Newspaper Page Text
'ST rwi. -V - y THE1 WASHINGTON TIMES, ifalDAY, MARCH 24, 1010. ' ALEXANDRIACHURCH in H VIRGINIA REPORTS Remaining Districts Make Statement of Year's Prog . ress to Baltimore Body. .X'LgXANDIUA. March il.-Itcporta of' tho 'progress of the churches In tho remaining four dUtrlcU of the con ference, Rockingham, Roanoke, Lewls burg and M'oorefield, whlcTt had been left from yesterday, took up practically JJ of, this morning's session of tho Baltimore conference of the Methodist Kplscopal, Church South, which root for the third day In tho Washington Streot M'thodUt Church South. Tho pastors of all of the charges In the districts tero passed, and their characters ap proved. ) five new elders wero elected at this morning's session, Glenn Q. Martin, An thony O, Lions. Harvey L. Hiving, George G. Oliver, and Eltnor A. Lam Bert. They will bo ordained ntthe 8 o'clock service Sunday night at tho "Washington Street Church. Deacons who will be elected today and tomorrow will be or dained on Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service. Bishop Mouzon will preach at this service. It was an nounced that on Sunday morning at 9:30 ociock mere win do an old-fashioned Methodist experience meeting, led by tho Rev. W. E. Miller, of Baltimore. At 3:30 o'clock this afternoon there win bo. a missionary meeting addressed by Thfr nov. C. C. Bush, a missionary to Africa. Tonight's public meeting at :30 o'clock will be In the Interests of missions and will be held under the direction of tho board Of missions of mo conrerencc. At 5 o'clock this afternoon the ban QUet Of thn alumni nf thn DnnrtnlnVi Macon College will bo held In the Young People s building. About 100 members of ine conierence are expected to attend. The nev J; Howard Wells, of Harrison burg, will be tha toastmastcr. Morning Session. 'At this. morning's session the Rev. Dr. A. C. MIUer. of Llttlo Rock, editor of tho Aiknnsas Methodist; tho Rev. I IJdivanl T. KlrUley, pastor of tho Methodist Protestant Protestant Church of this city, and the Rev. ia M. Recls hpjn, prlncli-al of tho Ferrum Training School of thn Virginia Conference, were presented to tho conference. Tho re Ugtpus services at todays session weio Jed by Bishop Mouron, who read from tho, third chnpter cf Carlnlhlans Tho Rev. Dr. H. V. HamlU. of V.artlnsburK. ' W. Va.. led In prayer nnd tho members united In slnplnp "Rock of Ages.' j A meeting In the Inli rest of the Hun- ,day school was hold last rrlght In tho church and a large congregation was ! .uresoni. m. j.,. walton. of Harrlsburv, president of tho Sunday School Board, .jre.iaea. Prayer, was offered by tho Rov. J. C. -Thrasher, of MontiTfj, nnd tho scrip ture losson was lend by tho Rev. W H. Balcngor, of I.uray Tlie principal ad-rtrasiu-vva. mnflC by tho Rev. Charles T-'ME?faVVn- Tcn- suixrln .tendiftit of VhK aludt Bible clasa work, whp plane a strong appoil 'or the Sun dav schools. Tho Rev. J. J .Riven was -? on the rrogrnm and delivered an Mdrcss -Banners wero presented to tho -Rocklnghnrr. and Ronnoko districts. 