Newspaper Page Text
?jmf&i!'Cftn'ity: W ;i iVJWf, -W1. TflB WAaHIKGTON 'ftalOBS; WEDNiSSDAY MARCtf 22; 1916 ? t.: 37 i' ('' ." $3:O0OJSKEEDED FOR SEEK AMENDMENTS 1 r Utter Appealing for Aid Sent '"Out By the Finanoo , Com- :rm!ttee;k ' - . .,.. Kx .hundred letters' appealing; for aid In tho conduct of Washington's "baby week"-campaign Were sent out today by; the ftrionce committee, of which JoMn'tooIplf It chairman, to persons In terested In Infant welfare work. Tflo-uppOrtunlty to cp-opernte la not limited .to thla list, however. Oontrl pujlons of to fents, . or smallor mounts will be gratefully received from peraona desiring to help the move ment. Following la the committee's letter: . "Do you love bablea? Will you help tia'vrork to navo their little lives from being snuffed' cut? Last year 778 bab:ea died in tho District of Columbia. Near . ly W .bf them died from preventaoie cauaes-and might therefore nova been aaved. ' ,. 'To Focus 'Mind on Babies. '..Through baby weec wo plan to show thi, parents and prospective parenta how .to' save their babies. We want (o bring homo- to everyone In Washington the preclouanesa of babies, and the naed of community work for their wol far, . 'By means of Infant welfsre exhibits, baby health confidences, exercises In the' Schools and educational publicity, the effort5 VIII pe made to focus the mind) of every mm. "woman, and child on bibles, and their welfaro during Baby Week.' . . $3,000 Ib Needed. "We believe we can save scores of bibles lives If. everyone will help to make (his' campaign a success. "Wis rfeed SS.O0O rot1 'this ournose. You are' one. 'of those on hom we are depending-.! 'He we ftel iissured of your lntrst".ln this important educational Subscriptions- should be addressed to campaign." Cutto- H Rudolph, .treasurer. Baby Week cutto- uaoiph. treasurer, naby i Campaign. Second National Sank. The. executive committee expects to establish headquarters In the Maryland nuuoing; h street, near wnnin me. next' ten 'days. Fourteenth, 'Plans fnl the'ramnalOT. r nrncresa. . - .-. . . .r ".. -. ---- inir'rapioiy unaer me direction or Dr. Arthur Xk Murray, executive secretary, and the various subcommittees. FUNERAL glTES FOR 'Capital residents - . r Hours and Places of Service Ar ranged. by Bereaved Families. TO TINKHAM MEASURE Real Estate Brokers to Co-operate With Commeroe Cham ber and. Trade Boafd. ADDITIONAL TIE ATTACHES ARE URGED Chamber of Commeroe of U. S. Asks Affiliated Bodies to Petition Congress. The neat Estate Drokera' Associa tion la preparing to co-operato with the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade to obtain for the Dis trict more equitable legislation gov erning atreet openings and exten sions, i At a meeting of the aaiocl.itlon last night In the rooms of tha Hoard of Trade a committee composed of Pres ident George V. Worthlngton, Secre tary .T. T.eo Kolb, and Charts W. Fairfax was appointed to assist Con gressman Tlnkham In shaping up his bill relating to such Improvements now before Congress. nd to work with other civic and trado organisa tions In promoting auch legislation. The Tlnkham measure provider that private properties In the DUtrlctiha.l not be condemned nor ahall Improve menta be assessed against abutting properties until money has bean ap propriated for payment of ownnra or for such Improvements. In Its present form msny real estate brokers fear the bills. If i jacted. would check the development and Improve ment of the city. They feel, however, that conferences with Mr. Tlnkham can speedily eliminate features that are held to be objectionable. J. B. Story,' Jr..' B. F. Saul, Jesse He'skell. Mr. Worthlngton. and Mr. Kolb were appointed on the committee that Is to study the question of "true consideration." The proposals for changing the name of tho association were laid on the table. Mr. Worthlngton waa selected to rep resent the locsl association on the ex ecutive committee of the Natl6nal As sociation or iteai estate exchanges. Attendance Increased at Christ Church Mission 'Fussed by President Wilson relative to Una promotion of foreign trado. t-ii. fffc? n, "rousing. pupiicaenii Ki".1". this time Is to ljava the ap Propjlation bill which la now" boron ? "'"ate. .amended to as to provide fOr thft nftrtlilnrinl irmA In,!. M.I.IM. la deemed necessary to plaro the Urt'tetl fitntes In, a tompelltlve pbsltlon at tho close of. the European war. Husband Wept for Weeks. WAltBAW, Ind., March H.