Newspaper Page Text
-v V ";?wn'J - ."'V Tsvyw;:.'. i TtlE WASHINGTON TIMES. THUKSDAYf MARCH 23, 191C. 15 ' r. X , Uncle Harry. Explains About MexicanBandits Tells Nephews of Efforts Undertaken to Assist Car ranza, De Facto Head of Republic, to Re store Order and Prevent Raids on '" American Territory. Qio horn were oJt on tho porch Im patiently nwnlllnK Uncle Harry. M lw Bwunt- up tho elops with hl tirnR,y etrldo. they caticht him cag:erl. ono ly each arm. "Uncle Harry," .Tor began "Are we uolns to l'vo vrar with Mex ico?" finished Jimmy. "Ilere, here.'' replied Uncle Harry, lanahlnff, "Ict'e go In-lilo where It U farm." "Are we boIiib to have war with Mexico?" ho rvM'fttcd, ns tho tlireo em ttreil the llbmry. "What makes you tno ask that queMlcn7" "Why, tho Mexicans have como up ncross tho boundary line betneen tho United Stale "find Mexico and burned the town of Columbus. New Mexico, ftnd killed a number ft people who lived there. Isn't that enough reason to ko to wnr?" "Think Jimmy," nld Pride Harry, laving ills hand on Jlmniy'a shouldor. "Was It n real trnop ot Mexicans re presenting the M:lcpn ffovcrnment that burned Columbus and killed Americans there, or was It a band ;f outlaws that are defying the Mexican Kovernment?" "Why. It waa a band of outlaws I Buess. but they're Mexicans J'ist tho Mine,'1 "No, Jimmy, you're wrong," replied Uncle Harry. "The Mexican government dncn not tnnd behind the notions of nil tho peo ple who live In Mexico nnv more than f.ur own government stands behind some of the American who on things that are forbidden bv law., such us the lynchers In Ceorgln. That's why they are called- 'outlaws:' they're out p'dc the law nnd the law doesn't pro tect them. On the other hand, the ov ernmont does Its best to catch the cul prit' nnd bring them to Justice." "Well." said Jimmy. "Is the Mexican law trying to catch these bandits and hrlng them to iustlco?" "Yes, Indeed," answered Uncl Har ry, "but th new government of Mexi co, the CaTAhza government. Is new ly established and Is not yet In full control of all tho outlying provinces. -That Is the reason these bandits under Villa, tho former Carranza general, have been able to carry on these acts of law lessness. The United States has been very patient, too patient many people think, and because It has not taken teps before now to stop these outlaws, the outlaws themselves have grown bolder and holder until at Inst they hare crossed the boundary Into the United States and outraged an Ameri can village" "Why should these bandits want to kill Americans and burn a village on our side of tho border?" asked Joe. "There are two principal fcasons. One Is that Villa seeks revenge on the United States for recognizing Carranza. his rival for the presidency of Mexico. The other Is that by outrages of this kind he mav be able to lead the United States to think that Carranza cannot keep order In Mexico, and thus force the United States to send troops down Into Mexico to take over the govern ment: this, of course, would cause tho overthrow of the Cnrrnnza government." "But we ARE sending troops down QUITS AFTER YEARS "Jim" Leaves No. 21 Engine Company to Take Job in Street Cleaning Department Ilrown old In tho servlco of tho PIs trlrl rovcrnrncpt. "Jim," a faithful wrvltor of the Klro Department, has been retired without pension. "Jim" Is a hlac!; celdlnir. For four. teen years ho has answered tho sound! of the gopg. Bui Jim, whose last as xlgnment wns with No. 21 engine com pany, hns responded to his last altum As a member of the Kite 'Department lie has outlived his tyiefulness, nnd his icnialnlng'dnys. will' he spent In tho service of Hie Street Cleaning Depart ment. Always wjlllng nnd never a shltker, is the tribute paid hlin by Chief Wag ner. Motorized llro-apparatus is fast suc ceeding tliu vctcian horses of the de partment. .... ; , It Is hoped by the Commissioners to leplaeo within three yeara all horse drawn vehicles by modern flic fighting machinery. ...,., included In the board estimates for the next fiscal year is an appropria tion of tl,tU0 for the purcnuse of nine teen pieces ol motor uupurutus, Includ ing two engines, eluiU combination chemical ana hose wagons, six tractors, anil hioc ucrlal hook and ladder trucks. Real Estate Transfers. Eighteenth street northeast, lietvvecn A and II streets AlbertE Hcrry et ux. to Ray mond J. Vlerbuchen, part original lot 10, square 1108, J 10 (stamps CO cents), II street nortlk.-usl, between Eighteenth anil Nineteenth stree.s Madison M. Myrlck to Raymond J, Vlerbuchen, original lot 13, and part original lot 12, square 110. (10 (stamps II, SO), Eighteenth nnd East Capitol streets Herman YV Van rW-nden et u. to ItnyiimiiJ J. Vlerbuchen, original lota C to ?, squat e 1109, 110 (stamps i&l. Eighteenth street northenst, bit ween A and II streets John J, Edsnn, truat-e, to Ituy. iiioncl J, Vli'i-buchcn, original lot St square 11CS, tto (stamps SO tents), 1333 Emerson street northeast Hugo Her furth, jr., ct ux. to Karl Kucha, lot M, square ICC!), Jin istamps ID. Ml, Pleasant and Smith's Vacancy Halph E. WIUox to Horace I,. Wilcox, lota 20 and :i, block 7, III) istamps M.Mi. ' University Park-Horace I.. Wilcox et ux. to Ralph i:. WIUox, half interest In lot 40, block ;, no istamps tu. Trinidad -Wallace Jen ell et ix. to Joseph V Rerves, lot 22, nquare (0J3, li. Joseph 1 lleevrs tu Jire A. Culllnan, same prop rrt, 110 ISli Corcoran street northwest -Ueore W (Union el iu, (o Herbert A. Hill, lot l.s Vr 191. 