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WF THE WASHINGTON TIMES; FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 19X6. $FB&'pr y T OF mm GREAT BftLLETS AUDIENCE "Sfreotaoular Production Brings Notable Tribute to Slavs a First Appearance. BRILLIANCY MARKS SCENES sHarmony in Color in Music and to Costume Striking and K Captivating. I The first of the three evening per formances to be given tn "Washington hy 8erge Do Dlaghlleft's nallot nusse, Jpok place at the National Theater jast night before an audience which M'as quite as reminiscent of Russia lind continental gatherings as was the fcreat batjet Itself. j Even without the spectacle of the dancers on tho stage, with the cur tain lowered, there was no mistaking ihe nationality of the sponsors and the spirit of the attraction. 1, Russian was the sharp, heavily Jieardrd ellhouetto of Conductor M, !jirnet Ansermot. which was cast romeo-llke against the curtain during uin overtures, when only the foot lights were on. 'Russian too, vero the high anJ htmmerlng head dresses which show it! hero and there In the audience and p the boxes. And In pursuance of the continental custom of refraining from fcpplause'durlnc; the fourao bf the ac tion of an offering, those who broke Ihe spoil with hand clapping; were ad monished. Four Ballets Giren. Four ballets were given. "Cleopatre." f'Le Spectro De La Rose." "Boletl Do SjTutt." tnd "Carnaval." Whllo the first ilamed ballet was quite tho most exotic jind regally splendid of the four, rep resenting an cplsodo In the life of the "famous queen, with Us threefold sensu ous appeal of color, harmony and move ment, perhaps the second, "Le Spectre Joe JLa Rose," was tho most beautiful. r'Carnaval," the last ballet, revealed the rich humor and the simple pathos $f the Russians. All of the characters Mif the Italian puppet plays appear. IVOolell de Nult" was a 'spirited com Tpllatlon of folk dances. J J AH of the premiere artists appeared ?h the course of these three ballets Xydla Lopokova. Flore Revalles, Lu ow Tchcrnlcheva. Adolf Bolm, Leonlde 3fanslne. and Alexandre QavrllolT. , Mme. Flore Revalles appeared as "Cleopatra" in the ballet of that name, supported by Lydla Sokolova as Tabor; (Adolf Bolm aa Amoun, the luckless arouth who aspired to lovo the Queen ;for an hour; Alexandra Oewriloft and jHllde Bewtoke as favorite slaves, and iMlecsyslaW Planowskt as the high ptiest of the temple. j Fliimlng and Brilliant ijT?i scene which Leon Bakst has .prepared for this ballet is flaming; nd brilliant, with the angry reds and 'smoldering purples of an Egyptian 'tempi reflecting; the devastating passions of the principals. Slaves, at itendanta. and bacchnntes form a llv 'Inc. tortuously moving; background tttpon whloh are wrought the events Sin the tragedy. . K young boy, Amoun, a hunter, loves "Tabor, a young girl, dovotedly, until by f nance In tho temple he sees Cleopatra, be queen, lie is consumed with passion , or her and craves an hour's bliss. It granted him. but at its close he Is Sjtiven the poison cup to drink, and is Jieft'llfeless on the stage, where, broken fc hearted. Tabor finds him. i. "The Bpeotre De La Rose" In Its soft Hnnocence and melting harmony of 'color, music, and setting, was In marked I, contrast to all of the other ballets. A .young glrKLydla Lopokoya) comes home after a dance and stands looking out of Cfhe window Into the night. j She looks but tor a moment, and then, creasing swiftly over to n chair, falls asleep. 8he Is In Iter little white Mill j Mown, with a big red fragrant rose in Sher hand. Bho Kisses It beforo she 7 Sleeps and then dreams that li hat crme .to lite. M-A flame-colored creature enters the iroom, the Incarnation of the rose. She fiances with him, but at last awakes, only to find that htr rose is withered rind dead. This choreographic tableau is as I ranged by L. Vaudeyer, from a poem by 'tTheopole Gautler. The music Is Corl jjVon Weber's "Invitation to Dance." and "the dances are arranged by M. Michel JFokine. w Ljln "Solell De Nult." assisted by a rviioiun vt iwrbhiiib ana oounons, una spirited Russian music of this ballet was given by tho Rlmsky-Kbrsakow Orchestra. I "Carnaval," the last ballet, simple of fening out cnarmingiy decorated from lime to time with tho picturesque dan- ijumo to time wun mo pi leers themselves, exploltec JBbf nine of 'the principals 1; Stanislas Idztkowskl t exploited the abilities s. wns n. mtrv.1. 