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S i A "VISIT OUII FURNITURE STORK, ACROSS THE STKUKT 'gT!l "'T OUR FURNITURE! TOMB. ACROSS TUB STRBBl to Saturday's Store Hours: 8:45 A. M. to 6 P. M. New. Stylish, Seasonable Novltlra ty ike Score In To- morrow) Big Bnle of JewelryWorth Up to 50c Choice at j9C Manufacturer's surplus lots and odd lots cleaned up at a HttKo price and offered In a spoelal sale to morrow at 19c for choice. The Assortment Include Brooches, Bar Pins, JUt Pins, Earrings, Link Cuff Buttons, Tie Clasps, Lavalllers, Neck Chains, etc., In gold platod, enamel, silver, oxydlsed,,and fancy Jewel ed effects. All the newest, up to date designs In dainty 'Jewelry for spring;. 1st Floor, Unraaln Table. EasterVeilings Washable CapeGloves Real Leather Hand Bags For Women at $1.15 Pair Including the New Shurlok 98c at25c&50cyd Bags, With Theft-proof T.nrlra. ma Values at SVWPSlMI BM V -.- - - t Raster Veilings, In all tho very newest creations, Includ ing halrllno, hexagon, shadow, scrolls and fancy meshes. Homo with woven and chonllle dotted borders. In white, black, black and white, purple, taupe, navy blue and brown. Now and attractive styles and shapes In Hand Fine soft capeskln Gloves. In tho desirable shade of Newport, one-clasp stvle, nlquo sewn. Bmart, renned and well-fitting gloves to, wear now with tho spring suit. , M A romorkftble value at the 11.15 price. Glove Dept., 1st Floor. Bags pf real leather offered at A price seldom linked wun sucn 'excellent quinines. The most ought-after kinds'. In black and colors, with leather-covered, nlckle, oxydlzed and German silver frames.' 811k and leather lined. Included In the assortment are many of the pop ular I'Bhurlock" Dac. with safety locks to prevent theft. , . 1 Hee these exceptional values tomorrow at 98c. Leather Goods Dept., 1st Floor. LATEST SONG HITS "You're a Wisp Old Moon." " Aa "At tho White noose Ball." Kansas City nines." JL " "Sweet Cider Time." 10c Hear them plured In onr Music neptw Basement. THE WASHINGTON TIMES. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 101G. 1 'Sg'iSr? mmZfr.r.' TO 1 Men's Clothing From a Great Trade Sale at Fifty Cents on the Dollar Men's and Young Men's High-grade Suits tC) VSt Worth $14, $16, $18 and $20, at P Our buyer purchased at a trade sale in New York this week, a wonderful lot of men's clothing, which we offer tomorrow at about FIFTY CENTS ON THE. DOLLAR. The majority of these suits are the famous "COLLEGE BRAND" CLOTHES well known from Maine io California as one of the leading makes of clothing solid in the United States. "COLLEGE BRAND" CLOTHES need no introduction to Washington men, and at the sensationally low price vc name they are the most extraordinary values ever present ed in this city. The selection of styles and materials is especially good, and every man and young man will find just what he is looking for. You know that all woolens have greatly advanced in price, and considering the whole sale market conditions, this is indeed a rare opportunity to buy a stylish suit at about one half the actual value. Every Suit Guaranteed Perfect, All-wool, and Hand Tailored. Most of the suits are made for this season, while others are "sample'' suits for next season that is, there are spring, summer, a nd fall weight suits in the lot. The Suits are fashioned of (finest fabrics, including all Worsted, Silk-and-Wool, All-wool Tweeds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, etc. All sizes in the lot for men jj and young men, 32 to 44. -, , . . aSVBSb? 