Newspaper Page Text
'i r, ,vf ' i , t. ' " ' v- "rw "&r C v. . ...? " Y-;P3fc7 ;rj; iawB;E-:7 9-1 tv 14 " S'M ATTER , 0 itmW Bb LOCAL AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS ELECTRIC CO. ISSUES LEAD MARKET HERE Otherwise, Washington Ex change Is Dull and Narrow. Sell at 82. Aside from the Issues or the Washing ton Railway and Electric' Company, all of which were In good demand at pre vailing prices, the market on the Wash ington Stock Exchnngo today vroa dull and narrow. Thero was no pronounced preasuro to ell, however, and quotation figures, In the majority of Instances, remained at the levols established on the previous day. After a round lot of 100 shares of Washington Railway and Electric pre ferred stock had sold at 82, the buying broker bid the same figure for another 100 shares, and there, were several bids tor odd lots on the tloor at that figure. Tho ottering price was 82H. A total of 15 shares or Hallway common brought W,i, and 10,000 worth of the 4 per cent bonds of the company wcro traded In at 81. The more threatening aspect of the Mexican situation had a depressing effect 'on Qrcene-Cananea Copper stock, and the hid price dropped 2 points to 45. Washington Gaa stock continued tn ease off. An odd lot of 6 shares was disposed of at 75 and tho bid for quotations was lowered U a point to 74. Tho best bid for Mergenthaler Llnotypo was 165, or ) of a point below that of yesterday. A sale of 5 shares was made nt 166. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company stock was advanced 1 point And Continental Trust Company stock njoyed a similar rise. Tho Eastern Light and Fuel Com pany has declared the regular quar terly dividend of 2 per cent, payable April 1 to stockholders of record March 27 500 RECRUITS ARE SELECTED FROM 2,400 Officers Disregard Clock in Search for Volunteers. When Uncle Sam's recruiting officers Caso sounding the call for 20,000 men to "enlist and help catch Villa," their campaign can neither be called a howl ing success nor a dismal failure .In tho view of tto men directing the work. The 500 men out of 2,400 applicants accepted on the first report, howewer. Is sufficiently large not to be diecourag Ing, for recrultng had been at a very low ebb. Moreover, in the language of Adju tant General McCain, "we will get them all In time." He Is encouraging overy recurlting officer to tho utmost endeavor. They are ordered to disregard the clock in their hunt for men. Ajid the standard Is high. None of the unfit will b accepted. They must measure up to the army standard. Install Devices to Control Ether Administration A new device to regulate the adminis tering of ether, that will prevent over dosing, has been Installed at Georgo Washington University Hospital. This device Is the invention of Dr. Pred Montgomery, a graduate of tho George Washington University medical school In the class of 1009. It is called an etherometer. By its use a definite, determined amount of ether Is administered to the patient under pressure of comprexaed air. This device is doubly useful In that it se cures the patient from danger of ovor doslng and cuts down the amount of anesthetic used to an exact quantity and tho minimum necessary. None of lt is lost thiough evaporation, as is tho case In the usual metnoas 01 use. Memorial Address. An address commemorating the serf Ices of the late Dr. Isaac M. Wise wilt be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Abram Simon tomorrow evening In the Eighth Street Tmple. Wholesale Produce Market. ' I BOOB Nearby, fresli, 30c rr dsi.; Southern, lc per dos. CHEESE Nw York, new, 19o per lb.; flat, Ufflfcs. llUTTKIt Elgin print. 