Newspaper Page Text
"T, .91 r 'V "TFTWPf! ".1fWng,''!PV? jPTlWWifW-' fc"W "i '-": "t THE WASHINGTON TIMES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, lOlfc' 18 N W IICT BILL LIKELY TO FAIL Opposition to Measure Express- ed i:y Montgomery Coun- tlansat frnapolis Hearnig. MonlirotTiory cntintv will 1m elimi nated fro'n the or.erfillon of the bill beforn he leglnlaturc to create a KftnltaVy district In adjacent portions or Maryland In the tvent the! th till panics In nny form, which In eo'mewhat doubtful. Opposition i' the ireneure nnn rrcssi.'d -it n heai'lnir yestcnlnv after noon before tha Joint ilrilctrntltms of Montgomery and Prince Qcorie coun ties! Iri Annapollc Tho only munl clpillty With n water system vhlcli favoroil Ihe bill was HyatMvllle. Takoma I'nrk Is oaposcd to any legislation otln-r than tha rrentlon of tho Joint Federal and .St:itc sani tary commission which has been sug gested by Tho Times. A resolution of the niavor and council to this ef fect Wai filed .villi tho Joint delega tions yestordny. Kensington does not request tho legislation, 'but Insists tint If any is attomptcd uffcctlns; Montgomery county, tlu'Pi'ndlnu hill be so amend-' cil as to maUn It merely preliminary looking to th creation cf tho Joint 'commission. Mt. Italnfcr, If the nunswrc U pass ed. Insists that It hn eliminated fiont the operation of the out. From authoritative sources at An nnpellc It was learned that the Mont gomery county delegation, In view of op position, will recommend the exemption of that county, In view of the press of business lie fore the legislature, which must bo disposed of before the session expires on AprH 3, Including the flghtm; over lialtlmoro annexation. It Is possible that no action on the measure will be taken. It has not yet been Introduced In tho senate. Kcnator Eugene Jones, of Montgomery county, will not agree to any legisla tion which Is opposed by residents of that county. The municipalities affected believe that some method must be employed to harmonize the Interests Involved and to enlls the support necessary to Insure success under nny plan requiring ap proval of the taxpayers. Municipalities without existing water and scwerago systems, both In Mont gomery and Prince Hcorgo. counties, are viewing tho situation with an open mind. Last Philadelphia Concert Given Here Sway of Leopold Stokowski Mani fest Through Prograrr. of Great Beauty. Tho swty of Leopold Stokowski, through his Imaginative and broadly rhythmic conccntion. of the music ho Interprets. was -traln minlfest throUKhout a: program of great beauty plvtn In masterly fashion by the Philadelphia Oichestra In Its lasL concert of the season ut the National Thcuttir OHtoiduv afternoon. A Uiire and vnthuslustlc nudlencu lesponded with equal marks of ap preciation to the orchestra, and to the nobly dramatic and finished ait of l.'inlllo de GoK-uza, baritone. th f-ololst of the nflo'noQn. who was heard In two opera atlas with orches tra. Varied and full of charm was this tinul orchestral conceit of the sea son There Is not a moment In the conducting- of Leopold -Stokowski when ho docs not offer grace, beauty a deep emotional content, or a sweep ing: rhythm that holds one captive. The design Is always ltal, allno and full of meaning there nru nc waste places. ie uses his oichestin, too, an a many-colored Instrument from which he paints his tone pictures with a lavish biush, yet also li U controlling more and more the In finite details that go to make up .a mature and peifected art. The symphony was the Cesar Franck In 'D minor. It Ih full of beauties, of many lyric melodies and pastoral epl sadep, all delineated with orchestral varloty and a wealth of shading. It was built broadly, too. dynamically with sensuous, grace. The "allegret to" was given with exquisite llnenss, an Interplay of themes presenting a vivid picture with the light rhythm of tho strings, whlje the wind choir dives an eastern chant. Characteris tic was the last movement with Its xyncopatlop. Its accent and Its rhytnm. Hut rarest of all wn Its delicacy and beauty In the flnal recapitulation, such subtlety Was employed In tho shadlpc off of phrases. Mr, de Oogorza displayed a voire that Was resplendent and yet full of the nnesse of true art, with dra matic rtyle of the best and yet a lyric beauty In hlr. tone that put an added charm into the lovely arioso from Massenet'i "I.c Hoi do Lahore." The "niana lmplt,oyable." from Gluck "Itthlgcnlo en Aullde." with Its dra matic recitative given with keen un derstanding, 'held also both pathos and tenderness In the telling of its story. The accompaniments bv or chestra were handled with admirable discretion and feeling. Debussy, tha Impressionist, and De bussy, the realist, both found expres sion In his two orchestral "Noc turnes." "Clouds" wore symbolized by a web of lovely, flowing harmony Indeterminate sounds scarcely heard In nature except by those who pause alone In the open and listen. Arid through this murmur of naturo camo of pastoral peoples, all given in exuuisiio anu qeicato tone paint ing. Tho "Fetes" was a .picturesque festival, executed with much diversity, subtlety, and realism. Poise and soaring heights combined In tho "Vorsplel and Llcbestod," from "Tristan ana Isolde." There was a serenity and beauty In much of thlK love drama, while the Impassioned climax was given with a masterfully handled crescendo. It was a splendid close to a rich orchestral season. J. MacH. Urges Opening of p. C. bchool Houses Sundays The members of Woman's Heller Corp. No. 0, G. A. It., have Indorsed the community forum bill at n meeting at G. A. It. ,Ual last night and directed their representatives to uso every ef fort to obtain tho passage of the Mollis Johnson bill, M.L f.m. 1 f!lln.lln rstllftlif tllA mmm f ii matle'i to the attention of the members ' In an nildrAna In ...litilv ahn llifrnrl Mia necessity of working for the use of tho school buildings by the people. Mis. U A. Williams declared the time when the school buildings should be open for tho use of tho people should be decided by the citizens, and that pro vision should bo made for the pay of the Janitors and a sccietnry for the forum. Mrs, Harsh Kaufman, Mrs. Minnie. Fisher, and Mrs. Mary V, Fauth also made addresses'. The motion to approve the forum was econded by Mrs.-bally P. rerren, and was unanimously adopted. Federal Employes Thank. The Times Others Who Aided Defeat of Bor , land Measure Arc Included in Resolution. Tho e'forts of Tho Wwihlntrlon Time In urging th defeat of tho JJarland plan t., Incteasc tho vvorklns hours of Government clerln. Is tho subject of resolutions of ihnnhs Is hued by the Kcdrinl ICihJiloyes 1'nlon No. 15007. A. F. of I.. In forwarding the resolution. II, XI. Miji.nren, temporary president of! mr organization, writes: "wo dvt-lrc bv this resolution to show our appreciation lor your aid In securing the defeat cf tho "Borland ilder," and Its. cticccnpoi s. Wo hope to receive the continued irooil will i'1'd suiiDort of vour tinner In our ef forts toward tho betterment of the condition of tho wolklns: people of Washington and of the Government iicrvlc.) ,t.enerallv." itsoliitlons alpo were directed to the Amorlcan KVdcrnllon of Jvbnr Ihe Central Lsbor Union, the Htm o;rraphnr$, Dookl.eepers, and Assist mils' Association of Washington, the Itiitnll Merchants' Association, Uoar.l of Trnilc. other newHpupcrd and all orKanizutlohs and tudlvldualH who (Nprescd thcmitnlvcN opposed to tlu llorlan.l 'cglslatlon. Officers Elected ByCc armen's Union? George A. Wilburt Ghosen Presi dent, and A. P. Sweeney, Vice President. Gcorgo A. AVIlburt. nn cmpiovo'of the Warnlngton Hallway and "Blrc trlc Company, was elected 'president of DlvlJlon No. (.89 Amalgamated As toclatton of Street and Kleclric Hall way lunployes by members of the newly ortranlted street car men yes terday. Wilburt defented his oppo nent. Frank Howes bv ?00 vnin Other officer were chosen as fol-J . .. ii' .' nwoency, vice president; J- J; Cookman. recording' secretary, .' M-J '-alderhead. financial secretary; A. T. Marlow. treasurer: M. .1. ftlley. wnrdciu II. H, Green, sentinel; L. P. Morris, conductor. Kxecutlvo board, Washington I'.cllway" nn Klcctrlc Company, iJeorro Steven. Allen H. Clnmpltt, A. 8. Curtcr. M. W. Amldon. A. C. Daniels. A. H. Buttle. Kd Bos well, and G. Mackboy: Capital Trac tion Company, P. K. Pradley. II It. Ainet. W. H. Waldron, H. McLearean. end H. DaMs. The of. lens will assume their of fices In April. Marshall Makes New Chess Record Plays 105 Games Simultaneous Winning 82, Drawing 15, and Losing 8. More than a hundred of the Canltnl' best chess placrs gathered at the National Press Club last night and par ticipated In the greatest simultaneous chess match evci staged, when Frank J. .Marshall, American champion, played la games. Kvery chess organization In Wash ington nns represented, besides scores of other individuals who accepted the lnltallon of the Press Club to try their skill against the great master. Mr. Marshall won eighty-two, drew flt tcen and lost eight. Ills score was considered remarkable. The big assembly room of the Press I'lui) was packed with cbess players. The play started early In the evening, and at i o'clock this morning some of the games were still In progress. Tjvn world s records were broken by Mr. "Marshall last night, one for the. laigest slirultaneous match ever played and the other for the percentage or games non. Tho former world's record was made In 1911 by II. Falirnl, a tier man, at Munich, who played one hun dred simultaneous games, won nrty llve, drew thirty-nine, and lost six. JOSEPH RICHARDSON DEAD AT HIS HOME President of Contracting Firm Suc cumbs After Two Months Joseph Itlchaidhou, president of :tlh- ardson and Pursers, Inc., contractors died at 9 o'clock last night at his home at nlchbiirn. about thrco miles south of Alexandria, on TeleKiaph road. Mr. Itlchardson hod been 111 for two months, m vlng icturned to his homo v month ago from Texas, where he made a trip for his health. Up won lifty-nliie yea's old, ami was horn In Canada. He came to WashlnR ton from Ke York P.v its vcan ai. nnd had been in business In the Capital since tint time. His firm undertook tnunj larKC contractom all over tho United Stntr. He U survived by his wife, Isabella J), rtlchardson. four sons. Joseph H.. of Houston, Texas; Wesley, of New York city, and Parker and Charles, of Fairfax county, and five dauMiteu. Mrs. Chniles Kengla, of Washington; nnd the Misses Helen, Dorothy, Kdlth, mil Virginia Iilchanlsoii. !! whs a member of a nu nber of Masonic oodles heir. The funeral vlll be held from his late liotnu nt 2 oVlock tomorrow ufirinoon. Interment will be In Ivy Hill Ccmolcn, I xandila Mr. Itlchardson was a member of Pen Inlpha l.od'0. No. Zt. V. A. A. M.. and IJc 'Molay Mounted Commandoiy, Knlehts Templar. Tho funoral. which will he private, vlll take placo nt 2 o'clock tomonow afternoon, and butlal will be made in Ivy Hill Cemetery, near Theological Kcmlnnry, Alexandria county. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE "SAFETY FIRST." AM OLUTELf FIREPROOF STORAGE. UNITED BTATES STORAGE CO. Rooms, 12.00 and up. Moving, Packln w": Phone Msin j. ir.4io imn s. n, BOO Storntre Itoensi 1.00 per mo. up, MOVING, PACKING hy Experts. Low Ilate. UNION STOIlAOr. COn 414 fid at. Mnln 4.T74. MaVsVOMCKMC U.Jkrasiee. vrxsvK T5Z CLEAN, dry storage for turnlture and pianos. Estimates cheerfully given. WEBCULER'S. M Pa. ve. N. W I'rsne Mato 1333. Frre taoTlnir for xtor alec. K. 334.1 or N. SOU. SMITH'S TIIANSFUII a s'i'oiiAfiis c:Om nu . Mulit Pb. N. 6SU2. MriVIlVn padded vans JVlVJVllNO furnished. Phone M. 2010-artl. KREIG'S EXPRESS, 1221 II Street N. W. STORAGE. PACK1NO. AND BKIPPINO. FIREPROOF STORAGE lie Feparat Locked Rooms. 11.00 Month TIb KcrcbaBts' Tramfer aad Stwage Co. Main 0900. 020-022 E St. N. W. .Aser !f. I VCSes sjJp 1a EDUCATIONAL r g . j All I ATI I A 5) 111 JL WW s(Il IVCW It ! How to jRemember With Accu racy and Certainty. r" n I r Free Public Demonstration of practical application to every-day reoulrernents will be given at the Y. 'M. C. A., 1738 G Btreet, N. W., by Mr. II. J. Sutton, Instructor of the Berot Method of Memory Training, on TIIUItHDAV. MAHCH 33d. at 8 P M. It Is Just as easy to remember as It Is to forget, Come and find out how. Artoriioon ana. evening clashes to be formed. Ladles Invited. Beats reserved on request. Commercial Spanish 7j?f',ny.. , 110 Tt. n. Trust ntd., Jllh and it N. W. Mrs. B. II. flinVENT, Director. M. 4IT. Mr. LUIS ntVERA, Itutructor. Singing, Elocution Mil. KMILV FnEClI lUnKBS. Ill 11th 4t. N. E. I'hon tine. 17. Tuidyi ani Fridays, tin lllh it. N. W. LOST AND FOUND CI.USTKIl ni.VO of 7 illtmonils! between home ami (1. P. O. Liberal lewsrd, 1 1st t N. W. . ' GOLD MBSH 11AO conUlnln Jll and key: between Avondsle Apt.. 1731 I it. and lilh and Conn. ie., March 20. at 6:30 p. in. Liberal reward offered. Call 1711 P street northwest. Apart. M. Ol'Knt OLBSEB; pearl and,cllt.. Keith's Theater, Saturday afternoon, or between Keith's and N. Y. ave. iteirard, plion Cleveland 9M. P POCKETDOOK-nisck leather, containing a J 10 bill and some small chance: Important papers. Iteward for return, 200 A si. H, K. l riN Diamond bar. March 11, between 1K0 Illltmore St. and nock Creek Park. IJberat reward offered. Call ISM Illltmore si. .V. W. 1 MUFP-Dlark fox. Iteward. 303 Newark at., Cleveland Park- Phone Clev. Ml. HELP WANTED-MALE DAKEn-Flrtt -class. 7M Mlchlsan ave. N. R. BICYCLE nEPAtn MAN-Whltei must ! a flrst-cluM mechanic. Apply to IIOX lis. Times office. UAR rortTKR- Apply 100 O st. N. W. HOY Young colored, to run trranris. Apply 1IREWOOD. tl 13th St. N. W. ROY Colored, peat appearance, to "work In store: bring reference. 1333 F at. N. W. 1 SOY to carry out orders. N. W. Apply 1113 Uth st. CASHIER on National rash register for ho tel, today. Apply DICK'S HOTEL AOENCY. 12th and Pa. ave. N. V. ERRAND BOY WITH BICYCLE. Must be neat, quirk and willing lo ttork. Good chance for advancement. Apply 6J Munsey Ilulldlug. JOB PRESS FEEDER at once. CHARLES H. POTTER CO.. 411 lllh St. N. W. LAUNDRY MARKER and assorler ror ho. tel out of city today. DICK'S HOTKL AOENCY. KIM and Pa. ae. N. W. TYPEWMTER-Biperlenced. Apply at once, OEO. T. 1IILTEN, IIS John Miirshall place. HELP WANTED FEMALE APPRENTICES to learn French drcsscut ting, dressmaking, designing, and millin ery; good positions furnished after- learning. NEW YORK MILLINERY ACADEMY. 111S a at. i DATH ROOM OiniJ-Whlte. LEIOll HOTEL at once. Apply" HA- COAT AND BK1RT HANDS Thoroughly ex perienced, with store experience; permanent position: good salary. Apply at once. M. I'lllLU'HllORN CO., 110 lllh Ft N. v. FIMBHERS Kxierlenced on trousers.' Ap ply CHARLES PEAKE, 307 Rh St. N. ., Room 12. GIRL-Colored, for general housework; no washing: references required. 1W0 (1 N. W. HOTEL LINEN ROOM WOMAN, month and maids 323 per month. KO per MILLINERY APPRENTICE. Apoly Mil llnery Dept.. 2nd floor. OOLDENIIEIUTS. 1 HEWERS Thoroughly experienced on wo men s coats and skirts. Apply before 10:30 a in. Jl'LIUfl GARFINKLI .K ci CO. WAIST AND SKJRT HANDS-Experlenced. Hon 19th et. N. W. HELP WANTED Male and Female. COI.ORED FARMER and wife for country; must be honest, sober and Industrious. Room COT. 3IC 14th St. N. W. 1 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished. IDEAL APART, CO.. 1J0J Pa, ave. Two large rooms, completely furnished; sink, hot water, gss range, bath, janitor; one flight: 120 month. M. 7177. 1 6th ST. N. W 412-Furnlahed well rooms: suitable for two. 32wek. heated PA. AVE. N. W.. l.-01-Opp. Ralelsh. warm, sunnv. hot water always; no'nr fnre;rates. 