13 (stamps W cents). FAITHFUL-FIRE HORS Into Mexico," r-nld Joe. "Isn't that the !samo as Intervention?" "No," rcpliod Undo Harry. "Wo are sending our troops down Into Mexico to help the Carranza troops of real Mex icans catch these outlaws and punish them. The United States and Mexico are acting together Instead of against each other." "Has nnythlng like this ever happen ed before?" asked Joe. Uncle ilarry thought n moment; "Yes," he said. J'lnJftlkKO an Indian chief named Ueronlmo, tvIio was 'a real 'bad Indian,' sturtcd on the warpath and Invaded Konora, one of the northern of the Mexican provinces. After numer ous outrages, he took refuge In the mountains. "At that time the United mates and Mexico agreed that the troops of both tuitions should be at liberty to cross the International, boundary at will In order that they might catch Uoronlmo an soon as possible, and without unnecessary contusion." "Well." said Jimmy, after thinking a moment. "I certainly had a wrong Idea of all this Moxlcan trouble, i thought we were going to havo war with Mixlcc after all." "On the other hand, said Uncle Hairy, smiling, "we'll probably be bet ter friends than ever. After Villa Is coupht, the Carranza government will TBXA3 have less trouble keeping order, nna the mere fact that the United Htatcs withdraws Its troops Immediately after this Ih done will show the Mexicans that wo have no evil designs on their terri tory." "Will this bo the end of all our trouble with Mexico?" asked Joe. "That Is hard to say. Mexico has had so many revolutions In tho past that we -Uo not dare to predict that moro revolutions will not occur In tho future. If the Carranza government becomes stronger and stronger, perhaps there will be no more revolutions. "Then, again, perhaps sometime the United States will buy port of north ern Mexico. You have read In tho papers that It has been proposed to offer Mexico a sum of money about three hundred million dollars for nil that part of the country lying north of a line drawn due west through Tarn Pico. "If we did purchase this territory from Mexlro we would then be at lib erty to send down tioops nnd wise gov ernors nnd set up a good government such ns the government we have In the Territories like Alaska. We will tails about this further when more definite news about It comes from Washington." (Copyright. 1916. the M-C Syndicate.) EDUCATIONAL You Can Learn How to Remember With Accu racy and Certainty. Free Public Demonstration of practical application to every-day requirements will be given at tho Y. M. C. A.. 1736 G Street N W., by Mr. H. J. Sutton, Instructor of the Berol Method of Memory Trnlnlnir. on THURSDAY, MARCH '23d, at 8 I M. It Is Just as easy to remember ns It Is to forKet. Come and find out how. Afternoon and evening classes to be formed. Ladles Invited. Seats reserved on request. Commercial Spanish J5J5J. ,. 10 Jl. E. Trust Rldg.. 14th nnd II N. W. Mrs. E. II. 8IRVENT, Director. U. 47I. Mr. LUIS niVERA. Instructor. Learn LANGUAGES BERLITZ SCHOOL 810 Hill 91. .. "W. Telephone Blaln .1217. Neve rim-ien Constantly t'ornilnn. Singing, Elocution MRS. EMILY FRUCH BARNES. Hi Uth at. N. E. Phone. Line. 1719. Tuesdays and Fridays. 314 Uth st. V. w. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE "SAFETY FIRST." ABSOI.UTEr FIREPROOF STORAQB. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO. Rooms, i:.00 and up. Moving, Paeklnt Pnnne Main C3I. fPMKIJ 10th if. .V VV. V'-" i- "1 Sim Slorwgr Itooma. per tno. up. MOVIXG. IACKINC hy Kxperts. I.orr flair. cxion STortAnr, co 414 ilil st. Mnln 4374. HBVtMGHMSXOK !. 41X1UM m CLEAN, dry stontas (or lurnltum and pianos. Estimates cheerfully given. WESCHI.ER'a MO P. w. N. W l'ron Main ITK. STORAGE hauled free; moving, packing, and storing at lowest prices. PEOPLE'S bTORAflE CO.. 1739 7th at. N. V N. 1 ITrr mDVInir for ntnr. are. X. aa4:i ur X. 3.ti, SJIITII'S TUWSFKH a ni(iii.(in co.. ma i. Muht lh. . U0BU. MOVING FIE'f Phona M. 1010-11. KREIG'S EXPRESS, 1!I II Rtrest N. W. STORAGE. l'ACKINQ. AND HI?IPPI.VO. FIREPROOF STORAGE fA rTSBsTPfc III I Kt reps rata Locktd Rooms. RM Montb p. ftTtrchants Transfer and Storage Co. Main 0900. 9J0-922 E St. N. W. LOST AND FOUND CLUSTER RING of 7 diamonds; between homo and G P O, Liberal teward V.'ZI 1st si N. W ; ! PIN Dlamoi.d bar. March 19, betr.een 1850 Illltiiiiiro st. and Rock Creek Park, IJberal reward offered. Call 10 lllitiiiore st, .N, W, I 4AniONA I NiwlMJllOi 1 S& E X I C oN wm HELP WANTED MALE llAUTENDKIt, dishwasher, kitchen men. ntmciESH iioTKi, aokncv. t03 lOth n IJAIl roilTKIl"" Apply 100 O st. K. V IIICVCI.E RKI'AlIt MAN-WhlU: must be a first-class mechanic. Apply to UOX ISS, Times ofnee. HOV Young colored, to run errands. ApP' Jl ItEWOOL), 61 Uth at. N. W. 1 BOV to carry dill orders. Apiify III! lllh st. N. W. , HOOTIIIMCK. Flrsl.rlasa Tor barber shjp. 747. U.lh si. N. 13. TWBf ROY, waiter, porters, cookt, iulck. J Oil New York ave. UaVvhoK. VtUB IMIINTBH," wants Job press feeder at nn(e. Apply Ml fin st, nw. ERRAND BOY " WITH 111CYCLE. Must b neat, quick and wlllln to work. Uood chance for advancement. Apply US Munsey llulldlug. FRAME MAKERB-Two. J. (JAREV KINO 'CO.. INC.. W New York ave. N. K. HEI.I' wanted on men's coata and vests; sieany or, wi Tin si. nw.. Room 1.. LAIIORERS-l-O at 19th and Wyoming ave. tomorrow at 7:10 a.,m. . BTt'DENT Noon hour and etenlnzs. Apply AMERICAN LUNCII, tlO th it. N. ,W. 1 . I. HELP WANTED-FEMALE ArPRENTICEB; to learn French dresscut tine, . dressmaklnr, dtslgnlnc, and mlllln fyj. 21 .PS"'""" furnished -after learning. NEW YORK MILLINERY ACADEMY. 