OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 24, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1916-03-24/ed-1/seq-9/

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-rr $ 'N, vyjnpssy"? fPw-r"
TV-i-vr---?;" ';"'r ;v
Notable Host Attends Function
in Aid of Wounded in Czar's
Washington Resident and Offi
cial Society Throngs
Rauscher's for Event.
By happy accident or still happier In
spiration the night of the llrat perform
ance of the Serge de Dlaghlleff Imperial
Ballet Jtusse was elected for the ball
ttren at Itauscher's last evening by a
committee of prominent Washington
women for tho benefit of the sick and
wounded soldiers of rtunla.
Not only did the presence of a dozen
of the rtusslan dancers, who volunteered
then- services for the cause, add n
touch of exotic beauty and Interest to
the gorgeous1 spectnelo at Hauscher a,
luit at the National Theater the splen
dor and artistry before the footlights
found echo In the audience which was
one of the most brilliant that has filled
a theater this season. The kakoshnlk.
the gorgeous headdress of the Itusslan
women, which was worn by many of
thoso who went on from the Russian
ballot to the Itusslan ballc gave n msr
elously picturesque note to the assem
Allies' Envoys There.
The ball, which added a tidy sum to
tho fund for tho benefit of the nusslan
soldiers, was one of tho smartest as
well as the most brilliant functions
given in "Washington this winter.
Kcpresentatlves of tho embassies or
France. Great Britain, Italy. Japan, and
Belgium, tho allies of Russia, were
prominent In the throng, neutral diplo
mats, by tho score were numoercd
nmong the guests, and among the most
interesting personages present were Mr.
lMaghllcft and Krncst Ansermet. who
conducted the orchestra at tho ballet.
Mrs. Blaine Bcale. Viscountess de
Kibour. Mrs. William Ltttauer. -Mrs.
c'liircncA Wilson, and Mrs. Garrison
McCllntock constituted tho receiving line
nnd stood at tho doorway leading rrom
llio smalt ball room Into the large ball
room, which was reserved tor the
There all was brilliant and colorful, a
fitting setting for the gorgeous throng.
Broad strips of orange bunting festooned
'the celling, the lights wore dimmed with
veils of greenery, and between the mir
rors, which reflected distinguished men
und women with gorgeous bejewelea
headgear topping their evening frockj.
were tall evergreen treea starred with
miper-dalsles In orange and white.
Orchestras Alternate.
Uorcnsteln's Orchestra alternated with
n Havmllan orchestra In furnlslng the
imJslfi bhioftl afteY midnight, Htter
the applause which greeted tho spectac
ular performance of the Russian danc
ers had died down, supper was served
nt small tables below stairs.
The Russian. Ambassador and Mme.
BftkhmeicfT entertained In their box
member of tho embassy staff, includ
ing the Counselor and Mme. Bcherbnt
nkoy nnd the Becond Secretary of tho
Jrrench Embassy and Mme. de Labou
Jnye. Mrs. William Bddcn Noble entertain
ed ft box prty, her guests including
Mlsa Iroy King, of New York; Air.
nnd Mrs. Chaunccy Ilackctt, Mrs.
t'hauncey Stlgand, and Admiral Staun
ton. Charles R. Crane had with him In his
Ikx the Secretary of Agriculture ana
.Mrs. Houston. Allen Reynolds, Mrs.
Ruth Hapgood, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Crane.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Belmont in their
tiox entertained the samo part who
were their guests at the Russian ballet.
Take Guests With Them.
The Brazilian Ambassador and Mme.
d.i Qama also went on from tho ballet,
tuklnjr their guests with them.
.Mr. and Mrs. Churles C. Glover. Mlsi
oilman, and tho Italian Ambassador
ami Countess Ccllero were among otnera
wnn entertained dox parties.
Madame BakhmetcfT woro nbcamlful
tiara of diamonds nnd aquamarines,
whllo about her throat and ornamenting
lier coraag were somo of her famous
ertierlds. Mrs. George Howard, who
lind on a lovely gown of rose pink,
simply added the flowing tulle veil qf
the' Russian lieaddess to her tiara of
diamonds with charming effect, and
many of the women arranged their
Jeweled coronetn ngalnst their graceful
laco or velvet knkoshlnks.