'Plans Tiavo teen completed for the ffolden Jubilee celel'ratlnn of the union SS A"-0. Polllnitirf Conference and tha Methodist Epl-ronol Church outh. in Alexandria In IMC. t be hi Id on Sun- "" imtrnion ii . o CincK, fhm having been established by them In 1853. , .. . Shortly after his entry Into th- buslnes' ho became a Junlur partner nnd In 1907, upon tho death of hi father, booame head of tho firm. hav Inrr as his associate his brother. Hurry. It, Burlce. In addition tu his banking Interest Mr. Burke was the treasurer of th. Virginia Theological Seminary and the Mplicopal Hlp;h School having boon elected to these position upon the retirement of Col. Arthur Herbert. For many years as trustoo of tho Hulaney estato ho , hud In chartfo Uioenbrler Whlto Sulphur Springs. W. Va.. contlnulnlnr In clianto of that Moperty I'ntll Its purchano by tho Chesapeake and Ohio railway. Ho was a vestryman In St Paul's Lplnco pal Churrh. , , . . , ., Mr. Burke Is survived by his wife, Who was Miss Esther D, Taylor: threo sons. City Councilman C. S. Taylor Burke, Dr. John w, Burke, of Wash ington, and Julian T. Burke, Jr., of this city, and two daughters, Mrs. Louis S. Greene, of Washington, and Miss Esther D. Burke, of thin city. Two brothers, City Councilman JIarry It. Burke, of this city and E. J, Burke, of Boston, ami three sisters, Mlssea Fanny M. Burka .and Virginia R. Burke, of this city, and Mrs. Charles B. Eddy, of Plalnfteld, N. J.i also sur vive htm. While the funeral arrangements have not been completed It Is ex pected that the funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon. The fourteenth degree of Scottish Rite Masonry will be conferred upon a largo class by tno omcers or wasningion mo mortal Lodgo of Perfection at a meet ing to be held In Masonic Templo at 1:30 o'clock tonight.- OLD FOLKS NEED n CASCARETS ii 0 LIVER, B0WEL Salts, calomel, pills act on bowels like pepper acts in nostrils. Enjoy life! Don't stay bil ious, sick, headachy and constipated. I SS VlsHsLsiA 'Bf'QESiCJBSBSCr . Most'ioid -oeoDto 'must fflvn' to inW bowels some rerular heln. elsa thV suffer from constipation. The condition Is perfectly natural. It is just as nat. ural as It is lor old people' to want slowly. For age is never aq Active a youth. The muscles ore less clastic. And the bowels are muscles. Bo all old people need Cascarels, One might as well reruse to aid ueak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gentlo aid to weak bowels. Tho bowels must be rnless nhvslpallv ni.fc s. w KeDl active, mis is Important at ail Wilson, of Baltimore will pre-ldo and unite ii'n principal BUOrt'S", ion v. Harris, editor pnuinem iUftnOdlst, cat nancr. ( t Horn are ten survivor. nf that con- ages, but never so much as at Mftv. igo is noi a lime lor narsn physics. iirlrlr. Tr r.l .. 7 " '" " utiiv iui iiai.n IJliysics, t of the niMm,r ' oulh maf occasionally whip the bbweta wl"l rc.d ilitorlB i lnt0 cilv"y; n,,t a ,M can,t be " win rc.a ii nutorl- ovory day. What the bowols of the old neea is a senile ana natural tonic. One ferenct even- om f whom Is cxnoctaJ i.hat can bo constantly Used without to b preKent In ivrsnn or Vnd TO tr. !inVh3 I"1; ",uchnlonlc .' CaeoareWr Th survivors or rixliop A W WiisVn nnd l.hey c.oat only w ccntl Pcr Do of BaUimrrc: K n.l,; sh.Al..": i an- Jg atore.-Advt. tnl-ta Pffa tnwn, W. V. Wiltinm V. Pitrinr m.Ii. BM"S-.'5..,R0AD TO HEALTH IS r---t-T.