11IJ a at. i UATH ROOM OIRUS-Whlte. Apply HA- I.Einil 1IOTEU at once. COAT AND SKIRT HANDflTtiorouthly perlenced with atora experience; permanent position; jrood salary. Apply at once. M. .'KILIPHUORN Kt CO.. tip lift, ,t, r". W. L'ilAMRERMAID, parlor ma?d(whlte), M. 1011 N. Y. ae 01RI-Colored, to cook and do housework In small family; no washlnjt nnd Ironing; ti stay nights; .references, required. Apply Oc- tavla Aparts.. Aisirt. :e, corner Knlorarr.a aim vurrjr roils ., v HOTEL LINEN ROOM WOMAN, t per iiumiui nu inios i.a per month. HOUSE WORKERS, cook and chambermaid, 1I0 II at. N, W. i MILLINERY APPRENTICE. Apply' Mil llnery Dept.. ftid nopr. OOLDENIIER(.'rl. 1 8AI9tADIEfi-l(xperlenrel.ln dry goods department. Apply at PAYNES, lEJ-K Wisconsin ave. SEWERS Thoroughly experienced on -io. men's coats nnd sklrtir. Apply before I0:lv a m. JULIUS OArliriNKLE t CO. i TAII.OR8 on first-clan coats; must make Kood buttonholes. Call Room 3i4 Corcoran building. i TYPEWRITER Experienced. Apply at once, OEO. T. HII.TEN, US John Marshall place. WAIST AND SKIRT HANDS-Experlenced. inmi 19th at. N. W. WAITREHHES-Experlenced. ,xcellent posi tion. Apply AMERICAN Lt'NCH. lift th St. N. W. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED Male. LAt'NDRYMAN-Flrst-class; work home or out. HI? 4th st. N. W. ! FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished. NEW YORK AVE.. Kt-Irge second story front room; very reasonable, housekeeping. transients. i Eth N. W., 2S Tno rooms and bsth; single or en suite; mod, con. Col. Mil. Renllemen IDEAL APART. CO.. 190 Pa, e. Two Urge rooms, completely furnished; arnk. hot nater, gas range, bath, janitor: one flight; X monthy M. 7177. 1 Ith ST. N. W., 412-Furnlshed well heated rooms, suitable for two. 12 week. PA. AVE. N. W,. 1 Opp. Ralelan. warm, sunny, hot water always: no -ar fare;rates. O ST.. HIS (corner Kih) Nice front room; running water, gas. batb. and .ti arcnd flor. ! PARK ROAD N. W., lJl-Two rooms, slngis or communicating, with bath, on third floor, phone; prlvats family; gentlemen pre. ftrred, L ST. N. W UIS-8lngle and double. 1st and M floor rooms ; phone. ' i With or Vvithout Board. CONN. AVE. N. W 172J-Larje well-en-t Hated rooms, with or without board. 1 Unfurnished. PA. AVE. N. W . liJ-Three large unfur nlshed rooms, only IIP per month. Sth HT. 8. E 211 Tno large unfurnished rooms, heated: gaa and bath; wry desir able; adults, ROOMS AND BOARD tth ST. N. W.. HOS-Larga nicely furnished roam; excellent board; homo cooking, rea sonable ! MASS. AVE. N. W., ia:-ririt-class table board and rooms; rates moderate; by day, week, or month. Phone N. 6W1. TABLE BOARD SPECIAL I.UNCH-7J4 12th St. N. W Southern cooking, nlco tome made uercert, hot bread, cake and waffles, s tickets fl; ex cellent table board, 13. W) per week; quirk aer tlce. PERSONALS MISS WELLS Manicuring and Ecalp mioo wtiuuo Tr,atnun, 1I(,Jr, , , 4. M O st. N. W.. Apart. I. 'hlrd floor. PROF. H. N. D. PARKER Hours, 10 n. m. tn S p. m.; Sunday, to S. OFFICE. 710-71S 1IOXQ llt.'ILDlNti. vtnnivi, v iini t Iite Assistant to Prof. Parker. Office and Residence. 1118 N st. X. W. MI8S JAMERON, manicurist ami chiropody; houis, 10 a. m. to 0 p. m. i:t: Nw York ae. N. W.. second floor. AMY PI . 11 MANICURING. SCALP tll I DLL,IC TREATMENT. 71 Uth st. N. W. Phone M. 7311. WANTED-To borrow I1Z0, private person, endorsed note; good Interest. Address nORROWER. Times office, MRS. ORA L. FIELD iJgvcAND Treatment! face And scalp llere for a short time onlv. UK. II et N, W . ?nd floor. I.OUISF jVIAIER'Tin, chiropody, hnlrdresslng all branches taught. Open Bun. W Kenols Rldg.. Uth & O. M.CWI MI9S BABER Manicuring. IU103 Drtocrv. SHAMPOOING. HCALP Treatment. 40 O st. opp tf.jj. Pension Off. MARII.DA WILLIAMS. Mnnleurlne, hair- dressing, scalp treatment: 10 to 7. Aoart. 51. The ('proline, 706 ll(h st. N v. M. f40. MT. -VIAY9'5kln "i"! Hcalp Treat JU1 OO '.Vlrt I O menls; ihlrnpudy. 401 to 41S Kenols llldg. Hours 10 to . l JOHN H. ARNOLD, Upholstering ami Cabinet Work. sOI N N. W. M12.1 pAIN Manicuring and Scalp Treat. JUI33 WilPI ,an. nt Rh st. N. W. Apart. 1. Phone Main 7426. DRESSMAKING. n. L. LAWSON. IM2 Columbia sf. I DR. REED SPECIALIST S04 Seventeenth Street fiver 30 Years' Bucce,siui piuutn . -uvcr ou icm& Cur of Cj.ronlCi N.ryou, and special Diseases of Men 4r.d Women. Means Health to You If You Suffer irom Catarrh, Obesity, Rheumatism, tonsil, nation. Piles. Throat. Luncs. Urain. Heart, lilood and Skin Diseases, Ncivaus Utblllty, Kidney Diseases, INudder Troubles. Hpeoulc lilood Poisoning. Eruptions. Ulcern Jind All l'rlvat Diseases curud or Lfe by Safe Methods CM, nacterla vaccines and ul: the r.sw as. rums and anti-toxins admlntsterol, Charges Low. Medicine Furnished CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room For Ladies. Oince Hours, 10 to 1. 