4tli ST. N. W.. 401-fc'econd-floor, two front rooms, facing park; also single baik rooms, all cwnplete for I. h. I:. ! O ST.. 1115 (corner 12th) Nice front room; running water, gaa, bath, and heat; second floor. 1 PARK ROAD N. W Ills Two rooms, slngis or communicating, with bath, on third floor, phone; private family; gentlemen pre- ferrcd. L ST. N. W 1315 Single and double. 1st anil td floor rooms; phone. 1 Unfurnished. EAST CAPITOL, I-Four housekeeping rooms, second floor, 313. 3 rooms ;rd Poor, porch, sink, heat, gas. 318. , Sth ST. S. E 211-Two large unfurnished rooms, heated: gas and bath, very desir able: adults O ST. S. W., 459 Three lariie rooms, IMrd floor: h. g. h.: 212 ROOMS AND BOARD 8th ST. N. W.. 1108-lJirge nlculy furnished room, excellent board, home cooking; rea sons ble; P MASS. AVE. N. W.. 1212-I'lrt.clars table hnnrd anl rconis: rates moderate; by dsy, week, or month. Phone N. 3431. TABLE BOARD SPECIAL LUNCH-7S1 12th St. JJ. V 'Southern cooking, nlco homu made ueetert, hot bread, cake and waffles. 6 tickets Hi ex cellent table board. 33.50 per week; quick aer vice. AUTOMOBILES For Hire. FOR HIRE Phone North (7S0, night or day. Ford car. reasonable. MAIN 7151 Day or Night. One mile. 60c: each additional mile. 25c Automobile Repairing?. CENTRAL CARRIAGE. WAGON, AND AUTO WORKS 8. M. LOTD. Manager. Truck and Automobile Oodlea to Order. REAR OF 413 TO 431 EYL) STREET N. W. MAIN 3145. Falntlna and Lettering- a Specialty, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1 HORSES AND VEHICLES TWO sorrel mares, three cheap horses, and two buggies suitable for country, 4M 3th at. N. W LIVERY bTARLE FOR 8ALK-Conlitlng pf ten horses and vehicles, ten boarding horses f very tow rent; good going Luslneti; will sell all or part: good reason for telling. Address BOX lit. Timet oOtca. BULLETIN OF AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES uctaiiea lniormntion conccrnlnjr the following opportunities may bo """"d frco of chnvjrc upon application to BUREAU OP INFOTlMATION. UNlTPn rtatos nKPATlTMENT - --. - jW - OP LABOR. 801 ln1C.Y TJ? AUnnEVIATlONS USEfit BLAWKroe board, lodging and wajli ',"; J M rr month. PV Per week. PD Per day. PH Per hour. BAt-- FtCLtK. . .""" 'oBing. nutsn-uniurmaneu house, garden, luei ana mi ?a Tr. Adv.-transPortation may i . iU!ie, omerwisa stated, It will be understood that all opportunities are 01 a perrnanont naturo, and the help Is desired as soon as possible. AKM LABORER APPLICATIONS Maryland. 7JrI. ?c" Co' . ne '"' wan for icen erai 0rk ou arsln and dairy farm. Any fun, J M!,,' . Ex''' " ru wlmer, ll TM summer. IILW. Summer wages March IS ..F,nibr 15. 2r?i'.'m "'"mora Co. Two married mea kb lMrmr ror truck farm work. Any ii.'hii" fii Enlldrea permllta.1. Tr. adv. IliM S!f7r.n" "aK Wrk 'r Vli-stnla. 2r-,,.'i'rr.n Co n married man. mid. aiw' !Lp.r.,,"red' cr "" rden. !.'"ml!a,ol,n engine for pumplnr. els. Any KB. n0 objection to 1 child. rtnMTr'.,5dX'..,rom Washington and ae Sutfri' SS.FU' 9ui-rs and board fur in me JXlfe ,u eooklng and laundry at !?.!' Wanted April 1. irli!w 0T,.0,k Co. One married and one .nl..n?n. ,or milking and assisting with f.Jli?1 '.7;,ri,Z?rk'- Wnl, American pre- f--"'. Norfolk Co. One married man for """l rm worK. American, while. Other KJ!t . KxP' . N objection to two w three children. No Tr. tii PM winter, HO PM BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WOtlKINOMEN It's up to you to Inventl gain our say so. It we can save you a bunch of cash what'a to prevent you from buying here? And we sure do try to sell new pants to save "mon." See what M to 13 will buy, and tell the boys; one price. Jl'BTU'H OLD STAND. 1 D. 1 Floor OU. SPECIAL PRICES of tt.23 for 5 gallons of floor oil. PLAZA AUTO SUPPLY CO., 401 403 Mass. ate. N. W. Thona M. 1777. Painting. PAINTER, paperhanger, plasterer, kalsomlner wants work Rooms papered, II; painted K.7S. P. OOLDHI.ATT. 1KJ Pa. ave. nw; phone Main K13AV, 1 Mattresses and Box Springs. srECIAI-Halr and felt mattresses made over and renovated: all sites, fl only. BAOI.E IIEDDINO CO.. 130 Tth St. N. W. p-i N. 30. House Repairing. DROWN & CO.. 4T II N. W. M. 3MJ. Will do your painting, paperhanglng, general re salrlng; first-class: reasonable. 1 Insect Destroyers. THE IT. B. INSECT DESTROYING CO. Guarantees lo kill any bug or Insect. it 10th st. N. W. Phone Main Xl. Paints. P-UFFALO A. L. O. PAINTS. Sold hv OEO. A. EMMONS. 31 M lit. Pleasant sU N. W. CRAVEN &CO.,0.rinn5 mater- paints, oils and glass. 1MT Fa ave. nw, Main Kll. 1 Upholstering. C5 nn Piece In tapestry. Have your ep.UU turnlture reupholstered where you get a guaranteed jod. iiai.hmuiiiu ur. HOL8TKR1NU CO.. Ml II at. N. g. Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS THORO AND CAREFJLLY cleaned: rugs woven from old carpets, mat. tresses renovated. Estlmsles turn, ALBERT KAHLERT CO.. 333 D St. B W. M. 3PI, Masquerade Costumes. Masquerade Costumers. B. C. M. nURTON SON. 911 K N. XT. MultiKraphlnjf. Hungerford Letter Co. 25!o. 201 Heal Estate Trust Dldg.. lllh A II. PERSONALS MISS WELLS 4. 931 G st. N. W., Manicuring and Scalp Treatment Hears ) I Apart. 2. third floor. PROF. H. N. D. PARKER Hours. 1ft a. m. to S p. m.; Sunday. 3 to (. OFFICE. 710-713 ItOND BUILDING. VIRGINIA K. HOLT, Ite Assistant to Prof. Parker. Hours. 