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-I Jv ' - J1 -f ' 7". -t" wwi-inr '$ nrriiw';: W j THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 191C. 10 THE TIMES DAILY MAGAZINE PAGE "ij(-v.r KgqfpffiyVQffi HSsans wpt Observations On What Men EatforLwnch Are the' Chocolate Eclair and 1 Pie a la Mode Eaters Mere ly Hypocrites, Or Do They Forget What They Have Dined Upon For the 'Con , venience bf Seeming.Con sistent? The Debutante Rebels. H E said that I was Illy, and that I filled my stomach with" use less trash Such as chocolate eclairs, and pie, and Ice cream. The wholo evening Ionic ho scolded me. And reviled my tasto And was so Interested In what he was saying that Ho forgot to sec how pretty I was. (I had spent throe hours choosing the new slippers I wore, notto mention other efforts.) And ho stormed, and said that It was "Just ltko a woman to cat trash when sho "was hungry." And I didn't say a word, and was ashamed, and the Evening was utterly ruined. Yesterday I saw him. He was In one of thoso F street hlgh tool eating places. 'And ho didn't see mc. I 'watched. , . He ordered a cup of coffee, two choco late eclairs. ' And one pie with lec cream. (Bolting Mine in five minutes.) He didn't sec me. Hut as he went out I hid a largo fat mile Up., my sleeve. And my self-respect came back In great; slathers. I had learned the real meaning of the word;- JL Hypocrite; I thought It only applied to people who pretended To .tjc'Chrrsllansl 1 THE CONDUCTOR. Waxed Moustache Speaks. k Dear; Conductor: What you have agalnst'-my waxci moustache? True. It Isn' It'used'to be, because, JfsTs, fully hard." with the -war and veryttil'nif, to get good cosmetlque these days.' But that Isn't my fault. Bllll.5 don't think I'm sore because of your stories about my hlrsuto decora tion you aren't a copy reader, and you can't eut that out without violating the freedom of the press. I'm not. Be fore ya. started our correspondence no one ever admitted that I have a mous tache. But now the fact has been recog fefsed In black and white, and I'm all puffed up. Just the same, I would like to know what you have against it. PABVA STELLA. (Dog Latin for Waxed Mostache.) Since you assumo in the first part of your letter, Stella (which has been eliminated because of Its display of In tense feeling on the subject), that the editor of this column Is a female, we take up the question of what we have AGAINST waxed moustaches.. What Is more natural In light of that assumption than for us to put a finger In our mouth, and reply. "Nothing against them yet, Stella, but we still fcave hope." Not Always. Bacon Is your wife continually ask ing. "What'a the trump" when playing carVJs? Egbert No, not continually, some times rtie only looks it. Yonkers States, man. How the Flying Ballet Does Its Seemingly Dangerous Work Safely A Visit td thfr Flies and Wings of the Belasco Theater Re ' suited in the Discovery That the Flying Ballet, Which Looks So Danger ous to the People Out In Front Is Actually More Safe Than Riding In An Automobile. IN the midst of an ensemble at the Belasco this week two girls suddenly flv out from the rest ot the chorus, and beforo the audi ence Is aware of whire they'cmtie from, up they go like fnlrlos high Into the dome sixty feet or moro. They poise for a moment or two In their flight, and then sink slow ly and gracefully back to tho stage, where thev stund for a moment nnd then disappear In the wlngfl. Thoro Is no sign of wires, yt they nro sent up on wires, as overypne knows. The machine which deals, them out for ths flight Ip concealfd In the very,' ton of the theater, on what Is cajlod "tho gridiron," n stepl-planK platform, Wilcb .is the highest point above the back stage, oyer the stago at n height of oxoctly twice tho depth of the 'Ib asbestos, curtain which Is lowered between acts. Wires and Pulleys. It Is a simple arrangement of wires and pulleys operated by an Inch leather belt. Tho wlreit themselves are less than an eighteenth of nn Inch thick, yet the two girls who all up nightly with them fastened Last Year's Clothes Accepted as Buiqess ;, Garb No Longer; Trig Suits the1 Rule Now t Business Girls Have Come to Realize the Value of Neat ness In Keeping the High ' Estimation of Their Em ployers' and Worrioiu Finery Is Replaced by Simpler Modes. SOMEON tome i snld-t OMEONB hns Fatd-or. rather, dorens of persons have that the- two-rleco suit is tho orlilnal. non-replaceable potyniurlol. They hnvo hailed It as the business girl's friend, thu cora mutor'n, Joy, tho hurried houfowlfo's haven. They Ipurtly proclaim that a suit, plus an assortment of shlrt wuUts, will enable a lady to meet nny emergency with poise nnd calm. Bo that as It may, no ono will ilcnv that the suit Is the ono' cnblo