1 to . Sunday, 10 to U. Ibtjlletin of available opportunities I TlntnflAfi lnffl1Hll)lA MAnMAMtMn it. -11-...r l..H!. ...u .i.u.ii,uViuii vviiwuinuni uiu loiiuwinij opportunities iiiu bo secured freo of chat-jro upon application to BUREAU OF INFORMATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT . OF l,ABOR, 801 A1ILLS BUILDING. . -v,v.'r ""vjA-mno unr,iii umw-Krco bnnnl. lodclnR nnd w.ihii--Inr. I'M por month. I'W Per week. PDi'r ,ii i"V,V!!i--' ' V5..V nf. Erhjii.nn l0,dRl"?; larAMUnturnllicu liounc, BnrUcn. Mel nnC ml'k. a ttst rnWuui.ta aro of FARM LADORER APPLICATIONS Maryland. 'J-'"" Cecil Co. One single man for gen eral work on grain and dairy farm. Any slJi-1 ?Z,-. Fx'- u VM winter. Il TM sumiicr, IlLAW. Summer wages March 13 to December IS. i7"' "'"more Co. Two married men et ,etm,tV tot Iruck. farm nork. Any S?iVinJB; c.l"ilf' permitted. Tr. adv. Sive'sViS "cnifden" - " Wrk "' Virginia. "Sn2!'' .WT" Co- One married man, mid. Sit"1 W"fii o rare for garden, IiSB",aim!!-,'M2l,B nilint for pumping. I'o- Any E8. No, obleotlon to 1 child. ?n-p.'Tr-.dX'..from Washington and ae Slii . J5.PM' qrtera and board fur sin .' S,r J took'n and l.iundry ut rV-JIJ1, .wntM April l. "l?21;!- Norfolk Co. One married nnd one single man for milking and aselatliir with general dairy work. White American rre ferred. other ES. II cows. Exn. Children 170-1771. .Norfolk Co. One married man for general farm work. American, white. Other ER Exp. No objection to two or three children. ' No Tr. 1M PM winter. I0 I'M , . , BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS IT IS ALL RIGHT for us to buy any amount of men'o worn suits, shots, parts etc.. and pay a square cash down otfer, that's our way of building up a very larre trade and It paid: you should he on v It, phone us. JI'HTH'ft OLD STAND. C19 D. 1 Full Dress Suits For Hire. FULL DnESS AND TltXEDO HUIT8 run IIIHB. , M. T PIMER. 10M 7th St. N. W. Ph. M. fill. Floor Oil. 8PECIAI. PRICES of M.JS for It gnllons of floor oil. PLAZA AUTO SUPPLY CO.. -401-401 Mass. ave. N. W. Phone M, S777. Mayre8ef and Ho flpringi. SPECIAL Hair and felt mattresses made over and renovated: all slwi, u only. EAGLE nEDDINO CO.. 1W Tth St. N. W. Ph N. 1210. House Rcpairintr. nnowN co.. 4T h x. w. m. us. win do your palntlig, naperhangtng, ceneral re pairing; flrst-ctass; reasonable. 1 Insect Destroyers. THE U. S, INSECT DESTROYINO CO. Guarantees to kill any bug ur Insect. 4!t 10th at. N. W. Phone Main SU. Painti. CRAVEN & CO.,Bin.r as and glass. 1127 Pa ave. nw. Main KS1. 1 nUFFAIXJ A. L. O. PAINT8 Sold by ANDREW. It. GRAVES, m II st. N. E Phone Une. 41t. I Upholsterine;. E9 fin Pl'0 ,n tapeatry. Have jour ).JJ furniture reupholstered where you get a guaranteed Job. IIALTIMORE UP HOLSTERING CO.. Ul 11 st. N. K. Carpet Cleaning. CARPET8 THORO AND CARKFJLLY cleaned; rugs woven from old carpets, mat tresses renovated. Estimates turn. ALRERT KAHLERT & CO.. M2 II Bt. 8 W. M. 5031. Masquerade Costumes. Masquerade Cosiumers. H. C. U. 71URTON BON, 111 E N. Tf. Multlgraphlnjt. Hungerford Letter Co. J?SU. tn Real Estate Trust Hide.. 11th II. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THE EASTERN D1SPENHAIIY and Casual ty Hospital, who have purchasd a motor vehicle for ambulance work, desire to sell two horse-drawn ambulances: one Ltnbulance can be seen at Smith's Lumber Ynrd. 1st and Indiana ave. nw.. and the other one at the hospital, 70S Mass. ave. ne. , set of am bulance harness will be added to the am bulance at the hospital. Rid on each or both ambulances will be received by CLARENCE DONOHOE, 214 Penna. ave. se. "No reasonable offer will be refused." SOFA COUCH, bed complete, sideboard. pictures, other furniture, northeast corner of 11th and Irving sts, N. W. 1 ONE RTEAM TAI1LE. H. I. ARCHER. Alexandria. Va K. W. MASTER VII1RATOR and colls, for Ford auto, ressonable. Apply 211 Pa. ave. 8. E Phone Lin. 3W1. 1 TWO-INCH rontlnuoua post bls. I4.M; Na tional springs, IMO; good mattr-s. IMS; mattresses renovated. Johnson's. 1311 ti N. E. TEARINO DOWN COLUMRIA HOSPITAU All kinds of building material for rale, SIDNEY I HECKINGER CO.. ' Uth and C sts. N W. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD FALSE TEETH. Will pay Rood prices. Ma be broken; also, old gold, silver and Jewelry M. SUTIN, Room 203 Kcnois Bldg., Hth und G StB. N. w. HIGHEST CASH price pnid lor worn ilnth. Ing; either ladles' or men's, send posts!; will call. D. TAR3HES. 1301 Ith st. X. W. Phone North 4f. 1 WANTED Furniture, pisnos, carpets, etc M. 1182 for wagon, or have us call. "WF.SCIII.E1VP." 120 Pa. ave. N W I WANTEr-Furnlure for cash. Sell your coods to the men who gives the nios: nv.n-v iinpwnni). n't -ved K I AUTOMOBILES For Hire. FOR HIRE Phone North I7S0, night or day. Ford car, reasonable. . MAIN 7151 bay or Night. One mile. tOc; each additional mile. 25c Automobile Repairing. CENTRAL CARRIAGE. WAGON, AND AUTO WORKS B. ii. LOYD. Manager. Truck and Automobile liodlua to Order. EXAR OF U TO 4J1 EYE STREET N. W MAIN 3115. Painting, and Lettering a Specialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 RUG WEAVING OUR woven ruga are guaranteed 5 yeais; carpets cleaned and scoured. OLD 1.AU- REL ECLIPSE. IC9-311 10th st. 3. W. M.2284-J FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANOE-Slx-room brick d E clear, and 13,000 In stock for eight or ten room house In N. W. UOX 157. 