1 lo S, and by appointment. Office and Residence. 1413 N St. N. W. MISS JAMERON, manicurist and chiropody; hours, 10 a. m. to p. m. 1212 New York ave. N. W second floor. AMY ELLIS TInvliiTM,ESCAU, 713 Uth St. N. W. Phone M. 7311. MRS. ORA L. FIELD i0?jcAND Treatment; face and scalp. Her lor a short time only. 3lt 11 st. N. W.. 2nd floor. MASSAGE Mechanotherapy, Osteonathr. Scientific Swedish treatments at residences by appointment. Dally from 10 a. in. lo I p. m. Bunday until 3 p m. 314 Kenola hide. LOUISE MAIERKSrasa., chiropody, halrdreaslng all branches taught. Open Bun. 8M ICenols Dldg.. Uth It O. M.4434 MICC RARFR MANICURING. JIUOO DtDCl 8HAMPOOINO. SCALP Treatment. 09 O at., opn II. H. Pension Off. MARILDA WJLLtAMS. Manicuring, hair dressing, scalp treatment: 10 to 7. Anart. 21. The Caroline. 703 lllh at. N. W. XL f40. MT MAY?81" na """P Treat iVWOO IVl I O ments; ihlropody. 43 to 415 ICenols Rldg. Hour 10 to V JOHN H. ARNOLD, Upholstering and Cabinet Work. 04vN N. W. MI9 PAIN Manicuring and Scalp Treat mi SO -U IN wrM. 1U 1th It. N. vv. Apart. 1. Phone Main 7425. ' DRESSMAKING. R. L. LAWSDN. 1332 Columbia t. DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 Seventeenth Street Oveh 30 Years' sucpesstui rrsctii. in t' UVCrouiCglS Curi of Ctronlc Nervou and special Diseases of Men ar.d Women. Means Healtrhto You If You Suffer Irom Catarrh, Obesity. Rheumatism. Constl- Ballon, Piles, Throat. Lungs. Oram. Heart, lood and Skin Dlsesses. Nervous Dtblllly, Kldnsy Diseases, Uladder Troubles. Specific Wood Poisoning, Eruption. Ulcers jid All Private Diseases Cured vfor Life by Safe Method. 103. 3cterla vaccine and all Ih new se rums and anti-toxins administered. Charges Low. Medicine Furnished CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room For Ladies. Office Hours. 10 to 1. 3 to 1 Sunday. 10 to 13. MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN Real Estate Loans No Commissions Easy Monthly Payments no unnecessary delaya or extra charges on District Ileal Estate. Assets Over $2,600,000. Over 1120,000 in, profits for past year paid In cash to members, Including; bor rowing members. Washington Six Per Cent I Permanent Bldg. Assn. nm v at. s. iiv 4-l"ll"I-M"l'4-l-H-t"l"l-H"I"l"I-4 MONEY TO U)AN on real -state; lowest rates: prior payment privileges; large amount TYLER ItUTIIlInPtlHU. H7 Kit. MONEY TO LOAN-I2M to 3M0.0U0 on I). C. real estate, oevsrai irusi ;unus. 44 10 ntr cent. All transactions vonduct sa with economical consideration for borrowers. 11 a Aiitic.fia- . . outhsra BuUdlns. 37 uth sL N. W. MILLS miiT.hiNr:. iwwr aj Ms summer, 110 AF, Bummtr wages April 1 to September 30. , , 70-i7lj Gloucester Co. One married mar. for general farm work and U foreman if competent, Any while EBexcept IlallJ. 3-5 cows. Exn. Children lermlttJ. Tr. adv., and deducted. S2S PU. JIOFl. TRADES. Maryland. 371-llM-ll. tlalllmora Co. WanteJt ma chinists, round house work; IS machinists for -erecting: shop work: 30 machinists ror back shop work. Car repairers, and car builders. Machinists, JJc-rw Pill car re pilfers and car builders, piecework. Tr. adv. 10, hours I'D, on Saturday. DOMESTICS. District of Columbia. SI7-33M. Washington, D, C. One colored woman for rooking, helping to clean Fri days. Not less than til I'M and home. MISCELLANEOUS. District of Columbia. tSM. Washington. D. C. One stenographer, must be accurals, speedy and well educated. One experienced In patent work preferred. Opportunity for adrancment. S33 TM te start. FOR RENT-HOUSES Unfurnished. (ROOM AND nATIt HOUSE; good tepalr; uT".iii simiiiufHii wnarves; rent,; IM .Water at. aw.; key at 1K. II. V. HAUL CO.. Ml N. Y. ave. nw. Main 171. FOR RENT-SIX.ROOM IiniCIC HOUSE: large rear yard; haa just been papered and put In thorough repair; rent, No. Ki Morion t. nw. Kev In Ut. H. F. SAUICO.. 34 N. Y. ale. n Main 271. 113 4th BT. N. W. Blx-room house, 317; six room house. 311.60. ie 313 3rd St. N. W. Rrlck house, five rooms Key 114 3rd st. N. W. and yard. tUl orJn,r P' room and bath t30.H 5S? Hit.BwA?omV!,(J ?"' 1447 7U a.. 7 room and bath. t7.ll Heat and hot water Included In the abor. Str. 2103 14th L nw., with living quar. CM Apply A. R. Willis, ih Portlier. l!lK A U nw. RENTING A SPECIALTY f'r. Prospective Renter; Look over t'y big For Rent List before you decide on your next house. It it is not on my list give me a de scription of the property and what aectlon you want It In I will art It for you. HARRY E. GLADMAN, M"e. 311. 303 Pa. ave. fl. E. APARTMENT TO LET Unfurnlched. APAI1TMENT. 4 room and hath, hot-water heal, all plumbing, clean and fresh. In Alexanrdla. one block to cars for Wasnlng. l?nvFnt KM- BLAYMAKElTS CORP.. 312 Kins; st.. Alex.. Va. i APT. 7. RERKSIIIRE. 1412 m.nx ST. . V'T4. r?.- b,h' reception hall, gaa and electric lights; phone, awnlnx. screens. elevator, etc.; 333 prr month. 1 314S MT. PLEASANT ST.. APT. 3-Cers pass door: 2nd floor t-room npt.;large iicrch: all outside rooms: southern exposure: sulMet from April 1st until Oct, 1st for fS5. Col. 1K 1 CHEAP FIAT. N. E. S large rooms and hath, good repair; rent til M. No. 12174 Mors t. N. E. R. F. PAUL CO.. 931 N. T. ave. N. W.. Main 271. Furnished ARTISTICALLY furnished two rooms; iirl. -vale bath; reception hall: sleeptns; porch, kitchenette; suitable for M. C; referenda. 