-i.i' --"." "." .."v. '. i . iiici iNtiiiiiiiirii, .inim Kpin Ash land. Va; J. n Van H-irn" Wol- ""iv vim. nno lien 'ami m w. if nil 7nli.a.luiu 1f .... Waytiesboro, Va. : Tflt-M n TJ..ut. r. i y UU..U1I i. UU1BC JJUaU. Julian T. Burko. senior member of the ffrin of Burlct 6 Herb'ert. bankors. nnd onn nf Alexnndrla'n mot promi nent cltlxeii. died at his home. 7t'l Prlnco sireat at 7 30 o'clock this riiornlrtK after a short Illness. Mr. Tliirko was. taken 'slt-k ten davs ago villi pneu onla. His condition tanldly becami; crltl rnl on aerount of thn condition of his heart and late last week his condi tion was res-aided as verv serious. On Monday there was a rhaneo for the better nnd ho vm somewhat Im proved yesterdav. He snent a satis factory night last nlarht and his denth rame suddenly as a result of heart failure. Mr. Rurke was sixty-two vears old havlnir been born In this cltv at tho c-1d homestead of the famllv. 2ns Wilkes street In 1RM He was a son of tho late John W Burka and Mrs. Julia II. Thompson Burke. After a pramtnar school education In Alexan dria Mr. Burko nttended Charlotte Hnll, In Marvland. Tie returned tu Alexandria nnd from hore went to Baltimore, where he was engaired In business for a short tlmo. Ho then hecamo connected with tho tonkin firm of Burke & Herbert, which was then composed of his father nnd Col. Arthur Herbert, tho THROUGH THE KIDNEYS No penon alive It itronser than Ills kld nryi. The mlauta the kidneys become dlar- Is flushed throughout tha entire ytem. Th SIM? "t0' ." """ today can tw pro f keeping tha kidneys working JLiiI'1.1' dr"' In this vicinity can probably tall you or many well-known Km"':? wm Solvax- ,he standard kldne" remedy, has restored to health, often after )Jj!y.hJ.K h'.? many other methods of treat ment with little or no benefit. There are hundreds or people who vr not the least bit surprised when they a" "!" 5V ",t O'Donneirs Drug btorals selling Bolax on a guarantee to refund the SnIyKi,n ?I " dld not M"ee. This re markable kidney remedy Is guaranteed to help the worst case of laty. Vlu.h. or c logged-up kidneys or the general headachy k nkly-backed. pfaed.ont condition that af nicts peopl. suffering with kidney troutla. BoUax doea not simply relieve. It alms to Tha best kind of advertising Is tho nralse f P.1??"'1 customer, and ere ire hun dreds today praising Boh ax because It has dona for them what It Is advertised to do Not very long ago they were Kfnicted with '.manner of sTcklah. uncomfortable lns an8 each day seemed to bring with it -new ache In some other part of their body Vara " Solvax they are one mofe wfsht and chipper, smd able to enjoy life at lu fullest "h n? m?r: .fear ot uttering. "f,t We doubt If any other kidney remedy has fin1?J.,UC,r. R. Urg? rentage of curtsaj SoUax. ;t Is so large that its owners irt perfectly safe In standing ready to "fund h1?nPrlC4i, ?ny cu'omer whom It doia not help. This Is a good time to sVt iii .-i you ought to takJ advamage,f!tthX,,,"oRonrd Oet It from O'Dnnm-ll'n Ttr?,, H.-il " . 1V. ell nocked drug atore.