Newspaper Page Text
"". '"! "B '1- T Nl Tr Tr t t nnn o r . f j vr n " f1" THE- WASHINGTON TIMES; THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1910. " " v .4 '?:lW!lw ' ' - - ' ; - Capital Loses Walnut Beeded, at the Front Famous Old Tunlaw Tree, Near American Universi ty, Will Be Used for Ounstpcks for British Army "Somewh ere in France. ' - . -nuin biukb UF BtSVENTU aTREKI""BmHMmnMnnMinM II . About the time William the Conqueror i ncnth tho trco with their ho?ts. uMraaea England, midway of the elev ens century, a Bleeder walnut sapling nourished near sat hundred! of years later was to become the alto of Wash ington. In the times that followed William, white a disorderly group of lilands were tain welded Into a Great Britain, this m tree developed with almost Inttnlto lopcis Into a forest giant. -ABd tost week the Tunlaw Jrlack wal nut, after 900 years of life, was felled to help satisfy the war time needs of that Great Britain It so far antedated. England must have walnut wood or the'flnost to manufacture ride stocks. Having ransacked her own possessions, she has turned to America for the only Umber suited to such manufacture, bo m huge tree, a floral Methusatah, that stood on tho tract bounded by tno Tunlaw. nidge, and Loughborougn roads, has been sold to n British intent for 4130, lowered to earth, lopped of Its branches, and freighted to Baltimore lor, transportation abroad. , Largest in This Section. Tfcp Tunlaw walnut was famed as the'' largest hardwood tree in this sec tion of the country. It was 125 feet I mass was lowered to the ground by Well. 2t feet In circumference, and had derricks. Umbi two and three feet a bough spread of 150 feet. It went ih'ckMwn nl0JSSS.. " 2? ,,' ",?.ftM with eight of Us lesser brothers for l0 th'" inp,;0L "W0,1. VEim"4! '7 abopfctfjo, and Ihenlne are expected gun stocks, but only about thirty feet to raake gunstocks for arms jnough to of the trunk. representing roughly UOO supply 60,000 trtfbps. cubic feet of timber. ir. r.,ni ., i;a ..,.. ,., The British agent has made heavy bought by Adolphus H. Vlckrell in lS-. purchases of walnut trees all along the I Adolohu Plnkrnll. nnd hi unn-ln-lnw. rowraso .m wen as in oiner section yi ThomM Hune. sr kept opo house In " country. Charles C. qiover. presi a frceZ room Ion in the colonial style, I dent of the nirea National Bank, who reared near the guardian treo Dur-1 owns a beautiful estate near Tunlaw, ing president u rants two aaministra- i uMjiruacnru uy uramiwiu Tho Iquettlon of a namo was discussed, ana Ilnnlly an Ingorrloue member of tho party, suggested Tunlnw. w,hlrh snolls walnut backward. It was adopted. Borne llmo later. Mr. Hume wad pre sented a tl.500 silver punch bowl, now n precious heirloom of his pons. On it beneath n representation of the big treo In bas-relief, nppenr tho nnmes of tho donors, among them President drant, Cloriernl Sherman. Hfnry D. Cooke and Alexander BhfMinrd. onco governors of tho IMMrJct. Senator .Tames McMillan, i itugn (.'nnarton.vur. Lewis ft'.acKnn. sr., nnd a score nr other social and official notables of that time. Dumcd to tho Ground. Tunlaw llouso burned to the ground In 1S89, and tho property was later acquired by Thomas Waggaman. On his death about six years since, It was sold at public' auction to a land syndicate? and it was this organisation that conveyed tho forest monarch to the British rep resentatlvo. It Is said that fSQO was re fused for It by Mr. Waggaman years ago. Last week tho knotted roots of, the great trco wero bared, and sovercd flvo feet beneath the earth when the ,hpgo i mass was lowered to the cround hv I tloris he wan a frequent visitor nt tho Hospitable homestead, Tha huuse nnd farm went unnamed until .one day in the summer of 16ft wnen jucnerai uranc. ycncrai anerman it number of Congressmen ana promi nent ivashlngtonians wero seated no wished to buy several big walnut trees off his place. It Is reported Mr. Glover did jiot receive tho proposition mildly, to sav tho least. Tunlaw walnut tree was located' about 300 yard.j. southeast of tho main build ing 'of tno American University. Dancer Put Out of Hotel, files Suit For Damages RTr-XOUIS. March 21-Whlle singing from a tablo. to which sho wns lifted by guest at the Planters 7IoteL Miss Mildred H. Pferfer, a cabaret singer, was! soiled by hoiiso detectives? and ejected from the lintel, according to her attorney. Ben rhilllpson, who tiled Irish Get Him in Dutch, When Two Aliens Escape NEW YORK. March 23.