Mrs.' Uarrlson McCllntock wore a
gown of roso pink with a metallic lus
ter, and a headdress and flowing veil of
loss color. Mis aKthcrlnc McCllntock's
headdress, which was a huge and be
jeweled creation of pink, came straight
from "Russia, where it had once been
part of the bridal finery of a Russian
Kill, and Miss wllcnkln, daughter of
the commercial ottacho of tho Russian
embassy, woro a complete couri cos
tume In ja!o bluo with a lovely and
most becoming headdress of blue and
Wears Boys' Costume.
Miss Ttuth Hapgood, who woro a Rus
sian boy's costume; Richard Crane, 3d,
whoso Tartar costume, with Its mag
nificent embroldcilos, was one of the
handsomest at the ball, und Miss taulse
Delano, with a gorgeous kakoshnlk of
hi uc. wero among tho most picturesque
figures, on tho floor.
Among tho gursts at the bait wero
Mrs. Francis Nash, Miss Carolyn Nash,
the Misses Delano, Miss Margaret
l'orlii, Miss Frances Moore, Miss Lil
lian irendrlck, Mrs. P. B. Moran. Rear
Admiral nnd Mrs. Clover, tho Misses
'lover, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert,
Mlsa Helen McCumbcr. the Misses
Burleson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nnwboltl Noycs,
Miss PranccH Noyes. Mrs. Morgan
Cameron, Mrs. Gist Blair, Miss Helena
lllllntt. MIhh Ruth Patterson. Mlsa
Gtadyn Hinckley. Miss Orynga Ray
naud, the minlstor or I'ersia. ino urceK
minister," Mr. Batlo of tho Japaneso
iMnluikHv. Thomas Bnrlng-IMce. Lieut.
Clement Heath, Angclo Conti, Itobcrt
i'atterson and William runups, inira
Assistant Secretary of State.
Surgeon General and Mrs. William
C. Bralsted have cards out for a din
ner at tho Army and Navy Club on
April IS in compliment to the Secre
tary of tho Navy and Mrs. Daniels.
Mr. and Mr. William Welghtman, of
New Yortf, arrived hero yesterday from
tho place the recently purchased In
MiVlnla en touto to Cazcnovla, N. Y
Miri arc ut tho Wlllard.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence
Cireeu. of Paris, and Mrs. Green's motn
er, Mra A. Ulcecker Ranks, of Now
Vork and Paris, who have been spend
ing the winter at Aiken. S. C. are
guests at the hotel, and Mr. and Mrs.
(Continued on Page Fourteen.)
President 'Receives Ovation
When He Appears at Na
tional Theater.
vviih ih. PrA.lrir.nt and Mrs Wilson turned to Washington from the oxtend
AMlh tnc presiaeni ana .-urs. nson ,i,i .rir. wi.irh tn onrd hr
occupying a. box and the most distin
guished element of social Washington
njltng' the boxes and the partone, the
audience divided interest with the
dancers at the opening performance of
the -Ballet Russo. at the National !at
Tho Russian Ambassador and Mme.
Uakhmeteff had a box anil had wltn
them Miss Wllenkln, daughter or Mr.
and Mrs. Gregory Wllcnkln: Mrs. Rich
ard Townscnd entertolnen th Hpantsn
Ambassador and Mme. Rlano and Mrs.
H. II. G. Slater; nnd across thethouse
were the Hrazlllnn Ambassador nnd
Mme. da Oama, whose guests were Mrs.
Lloyd Bowers and her niece. MIm Viola
in another box were Congressman and
Mrs. Longworth and Mr. and Mrs.
Ueorgo Howard.
Mrs. Lonirworth nore a nown of black
tullo over white satin, with a band or
pearls and diamonds In her hair.
In Belmont Box.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont enter
tallied in their box .Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson
O'Bhaunessy, Mrs. William Slater, nnd
Mr. Thomas Spring-Rice, and Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Slater. Jr.. the latter a
lovelv nlcturo In a rose iilnl; frock nnd
a becoming headdress ofptnk tulle anu
Madame Huugc entertained a box
fiarty of young people and with Mrs.
Icalc In her box wore Viscount and
VixcountesH de Slbour and Mr. and Mrs.
Garrison McCllntock. Mrs. Beitlo was
In Rt-ay and silver brocade with a gold
headdress studded with Jewels. Vis
countess de Slbour nolo a lovely gown
of turquoise blue velvet with u head
dress of velvet of tho samo shade,
studded in peutls anu finished with a
tullo veil.
