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wv ffte tfaeftnytfatt dme WEATlteR FORECAST: Fair; Continued CoH (Full Report on Page Two.) HOME Edition l t NUAlBEB 8848. "WASHINGTON, THUBSDAY EVENING, MABOH 28, 1010. PBICEONEOBNT. MEXICO RAILWAY TAKEN BY PERSHING w Jy r 7 PLOT RUSSIAN IE U-MSK UNE1NP0IS0N MYSTERY n OFFENSIVE WATEUNDERGUARD BRIN MMHH Battle Raging Forty Miles South of Dvinsk Half a Million Russians in Aotlon. GERMANS ARE GIVING WAY Kuropatkin Delivers Attack Along 150-Mile Front of von Hindenburg's Troops. IXWDON, March 23. Half a million well-equipped Russian troops, under di rect command of General Kuropatkin, are now assailing von Hindenburg's lino on . front of ISO miles. The Russians, It Is officially announc ed at Petrograd, have dented the Ger man line at haltNa dozen places. Un official dispatches today report the battle raging with grpat fury forty miles south of Dvinsk. The Slavs om this sector are driving westward toward the Vllna-Dvlnsk railway. Offense Begins. Whether Kuropatkln's heavy blows are. the beginnings of a great offena- , Ire' or merely an attempt to lift the 1 pressure on Verdun, t la too early to determine. Th'aPetrorrad corres'poneT- "ntof the Morning Post cables thatf "the great Russian move has begun, pointing out that Kuropatkin Is em ploying large forcos. Other dispatches from Petrograd de scribe the Russian offensive as an attempt to batter In the dungerou German wedge In the Dvinsk region, removing the threat of a German of fensive on that sector when weather conditions are more seasonable. View of Critics. This Is the view held by the majority of London critics, who bellovo the weather In tje Dvinsk region will not be favorable for a great offensive for at least a month. Northwest of Verdun, the Germans are striving desperately to capture a dominant height In the Avocourt je glon, from which to bring gun-fire to bear upon French positions. Emerg ing from the Avocourt woods, the Bavarian roglmcnts found themselves upon an open plain, raked by the fire of scores of French Ktmi. The German attempt has met with some success. The official stntement from the French war office admits that the Germans gained a foothold on Haucourt hill, between Avocourt and Malancourt. 17. S. Official at Sofia Is Arrested Chancellor of Embassy Charged With Bribing .Passport Authority. PARIS, March 23. The chancellor or the American legatton at Sofia has been arrested by the Bulgarian authorities, according to a dispatch received here today. t He was charged with bribing a police official to Issue certain passports. TheAmerlcan minister has demanded his release. ' French Take Trenches East of Pont-a-Mousson PARIS, March 23. The Germans made no new attacks on the west bank of the Meuse last night, and tho bombard ment northwest of Verdun slackened perceptibly, tho war ofTJce announced this afternoon. Favenhaye. east of Pont-A- Mousson and about fifty miles south east of Verdun. French troops attack' ed German trenches, taking a number of prisoners. Thn lrronnh maintain their positions on the slopes of Haucourt hill, between Malancourt and Avocourt. ine uer mans made no new attempts to enlarge tnelr positions at this point. Vlolont bombardments occurred at several points last night, particularly east of the Mouse, 'mere was inter mlttent cannonading in the Woevre. Germans Take French Prisoners in Greece BERLIN. March 23. German troops, newly arrived at the Greek frontier, made their first capture of French pris oners in the recent skirmish between patrols, the Cologne Gasette's Balkan correspondent reported. The two scouting; parties came upon each other unexpectedly and Immediate ly clashed. After the Infantry fighting, artillery exchanged shots across Uio border. TO ON ARREST ORDERED Son-ln-Law of Milionafro Under Guard, and Traces of Ar senic Are Found. NEW YORK, March ,23. District Attorney Swann today ordered the arrest of Dr. Arthur Warren Walte, son-in-law of John E. Peck, Grand Rapids millionaire, who died here on March 12, supposedly of arsenic poi soning. A colored maid Is said to have told District Attorney Swann's secretary that the night before he died Peck drank a cup of tea shortly after he had tried to take some soup that he complained tasted bitter. According to the statement Peck refused the soup after he had taken but a couple of spoonsful. As soon as word was received from Grand Rapids last night that an au topsy showed arsenic poisoning, Dis trict Attorney Swann ordered the home of Dr. Walte guarded. After the order for the arrest of Dr. Walte, Attorney Jbhn B. Otanchfleld told the district attorney that Walte was ill and could not be removed from his apartments. The guard at the Walte home Is .being maintained. Dr. Waits, the son-in-law. Is twenty right. At n'gh ichool an-1 at tho Uni versity of Michigan he mado brilliant records both as studont nnd athlete. He holds the Indoor tennis champion ship of Now York. He married Miss Peck at Grand Rapids ouVHopteniber 9. , .