5ously graceful and magically agile i?Arlequln; Adolf Bolm was grotesque iiuciTuii Jvyuitt ivopoKova, woiumDine; iplme. Lubow Tchernlcheva. Chlarina. nd Mme. Sokolova, I'apllllon. Tonight's nroaxam will -! "Tj. nvi. hides." "Lfcnres Midi d'un Fauna." IfTe Trinco Igor," and "Schcherarado." . ts. x. Music's Function Shown I In Ballet's Orchestra !? When M Serge 'lo Waghlleff said. Cf'Ve bring to you Russia In the color J off our painters and In the rhythm of lour composure," ho voiced something of J 'music's function in the glowing- and Jnnlmated pictures presented by the ft Ballet Russe in the first of three performances at the National Theater past ovenlng, but not all. t The dance bestows an Important em jphasis on the arlcty of rhythm- In music; but music Is to the billet Its jc-nty spoken worn, tho revealcr of its moods, without which It would be life less. I The orchestra of eighty players un jtler tho dlicct'.on of Ernest Ansermet, lis a splendid irpanlratluii M 11 ills- r.npilsliecl pcjhoniK.1 conpoteil of 'leading inuilrlans from muny of tho (foremost cicliPMrHS In khiropc. Its 'Playing was Iwllnct with the spirit. Jtlie rhthm. of tho Hlav. and M. Aiihoi , linet emphusb.ed with accent, with a JMtiong bcit In his synropntion. the rn". clal characteilstics that llw ballet so piphlcsll,v ileplcted. J The overture- to the all-Riifslnn muslo Jof the etpcnlng ls.llet "Pleonatie,'' t-ni- bodied tho royal splill of Uie picture. !ht times martial and again rich, almost .wicred was this numlc of Tanelef. it la been said that tho rhlef fault of tho Rum Ian Ualtct was that Us ra- 1 R USS1A.REFDRMED BARROOM IN WASHINGTON STATE Amber Fizz, With Pepper Sauce, and Salt, Thirst Quenching Staple Women LUotomers; RPOKAXn, Wash.. March Is moro virtuous than a soft drink sa loon? Nothfhg. This Is the Impression that ts left after a tour of Inspection when the valedictory echoes, of New Yeur Kvo had died away and when strangers wore still coming In from tlmn to tlmo uiul demanding Indignant ly to be told why Old Susquehanna ryo was no longer available. Patrons nnd proprietors of tho saloons still had the air of hnrdly believing that It could be true. They stood about a If waiting for some one lo snap his fingers and awaken them from thn bad dream. ' There Is an atmosphere of sudden sanctity nboiil the saloons. Tho thirsty customers of the reformed alcohol par lorsand the customers nro .by no means few stand about In diffident at titudes, strangely low voiced and dis creet. They do not any longer employ strange ami suipnurous oatus. uncy un not oven spit upon the' floor, as was onco their wont. They' do not pounce upon one another In mortal combat. TIum drink their near-beer and they call for their clam nectar ond depart In peace. . . . The transition, however. Is not as atinnL'Inar tn tlirt man who llflS lived con tinually In Spokane for the last fifteen years ns it wouiu on 10 sumo mp vn Winkle returning hither for tho first iimn mnci 1MM. Those who have been hene all tho time have seen the saloon go through a gradual process 01 evolu tion, from the time when everything went until tho present day era. and have observed that it wes a process of steady restriction inae mauo me sa loons more and nion orderly and unex citing right up to the ultimate change that took place January 1. Fifteen years ago tho local restric tions on saloons were hardly worth mentioning. Ao long as a saloon did not sta;o,too many homicide in a short space of tlmo It could operate unmo lested. Then, about the time gambling became a felony successive city admin istrations began to make rules govern ing the conduct of drtnklnr places. They made them close at 3 in the morn ing, and there were proloivred searches for keys that had never been1 used. Then tho curtained wlnerooms and the "ladles' entrances" went, and the elec tric pianos ami some of the slot