0c per lb.; tub, Jto per lb.; proem, tio per lb. UVB POULTny-lleni, 17017'io per Ib.t live turkeys, ItCfSSo per Ib.t rprlnc chickens, tsaHo per lb. LIVE STOCK Veal cl, beat. llWHMo per lb.; heavy, lOIflOHu per lb.; fat beep, tstto per lb.; Umbs, Do per lb, KIIEV, I'nil'B U CO. VEaETAHLE3-(Quotatlona rurnlahed by Taylor Wade)-rotatoe. 13.331-3 per bbl.J onions. tl.TS per bu., SZ.TS per aack; cabbage, 11.(0 per bbl,; turolpa, II pr bbt. FINANCIAL American Telephone and Telegraph Co. A dlilend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Saturday, April IS, ISlo, to stockholders of record at the cloie of buat nes en Friday, March 11, 1SU. tt. S. MILNE, Treasure. POP 1 Local Bond Market. GOVERNMENT BONDB. Hid. Asked. II. d. Reg. 2s tt ... U. M. Coupon Tb W U. S. Reg. 3's 1H 1CCT4 U. 8. coupon 3'S ,. 102H 105 U. B. Rer. 4's HOT ... U. ' Coupon 4's lUH ... D. C. 3.65's. 103V Yt) QAS BONDH. Geo. Qas Cert. Ind. 6'a 1K!V4 .... Georgetown Gas 5's 1WH Wash. Gas 5's 106 101 Col. Gas & Elec. t's , 78 Col. Gas & Elec. Deb. 5's m RAILROAD BONDS. Cap. Trac. R. R. 5's 106 107 Ana. Pot. Guar. 5's V',i ... Anucostia & Potomac 6's 87Vi ... City & Suburban 6's I02tt 103 Metropolitan R. It. 6's 104 ... Wash. Hy. & ESlec. 4's 80H ilH MISCELLANOUS BONDS. Potomac Elec. Cons. 5's 93 100JJ Potomac E'cc Lt. 5's 1CMH ... C. A p. Telephone 6's 103i ... Amer. Tel. & Telga. 4's...... 55 Amer. Tel. & Telga. 4H'a 103V4 Grachophcnc 6's 09 I9'4 wash. Market 5's, 1D27 93 ... . Wash. Market 5's, 1947 93 W. SI. Cold Storago 5's M 102 N. & W. Steamboat 6's 105 Itlggs Realty 6's (long) 102 Rlggs Realty 6's (short) 101 ... PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. 'Capital Traction E5 86V4 Wash. Ry. & Klcc. com SI S6 Wash. Ry. & Elec. pfd 82 tti N. & W. Steamboat 156 159 Washington Go 74 76V4 -Amer. iei. at leiga my, ... TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergcnthalcr Linotype 1G5 Ib6tt iansion xuonoiype TiVt 7sft .Ml.NlMU STOCK. Oreene-Cananea 40 ... NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank 162 160 uapitai iMai. uanx Zio Columbia Nat. Bank 240 250 Commercial Nat. Bank.., 195 210 District Nat Bank 137 Far. & Merh. Nat. Bank 240 Federal Nat. Bank 133 Lincoln Nit. Hunk 160 Metropolitan Nat. Bank 193ft ... Second National Bonk ........ lit ... Nat. Bank of Washington.... 220 225 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Amer. Sec. & Trust 20) 265 National Bav. & Trust 267 Union Truit 122 123U Washington Loan & Trust.... 227 ... Continental Trust 121 125 SAVINGS BANK STOCKa Home Savlncs - 395 ... Bank of Com. & Eav..., 12 ... East Wash. Sav. Bank im ... Security Sav. & Com. Bank.. 135 FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Insurance .... gft tH Corcoran Flro Insurance 8C Firemen's Flro Insurance 18H ... Ger. Amer. Fire Ins 265 ... Nat Union Flro Ins 6 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Insurance.... 