feoturo of tho feminine ward robe. With spilng days lilntimr. nny, beckoning tho susccptlblu shop wards, tho luro of the new suit reaches tho buslneno Ctrl as voll na her more leisurely slaters. . A English wrlltr bewailed the fact that during her yoars of servitude ns a stenorruphcr sho was never dressed, merely covered. Others havo pointed out the fine distinction between bclnf dressed and clothed. She Slakes Discovery. Time vas when tho, business girl's workaday garb-was lost year's best, pressed Into service because any thing was good inough to wear to office. Now sho that her everyday appearnnce Is Juit ns Im portant as her Sundiy garb. Sho has Olscoverrtl that her clothing must bo simple and neat, without garish, colors or extreme llins. Her employer does not pay her to be conspicuous ho will bo satisfied if she is neat and well groomed. Notwithstanding the fact that this J ear's suit, even of the plainest, have surh a flaro to the silhouette cs to cancel severely tailored effocts, simplicity may be attained by leav ing th0 suit untilmmed, andv wear ing the plainest of trig hats. Fashion writers Jiave waxed Jovial concerning the checkered career that is foretold for many a new suit For once everyone seems to agree that checks will be favored In pref erence to unpatterncd materials this spring. Some people complain that ono grows ao tired of chocks nh. but not this year's checks. Design of Soft Gray. Who could weary of a design of soft gray, with a hairline of purple, woven onto a Bupple velours? Or golden brown, picked off with squares of dull blue? These are surely a far cry from placid shep herd checks wherewith tho dry goods merchants draped their tables each returning spring. Tho chief objection to the black and whlto checks was that thoy could bo copied In cheap materials, costing but half as much as a really good piece of cloth. Of course, these looked about the same at a short distance, and thoy tended to lower tho caste of better stuffs. One advantage of the new colored checks is that they havo not been duplicated In cheap cloth as et. The cost Is from J1.G0 to U.75 or f?. ard, tho more expensive qualities running to a width of fifty two inches. With this width, a suit with plenty of flaro may bo evolved from four y".d o tuff. with an initial cost of 10 or ill. Lining satins may bo MISS ETHEL FRENCH. to their backs say that "sailing Is more Hufo than automoblllng!" Indeed, after on Intpcctlon of tho syrtem whleh Is Installed. and which costs u umall fortune to opor ate, It iIooh seem perfectly safe The particular arrangement which has ben Installed In Hie Belasco Theater dlfferH, or course, from that of nny other house, s'nee the architecture differences In the building Itsotr aro taken into consideration. Here's the Apparatus. Directly over tho domo of the thea ter on the top floor of thu building nro two stories. The first Is tho property room where nil kinds of matorlal for producing pluys Is stored. Tho next story Is used by n private gymnasium. The wires from the "grldlion" come through both ot these floors beforo they enter direct ly Into tho theater proper. At ovcry turn thoro nro a set of wheels or pul leys, which must bo Inspected before each performnnrc. The direct opening Into the theater Is n smull oblong block which may be Been by looking caiefully up nt tho I minted celling, dock hns been A smull oblontr removal here. utiH tho wires let through. Thoy go down to tho left of tho stage, and aro fastened on hooks Just outside of the asbestos curtain. In a - ; I " :. I . Checked suit with the usual Hare of giving a had as low as 69 cents a yard, and there arn the guaranteed satins that cost-twice as much. Silk and button holo twist, a few dozen buttons, and a pattern there are the Ingredients for an eminently practical and at tractive business suit. Fullness Below Waist. Most of the suits havo managed to make use of two distinct flares one at tho hem, the other a IKtlo below the waist line, where the coat goes exploring the breezes on Its own account. This flaro Is mado all the Jauntier .by a belt, and belts complement the 'flares on Just about 99 per cent of all tho spring suits. . Several methods have been used to bring In this extra fullness below tho waist, line without making tho coat seem bulky. A separato Piece of material may bo pleated under ,the belt to form a poplum; If longer lines are desired, a series of in verted pleats may run from tho shoulder to the belt and allowed to expand at their own sweet will be low the waist, line. The lower edgo of tho coat may bo MISS FRIEDA HOFFMAN. dark sccno, tho young women step out of the wings and tho wires nro f aened to their backs. They wear Btllt leather corsets, with queor pad lock looking arrangements