. Bunk 1C0 Metropolitan Nat. Bank 19S4 ... Second Nat. Bank HI 155 Nat. Bank of Washington... 220 Hi TRUST COMPANY -STOCKS. Amer. Sec. A Trust 2fi0 265 Nnttonal Snv. A Trust 267 Union Trist . . l-". 134 Washington Loan & Trust.... 22i Continental Trust 120 120H SAVINGS BANK STOCKS Hume Savings 395 ... Rank. otCom. .- Pav 12 East Wash. Sav. nank 124 . Security Sav. A Com. Bank.. 1.13 FIRE INBl'RAVCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Insurance .... 4 94 Corcoran Flro Insurance 80 Flicmen's Flrf Insurance.. .: 14 ... Oer. Amer. Fire Ins 2(3 Nat Union Fire Ins 6 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Insurance... 44 Bi MISCELLANEOUS 8TOCK9. Chapln Sacks 175 ... I). V Pancr Mrg. Co 125 Oranhophonc com 110 120 itraphophone pfd 12) 1?0 Merch. Trans. A Storage 100 HO Security Storage ISO 210 Wnshlngton Market 184 . Today's Sales Washington Rallwnv 4's. $1,W018I. $1.000j7Sl, M.WXVfJSI. $1'0T1S1. Washington Rallw pfd., lOfiS'.'. 3tif . 2M182. 60KR2. 10T7M Norfolk nnd Washington Steamboat, -0 ?157. Mcreentbaler Linotype, 10ftl6G4, 10ff W4. IfliTlM. Continents Trust Companv. lWKO'l. After -all Washington Rallwnv 4a, Jl.naMiRi, 1 (VWtSI, $l.tVif?81. $1fl ''s' $1 (VWffSI $1.0001781. Washington Gas fi'n. JWIJW7 I instnn Monotvpe 2iH?7 2J7S'A tnn.v-. Klrrtrl" Pit'" r' " MY.tWl (.i. ni T,-.,ritnM , i''v;i; Man Killed. $1,000,000 Damage Done by Fire COPPER HU.L. Tenu.. March 2i- tt. J litutii 'UtimllH. ui .iiu i.i,'J.h' vn,iun. oh neu iij tnu 'li-linoaotv wuii lir Compuny. rtcio ut'stroyvu oy mo today. ..cbistant Superintendent Ucoige tm cm waa klhcu.ny tho cxuio3lou ;( a wit-jiucm tank. Goes Insane Brooding Over Germany's Losses DURHAM. N. C. March ."J.-Too much brooding over German louses be fore Verdun waa glvon ua tho cauao of the mcntul breakdown today of Robert 11. Cowan, assistant paymaster Uuiln,r tho Spanish-American war and a promi nent A'urth Carolina newspaper until. Cowan has been an indent Goimun 8mpathUer. Ho was committed to a btato limino asylum toduy. Real Estate Transfers. 3163 N street northwest Itertha C. Hchrlio ct Mr, Andrew to Margaret A. O'lrlon, part of King's Acre and part lot 1(1', square l.O. 110. Inglislile John C. Kemnils to Dan C. and Jesnncttfl -'. Vuuulinn, lot 41, block !, f!0 (stamps 17.50). Sixteenth nnd V streets and Neat llamiislilre avenuo northwest James O'Uonncll et ux. to John 11, Chain"), lot 4, squnra H, of IKS, 10 (stamps 330). John. lt. Cliuinv convoys samo proiieity to Harry Viinttnmi and Thomas Ilones, 110. Marriage Licenses. K.usene J, K. llunmnrl, I'hllmleliihla, t'a,, ami Miss I'ase Carter, CatonHvllle, l'a, John H. Jtahrer and May M. Windsor. William A. timlth. Tcmiileman Cross Koads, Vn., and Heymour N. Vlckers, ilonlroto, Va. William T. Mavoy, Mltclielhlllc. Mil., and Msud A. Jones, Townshend, Md. Chester A. Coleman, Markham, Vs., nnd K.niins I.. Iloblnson, Msrkhsm, Orsuvllle Johnson and KIU Hois Jacob II, Rulemsn, HlntOD. Va., anj llerlle U, Blose, lltrrlsonburg. Vs. r J MHHMIMiMaMHMMMMaHMMHiP1" fS !c X t I am .1 I ! Mr ' 'W " ' r T K i. ' y - . x IF " ' r '' '" i y j.- owrfgiik itis. rrw rwM crK.r. New York Stocks.' All transactions In stocks are on tht tails of dollars and tractions thersof., Quotations furnished by W, n. .illbhs A Co.. mmbr of Nw York Block F.iohangs, Itlbbs Dulldlnr. 