-Advt r FOR BROHCHITIS, PAINFUL COUGH WHOOPING COUGH AND COLDS Cheapest Remedy Made at Home 128 Teaspoontful for 50c. When In need of a remedy for tho treatment of Bronchial Affections, such as Bronchitis. Whooping qough. Croup. Stubborn Coughs, Colds, or Hoarseness, don't simply ask the druggist for a "Cough Medicine," but get the best. Tell him to give you Schlffmann'a New Concentrated Expeotorant, Instead of being Induced Into buying somethjng else purely on the strength of some tes timonials or tho exaggerated claims of the manufacturer. The same "Money Hack" guarantee goes with eyery, bottle of this remedy sold by O'Donnell's Drug Wore as does with Dr. Bchlffmann's ra mous Asthmador and your money will be refunded. If It does not give perfect satisfaction; In fact, even more, If It la not found the best remedy ever used for these affections. In buying this new remedy, besides securing the guarantee these druggists give, It will like is o found the most economical for use, for the reason that one bottle (60 cents' worth) makes a full pint (100 teaspoons ful) of tho most excellent coUgh medi cine after being mixed at home wirn one pint of granulated sugar and one halt pint of water. Ono bottle will probably, thereroro, be sufficient for a whole family's supply, while tho same quantity of the oltl.t ordinary, reaay mado kinds of medicine would cqst be tween $3 and 13. It Is prepared from strictly harmless plants, 'contains anso iutel no nloroform, opium, morphine, or any other narcotic or Injurious drugs as" do most cough remedies, and It can therefore bo given to children with perfect safety. It Is pleasant to take and children are fond of It. Abso lutely no risk whatever Is run In Buy ing this renjedy under the above posi tive guarantee. It. J. Schlffmann, Itod.i Ht. Paul, Mlnn.-Advt. U. $., Experts to Study ' Tradi in "South America Three trado experts of the Bureau of l''irelgrf.n'nd Dbmcstlc Commerce .will salt for Bouth' America next month to study the markets for American tex tiles, electrical appliances, and boots and shoes. t'hlllp 8. Bmlth, of Now York, will tako up the work of tho cicatrical ap pliance markets'. W. A. Tucker, of Massachusetts, will study tho markot for electrical appliances, and II. U. Brock, or the bureau staff, will taue up boots and shoes. Textiles, principally cotton goods, are among tho largest of Boutn ,Uii i Imports, and heretofore tho t'nltotf Btntes has furnished only a small snare of this trade. Oj.pose'8 Literacy Test t In Immigration Laws -Declaring there Is less Illiteracy among Hebrew Immigrants than- any oth,er class, Joseph' Tepper, Zionist, In an address heforo tho Ahavas Zlon Society at 1223 sixth streot northwest, last night, protested against a propoted literacy test In connection pith the Immigration lawn. The speaker declared that If in immi grant was strong inorallv and physic ally, ho had enough stock In. trade to ln self-supporting, and eonsequt-ntly a good cltlicn. K, H. Alpher, president of the society, Introduced the speaker. - Eno's Valet Coming to" Testify in'Wlir Suit PAIUS, March Z4.