-Xhtudeath of Mrs. Emma Ring, sixty, is the cehttfr bf a second mystery. She was--thewealthy wUow ot Uvorcro " I. Ring, a broker. She died on Tuesday. Coroner Rlotden Is now holding up the 'funeral ponding an autopsy. He is said to have received an anonymous telephone call asking that he look into the case. 5,000 JAM LINES TO GET SEATS TO FIGHT Demand Far Exceeds Supply of Tickets for Willard-Moran Bout Saturday. By FRED S. FERGUSON. NEW YORK, March 23,-Havlng work ed Itself up, first, from a state of doubting curiosity to a stago of mild In terest, New York threw all restraint into Its numerous snow barks today and simply went nutty ovnr the Willard Moran fight. When tho imlo of J3 nnl V tickets, railing for seats In the topmost gal lery qn Madison Square Garden, started today thero were four times as maty v.'lld-eyed tight fan. clamoiing at the doors as there were tickets to be sold. At noon .the 33 and 5 seats were de clared "all sold." Speculators were busy about tho Garden, and though it was declared precautions had been taken to prevent more than one or two tickets falling Into any one person's hands, they wero being offered on the street from $10 up. Many ln the ticket line were declared to be agents for .speculators. Hundreds were turned away from the ticket window when the "sold out" sign was hunc un. The scat sale bejan at 0 o'clock. The. iiuu dckuu lurnuMif ai uayiignt, ana by the time the ticket office opened at least 6.000 men and boys wero Jammed In the streets about the Garden. Extra police were hurrlud to the scmo to ton (Contlnued on Page Twelve.) Tirpitz Policies Losing Support thmann-Hollweg Likely to Wic Over Reichstag to Moderation. By CARL W. ACKERMAN. BERLIN, March S3.-Chancollor von Bethmann-Hollwog, supported by tho Kaiser and military loaders, In all prbb. ability will be victorious In tho Reich stag over the von Tlrpltzltes. Tho policies advocated by the von Tlrpltz follbwers have won no new support since the admiral's resignation, despite the loud utterances of some of the newspapers supporting von Tlrpltx. On the other hand, tho Kaiser's in fluence and later calm consideration of tho possible results ot'an Iridlscrlmlnnte suhmurinn warfare. Is winning support ers for Bethmann-Hollweg. The controversy has brought to light the pluln truth thut to pursue the von Tlrplts policies to the extreme, by sink ing all ships bound for Ihigland. Ger many must again faco danger in her relations with the United States. This, the Reichstag la anxious to avoid. PILLAGE EL FINAL EFFORT TO BE"VOLUNTEER ARMf Hffil IE Group of Washington Clergymen and Laymen to Visit Evan gelist in Baltimore. A final and concerted effort to get Billy Sunday to come to Washington for a campaign will be made this week. Acting under Instructions of the Pastors' Federation of Washington, the Rev. Dr. Clarence A. Vincent, president of the federation, fend a group of ciergy mon and laymen are going to Baltimore this week to confer with the evangelist. They will make a report to the Pastors' Federation Monday morning at 11 o'clock at tho Y. M. C. A. Though Sunday Is booked for two years ahead. It Is believed that some of the dates are tentative, and that they could be canceled for a Washington campaign. This Is tho point about which the Washington committee wishes ! to talk to Mr. Sunday. The committee expected to go over to morrow, but the fact that several ot the clergymen who were to go have other engagements may postpone the trip until later in tho week. Yesterday two Presbyterian clergy men, tho Rev. Samuel Bower and the Rev. Harry Haremore Angus, who were In Baltimore arranging for the Prenby f terlan excursion on April 1, sounded out ueorge bunaay on a wasnmgion cam paign. Beyond advising them to see "the boss," young Mr. Sunday shed no light' on the possibility of getting Mr. Sunday to come. The rlntfi of the PrnshvtnrlAn jiTciir. elon wan to have boon on April S9. but It was found that not enough cats, could lvoirciserved 'then, so " the date waaNehifted.Xrf April U Oeorgo Bunaay would only allow 00 seats for 'the Washington visitors' .He said that more applications for reservations alreauy (Continued oji Second Page.) T AT PHELPS PLACE Second Visit Made in Vicinity of Q Street Bridge Hole Cut in Pane. On the heels of the "second story" burglory