-Capt. James Brower, of tho steamship Wllomena. lying at Bobbins' dry dock, Erie ttosln, was arrested by Federal Marshal Power on a charge of neglecting to prevent ,tho escapo from his ship of Patrick Oat- auUTfor her In tho circuit ccurt for lnchcr and Michael McOrath. Irishmen. 91K AAA fa .. I a 4ti T3lHtii m - . ..'.. Hotftl Company. Mian Pttttcr is tncnty-two yam old. I " " w w..u. . one stales uiai sne wnn eigaeeu in Bing nnd.dancfl ot a banquet nlvcn b the Triple A Club at tho hotel January 2. Bho was singing and distributing paper toy chickens among the guests when one of them elevated her to tho table, It Is stated Sho declares the was con ducting' herself In a modc-t manner when two detectives selted "t, con ducted her to an elevator, and escorted her out of the hotel. ordered deported aa undesirable allons by the Immigration commissioner. Tho men, who stowed away to reach this country to avoid military duty, got nway from the ship last week. Taken befrro Judge Vecdcr, In tho Brooklyn Federal court. Captain Brnwer pleaded net guilty and was held In 11,000 ball for trial April 6. Capt Fletchor C. Bwlcker, of the steamship Oregonlan, was arrested on the charge that he neglected to prevent tho escape of Qustnv Mcrk, an alien, or dered deported. He gave a, bond .and win do oxaminod Juno u. -u .147 (Crippled Children Treated Free in fowa?ttrFr n n0i;,,0 i :.... IoWSTafJriSUndeJ Iowa's to clve reo'trcatment " " crippled children. 147 llttlo ones are Being treated at the State University. 'Tho law Is only five months old. At jhescnt thero arc seventy children In tlje ward. Over, 65 per cent of the cases ore the,' result t the Infant paralysis epldemloof five years ago. , The llttlo patients como to the hos pital In .Various conditions. Some have lost only the uso of their legs. A com plete school system of eight grades has n.n AHtnhltfftipri with nnr ns t.nph. ers to educate tho little ones as they nlm to the college, where on Informal Improve In health. reception was held. The former Presl- . dent came to Ames at the request of uarnson is ineered Rv I nnrfnn AnHipnrpc ,, w.. ....., LONDON, March 2J.-Former Secro-1 . . ., tary ot War aa,rrIson Is popular with " evcry expectant mothar would the London public, according to tho get Mother's Friend from her drug public barometer, tho movio theater. 'gist and would apply this wonderful vvunin a.rew aays alter uarnson ro ignod his portfolio on account ot dif ferences with President 'Wilson, his pic ture was appearing on the screen In al most all tho London moving plcturo theaters. Invariably the crowds, wheth er In the West End or East End, cheer ed the American voolferously. AMES, Iowa, March 23. Crowds of students and townspeople welcomed for mer President William Howard Taft when he reached hem over1 the North western railroad today to spnd three days with tho faculty of Iowa State College and deliver lectures on govern ment and citizenship to the student body. President n. A. Pearson and the fac ulty deans met Mr. Taft and escorted President Pearson, an old friend. Girl Shoots a Wildcat, Then Kills It With Bar STROUDBBURG, Pa. March 23, Eva Coffman of Mount Pocono, twenty years eld, s'hot a wildcat three feet long. Several chickens have boon missed lately and liva watched with a gun. As the animal was preparing to sprlnir at her sho shot it. The ani mal, though wounded, showed nght. It was Anally dispatched by Eva. who brought a big iron bar Into play. Carranza $1 Worth 2 cents SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Marcn .1 -The Alii. rsP ttM rn.nna .1m1I r1l . .. 