THE WASHINGTON TIMES. FRIDAY, MARCH 24; .1910. hctirtitymf&mefi rUBLIBHED BVEIIT EVENING By The Washington Timca Company, TITO MUNSRY nOlf.DINO. lenn. Ave. RANK A. MUNSEY, President. ,-JL H. TITHERINGTON, Secretary. O. H. POPE, Treasurer. On Yr (Ineludlnr Sunrtavai. 13.10. I BU Months, tt.75. Three Month. Mc. rmuvx, MAUUI1 Z4 1U10. ANOTHER CHANCE FOR PUuILlSM I When Messrs. Jesse Willard and Frank Moran enter the ring at New York there will bo more at stake ttan the purse for which they will feattle. Even this sum, mounting in Bite to tho wcllrknown king's ran som, will not represent what really depends upon the conduct of this gladiatorial spectacle. s The light will offer another chance for the rehabilitation of prize fight ing. Once rated among the most jiopulr of all sports and styled the manly art, pugilism, through the machinations of its alleged friends, came into such disrepute that it has been barred in most American commonwealths. The Willard-Moran bout will be wnder the direct supervision of the' Nbwj York State commissioners. It is the duty of this board to see that all tho rules and regulations sur rounding the fight are religiously ad hered to. To its credit it must be aid that all of tho preliminary ar rangements appear to be distinctly "en.tho level." If properly conducted the meeting of Willard and Moran may redound to the permanent benefit ofpugll ism; let some untoward incident oc our, 'a "fake" bo suspected, or the vast throng become unruly, and prize fighting will be speedily relegated to depths from which it will rcq-uire an other decade to emerge. MONROE DOCTRINE DUTIES Some of the most thought-provoking testimony yet brought out in Washington this year at any of tho numerous Congress hearings was given this week by E. R. Grace, pres ident of the Bethlehem Steel Com pany, before the House Naval Af fairs Committee. One of the striking points made by Grace has an importanco far above the merely incidental treatment he gave it. Grace boldly predicted that most, if not all, the South and Cen tral American states would become involved in any war in which the United States was a participant. This prediction is not new, but it comes 'just at this time with author ity, for probably only tho diplomats themselves know, more intimately than the armor makers, the under currents of diplomacy, which deal with possible war and its reaction on international relations. Grace did not say on which side our Latin neighbors to the south were likely to bo found, nor did he reveal on what he based his predic tion. It is probable he had in mind attempts of America's foes to seize, after war had been declared, portions of the rich continent now protected only by the Monroe doctrine from expansionists. This may be perfectly true, but to us it seems more likely that the same Monroe doctrine will be the primary cause of any war in volving both the United States and our sister states to the south. South America is too tempting a field for land-hungry nations, urged pn by the press of over-increasing population, to neglect forever, if they see any chance to get away wjth it Strange it is that consider ation of this phase of the necessity fer arming ourselves properly in time receives so little consideration in the discussion of preparedness, for, if there is anything inevitable in this world it is that those who as sume intercontinental responsibili ties must some time be called upon t support them. A NEW PARK FOR THE NORTH ' BAST Widespread agitation for the pur chase of the Dean estate for use as public park is well directed. But ne other item in the District esti mates should not be neglected. That fj the recommendation of the pur chase of tho Patterson tract, in the northeast section, for $500,000. As much as any Washingtoniun would like to sec the historic Dean ejatato preserved as a park, he who surveys the relative need of the two auctions, the rich section about the former, and the large congested area qf small homes in the. vicinity of the Patterson tract, must come to the conclusion that the northeast need for a park is much stronger than that of the northwest. Within a few blocks of tho Dean estate is Rock Creek Park. Five or six blocks to the east is the Mt. Pleasant playground, at Fourteenth street and Park road. Even nearer is the smaller summer playground at 1840 Kalorama road. All about this section are small parks which afford breathing spaces. The entire northeast section has not a single large park. Nearly a mile away from the Patterson tract is Stanton Square. Only one play ground is to be found in the north cast, the Rosedalc grounds, nearly a mile from the Patterson tract. Even the southeast' is better off t than tho northeast when it comes to ' narks arid Dlavffrounds. The north east development has been rapid, and the recent polico census indicated how remarkable that growth has been. Tho Patterson tract is in tho path of tho small homo development and stands an excellent chance of being cut up into building lots un less tho Government buys it. As a problem of the greatest good to tho greatest number, the invest ment of $500,000 in tho eighty-one acres of tho Patterson estato looks like a better proposition than tho in vestment of $625,000 in the Dean es tate. There are tho strongest sort of reasons whv both nhnntH h. .