-iThe French gov ernment has granted a leave of ab sence of sixty days of Edmond Blgaut, a. private In tho French army, who was valet of the late Amos V. Eno, of New York, so that he may go to New York In May to testify In the Eno will case. ... . . . , Both sides, In the will contest desire BlBRUt's evidence as to tho testa mentary capacity of Mr. Eno. The foreign office, which Is understood to have acted on representations from the American embassy, recommended to the ministry of war that It grani thlr unusual leave. Millions for FarineJ In Protection of Birds WINNIPEG. Manitoba. March 2l. Oame preservation ln-Manltoba, North Dakota, nnd Minnesota was Jargued here today by the Audubon Society. De claring that It represented "the M per cent of tho population that does not shoot prairie chlckon." the society asks for laws protecting the bird, whose ergs, it says, have largely been destroy ed by frost. The protection qt plover, woodcocks, snlpea, and tlprs would save American agriculture ,80,000,000 a year, the society says, because these creatures live on seeds and Insects. 'Piamond in "Sea Weeds.! ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March John II. Carrington, a ''whltd wlng.T' thought he had unearthed a new speci men of sea shotl when he raked a whta stone from scncod on Virginia; avenud. It was a dlamorid borpln. ,lot by Mrs. M. Hess, of Philadelphia Ho was sub stantially rewarded. ,t CASTOR TK Xaftatf ud CUttrca talis Dwarf tears tfutorterf GZf& I 61 'mmfimmmm-a 61 1 jmummi IMM m m m-m mx m n 'iir'ffii in . kkok' wi mi mi 11 your home uJiures n S tores swFtzs everywhere ONE NEAR Star Per An Soap Cake T Pure,p19o Sanilary Qaf Wisconsin 99 Lardlb- 12C 1 Butter lb. J3C Cheese lb. C Granulated 7 n Sugar lb, y FANCY SMOKED HAMS, Per Ii. 1 8c Smoked Siusage 1 C Vienna Style, per lb. 1 ill Kingair's OA BaCOD, PerPonad Bex OUv FLOUR Trlde of Montgomery, 6 lb. - -2le Pride of" Montgomery. 12 lb. ...4Ck Prde of Montgomery. U lb. ...70c Flour. Sanitary 6-lb. sank 2-le Flour, Sanitary. 12-lb. sack..., 43c Flour, Hanltary, 24-lb. rack. ...KHc Flpur, yold Medal, 6-lb. sack . .21c Flour, Gold Medal. 12-lb. eack..4Hc Flour, Gold Medal, 21-lb. sack .OSr Flour, Ccresota, 6-lb. sack 34c Flour, Ceresota, 12-lb. sack 48c Flour, Cereiota,24-lb. sack ... 0.1c Flour, Quaker, 2 lbs 10c MILK CANNED Challenge Brand 11c Eagle Brand 13c Pet, iall , No Pet, small - '. 4c Peerless, tall He Peerless, small 4c MOLASSES SYRUPS Mqlas(s, puff's Pure, 10c rap'oe Mqlasse, OuffH Pure. 4iV, size INo Molasses, Palmetto, No. 2 .... Uc Molasses, Palmetto, No. 2V....lSr Molasses. Hed Blver, No. 14... Oo ."yrup. Karo. 1J6 Blue Tc Syrup, Karo, No. 2Va can ... .lie Syrup, Karo, No. 5 can ....7... 22c Syrup, Karo, No. 10 40c Hyrup. Karo. 1U, Bed Op Syrup. No. 2i. Hed Label . . . ,, .12c Syrup, Sanitary, No. 2. lb. ...lOc EXTRAS FOR THIS WEEK VAN CAMPS TUNA FISH 1 7 1 c Large Can -If 2v Ross Whole Wheat 4 Pkgs-O C C B1SCUIT4 fa ZO POLKA DOT TEA A Package TTv Fiesta Brand g 1 PEACHES Mof - A fine California Yellow Cling Peach in Syrup, which we regularly sell at 15c. If you question the quality we suggegt that you try one can first. We feel sure you will want a dozen or two dozen at this price. Boarding houses should not miss this opportunity. FISH ROE Per Can . . . . ilk Macaroni A Pkgs. C f SpaghettiTT for ,tJC The Famous "Golden Egg" Brand. Server's A-l Corn Per Can Fine .Quality-Country Gentleman Com. lc Onfe Peck CORNHEAL "' 25c Smoked Picnic ! Q Shoulders, Per lb. IjC Country Style Pore O A Pork Sausage, lb. &UC FISH CANNED Fish Roe, can lCc Fish, B. &. M. Flaked, small.,. Oe Fish. D. & M. Flaked, large... Wo