4r(vF 'In mil wm 111 $f VI a t in ii i AH l C'l'f: I K The regular prices range from S14.00 to $20.00. Men's Clothing Dept., 4th Floor. Sale price, $9.75. Men's New Spring Hats The "Smart Set" A $2.00 Hat for $1.45 For the man who wants style quality good looks value here it is. "The Smart Set," for which we are the sole Washington agents, is a regular $2.00 hat our price, $1.45,. All the latest blocks and colors. fc- Soft hats in tho new medium height crown, with broad 'flat brim, either welt or band edges, also a complete line of the staple shapes, in green, brown, serge blue, light and dark gray, also black. All the new blocks in derbies, including the feather-weight self-conforming styles. First Floor, Kntrnnce From Seventh Street. Nothing Newer or More Charming For Spring Wea Than These Shoulder Cape Collars Large Assortment of Styles CQf ax Newest among neckwear novelties for this season are the deep Shoulder Collars, in cape effects, of sheer organdies, in wide roll or military styles. One and two layer designs, in white, plain colors; also white with colored edges. Some are hemstitched, others are embroidered or lace trimmed. Many charming styles are here to choose from at 50c. Windsor Ties, of crepe do chine. Sleeveless Gulmpes. of net, com- jn?Ufln.r and' poplin? In Plain bin with oriental ,aces whit. cciors, snaae.i ciieww. .,-. yK "".'. -" i vnrletv of rA- 1st Floor.' pretty styles. Worth 76c each DUL Special Combination Outfit Two-Pants Suit, Golf ff Jj f Gap and Leather Belt L 1 jf IJ At a Record Low Price J .UU Here's a remarkable offer from our boys' clothing depart ment for Saturday, certain of a gla$ welcome from economical parents. The. special outfit consists of Yoke Norfolk Suit of Fancy Cassl mere, with two pairs of Knickerbocker pants, English Band Golf dp. and Leather Belt. Four different models in Yoke Norfolk plaited patch pocket coats, both pairs of pants full lined and taped. Large assortmert of new spring patterns, including broken checks, overlaid plaids, mottled two-tone and fancy colored mixtures of tight woven, serviceable' Fancy Cassimeres. All sizes from 6 to 18 years. These suits, with but one pair of pants, are considered excellent value at the price we name for the entire outfit. Baseball and Bat Free With Each Woolen Suit Tomorrow Boys Spring Weight Reefers, black and white shepherd checks, tan covert cloth and fancy casslmere; some with embroidered emblem on sleeve. Choice of several different models. Sizes 2V4 QO Oft to 8 years D.70 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Yoke Norfolk Suits, with two pairs of full lined and taped Knickerbocker pants; gathered back or box plait yoke Norfolk coats with patch pockets. Pure worsted dine twilled nonce that will not face. All seams taped to prevent dip ping:. A blue serKe HnKllsh band strap seam (PC QA golf cap with suit. Sizes 7 tb 18 years tDU.i7U Boys' Wash Suits, in Billy, Little Tommy Tucker. Balkan. Middy and other styles. In white and colors. Good quality washable materials. "Crescent" and "Mother's Friend" brands. Sixes. 2U to 8 QQn years ? 07l Boys' Yoke Norfolk Suits, of navy blue pure worsted scrjie. Knickerbocker pants: sizes (pJ QQ 7 to 18 years OO.UO Boys' and Children's Hats, woolen and wnshable materials, In Rah, nah. Buster. Little Tom my Tucker and other shapes. All new oprlng Suitable for boys from 2 to 8 years AQl of age VKt Boys' Yoke Norfolk Suits, of fancy cassi meres ono pair of full lined knlokerbockcr flD QQ pants; sizes 7 to IT years. JleRUlar 5 values Boys' "Little Beauty" Underwaists and Undorwatst Suspenders, of muslin; sizes 3 to 17c 12 years of age. Itegularly 25c each J.i nlalds. and dots Neck wen r Dept, A Notable Display and Special Sale of Spring Apparel for Little Folks Smart, Distinctive Styles in Children 'sCoats,Dr esses, Hats and Middy Blouses Featured for Saturday at Appealing Low Prices We have made unusual preparations in our Juvenile Department for Saturday