- chased, and purchased now. But if citner purchaso has to be delayed, and oven if the Dean estate, as Claimed. WOUld cost morn tiovf in. the residents of the northeast have a strong case in their argument that it id high time n park was forthcom ing in their, section. THE ROOSEVELT HOMECOMINQ Colonel Roosevelt will arrive ii New York 'some time this evening from his trip in the. West Indies and his homecoming is regarded universally by politicians as likely to be highly significant. During hi absenco from tho country the ono most important political develop ment was the issuance of his state ment at Tort of Spain, in which he mado clear that he doesn't want to be President of the United States unless the United States wants him to be President of it. Nobody, no score of men, have done so much sinco the European war began to impress the Aincricar people with the weight and serious ness of their obligations in thit sadly muddled world as has Theo dore Roosevelt. He is one man whe from the ycry beginning has evi denced a correct realization of the fact that this country occupies tb,t nosition of trustee for civilization. He has endeavored in every possible way to unify and consolidate the sentiment of the country. He 1ms insisted that in such a crisis as the present, to neglect preparation for any eventuality, to refuse to realizo the dangers of our position, to In dulge a fatuous feeling of security when there is no such thing as se curity in this world, is utterly in excusable. It is perfectly plain that during the weeks of Colonel Roosevelt's absence the sentiment in favor of his nomination as the Republican candidate has grown by leaps and bounds. Men who four years, and three years, and two years and one year ago would have preferred to see the Republican party disor ganized and defeated rather than victorious under Roosevelt, arc to day in favor of his leadership. They recognize it as the only big and truly national leadership that is being offered to the country. In declining to lot his name sro before the primaries in the various btates, Colonel Roosevelt has simply taken the position that he does not want to lead unless thero is real and spontaneous demand for him. The existence and tho widespread character of that demand can no longer be questioned even by those who arc still antagonistic. .The next few weeks seem certain to bring political developments of the very first importance. THE MEXICAN DANOBR IN CREASES The beginning of disintegration of the Carranza military power is powerfully suggested by the with drawal of a force of 2,000 of his vory best troops, and their joining Villa. It must always be remem bered that the Mexican soldier, as a rule, has no particular byalty to a rniiHp. thnuch he Vine snmi rlnmnn. tal patriotism that attaches him to his country. But his real attach ment is to the military commander under whom he serves. That is why the generals arc almost always po litical generals; the more successful they may be in their military enter prises, the more they attach their men to their personal fortunes, by just that measure they also become more important politically. It becomes a question, then, large ly of the disposition of n group of military men. Villa at ono time seemed the idol of tho military chief tains, becauso ho was the sort of dashing commander that won battles and was quite amiable with regard to the conduct of his troops; if thr.y saw something they wanted they were Jikely to take it and be assured that no difficult questions would be asked. Can Carranza hold his military chiefs to his cause, as against an "invasion" by Americans? That is the, big question right now. It would be easily enough answer ed if tho United States were in posi tion to pour into Mexico an over whelming and impressive force of soldiery, which should make the Mexicans understand that no coali tion of their factions could possibly nffcel the ultimate result. But wc cannot do that. If tho whole army of 100,000 men that this country possesses could be hurled across tho border and rcsistlessly sweep northern Mexico, there would bo littlo danger of the Carranzistas de serting to Villa; their interest in tho preservation of their own skins would be the guarantee against such an event. But, contrariwise, the United States has a littlo expedition ary forco that has already been cut off from communications, and that, as it advances farther into tho coun try, will be constantly in increasing danger from this cause. It is understood that the situation is regarded so gravely by the War Department that the , znllltary authorities have seriously