of the home of Lieutenant Commander Reynolds, near the Q street bridge, on Tuesday night, burglars at tempted to enter the home of Arthur Hale. 1830 Phelps place, last night. Climbing a tree, the Intruders reached tho roof of the front porch and cut a hole In the glass of ono of tho windows leaning Into a bed room. Ttiey were frightened away before thoy had entered the house. Mrs. HaJe believes that tho attempt was made while the family was at din ner. She said that as she roso from the dinner table she say a man wearing a dark overcoat and at peeplngvlnto the dining room window. Mr. Hale Immediately searched tho piemtses, but found no one. This morning Mrs. Haleaw the hole which had been cut In the window, it had been mado beneath tho catch of the sash. Baker Asks Hearing On Aqueduct Bridge Secretary 0f War Wants Citizens to Express Their Views as to Its Location. Secretary of Wop rtv i ... qunested th- District Commissioner to win a puouo Hearing at which Wash ington, Georgetown, and Virginia resi dents may express their views as to the test location for the proposed new Aqueduct bridge. A bill pasted the House recently pro viding for tho constrductton of a new bridge at u point some place between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-sixth atresia northwest. Whllo the bill -wua ponding .In tho Senate, a resolution by Senator ncison was adopted requesting the Secretary of War to slvn hl vl., to the best location for such a bridge. oini-u receiving we request contained In tho Nelson resolution, Secretary Ba ker has been asked by the Georgetown Citizens' Association, the Alexandria County anions' Association, tho Co lumbia Dredging Company, and several Individuals, to accord a hearing before announcing his views as to tho best bridge site. btcretary Baker believed that an ex pression of views can beat be brought out by a public hearing, -and has so ad vised the District Commissioner, BURGLARY AHEM FUN is hub BY VOTE OF HOE Garrison-Gardner Proposal Is Overwhelmingly Defeated Without Standing Count. BODY WEDDED' TO HAY IDEA Action Indicates There Is Trouble Ahead for Conferees on Chamberlain Bill. Tho Houso today rejectysd a pro posal to crento a "volunteer army" elmllar to that proposed by Secretary Garrison tefore he left the War De partment. Resuming consideration of tho Hoy umv bill, the Houso debated for an hour the Gardner amendment proposlnr a "volunteer army" Instead of a "Fed erallzed militia." When thu vote was taken the 'noes'" were of such over whelming numbers that Congressman Gardner did not even ask for a stand ing vote, Mr. Gardner's amendment proposed an army somewhat similar to that rs- poiised by Secretary Garrison, who was tho orlsluator of th" "OonUnintl Army" plan. Tho Massochusctta mem ber has fought contlstcntly the. Hay plant to Federalist the rUate militias, his contention being that sine? tho militia is offered by ,tato appointees tho National Guard will never bewmo really effective fighting force ' t ha Federal Government. It moanaJ'iS'iJtT tlo armies," according to -Mr. Gardner, To Pay Guardsmen. The "voli'iiteer army"' amendment pponsorcd by Mr. Gardner was ofTored in lluu of that section of the bill pro viding for the payment by the Federal Government, of certain sums to tho offi cers und men of the National Guard. The action of the Hcusu demonstrated that Uio rower body is wr-dded to the Hoy idea and that the Garrison-Gardner plan for a Continental or olunteer army has llttlo support in,'' ie ljver chamber. The "volunteer army" pfh l Is carried In the Senate bill, which has been Intro duced by Senator Chamberlain. That there will bo troublo In conferonco over this item Ih apparent, assuming that tho Senate accepts the Chamberlain bill. The House will make a determined stand for building up and Federalizing tho State militias, Instead ot creating a volunteer urmy. Congressman Gardner's amendment today was presented to tako tho place of section 76 of the Hay bill. This sec tion provides that In tho Federalization of the State militias the officers shall bo paid from tho Fcderul Treasury sal aries ranging from 3200 for a second lieu tenant to JM for officers with tho rank of captain or higher. Enlisted men, ex cept when In actual service, will receive one-fourth tho regular Day ot enlisted men of corresponding grades In tho regular army provided the cnlistod men attend regular drills. Favors "Federalized Militia." In defeating the Gardner plan the House virtually O. K.'d the, "Federalized mtlltta," which 1b to be brought about by pay frdm tho Federal Treasury nnd a supervision by the War Department ot the training Qf militiamen and