Newspaper Page Text
.vpr 7V '& T" THE WASHINGTONrMlES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22; lOl - K K RUIAIfla WEDDINGll MS AFTERNOON AT liWAS'CWCH Miss Dorothy Gray Brooks to Become Brrde of Lieut. Wil- Ham H. Holoombe. TOUCH OF MILITARY POMP prldegroom, Bost Man, and Ushers to Wear Their Full Dress Army Uniform. BL Thomas' Church will be the scene of can lnterstlnc wedding this nfter nnn Vh.n Mlia Dorothy Gray Brook. 3auhter of Mm. Edwards jCranston 3rooks, will becomo the bride of Lieut. William Henry Holqombe, Corps of En gineers, U. 8. A. fThe' peremony. which will be per formed at 4 o'clock by tho Rev. Dr. C. EnEst Smith, rector of St. Thomiut will be marked by a touch of military oomp and circumstance, tho bridegroom. nV best man and ushers, who are all brother officers, wearing full dress unl fdrnis." ..j.j i rhe church Is charmingly decorated for'the occasion. Tall standards of Dorothy Perkins roses deslgnato the .. .- aMa fnr fh members of the two .families, and the chancel, which Is banked with palms and great branching ferns, 'Is set off with graceful clusters of.clnk rambler roses. Pink roses also till, te altar vases. ....,. Mr. AlHHrh organist of the church, will nliiv th weddlns marches and will glve a program during the seating of the-guests, a . i'lhe ushers, who will enter tho church atlthe head ot the bridal party, aio X4eut. John E. Harris. Lieut. Frederick w. Herman. Lieut, anowaen uxinner, LletJt. Bernard Milter, Lieut. Gordon Youflg. Lieut. Xenophon Price. Lieut. lnald Davison, and Lieut. Peter But- 'Dainty. Group of Bridesmaids. Hwy trill be followed by the dainty feroup of bridesmaids. Miss Dorothy Aaams, SIUs Dorothy Wyeth, Miss i tesary irwin, Alias rrinccs rjuuinvi, VMiss Antoinette Ray. Miss Helen Mc ' Cumber. .Miss Marie Peary und Miss iQiiugenla'Holcombc sister of the bride 1 gTOom. Miss Dorothy Taylor will be ! Mold of honor, j The', lovely bride, who will be given iJn marriage by her mother, will make her way, to the chancol unattended. She wJU'wear a charming gown of white I "bridal satin, the skirt cut short and ' draped on the hips In pannier style over a front panel of beautiful prlnccsse lace. The bodice is of satin and nrlnccsso ' lace combined and tho long sleeves of tulle have cuffs of the lace. The long r" court train Is cut square at the end and Is' hung from the V-shaped dccoltage. flhmwlil wear a veil' of tulle, very, long and -full, arranged ,with a becoming cap or(ine,,iacv ana.rTuL,ciTy., ' "bouquet of Bride roses, white orchids and lilies of the valley. Lieut. James Cress vlll he the best man for Lieutenant llolcombe. The bridesmaids' frocks are of pale Pink soiree silk, with fine cream lace , forming thn bodice drapery and the ahert puffed sleeves. The short, full skirts are corded and puffed over hoops at the side, a variation of the modish pannier draocry, and arc caught up with pinR rosemms nnn i3rgci-mc-nm. Their hats of fine pink straw, nre edged qbotlt thb'ntralght brim with bnnds Of the feolrec silk and trimmed about the crown with pink roues and wee buds. Thcv will rarr sheaves of pink roses and fonret-me-not. Miss Tnvlor wIM venr a gown like th6e Of the. bridesmaids In line nnd color, out her pink hat has a crown formed entirely of rote, and she will carry a showed bouquet of forget-me-nota andrpies. Reception at Washington Club. Immediately after tho ceremony thrro will bo a reception at the Washington Club, which will he decorated lllco the ehtirch with nlms Diroth Per kins roses. The tiMo in tho dlnins rocfm" will havfi as conU-rDlece n hifs- "N. Ket of olnk tosessnaldrajons and pink oweetnoas. A stringed orchestra will ploy during the afternoon. The brldesnmids will vecelvo with Mr, Brooks. Lieutenant llolcombe and 111 hrlde, with clustering pink ro3es nstlnnt a screen of cirenery, arranged os a background for the aroi'o. Mrs. Brocks' gown l of s-itln In corn flpwer'bhm. made v-lth a ilrnped sVIrt and na'ntrd train The Wlirc of llvrr lace Is veiled with biro rh'ffon and ha a girdle cf snMn ind a Medlrl 'ollar of qreum lce. 8h( will wear blark hat of. clilfon nnd straw, with oMi-lch feather ornaments. Amon;- ti'c o''-of-town cuests nt th cnremrv will bo Miss Anni M F'i'fve and Mrs. IH-dd, both-of Philadfphla. 