cbntcm plated a calf for the militia of the States. Such a call, of course, will not be issued until' it is very evident that tho emergency demands it; but thecmergency seems to be growing more serious with every hour. It is an impressive lesson that tho country is getting concerning the necessity of being ready to mako a show of real power, real authority, at least on this continent. Wc tiavo for four years faced a condition in Mexico from which any 'reasonable person might have assumed that some form of ,, intervention would sooner or later be forced upon us. For near two years we have viewed the European conflagration', and yet thero has been nothing in all this to inspire serious efforts at prepara tion for eventualities. Now the eventualities some of them arc here, and the country has opportun ity, if not leisure, to ponder them. Something real and substantial in tho way of army expansion must be provided at the present session of Congress It will not bo enough to discuss academic plans for armies that will be trained in some combi nation industrial-military school or institute, after such establishments shall have been planned and organ ized. That might provide an army big enough for a bandit hunt, at the end of a few years. But Villa is not going to be so accommodating as to postpone his enterprises till it Bhall suit our convenience. He has nicked the present as quite the most ac ceptable time to make his bid for place as a national hero; jind he is by way of making Uncle Sam a plenty of trouble. A WORD FOR THE REVILED APARTMENT HOUSE Well, the year's in the spring, the squirrels arc in the parks, and have you heard that if the Romans hadn't lived in apartment houses Gibbon might have been shy a classic? If violins hadn't been invented, Nero might not have fiddled after the alarm had been turned in. W Several gentlemen explained to n ashington audience the other morning how the apartment house wended its serpentine way from Rome northward, skipped over Eng land, laitddd plump in the United States, and behold! There are men in Washington who can't make their own furnace fires. To have a home, a la John How ard Payne, one must expose the four walls thereof to the breezes, and in trench the family therein to preserve its "integrity." Raymond Hitchcock's "Oh, How I Love My Little Bachelor Apartment," even with the "bach elor" left out, is the battle song of modem decadence. Now, why, pray, must the head of a family know how to mako his fur nace fire? Wo warrant thero nre women in these safe- npnrtments who could not run a spinning wheel, or turn their hnnd to churning but ter. Feminism has relieved the woman of thnt drtidgcry, but mnscu- linism seems not to have held its own. One of the speakers went so far as to attribute the success of Germany in tho prrscnt wnr to tho fact tint her families flocked by themselves. As a strict matter of fact we have it from other sources that these Germans hnve conceived, to a marked extent, the happy thought of the community apartment house, in which the dwellers hold stock, and they may sell this stock to other tenants when they get out. Days when the kindling had to bo cut, the cows to be brought home, the chores to be done, when one's face scorched and back froze beside the open fireplace, have a memory mellowed by passing years. But even those who acclaim the value of these things do not show signs of reverting to that habit of life. In factories, stores, industries, things havo been straightened out, and efficiency has been gained by co operation. Why not in tho homo? Yes, the "home" part of a house is a spiritual attainment; why should the dumbwaiter and the janitor bo such bugaboos of the home bpirit? Ab a matter of fact they are not. Home life survives in apartments, and survives more fully bccauBo of the irksome duties that need not bo done. Across n span of years ono may catch a glimmer of spiritual significance in attending tp the fur nace, shoveling the snow, and wash ing off the front porch; but the glamour of tho furnace grows colder as proximity to the glowing coals grows closer. Safety first: Hide the' carpet beater, old man. Anyway, what's tho us.o? If Eu rope over gets out of the trenches, it'll be into a rut. LONDON PAPER FEARS OF Daily Star Seriously Suggests German Fleet May Be Sent Out With Transports. LONDON. Mnrell ?Tlii. ),. nrmn fleet. If it comes out to do battle In tbe North 8ca, will bo accompanied by scores of transports carrying1 troops for an Invasion of Knrlnni! wm orlntialv suggested In nh article- appearing- today " uie unity star. The 8tar, which recently gave wnrn- lllaT thnt rumnm nt hm n......... .itn... ..... v. ,,UT1 vavmiaii nuj'Vi- ureadnaughta equipped with seventeen- til guns may ic round tiue. declared tho War Office fllllv rrullroa Hi riinniri Of SUrll nil Invasion nnrl la ImmIhi large forco of men In England to mcut mo expecteu attack. "There la a arrowlnar tnoiinr (hat an attempted German Invasion