ma chines. High license came along and the number of saloons dwindled. Sun day closing beenme. effective end air tight after some resistance. Free lunches, condemned on sanitary grounds, disappeared, again after some resistance. Screen anf1 opaque windows wero removed, so that any one could get from the sidewalk a com prehensive view of any calnon Inter ior. Closing- time became 12-SO. Tho re tirement of demon rum in favor of car bonated flir was more radical than any of the other moves, but It was after all only a logical outcome. Thus It haa come to pass that one may stand tn front of an identical bar where not long ago It was an Insult to ask for anvthtng less potent than n, straight whisky and order butteimllk or sweet elder without ven getttnir sarcastic remark from the bartender. ?fiasls was placed on the drama rather han In the muslo Ytt the scenlo music of Rlmsky-Korsakoft gave- real substance to tbls trosedy with Ha love i)f true loveliness was the love music as played by the solo violin, Fredric Fraokln, and the muslo told poignantly the grief of the slave whoe favor hy the queen had brought htm death. Colorful, vital, ond abandoned was the Olaxounow mlislo of the "Bacchanale." Russian again was the "Solell d Nult," with Its music" by Rlmsxy-Korsa-koft. An entr'aot prelude to thla typlcat picture was the third movement of his 'Autar" symphonic suite, in which Its love lvrle of great beauty waa con trasted with the national touch it fore shadowed. Mn Ansermet gave It with a strong individual charm. Nor was the music overcome In this'daMllng ballet. Its delicacy was as potent as Its fanfare of sound through Us grotesque portions and Its folk-festival abandon. webefa "invitation to me uance could be nothing other than a "pas deux." Its lightness and charm were not marred, but rather beautified by some of the most beautiful dancing of the evening. One may protest that In. the most romantic mi' sic of Schumann's "Carna val," a picture half grotesquo is out of place. This piano music Is so Inti mate one needs it most or reverie. But the carnival spirit Is put amply Into tho orchestration nnd the spirit of Colomblne (Mile. Lopokova) and Arte quln CM. Idzlkowskl) were visualized with a graco and charm that disarmed all reproach. J. MacB. Save your hair! Double Us tinoiiir in o fayir mnmflntc Ukauiji in ti iitr iiiuiiiwiiuj, ' Try this! " " " v" ' Hair stops coming out and every particle of dandruff disappears. Try as you will, after any application of Danderlne, you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and vnnr Maln will not Itch, but what Will please you most, will bo after a few weeKs use, wnen you see new nair, lint and downy at first yes but really hew hair crowing all over the scalp. A little Danderlne Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how null, racicu. prune ana scraggy. int moisten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, tak ing ons small strand at a time. The effect Is immediate and amaxlng--your hair will ne lieui, nunv ana wavy, ana hv an nDnearance of abundance: an Incomparable lustre, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a :-ceni Dome or Jtnowiton'a Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that votvr hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Inlured by carolets treat mentthat's all. Danderlne is to tho hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. Ad?t. DANDRUFF GOES1! HAIR GETS THICK, Ml BEAUTIFUL Actress Explains How She Keeps Her Youth i ir . S -aiBBBBBBBHllKsV aBBaBeHaBlBHBBBv ' II iaBBBBBBBHsaHHfaflaBBml WILDA "The good looks of an actress are without question one of the most Im portant Items In her assets, or,' as one might say, her stock In trode," siys Wllda Bennett, whose personal attract iveness adda no little charm to "The Only Girl," The Henry Blossom-Victor Herbert musical comedy, the attraction at the Belasco Theater next week. "It is the duty of every actress to guard her looks most sedulously, for as long as she is young and charming she need have no fear that her popularity win wane. In the case' of tho ordinary woman, she Is only called upon to take more or less