bctwocn the shoulders. Here tho wires aro attnchc-il and released by menns of a small latch string. Girls Are Experts. Tho two girls who do the flying nio experts nnd havo specialized In thut purtlculur lino of work. Miss Frieda Hoffmann has been "flying" for ubout seven years, but tho other girl, MIbh Kthcl French, hns only been doing this work for two. "I'm perfectly satisfied that thero l& no danger In It." said Miss Hoff mann when Interviewed on the sub ject. "The corsets which we wear nro perfect, und when you consider tho constant Inspection of the ap paratus, there Ib less danger than thero Is In tho ordinary automobile lido with un nverngo driver." Both young women aro or average height and weight. ' They nro not totally unafraid, how ever, and woic horrified to think thnt a woman had gone up on tho slonclri scufTcldlug to look ut the niachlno to which they nightly entrusted their lives 1 The cost nf this ballet alone Is sev eral hundred dollnin a performance for less than five minutes work. coat and skirt and a broad belt; short-waisted effect. Irregular, with a decided din at either side or at front and back. This requires caroful tailoring to givo a properly fitted apeparance, and the home dressmaker would do well to use simpler designs If she Is to attempt to mako her own spring suit. Many of the collars are high, some of them even buttoning around tho chin like those on winter suits. A number or collars are high at tho back, with straps across the front fastened with buttons or frogs to give a military air. B.uttopsarv the generally accepted trimming. For those with slender figures lines of buttons from the Times Pattern Service NOW is the time of year when most of the department stores nrc having special sales of nainsook and longcloth. Now it is, too, that the forehanded woman begins to replenish her stock of lingerie, knowing that the home made kind is cheaper and more satisfactory than the garments usually offered by the shops. The added value of a bit of handwork, which makes French lingerie so expensive, will double the beauty of almost any article of clothing, with little extra trouble. A simple scallop, a vine or wreath defining the yoke, and there is trimming enough for any chemise. The one in the sketch is a per fectly cut garment, made in regula tion or envelope style, with a round or square neck. The graceful lines conform to the figure. The pattern, 663, is cut in sizes 36, 40, and 44 inches bust measure. Medium size requires 2J4 yards of 36-inch material. Price of pattern, 10 cents. To obtain this pattern fill out the coupon and enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin. Address Pattern Department, Washington Times, Munsey Building, D. C. If patterns are not delivered vIthin three cays, at the latest, after the request has reached this office, kindly notify the Pattern Department. No patterns can be obtained in person. tSIZE MUST BE THE TIMES PATTERN SERVICE. Name . No. 663. Street and SIZE DESIRED City New Spring Suit Need -Not Be Expensive to Be Pretty and Mpdish There Is an ' Attractive Chdice 'of .Checked Materials, and Little Trimming' Is Needed on a Colorful Background. shoulder seam to the edge of the .coat aro attractive, but fatal for Hhoso Inclined to bo chubby. The buttons usod are of various shapes, most of them In tho round or' ''acorn" stylo. Others aro flat and oval. The novelty buttons aro legion and almost any material may be supplied with ready mado but tons that harmonlzo perfectly. Plain black silk or soutacho braids may bind the edges of the coat or outilno a scam of tho skirt. These are narrow and moro of .an accent to tho lines of the suit than a trim ming. For suits In colors with which black would not look so well braids of the darkest possible tone to har monize arc In good taste. Black Is always given . the preference, how ever, since It offers an opportunity for corresponding simplicity In ac cessories. RECIPES Lamb Chowder. This Is really a way to utilize trou blesome left-overs of roast lamb, and the flavor really resembles that of clams. Cut the scraps of meat Into half-Inch dice, using about two.cuptuls to the following proportions of other Ingredi ents; two flntly-cut onions, two pota toes, half a can of tomatoes and a pint of water. Simmer until the potatoes are thor oughly cooked. If tho flavor Is weak a bouillon cube or beef extract may bo added. Blco may replace tho potatoes If desired. If the water bolls away too rapidly more may be added. Marahmnliow Fudge. Beat two' cupful of sugar, two-thirds of a cupful or. mine, ono-mira-or a cup ful of Corn syrup, a tablespoonful of butter 'and half a cup of- cocoa (more. If stronger Chocolate, flavor is desired) for five minutes before putting the mix- turn on