4ft 6M MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Chapln Sacks 175 ... D. O Paper Mfg. Co 125 (xraphophone com 110 120 uraphophone prd 120 130 Merch. Trans, ft Storage 100 110 Security Storage ISO 210 Washington Market 18U ... Today's Sales. Washington Railway preferred, 100SB2. Mergenthaler Linotype, 60166. After call: Washington Railway 4's, X1.O0O8S1. Washington Railway common, 10384ft. wajningion uas, faio. Washington Railway common, 6C4ft, 6'4ft. Washington Railway 4's, $1,000081, $l,000tr81. $3.00(381. Plan Mock Trial. Plana have been completed by mem bers of the Young People's Social Club for the holding of & mock trial at the headquarters of the organieatlon, 1005 Sixth street northeast, at ehe next meeting of the body. Jack W. Ehrllch and David P. Fink will be the opposing attorneys. FINANCIAL CAPITAL $750,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, over $550,000.00 1 HI IsOMIIIEItOIAt. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE Corner Fourteenth and 6 Sts. BUSINESS men appreciate- the promptness and ac curacy with which we serve them also the ac commodating spirit that features all "Commercial Na tional" transactions. Undoubtedly, your business will benefit from asso ciation with an institution possessing BOTH ABILITY and DESIRE to fully satisfy your banking needs. Offiv Interest Paid on Daily Balances OQ, O A In Our Savings Department O A Cgr-FULL INTEREST on every dollar for ACTUAL NUMBER OF DAYS ON DEPOSIT. OFFICERS: Ashton G. Clapham President Arthur Lee Vice President James A. Cahill Vice President Tucker K. Sands Vice President and Cashier Frank E. Ghiselli' .Assistant Cashier Herbert V. Hunt Assistant Cashier TfiE WASHINGTON TEtfES, THURSIVAY. MARCH 23, 1916. V4tAT L viiA .DING H New York Stocks. All transactions la stocks art on thi bails of dollars and fractions thereof. quotations furnished by W. Tl. Itlbhs Co., members of New York Block Eschange. lttbbs Dulldlnr. 1:S0 Tes. High. Low, p.m. Cloee. Alaska O. M. Co toft 19ft IBftl 20ft Allls Chat soft Mft 29ft I 30ft Am. Agr. Chem. Co. 67ft 87ft 67ft I 67ft Am Dt aug com 71 71ft 71ft I 71ft Am Can mh eift (aft I eift Am C & P 70 70 to I 70 Am itide & Lea u Am Ic Security 19 I0W It I 10ft ft I an Am Linseed Co bh nil mil ft Am Locomotive 76ft 75ft 76 I 7AVi Am Smelting m 100H 10IH 1 10J Am Steel Foun 5Jft jjh uft I Mft Am Hug & Ref com.utft in m m Am Teleg & Tel 130 119ft ift I lwft Am Woolen Co u 51ft 61ft Sift Anaconda gaH Mft MM I 86H Atchison I03i I03H l(t. 1 103' Baldwin Loco Workiiorft 1044 105S 1 108H Baltimore tt Ohio.... 88 B8H &a I esft Bethlohcm Steel BOJ 500 501 1501 B. F. Goodrich 73ft TJVi 73ft I 73 i B. & S. Cop. Co.... 01 89 KH I H)ft Calif. Petrol 23i 23ft 23i ' si Canadian Faclflo I67K 167 IC7U 1 1MH Central Leather oii 55 55 I 66 Chesapeako & Ohio. Mft 64 64HI Mft Chlno Con. Cop 64ft 53H 61 I 6i C. R. I. & P. Ry.... 17H 17ft 17ft I I7H Chi.. MIL & St P...B4H Mft Stttl 96 Chicago & N. W.....1S7 l7 177 I Col. Fuel Sc Iron 47ft 46 46 I 46Vi Corn Products Xtft JlH 21ft I !lft Crucible Steel Co.... Blft 884 83ft I 90ft Distillers Securltes... 49 46ft Vi I 48 Krle 87ft 37ft nftl 3: - Ueneral Electric 168 163 1S9 1 16s 44 45 I 45 IK lit 1 122 47H 47ft I 48H 26 26 I 26 79ft 79WI 79V4 784 79 I 78ft 125 IU I Ureat Northern Ore.. 45 Ureat Northern pfd.. in Inspiration Copper.. 8V4 Kan. City Southern.. M Lackawanna Steel... 80 Lehigh Valley 79 Loulsv'le & Naahv'le.itS Maxwell Motor Co. 69ft 87 6SHI 68 M 85ft Mft 85ft Maxwell M. Co. pfd Mex. Patrol lost 1049. 