of our east ern coast during the next week or o 1 quHo on the cards." said the dtar. .i . , nre mnny ln Kftt Amelia Hint llll tlllltn. ..E.Y.I.I. .1 . .1.1- .. ..... m.ini muiiiui men sumo una ylcw, but these must not be discussed iieio nu ii is sumcieni to consider the notions of the enemy." The Mar declared tho Germans are torpedoing neutral ships In the North " solely to clear their coasts of neu rnl skippers who might report tho na seinbllng of German transporta for the int eat ah I a a 1a"tariMa thM tnab . I.. a I. data itory pointed out today that io capable 1 SrAnanai I - Of Via a. ..IB j nviram bi oir uonn iTciicii wouia not have been placed In command of th linma trvwtna rl. t.l . l.u . ma a.w...v Mt'wio, hiiiii mo noi YII.XB nuio needed elsewhere, were not tho war of- nco omciaja considering seriously me prospects of an Invnslon. THl. rlatl --,. a at..L CI.Hia .l....a.a..a.a a.a.hl-. iw uviiiinna, mo Dlrtr ttrvttlicu, flUU" nbly count on cither defeating the Krlt- 11 M..A. In K H. B.1 la. inn ikui 111 n. Kiuiiii cnKQKrincni ur ill out-maneuvering and drawing off the naval forces while transporta are land ing troops. . Spanish War Veterans Entertain Commander Col. John Jacob Astor Camp, No. !, Uranlsh War Veterans, the only camp composed exclusively of former soldiers of tho regular army, entertained Com-mandcr-ln-Oilef I. C. Iyr and tho members of his staff in Stanley Hall, HoldlCM Home, last night. After the entertainment a luncheon was served. Addresses were made by fommander Oyer. Department Com mander J. Q. A. Hraden, Major West, deputy goernor of the home; Congress man Karr of Pennsylvania, and others. The program was provided by the Soldiers' Home Orchestra, under Direc tor 8, M, Zlmmermann: Zancig, Uie mystic: Miss Katherlne McKltrlck, M1m Tay McKltrlck. Miss DorU BcbJtgel. OlrTord .Moore, Louis Brown. Mr. oerner. Mr. Gross. Thomas G. Mc i;wnn, and Gustave Grlswell. Book Reviews MM. HAI.VAMK. Hy QtrtruJe AtWton. Nw York: Frederick A. Btokn Company. PTlr, t. 31. The versatile Mrs Athertbn has sur prised her audience! Tor this present novel Is as clever anji entertaining a. mystery story as cxtt cam; from tho pen of an avowed wrltef of- "detertlre" Action. 4 . She takes a fling at .Uie Journalistic profession, willfully misrepresenting cer tain types ror it were.jyiny to accuse Mrs Atherton of lgnorance-but fn the main, eivlnir a trranhle Account of what In substance Is the usual method of procedure In a 'murder story." TIip book will thus have n double audl- j nice. To those who delight In a "thrill er," which liolds attention through pages of conjecture as to Hhom the real murderer may be, the book Is a candid Jov. in the opinion of Mrs. Atherton' old frlnds. who have dellshted In her con. cue analysis of character, her grasp of .""live iinn ner near presentation or th iwvohology of action, the book will but ld io her prestige. Mn. nalrume, that dominating lady, .'II addition to the fiction nt tlm v- "" o" nnn coiu, one neccmes fscl-' nate.l bv the very objrettveness of tier,' uiuuiin at uiiici rrpeucu Dy ner com posure. Mrs. Atherton may teat rm her laur els. Hho haa demonstrated that she can write KObd, modern detective novel. It Is doubtful If In tho last analysis the SS.?k l?. "". KOni1 ' r'1" l work as "Tho Porch of the Devil." but lt'a mightily entertaining for all that. THK XKW COOKKHY. nil,M ,nrt fn I'rsed. Hy Inna France. Cooper. Ht tie 1'ra.k. M.., ocol Health iMilillah Inx toiiipam. Trice;. Jl.'O. Quite In time for the new crop of spring and mimnier brides comes thl novel cook book, so evident) the result of nn expert that the said bridea nre advised to purchase and absorb its knowledge. Not only do the recipes appeal to lovers of good food, both for their variety nnd accuracy, but at tached to each is a careful scientific analysis of the food value. In no sensn Is It an advertisement for tho nchool it represents, although palatable dishes are given from tho patent substitutes thlH particular cult advocates. The au thor Is to be congratulated on a splendid piece of work nnd the Good Health Publishing Company on tho make-up of the volume, which !. printed in clear type, and wonderfully Indexed and sub. divided. TUB BHADKS OF TUB Vtt.lE!RXr.SS. Hy Jofeph A. Allsheler. New York: Ad pleton Co. Price. 