the stove. Cook until the syrup will form a soft ball when dropped In water. Add anoth er tablespoonful nf butter, a quarter cf a tcaspoonful of salt and a teaspoon- nil or vaniua. ueai until it inicKcns. Add ten marrhmallows, cut In pieces, Just before i-eady to pour In the pans, In order that they may be only partially melted. The pans- are to be greased and lined wlth'pleces of marshmallow. Ambrosia. -. An easily prepared dessert that ap peals particularly to children calls for sponge cake, whipped cream, candled cherries and mnrshmallows. To the whipped cream, flavored with vanilla, aie added candled cherries, halved, and marshmallowa finely cut. This mixture is heaped upon squares or fresh sponge cakn, with a wholo cherry nt the very top. Gingerbread and Cream. Hot glrgerbread docs not seem a des sert possibility, yet there am several ways In which It may bo used to good advantage When the cake Is fresh, ruvnrnt whlnned cream may be hearted upon It. When It li stale. It may bo steamed and served with a hard or brandy sauce. PUT ON COUPON) March 24. Number. . . . and State lull Wl Numbness of Members' ' JNJpf Entirely Due to Age; 1 Numerous Other Causes i i By DR. LEONARD KEENE HIRSHBERG. THEItE Is an absurdity in blaming tho flight of, years for maladies, tho causa of wnlch might better bn found, If honestly sought. Truo enough, each group of years may havo certain predispositions to somoi ailments. Just as scarletlna and measles aro moro prone to occur In chlldhoood. This, however. Is no rea son why old age, middle life, or Infancy should be given as "causes" of the maladies which are accidentally asaocU ated wllh that- period. Toothing Is no moro the source of dysentery, coughs and other Infectious diseases than old age Is of paralysis, heart disorders and Bright' disease. Therefore, when with tho advance of yfiV a greater number of periods of tingles, numbness, "pins and needles" and "goln-to-sleep" sensations In the arms or the legs, do not so leadlly .lay tho trouble to '"old age." If you will obicrve when and where Jf0"" arm or leg "goes to sleep" you will find that there has occurred unusual pressuro upon the affected member, alid that a thick nerve trunk has been caUghty between tho folds of tho bent arm ,or leg and squeezed too ttghUy. Influence of Alcohol. Men given to carousing are particu larly subject to tho sensations of ants creeping over the skin or , pins and needles pricking the armsor legs. The benumbing ericct or alcoholic bever ages Is well established. If to grog-guzzling there Is added falling unconsciousness with an arm or a' leg doubled up, the "booze." Plus the pressures upon tho sciatic nerve of tho leg or tho deltoid nervo of the arm. Induces a form of palsy ot tho affected member " Answers ,To Health Question- 'J. B.-j-I am n young man of twen ty hi traveling salesman by1 the way and nave a- rather young appear ance. I thought possibly a mustache would' tend to make me 'look older. Will you kindly tell me how to hasten the growth of. one, it I decide to havo 6ne? Krenuent shaving and massage la about tho beat one can do to en courage the growth of a mustache. It. F. O. If you will kindly send a stamped, self-addressed envelopo with your query repeated, I 'will be glad to give you the desired Infor mation. Mrs. II. F. P. What cauws blood firessure? 2. How is ono affected by t? 3. When In your blood pressure normal at-the age of thirty-four 4. What would you prescribe to overcomo fclgh blood pressure? Blood pressure Is earned liy pressure of tho heart, the bluod ejid'thi-Melst-nnco In the arteries. :, If ycu.' mean lilnh Mood pressuro, sometimes one not affected at all. 3 Tho blood pres sure Is normal at the azi- of thirty-four when the Instrument rcclsters Wl. -I A quiet, i.nccntlmcntal life, tall ot rest. Bachelor Girl's Reflections By HELEN MnVTILLA used to dress In plain Pink, blue, or red but now prefers A gown of "claret" or 'champagne." Or "dregof-wlne." so sho avers. With trimmings or the new "char treuse!" I think her colirs rather queer; And ct, when I suggest that I Would like a suit or "roaming beer," A hat of "bourbon." "scotch," or "rye," And sporty "Jock Rose cocktail" tie. Myrtllla'a horrllled-but. why? Flirtation Is a rasclnatlng experiment In the laboratory ot Love, In which tho foolish carelessly play with combusti bles. A man won't decide on a motor car untU he has spent two or thrco weeks in The Working Woman. The Bureau of Labor Statistics of tho uepnrtmcnt of Labor, after an exten sive Investigation among establishments employing Stf.000 employes, has Issueu soiuo reports concerning the women w oi ken or tho country. Two striking features are tho low wages paid to women and the oxtrcmo youthfulness or many or thoso em Ployed. In