'tilcutensrt HIombo 's th son ot Mr,' nnd Mr. John AVelker llolcombe. of "Washington, and Ih stationed at "Washington Pnirnckii whcri he nnd We brld vlll mike flr '""ne unon their return from thi-'t wedd'M" rt. Thf brldoMl trnvei in n modHh tnll orefl suit of lnrk "i' - cfvlot vo"i with a wiri l't of M'lan pti-iw with one tall fnther hM bv r cluster of wee rohpds. for rlmm'ir. The t-'Ide presented lir ntldeemnlds with silver vanity cases. T Mrs. Britton Entertains. Mrs. Alexondbr Hrltton entertained a few guests Informallv at luncheon today. .Miss Catherine Hiltton, who has been visiting In I'alm Beach and other Southern resorts, returned to Washington this moinlng. V.n routo home she stoppeM off In Charleston, S, C to xpund n few- dav with her brothei-.(n-law nnd ,slter Lieut, ami Mrx. H. Wells Husk. Jr. Judtro and Mm. John Bnrton Payno will leave Washington this nftornoon for Ifot gnrlnnrs. Vn when; tl'.-V will spend a fortnight at the Homestead. Judge Payne, who Is a coif "nt hits last, expu'ts to spend much of his tnne on me imi;s. , Club to Celebrate. The Washington Club will ce'ebrate Its twenty-fifth anniversary April 6, with a tea at 5 o'olock. .'. 8urg. Gen. Rupert Blue, of the Public Health Service, has cards out for n dinner- at the Army and Navy Club March JO. Col. and Mrs. W. W. Halts will en tertain at dinner at the Chevy Chaso Club April S. Mr. and Mr. ThYodore Noea will en tertain tho '"Literary Society" Saturday evening. A buffet supper will follow the pro gram of the evening. ,j- Mr. and Mr?. Malcolm McConnlhe will be hosts at dinner at the Chevy Chase Club Wednesday evening. bride of last Evening .xglgggggggggggHfeahSw ygflPlPIliggggHgv VffjMHflDCBaX fsggggggK ' rdOTrIMgt-'TEfflMggggggg ggggHva gpR&lyglEggH LggLLLvw wHg9HgHHfesggggfl LLKLggigK; W THffipB gggV" - ' ; " f ., r.M V ,v if ' AV,, ':vM I sgggg i i-S. i. ,-,,,V.' . tZlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll MRS. GEORGE N. LAMB, E T Philadelphia- , Orchestra Has Emilio de Gogorza as Its Soloist. The last concert of the season of the Philadelphia Orchestra, which took place yesterday afternoon at the Na tional, with Kmlllo do 'aogona as solo ist, was attended by one of themost entfuisIasUc'alldlcnces of the winter. Miss Margaret Wilson, who was one of tho box holders for tho season, had with her the President and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, and Mrs. Joseph Davles. Brig. Oen. and Mrs. William Croiler entertained tho Italian Ambassador and Countess dl Cellcre In their box, and in t.lo adjoining box were Lady Bprlng-Hlce and several members of tho British embassy atnrt. Mrs. Wlllard saUlsbury entertained In her box Col. and Mrs. Charles Carroll Walcutt. Mrs. William Corcoran Hill. nnd ilia. Robert Hinckley. .Mrs. Ira Copley had a box party, including Mine, t'ezct, .Mrs. James It. Mann, and Mrs. Ulltc James. Among others In the audience wero the Herman Ambassador, Mrs. Itoocrt McCormlck, Mmc. Christian Hauge, tlen. nohert Shaw Oliver Thomas Bprlng-Hlce, Princess Hatzfcldt, Dr. Ah rens. of tho Germany embassy; Mrs. William C. ncdtleld. Mrs. KredciIcK Chapln, Miss Valerie Padcirord, Mrs. Beverly Williamson, the ltev. Dr. and Mrs. Ward Dcns, Miss Dcns, Miss Mary Gwynn. Mrs. William Hammond, William I'niliips, Air. ana .tirs. Aaoipn Caspar Miller, Mrs. James Pilling, Miss Carollno Ogden Jones. Mrs. Blaine Beale, Myron Whitney, Mrs. Charles C. Glover. Mrs. Carroll Glover, Mr. and Mrs Thomas T. Oaff. Mrs. Philip Sheri dan, the Misses Sheridan, Mrs. Buclcner Randolph, Lawrence Townsend, Lieut. I.awiencc Townsend, Jr., .tlr. and Mrs. George P. Kustis, Mrs. James Harlan, tho Swedish Minister nnd Mme. Kken gien, Mrs. Charles J. Bell Frank Itee sldc, Miss Lois Reesldc. Mr. and Mrs. frank .'oes. Mrs. Willis Van