11.30. This volume Is the seventh In the Civil Wnr 8orIes. and haa to do with the part Gen. Robert 13. I.ce played In tho civil war. Mr, Altshclcr alms to give as nearly as possible, both from document and personal recollection of the veterans of tho civil war, n correct account of actual encounters and events. To those who mav elect to take their history sugar-coated, his books aro ad dressed. They also mako acceptable gift books for the boy of this genera tion. TICK UNCIIASTENEI vWOM.VN. A May Hy l.ouln Kaufman Antnacber, Now York Frederick A. Stokes Company. Price, IJ.2S net. ' Unlike many of the current plays, this volume proves excellent reading. In It tho author has gathered together a group of moderns, placed them In ex cessively awkward situations, and with out extricating somo of his characters from complications of their own making, iiaa succeeucu in naving tnem justify themselves, Tho title ut the play Is his comment on that .nost baffllnir of wnmenim person who moves serenely on. secuie that her social position will excuse any nciiun up hit iri, mat ny position, disposition, and light of sex, ulie Is Im mune fiom nil consequences of her 'own wronudolug or folly, 111 sharp routiust stand the other wo men of tho play, as admirably nartraveii. and as consistent to type. To our mind the masculine characters are not so carefully thought out, but that is a matter of opinion, Certainly Mr. An epacher "nan made a splendid contri bution to present day literature. HON ENGLAND Europe Must Cancel Debts or Spend Less Taxation Will Reach Enormous Figure Unless Na tions Decide to Wipe Out All Their Obligations .and Start Afresh Rich Then Would Beat Heaviest1 Burden. , . ByOHARtES T.nvnnv mv.Mall). March 12. Eu rope will have to do one of trto things after the war: Accept a far lower standard of Hying than heretofore, or Cancel all war, debts and start afresh with a cWan slate, T. I. linnnaalhln ttt ralfMltat. fop In- stance, 'what England's war debt alone will be, bcc4usc nobody knows how much longer the war will last, certain ,.. ...-... il, rime wlllih an enbr- iy jiunu.i, -. .....- mous as to stagger the imagination. Kven If tho struggle snouia una' dc- .- Kllif tn Enirllflh WOUld l)Ve tv MY annually, In Interest, more .thar the total of their governmenta yearly ante . .. helium exponees. Taxation .was high before the war. ttv. f ik. nunti-v a-nlna to stand V. burden more than twice as heavy? For one minu, econommia ani, v" ductlon will have to be greatly In creased. ... . n.1.1. ii.-., wnt will h. nrcom I llllf, lilt . "; "' " ---"" pllshed by tho use of Improved I ma chinery, ny a niaiicr uric y. v...v.w.w lllBII 111 Ml" I--. .... .. ....- -- ment of great numbers of women who were not Industrial factors before war broke out. These economists themselves, how ever, do not pretend the difference will i... m.J. nn tlina. Tavea must be much heavier to cover the deficit. The only conclusion is mat inaumrin. Ti-ni will Ia rnmneJIerl to work more than twice aa hard as before the war. for loss pay i'OSSIDiy necausn incy nrr uiciuoc. - heavy Investors In the allies' war loans. ,i. .-..llav. .trin,i.HiH olaaaea even the small fry. gonerclly strongly oppose R wiping out of the war Indebtedness and Insist that whatever new and harder conditions may come, should be accept ed cheerfully. Room for Doubt, nut will thev? Apparently, there Is considerable room for doubt. The creditor clement, though iniiu entlal, Is In a hopeless minority, of course, Thcie are plenty of hints that the .ui., ...Ill in rannnit anthuslsatl- IllflJUIItJ' "I,, vr .ww.. , " ' cally to the suggestion that the masses a. . . . a -.. AAa a. A a I accept, aner mo war, cin .. commons than they had to make the best of before the war"a outbreak. It Is fair to say that some enlighten ed liberals, including a number of men who have subscribed liberally to tho war loans, are disposed at least to con sider the idea of canceling these obliga tions. . . .. They do not use the worn "repudia tion." They say the country'a foreign Indebtedness, which, however. Is small compared with" what Englishmen have loaned to their own government must be paid. Hut It may .prove expedient, they admit, to regard loans made to the na- 1....-1 - l,n.i in tlM TCnallan them- selves as contributions from those "est able to arrorn tnem. ....... Some take he position that England loans to her allies should similarly be wined out. . .... Adoption of such a scheme obviously would mean the unique situation of a war burden falling on tho rich Instead of the poor. At the same time "hat It would mean a heavy loss for the "classes" It would also mean a gain for the ."masses. ' a levcllngup process historically unprece dented. Hlnher taxes! Hffore the war the average English skfllnl workman made from JS to 111 weekly. The corersoondlng workman In tl"imany made from 16 to 17. Kor a man with a family It might sr em as If these figures were pretty near bed rock, that ha couldn't reduce his standard of living without starving to death. As a matter of fact, the workers in Spain. Portugal. Russia, and Turkey vvero not so well off aa -the Kngllah and Gern ans; and a coolie's wages In China amount to about 70 cents. American weno, for a seven-day week, So, after all. there Is a good desl of room for European labor to be worse off after than It was before the war. Tlio creditor classes- suggestion oi a lowei standard of living" Isn't by any means an Impossibility, If the produc ing classes will vuhmlt to it. Will they? Nobody knows yet. Land Reform Certain. In England, land reform appears to be a certainty. It Is not contended that the Urltlsn Isles