There was much visiting from box to
box. and tho Russian Ambassador and
Madame Bakhmetcff had a constnnt
sit earn of callerx duiing the evening,
among them Mr. de Dlaghlleff. Later
they went behind tho scenes accom
panied by guests from several of tho
other boxes, and held a moment's chat
with the principals of the ballet.
Plays National Anthem.
As the President entered tho theater
accompanied by Mrs. Wilson tho audi
ence stood, nnd tho great orchestra,
filling more than three times the space
usually allotted, stood facing the Presi
dent's box, whllo It played "The Stnr
Spangled Banner."
.tpplauso followed as the President
and Mrs, Wilson took their seats.
Their gucuts Included Mrs. William 11.
Boiling, Miss Bertha Boiling, and Miss
Others In the audience were Rear Ad
miral and Mr. Clovzcr, Miss Beatrice
Clover, Mm. .mil llaitlctt. Miss Caro
line Ogdcn-Joiics, Mrs. James Harlan,
Miss Laura Harlan, Miss Georgia Seho
field. Mls Hemlo K'bbey, Mr. and Mrs.
Fleming Newbold. Lawrcnco Townscnd,
and Miss Rotallo Sonng,
To Visit Parents. '
Mrs. Henry E. Jenkins, wife of Dr.
Jenkins, U. S. N.", Is expected to arrive
In Washington about the mlddlo of
April for a short visit to her parents.
Dr. and Mrs. James Duncan Gatcwood.
Dr. Jenkins Is attached to the New
Hampshire, which will go from Norfolk
to Philadelphia cany in April. Mrs,
Jenkins, who has spent the winter I
The Unequaled
Used and Endorsed
By Thousands
GuarantMid to Temova
tn, frccUci, plmpjti, Ilrer
1 Ml 1
spot, etc. Extreme ci about twenty
day. Rids pores and tlu ol impuri
ties. Leaves the (Ida clear, toll, healthy.
Tu SlMM.BOe, and $1.00
Bit Toilet Counters or Mall
NUadTogetCMaB7, rrKT..UJX
TTioto hy Harris St KMtis
Noifolk, will join Dr. Jenkins In Phila
delphia, slopping hpru en touto North.
She will bo accompanied by her small
daughter, Miss Anne WyUi Jenkins.
at Luncheon.
Mrs. Frederick Ufflngcr entcitalncd
at luncheon yesterday and the day be
fore, having on each occiydon sixteen
Tho table was charmingly decorated
with pink sweet peas, maidenhair fern
and pink Dorothy Perkins roses trailing
from a tall silver vase to the corners
of the table.
Mrs. J. M. Culp has cards out for a
bildgc party April 5. to meet Mrs. Fred
crick Marsh.
Mrs. Marsh, who was formerly Mrs.
Frank Freeman, has but recently re-
Ml -unridlnc trln which
marriage to Captain Marsh In mldwln-
ter' -4.-
Miss Josephine Page has arrived from
PlUladelphla, where she Is studying
art. and la the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs.
William Nelson Page for a weik or ten
Says we must make kidneys
clean the blood and pimples
Plmnles. sores, and bolls usually re
sult from toxins, poisons and Impurities
which aro generated In the bowels and
then absorbed Jnto the blood through
the very ducts nhlch should absorb only
nourishment to sustain tho body.
It Is tho function of the kidneys to
filter Impurities from tho blood and
cast them out In the form of urlno. but
In many Instances tho bowels create
moro toxlua nnd Impurities than the
kidneys can cllmlnato, then tho blood
uses tho skin pores as the next best
means of getting rid of these Impurities
which often break out all over the skin
in the form of pimples.
Tho nuicut wuy to clear the skin ot
these emotions, says a noted authority.
Is to gel from any pharmacy about
four ounces of Jad Salts and take a
tablcspoonful In a glass ot hot water
each morning before bical'.f.ut for one
week. This will prevent tho formation
of toxins In the bowels. It also stimu
lates the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing them to filter the blood of
Impurities and clearing the skin of
pimples. ...
Jad salts Is Inexpensive, harmless, and
Is made from tho acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with llthla. Here
you have a pleasant, effervescent drink
which usually makes pimples disappear;
Cleanses the blood and Is excellent for
the kidneys as well. Advt
Will Surely Please You
1325 F
1 1 HOHgHAMfiomJT
European Plan. Fireproof
Washington's Most
Exclmive Hotel.
Noted for its cuisine
and perfection of
individual service.
a. 8. DOWNS, Hapager.