3 cents In American mbney on tho San I Antonio marKei. , una is urn lowest price quoted slnca the money hocamo reoognlred bv local hanks. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. W. hav. a Nw Usthod that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your cie Is of Ions standing or recent development, whether It Is present as occasional or chronics Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your be or oc cupation, l( you are troubled with osthmn, our method should relieve you promptly, W especially want to send It to thone apparently hopeless cases, where all fnrmr of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have falUrt. We want to show everyone at our own expenee, that this new method Is designed to end. all difficult breathing, all whetilnr, aud all those terrible paroxysms at one and for all time. This free offer Is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then basin the method at one. Send no money. BlmWy mall coupon- below. Do It Today. Adrt. external remedy and valuable .help as directed, she would soon experi ence 'comfort and peace of mind. For many years this time-tried .remedy has been used' and strongly endorsed by experienced mothers, for it is. the I one safe, dependable remedy that' penetrates to relieve all strain on ' nerves, cordB, ligaments and all parts involved. It makes the muscles expand naturally and stops pain. ' FREE ASTUMi COUPON I FRONTIER ASTHMA CO,, noom 7U.M, Niagara and lludson 8ts., Burtslo, N, Y, Send free trial of your method Co; Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a glass of hot water and phosphate prevents Illness and ' keeps us fit Just as coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incom bustible material In the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day after day leaves In the alimentary canal a certain amount of Indigestible material, which' If not completely eliminated from tho system each day becomes food for the millions of biicterla which Infest the bowels From this mass of left-over wusto, toxins nnd ptomalne-llko poisons are formed and sucked Into the blood, Men and women who can't get feeling right mtiBt begin to taico inside bathB. uoforr eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a tenspoonful of llmcstono phosphate In It to wash out of tho thirty feet ot bowels tho previous day's accumulation of poisons nnd toxins and to keep the ontlrt' alimentary canal clean, pure and frrch. I Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation,! others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatlo stillness, or havo a sour, gassy stomach after menlr, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from tho drug store and begin Practicing Internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but Ih sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on tho subject, itemember Innldo bathing Is more lm poitnnt than outsldo bathing, because the Bkln pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, causing poor health, while the bowel pores do. Just as soap and hct water cleanses, sweetens, and ircsiiens tno bkiii, so not water ana limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Aavt, Crisp, New Wash Fabrics At Prices That Set a Record For Extraordinary Value-Giving . In a big-business like this remnants accumulate at a rapid rate. Every Frid'av we throw them out on bargain tables, marked at prices that represent but a fraction of original value.' Tomorrow wft offer great heaps' of snowy white fabrics, in all the weaves wanted for spring and summer waists and dresses at savings of one-haff and two-Jhird. Just note those bargains I 121c, 15g & 19c White Goods at Consisting of 40-in. French Lawn, 40-in. Voile, 40-in. Mercerized Mar quisette. 