tho ap pointment of Its officers after examina tions aro conducted ulong lines pre scribed by tho War Department. Theso appointments, however, will still be known as State appointments which fact caused opposition to tho plan among some House members. foiiovwng tne oeuate on tne Gardner amendment, about which centered one 31 tho principal tights during the acbato n the bill, tho House Is making com paratively rapid, progress this afternoon on' the Hay bill. There Is a possibility that u voto may be reached tonight, al though there will be considerable dis cussion of the proposal to establish a nitrate plant for the manufacture ot explosives ln time of war. Gardner's Amendment. Congressman Gardner's amendment, which was close enough to the Garri son plan to make It possible to sound out sentiment on tho "continental army" Idea, read as follows: "The Volunteer Army. The President la hereby, authorized, at any time, to uiBuiuftu, iiiuiiiiuju. uiiu num. uuuur mu provisions of section 3 to 12, both in clusive, of an act entitled 'An act to provldo for raising tho volunteer forces oi tne united states in timo of actual or threatened war.' amiroved Anrll 2a. 19H, volunteer forces, not exceeding an averago ot COO officers and enlisted mon for each Congressional district. Tho term of enlistment, which shall In no event be greater than that of tho reg ular army, thu period of service with the colors and with the reserve, and tho period of training shall be as the President may prescribe, those Passing to the reserve to havo tho status and obligations prescribed for reserves of tho regular army. Officers and enlisted men of tho volunteer forces raised (inder the provisions of this section shall be entitled to the pay and allowances ot officers anl enlisted men of correspond. lng grades In the reirular army during, "Temporary upiuliuiuunts and promo tions of offlceis of tho regular army arising from the operation of this sec tion may be terminated at thn diners- tlon of tho President. orricers ot tne regular army who re ceive commissions In the volunteer army herein authorized shall In time or peaco receive tho pay and aflowances ot their rctpectlvo grades in the regular army, and bo mors.' PASO Tourists Are Taken Off trains For U. . Troops DENVER, March 23-WUhJn a fortnight of their return, from long servico in tjjo Philippines the Twenty fourth United States Infantry left Fort D. A. Russell, near Cheyenne, today for the border in cars taken from trans-continental trains or gathered in a genral combing of Western railroad yards. , Passengers wore shooed out of tourists' coaches at La Junta, Colo., and forced to crowd into the remainder of the train when railroad officials received hurry orders for ad ditional cars for the troops. The yards at Pueblo, Denver, Colorado Spring and Chey enne were emptied of avail able passenger coaches. The first detachment passed through Denver early today. Col. W. G. Penrose is in com mand of the regiment con sisting of 1,700 men. ns see n .l L i Af J. " V JT ' Senators Sherman and Ashurst Plead for Protection and Vigilance. Senator Sherman has prepared a new resolution authorizing and directing the President to call for 00,000 volunteers for Mexican servico. Tho new measure Is a Senate resolu tion, which wlU not require cither tho joint action of thn House or tho signa ture of the President, nor will it neces sarily bo referred to a committee. Senator Sherman has ben led to do this because it became clear today that Administration leaders, headed by Senator Stone, would try to side track the original resolution by bury lng It in committee. lie laid emnhaals on tho conditions which he believe call for such action. He said he had lived ln Mexico and that he spoke as one having a per sonal acquaintance with the people and the country. "Why rlBk the lives of men on a slender thread which may snan any hour?!' asiked Senator Shorman.' "If the northern states of Mexico should be unfriendly. Brigadier General Pershing and his forces are. ln .dangsr of finding a hostile country In the rear and no communication with our country." Ho characterized the. present policy as "trusting to luck." Senator Ashurst of Arizona, ln an In terview, said that garrisons should be doubled and vlgtlancQ exercised. "I am fearful," said the Senator, "that largA numbers ot Carranza troops will Join VlUa and may glvo trouble to General Pershing's expedition. The sit uation along tho Mexican border, I be lieve, Is graver than the departments think It Is." Senator Sherman took the flqor to make It plain that he would call up his resolution at tho earliest opportunity. Senator Stone's