107 1 110 Miami Copper 37 26H 369.1 Mft M., K. A. T 4ft 4ft 4ft I Montana Power 77ft 77 77M I 76ft Nat Enamel jsft ni tsftl jjft National Lead eaft 66ft Mft I Mft Nevada Con. Copper 5ft 16ft 15ft 15H N.Y.AIr Brake Co 144 Utft 141ft 1 143 N. Y. Central josh lOfift 106ft I 103ft Norfolk & West ltlft IM lisftllnft N. Y O &"W 18 18 M I Northern Pacific 114 113ft 113ft 1 114 Pennsylvania R. R...67 Mft 66ft I 67ft Pittsburgh Coal Co.. xaft 37ft 28ft I 27ft Pres. S. Car., com.. Mft 51 54 I 54 Rail Steel Bpgs., com 40ft 40ft 40ft . 40ft Ray Con. Copper.... 23ft 23ft 23ft I 23ft Rep. Iron & Steel.... 62ft 62ft Sift I 62ft Reading 87ft Mft 87ft I 66ft Southern Pacific 93ft 98ft 98ft I C8ft Southern Railway.... 31ft 21ft 21ft I 31ft Studebaker Corp utft mft 143ft I Utft Tennessee Copper.... Mft 63ft 63ft I 54 Third Ave. R. R 62ft 62 62HI 62ft Union Pacific 134ft 183ft 134 1 133ft U. S. Indus. Alcoh..t56ft 164ft 155 1 151ft U. S. Rubber, com.. 52ft 62ft 52Vi I 5tft U. 8. Steel Mft 84ft,84ftl 84ft U. S. Steel, pfd 116ft 116ft 116ft 1 116ft Utah Copper 81ft 81ft 81 W. I 81ft Va.-Car. Chemical... 45ft 45ft 45ft ( 45 Western Maryland... 30Vi 29ft 80ft I 20ft West. Union Tcleg. Mft 90ft 90ft I 89ft Westtnghouse Elec. 66ft 65ft 66ft I Mft Willys Overland Co.. 229 327 237 1 228ft Bonds. Anglo-Fr. Loan 6's.. 95 Hft B. & O gen. 4's gift gift C, B. & Q. Joint 4's. 98ft 06ft Inter. Metro.4'fts 74 74 Northern Pac. 4's.... 63ft 93ft South. Pac cvt. 4's. Mft 88 South. Pac. 6's 104ft 104ft Southern Rwy.' 6'a.... loaft 102ft 95 1 gift gift I gift 08ft I 98ft 74 I 74 93ft I 93ft 88ft I 88ft 104ft I 104ft 102ft I 102ft FINANCIAL riATIONAL. DANK IIKIA, I 4 $a: MEXICAN REPORT AFFECT PETROLEUM That Stock Opens at IO8V2 Off and Reaches Low of 104 Today In New York. NEW YORK. March 2S.-Influeneed. speculators say, by the belief that the United Statos expedition into Mexico will bo more4han n vacation for Uncle Bcm'a soldiers. Mexican Petroleum opened at 108ft, off 1ft, toflay. Marine preferred was 74ft, up $4: Cru cible 90ft, up i, and American Locomo tive 6. up ft. Mexican IMroluum showed a low of 10l In the hour's trading ending at noon, but climbed to 106 shortly after ward. The last quotation on Baldwin was 10.V4. oft 2' i. tho ilav's hlzh. Except for a Jump In 104, Mexican Petroleum showed a rather stcudy de- cuno in uic rrorning trading. Um low was 105ft with 106i at 11 o'clock. Tho last quotation on. CruclDle was D0H and 84 on U. 8. Steel. CAPTAIN THORP TO REST AT ARLINGTON Veteran of Civil War Dies at Home in Capital. Funeral services for Cnpt. Martin , R. Thorp, a civil war veternn nnd life-long resident of the District, who died yesterday at tho age of seventy thro years, at his rsldence, -1725 Cor coran street northwest, will be held nt the Western Presbyterian Church, Nineteenth nnd II streets, tomorrow nt 2:30 o'clock, under the auspices of Hiram Lodge, No. 10, F. A. A. M.. of which he wns a member. Interment will bo made. In Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Thorp wns born at Little Hocking, Ohio. At tho outbreak of tho war he enlisted In the Union army and served with Colonel McLean's regiment for three years. He was engaged In fifteen battles, and was severely wounded at Chancellorsvllte. In 1S65 ho was made captain by brovet for long nnd meri torious service. He was detailed to tho War Department in 1W7. He resigned In 1S0G, and was reappointed In 1897, whero he wns employed until 1913. Ho was a prominent Mason, past mas ter of Hiram