and arranged a number of attractive special offerings in Spring Coats, Dresses, and other apparel for the youngsters. Throughout the whole stock style, quality, and economy are the dominant note. You can supply every need for your little ones here tomorrow at distinct savings. Girls' $6.00 Coats, $4.98 Girls' New Spring Coats, of French serge, In Belgian blue, rose and navy, oho gnbardlnPH and blnck and white checks. Tailored styles with llHrlng skirls and high wnlst. n!so belted models. Trimmed with fine quality buttons and finished with whlto collars and cuffs, Sizes 1 to 6 ycarb. Other models, of finer quality ma terials, at JB.08, S6.9S. and $7.98. Little Tots' Coats, Worth $4.00 $2.98 Coats for the little tots, of white cashmere and poplin, embroidered collars and cuffs. High waist ef fects; fine quality sateen lining; sizes, 6 months to 2 years. ijAtk fBl A r Jtt ilSiKa' f imm " "ftHsm li WE!wru jMck ft jvBsianiisiiiim vsjsiHtt 7 ) 7 r f ' ryrKi tiS o $2.50 and $3.00 Hats, $1.98 Stylish White Milan Straw Hats, for little tots 1 and 2 years of age. In dainty becoming shapes, trimmed with satin ribbon, laces and buds. Also a large assortment of lingerie, hats, of laces and allovcr embroid eries, Infants' Bonnets $1.49 and $1.98 Infants' New Poko Bonnets, of mull and organdy, hemstitched and lace trimmings, also frills of lace and finished with satin ribbons and shlr rlngs. Special values at 1.9 and il.OS. Infants' Bonnets, 98c Infants' Tight Fitting Mull Bon nets, also of organdy and allovers em broidered shirred effects. Some with wide reveres and handsome satin rib bons. L.arge assortment of pleasing styles. Others from Mo to ?:.9!. Misses' and Children's Middy Blouses, 98c Odd white Galatea cloth, with col lars, cuffs and pockets of navy, Copenhagen, green and rose, color materials, also all white; made uith lacers, high or low collars, sizes C to 20 years. A Purchase of Trimmed Hats Representing the Model Hats From a Prominent Fifth Avenue N. Y. Designer At Half Price and Less We could hardly believe our own good fortune in securing these beautiful Trimmed Hats at the big concession we did and you in turn will be amazed and delighted to find such distinctive, high-class millinery at these low prices. Most of these hats are the showroom samples used by the New York designer for models, and every new idea in color, shape, trimming, and material is to be found in the collection. There is a variety and diversity of styles which leaves no woman in doubt as to having secured a becoming hat. Fine qualitv hats, in one of a kind styles, in all the gay springtime colors that fashion sponsers, including the new purples, grays, and chartreuse. Smart Tailored Hats, Dressy Hats for every occa sion, Sport Hats for young girls are all represented. They are made of finest quality materials, includ ing Leghorns, Lizeres, Milan Hemps, and Hair Lace Hats. j V u v fi ill I VYfP SALE EXTRAORDINARY OF MEN'S $3.00 Silk Crepe and Silk-and-Linen Shirts Saturday at $1.69 Lot One 100 Trimmed Hats Meant to Sell up to $7.00 k $3.98 Lot Tw 225 Trimmed Hats Meant to Sell Up to $12.00 $5.00 Lot Three 125 Trimmed Hats Meant to Sell Up to $15.00 $7.50 HATS TRIMMED FREE Here, gentlemen, is a sale of high grade Silk Crepe and Silk-and-Linen-Shirts that has not been equaled in value-giving for a long time. They are shirts of the smartest style and distinc tion the product of a shirt-maker whose shirts are recognized as the stand ard for excellence, high quality, and per fect fit. The patterns and colorings are ex ceptionally attractive, including the new est spring designs in conservative stripes, broad three-toned and Roman stripes, etc. Made with soft turn-back cuffs, trimmed with best quality ocean pearl buttons; every