Devan ter. Mis. Chailes E.' Hughes, Mr. and Sir, i-'rank L. Polk, Dr. Clarenco How land Mrs Heth Sheparcl, Mrs. Theodore Moes, .Mr. and Mrs. New bold .Noes, Mlsi Frances Noyes, Mn. Richardson i'loer, Miss lleatiice Clover. Mrs. L'hiiuncey Hackett, and Mrs. Charles W llson. Mrs. Cummins at Home. Mis. Albert 11. Cummins will bo nt home tomorrow afternoon, and will have with her Mrs. Homei . Mlljor and Mia H. D. Hnwlev, of Pes Moines, Iowa. The Japanese Ambassador nnd VUooun tcsa Chinda entertained nt dinner Irtst evenlnc In honoi of tho Vice President nnd Mrs. Marshal!. In addition to the honor guests, there were Justice nnd Mis. Hushes, Justice nnd Mis. Van lc- vanter, Scnatoi Kein, Or. end Mrs. Pnvld Javne Hill, Mr. nnd Mrs, Cono Johnson. Colonel nnd Mine. Itamy, Mr, and Mme. MatmioUa. Mr. nnd Mri. Frederick n. Chapln. Mrs. Albert L. Mills. Mr. Chauncev Hackett. Mln I'.llzabRtli S. Steidis. William Phillips. Third Asslitnnt Secretary of State, and Hriinen Jennings. WATCH SORE THROATS because swollen glands .or inflamed membranes often affect other tissues and lung trouble easily follows, As Nature's corrector of throat troubles the pure cod liver oiljn Scott's Emulsion is speedily converted into eerm-resistinir tissue; its tested clyccr- ine Is curative and healing, while this wholesome emuTsion relieves the - w a. . trouble and upbuilds the forces to resist tubercular germs and avert the weak ening influence which usually follows. If any member of your family has a tender throat, get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion to-day. Physiciansprescribe it t avert throat troubles, overcome bronchial disorders and strengthen the lungs. No alcohol or harmful drugs. Always insist on Scott's. Ocoll It liowiir. Iiluomficld. N. i 15-M NTH SI STIC HOS APPLAUDS C T rhoto by DIjcV. formerly Miss Agnes Nelaon. Several Interesting Parties Are Arranged for Tonight at Club. Several of the many Interesting din ner parties which will precede the mid week dance at tho Chevy Chas Club this evening have been arranged In com pliment to visitors In Washington. Mrs. Lloyd Bow'era will entertain for her niece. Miss Viola Bnrlun, who is her guest: Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Bulkley Hyde have Invited "h number of guests to meet Miss Eva Ingcrsoll Brown, who Is visiting Miss Edith Temple uracie, and Mls Mary Perry Urown will give a dlnne-ln compliment to her guests, MT. nnd Mrs. Laud, of Boston, and Miss Goodman, of Philadelphia. Others who will be hosts at dinner I at tho club are Mr. ana Mrs. victor Knuftmann. whore guests of honor are Rear Admiral and Mrs. Frederick Harris; Rear Admiral and Mrs. Itlch aideon Clover, whose guests will be younc peonle. and Medical Dlrectoi and Mrs. Francis fl. Nash, who are entertaining for their daughter. Miss Carolyn Nash. Mr. and Mrs. William Wheat ley. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hamil ton, Mr. and Mrs. Alan O. Clephane, Mrs. Wltllam Haywood, Senator and Mm. Robert L. Owen, T)r. and Mrs. J Breckenrldgc Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson Karrlck. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Sefton. 4 Mrs. Francis S. Nash will be ,r.t homo tomorrow afternoon, but will not receive March 80. Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo If you wnnt to keep your hair In good condition, bo careful whet you wash It wlrh Most solos nnl nrenvred shamnoos contain too much alkali. This dries thn calp makes the hair brittle, una Is very harmful. lust plain mulsHlcd cocoanut oil (which Is mire and en tirely sreanflcss). Is much better than the most oncnate soan or anvthlnx clxn vou '-in use for shampooliis. as thin can't possibly injure thn hair. Flmnlv momen your hvr with water and rub It In. One or two tenspaonfu's will make nn abundance or rich. creamv lalhr. and cleanses tho hair and sen In thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily find removes every particio of dust, dill, -dandruff, and excesjlvo all. Thn hair drl.M quickly and evenly, nnd It len-f It lino and silky, bright, i'ufly and ea.iv to minncc. You can get iiiutslflcd cocoanut oil nt most nnv drug store. It is verv cheap, and a few ounces Is cnoi-Kh to last even one In the famfy for montln Adit Burphell's "Bouquet" Coffee Zbib. Will Surely Please You N. W. BURtiHELL 1325 F . Kt-li-L--- ?;-,.