throo rrcat Industries tho Southern cotton group, the glass Indus try, and tho Pennsylvania silk group, more than two-thlids or tho girls em ployed wero found to be under twenty years of age. On tho other hand, the pioportlons twcnty-tlvo years or age or over was preat enough to suggest the need or vocational training for girls, as was the fact that In many Industries, the pioportlon or married women runs from 10 per cent up to b0 per cent. Tho Importance or the woman worker and or tho child wage-earner is realized when one lenrns that the bureau has Just Issued a report about theni that lllls ntnqteen volumes. Itripure water DISTILLED Health Insurance "The purest water in the world" In cnxeM of O bottles In 15 Kalian Jin, so cents Telephone North 2042 M ILLER'S Self Rising Buckwheat IcikIh In favor becauso It gives uni form Hatlsfactlon and Invariably proves most economical. Demand "MlLLMt'H." At Your Umcr'it-No Comumoru Hupplieil. B. B. EARNSHAW & BRO. 'Wholcssl Qroceri. 11th and M U. 8. . JEL h HHrOft This slight paralysis from pressure does not always come from drink, but It Is made worso by tho latter. Tingling, stinging and numbness ot the arms or legs are commonly Inter preted as a -'sleeping" of the members. The exact degree of compression nc essary to produce auch "pins and needles" sensations differs In Individ uals according to their muscular and fleshy development, pnyslcal state ot health. Inherited vitality. Indoor or out- , door occupations, exercise, food, and many other conditions. . . , ; Other "Poison" Causes. What Influences the nerve-cords to day In this regard might havo no in fluence upon them tomorrow)- you might remain -out fate tonight, and obtain so llttlo sleep and rest that your, fatigued arm, bent but slightly under your body, would become numb and senseless. At another "time, after hours In the arms of old Morpheus, you might double up your legs and arms like, a Jackknlfe. make a coqiortlonlst of your, self even deep In sleep, and awaken re freshed and wlthdut the slightest evi dence of any tingling, benumbed, or "asleep" feelings In the arms. or legs. It Is all a matter of which ox Is gorod. Not .only Is each, person "a law unto himself," tjut tho'aw, s not one for the Modes and -Persians: it Is not hidebound, but" changes with time, place, circumstances and Individual conditions. . -v , Besides .the poisons ot alcohol, those of tobacco "colds," fatigue. Infections, gtfrms, ptflnlsi 'gasoline, Varnishes, bad air, kidney disease, high blood pres sure, and, many others .ars apt to pre dispose ybur arms, legs, hands or feet "td fall asloep."' ' ' ), Before the troouble can be cured the cause must be found and eliminated. (Copy't. 1116. Vcwrapaper Feature Syndicate.) fresh nlr..and slmpla'dlct help lo over come high blood pressure. Massage is also helpful. , It. C. F.-1 am troubled with an In tense Itehlng of the body. I can obtain no relief. Wtuxt will you advise ma to do for this? Change tho underclothing every day unci take a. dally bath. Alao apply the following lotion to the affected parts each morning and night! Calamine, 214 drams; zinc oxide, 2 dramsi glycorlne. 2 drams, phenol, & dram; Umewater and rosewater enough to make three ounces. PERSONAL ADVICE. Readers desiring advice should remember: 1. To address Inquiries -to Dr. L. IC Hirshborg, care of The Times. ' -", 2. To enclose a stamped and ad dressed envelopo if a personal reply Is desired. ROWLAND. looking them over; but he will decide on a wife In two or three minutesand then spend tho rest of his days in "looking her over." A man seldom marries when he ought to; ho simply keeps putting It off until some girl comes along and gets him so tangled up that he has to. A girl's heart Is like her dressing table crowded with tenderly cherished little souvenirs ot love; a man's, like his pipe, carefully cleaned and emptied after each flomo haa gone out. A man never seems to get cold feet from skating on Ice except wnen it cnances to be the thin ice of senti ment. A man loves a. woman first reverently, then madly, then tenderly, then dearly, then comfortably and last. duUtully. Most actresses are married now and tben; most literary women off and on. most society women from time to time. Copyright, 1)16. by Th Press Publlabtng Co. (Tht New York Evening World). Resinol i heals sick skin 1 5 The moment that Resinol Oint- H E ment touches itching skin the itch- H Inp usually stops and healinp 5 begins. That is why doctors have 5 prescribed it so successfully for H over 20 years in even the severest 5 casesofcciema.rinsworm.rashes. and many other tormenting, dis- fiRurinK skin diseases. Sold by all dnigsists. For a cUar com' I flexion use Resinol Soap. in in iii iii iii iii iii iii in ut iii in in in ma L