caro of her good looks or what modicum of beauty nature has endowed her with and Jf she lapses in her enthusiastic attention to skin, hair, eyes, and figure, the result is not fatally serious she can go on and enjoy life Just the same, and perhaps when she has more time, take up her massage, her exercise, her treatments, and phys ical culture again. "Work, like acting, sets lines In the face that If not carefully combated, would soon add years to one's appear ance. "The actress then is forced to give many hours of her 'leisure' time, when not on the stage; to the conservation of her beauty. She also must devote some of the time to the preservation of her health; and fencing lessons, horse back exercise or long walks in the suburbs often take up a portion of her day. 8bJ J also compelled to keep up her dancln. 'or her music by taking m ! a W 1 BENNETT. lessons outside of her regular work. It is also necessary that a certain amount of her time be given over to her dressmaker. "After this fitful day. there remains Ilttlo tlmo for writing the many neces sary notes, or for enjoying tho -nn-panlonshlp of friends. Yet the uctress keeps her youth and her attractiveness longer than women In any other walk of life even the woman who has plenty of money nnd nothing to do but to take care of herself. Why Is this? "What mysterious charm if youth dees tho actress possess: what access to the eternal Fountain of Youth? specu lates the discouraged ordinary woman, who begins to grow old at thlrty-rtvo that sho can sway hearts and act the part of a dobutante successfully when other women of her own generation attend the play 'with their grand daughters? "The actress, for one thing Is always in the atmospherq of youth. "Tho actress, being a part of the drama, has even before and around her the influence of beauty and of charm upon the sterner sex. The sex Instinct and the relations of men and women toward each other form the chief in terest of almost every play woman's charm, woman's fascination, her little tricks of cajolery and magnetism, and man's surrender thereto ull these aro paramount Influences in the drama. Is It not reasonable to suppose then, that the woman dwelling and working in such an atmosphere never forgets the youth In herself." F JTatft w .-a av1 4i "" rTuYK --tfj-" qzBP FIFTEEN r ariunrr Gr&ufwfiete" PHOTOPLAYS ON THE PROGRAM NEXT WEEK Wide Variety Found in Offerings to Patrons of Motion ture Theaters. Pio- Kitty Uordon will be seen at Cran dall's next Bunday, In a return engage ment of the World Film feature, "As in a Looking Qlass," the scenes of which are laid in Washington. Monday and Tuesday, Charles Cherry villi be seen In "The Passers My." founded on C. Haddon Chambers' work of the. same name. The story mainly concerns Peter Waverton, a wealthy bnchelor, who finds pleasure In seeking out and studying odd types. Returning from his fiancee's home one night he brings Into the shelter of his llbrarv two tramps and a cabman of a "nlghthawk." Waverton's butler discovers an unconscious woman on the doorstep and carries her Into the house, where tils master discovers that It Is Margaret Summers, beloved ny him years ago. House Peters, supported by June Klvtdge, will bo seen on Thursday and Friday In "The Hand of Peril," which Is tnkon from Arthur Stringer's story. Jeorge Ade's comedy, "Just Out of Col lege," will be seen Haturday and Sun day with Kugenc O'Brien and Amelia nuinmerviiie icaiurcu. Empress. Robert Is. Mantetl, generally conceded to be one of America's foremost trage dians, wilt bo seen at the Empress next Hi-nday, Monday nnd Tuesday, In tUo Fox production, "A Wife's Bacriflco." Mr. M&ntell Is supported by Oenevlevo Unmoor and a capuble cost. Wednesday snd Thursday, Bertha, Knllch will appear In the Fox feature, "Slander,", a remarkably strong story. The supporting out Includes F.ugenn Oimond, Mumto Kelso and Edward Vun Sloan. Lois Weber and Phillips Smaltey will bn seen Friday nnd Saturday In the Elue Bird feature, "Drugged Waters." Leader. The program for the Leader Theater next week starts Sunday with "The Cheat" In which Fannie Ward has won much success. Monday and Tuesday