- K: J-rt ' lUDJlSnere-M'mterS-DjnoerS Color rrtntinfj deluxe 332 C St.. N.W. Piping Hot Griddle Cakes Hilltr' ; SsU'Riii-H Buclwhttt ninl.e a LTJtt hrrnkfas iwrtlrnlnrly ahen th- ioo' Ittr MII.IXrt'H HEI F-ItlS-IM1 UrWCWHEAT. 1 1 uenulnn liuckuh.-nt ti lilt I Irom irleil iriln. A l I'rn f-rr' Vn rmifliirc-l Hu,H B. B. EARNSHAW & BRO. Wholcule Grocers, Utli and M ll. 3. li. DINNERS TO PRECEDE CHEVY CHASE DANCE fesaa WILSONS RECEIVE ' . r ISIEnlE GUESTS Several. Hundred Attend Third of'NSe'ries at the White House. The President received with Mrs, Wilson lust,1 evening at tho third of the series of muslcalcs at the White House. The guests, numbering several hun dred, 'included a sprinkling or diplo mats, members of the. various official circles and of resident society. Tho state apartments were charmingly dec orated With flowers, and at tho con clusion of the program In the Mat Room a buffet supper was served In the state dining room. Tho President and Mrs. Wilson greet ed their guests in the Green Roam, Mrs. Wilson wearing a handsomo gown of black velvet, beaded In Iridescent blue crystals, nnd, strung with chains of blue crystal bMds. A cluster of red rosea decorated her corsage. Col. W. W. Harts, military aide to the President, presented the guests, who passed at once to the East Room. where they were shown to sents by tho White House military aides. Program Delightful. A delightful profjrnm.was given by John Powell, pianist, and Vernon Btltes, tenor. Mr. Powell's selections Included one of his own compositions, "Banjo Picker." from "At the Fair." which evoked no little applause, His opening numbers were a series of Chopin com positions, after which Mr. Stiles sang a group ot Schumann songs, and then Meyerbeer's " Huguenots," Mac Dowell's "To a Wild Rose," and "Shad ow Dance--' were -Among the later se lections played by Mr. Powell, and Mr. Btllea closed the program with "La Matlnata", and "II Pagllaccl." Harry Rowe Shelley, who accompanled mm. was the author of two ballads sung by Mr". Stiles, last evening. Miss Margaret Wilson, who was ac tive In making the guests welcome nnd who, held a small court during the even ing, was charmingly gowned In a trail ing blue -satin costume and wore long pendant pearl earrings. Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, In a dainty frock of mue siik ana white lace, and Miss Edith Benham. who wore a ion of cri-cn with -a' metallic luster, also assisted the hosts. Cabinet Members Attend. Baron Zwlcdlnek, charge d'affaires ot Austria-Hungary, was among the mem bers of the diplomatic contingent pres ent: the Vice President und Mrs. Mar shall arrived shortly after the program had begun, and the Cabinet was repre sented by the Attorney General, Mrs. Oregon', and Miss Gregory : the riecrc taiy of the Navy and Mrs. Daniels, the Secretary ot Agriculture nnd Mrs. Hous ton, the Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Redfleld, the Secretary of Labor and Mrs. Wilson, and Miss Agnes Hart Wilson. Tho Counselor of the State Depart ment and Mrs. Polk had with them Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Stokowskl, and others among the guests Were Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Arthur Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Ord Preston, CapL and Mrs. Vlrcll Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poc, Congressman and Mrs. Montague, Mrs. I. Buchanan Merryman, Miss May Adams. Col, and Mrs. John A. Lejucne, Miss Elite Le jeune, Col. Charles . Page Bryan. Judga na xurv. tfuuu xiniui, uuu, wi. mm Mrs. Ashton G. Cldpham, Congressman and Mrs. Quin. Medical Director and Mrs. Francis Nash. Miss Carolyn Nush, Lieut Com. and Mrs. David