Herring, Navigator, plain JSe. Herring;, Navigator, plain 20o Lobster, No. K. BUr 15c Lobster, No, M, Star 23c Lobster, No. Vi, Deep Sea 23c Salmon, 1 lb., Bowknot 25c Salmon, 1 lb., Argo i3o Salmon, 1 lb., Red Boy 13o Salmon, 1 lb.. Chum Pc Sardines, Oil, M. 3 for 10c Sardines, Game Cock, mustard, Vi Be Sardines, Pink Lady Se Sardines, Mario Elizabeth, U -12e Sardines, Nansen, can 12c Sardines. Dutchess Dc Sardines, Crown He Shrimp, No. 1, Dry Pack luo Tuna Fish, small 13Hc Tuna Fish, large 20c FRUITSDRIED Apples. Evaporatedr oartdrirv. J. be Apricots, Snap. 3 lbs. Tor t....-.23c Apricots, choice ..12c Apricots, fancy 1 5c Peaches, Snap, lb '..Tie Peaches. Evap., choice, lb. jjf-'ttc Peaches, Evap., fancy, lb. ...Hoc Prunes, 40-60 ? ..12 Vic Prunes, 60-60 ...w, ,10c Prunes. 6070, lb , To Raisins, Seeded, pkg 10c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS,PerDoZ.22k POSTUM Post'Jiti, Instant small 23r Poslum, Instant, lurpc 43c Postuii'. Cereal, rmal) 12c Postum, Cereal, large 22c FRUITS AND VEGE TABLESCANNED Apricots. Gold Bar, 2k can 2de Aspnragus. Del Monte, tips 10c Asparagus, Banquet, 2V4 can.l7Vc AsparagtiH No. 1 can lOc Beans, Baked. Warner's Lunch 3c Beans, AVngnur's No. 2 Oc Beans, Baked. Wanncr's No. 3..i2c Beans. Baited. Van Camp'.i No. 1 , TV4c Beans, halted. Van Cump's No. 2 13V4c Beans. Baked, Van Cump's No 3 13c Beans, Lima. Red Clovtr No. 1 can 10c Beani Lima. Red Clovor. No. 2 can -Be Beann, Lima, Schrlver's, can. ...10c Beans. Schrlver's, Cut Strlngless He Beans, Schrlvor's Al, can 15s Beets. Superior No. 2 can 10c Bect.i. Red Clover. No. 2 can. ...13c Beets. Harvest Queen 7V4c Cherries. "C.old Bar, can 20c Chill Con Came, can Tttc Corn, Blue Rldo 7Mc Corn, Shoo Pec. 3 for 23c Corn. Wakefield -'Vie Corn Al, Country Gent e Torn, Uluo Ridge, No. 1 can .... 3c Corn Burnham. Motrin's "Paris" 12V4e Kraut, No. 3 cun He Mushrooms, No 1, Hotel 30c Mushrooms. First Cholco 33c Peaches, Gold Bar 20c reaches, Reglna 12'jc Peaches. Fiesta can 13c Pearo. Gold , Bar 20c Peas. Schrlver's Silver Label. ..7V4c Peas. Schrlver's Sifted 12V4c Peas Schrlver's Extra. Sifted. ..13c Peas. Schrlver's Al, t very smalt 17V4c Peas, flted Clovor, No, 1 very small 12Vtc Peas, Red Clovor Karly Summor Sweot ..0Y,c Peas. Meadow Lark Telephone. He Peas, Uluo Jay, W'sconsln 10c Peas Moosehoad. Sifted 12 Vic Pumpkin, Red Clover I2j Plmontos, U Spanish lOo Plmontus, Vi Spanish ltic Pineapple Gold Bar 20c Pineapple, Silver Bar lSVic SpaKhottl, Van Camp's, No. 1. can 7Vao Spashettl, Van Camp's, No 2 can l2V4c Spinach Oc Succotash Rchrlyer's o Succotash, PurlH 12Vic Succotash. Red Clover 12Vsc Swoet Potato, ran 0c Tomatoes Hartlove. No. 1 can'.. 3c Tomatoes. Tiuity, No. 1 can... 3c Vegetables, for soup 8c SUGARS Brbwn, lb eyie Powdered, 1-lb. pkg He XXXX. Powdered, 1-lb. pkg... Oc Cubes, lb , He Crystal Djmlno, 2-lb. box 22c Crystal Domino, half pieces, 2-lb. box , 22c Crystal Domino, 10c box, H-slxe pieces, box Ac FLOUR SPECIAL The Old Reliable R. & C. Brand. 6 lb 20c 12 lb nop 24 lb 73c For Friday and Saturday. Price good whllo stock In atoro lasts. CHOCOLATE COCOA Cocoa, ltcrshey's, 1-5 lb 7c Cocoa, Hershey's V4 lb 13c Cocoa, Walter Baker's, 1-6 lb. Oc Cocoa. Walter Baker's. H lb. ..18c Chocolate, Hershey'H '-i-lb. cake 13c Chocolate, Walter Baker's, U lb. 0c Chocolate, Walter Baker's, Vi lb. IKc STARCH Pfarch Argo. pkg Starch, Sanitary, pka- Starch,- Lump, bulk lb Starch, Elastic, small Starch, Continental Corn. lb. Starch, Sanitary Corn, lb Starch Duryeas Corn, lb .. 