anxiety to repress debato Is taken to mean that the Ad ministration is aiixloils to prevent the Mexican situation from being aired. Wants Wilson to Put Price on Villa Congressman cott Would Have President Give $50,000 for Bandit's Body. President Wilson (s nuthorlzed to pay $50,000 for tho delivery of the body of Pancho Villa Into tho hands of the mili tary authorities of the United Btatos, In a resolution Introduced today ay con sressman Scott of Philadelphia. "My thought Is that such a reward would stir Mexicans to activity In cap inrinir Villa, and would Bave the lives nt mnnv American soldiers." said Con- Igrcssman Scott. "Villa would not bo haata nmnnar hln own followers whon onco It became known that a prlco was hanging over his head, as the sole ob ject of his followers seems to be pillage, -nnlnn find tnl1rllAr n ' Six New Hydroplanes About Ready For Navy MARBLEHEAD, Mass., March 23. Builders' trials on six hydroplanes of a new class, built at the Burgess Com pany's plant, were held today In re sponse to rush orders rrom the Navy Department. The machines were originally bunt for school work at lenaco'a, but owing tn the shortage which exists In navy aircraft and the rush orders. It Is thought they may be used in Mexico. FOR U. S. HOPS BALKED U. S. TR00PSENTRAIN IN EFFORT TO CATCH VILLA BAND IN REAR Eleven Mexicans Arrested in Conspiracy to Burn and Loot El Paso Brother of Carranza General Held Two Hundred Involved, Police Say. EL PASO, March 23. (Jeneral Pershing has taken over control of the Mexican Northwestern rllilroad south of Casas Grandes, his base in Mexico, it was unofficially stated here today. He is said already to have begun transporting infantry forces over the line to Madera, Chihuahua, in an attempt to get behind Villa while Colonel Dodd's cavalry squadron push the bandit's followers southward. The American troops are reported to have been load ed on the Mexican railway at Casas Grandes, Pershing using equipment obtained from Pearson, and Casas Grandes. United States cavalry is understood, to be protecting the line to. prevent raids by'Villista bands.'here whether Pershing forcibly took possession of the line or received the permission of the de facto government. Pershing took this action three days ago. With telegraph wires and rail communication intact, the absence of official denial of Gen. Luis Herrera's revolt it Chihuahua City was generally commented upon here. A denial by Carranza Consul Garcia, based on Her rera's reputed enmity against Villa, was Garcia's personal c pinion. Herrera has been a member of both Carranza and Villa factions at different times. SAN ANTONIO, March 25. "If General Pershing is rsing the Mexico Northwestern railroad south of Casas Grancjes," said General Funston today, when informed of a report to that effect from El Paso, "he is undoubtedly ncting with the consent of the local Mexican commander. I have no knowledge of it." Geftera'l funston denied a report that he had asked ,for any further re-enforcements. t J , Militia Ready To Keep Off EL PASO, March 23. Police Captain Hall today claime dto be in possession of facts showing a plot of 200 Mexicans in El Paso to loot and burn the city. Eleven men were arrested, including Melchor Her rera, brother of General Luis Herrera. Night machine gun practice is part of the war exer t'ise at Fort Bliss. As a result of the choking of the Amer ican machine guns at Columbus during the Villa raid, be cause the soldiers were unaccustomed to operating them in the dark, the commanders at the fort are putting the soldiers through nightly drills on the rifle range. In addition to the rapid firers at Fort Bliss there are others held near police headquarters, manned ' by 300 militia infantrymen, ready for service in case of a local Mexican uprising or an attack from Juarez. Carranza Protocol Meets Further Delay With unofficial reports from the bor der piling up to show that Gen. Luis He,rrera, Carranza's former military commander at Chihuahua, has joined the cause of Francisco Vllfa, and has declared war on tho United States. It was learned today that further delay has developed In the "negotiations be tween the State Department and the Carranza government for the estab lishment of a protocol under which the Mexicans (two governments enn co-operate In tho pursuit of tho bandit forces. It was expected that Kllseo Arrcdondo, Carranza'a ambassador-designate, and tho Secretary of State would meet to dny In n final conference on the sub ject, and that out of this conferonco would come the formal agreement tu writing. Kor reasons which were not given at the State Department, it was said it V SLima&. h-