-Chal-gliw that her husband cried almost all the time during th seven weeks thy were married, Mrs. Delia HIbachmnn ob tolned a divorce from .lames Hlhseh- man. una testified that thrco days after they wer mnrr ed her husbsnii hr.uv. to fry and that lie kept It Un day and night for soven weeks. Directors of Ihe Chamber of Commerce of' the United Btales h,aVe urged every organization affiliated with that body to adopt resolutions calling upon Con gress to mako . provision for the ap pointment of additional commercial at taches and trado commissioners. The nurnooe of the campaign, accord ing tq. the resolutions adopted yesterday by the directors. Is to "awaken Con gress to the Immediate necessity of commercial preparedness for tn irano war which will follow the close or tno European struggle." The chamber" contends that Congress, In falling to make provision In the leg islative, executive and Judicial bill for additional attaches and commissioners, disregarded the request of Hecretary of commerce jieiiiieia, ana tne views j glassTf water BEFORE YOU EAT Enthusiastic Dancer Fined for Hugging KUZABKT.M. N, .1., Malth a.-Albert Krlncko paid a 12 line In police codrt fpr creating a disturbance in a danee hall. Krlncko was on the floor only a few minutes when his partner, an lslia- Vou belli lrl. niitrht hr release. .:-i '- v.-- ---. ' . - .. you are rougn, sne uemurreo. hnM niA Inn llaht. "That Is not roughness," explained Krlncko. "It's technique. "Then practleo It on some one else," she commanded, but Krlncko refused to loosen his hfar-llke embrace. John Krumer came to the rescue and Krlncko wns ejected from thn hall. Ha returned and was engaged with another unwilling partner when Patrolman Klcrnan ar retted him. Curses President Wilson, Killed b Companion WABmpOTprT VtZ March a When CUs tilllna .spoKf slurrlnqly of Pre'stdsrlt Wilson In n boarding-house at Cnnonslmrg, here, nuu Arxtria drew n, mvoIvci- and shot him deid. Argeris Jumped from a window to m cape, but waa caught, and Jsllcd. noftt jnen were Paturallred Oreoi and Ar gcrls Is devoted to his adopted country rfillla. during a. war argument, criti cise tho President's orrlgn polle and applied a vllo epithet to the heads of tho Nation. Argeris at once, fired, allies was .hit twice', one lnllet plerclnx his hoart and. Knottier striking him In tho groin. Tho last . tullet glanced and struck retro Perldcs, lunicting a seri ous wound. , Farmer's Horse Stolen, Discovers Sort Is Thief BAPUkfA. Okla.. ifarch M.-Poun years ago Bernle Bostlck, eighteen years old. told his father that he, was going to Oklahoma to seek his fortuns in the The Bostlck family wan lived In Koahkonong, Mo. A year passed and nothing waa heard of the youth t about then the Bostlok family moved to a farm near, Kelleyvllle, nine miles south west of Bapulpa. Recently a horse was stolen from the Bostlck barn, -The alleged thief was captured thla morning. Bostlck came to Identify him. . . : "Bernle!" Cried the father, as he en tered the court room of Justice A. P. Crawford. The case waa dismissed. MY BREAKFAST Funeral services fQr rtlchnrd Clear?. wh rtleir on Monday Vv'lll be held nt nls late realdentfe.lCS D street south etfat.'torrtorrbv at S'.lO o'clwl thence to 8t. Peter's Church where requiem mass will bo celebrated. Mrs. William Frledrlch. Funeral services for Mrs. William Frledrlisli. who died on Monday, will be held nt her late residence. 