4c .. 4c .3V4c . 3c .. 3tf .. 3c .. t)c SAUCES-CONDIMENTS Catsup, Wagner's Uc Catsup, Bluo Label, 15c size. ..12c Catsup, Blue Label, 25a slxe ...10c Chill Sauce, Blue Label, 16 or...2-le Chill Sauce, S-cz 13o Sauce, English Delight Oc Sauce, Durkoo'a Challenge . . . 0c Lea & Perrln's, bottle 24c RICE Rice. IVctra Fancy Head. lb. Rice, Fancy Had, lb lllce. Broken, lb, Rice. Comet, uncoated, lb ... Jap Stylo Rice, lb 10c . He . 4c . He . tie Standard Tomatoes 3 fiT 25c I Wesson's Oil '. 23c Now Is the Time to Find Out What OLEOMARGARINE Really Is We offer you only one brand, and one which we consider ranks with the best made. Until you have tried ours, don't say you cannot use Oleomargarine. It's a perfect substitute for but ter for all cooking purposes, and it's an excellent table article. We offer it at a special reduced price for this week only. Sold Only in One-Pound Cartons, Per Pound 1 9c Fruits and Vegetables No. 1 Red Apples, pk. . . 29c Eating Apples, pk. . .10c Eating Apples, h pk. . .15c Oranges, doz.. 20c, 25c, 30c Grapefruit, each . 5c, 6c, 7c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb., lOq Lettuce, head. . . 5c and 10c White Potatoes, peck . . 33c Yams, peck 25c New Cabbage, Kale and other vegetables at lowest prices. The Greatest Coffee Proposition E?cr Offered the People of Washington New customers from very direction. Every patron of our stores should at least try this famous coffee. Positively there is nothing sold in our stores which excels in value-giving our Famous "Green Bag" Coffee We back this with an unqualified guarantee, which fully protects you from loss or dissatis faction. OUR GUARANTEE: Buy one pound, take it home and use ONE FOURTH of it, and, if it does not please you as well as any you ever used, return the unused portion and we will refund the entire purchase price. Green Bag Special 99 Mb. Bag lb 4kitC CEREALS (Breakfast Food) Harley 16-oz. pkjr Corn Flakes Washington Crisps Corn Flakes Post Toastles. Corn Flakes. Sanitary , Orapo Nuts, pice Shredded Wheat Pufi'cd Wheat Oats Quaker . Oats. Sanitary.. Puffed Corn ... Tuffed nice ... Whcntlna Cream of Wheat Hoss' Whole Wheat Biscuit... So ,. 4o ,. Ho 7o ..13c .150 ..lOo So TV4o ..Ho ..12o Jo .-.14c White Beans, lb 7ic Howard's Salad Dressing. 20c PEANUT BUTTER Small bottle Bo Larco Jar SOe SOAPS AND POWDERS Lenox, cake 3b .lap nose, cake TVio P. k G, Whlto Kaptha 4o P. & G. Ololny. cake Re Star, cake 4c Ivory, small 4e Ivory, larso To. Fels Naptha -to Mfe Huuy 4He h'oap "owder, Fels'. kjc 4o Koap Powder, Soaplnn 4c Soap X'owdcr, Ptur Naptha 1 lb 4c Soap Powder, Star Naptha, 4 lbs lite Soap Powder Sanitary. larro-..10o Gold Dust, 6c pktr 4o Hold Uust 25c pkK , IKe Washing Soda, 3 lbs. for Be ORANGE PEKOE Tea, Can....! I C llanquet llrnnd. A UBual 25c seller and positively one of the best qualities obtainable. A Visit to Our Stores And a careful Inspection of our offerings will quickly convince you of the many benefits of trading with us. TAKHOMA BISCUITS . 4c