'limes office. MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN FIRHT AND SECOND TRUST I3ANS AT I ana t per centi 1200 to .i,0u0, on residence, apartment, or business pioperty; straight note or munthly payments; un be arranged In three days. PAUL V, MITCHELL A CO.. 1(11 q st. N. W. i MONEY TO LOAN on real 'state; lowest rates; prior luymtnt prlvllemts, large amount TYLER HI'TIIERFDIII). HTirili. MONEY TO LOAN-HIO to on 11, a real eata.s. rtevvral trust und. 4V, to I per cent. All transact, on louducied with manoiniiKl lousldeiuiloii for tiorrowers. WM. 11, MAUNDERS. 4. CO., Etfutntra Dulldlug. .07 Uth u N. W. .... HH uwuii ita ywtDaiiiiv summer, IIOftF. Bummer naues April 1 to Hnls-iinliskf rt nepieinoer 10. 70 37. uioucester Co, One murrled man Tor general farm work and t forein-tn II competent. Any white EH. except Itallaba. -D cows. Exn. Children lrmliiJ. U Tr. adv., and deducted. 113 ". IIOF&M, TRADES. Maryland. S7 II0Z-T1. Ilaltlmoro Co. Wanted! ' ma chtntsts, round house work; 1,1 machinists for erecting shop wrrk; 20 machinists for back shop work. Car repairers car builder. Machinists, 2Sc-59c I'll; -r re-pslr-rs and car builders, piecework. Tr. adv. 10 hours PD. 9 on Mnlurday. DOMESTICS. District of Columbia. 117 239. Washington, D, C. One colored woman for rooking, lit Iplng to i lean Fri days. Not less than IIS I'M and home. MISCELLANEOUS. District of Columbia. lll-M. Washington, D. c. One stenogranher. must be accurate, speedy and well educated. One experienced In patent work preferred. Opportunity for adancmeut. 113 PAI to atart. FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. 1117 6th N. W., Or. and 2b Hit tth st. N. W., lOr. and b 1S4 Uth N. W.. r. and b ..." 101 o at. N. W., 7 r. and b I42S tth at. N. W.. 11 r and b 2140.12th at. N. K 7 r. and b I2: Erarts at. N. E 7 r. and b.... HOI th N. W., r. and b l th at. N. E.. C r. and w 1JU Eye st. N. 15., S r. and vv 771 Glrard st. N. W.. r. and w..., 2121 Georgia ave. N. W., i r. and w. .M-r, J"0" COIX1REI) TENANTS. 121 Linden N. E.. Cr and b OtS Acker sf, N. E., 7 r. and b 224 D s. N. W., 10 r. and b.... .. 457 I at. N. W.. tr. and w ! 2211 Cth N. W.. Ir. and w....;.. ... . MQ N. W.. tr. and w ' . ' IC.OO , 31. tD , . r.M . 25.M . r.&o . 2..f.0 . S2.S0 . u.i . 11. M . 13.10 . i:.m .lit. CO . 1.M . i.r.o . . 1C.M . . 1C.S0 . ii. n . li.ii 12! Kth 8. E., 6r and I. 1247 25th st. N. W.. 4 r. and w 2oa Xth St. N. W. I r. and w ll-l Reeves court N. ' 6 r. nnd w. 10.41 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO., Phone M. 2242. t04 Cth f. tf. W. MS 4th RT. N. W Blx-room house. 117; sit. room house. Itl.tO. 812 3rd 8t. and yard. N. W.-IlrSek house, rive Key til 2rd st. N. W. JJ' JJortner place. rooms and Uth M0.M ::.; t "" """'" ami nam 4I.JI Mi . Vi! r,om,, an1 b "- -"- " irr .nciuaea in tne above. z--w, . . ""'i. mi runnfr lin tV U n RENTING A SPECIALTY Me lrn.n,ll. T, , ... . . r,ti.-i ii .. . "viurr: look over ii'y b g E?n.? "i.1;1.1! bcfore ou '"c,j6 nn viiur next K J1 ' "ot n inv list ulve me a de ecrlptlon of the property and v. lint section ou want K In I will got it for vou. "'""" HARRY E. GLADMAN, T-Ing- " 108 Pa. ave. S E. " APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurniehcd. A!,'A.,.tT1U:XT' room nnJ ltth. hot-water fiA$!?& VoTars" & Krn'C',?"A,ie,..SYMAKE't,S '' A17',J; HBIIKBHIEE. 1112 rAPIN ST." i. v. t rooms, both. recelin l-ii .. " ' " l"-l IIIUIllll, 1 J145 MT. PLEASANT ST.. APT. 21-fors pass door: 2nd floor S-room np'.tlirse nere'i: all outside rooms: southern exposure; aulM,t from April 1st until Oct. 1st for IK. Col. issj Furnislted A!l.7"T,V!A,',Y fu.r"'""l two rooms; prl 1,1 c'eni'lV." r,'.'.!L0".Jj"lV '"PI"? I 30T. est N Wi " w '" '-; "'"",:' J'CPR ROOMS, bath and porch; newly cil pered and furnished; electric Ighta- tele Phone; near both car lines Apt. 1. Owaio Annex. Phone North 1SM.W KO "b1,',:llor"forNhu.Vn7.TN'0 fr"t ro"" T FOR BENT STORES l-Jlt RE.NT-714 11 st. Nv. li, a big bargain store ami t rooms nnd tm'tb T flat. Tle1"r"o lights and modern show window, only a fev? doors from Mh and It sts, crossing car llies don't miss It only U0. e ' ,.u ..H..H- "OWKNSTEIN CO., 7th and II sts. N. u. or 1J14 F st. N. W SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. NEVER SAY IMPOSSIBLE The Word Is Never feed In Our urrtre. If nu think It Impossible In i-ecure a home such ns jou ih sire, n call ut this office, a, Rlnnce over ni list of real bargain, will not onlv pave .vi.u time nnd annoyaiic, but coh vlncc jou that I can savo ou maney nnd rult ou In it purchase. ,!J?,.MASV UES1RAIII.E IIAItGAINS. ..J.U.KKM ANU TERMS TO filT YOt" !' .'J.S A '"-'NOAUOW. CIIICKKN FAIIM. lItllE LOT. OR RIVER front FMtMS ASK MR. FOWLER, ( F HT. N. W FOR SALE -Small bakery and house cIi.rd: sow! location. Apply Mrs. aCHMioT'cist St., Capitol Helxbts. Md ". jsi Ultlil'lltt I V tmiiM . .. ....... uu,ii,, llnlv An fur far.. ..Ill, .nt. . . .. ... reel of land. Now vacant. House . ro,;,n, nnd both nnd collar. Price f4,ix Terms ioV casn, nnd entire balance fjj per nmnth principal and Interest. James Morris Woodward. 723 20th st. N. W. HOW TO RE IJJUKUIVN LANDLORD " on IIM cash and in month, at CHEVY CHASE. For full particular,, dro, postal, telephone, nt call on WM It RITCHIE. 