40-in. India Linon, 40-in. French Ormmdie, 30-in. Sheer Wait ings (damaged), 30-in. Longcloth, 36-in. Nainsook, etc Dcsirablo lengths. , 25c, 29c & 39c White Goods at Consisting of Double ,Twill Gabardine, Yarn Mercerized Repp, Fancy Stripo Pique, Stripe Becd Voile, 2-ply French Voile, Ratine .Stripe Voilo, Ocean Wave Stripe Voile, Linen-flnish Cannon Cloth, Mercerized 'Madras, Luna Lawn, Sherette, Flaxon, English Nain sook, Fajama Checks, Imperial Longcloth, Dotted Swiss, India Linon, Roving Stripe Voile, etc. 27, 30, and 40-in. wido. 19c & 25c Colored Wash Goods Remnants of hicrh-class Colored Wash Goods. Including Novelty Club Voile. 40-in. Plain Color French Voile. 36-in. Printed Strlne Voile, 36-in. Wool-finish Ratine Suitings, 30-in. Fancy Woven Stripo Voile, 27-in. Seco Silk, etc Useful lengths. mrst floor, 8th St. Side. BOTH SIDE'S OF SBVBIfTH BTHfCBT"! A Remnant Sale Crowded With Rare Savings Remnants of 40c and 65c LinoIeUm and Oilcloth At 19c Sq. Yd. Lot of several hundred yards of floor cover ings, Including Cook's cork-filled Linoleums and Now Process Linoleums, in 2 to 84 sq. yd. lengths: 8rcuarter width; also heavyweight Floor Oilcloth, in lengths up to 30 sq. yds.; 6 quarter width. Light and dark colors. Of somo patterns you will find several of a pattern. Fourth Floor. STOftE HOURS: Opeh8:45 A.M.; Clow 5:30 P,M. r" "IT PAY TO DEAL AT GOLDEN BERG lTM MBOor 7Hu ATirrriKCT "THE DEPENDABLE itORET 12ic 40-in. UNBLEACHED SHEETING Lot of mill end of 0 Inches wide Unbleaohed Sheet- Jnff Cotton, a. fine closo woven rpund thread grade, In good i ana-piuow caeos. 1st Floor, 8th Street Side. lengths for making- sheets. 8k 7c 9c 5c Remnants of Name Toweling Worth 10c and 12ic a yard for Remnants of Name Toweling, heavy double thread huck, with name woven through center; good serviceable quality. Lengths from 1 to 10 yards. Friday at 5c a yard. No mail or phone orders filled. 1st Floor Bargain Booth. 'Second Day of the Record-Making Values in Women's Spring Suits New, Snappy Models That Equal Suits Claimed Elsewhere to Be Worth $20, at rffc lm mat Suit values that demonstrate in a forcible way the underselling power of this store, and its ability to provide unmatchable values a"t all times. Every garment full of snap and style, fashioned of the choicest and most approved ma terials, including Gabardines, Poplins, Serges, New Checks, Fancy Mixtures, Novelty Suitings. The styles are designed in the new est and smartest models Flare, Sport, and Tailored Effects that show the latest trend of suit fashions. i i ii if Bor V ALTERATIONS FREE1 Friday Clearance Prices on New Spring Millinery A typical Goldenberg sale event, with lowered prices on the season's newest and most authentic styles in millinery. Odd lots have accumulated since our Opening, and they are to be cleaned up tomorrow at these deeply reduced prices. LOT OF 40 TRIMMED HATS, in Black and colors; mostly medium and small size shapes. Values f QQ worth up to S5.00 1 70 i LOT OF UNTRIMMED HEMP HATS, broken assortments from out better liijes. ' Ih navy, old rose, Copenhagen, purple and green, sand and gray. All size shapes, including tho QO fltyllrtrlargo hata. Values worth up to $3.00 OC LOT OF FINE FLOWERS, including wreaths of or fruits and flowers. Values worth up to 75c each . JC LOT OF WINGS AND FANCY FEATHERS, in black and colors. All good style trimmings. Values worth A up to 50c. 17C The Season's Banner Sale of Dress Goods Remnants Values worth $1.00 CQ and $1.25ayard at... Oy One of the best lots of dress goods remnants we've had this season, including: All wool French Serge. . ..all rrool Henrietta.. .! wool Armore.... Imported Hlclllan. . . .Slllc-and-Wool Poplin .... Storm Serse .... Satin Prunella.... Diagonal Hnltlnn, etc. Widths, 44 to S4 Inches wide. In black, cream, and all colors. lat Floor, 8th Street Side. 48 Men May Share the Big Savings in Tomorrow's Sale of $13.50 and $15.00 Suits Friday at $8.25 Exactly 48 men's suits in this final clean-up of men's and young men's suits be here early tomorrow to make sure of finding your