Lodge, No. 10; past high priest of Hiram Chapter, No. 10, Royal Arch Masons; past eminent commander of DeMolay Mounted Commandery, Knights Templar, for twenty-nlno years, was grand treasurer of the Jrand Chapter of R. A. M of the Dis trict, and n member of tho Military Or der of the Loyal Legion. He Is survived by his wife and three children. An Immigrant's Living. "The Immigrant Making a Living" la to be. the theme of an address by Dr. Frank O'Hara at the Catholic Univer sity tomorrow evening. FINANCIAL EQUITABLE Co-Operative Building Association. Assets, $3,169,143.47 THE VALUE OF . SYSTEMATIC SAVING la being appreciated more and more every day. Our booka con tain the namea of hundreds with email Incomes who hae accumu lated enough to Mart buying a home by Bavin- ayatematlcally. BlinBCRIPTIONS FOrt TUB 70th Issue of Stock BEING RECEIVED Shares, $2,50 Per Month 4 Interest runner tuiuiuniiuu win no enner fully furnished upon application at the office. EQUITABLE BUILDING 915 F St. N. W. JOHN JOY I5DSON. Prraldeat. VHANIC P. IlEttSIDK, Secretary. r The Safest Investments Are uiueo mat nu iiuv nutiuain uurinK flia. turbed conditions of tho money or stock mar- .,. tA1 rt tt.t nntmm Mo-. ... . net. -.....' w. .. m. iiuii. iiii.k muri- tcagrs), well secured on real estate In the Ttl.frlt nt (Tolumhla. pnnMlltlltM .lli..4.. Investments. They do not depend upon the financial rcaponaiiuiiiy or inaividiiala or cor porations for their stability, and uro exempt iroill l(aiiiM n. iTiBuimi I'lufviiy. YVO an supply audi Investments In amounts from J500 upward. Wend for booklet "Concernlnif lotns unu juesinicnis, SWARTZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., 727 1ST11 STREET N. f. m Ks'.'-l'.- NOTES AND GOSSIP .OF CAPITAL SOCIETY Items 5f Interest and Impor tance of Past. Presont, and Future. (Continued from Page Nlno.J and will to preceded by a number of smart dinner parties. Many prominent Washington women. Including Iscountcss de albour, jiish William Lltoauor pnd ?lra. Blaine, aro working for tho success of the ball, and a Targe and notable attendance la anticipated. Including ncvcral ambas sadors who will be among the box holders. The Italian Ambassador and Countess di Ccllrro wero yesterday ndded to this Intureatlng list, which. In cludes apart from the diplomats, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Gaff. Mrs. Mar shall Field, Richard Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Porry Belmont, Miss Martha Cod man, Mrs. William Bclden Noble nnd Mrs. Charles Houghton Vcod. Tho kakoshnlk, tho Russian head dress, vlli be worn by many of tho women nnd will add te tho ilcturesiue nets of tho assemblage and to tho bril liancy of tho costumes, as many of thoso owned hy Washington women nr elaborately Jtv.eled A number of danc ers from the Russian Tallet will give a. crles of dances from 11 till t o'clock. Supper will follow at mldnUht. 4 To Entertain Mississippians. Mrs. Somervell will entertain the Mis sissippi Boclcty nt Belmont 8emlnary Frldoy evening. Attorney General Ore- jrorv. Miss Vardaman. Prof. Anton Knspnr, Mrs. Francesca Kaspar Lawson, nnd Miss Waugh will take part In the evening's program. An exceptionally attractlvo program Mill be nrosented at tho Congressional Club tomorrow afternoon by Miss Fae Kln. of New York, who will rend from the works of Mark Twain, Anthony Hope, nnd other authors. Tho Con5cs3lonal Club will entertain at n dancing party next Monday even ing, from 8:30 to 11 o'clock. 