4U.410 Colo, bldg, Tel M. W For Rent. 120. PRIVILEGE of purchase. Lamrton. D. . C;;..6i'ro.T rol,!,no. a"e ur.i.jn.. poultry farllltlca: Inrse lajinR houses, i 'online plan Apply Owner. Apartment C, '1 he I'nliiiubij. For Sale or For Kent. NEW sl-room bungalow, norvhes. cellar electric lights; block from in"" i m RUITH. Phone Hotslvn 2.T. Artlnifon. V ! F0H SALh i-AftMS TWO MORE GOOD ONES-2S .lores in It. F . As..1, "-1tl"5 "ll.10 uf Qii.ln'.l o, frult. small House with Udps., strenni. Si Sio cash: 4u. garden land, woven wire lentvil 100 bearini; fruit trees, strea.n, well. apni.B; near Falls Church. Vn 0Q. Hvt me for a farm or subuiban home. .1. juituMr: L1GIITFOOT. 1(04 11 st. N. W. ""-"u-," PROPOSALS OFFICE OF Tliu COMMISSIONERS OF . T .'"BI?7H,CT..21' WJMJMIHA Wash, ngton. Mulch 3, 1916. Sealed proposals will h .rt',f'.e,4 ' "".I cfrlce' ,l("H' iW. mo ttle! llulldlns, until 1 u clock P. M , Tuts, uay, April 4. 191C, for fuinlihlng und dcllv. during the tlscal jeur beginning July 1. 1916, nnd ending June M. un, for use of the various branches of the (lovcrnmint of (lie District ol Columbia, supplies, as .'al lows Hlutlomry, priming, sclioul bonus, furniture nn.t house (urnisnlngs. tinware ami hoidwaie, rubber slumps, plumbing sup. pllos, .-merles, and provisions, boots and stioes, dings and chemUuls, paint, and bi indies; lumber, meats, fish, and poultry, dry Kiioils, Ice, cleciricul supplies, saddlery and whrelwrMlit supplies, kindergarten sup. piles, laundry work, autumolillii supplies, 011.1 and lubricants, photographic supp.its. linns, athletic goods mnl plav srounil equip ment. Form of proposal. speclilcatlonN and !itieMi Information mu) be obtained fi jiii tliu I'uithustng Oftlcer. D i' I,... i ,u Dairl- Hull ling In appMug snr. if iiiv clafa of supplies foi which "or us ire dr '--d 'OI.IMUl I S'KWMA.S I.Ot'lH ltlt(.VN. LOW UiAKt.ftJ W. WITZ. Comnilss n , D, U I DEATHS l,I.VK,i!.,3K?.v.c;n;.Mr.':!' V- '. ""' p. " "."""". ': iiiviviiiuii., iieuivixi yon of llliharil F. and Annlo lllckerton. nt his home, l.M Thirtieth strout southeast, Randall lllghlaryls. Funeral 2 p. til, Friday, March SI. Inter ment Congressional Ccinelery, MINOll-,011, Tuesday. March 21, , nt Ciii P. In,, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. M. K. Armlslead. 12J0 Mnntello ave nue northeast. ROHERT II. MINOR, aged rlghly.elght enm, beloved husbnnd ot the Into Hylvla A, Minor. Funeral Friday, March 24, at 1 p. m from Mount Jrareel Itaptlst Church, corner Fifth nnd u sTrects southeast. Friends and relative tin lied, PLtJMMER-On Tuesday, March 21, Hit, at 'i5..?' ,rrel f'orthwest. lAIUIHA II.. wife of Nathan Plummer, aced seventy.threc. Funeral Friday morning at 10 a. m. 1 (Halllmnre,. Md.. ntiers plcaao ctniy). TpilAH-f)n Wednesday, .March 22. 1910, at ,, ,,.,,.vr ,, t airrei norinwest, arter. a nngtrlng Illness, LEONA l, bclovedt uuVinrr in vviiiiain nnii iiura Tobias. Notice of funeral hereafter. (Arkansas city Democrat please conrl IN MEM0RIAM (Notices for this rolumn are accepted at M cents flat, either prose or poetry, tn case no tice does not exceed ten lines. And 10 cents for each line In excess of ten. I UNDERTAKERS EmbalmcM. Funeral Directors. J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDERTAKER gc LIVERY. 3 Pa Ave. .V. W. Telephone M. ll. WARIIINOTOV. P. C. JOHN X. WRIGHT CO., 1.1M7 10th SI. IV. W. Worll. ". JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, ;io:ti i nt. s. w. v no. JAMES T: CLEMENTS' SONS, 1211 MlNconaln .Ire, West BfU. MARTIN W. HYSONQ CO., lOHMnasBphnarlla Ar. Mnln 8420. ADOLPH j. SCHIPPERT, 200S Un. Are?. Weat Ifll 1.10O. ULRICH & BURDETTE, lB20WIconaln Ave-. West 1)50. S. H. HINES &'SON, INC. 171." Hth Rf. Xorlh isns. R. F. HARVEY'S SONS, 182.1 14th St. Nrrlh 2S1. THOMAS F. MURRAY, 5007-2011 MclioU Ave- S. H. 1,1m, ISO. GEORGE W. WISE. 2000 M SI. Went 12W. W. W. DEAL & CO., S14I II S. K. n. Line. 34(M. HARRY M. PADGETT, 7.10 lllh st. s. k. i,ine ia.-,. HERBERT B. NEVIUS, OZOIV-riT York Ave. Mnl "5S7. WILLIAM H. SARDO & CO., Ot II St. .V. IS. I.lnp. S2. GEO.P.ZURHORST'S SONS, Inc 301 r.ani CnpKol St. Mnc. .172 W. R. SPEARE. 040 F SI. Slain 42S0 I2S1. P. A. TALTAVU! L. .1 7lh 91. S. V. .tlnln 1S70. THOMAS M. HINDLE. 5lh nnd II Sla. .N. ; Mnl f!7. O. B. JENKINS, 003 II St. X. W. Main 4804. THOMAS S. SERGEON, 1011 7th St. S. AV. Main 1000. FLORAL QESIGNS ... FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderate prices 1214 T St. N. W. VITAL RECORDS. Births. Lucius E. and Edna White, girl. Pasquale and Anglullna' Vasio. trl. Geuree P. and Audle N. Treynor, girl Atuvlo and Glurepiw Trlpl, Kill. Franirsco and EmllU 'J'ano, ulrl. Adolph and Kate Tcufel. bov William II .nil VI... I .. ' -. ...u , cviuiwrr. Kin. (jenrge F and Estella II Rnnicr. Iioy. oii'imiini t. miiu iieriruue u vJrilcy, Klrl hrrdlnand II. and AIar V. .Mclllverii, b"y. Krbln T. and Hclle Mugaha, girl. J. Alfrntl and I'arrln L (In... ,.. Joseph and Elranoran Ararlnu, 'boy. ,ntfi v. anu i ainerine i mci orlhy, girl Constantino and Console, Iirupiionc, boyi Walter L. and Mary J. Ilosmer, bo). Melvln and Kathleen Cox, girl. Salvador and Rusl Ilovello. girl, Gliisepive nnd A I Ma llonanno, alrl. I'loiison and Jliibel Ktrliklent, girl. jniues aim lciei;a jacKsun. bnv. James T. and Ijjura E Uibsnii, boy, niarles and Mabel Fl-et, Bill, Iewls ami Anna llroodu, boy. iMarringe Licenses. Tlimnaa Anderson and Emma M Morant. both of Washington. I.iilgl