LeBreton, Capt. Ridley McLean, U. S. N Mr. and Mm. Theodore Notes. Miss Daisy Pren- ------ -.::..z . ..,. . . . . tlss. William i'niliips, 'intra wssisianr Secretary of state and his mother, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Louis Lehr. 4 Mrs. William Haywood Is entertaining this aftermon at orie of the largest and most attractive bridge parties ot tho season. Then, are elffhty, guests, and a few others hsve been asked for the tea which will follow, J The house Is elab orately decorated with flowers for the occasion, tho prevailing color scheme of pink being carried out with quantities of pink roses. i If It Catches You There "AIMURIC" Will Quickly Stop It! Simnly to realiz the importance of coming kidney trou ble by its first symptoms, backache or throbs through the kidney region, is money, in one's pocket ns well as years of sickness forestalled. No organ of the body is more easiy deranged than the kidneys. Day in and day out their action is con stant, in separating poison- nun mnttAr frnm thn hlnnn. Most cases of kidnoy trouble may easily be overcome by merely taking a little "Anuric" with the meals. Citizens daily voice their praises of the. merits of "Anuric," the recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, of "Favorite" Prescription" and "Golden Medical Discovery" fame. Here is a letter from Mr. WALTER CARLSON, who Bays: "I suffered for four years with pain in my back. I tried everything there was out but they all failed to help me. I even went to a doctor and he could not cure my backache said it was from the kidneys. A friend of mine advised me to try a bo:d of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets, and oo I did; I used two boxes and my pains were cone. I am not telling any lie, the pain in my back was something terrible. As soon as I would bend over to get something from tho floor I thought my wholo back would burst. "I- would advise sufferers to try two or three boxes of 'Anuric' Tablets.-" Advt. NOTE: Experiments at Dr. Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that "Anuric" is 37 times more potent thnn llthia in removing uric acm irom tno system, as not, tSTJUft ask or "itnurlc" at druggitta, iurio" T. n til iilSiili LwiBlflilMP i whsjMytfwSSiyWiKiil' Concert Today Orchestral Concert by the U. 8. 8eH(wr' Heme Bar, a Stanley Hall at e'eleck. JOHN B. M. ZIMMERMANH. Director. March, "World Peace" Zamacnjjc Overture, "Sicilian Vespers"...Verdl Tl.ree Cuban Dances.., -.... Cervantes (I) Moderato con expressions. (I) Con teneraxia (Weep No Long- (S) Moderato jhelanconlco. .. Selection, "Boccaccio" Huppo nag Oddity, "Nigger Alley." . - Sllberberg Idyl, "Endearment"... HelnU Valse Hesitation, "Vaise Elaine," Baxter Finale, "Lumberln' Luke". .Andrews "The Star-Spangled Banner." IE. PEZET GUEST OP Prettily Appointed Luncheon Is Given at Apartment in the Highlands. Mrs. Thomas B. Hutchinson enter tained at a beautifully appointed lunch con at the Highlands yesterday In honor of Mme. PczeL The tablo decorations were pink awcet peas and other spring flowers, with a corsage bouquet for each guest. The other Kuests wero Mrs. John E. Os borne. Mrs. Claude Swanson. Mrs. John W. Foster. Mrs. P.ufus Day. Mrs. Sam uel J. Oraham. Mrs. Stlmann Brown. Mrs. T. DoWItt Talmajtc. Mme. llosn. Mrs. Esra Koon. and Mrs. John Tomplo Graves. . ' Mrs. Bayard Thayer, of Boston, v-ill nrrlve In Washington todny for a visit at the Shoreham. Other guests who are expected to nrrlve at the Shoreham today are Mr. nnd sirs, itenry l-nipps. wno jro coming up from the South; nnd Dr and Mrs. Howard Backland. Mrs. Dahney linrrlson and Mrs. Tihllln Wnlk.r. nt TlnVrfl. VS.. ATt In wasnington, and are stopping at tho Shorcjiam. Mr, and Mrs. Henderson KelloRg, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Stanwood, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stearns, of Welles ley Hills. Mass.. and Prof, ond Mrs. Harold A. Everett, of Annapolis. Md.. members of n party visiting In Wash Ington nre likewise stopping at the