would suppott their population, agriculturally, except perhaps with the closest pinching. It Is maintained, how ever, that a Just distribution or land would check the tendency toward such an intense concentration In the cities, with Its consequent dlsorganlratlon ot the labor market und frightful condi tions of uncmploiment which churac- .tetlzed ante-bellum days. it Is an old complaint that, witn mil lions of the Engllshi on the verge of starvation, huge acres of Vnrt have born held as game reservations and parks, in as primitive a slate of uncul tlvntlon as at the time of the Norman coiiuiicat. Htlll other vast tracta have been formed only by tenants who, while do-i Ing all the work, were allowed only the most meager livelihoods, that the land lords might get the lion's share of the country products by virtue of nothing but their monopoly. In the cities conditions have been nnd still are the same as in the country, with only such variations As necessarily go with urban UM. Will Have To De Changed. All this, it Is generally agreed, will have to be changed with the soldiers' return homo at the war's end. U la recognized ll-nt hundred of thousai da of men who have had a taste of a broador existence than the old bn. will not tolorato n return to the former order of things. The suggestion most frequently heard 'is that tho landlords will be forced to tilsose of their great holdings ut iei conuble prices, ojr some such basis as the one already prevailing In Ireland. Othere favor a more or les closo ap proximation to the Mingle tax. Taking into account the relief th's will nn'ect In labor congestion In tho industrial centers, and tho fact that thero undoubtedly will be a heavy emi gration to tho colonies, It lermfi folr to predict an Immense betterment nt the macsea lot in poHhellum England. England Inuvllally will cease to bo a, free trade country after the war. Reciprocity will prevail retvvcen the n'othor country unO. her colonies. It mny include all the present alller. Tho tariff', purpose will bo partly revenue. More pnrtlculnilj It will be for protection against Germany, The English policy Is not, In general, for protection against neutrals, but It Is hard to see how It ran be avoided In thin case, ns Germans might other wine establish their fnctoilen In neuttr.l coi.ntrles, Eet their raw material from homo i. ml set the Motcctlon program at nausht. Already plans nre tinder dlicusslon for provontlnr the employing elaaa from cettlnrr the bcuerlt. to the workers' disadvantage, of the higher prices It Is CAiHTtivn iinn mi ill ivill uiciaii. One suKgehtlen l for a minimum wajre. This ic not very generally fav- P. STEWART. pred, htiwevcr. Its opponent tay ft Is too Ine sJUc it mtthofl ,io work salU-IVtc-Hly. It U , unlikely It will Ue adopted, nothfrVtMsltlon looks Inward a P,l?'!.tihr(nt:.''u'n, o scientifically worked out that rulce Increases will automatically mean correspondingly larger incomes for vvoiklnmen. i ., '" mor rarilcal schcino contetn LiiJ50Veinm5; control, or even gov rngmnSu,tr7ery:Mh,P' f "" '"" ii ftmil.cJi-,i.lh0. V,rlrf win '"-v to uei impcsed with labor's consent and ?i:Jil're A" J10 mifellon that labors !eJ,HM!8V,""..,mV0 ,0 ,l' a-"'' conidd Ii Ina'catlPns arc that Iho result's rorm may bo n.ore or less oclalUtlc, Chahjrcs Expected. It Is a pretty safe prediction that tho war Is going to be followed by Impor tant Internal changes In most, If not all. tho belligerent countries. w!?arJ,R,i.,!,,0.J8h",,eB win be rr the Wr0?.n?by.l,OUl1' th're ' M "- f..?n ,b "wrent and even In neutral war if th?y ,l,an ,herc w"" before th nhniV -"uiiiun snouia oecome n-1?-".1?.' war's result can ie i.i..i " "" cn,"rciy bad. .In fi'Vpcracy succeeds In getting a worse. berore. things will be all tho The people seem to realize this, how c fr' ?.. ".ro Prey watchful. nn It Innlra ie u- .... .' i" tt "" ?f Improvement, a .., -.uTiiiitiu una soon,, at least In spots. No Universal Revolutions. Are revolutions likely? Peaceful eco nomic revolutions? Yes, very likely In deed. Ilufan overturning of governments? Of some, maybe; not all. ..ner.e "raiy a suggestion of such a thing In England. The situation Is said to be the same in France. Krltish officials ballevc that a com P ete governmental overturning Is a distinct ppsslblMty ,ln tne case or the central powers, perhaps so soon as to shorten the war.' Tho Italian govern ment's position was notoriously pre carious long before the war began. There Is no reason for believing It Is less so today. Curiously enough, the rtusslan regime, supposedly the most unpopular with the people of any In Europe, appears to have been enormously strengthened by the world struggle. All accounts Indi cate Its entire safety for the present, though there Is a. general belief that Ita post-bellum methods, largely with the tmllner elaaftt nnrM,Bi lii ... 