727 Seventh street i-ou" west, tomorrow at 2 o'clock. ," ' Mrs. Samuel H. Howard. ".- Funeral services for Mrs. Samuel H. Howard, who died on Sunday, will bo held tomorrow at Mt. Zlnn M. E. Church at 2 o'clock. Miss Louise M. Johnson. Funaral.'cerv'Ices for Mlsa J.oulse M. Johnson, who died on Sunday, will be held at "!06 Second street snutheaHt tomo'rrow"'.a'8:iB o'cloi-k, thence to Sacred Mejr'rt Clmrch. -where requiem mass rwlll ,o celebrated at ! o'clock. Interrnpn"nvlll bo made In Mt. Olivet Cumotery.' Pr. Eugene C. C Winter. Funemt servlnoa for Dr. IOuccne C. C Wlntorwho died on Monday. ver-i held today In tho c Impel at OoU Mill Cemetery under Masonic atiitplces. i -Thomaa A. Garner. Funeral services for Thomas A. Oar ner, who died yesterduy, aged sixty ltvo years, will be held at his late resi dence 2712 Ontario rond, Friday, ut 2 o'clock. Minder Macnli- ausntccs. In. tetmeptpwlll be maclo In Oak Hall Ceme- iery jto 13 survivcn ny ma wire Hnd aaugnter, jvuss uorotny Jjiennor (Jurncr, t n , Mrs, Maix.'Ann Duffin. " jFufteral services f6r Mrs. Mary Ann Duffin. who died yesterduy," will ho "held at the residence of her son. William Morgan, H Fairmont street, tomorrow at 10 o'clock. ' Mrs. Mary A. Hamilton. fc Funeral services ior Mrs. Mary A. Hamilton, who dte-l yesterday, will be held at tho residence of her daughter, 1SU Second street northwent. tomorrow, at 8:80 o'clock, thence to 8t. Martin's Church, where requiem mass will be celebrated at 9 o'clock, ' ' William F. Scott. Funeral services for William F, Scott, who died yesterday, aged sixty years, will be held at his late residence. 1M9 Tenth street northwest, tomorrow at 1:J0 o'clock, thenco to the Sixth Pres byterian Church, where services will he held-at 2., o'clock. Mrs. Lucretia A. Sutherland. Funeral servlceo for Mrs. l.ucretla A. Sutherland, who dld yesterday, will bo held- at her Into rcildnce, 312 C street northwest, tomorrow nt .1 o'clock. In torment will bo made at Canandalgua, N. Y. Art Teacher Succumbs To Pneumonia Attack Word haa been received here of the death of Miss Emily Withers, of the Burlington apartments. Inst night In Amarllio, Tex., whom ehe has been v's ltlng.for several weeks. Death was tho result of an attack of pneumonia. The body will vbe taken to Jackson, Tenn,, for burial.' Miss Withers was a tescher of art In various Southern schools for young women, and was well known to local artists. Bho Is survived by nvn sisters, three of whom. Mrs, Elisabeth Hunt, Mlsa Samuelln Withers, and Mlas1 Belle Withers, reside hero." i 1 1 i - i Drowning Man Saved With a Searchlight ATItANTIP CITV. March S2.-Mem-hers' of the crew of the Federal dredge Abs'econ rescued B'obert Latter. Mfty sevtn. from drowning off the Inlet wharf. l.nstor stumbled In the darkness whl e leaving tho dredffe, and whs hurcd, to ward the wuter. ten feet bolow. Ills head struct; a pro.loctln? timber, tendering him' unconscious. 'The' noise attracted th larscc crew, hut they wn vnable to ualn truce of the unconscious man for several . minutes. Finally a powerful aeurchlluhf was brought Into ulay, and he was fished out. Increasing Interest Is being mani fested In the mission being conducted at Christ Churchi Georgetown, by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, of Virginia, and the services are being well attended each day. Hcrvlces today Include communion at 7:r0 a. m.. special service at 11 a. in.. Bible study meeting at 4:5, address on ?raycr in tne uunaay scnooi room at :S0 p. in., and preaching service at H o'clock. The mission will continue three more days, ending Friday evening, and the Rev. James H. W. Blake, in vites all denominations to come and participate In the services. Prof. Bretz Is Guest of Cornell Alumni Society