Florence Rock well will be seen in "He Fell. In Love With His Wife." a love stiry baaed on K. P. Roe's novel. Miss Rockwell is supported by Forrest Stanley, Page Peters. Lydla Teamans Titus, and How ard Davlei. Wednesday and Thursday Marguerite Clark In "Still Waters." will be the feature. Friday and Saturday, "Black list." the latest picture In which Blanche Sweet has appeared, will be the fea ture. Blanche Sweet as the little school teacher In the mining town wins over the president of the corporation, and forces htm to abandon unfair practices. "The Crucible," another of Marguerite Clark many successes, will be shown next Sunday. CrandaU'a Apollo. Mary Plckford in the Paramount screen adaptation of John Luther Long's story "Madame Butterfly,"' will be seen at CrandaU'a Apollo next Sunday. As the forsaken Cho-cho-san. the little maid of the flowery kingdom. Miss Plckford presents a confiding, pathetic figure. Other photoplay features to be seen during the week follows: Monday, Nance O'NIel In the V. L. 8. E. fea ture, "Bonis in Bondage;" Tuesday, George Beban in "Pawns o Fate." Wednesday, Triangle day, Douglas Fairbanks, supported by Margery Wil son, will be presented in the Triangle Fine Arts production, "Double Trou lal .-WsK ?- a ble." and the Keystone comedy, "A janitor's Wlf' Temptation," with Fred Maco and the Keystone players; Thurs day, Pauline Frederick In tho Para mount feature, "Lydla Olimore;" Fri day, Mary Roland Jn "The Price of Happiness;" Saturday, Bessie Harris cale and Frank Mills In "The Golden rinw." nnd Weher and trleldi In "Thn 'Best of Enemies." Dates for High School Cadet Drills Announced Assistant Superintendent of' Schools Stephen 15. Kramer, who I In charge of military instruction In tho schools, has announced that May 31. June 1, and June C havo been selected ns the dates for the annual drill of tho High School' Cadets. The white cadets will drllr on May 81 and Juno 1, and the colored cadets on June f. The drills of competitive nature will be held at American League I'aik. The annual Indoor rifle matches are scheduled for March 30 and 31 and April 1, and aro to e held at the National Guard armory. State,. War, and Navy Club To Sell $20,000 of Bonds A campaign was launched today for the sate of W0.000 worth of stock of the newly Incorporated State, War, ana Navy Club among the 6.000 employes or the three departments, w.?ho.D.,,n.wlul "Breed upon last night When the club voted to Incorporate with capital stoc kof IfiO.OOU and decided to sell immediately 4,000 shares at 15 each, holding In reserve tho remainder of the I1""' nol to enlarge the clun. Consideration of, the question of pro Mcllng a permanent home for the duo LI' ily! until the campaign for sale of stock Is placed well under way. Boy Falls From Window And Skull Is Fractured Ernest R. Fowler, twelve, of ll 1 'fc?1 ""Utfast. Is at Providence Hos pital with a fractured skull. The boy was Playing in a vacant hovse at Twelfth street southeast, last Tuesday, when ho fell from a sec ond story window, landing In an area way. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate In atany Instances Prrsan faivr r. fered an tula agony for years doctor Ins; for nervous weakness, itomarh, liver or kidney disease or some other Mllsaent Tken their real t rookie ytau lack of Iron la the blood now to (ell. New Tork. JC. T.-In a recent rt!coune Dr. B. Sausr, Sp.lallit, of this city iMtd: If ou wr to mako an actual Wood test on all ptoplo who are III you would probably b greatly astonished at the. exceeding large number who lack Iron and who are III for no other reason than tho lack of Iron, The moment Iron la supplied all ttulr multitude of dangerous symptoms dlrappur. Without Iron tha blood at one loses the power to chansa food Into living tltsuo and therefore nothing )ou eat doea you any good: you don't get the strength out of It Tour food merely paaira throush your system Ilk corn tnrousti a mill with the .rollers so wld apart that th mill can't grind. Aa a reault of this con tinuous blood and nerve atarvatlon, p'npl become onarallr weakened, nervoua ad all run down and frequently develop nil aorta of conditions, . On