4. Mrs. Blnlne Bcale has as her guest for several days Mrs. Royal Whitman, of New York. -- The Russlnn Ambassador and Madame Bakhmeteff have cards out for a din ner March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O'Shnughnessy wern tho honor guests nt dinner last evening, with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Htotcs bury, of Philadelphia, as hosts. Mrs. Frank Fessendan Crane has ar rived at Washington from Qulncy, Mass.. and Joined Commander Crano at the Wlllard. -Give Luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton McCormlck entertained yesterday nt luncheon In the rose room of tho Shorcham. Among the guests were Madame Qroultch, Mrs. Robert Hinckley, Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow, and John Powell. General and Mrs. McCain also enter talncO at luncheon In tho rose room of the Shoreham yesterday. Mrs. John A. Roche, of Chicago, and her daughter, Mrs. Georgo C. Howland, have arrived at Washington from Ashe- J" -s. 3 saay'fr I s 3 0 Vvv, afe JP lJ 1 f aJ mouse bnmM, mi m MMw c. in t, ! vllle, where they have fceen spending somo weeks, and are at the Wlllard, Other arrivals thero yesterday wero Mr. and 'Mrs, Henry Rumrlll, of Buffalo! Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stursburg. of New York; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sar gcant, of Manchester. N. II.; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Worthlngton, of Hartford, Conn.; Warren Thorpo and MIssThorpo, of Now York, and Mr. and Mrs. William G. Crocker and Miss Bulah Crocker, of Minneapolis. John s. Holbrook. of New York, yes terday joined Mrs. Holbrook, who Is re turning from the South, and Is stopping at the Wlllard. Mrs. Emmn. Ifnrrlunn nitrlnv Ailnms. widow of J. Q. Adams, has announced the engagement of her daughter. Miss Frances Gurley Adams, to Edward Hutchison Coulaon. nt Pnnnilonn (at. The marriage, which will bo a very juini uiio, win mice piace during tno nrst week In April. Mlns Adams is visiting Mr. and Mm. y.;..:v' Mfrwin nt their country place, cmton, Va. -- ) Swedish Minister Host. The Minister of Sweden and Mme. Ekcngren entertained at dinner last evening, their guests of honor being Justice and Mrs. Pitney and Senator and Mrs. Uauisbury. Mr. and Mrs. William Corcoran Hill entertained at a largo dinner last night, Mrs. Wiley Hostess. Mrs. Henry Wiley, wlfo of Commander Wiley, U. S. N., will be hostess at din ner at the Chevy chaso Club March 29. Mrs. Georgo M. Baum will closo her apartment in tho Dresden early in April, and will loin Commander Baum at the Naval Training station, Guantanamo, Cuba, where he will be on duty as range officer. Mrs. Lyman B. Swormstcdt, htr mother, Mrs. Godfrey, and Miss Anette Gates, who Is her guest, wilt be at homo tomorrow afternoon for the last time this season. Mrs. Josephus Daniels was the guest In whose honor Mrs. Theodore A. Bald win entertained at luncheon today. There wcro eighteen guests. Mrs. John W. Wenks will be hostess at luncheon tomorrow. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Kimball will entertain at tea on Saturday afternoon at their residence In Q street. To Tell of Serbian Relief. Mmo. Slavko Groultch, who will speak on "American Work In Serbia" tomor row, at 11 o'clock, at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Butler, Is tho wife of the permanent under sec rotary of atato of Serbia. She has re turned from abroad since tho capture of Belgrade. Mme. Groultch was for merly Miss Mabel Dunlop, of West Vir ginia nnd Washington. In her -talk she will make special reference to tho splendid work done by another Wash ington woman, Miss Elizabeth Shelly, who Is still in Serbia. Mrs. Robert S. Johnson Condoled by Redfield Secretary of Commerce Redfield sent today to Mrs. Robert Sidney Johnson n letter of condolence on tho recent death of her husband, who was employed In the United States Fish Commission for thirty-four years. ho Secretary extolled Mr. Johnson's servlco as an example thnt lt would bo well for othor thousands In tlio Govern ment to follow. Turn to Page for . . The Times' Own Daily Pattern Service You Can Obtain Patterns at 10c By c. M. Payne MAMA ,Mou6t S-fe TJAW A , MouTJE? eiea wi, MENACE IS SEEN SMALL APARTMENT Modern Mode of Housing De nounced by Speakers at Lenten Conference. Apartments were pictured as "destroy era of civilization," as "disintegrators- of the home," as conducive tp tho down ful iof Rome, and "not a whit better than tenements, anyway." by various speakers before the Associated Chari ties' Thursday morning "Lenten confer ence at Rauscher's, today. Dr. William C. Woodward, health of ficer of the District, said he had been criticised for approving plans for build ing houses In Washington less than fourteen feet wide, but he said he In tended keeping right on doing that be cause ho believed a slnglo family home, oven If only twelve feet wide, better than tho apartment. John Ilildcr. field worker for the Na tional Housing Association, was tho principal speaker. Ho Indorsed all the things Dr. Woodward had said About apartments In introducing him, and continued; "Decadence of nations has been largely due to types of homes. Rome's popula tion was huddled together in lbs latter days in worse tenements than any you can find In New York. "Apartment life- destroys family unity and Integrity, and It detracts from tho Individuality and virility of members of the family. Germany today Is able to fight against overwhelming odds bo ciruse of the Integrity of her family life." Say All Are Alike. Dr. Woodward in introducing another speaker. Dr. George M. Kober, said thero was no difference In tonenmenta and in apartments so far an their bad effects are concorncd. "Apartments that cost J10.000 a vear. tenements that cost ten a month, they arc all ellke in tbelr effects, they tako their dwellers away from the earth," said Dr. Woodward. "Why, there aro plenty of nkr In npartments who couldn't go down and attend to a fur nace If their famll were freezing to death." Mr. Ihldrr described tho proposed Ellen Wilson Homes, and said they contained ovor fundamental of tho home, light ond air, winltatlon, and privacy. He laid great empahls on tho latter point. Dr. Ucorgc M. Kober described tho work of the Bonltary Housing Company In providing good houses nt a low rent al to laborers. He said that this com pany now houses 808 families. He said a feature peculiar to this plan in Washington Is the rental rebate, by which a month's rent Is put Into a re pair fund, and that part returned to tenants whlcn is not so used. TT - j?1 TO CIVILIZATION IN aaaaaaaBasBaasaBiasBaaaeaaBBaasBBaaaasaaaBBa "Vi tkW l . Lb mmm A ' !'" ! oat, tt I t H