Prof. Julian P. Bretx, of the depart ment of political science of Cornell Uni versity, "km the guest of honor at the weekly luncheon of th& Washington Cornell Alumni Association at the Ebbltt yesterday. ' 4 Plana fjr. extending tho equipment of. Wash poison from system each' morning and feel fresh as a daisy. tion of n uulldlnr to renlace the uni versity laboratory recently destroyed by nre were uucusse-a. John Ihlder. who Is promoting plans for the establishment of a memorial son. will speak nt th luncheon next! side cleanliness Is more Important thai woek. Lieut. Henry Bull. U. 8. A., i outside, because the skin doe's not ab Every day you clean the house you live In to, get rid of the dust and dirt which collected through th previous day. Your body, the house your soul lives In, also becomea filled up each twenty-four hour with all manner of filth and poison. If only every man and woman could realize the wonders of drlnklnf phosphated hot water, what a gratifying change woutd take place. Instead of thousands of sickly, anemic looking men. women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; Instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks." "run downs." "brain fags" and nMlmlst we ahould see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-cheeked people everywhere. Everyone, whether sick or well, should drink each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, llyor, kidneys, and ten yards of bowels thn previous day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons? thus cleansing, sweetening, and freshsnlng the entire alimentary canal before' putting more food Into the stomach. Those subject, to stck headache, bll lousneas. hasty breath, rheumatism, colds and particularly those who have a palllcl.sallow complexion and who are. constipated very often, aro urged to the university and particularly the erec-T'obtaln n quarter pound cf limestone .. a a. ... a. .' a .. I Hka.nh.ln alt ,iA A mil m m tlA whlafl ultl a,.l.'..lU ., M. Ma, a,.w.- nil. .. ..... ni) hut trlfl. hut Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable I chango in both hoalth and appearance i ftweltlng those wno pructrce internal sanitation. We must remomber that In- tnan who was' military Instructor at Co'rr.oll srb Impurities to contaminate the for aeveral years, also will speak. I b!oqd. while, the. pores In the thirty feet ' w mm w a a 1 .a .fvA of bowels do. Advt FOR BRONCHITIS, SEVERE COUGHS COLDS AMD WHOOPIHG COUGH Make the Best Medicine at Home 128 Teaspoontful for 80c. Money spent for the old style, ready mnrto medicine usually sold In bottles holding only 2 to 2V4 ounces. (1 to ai te'aspoonsful) Is largely wasted, because most of them aro composed principally of sugar and water. et you have to pay ,tho same price as If It were all medicine, Htop wasting this mqney. You can make a better remedy tori bronchial alTcctions at home at one fifth the cost. Merely go to O'Donnell'a DriiK Storo and ask for 2 ounces (t0a worth) of Bchlffmann's New Concen trated Bxpectorant, which they guar antee will give perfect satisfaction or money will be refunded. Mix thla wltn one pint of granulated sugar and one half pint of boiling water, which makes a full nlnt (125 tcaspoonsful). This new, simple, pleasant remedy Is guaranteed to relieve the worst couch or cold. Brcnchlal Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Hoarseness, and Whooping Cough. One bottle will make enough homemade medicine to probably supply the whole family. Children like it. It Is so pleas ant to take. It Is unlike any other medi cine, and positively contains no chloro form, opium, morphine, or other nar crnlcs, as do most cough mixtures. Keep it on hand In case of emergency and stop each cough before It gets a tlrm hold The above druggist, in fact any driiKKlst In this city, will return the money (just the same as Is done with