0..11.. liberalized: " " """" 'VkaaaaMaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBaMaaaaaaBBiBaaaaaBB COMING EVENTS ON CAPITAL'S PROGRAM Today's Amusements Schedule for Tomorrow. Today. Adura.f, "fcliool. a Community FapunV' ITof. h. J. Ward. Kelore unihlne Cam munity aotitty. MooawarU is Jthrop-s Auditorium, t.p) p. m. neceptlon la Mrs. II. XV. r.utlcdse. intil dent Maryland Division, and lormer . llonal lrMldnt K. II it. UaUo. VMillam !,;h",.AuL"1r'' "rand Army Hall. 1I1J rtnnijlianla. avtnue northntit, t u. 111. U)fter root and Initiation. DUtrkt Grand if1!-" SH"!?0'. rdr ' ,he erpout. Ulks' Club. 1 It tret norlhuc.t, s . ,n. Trip to Alexandria, Kalllpulla Grotto a' Club and irlendi. leave Twelfth alrm and renni)lvanta avenue northwest, 1. 30 u. m. Addreir. "If Ur. VIe Were Alive." the Jltv Abram Simon, memorial aervlvna (or Dr" liac SI. Wlie. Eighth Street Tcinule, p. m. Monthly dance, joung peepla of All Souli' Church, lUt Churih afreet. 4:30 p 111. Entertainment; "A Htudy In Illicit and ;?."'" J:o,um.1,l,,'lBts Alhleilo Club, Wll.on Normal Bchool- t p. in. l Reading. "lUConttrurUon and the Klu Klux Klan," Attorney Central Thoitu. w. Ore. ory. before Mlatlaslppl SocUly. Uclcuurl. Cemlnary. Thirteenth and (.Irani streets northntat. S p. m. Me-llnr. Camp No. HI, United Confederate Veterai. local North Carolinians mied. Confederate Hall, Hj Vermont avenue norlhweat. I p. m. Lecture, "The Immigrant Making n Mttur" Dr. Frank O'Hara, SlcSfahon Hal!, Catholic Unlvertltv. i P. m. Concert, Holdlera' Home Dand Orchealra Htanter Hall. :I3 p. m. ".uemra, I'reparatory aervlce, the Uv. C, K. Qraiizer (lunton Temple Memorial I'resbj terlaii Church, Fourteenth and R sireeta. J p m Ladlea' nltht. motion piiturea and uauclnr St. John's l.odse. Chapter No. II. t a V St , SIaonlc Hall. 8 n. ni. ' Slaronlc St. John'a. No 11, Hope. No ! Capitol, No. 11: .Mount I'leaaa'.it. No! llojal Arch Chapters: Takoma. No l: Cathedral. No. 14; St. John's I-oJie. Nn it' Eastern Btsr. Odd Fellow a-Cenlral. No. U Sletropolla. No U riioenlx. No M; Slsrtha WasMniton" No. J- Dorcaa. No. t. nebekaha. ,""t,"' Knl(hta of rythl.a-Hathbone-Huperlor. Xo :; Syrjcuilana. No. 10; Hsthlwne lemple! No. , rthlan Plalera., National Union Eaat Waahtntton Council MoKlnley Council. vounrii. Daushtra ot Amerlca-Frtendihlp Council. N'o. 18. United Spanish War Veterans 'iOraiv I of the Snakea" celebration. Elks' Half; Socialist raxtr Ijoeal Central n'..hin.. Illustrated lecture, movlnir pictures and slides. "The Boy Scout Movement," J. W ration, ana exhibition of acout ftalt. Horns Club, l:U p. m. Amusements. n.U. ro Th P.ialn Hh.. t 1 .- . Natlonat-Dlanlill.rra Hallet 'rusw. :n n m roirsL-'Tlia Shepherd of the Hllla, ::15 fcno Keith'ai.ValM lll. !: ml e.i - ... Loew'a Columbia-Motion pictures,' l::t a m. to 11 p. m. ' Gayety-Burleaque. !:1J and 1.1 p. m. Tomorrow. Observance of Marjland Daj, Society of Colonial War, Willard, S:S0 in. in Meetlnt, riloloslcal Society, Coamoa Club g p. m. ' Addreaa, "niddlng the Canal Zone of Moa. qultoea'' rirlg. Uen. William C. Uoriaa U. B. A., berore Southern Society, Willard 8 P. m. Farce. "The Unexpected Oueats," henellt'cf expenaes of delegates to Hlsli School tllrla' Council, by Weatern Frlenaahlp club. JV. C A., at . W. C. A. Jlulldlnit. I'ouJl teenth and ( atreela northvteat, sjjo n. m Ilanquet, American Society of Naval En- glneers, Anny ami Navy Club, 7;S0 p. m Art ami Musical corneal. Society of Hclenco and Muaical Art, Old Maconlo Temple. t:(J p. m. Obaervanee, "Annunciation of the IHesied Virgin." lYanelacn Slonaatary, solemn high mass, S a. m. Lecture, "Shakespeare and His Town' Chauncay C. Williams, University Club. 8:10 p. in. Concert, pupils ot the Washington College of Music. Masoulo Auditorium, 2:34 ii. In, Inauguration, temporary spring schedule. Votoinea river slramers, l'otomaa anil ChesapenUe Steamboat Comnaiiy, Steamer Wakefield leaves Seventh atreet wharf. 7 a. 111, Open house observance. Choral Club. V. w O. A. Iliilldlng. 8 p. in. '.'". Illuatrattil lecture. "Itecent CTplo-ail.inn of f.trongholUs of the Inca Kre," lllrain Ulngham. before WnahlnKton Society. Archeologlral Inatltute of Am-rh'a. 11; dance of Slis. Henry S. Dlmock, I 01 Sl. leentli atreet, 8:S0 p. m. Smoker and entertainment. Potomac i;ot Club, Thlrti -sixth and K streets norih- west. 8:10 n, m. I Masonic I-aFajettf. No, 15, Itecepllon to women friends, Scottish Ttlte Masons. Odd Fellows-Canton Washington, No. 1, ratrlarcha Militant. Socialist party Supper and social. SUNDAY TO GIVE HIS FINAL ANSWER TO WASHINGTON TODAY Evangelist Probably Will Decide This Afternoon If He Can Conduct Campaign Here. CITY READY TO ASK DATE Rev. Clarence A. Vincent Going ' to Baltimore for Conference on Proposed Revival. Illlly Sunday probably will gve a final answer late this afternoon aa to whether ho will come to Washington for an evangelistic campaign. Tho ltcv. Dr. Clarence A. Vincent, president of the -Washlnirton rasters' I'Vdoratlon. nnd also chairman of tho Sunday evangelistic committee, mad", up of clcrsymcn and laymen, will go Fo Haltlmorc