li'Abliondanza nnd Parqu.illna l'lc- natelll. both of Washington. Chaflts It. nurracott. of Pctersbur?, Va and Katherlno II. Cousin, of Chester, Va. Willis Cumpliell and Allio liombrce, both of Washlngtiin. Ilnwnrd 11. Armentront and r.tP.a L. Sond- rlilge. ljth of Crlmora. -a. Deaths. II. Liinnlnstnn, I) vrs . l? C st se Rurion M. Robinson, , -iKj Illinois nvr. Mar .1. .McCarthy. TS rs , II BiidVpl Hi. ne. lleesle P. I'iIitiIi'Ii, 34 ts. T'.'J 7th st aw. Walter It McCluttihy. :a rs ,'soT sv.h ne. Mary McMarrnw, 71 yrn.. II ,ind .Inl ots. uc. Tonv Galliw '.'3 yrs 21 Demtur st, ne. William F. mint, tu rs. 131ii 10th st. nw. Luvrctla A. Siithrrlund, 7i .vrs.. 3IJ C s. nw. Edith 1'. llalvestou, 7 months, I'rnv llo.s. Heliry Alexander. I mouths, tCO Ilobart pi, nw. Dorothy M. Wrede. II dnvs, 21 Ith t-t. ne. I.uclmU Vounu. .IS rs. 11. 'I G it. ha. Anthnn MaKon, 71 vrs.. 1(114 '"orc.irin st. nw Joseph Hall t r.. U'lJ (' si. m'. Octnvla Sharps. 74 ri.. J703 olive ave. Jorcph lluller, 21 yrs., licorgfinvvn ilos. Mnrj Oonloii, 10 rs.. us l st. nc. ElUilnilli M llanKf, 21 rs.. 131 Pomcroy rond, Aniirnstln. Mary A Oulfln, ft vrs.. f-01 Fnirimmt si. nw. Martha Ilnwnrd, ft) yrs. I'reednen'a llos. Jnnics Murphy, lyuio".. Freedinen'i llos. REFRIGERATORS & ICE BOXES JlcCItAV REFRIGERATOR COMPANY. Refrigerators that aro uncqualed. Cll P ST. N. -W. We lliilld nnd Rennlr Refrigerators .SPIRITUALISM AIRS. AlAMIE STEVES, fV-oi iVir" Readings dally; seances Tues. Thu'rs. e.'e's ; Frl.f 2 p. in. Ph. Line. 20I8. 313 N ,1. ave. H.E. MR 9 DATUllMdlni: Dally. Scancs IVliAO. lJ 1 1 iTiies and Thurs. eve., 1030 Sth st. N. W. Above- Ubrary. Dally ri-adlniis. srnhre Wed and Frl. eves., Sundnvs by appoint ment. Now at 153 Muss, live N. W. Marie A. Davidson, Ph. D., SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM Readings dull). Developing class Monday evienliiK by appnlntmont only Phone M COTO. 1027 t'lh it. N. W CLAIRVOYANTS MM E . VER N E R &;. tal Schn.lst, van be seen nt licr old audress, Mm II si, N. W Jd floor. Phone M. Ul), Madame Catherine ".1"'."? butt, (torn .'n- a , arj u.ll be liascd lo s e 'riends and i't'i u. .i 'h r ". W, AIAdAm rlhl.i) "" '" "von"i'-f " "" ' ,4"' jou on. t the 0-IU Ittunltcs the separatsd. N. lUC-J. 12 Ith aw. SjpeciaJ Notices T. K1TC1UJN I'AIWT.TD $7.0(1 '' rai oi". t. ELMER GRIFFINf Phone W, 101. S04 U st, BPECIAL DOLLAR tfALK IN JEWELRY . nun uuimj ii, JUL1UB II. WOLPE. Hth . H sts. UAV. Modern Dentistry -AH Branches. ruaranieed. No charge for advice. Special. IK a ,r"l,n",, of,lUrgaDUe(Ue. Two of. " CENTAL ASSOCIATION, 101 7(h N, W . mm. ..OAAl. AOOUUIAilU,, fl. 4V, WOrBtf lll AflU'A D. Kt. PAINLESS EXTIlACflOr AHTIrir will sicrlfloo several fine oil and ier coior paintings lor CWds on y. Call or address 421 O at. N. W. ' l LEGA. NOTICES Conrnil II. Hjmt, Junes FritneU ... . llh, Atlorneya. ,!i,THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UI8 TR Li!tTr.V.t,.VLVM,J'A- -"OUJl.NO A Vlt Jon.V? ,cJU"T-rIn "! Wldenliifc of Wis fH cnue. bl"n Oarfleld street and .SI t .llc.1 ?' Columbia boundary line. Iu ii U'lr.l.ct ot Columbta.-DIstrlct Court. No. !,;.7i'c,.,u'lef,0',tlven ,n' "' Com- .l! ot lh" BUtrlct of Columbia (pur suant to a certain provision of the Act of ".P8,".' Pprovitl March 4. liil, entltltd ..ii!1.. K """In appropriations lor the ex !i?,!n!i i0f T8 'vernineiit of the District sf ?Ma' for tnacal year endlnc June thirtlvih. nineteen hundred and fourteen, and .?r ,0, Purposes." whereuV they are au. tuVa?' ro'1 r hlhway to conform vvltli l;....p i PJ lne Krmancnt system of hlah K,?! ln ,hat Portion of the District of Co Lnm I? outaldo of the cities c.f Washington and Georgetown, adopted undir the Act flf i-ongreas approved March 2. MM, as amended KS. . Act o' Concress approved June 21. lJ. by condemnation under the- provisions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the Lode of Ijiw of the District of Columbia), have nied a petition, and an amended 'ami supplemental petition, praying the condemna tlon for the widening of Wisconsin -avenue, between Oarfleld street and the District of Columbia boundary line, .to a width of 110 feet. In the District of Columbia, according to the plan of the permanent xystum ot high- Vvava Outside nf Ih. llmltB nt U'..l,iu4M .7... 0?.0J".town'. shown on plate or maps filed, with the said original petition and with the said amended and supplemental petition, as part thereof, and praying also that A Jury of five Judicious, experienced, dlslntej-esled men. who shall be freeholders within the District of Columbia, not related to any person Inter ested ln this proceeding, and not ln the serv ice or employment of the Dlstrlst of Colum bia, or of the United States, be summoned by the United States marshal for the District ot Columbia to assess the damagea each own er of land to bo taken may luiuln' by rea son of the said widening of Wisconsin ave. line. Us aforesaid. In the District of Colum bia, and the condemnation of the land neces sary for the purposes thereof, and to asets aa benefits resulting therefrom the entire amount of said damages. Including the ex penses of this proceeding, upon any lands which the Jury may find will be benefited, as provided for In and by the aforesaid Act of Congress, ll Is. by the Court, this rrd day of March. A. D. Ull. ORDERED. That all persona having any