Hchllfmann's famous Asthmador) In every single case where It does not give perfect satisfaction or Is not found the best remedy ever used. Absolutely no risK is run in ouymg mis remecjy un der this positive guarantee. Advt. MATINEE DAILY GAYETY ILL THIS WEEK THE GREAT Star and Garter Show "fXTRA" Twt Rial Howililn "EXTRA11 THE DELUGE A Triumph in Art the Most Spectacular Reproduction Ever Attempted, and "THE ZEPPELIN GIRL" The Feature That Mystifies. Regular 5c Rolls Toilet Paper 4 for 10c THIB COUPOfo and 10c for Four Bolls of Extra quality Crepe Toilet Paper: large alx-ounco rolls. (t.) STORE HOURS: Open 8:45 A. M.; Close 5:30 P. M. ' I I' A a-. ' "It Pay to D OoIdUrfWrgV OF Tk HHars WKt .OTH SI OK SEVENTH 15c "Wizard Triangle Polish Mop For 39c Every housewife knows tho value of thla moo. The genuine Wlsard Triangle Polish Mop, with adjustable handle gets into the corners and crevices with ease. Basement. An Extraordinary Offering of 50 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX MEN'S SUITS $9.75 The opportunity to buy this famous make of l's clothing at such astonishingly small cost sn't come often. And as there are only So suits jKj w I If. Worth $20.00 to $25.00 at The op men's doesn't come often. And as there are only So suits in the lot you must hurrv if vou want to shar frik great bargain. They arc oddments only one of a kind which takes not one-iota of value from the suit you buy, and as they are in a good assortment of neat patterns you are sure to find one you like. Weights suitablo for spring and summer wear, includ ing dark grays, checks and novelty effects. Many are quarter lined. Sites in the lot from 33 to 40. Choice at JD.75. Men's Clothing Dcpt. Fourth Floor. A SPECIAL SALE TOMORROW OF New SPORT HATS Regular Values up to $3.50 for n.98 Deservedly popular are the piquantly attractive Sport Hats in tomorrow's sale graceful of line ,and becoming of shape just the hat the woman of fashion wants. A large assortment of styles, shown in ribbon striped Hemp hats and soft body Tiats bound and trimmed with i gros grain ribbons. Stunning color combinations and solid colors.. There are soft, floppy hats, stiff sailors, and mush rooms, in styles equally becoming for women and young girls. Mllllaerr Dcpt.. 3d Floor. ' '.aafllalaa( aHalaaalalatk Dress Plaitings 5..BO!...14c Imported r.altlnga. of line shadow laces, dalntv ncM and chiffon. In white, creim. and black; various widths and styles. Linen Laces Reg. 7c and A 3 8c Yard .rC Heal Linen Torchon I-a.'ea. widths up to 3 Inches; de sirable patterns for trim ming lingeries, etc. etc. Envelope Chemises elf" 49c WOC. fSa Envelope Chemises, of good quality naltuook; trimmed with Vol In co and organdy In sertion, deep embroidery and ribbon: also made of pink batlsto. trimmed with laco and ribbon: nil sizes. Swiss Embroideries Regular 74-g 12Vac Yard. . . . I 2C Oood quality Swiss 12m brolderlcK. edgings. Inwr tlons. headings, beaded cilS mgs. and saloons. In acufu.; of pretty openwork. ImnU and baby patterns. Lace Flouncings Reg. 39c and OC 5Qc Yard bd is-lnch Shadow L. a c o Flouncings. whlto and ooru eclors: nne mesh quality. n effective designs. Embroidery ' Flouncings Regular 50c Yard lS-lnch Swlsa and L'ambrio Embroidery Flouncings. hi a good assortment of open work and blind patterns. 27c Women's Drawers Regular or 39c Pair &3C Women's Muslin Oratfcrs. deep ruffle of hemstitched tucks and hem: fitted bands; open and closed atylts. 6c Friction Patterns Regular 10c Set Gold Medal Krlctlon Pat terns, for stamping initials, all styles nnd sixes In one letter; guaranteed to make 600 Impressions. No hot Irons required. (Art Dept.) Guest Towels Regular 15c Each Sturdy Tuiklsh Quest Tow els, with pink or blue bor ders; for French knot and solid embroidery. (Art Dept.) 9c Boys' School Suits Regular $3.00 . . , Boys' "ink! Norfolk Hrhnnl Suits, of spring weight caa mere. In light, medium and dark patterns; alses t to IT yeais; knlckerbocker pants. 