Shoreham. Entertain at the Shoreham. Tho r.usslun Ambassador nnd Madame BakhmctcIT were wero among those en tertaining Infotmally at luncheon in thn roso room of the Shoreham yest-r- Units Nixon, of New Yor!;. was also host at. a li ncheon yesterday at the Shoreham. Madame de Gams, wife of the Brazilian ambassador, Delng among the jrucsts. Mrs. Champ Clark.will he at heme infm-maiiv thin nrirint'on to the mem bers of Congress nnd their families to met-t Robert Underwood Johnson, secre tary of tho American Academy of Artjr and Letters. Forner Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock arrived In Washington yes terday ond U at the Wlllard. Other recent arrivals at tho hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Harrlion. of Philadelphia and Virginia. Joljn IJrd. of Minneapolis, formerly representative of the President in Mexico; Mr. r.nd if.. iikinn rirlc nt Roston. and Mr. 'and Mrs. Samuel M. Shepard. of Mr. and Mrs. William Vntuthan. of Benton, who have teen t pending some time at Jekyl Jelnnd olso arrived her; last evening on their way North ana aro at tho Wlllard. MY BACK! waicr mciu ouKm. auvi, or tend Dr. Pierce lOo or t trial package. II MRS HUTCHINSON .ggggggggggHiBgggggggggggr i IssgggPggglHBHgHlgBHHglHggggggggggv w3EksgiiBflpYSilaa!ggggggHF NEW YORK. SUITES OF ALL SIZES AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES HALF A BLOCK FROM FIFTH AVH ' AT MADISON AV. AND 29TH ST. Centra c( Everything! Just Away from ths Noise, Rooms with Bath, for Two, $3 Per Day Up, Single Rooms, $1.50 Per-Day. KDWABO I'UBCUAH, UasstM. MABSHALLS GUESTS DF BRITISH ENVOY Ambassador, and Lady Spring Rice Hosts at Dinner at , Embassy. i The Vice President and Mrs. Marshall will bet, the guests of honor at a din ner this evening, with the British Am bassador and Lady Spring-Rice as hosts. -.: Mrs. Victor Kauffmann will enter tain at bridge, April 4. . Miss Feagln, who will give a read Inir nt the Congressional Club on rrinny afternoon, wllr he the guest of honor at tho tea which wllf fol low. -- Mr. and Mrs. Henry St. George Tucker, who aro spending a week at tho Wlllard, entertained at dinner there last evening In tho Presidential sulto In compliment to tho Secretary of War, Newton Baker. Their guests to meet Mr. Baker were the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Daniels. Senator Hoko Smith. Senator John Sharp Williams, Mrs. John W. Foster, Brig. Qeu. and Mrs. A. W. Oreelv. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Ham lin. Mr. and Mra Charles Henry nutier. tho Misses Sharne, Miss Julia Lathrop, Col. Robert E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Car ter Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Myers. of Norfolk, and John Randolph Tucker. of Richmond. - Mrs. McCclIan Visits. Mrs. James McClellan, of Boston, has arrived In Washington to be tho Rueot of Mrs. GIllett-HUl for a fow dnys. MIm Lemlra Glllett-IIIIl has gone to New York for a week'a visit to her aunt, Miss Jessie Glllott, nfter which she will spend a week In Bos ton and a week In Portland, Me., be fore returning to Washington. Mrs. 'Archibald Oracle was hostess nt an informal dance last cvohlnic In compliment to Mlsi Eva Intrersoll Brown, of New York, who Is tho guest of MIhn Edith Tempi Grade. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Grade and Miss Grade, will give a muslcale In horror of lior daughter and her house guest. Wife Would Administer Estate of Adjniral Fox Seeking to administer tho estate of her husband, Rear Admiral Charles Eben Kox. valued at approximately 33,000. Nelly Beckwlth Fox has peti tioned the Probate Court to admit the will nnd issue her letters of adminis tration. ' Certain books and pamphlets In the estate or Hugh T. Taggart were sold to tho Library of Congress for J1.S55. according to a petition for approval of tr-.o sale flled In the Probate Court bv Annie M. Taggart, administratrix. The court also is asked to authorize the sale of other personal property, in eluding the office furniture and