Is too thin; another la burdened with unhealthy fat; some are o weak they can hardly waist somo think they have dyapepala. kidney or liver troubles some can't sleep at nliht. othera nre sleepy and tired all day: aome four and irritable: soma aldnny and bloodless, but all lack phvslca worse than foolishness to take atlmulallng medicine or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expiate of your life later on. Ko matter what any one telle you. If you are ot atrong and well you owe It to yourself to NO n-rVnir . urer ever offer aaretteofjQ grade for J IlVa 25 cents th 12?"KHESTa rette, " '5-cent c. e money gual'(y value for Weto-compe,eorar . U7- u true." amoCWto-aa Bill Wouldt Forbid Stop Watch System Committee on Labor Reports .Tavcnncr Measure to the House. Installation of the Taylor system or any other stop watcher time measuring system, In tho navy yards and arsenals of tho United States Is forbidden by a bill reported to tho House by the Com mittee on Labor. The bill was Introduced by Congress man Tavcnncr or Illinois. Fearing the installation of such a system In the Washington navy yard, the machinists of that yard, headed by N. P. Alirat, Is now In operation at tho Watcrtown arsenal and there wns prospect of it being used at tho Rock Island arsenal, and possibly oher Government shops. Tho Tavenner bill It unlawful for any person having charge of the work ot any employe of the United States Government "to make or 'cause to be made, with a stop watch or other time-measuring system, a. time study of any job of any such employe between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employe while engaged upon such work for the purpose of fixing a standard of ser vice requirement of such employe." Representatives of organized labor have consistently fought such systems on the claim that they "speed up" workmen to the point of being mere machines. St. John's Lodge Chapter Will Hold Ladies' Night Motion pictures, monologues, and mu sic will feature the ladles' night enter tainment bv St. John's Lodge Chap ter, No. 11, F. A. A. M., at Masonic Temple tonight. There will be refresh ments and dancing. Worshipful Master Frank B. Ketcham Is in charge of tho arrangements. People 200 in Ten Days make the following test. Bee how long eu can work or how far you can alk without 5.Mm,nVS?- Ntxt uk tw nve-gTaln tableia of ordinary nuxated Iron thro time per day after meals for two weeks. Then h'nw rn,,r,n,Lh '". ntl T yourself now much you have gained. I have teen alllns all the time double, and even triple . ""strength and endurance and entirely "5.r ...of ,B'r symptoms of Uyipepala. ller and other troublea In from ten to fourteen daa lime simply by taking Iron In ttm proper form, and Ihl. after they had In omi cases been doctoring for months without ob taining any benefit. You can talk aa you p 'e about all Ihe wondera wrought n new remedlee, but when you come down to hard facta there la nothing like good old Iron to put color In your cheeks and sood sound, healthy rteah on your bone. It Is also a STeat nerve and etomach atrengthener and the beet blood builder In the world. Tho only trouble waa that the old forms of In organic Iron like tincture of Iron. Iron ace ste, etc.. often ruined people's teeth, upeet their alomacha and were not aHlmllated and, for these reasons they frequently did moro harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forma of orsanlo Iron all this haa been overcome. Nuxated Iron for example, la pleasant to take, doea not Injun tho teeth and I almost Immediately beneficial. ..w.u .ira ni.iiui.LLyirii 01 nuxun iron have auch unbounded confidence In Its DOtaner ...i ...ri -uiiiviim niiDunceaieiii met they will forfeit 1100.00 to any Charitable In stitution If they cannot tako any nun r woman tinder elxty who lacks Iron and In crease their strength IH per cent or oxer In serious organic trouble. Also they will 're- tuna your money in any case In which Nuxated Iron does not at Icaat double yonr strength In ten daya' time. It Is dispensed In thla city by James 0"Donnell Drug Bteree. Rlker-ilegeman, People's Drug Stores and all other drusaists. Advt. "-" f