size. The materials are of a weight suitable to wear until hot weather ar rivesand the big savings you pocket make it wise economy to buy now. Suits of Fancy Mixtures, Stripes, Overplaids, andl Novelty Effects, in 2 and 3-button models, with plain or natch pockets. Sizes 32 to 42 in the lot. Choice Friday at S8.25. $5.50 23 MIEN'S SLIP-ON IIAIN- COATS, of double texture cloth, plaid back, sewn and cemented seams: dark shades and tan; sizes 34 to 42. IteKUlar $10.00 and $12.00 values 22 MEN'S AND YOUNO MISN'S SUITS, all dark mixtures; one and two of a kind and style; good quality lining; mostly with patch pockets. Sizes 32 to 88. Regular $10.00 fljl nc values JJ'.IW fl MEN'S MEDIUM -WEIGHT TOPCOATS, all wool unfinished cloth, In black and oxford gray; silk faced; good quality lining; sizes 36, 36, and 37 only. Kegular $15,00 djo ne values DO.t) B5 PAIItS OK MEN'S SKPAIIATE TnoUSRUS, of worsted materials, neat Hinpea, m gray ana brown, it Remnants of Fine Silks Priced for a Speedy Outgoing Values worth 'Up to CJQ $1.50 a yard at D jk Shrewd silk buyers will rally around these bargain tables of silk remnants tomorrow the economies are so pronounced they are well-nigh irresistible. The collection includes: 30-lnrh Chiffon Tnffetaa. .. ,30-lneh Satin Mescalines. .. .HO-lnch Faille Silk Poplin. . .na-ln.h Stripe Taffrtaa 30-Inch Block Memallnea 311-lneh lllaclt Silk Popllnn Ul'-lnch Stripe Tab Sllk......40-leU Vatln ChnrnteaSc. .t..40-lneh Crepe Up Chine, etc etc. I Desirable lengths for waists, ilrcsses. petticoats, and trimmings. First Floor nighth 8trcet Side. Boys' Spring Clothing Odd Lots at Clearing Prices Boys' Casslmero Bloomer I'anta, sizes 6, 6, and 7 years, also Blouse Waists In broken sizes and Madras and Percale Shirts ftp In sizes 12 and 12H neck measure only. Regular 50a values, each CiuC First Floor Ilargnln Tables. IT" Dora' Winter Weight Yoke Norfolk Suits, all wool fancy cas slmere, in dark colorings; sizes 7, 8, 9 years. Values worth up QQ QQ to $8.00. Reduced to ipOtOV Days' $1.00 Wash Snlts. nomo slightly mussed and soiled from handling; white and qolors; sizes 3 to 9' years of age, but not CQ of each atyle UtC noys Blouse Waists, neckband style; good quality washable fab ric; size 7 to 15,years. Iteg- ACn ular 75e valuet; Reduced to lt Dors' Norfolk School Halts, of fancy casslmere; dark patterns; Vea7;.8:.!-..1.4:..1.6:..".'! $1.95 no' Spring Weight lleefers, double breasted style, with em broidered emblem on sleeve; black and white shepherd check mate rial; sizes 2 to 7 years (J-i aq ". lot' '"?. nojv " Wash Salts. Golf Caps and Blouse Waists, with collars attached, of good quality gray chambray. Each m article 1UC Sizes 34 to ular $3.00 Men's Clothing Dept., 4th Floor. 4. Reg- values $1.95. Sample Strips of Lace Curtains Sold by the pair at $2 AC $3 and $4, Per Strip at tc-C A lot of manufacturer's sample strips, or half pairs of fine quality curtains on sale tomorrow at a price that will bring a crowd of shrewd housewives to share the savings. The lot con sists of Cable Net and Nottingham Lace Curtains, 2y2, 3 and 2yz yards long, in white, ivory and ecru. Plain, novelty and heavy worked designs. The majority match up into pairs. Fourth Floor. ."BOTH BIDES OF VKMTH STREET": Men's Furnishings Odd lot of Men's medium weight Illbbnl Underwear, shirts and drawors to matrh; well known "Wondorwear" brand; odd sizes. Sold regularly at SOc and OQn 75c...; iJj Men's :ie nnd IlOc Golf Caps, all wool materials; lull silk 1 0 taped JLOl Men's Netcllgce Shirts, of percala and mercerized cloths; made with laundered cuffs: new spring pat tern!). Worth 50c und 76c QQ each OVKt Men's SOc Terry Cloth Hath Slip pers, made with pndded soles and carpet .bottoms. Velvet cord Qf7 bound Oil Men's 13c Wanhalile Fonr-ln- lland JVeckTreur, neat stripo and panel effects. Knch Men's 33c Athletic Underwear, of nainsook, shirts coat Htyle and sleevsloss; kneo length Oln drawers J.l Men's M.00 Plnnket lint a llobca, mado