30SC st. N. W. i. FCUR ROOMS, bath and porch; newly pa pered and furnished: electric lights; tele phone; near both car lines Apt. L Owasco Annex. Phnn North 1223-W. 737 11th at. N. W. Two front rooms and bath, or for business. Wasted. WANTED VACANT PROPERTIES AND , APARTMENTS TO RENT. W cannot supply the demand for good pr- etty. us list your now, NO CHARGE. PATJL V. MITCHELL COMPANT. 1413 Q it. N. W. J FOR RENTSTORES FOR RENT-714 H st. N. a. a bl bargain, store and f rooma and bath flat! electric lights and modern show window; only a few floors from th and II sts.. crossing car Sbn't miss It: only 350. IT T lirvtvr'K.o..,v. . 7lh and It sts. N. E'."or 1314 F st'. N. W. GOOD RUSINEBS IX)CATION. Rent recently reduced to 320.50. In good repair. Just the place for a Chinese laundry or merchandise store. 304 Pa. ave. N. W R F. SAUL CO.. 334 N. Y. ave. N. W. M.271 FOR SALE HOUSES PREPAREDNESS. A man on even moderate salary can RUT A HOME wltb money be 1 now paying out In rent. INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST Hardship If simply tb exercise of good Judgment and foresight. See this beautiful lz-rom, colonial design. Convenlsnt to 3 -ar lines, all government de. sartmnt. publlo school, chbrche and autre. PltlCU ONLY 33.1S0. Email cash payment, be lane like rent. House, No. 1429 C St. N. E., Open TaliS. IJth D rr to 13th and c sta. ne. Walk 1 square fast, or E. Capitol car to llth St.. walk 3 square i-orth. U LOOK THESE OVER I uefore nun NO. COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL On and'On-blf Square From UNCOLN PARK, 0n.,U '.u ' E'J bu NerUl Carolina a and C St. Oo at th moat beautiful iKt tlon la th city. I rooms, tils bam. Urm Ut, eorct). All ndero Improiemacial Only 1100 cash snd balance like rent. S21.50 Mr auoth. Including Interest and prlnclsu. PRICE, $2,250. Open dallr and Sunday until n. nv. SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. FOR SALE-Small bakery and house chiap; good location. Apply Mr. SCHMIDT, Cist St.. Capitol Heights. Md i SUUURUAN HOME. Only one car fare; with stable and 17.000 feet of land. Now vacant. Mouse 8 rooms and lath and cellar. Price M.0U0. TYrms, 3300 cash, and entire balance (33 per month, principal and Interest, James Morris Woodward. 733 Wth st. N. W. HOW TO PB TOUR OWN LANDLORD on 3100 cash and 313 month, at CHEVY CHASE. For full particular drat postal, telephone, or call on WM. IL RITCHIE, 418.413 Colo. bldr. Tel. M. 1043. For Sale or For Rent. NEW six-room bungalow; porches, cellar, electric lights; block from cars, 11, M, RUITH, Phono Rosslyn I9-T, Arlington, Va. 1 FOR SALE FARMS TWO MORE GOOD ONES 38 arres on 11. V & P. V., this side of Quantlco; Ixarlng fruit, small house with bldgs., stream; 11,?00 cash; 4a. garden land, woven vvtro fenced, 100 bearing fruit trees, stream, well, spring; near Palls Church. Va., 11,600, Hve me for a farm or suburban home, .1, JEROME UOHTKOOT. 1401 11 si. N. W. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANOE-Slx.reom brick rl , E., clear, and 15.000 iln atotk for eight or ten room bouie In N. W. BOX 157, Times offK. 0EATHS DUNNINOTON-Suddenly March 31. WW. at I I. m HAItltlCITIS 1IUWIHU.X. Jsollce of funeral hereafter. I' CLKARY Suddenly, on Monday, March 30, "".." ' '" 'i-iiaiiu, Deiovea son of Alice and James Cleary, You" suffered much, you murmured notl We watched you day by .lay. Until at last, with broken hearts. We saw you pass away, .. i . . ., Mother and Father. Funeral from Ms residence, M 1) street southeast, Thursday morning ut 1:30, thmce 16 St, Peter's Church, where hlaii mass wU be sajd for repose of his noiii.. Rela tives and friends respectfully Invited to atteira. Interment at Mount Olivet Cem etery. aARNEn-Buddenty, on Tuesday, March II, W, THOMAS A. OARNER, belated hus band of Clara II. Garner, In the jlxty-nfth year, of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Z713 Ontario road, on Friday, March H, at I P. m, Q'CONNOIt-On March 20, at 10:15 p. m. at !l'..J'l,!nce' Ma Bherman nvo CATH ERINE M Ihe beloveI daughter of Agnes V. O'Connor (nee Tobln), nnd the lata Timothy K. OX'onnor. Notice of funeral hereafter, . 1 PLUMMER-On Tuesday, March JJ, 11. at 313 T street northwest. LOUISA ll wife of Nathan Plummer, aged seventy-three. Notice of funeral later. (Ralllmore, Md papers please copy). SimiERLAND-On Tuesdy, March 21, H, i.uwiir.iiA. n wne or me late ituban J. Sutherland, Funeral services at her lale residence. 313 C street northwest, on Thursday, Msrch a. at 3 p. m. Relatives and friends In vited lo attend. Interment at Canan dalgua. N. Y. IN MEM0RIAM (Notices for this column are accepted at U rents flat, either pros or poetry. In case no lle does not exceed ten lines. And 10 cent for each line In excess of ten.) UNDERTAKERS Embalmers. Funeral Directors. J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDERTAKER & LIVERY. 223 Pal Av V. V Telephone M. 1S3J. .WASHINGTON. P. O. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO., 1.1.17 loth Hi. X. W. Worth 47. JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, nosi M St. W. W. Wnl 00. JAMES T. CLEMENTS' SONS, ISIt Wisconsin Ave. West 804. . MARTIN W. HYSONG CO., 1014 .MaxsnchaseMs Ave. Inln 8420. ADOLPH j. SCHIPPERT, 2003 Pn. Ave. West 1311.100. ULRICH & BURDETTE, 1S20 Wisconsin Ave. West PS0. S. H. HINES & SON, INC. 171.1 14th ttt. North 130H. R. F. HARVEY'S SONS, 15X1 14th nt. North 281. THOMAS F. MURRAY, :0O7-2011 Nlrhola At) S. K. Line. 120. GEORGE W. WISE, 2800 Jll St. We-Mt 1S3. W. W. DEAL & CO., 81(1 II St. N. K. Line. 34tt4v HARRY M. PADGETT, 7.1Q 11th St. S. K. l.lnc. 1XJ0. HERBERT B. NEVIUS, 028 Kerr York Ave. Malm 2387. WILLIAM H. SARDO & CO., 40S II St. N. K. line. 524. GEO.P.ZURHORST'SSONS, Inc .101 Knat CmpHoI St. Line. 372. W. R. SPEARE, S40 F St. Main 4280 42S1. P. A. TALTAVUI.L, 44.1 7th St. S. W. Mnln 187. THOMAS M. HINDLE, 8th nnd II Sta. JV. W. Mnln KST. O. B. JENKINS, 3 II St. X. W. Main 4804. THOMAS S. SERGEON, 1011 7th nt. X. W. Mnln 1000. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderate prices, a DDE. 1314 F St, N. W. CEMETERY LOTS Cedai Hill Cemetery Washington's Newest and Prettiest CEMETERY FOR WHITE TEOPLK lta on sale and selling rapidly. Ruy now and save 0. For limited time, lot are .selling 3 times cheaper than any cemetery In the Diatrlct ot Colum- Lots $5.00 up ??,. Special rates to organizations and so cieties. For further Information ad dress JOS. J. CAYLOR, Treasurer. 7a tth st N. K. Telephone Lino. 333. Auto service.. . VITAL RECORDS. Births. John E. and Ilertha E. West. Ctrl. Prank II. and Sadie Wallace, bo. Oscar M. and Madeline Thorne, girl. l-Yank A. and Marie A. Schroff, hoy twins. Domlnlco and Nellie Slmone. ulrl. Joseph T. and Marion T. Rivers, s'lrl. Vergne W. and Inex II. Potter, uoy. Otto M. W. and Ruth E. Nellson, Iwy. Wllnier P. and Julia Moore, boy. trharles N. and llerlha II. Mead, girl. Joseph- M. and Helen V. Kober. Iwy, Robert and Ethel V. Kldwell. boy. Harry and Annie Klllman, girl Ilernard and Daisy Harding, rirl. Iluio V. and Minnie V. Ilcrlltli. Jr., boy. William and Ruth Harper, qlrl. David O. and Nellie K Hooilno. boy. Prank A. and Ida i Qunthcr, bov. Ralph Y. and Helen Eastman, girl. NVllllam nnd Helen Eacovallle, boy. Carey and Mary Davis, girl. James 11. and Athena Chaconua, lioy. William and Edith Yerby, girl. Robert and Carrie Hvvann, girl, leon andjlleatrlce Hchencks, clrl, Hamuel and Prances Magging, girl. Eldwood and Oertruile Johnson, girl. William and Alice Fletcher, boy. Henry and Mary Coates. hoy. Charlea and Katie Hell, girl. Deaths. Emma M. I.lbbey, 70 yrs., P23 ltli nt. nw, John A. Douglas, 57 rs., 11 W st. nw. (leorge J. Nixon, 41 yrs.. Gov, llns. Insane. Mary n. ninitn. u r., ju.u 11 ni, n, Mary E. Lugenbeel, "8 yrs., Wash, Asy, Hos, Julia Quill. 61 rs., 60 I st. nw. John U. Fuller, M rs Gov. IIoh. Insane, Richard Cleary. yrs., irov. 110s. Catherine M, O'Connor, 25 rs :'j03 Sherman Florence illnch, 43 re Hlbley Hos. Mary A. Hamilton. SO yrs,, 665 P st, ne, Robert N, Day. 73 yrs., 1515 R at. my. William A, Humphrlea, 18 mos Hlblev Hos. James Robinson, 19 rs., Gnrfteld Hos. llufus llennett, 70 yrs., rear of 1333 N. Y. I.eo U Rrooks. 1 r 313 Onkdnle st. nw. William Ragland. M yrs. Free linen's Hos, Helen Johnson, f yrs,, Children's Hos. William Hell.. 63 yrs,, Wash. Asy. Up. Rosetta Williams, ii yrs., 155? Sth st. nw, Cornelius. Daw, 38 yrs., 470 Washington st. nw, Rratrlre C. Farley, i- yrs., 1740 K st, m. Richard A. Tanner, 35 yrs., 431 L St. sw. Sadie Montgomery. II rs.. Prcediitcn's Hos. Mnraball Johnson. 1'. tk, XX) ttlt t. n.v. William John Mnkell, 77 yrs., I.ti N st n)v, Virginia A. (Iraily. 1 r 310 W st. nw. Ernest Hawkins. 3 rs 1H1 Lcllrnll it. nw RUG WEAVING OUR wo. en rugs ste guaranteed S eaie; rarpela cleaned and scoured, uijj RIL ECUl'SE. 303-311 Uth at. 8. W. M.UIi-J Speciiail Notices SPECIAL DOLLAR SALE IN JEWELRY ruw uuinu un, JULIUS If. WOLI'E, 11th Ic U sts. N. W. Modern Dentistry All Branches. Painless Methods reasonable price. Worst guaranteed. No charge for advice. Special ists In treatment of iUgg Disease. Two of. Pees, U. 8. DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 401 7th N. W, b. e. dental association, fl. e. corner Ith AND K B. E. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 7.00 K1TCIU5N PAINTED T.Oe ror March only. II. ELMER URIPVIN. Phone W. 10L KttUit. DON'T WORRY. Send all your Printing Troubles to THE ANDERSON PRINTERY, 1407 NEW YQRIC AVE. PllONB MAIM Jt. ARTIST will sacrifice several fine oil snd water color paintings for few days only. Call or address 421 O st. N. W. I ' PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMIltA, Wash ington, March 21, l. OrdereJ: That tho Ilulldlng Regulations of the District of Co lumbia ar hereby amended by adding to tho. 