51.95 Boys' Wash Suits Regular 50c JA and 69c OVC Beys' Colored Wash bulls, of percale, chambray, Imita tion linen and madras. Rus sian belted style, with straight knee pants; also white mddy style: slses a to a years. (First -Floor. Bar gain Tablea.) Longcloth pi.uu ( JK JC-lneh Longcloth, a tlno soft nnlah quality; full 13 yards in each piece. Men's Handkerchiefs Regular 5c t Each, 3 for....lUC Men's Whlto Henu..u..u.l Handkerchiefs, good quality, soft finish; fiul also. Children's Special Drawers .'25c Huck Toweling Five i)A Yards iJC rive yards of Huck Tow-i-llng. extra heavy double tin rati weave, made up for leading Institutions with the namo woven In. "old rvcu liirly at ir-ic n yard. (Limit, ten yards to buyr.) Children's Muslin Druwurs, trimmed wuh umoroulcry edgings, llnu tucks una tor chon lace, , neatly made but tonholes, perfect rilling; bIzch 'i to 14 vtar $3.98 Children's Coats Regular $5.00... Children's SDrlnc i.oam. of wool K.TSC. In nay bluo and black, and whlto cnccKs also a few light sttiped el fects; titilclly tallorea styles with pockets, others in the new belicu models; whlto collutB and cu'fs; tine quul lty sateen lining; 2 to U years. $1.98 Children's Hats Regular $2.50. . . Children's Hats or mlltin and hemp straws, la whlto. geranium, roee, roptnhagen anil navy liue, stylishly trimmed with velvet nnd satin ribbons, laco and Mow ers. (Third Floor Juvunllo Dolit.) ' I i i J I Infants' Coats Rcgujar S2.98 $4.00. Infants' Short Whits Coats of (aibiicrc and poplin, em tioldoied collars nnd cuffs; Iocs'? belts and Until with good qunllty hateent slr.iis six montjis to thvoe ycaro. Infants' Capes Special at. ... . Infonts' Long Capes, of wool ciuhnure. a.ilt liiiod hoed cinlunlderd dtslsns on ope; lined with good quality salecu. Table Damask Regular 45c Yard... co-Inch Mercerized Sqtln finish lable Damask, splen did wcurlnr grade for ovcrjr day use. choice of fle vat-lerna 26c Women's Union Suits Regular 75c Women's Gauze Xlsla Union Hults, low neck and sleeveless, taped neck; laco trimmed or plain styles: some with lace or Kronen band tops. Regular and out sizes. China Mattings Roll of 20 fi q Yard $ ilv Twenty yard rolls or extra heavy weight China Mat tings, palmed finish. Cochin straw. In checks and stripes; green, red, blue, and brown mixtures. Sold regularly at c yard. (Fourth Floor.) Rag Rugs Regular 50c 9Q Each m 7 1 23x36 Rag Rugs, , hlt-ana-mlss design: light and dark colorings. (First Floor, Bar gain Table.) $3.95 Felt Mattresses Regular $7.00.. Elastic Felt Mattresses, sizes 3 ft. to 4 ft. 6 inches: tapo bound or roll edged styles: covered with heavjr weight fancy art ticking. (Fourth Floor.) 49c Women's Vests Regular 12c 8c Each. Women's (Jnuze Cotton Vests, low neck and sleeve less, taped neck and arnus slightly Imperfect; sizes i,b, pnd 6. Men's Union Suits Regular $1.00 55c Infants' Stockings Regular r 12M.C DC infants' Fine Ribbed Stockings, senmless foot, doublo heel and toe; in black, white, tan, sky, and pink; sizes 4 to 6M. . Men's Tuxedo Athletic T'nlon Suits, of best qunlitr gJ-cc-unt iminsook; patent closed crotch; sleeveless nnd knee lensth. Ironing Wax Reg. lc each, O 6 Pieces for C Chinese Ironing Wax. best .Trade, muslin covered and -wcodtn handles. (Nation Dcpt.) Dress Belting Regular 10c C Yard 3C Inside Dress Belting, In blark or white. Correct widths. (Notion Dept.) Collar Supporters Rog. 5c Set, 2 SoU for Wire Collar Supporter Sets, six strips In each set; all hrlghtB. (Notion Dept.) 5c $2.98 Hair Nets Regular 5c t Each., .IC Women's Stockings Reg. 25c (- and 35c 1 oC Women's Lisle and Cotton Stockings, full fashioned nnd seamless foot, double sole, high spliced heel and toe, garter tops; black and colors. Girls' Petticoats !r.c" 25c Muslin PotUcnats. for girts rrom 5 to 14 years or age; trimmed with flno tucks and lace: with and without bodies. French Serge Regular 7C,, 89c Yard I tJL 44-lncU All-wool French Sergo an extra nne twill quality., In a full range of all the wanted shades; also blacky Check Suitings Regular QO $1.25 Yard.... HOC 4'1-ln'ch All-wool Black and White Check Suitings. In various size checks, for women's stilts and skirts, ulso children's conts. Colored Voiles Regular 1 O I 25c Yard....! AtC 40 -Inch Plain Colored Voiles, exra fine two-ply quality. In Hrrht blue. Co penhagen, pink flesh, la vender, navy frluc. !