with full plnlted backs, neok curd and waist glrdlo; good assortment of pat- QO Q terns OAtlV Men'A ISMic nnd ISc Hnlf lloie. black nnd colors; double heel and toe; subject to slight Impir fectiona. Six pair for 9c 39c Children's Wearables Girls' Dresses, of gingham and percale, made with loose belts and plaited skirts; odd sizes from AQn 6 to 14 years. Reduced to zul Misses' and Children's Middy Blouses, good quality materials, with navy and Copenhagen blue striped collars and cuffs; sizes C to 20 A An years. Reduced to fll Small lot of Children's Rompers, ol Eden cloth. In neat assorted stripes; also lot of creepers. Odd sizes. QQ a Regularly SOc each OUU Children's Middy Skirts, of .wvy blue porcalo and white galatea cloth, odd sizes up to 12 years. AQn Regularly 63c each LkVK Children's Flannelette Nightgowns and Sleeping Garments; neat OCn striped effects; sizes 2 to 6 y'rs. uut Children's Bprlni; Coats, black and white checks; with bluo collars and cuffs: lined with satlno; (Ji r sizes 2 to 6 years tDl.ftt Popular Makes of CORSETS 69c Regular $1 Models Reduced to ... . Various' well-known rrakes of eorsetn. Including "R G." "P. U" "C. B." of lino batiste and coutll In meillum and lonu models, with heavy hore supporters. ll sizes In tli.) lot Third Floor. Regular $1.25 Sateen Retticoats 79c Women's Sateen Petticoats, m black, roso and tan; made with styl ish Dialled ruffle. Lustrous quality. Udd lengths. Odd Lots of Furniture At Greatly Reduced Prices 2 Circassian Walnut Chiffoniers, flno cabinet work. Hold regu larly at J30.00. Reduced C1Q ITF .i?hJ?ir,JIT ?u.lte. with cane backs, upholstered In blue vclour; largo settee and two armchairs. Sold SKK:..?. $42.50 8 Single Brass Beds, 2-Inch con tinuous posts. Sold regu- 5n tQ larly at J16.60 "... b".70 8 Chiffoniers, golden oak 0Q no finish; five deep drawers.. OO.tu 25 Fumed Oak Clothca Atn Poles, strongly made fitC 6 Solid Oak Flve-ft. Extension Tables; golden oak 0?O no llnlsh tDO.yO 3 White Enamel Cribs, squaro posts, sold .regularly at jr rt J12.60. Reduced to (DO.UU Lot of 2S Cot Pads duced to Re- cn. unc 9x12 ft; Wool Art Rugs Regular $5.00 Value at . . . $2.95 12c Percales, Ginghams and Domestic Cottons at 6c yd. Good, useful lengths for making children's frocks and women's wearables. T.argo assortment of styles. Including Percale, Dri-NH Ginghams, Mnil rns, Gulaten Cloth Cotton Crepe, Cheek Suiting-, AmnHkrag Glnjt hauis, Untlng Flnnnrla. Cnnton Flnnueln, Uomet Flnunela, etc. Regular 12 'c and 15c values at Cc ynrd. lat floor. 8th Street Bide. Women's 98c Gowns At 69c Women's flno qunllty toft nain sook Night GownH, low und high neck stiles, trimmed with embroid ery, ribbons, tucks, nnd laces. Full cut and well made. from handling. Slightly mussed Third Floor. just io of these rugs to be sold at this price, so be hero early. 9x12 ft. largest room size Wool Art Rugs, seamless and reversible. Irf small figured and medallion designs of green, red. rose and brown colorings. 25c and 30c Mattings, yd. atl jii-iiiimmti ui icw.wnrp Japanese ana line grade extra weight Seamless China MauTilgi, In handsomo carpet designs, checks and striped of green, red, blue, tan and brown. Lengths from S to 30 yards. $1.00 Crex Rugs, 69c. 37 Genuine Crox Rugs, bIio 30x60 Inches; plain or bordered styles, In green, red, bluo and brown. Strict ly perfect. Ono to three of each stylo. (Fourth Floor.) 15c $1.50 Comforts, 98c. 27 Doublo Bed Size Comforts, fill ed with white cotton, covered with fine graJo sllkollnes. Assorted col- Children's $1.75 and $2 Shoes Reduced to $1.45 a Pair A clean-up of broken assortments and ends of, lines of misses', children's and little bojs' shoes at one low price tomor row. Misses' and children's shoes of patent colt, gun metal, and vici kid leathers; sizes in tho lot from G to 8, 8 to 11. nnd 1114 to '2. Little boys' shoes of dull leathers, in button and blucher styles; 10 to 1314 in tho lot shoe Dept. 1st Floor sizes "BOTH SIDES OF SEVENTH STREET";