Interest In this proceed ing be, and they are hereby warned nnd com manded to apiear In this Court on or before the 31st day of March. A. D. 1914. at ten o'clock a. m.. and continue in attendance un til the Court shall have made Its final older ratifying and confirming the award of dam ages and the assessment of hen-llts of the Jury to be empaneled and sworn herein: and it Is further ORDERED. That n copy of this notice and order bo published twice n wee': for three successive weeks In the Washington Evening Star. The Washington Times, and the Wnshlngton Herald, newspapers puhlliti. ed ln the paid District, commencing at leas; twenty days before the said 31st (lav nf March. A. D. 1916. It Is further ORDERED That a copy of this notice and order beser'ed by the United States marshal, or his dOP'itlis upon each of the owners of the fee of ti, land to be condemned herein, and upon tin ants and occupants ot the same, as mav he found bv the said marshal, or his deputies within the District of Columbia before the said 31st day of March. A. D. 1411. rtv tb Court. (Filmed) J. HARRY COVINGTOV Chief Justice. (Peal.) A true eopv Test- J R. TOUNO. Clerk. By F. E. CUNNING. HAM. Assistant Clerk. CI.YD-15 I). GAHHETT, Attorne)'. KFPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLU.MIUA, Holding Probate Court. No. 22,401, Administration. Tins Is to give no tice That tbc subscriber, ot the Htate of Iowa, ban obtained from the Probate Couri of the District of Columbia, letters of Bdnilu-.i.-ij,m . m. on the estate of Samuel ! Glasgow, lato of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims agalns, the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchors thereat. legally authenticated, tu the subscriber, on or before the Jtst day of March, A. D, 1117; other wise thev may bv law be excluded from all U-Ueflt of said estate. Given under my hand this 21st day of March. 1916. CHARLES A. SCHLICHTER. care of C. D. GARRETT Southern llldg.. Washington. D. C. (seaii Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Will" for ihe District of Columbia, Clerk of the Proltc Court. C'l.VIIH D. OAIIKUTT, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COI.t'MllIA holding Probate Court. No. 22.102. Administration. This Is to tWe notice That the subscriber, or the Slate of lnwa, lias obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, letters testament, ary nn the estate of Winona S. Glasgow, late of the District nf Columbia, de eased. All persons having claims against the deceased lire iereby vnrn-il to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or befor the 21st day of Murch, A. D. 1917. otherwise they may bv law be excluded from all bene lit of said estate. Given under my hahd this 21st day or March. 1916. ciiAtii.wH a. SCHLICHTER. care or C. D. GARRETT. Southern llldg.. Washington. D. ('. (Seal-. Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of Will" for the District of Columbia, Clerk nf the Probate Court. . CLAIRVOYANTS M. SPENCER, ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST CELEllRATED PALMISTS AND CLAIRVOVANTB. Studio, 1318 14th St. N. W. CONSULT THIS GIFTED LADT AND HE CONVINCED PERSONALLY OF THE HONESTY AND SINCERITY OF HER WORK. Without nsKIng a question shn will tell you the object ot your inll, giving names ot friends, rel atives, nnd actual facts iiincernlng your life and circumstances which ou know- to lie absolutely true, THE MADAME WILL REFI'SE TO rC CEIT ANY TEE UNLESS HUE GIVES THE UTMOST SATISFACTION IMMEDIATELY RENEFITED AND PERMANENTLY HELPED UY CON SULTING HER AT ONCE. DiiLMAiN SISTERSSStfifc ants, Card Readers; tell what you want to know'. Reudlngs, tCc. test, 10c; 12 a. in. to I p. in, Sunday. 4 to t. 613 7th st. !'. W. PROF. D. B. BRUCE, THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN FALMIS1" AND CLAIRVOVAKT Can be consulted on all affairs. i:53A Wel ter place S. E. Hours. 9 a. in. to 10 u in , Sundays, from 2 to 7 p in. Ph, Line. 1721. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. MME. CARLETTA, Impresslouul C'lnlrvovunt reader. If you are Iu trouble, despairing ever again ot being happv, rail and sec MME. CARLETTA, the VEILED MYSTIC. She CAN and WILL )ielp ou, no matter what the cause, Namei friends, enemies, object of call, advice on buslncbj, love, courtship, marriage, divorce, Tells you how and assists vou to obtain otr d( sires and happiness. II a m. to 9 p. m. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. MADAM. JEAN Sl&ftii?,YC,,c Clairvoyants are born, not made. Madam Jean has been one since childhood, acknoivl. edged by press und public to ne the grreattsl clalrvojiinl In the world, can positively ie unite the separated. Get a reading from this remarkable woman. Will tell you names, dates, und ructs without asking vou a ltul question You have a power of your own. iltlier lor good or evil. Cultivate the too J. Develop It. Use It. Call und be convinced. Private rooms, vou see no one, 935 H St. N. W. Phone M. 8091. PALM I S riiY-CARP RE.CbiNO ARS. R. LUSBY, Tnrot and Foreign Cards; East India rnilaJ, Now located rrcnnd floor. 733 12th nw. ijiiiic.i miiy. V.IOIQU Hiiiuay Miss LaPoints ffiViSifii. f Utu St. N. W, ( aclilll -Heading. JS-noo. n mnltes ih vrtniiiu (eiMiuicd Causes speedy mar rlage Removes a, I troubles Satlsfscuoa. U F st. N. Wn Walk ln. lira.. Ulil a.i.