&. etc. 8fc Colored Ratine Regular 15c Yard... 1 27-Inch Colored Hatlne, heavy closa woven grade, with the new pebble dash weave In pink. rose. tan. cadet, .light blue, brown, etc, etc Colored Soisette Regular A 25c Yard 17C 32-Inch Colored Kolrette, a flno soft mercerised quality. In black, rose, light blue, lavender, pink, and old rose. White Voile Regular 1 4. 25c Yard.... 1&?C 40-Inch Whlto French Voile extra flno two-ply quality with the famous tape -edge. A fresh crisp whlto fabric that will en Joy great favor for dainty summer d r a a e a and waists. White Flaxon Regular 1 P 25c Yard IdC 40-inch Whlto Flaxon, extra fine sheer quality, snow white bleached. A fabric well known for Its wearing qualities. 9c Summer Draperies Reg. 15c, 19c, and 25c Yard. . Full pieces and mill lengths of yard wide Cre tonnes, . Scrims, Marqui settes, Swiss and Madras, white nnd cream color grounds with drawnwork or hemstitched edges, ilgured all-over and border designs. All colors. Suitable for rur nlture slip coyers, curtains, and draperies. (First Floor, Bargain Table.) Couch Covers Reg. $1.00 65c AUover Har Nets, good quality Mil. nets; with elas t'c; all shades. (Notion Dept.) Seam Tape Regular 10c and r 12c Piece 3C OUs Scam Tape, all widths; 12-ysrd pieces. (Notion Dent.) Each. Washable Belgium, htrlpe Damask 'Couch Covers, 60 Inches wldeN i'H 'arda long; frlpged aldea and ends; nat ural color grounds with various color stripes. Wool, and Fibre Rugs Regular 0 CC $6.00 3)a5.Ue5 9x12 ft. largest room size Wool and Flbro Huge, re versible nnd seariless; ends finished the same as the higher priced rugs; medal lion nnd small Ilgured de signs; nil best colors, (tth loor.) White Cambric ..6c I White Gabardine Regular 1 1 19c Yard 1 1C 32-lnch whlto Gabardine. a heavy firm woven grade, washes and wears perfect ly. Much sought after for Milts iird uklrts. Regular 10c Yard... :,-lnih Cambric, a fine soft' finish quality, freo fiom stat'-h. Pillow Cases ' Regular Q4.U 12V1.C Each...OC 45x36 Bleached Pillow Cases, heavy linen finish quality; large sice; hand torn and ironed. Crochet Spreads Regular QJ- $1.25 Each....i70C Crochet Bed Spreads, large doublo bed sire; In Marseilles designs. Seamless Sheets Regular AO 65c Ech IOC Unbleached S c a m 1 n s a Sheets, double bed size; heavy round thread' qual ity. Bleached Sheets Regular QC 50c Each OtJC 64xtC Pleached Sheets, single bed size; fine round thread quality. Shaker Flannel ?ac.....8c 27.nsh Bleached Shaker Flannel htavy fleered quality. Step Ladders Made of selected lumber, with shelf attachment; strongly made. 4 ft. bUo 39a 5 ft. size f9c 6 ft. slzu 69c 29c Garden Rakes, 19c. Heavy Malleable Garden Rakes, 14-prong size; long handle; strongly made. $1.25 Alarm Clocks, 98c Slumber Stopper Nickel plated Alarm Clocks, clear dial, with concaved glass; a high-grade guaranteed clock. 75c Ceiling Dusters, 49c Wont Celling Dusters, with long or short handle; can bo washed. 59c Door Mats, 39c Cocoa Door Mnts, mad for lasting service. $1.25 Sad Irons, 79c Mrs. Potts' Nickel-plated Sad Irons three Irons, stand and holder. Full weight. 98c Food Choppers, 67c Heavy Iron Retlnned Food Chopper, with' four cutters; easily operated amj cleaned. 39c Floor Mops, 25c Kolf Wringing Floor Mops, 'ttrimgly mnde: eaelly oper-ated. ri