'reels listed under Hectlon 32a, tho following: "West sldo of First Street, and of New Jer sey avenue northwest, between F ind a streets." OLIVER P. NEWMAN. LOUIS UROWNLOW; CHARLES W. KUTZ, Com mlssloners. D. c. PROPOSALS OI'FICE OF TUB COMMISSIONERS OF THC DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wah. Ington, March 3, 1911. Sealed proposals will be received at this office. Room 309, Dls trlct Ilulldlne, until Z o'clock P. M Tuts. day. April 4. IMC, for furnishing and dellv. ering during the fiscal year beginning July 1, U18, and ending June 30, 1917, for us of the various branches of tho Qovernment-ot tho District of Columbia, supplies, aa fol lows: stationary; printing; school books; furniture and house furnishings; tinware and hardware; rubber stamps: plumbing sup. piles, groceries, and provisions; boot and shoes; drugs and chemicals; paint and brushes; lumber; meats, flsh, and poultry; dry goods; Ice; electrical supplies; aaddlsry and wheelwright supplies; kindergarten sup plies; laundry werk; automobile supplies; oils and lubricants; photographla supplies; tings: athletic goods and playground equip ment. Form of proposal, specifications, and mcessary Information may be obtained from tha Purchasing Officer. D. C. Room 3:0. niitrlrt Tlulldlnr. In annlrlnr sneclfy the class of supplies for which forms are desired. OLIVER r. HKWUAHi LAJUin uiiunn1 IXJW. CHARLES W. KUTZ. commission er. D, a J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SOFA COUCH, bed complete, sideboard. pictures, other furniture, northeast corner of lllh and Irving sis. N. W. !, C. T. HUNTER'S sanitary dust-kllltnc lloor oil Keeps ine norB v.icii ,.u ..... .. gives them a polished finish. Good tor your furniture. Try It. Only 60o a gallon, de livered. 113 Pa. ave. JS. W. Phone M. 645S. IRON BEDS. 31.00 up, with spring and mat tress, 32; remnants oilcloth, 20c yd.; Ft oUum, 300 yard; ga range, 12.50 aet; bargains In all klnda furniture. 1123 7th N.W. ONE 8TKAM TAIHJ3. B. I. ARCHER. Alexandria. Va. LADY' haa two suits for sale, 33 each: new; also handsome set of furs, worth . will take 310. It sold at once. VH Massachusetts ave. N. W. K. & W. MABTEIl VIRRATOR and colls, for Ford auto, reasonable. Apply 211 Pa. ave. B. E.. Phone Lin. 3038. S TWO-INCH continuous post beds. 34.50; Na. tlonal aprlngs. 33.50: good mattress, 32.35; mattresses renovated. Johnson s. 1213 11 N. E. TEARING DOWN COLUMBIA HOSPITAL. All kinds of building material for sal. SIDNEY L. HECKINOER CO.. Utn ana u sts. n. v. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Rabblts. guinea pigs: also can ary SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, 713 12th st. N.'W. , HIGHEST CASH price paid for worn cloth ing; either ladles' or men's; send poatal; will call. U. TARSHES. 1J0S 7th t. N. W. Phone North in. 1 Highest Price Paid for OLD GOLD. M.SUTIN, 203 ICenols Rldg., llth and O sts. Artificial Teeth, Silver. Platinum, Dia monds, and Jewelry of very Description. See Me First. WANTED-Furnlture. piano, carpets, etc. Phone M. 13S2 for wagon, or have u calL MWE8CHLER'S." 120 Pa. ave. N. W. ! WANTED furniture for cash. Bell yur good to the man who give th most ooney. See HOPWOOD. Sth and X. 1 1 CLAIRVOYANTS 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. MME. CARLETTA, Impresslonal Clairvoyant reader. It you are In trouble, despairing over again of being happy, call and see MME. CARLETTA, the VEILED .MYSTIC. She CAN and WILL help you, nn matter what the cause. Names friends, enemies, object of call, advice on business, love, courtship, marriage, divorce. Telia ou how and assists you to obtain your desires and happiness. 11 a. m. to p. n. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. MADAM JEAN Stf1 Clairvoyants are born, cot made. Madam Jean has been one since childhood, acknowl. edged by press and public to Os the greatest clairvoyant In the world, can positively re unite the separated. Get a reading; from this remarkable woman. Will tell you. names, dates, and facts without, asking voua tingle question. You have a power of your own. either for good or evil. Cultivate th good. Develop It. Use It. Call ad be convinced. Trlvate room, vou seo no one. 035 H St. N. W. Phone M. 8091. IF YOU AIIE IN TROUBLE LET M. SPENCER Celebrated Palmist and Clairvoyant, Advlso You How to Overcome Them. Studio, 1318 14th St. N.W. UOUnS: 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. PALMISTRY CATID READINO MRS. R. LUSBY,' Tarot and Foreign Cards; East India Crjstal. jow locmeii scconu noor, iJZ i;tn nw, I-ndlea Only. Closed Sunday. Miss LaPoints ,,, U42 15th St. N. W. MME. VERN ER.rvoyaSVn-. tal Scientist; can be seen at her old address, too H st. N. W.. 2d floor. Phone M. 3313. ' Madame Catherine &?.'?.? back from England and will be pleased to se friends and patrons at 508 5th st, N. W. DELMA1N SISTERSgSjfv,?. ants. Card Readers; tell what you want to -know. Rcudlngs, 50c; test, 10c; 13 a. in. to I p. m. Sunday, e to . u itn i. u. w. MADAM FlELH-wben ou consult hf iHiuAHi ric.Luyou coniult lh. btit Reunites th separated. N. 1I56.J. 1223 7th nve. ioceilln -Redlng 23-50o. It lunltes tha VdollllU separated. Cauaea speedy mar riage. Removes all troubles. Satisfaction, t V st. N W Walk In. lira-.. 11 t p.ti SPIRITUALISM MRS. MAMIE STEVES, fj'igft1' Readings dally; seances Tues. & Thurs. eves.; Frl 2 p. m. Ph, Line. 3018. 313 N. .7, ave. S.Q. MRS. ROTH?5itahyi'? y. Seance Thura. ava 1030 Sth st. N. W. Abov Library. MRS. WHITE. 715 22d st. N. W. Seance Wed.. l., s Sunday byuppol Wed.. I"rl 8 n in. Private reading dally: iiiiiinent. I'lione W. D.I0-J. VRS WANALLHI',,llTUAI medium. jr,K3. WrtrtLL,1)aly fjajin,. 8I1CC' Wed, and Frl. evea.. Sunday by appolri. num. Now at 122 Maas. ave. N. V.. .. Marie A. Davidson. Ph. D., SriRITUAUST MEDIUM. Readlnga dally. Developing class Monday evening, cy appomimeni only. rning. Hit. ' Pboa U. ion tb si, N. w.