stock in the Lincoln National inic ana me Columbia Title Insurance Cbmpany, Moobwarb & Xotbrop New York-WASHINGTON Paris MEN'S HATS The New Blocks in Felt Hats for Spring Are Now Here in All the Correct Colors The smartest, most dis tinctive block in Men's Soft Felt Hats. for spring is the flat-brim effect, and young men have been quick to adopt it for its becomingness and correct fasjiion. These are In the numerous shade varia tions of tan, brown, green and gray, with bands to harmonize or effect r. pleasing contrast. Colors are fast and the quality high grade in every re spect. The Curl-brim Felt Hats are also shown in the new colprs. Priced at $2, $3 and $3.50. New Blocks in Derbies, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50. New1 colors and shapes In Caps, $1.00 each. Men's Neckwear Featuring Especially an Exceptional Tie at 65c Neckwear at this price is not regularly carried in stock by us, which is at once convincing proof that these ties are special. Made of good, heavy silk, which ties well, in an attractive wide range of color ings and patterns. We cannot emphasize too strong ly the quality represented in these ties. Many other fine selections, a number of which are exclusive they are new, late and up-to-the-minute in style. The colorings are handsomely fjlenc(ed, and altogether the neckwear is most tasteful and ele gant. Main floor, F utrcet. NURSES ATTENDED 4,000 PATlENTfe Association Report Shows '37,808 Visits in Year. More than 4.060 patients were cared for by the nurses -of tho Instructive VU Ring Nurso Socloty last year. . Tho annual report of tho society shows that the fifteen nurses made 37.9M visits to 4,:s patient during the rr. Nursing enrt- lias given on !,4(1 occasions to sick babies. It cost the society $18,195.87 to carry on Its' wdrk. Tho annual report of the Moclely Includes reports of Superintend, ent Elisabeth G. Kox nnd of Mrs. A. P. Gardner, tho treasurer. The report notes the death ot .Mrs. Jienry "-aooi Lodge, former president of the organi zation. Tho present officers are Mrs. Vi C. Eustls, president; Miss Tucker- man, first vice president: Mrs. uiaino Heal, second vlco president; Mrs. W. M. Orlnnell, secretary ond Mrs. A. P. Gardnor. treasurers . Miss Maud Fay 111, Recital Is Postponed A severo attack of laryngitis has caused the postponement of the recital by Miss Maud Fay, of -the Metropolitan Opera, from this afternoon to April V. at the National Theater at 4 ISO. WHY CH)LLY WEATHER Says skin pores are closed' and uric'acld remains in blood. I Rheumatism Is no respecter of aft. sex, color, or rank. If not the most dangerous of human afflictions Ik Is en of the most painful. Those'eubject to rheumatism should eat less meat, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure, and, above all, drink lota of pure water. nhcumatlsm Is caused by urle add which Is generated In the bowels and absorbed Into the blood. It Is the func tion of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the pores of the skin ore also a means of freeing the blood of this Imnurltv. In damn and chilly, cold "weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing; the kidneys to ao aouoie work, they becomo weak- and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keps accumulating; and circulating through the system, eentually settling In the Joints and muscles causlnx stiffness, soreness and oaln called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonful In a Class of water and drink before break fast each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate urio acid by stimu lating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood ot these lmpur- Jad Baits Is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juloe, combined with llthia and Is used with excellent results by. thou sands of folks who .ire'subject tol-htiif motlsro. -H&re you h.vve unpleasant, ef fervescent "althla-watcr drink which overcomes uric acid and Is beneficial to your- moneys as wen. jvavu BRINGS HHEUNIATISul V V L N IFlr