this afternoon to confer with Mr. Sunday. No ono will accompany Dr. Vincent except the Ttcv. Dr. Samuel A. Howcr. of Northmlnster Presbyterian Church. Dr. Vincent villi ask Mr. Sunday wheth er there Is any chance ot his coming to Washington. If f.o. Dr. Vincent will ask about a possible date, and It Is hoped that sumo of the dates mado two jears ahead are only tentative and may be canceled. Following this Interview Dr. Vincent will report to thu Pastors' Federation Monday morning at tho Y. M. C. A. If Mr. Sunday glvea a favorable reply a party of all tho clergymen in Wash ington who favor the coming of tho evangelist will go to Baltimore to ex tend him a format Invitation. If Sir. Sunday declines to give an answer this afternoon It is expected the matter ot a Sunday campaign here will bo dropped. Billy Sunday Himself Hits the Sawdust Trail 1JAI.TIMORE. March 21,-BIUy Sun day, after hurling challengo after chal lenge to about 150 Johns Hopkins stu dents who attended the meeting for men only at the 'tabernacle last night cli maxed his appeal for convert, climax ed the meeting, and climaxed his cam paign here so far by springing rom the rostrum, plunging down the sawdust aisle, and "calling the bluff" of some of those students who promised to lilt the trail It ho would come for them. Aa the evangelist himself "hit tha trail" on his marathon from tjie plat form, three of the university students were on their way to greet him. He rushed past 'these, stood up on a bench in front of the delegation, at which the ej es of thousands of men were .turned, and began waving Tils hand and calling to the youths to -make good." Me stood thero for a minute of two, beside Dr. Howard A. Kelly, tbe Ilcv. Dr. Henry M. Wharton, and severnl Pftsonal workers who had preceded him, and. when he turned five more ,.opklne men marched before him up the sawdust trail. They had "made good." Tho congregation of 14,000 sent up a galvo of cheers and hanclapplng that mado the gieal hall thunder and mane the handful of womon who, despite tha ushers, .hung about on the outside In the hope of hearing somothlng. wonder what had hnppencd. Sunday had singled cut the Hopkins students from the first, and leveled hla broadsides of persuasion nt them fro'.i the moment when, con cluding his sirmon on tho text "Bo euro your sins will find you out" he asked for converts. "I cnll a strike against tho devil,' he shouted, "a strike against sin. Who'll Join mo In a universal strike? Come on, Hopkins men'" Changes Are Announced In Interior Department Acting Secretary Jones, of the In tcrlor Department, today announced tho following changes In personnel in that department. Temporary appointments Simon Klein, typewriter at l a day, nnd Miss Martha Morris, of Colorado, under clerk at ti.10 a day In th Geological Survey. K. I MncK. New York, assistant alloy chemist at J1.50O; Clark J. McKre. 1'enn trylvanla, first aid miner at 11,200; Ar thur M. Johnston. Md and Robert I.. Miller, D. C. Typewriters at Jiffl, In tne iiincau oc .Mines. Claude L,. Hard ing, Coloiadn. under clerk at Sl.OU), and Mrs. Jnnlc F. Sawyer. Arizona, under clerk at ?960 In the Reclamation Ser vice. Promotions General Ijinrf Office. Russell IS. Mlkesoll. from law examiner at I,S(0 to clerk at 11,800; Hermon H. Hill, clerk at $1,400 to law examiner at I1.G00; Herman C. ttauss, clerk from S1.200 to 11.400; David W. Utx. clerk. il.WO to $1,200; Dayton V. Mulhern, copyist nt $000 to clerk at $1,000; George A. uummcr. copyist, tTZO to $m. Indian Office. Cato H. Hurd. clerk from $300 to $1,000. Patent Office. Frank 11. New ham, Jr., copjlst at $900 to clerk at ti.uuu. Resignations William F Ferguson, messenger boy at $C00 In tho General Land Office, Albert II. Shearer, as sistant messenger at $720 In the Indian Office; Joseph I.. Clancy, clerk nt $1.W0 In the Reclamation Service; Harrison !. Mason. Jr.. assistant mlnlnir engineer at $1,920: Joseph V. Pullen, Junior chem ist nt xi,ouo; Aitnur I rimilli. junior chemist at $1,200, and John F. Ketcham, stationary engineer at $SI0, all in tho Hureau ot Mines. Merchants to Be Guests On New River Steamer Arrangements have been concluded hy the Potomac and Chesapeake Steam boat Company to havo ns the guests of the corpointlon on tho maiden trip of Its new stenmer. Tho Mujesllc. the of ficers nnd members of tho hoard of governors ot tho Retail Merchant' Association. Tho Majestic will ply liotvvi'cn Well ington nnd polomac river lundlngs, licr llrtit trip to Btnrt at 4 o'clock on But. ttrday nflcrnnon, Apill i The credit men's rtctlon of the Retail Merchants' Association met yoatuuhiy nfternoon nt the Ilulelgh Hotel -11111 ndoptcd resolutions on tho death ,'f O. I. Young, nt the tlmo of hla death credit manager for the Calais Roynl Sister-in-Law His Heir. Tin will of Giistavus A. Rrandt dated January IT lSHi, leaves his entire e.i. tatn to his sister-in-law. Amy Rarnaio. She la also named executor without bond. Tha testator died on March U I