shirt hand laundered and perfectly tailored. The materials are se lected fabrics, of absolutely fast color qualities. The size range is from 14 to 17, in all sleeve lengths. Mcn'a KarnlHblnK Store, Hntrancr front Seventh Street. Women's "Merode" Union Suits Regular $1.00 and $1.25 Values AQ Reduced to . ....... tc sK The majority of women are acquainted with the superior quali ty, fit and finish of "Merode" Underwear, and a great many shrewd shoppers will be on hand tomorrow to supply their needs from this sale. "Merode" Union Suits with high neck and long sleeves, high neck and elbow sleeves, Dutch neck and short sleeves; ankle pants. In bleached only. The size range is not complete, but if your size is here it will pay you to buy liberally, at 49c a suit. Mcnnen's Powder, 10c Ienn.n' Talcum Tow dcr, vlolit or borated. 25c Tooth Brushen, 15c Genuine Xlubbenat Tooth pruihM. all pur. brU'.L; raniUr shape. 5c Handkerchiefs, 2'ic Women' and Children' II a n d k e r chief, rattn striped. croM-lnrred lawn and colored hemstltchetl. alio plain white. (Limit Ix to buyer). 10c Electro Silicon, Cc Itecular 10c boxe of Electro Silicon, the maitlo liver and metal pollih. (Notion Dept.) 10c Hooks & Eyes, 6c Genuine Delonc Hook, and Eye, black or .shite, all lxe. 10c and 12c Buttons, 2tfc Card Ocean rearl llutton. fancy oaned and plain tyles one doxen on card, manufacturer's second. 25c Stationery, 12:c I.lnen Wrltltir. l'ap-r. 34 sheet of paper and :t en velope to match, 15c Playing Cards, Oc Playing- Card, of fin ished brUtol board; red or blue back. Children's Bloomers, 25c Children' llloo-nera. of black sateen, neat but tonholo band, elastic ktieei lies 'i to 10 cars Children's Nightdrawers, 29c Children's Muslin Nlsht drawers made with drop seat and long siccus; site : to 10 eurs. .Women's 39c Combinations, 29c Women's Nalntook Com1. I.blnattqne, corset covers ana drawers irmunecr wjm lace and Insertion In o)ca;-iaU.and .medium txe. , Women's prawers, 15c Women's Muslin rra era, deep hcni'lKhl flounce and Trench band. $l.t)0 Crepe "Mistral, 49c M-lnch All Wool. Crepe Mlatral, In rich Jet black only. 89c Corduroy, 59c. 36-Inch White WiishuMe Corduroy, fine hollow cut quality. ' Women's 50c Hose, 35c I Women's Fibre Silk lloee. eramlcsM foot, iloublu sole, hlsh spliced heel and toe; lisle carter tops; black and leudlne .liadea. Women's 25c Hose, 15c Women's Gauze Silk I.lsle Ilnie, seamless foot, double sole, high spliced heul and toe, garter tops; black only Women's 39c Union SuitB, 25c Women's Gauxe I'ottPii Union Suits, low neck and sleeveleis, tuped nick and arm; tace trimmed pant; regular nnd out lies, , 7, 8 nnd 'J. Women's $1.50 Silk Vests, 93c Women's Jersey Silk Vests, low neck and ideeve less, rrench band or crochet top; white only. 25c Ruching, lie Uuchlnc. of line net and lare, single nnd double rolrts; white only. Assorted style 19c Neckwear, 9c Cape Collars, of heer organdy, some lace trim med; others lucked and hemstitched. 35c Val Laces, 21c Valenclenns l.tcei, French and German mesne; 12-yard pieces; various widths, Boys' SuUb, $2.69 Hot' fancy Caulmere Yoke Norfolk Suits, th 'two pair ot pant; all dark patterns; size ( to II years. Men's President Suspenders, 17c Men's Oenuins President Buspendsrs. wide or nar row lists and twilled elu tjc. Men's 35c Underwear, 19c Men's llfhiwelKht llal brlggan Undtrwear. hlrts with short sleeves, ankle length drawers. Men's 25c and 35c Hose, 15c Men's Fibre Bilk Hon. double heel and to ot linen, black and white, alto plain color. Subject to alight Imperfection. Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits, 85c rto' Wah Suit, white and washable material. In Hilly. Utile Tommy Tuck er and other atylea; lie 2H to S jardi. Boys' 50c Caps, 29c Hois' Engllih Iiand Golf Caps, of plaid shepherd checks; sprint; nelght, taped seam. Boys' 50c Shirts, 37c Do' Mother' Vrtcnd laundered hhlrt. neck bsnd style; ot white mad ras, sixes i: to 1 neck, measure. $1.00 Spreads, 79c Crochet Kcd Spread, double bed alte; Marseilles designs, 12'2c Cotton, 7'.ic 36-Inch Imperial Uleacncd Uott6n, ettra. fine quallt). 15c Pillow Cases, lie 4Sxil Illeached 1'lllow Cares. 'Itmn llnlih imallty; largo else. i 75c Shents, 49c tx90 Ironclnd Seamless nieached Sheets, doublo bed slxe. 8c Ginghams, 5c -Hlsndsrd Apron Ging ham, In blue, brown and .gren .checks, 39c Tub Silks, 19c 30-lni'h Tub Mlks, In blue and white stripes only. 25c Printed Voiles, 12 ';c 0-lnch 1'rlnted Voiles, white and colored grounds, Mlthyfloral designs. 39c marquisette, 15c SJ-liuh Ulack Mnrqul ette. a silk' and linen fa bric closely resembling silk. Dotted Swiss, 8'ic IMnch White Dotted Hulss, xl ne sheer quality, neat pin dots, 39c White Poplin, 19c 36-Inch While Mercerlied Toplln; heavy firm woven quality. 25c French Suiting, 15i'ic 36-Inch White French Suiting, In the stylish crepe weave. 19c India Linon, 10 '2c 40-Inch White India IJnnn, fine sheer quality, snow white bleached, $1.00 Satin Messalinc, 75c rui-lnch niack atln Me saline, extra heavy, rich satin face grade. $1.50 Charmcusc, 98c 40-lnrh Ratln CtuniiiMisR, all silk. In light blue, Allen and golden brown, 5c Toilet Paper, 4 Rolls 10c Four regular Co rolls of Crepe Toilet IM size rolls. 12',c 'iper. Urge 5c Starch, 3c Regular to packages ot Argo Gloss Starch. 10c Milk, 6c Regular lOo can of Pst Ilrand Evaporated Ullk, 50c Oltvo Oil, 39c , One pint can of Pom pelan Ollvs Oil. 10c Corn, 2 Cans Oc Two regular lOo oan o Sugar Corn. 10c Chair Seats, So ImUatlon leather Chair 8eat. assorted slits, col ors, and shapes; completa with brass-head tacks, 25c Vases, 10c Irge slxe Crystal Olaat Flower Vases, assorted shapes. 19c Frying Pans, 9c Gray Enameled Frying Pans, 10-Inch slxe. 35c Wash Boards, 19c Galvanlxed Iron Waah Boards, double rubblnr surface. Women's $1.50 Slippers, 95c Women's Three Btrap House Slipper, sizes 3 to 7. 10c Shoe Dressing, 6c Regular 10c Bhoo Dress ings, Including Iloyers. Hronni and Sterling brand, for black or tan short 19c Corset Covers, 10c ftanied Corset Covers, one piece slip-over style. 49c Pillow Cases, 29c Pair Stamped Pillow Cases, hemstitched ends, (Art Dep:.) 17c Towels, 10c :Jx4I All White Hemmed llurk Towels. (Umit, I to buer.) 7c Crash,. 4c Ule-iched Twill Cotton Crash, fast selvage. (Um it, in yards to buer) $ft Grass Rugs, $3.95 8x10 ft. Utenrlled design Prairie Grass Rugs, strict ly perfect; In green, blue, brin and multl colore, (Fourth Floor.) 50c Pictures, 25c Framed Pictures, sites 14x17 and lOxM Irishes, gilt and dark wood nwldlngt. 15c China Mattings, 9',c Seamless China Mat tings, rloso woven grade. In checks and strlnet, green, red, and brown mixture. $1 Madras Curtains, 49c Pair Mlr Summer Cur tains. : yard long, 40 Inches wide; green and led s'rlpe on light color grounds 10c Curtain Rods, oc Heavy Extension Rods, 34 to (4 Inches, cor rugated silver finish knobs and screw bracket. $1.00 Umbrellas. 69c Mrn's and Women' Urn lirell good uualltv Amir. lean Tsrteta overs, M and 11 Inch sixes; paiagon frames, goml assortment of natural wood nnd mis sion handles 15c and 19c Hat Pins, 7c Sterling Silver Hat Pins, pretty embossed and en graved effects; style, shape- (Jewelry Dept.) $1 Vanity Cases, 59c Ooman Silver Vanity t'fer "ngraviHl design, rich nfdlzed finish, prac tical s-'e 10c Toilet Soap, 5c unions vvitcn itasri Toilet Soap, full slxe cake. IN OUR FREE SERVICE DEPARTMENT n VISIT OVR rUKNITUBttT STORB, ACROSS THE STRJCETIS y ---- . VISIT OUR t'UIlMTUKIS STORIi. ACROSS TUB STRUCT