1:U Vi. Ulih. Low, p.m. Close. Alaska O. M. Co z04 IDS W I 19i Allls Chal so J9H 4I DO Aim Agr. Chom. Co. 674 674 674 1 Am Bt Hug com to 704 ioi I 71 Am Can e:s em I 4 Atu C A F 7oh eU -0 C94 Am Coal Prod Co.... U tot 162 M634 Am Hide A Lea 104 104 J04I Am Ice Security jsh 284 2841 Am Linseed Co jjv; tJ4 I n Am Locomotive 70U 744 76il 76V Am Smelting 1014 101 lot 1 101V Am Bloel Foun sj st4 M4J 634 Am Hug A Rcf com. in 1104 JjIOtt Am Tclcg A Tol 30 IzBK l fi4 Am Woolen Co 514 814 6141 614 Anaconda hk 4 boh I 864 Atchison 1034 1034 1034 1 1034 Baldwin I.oco Workups 1014 ixM 1 1094 Baltimore Ac Ohio.... tsU 08H 8841 8tt Bethlehem Steel 490 tW 490 1605 B. F. Goodrich.... B. A 8. Cop. Co. Calif. Potrol Canadian Pacific. . 734 734 734 1 734 . 89 864 89 I 88H . tl 334 24 I 23 .167 166' 167 I K4 .55 65 14 I 554 Central Leather. Chesapeake A Ohio. 84H 644 6441 64 Chtno Con. Cop 54 Chi, & Great West.. 134 C...R. I. A P. Ry.... 17H Chi., Mil. A Bt. P... 05 Col. Fuel A Iron 464 Continental Can Co... 83 Corn Products 13 534 5341 31 134 1341 14 174 1741 164 944 BS I 914 454 4641 454 KJ 83 I 83 114 I 13 Crucible Steel Co.... 014 874 9141 90 Crucible S. Co. pfd. ...1154 1154 1154 1 1164 Distillers Sccurltcs, Krlc.... General Electric... . 484 474 4841 48 .374 374 37SI 374 .1684 I6S4 16)4 I 163 Ueneral Motors 475 473 473 434 45 I Uieat Northern Ore., is I 414 Guggcnhclmcr Expl. 104 .104 1041 .21 ' Inspiration Copper., ii ' ai 48 I 474 Inter. Harvester.... MOVi IIC4 1104 I IC94 Kan. City Southern.. 56 Ult 26 I 16 Lackawanna SK;cl...79W 784 79 I 794 Maxwell Motor Co...ei4 M4 63 I 634 Maxwell M Co. ptd.. tt 81 W I Mex. Potrol 1104 IW 1104 1 1094 Miami Copper 384 364 3641 384 National Biscuit com USH us 115 I 1154 Nat Enamel 154 15 1541 154 National Lead 87 67 87 I 674 Nevada Con. Copper ISH. 164 1341 154 N.Y.AIr Brake Co hi mw 143 I Ut N. Y. Central Norfolk A West.. .1054 105 103 I 105 ..1114 IH4 11141112 Northern Pacific lit 114 III I Pennsylvania R. R... 57. 564 374 I 564 Pittsburgh Coal Co.. 164 154 1641 154 Pres. S. Car., com. . 61 51 51 I 61 Rail Steel Spgs., com 40Va 40 4041 40U Ray Con. Copper.. Rep. Iron A Steel.. , 134 134 "4 1 34 . 61 614 5t I 514 Reading 864 Southern Pacific 93 MS 8641 854 084 9841 99 Stuilctmkcr Corp itl4 lit 144 1 1114 Tuiriesseo Copper.... 544 614 5441 54 Third Ave. R. R 614 81 6it. I 614 Union Pacific 1334 I33H 1S341334 United Clgur Stores.. 9H 9H 04 1 94 U. 8. Indus. Alcoh..l55 1614 IMVi 1 1544 U. S, Rubber, com.. 534 514 6141 61 U. S. Steel 814 81 8441 844 U. 8. Steel, pfd 1164 1164 116411164 Utah Copper 814 814 8141 814 Va.-Car. Chemical... 45 45 43 I 434 Wehtern Maryland... 30 194 4l 94 West. Union Tclcg. P94 894 84I ft4 Wftttlnghouse Elec. 664 654 6641 66 iil Overland Co.. HS4 KJ 123 ItlO Bonds. Anglo-Fr. Loan 5's.. 05 li p5 o5 I 95 Atthlson CVt. 4'S 103 103 103 I C, B. A Q. Joint 4's, 984 964 084 I 964 Inter. Mctro.4'4s 74 74 74 174 Northern Pac. 4's.... 934 934 9341 914 South. Pac cvt. 4's. f84 884 r8HI i South. Pac. 6's 1014 1044 10441 1014 .Southern Rwy. G's....l0t4 1014 1014 1 103 FINANCIAL CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS $2,000,000 Resources Over.. $15,000,000 The Caliber OF THE MEN managing your bank is an important point to consider, fl At this bank your interests will be in the hands' of men of broad experience and ma ture judgment. OFFICERS CHAnt.KB C. C1LOVEH Preslitunt M. 12. AI1.HU Vice President VM. J. FLAT II Ell.,.. V.I co President JOSHUA EVANS. Jr... Cashier llAUUY V. HAYNES..Asst. Cashier DinKCTORNl Charles C. (Hover, It. Holler nulany, Thomns Hyde. Wlllard II. Ilrownson James M. Johnston, Charles I. Corby, iWIIIIsm J. Klother, Sylvester W. ljibrot, John It. McLean, Ilohcrt C WIIMns, mi linn I., Aiies, josenn raui, l Kemp Duval, E, V. Murphy, 1.0UIS E. Jertrlcs. KlerllnK llutnn, Charles Carroll Glover, lr. The Riggs NATIONAL BAIK , PENN. AVE. OPP. U 8. THEASlinY By C. M. Payne of), rV. iVt 5oT NINE. 3tCON33 kfcFT.l ' 05iD; onb j ' yfs wif ? Ho ERRATIC ON N; Y. EXCHANGE TODAY Marine, Preferred, Leader in Early Trading on Market That Opened Low. NEW YORK. Starch .-The (-ek market opened with general fractional lessen today. United States Steel was down i at 844: American Locomotive lost tt: Bald-vii- 4: Westlnghouse 4. and Bethlsl.em' Hti-e! was down 6 points at 600. Marino preferred was the leader of tha early trading, selling up 14 and then holding firm Just under high. Crucible was erratic. Baldwin was quoted at 106 at noon, 1 above low for tho day. cmclble at 88 was 1 off the morning's high. Sales at noon totaled 270,000. Wholesale Produce Market. I EOOB-Nesrliy, fresh. 30c psr dos.: Southern, l&oaic pr dot. CIIKESE New Vork, mr, Ito wr lb.: nL UUTTKP. Elgin print, 40o per lb.; tutit 33 lr lb.; process. Mc pr lb LIVE IOUI.TnY-JIfn lt6174o pr lb.: Ihe turkeys. HflJSo ner lb.: rnrln. rhirb.n. J 30Kc per lb. hvb htuck vesi calves, best, ltVUUa Kr lb.: liesvy, 106104a per lb.; fat sh.ep. Mc per lb.; lambs. o per lb " KnEv, mien a co. VEGETABLES (Quotations furnished by Taylor Wade)-I'otatoet. Il. M per bbl.: onlont, 11.76 per bu., s:. per sack; c&bbace. 11.60 per bbl.; turnips. 13 per bbl. , FINANCIAL" E 3 IT PAYS US TO PAY YOU INTEREST on your deposit as liberally aa consistent with Uia safety of the moneys entrusted to our care. No competition will causa us to Jeopardise your Inter ests by promising more than, can be surely fulfilled. INTEREST ON CHECK ING ACCOUNTS. 2. INTEREST ON TIME EE POSITR. 3. Loans made on approved collateral at lowest current rates. The Washington Loan and Trust Co., Corner Ninth & F Sts. Capital and Sorplas, 92,100,000.00 Capital and rnrplna 26Q.60Q QNE dollar or a thousand it makes no difference in the character of our service. Wa give the Best in protec tion and facilities to all depositors. fl Same Rate of Interest paid on both large and small accounts. NationalSavingstid Trust Company Corner 15th and N. Y. Ave. FIFTIETH TEAR. The Safest Investments Art thoso that do not fluctuate durlnf dls turned conditions ot tho monsy or stock roar lists. First deed of trust notss (Orel mart !). wtll secured on real estat in tb Jlstrlet of Columbia, constitute "gtlt-edsy tnestmants. Tlity t'n not deptnd upon tha nnanclsl rssponslMllty of Individuals or cor porations for their stability, and ara xtmst Iwn taxation as personal property. We cab supply such Investments In sroousts front ISM upward. 8end for booklet "Concerning losns nnd Investments." bWARTZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., tn utii BtnEET n. vr. h N.L Carpenter & Co. Main Office, 17 Wllllnm Street, N. V. MEMBERS New York Stock New York Ceffis Exchsnae. Kxchtnre. New York Cotton Chlcsso Board ot Exchanse. Trad. New Orlesns Cotton New York Produce Hxchantr. Rxchinra. Prlvats Wlr With All Principal Cltlti, HERBERT H. BROWN. MANAGE".. Woodward BaDdlaa-. 10th and K Sts, N. m n A j Jt ititftek- "tt. Jl7i.v jtiliSjdij;