Number, of Interesting Par
ties Attend Nf tabic Func
tion'. The dinner dance al the Army nnd
Navv Club wan one of the notablo
events of last vnln? nnd was marked
by several Interest Inc parties.
Malor nnd Mrs, Jnmex A. Shlnten en
tertained In compliment to the"lr hnuso
guest. Mrs, Clay Brown, of Stamford,
Conn. Those nfked trt meet Mrs. Brown
went Col. and Mrs. Richmond P. Davis,
Malor nnd Mn. John McAuley Palmer,
Mnlor and Mr. A- F. Caad. Capt. and
Mi. Htanlev W. Emblck. "apt. nnrt Mm.
Llewellyn Williamson. Lieut, and Mis.
Clllesple. of F.nrt Washington1 Dr. nnd
.is. nnnrr vt pii. .mi, iioneit I
Howxe. Mls Pesclp Illckey. Cn,l.
Charles Page Bry-n. Col. Eduardn Rov
brud and Major Rotert Abernclhj.
Major and Mrs. Moses Hosts.
MHjor and Mr. AnJrciv Moses .ilso
wit) hosts at dinner, having as their
guests Heuator and Mrs. heppajd, Mr.
and Mn. Cono Johnson, Capt. nnd Mr.
Oordon RoMmon, Capt. and Mrs. Wil
liam I, lliisi-. t'apt ami Mrs. Tenner
Ru. Cnpt. and Mi. Thomnn W. Holly
day. U'eut. Coindr. and Mrs. Gannon,
of nnnnolli. Mrr. T. C. Dawson, Cap
inln Beckl-itiii Cnilaln Kcrth and
Kdwln B. Flnlher.
Among those In another partv were
Major nnd Mrs. Robert U. Patterson,
Capt. and Mr. 8 J. Bayard Schlndel.
Major and Mrs. James A. Woodrufr,
M Woodruff Capt. and Mrs. Wlltlnm
M tchell. Capt. and Mrs. John Hodges.
Mis Coleman. Capt. and Mrs. Virgil
Peterson. Cnpt. and Mrs. ftoldthwalte,
onprisnmii r.nd Mrs. Ragsdale. Mr.
find Mm. 1. T Mann and Dr. Larklu.
Major and .Mrs Ely's Party.
Major nnd Mrs. Hanson E. Ely en
tertalneJ at dinner, having as their
guests. Major and Mrs. Palmer Pierce,
i-oi. minis LKine. i . s. ji. f . and Mrs.
Lane, and Major and Mr. William 1.
Jackron. '
Among others dining and entertaining
were Commander and Mrs. Herbert U.
Sparrow, Commander and Mrs. James
O. Richardson, Dr. and Mrs. Edward
H II. Old, Ccmtnander and Mrs. Har
vey Tomb, Mrs. Joseph F. Etter, Miss
Aiken, Miss nush-Brnwn, Miss Alice
Bheuard. f.ltiutcuant Fisher. IJetit. Paul
Uastecto, Dr. Robert Sheehan, and Wal
lace iirynnt
- -
Wallaces Are Hosts.
Assistant Attorney General and Mrs,
allace entertained a smalt dinner
patty at the Shoreham last evening.
.Mr. and Mr. F. I). Potter, of Glenn
Kldge, N. Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. U V.
Kplnd. ot New York, arc at the Hliore
linm Hotel.
Others at the Hhoreham are Mr. nnd
Moobwarb a Xotbrop
Tomorrow Afternoon
Beginning at Twb O'clock
You Are Invited No Admission Charge-
This is a good selection of Records from a Library that
is complete with every good record that has been made.
(Natlxc Hawaiian Melodies
KII.IMA WAI.T7. (Hawaiian Guitars)
Ky I'alle K. Lua David K. KhIII.
I.OVKVS UltKASt AFTI'-Il TIIK UAI.L. (A. Czibui--v
ka, op. .158). (Violin, Cello, and Harp.)
l)lti:M VISIOM, Intermezzo (Curl Stlx, on. J-1"73"
1.18). (Violin, Flute, Cello, and Harp with
IJolis.) J
A I.ITTI.i: ni'I" OK HKAVK.X ("Suie They Call-I
It Ireland"), (from Olcott'H "The lloait of i-00132
Paddy Whack"). Qeoigu MucParlune. J
MOTIIKR MACIIItr.i: (from "Harry of Bally-l ,,,,
moro ). jonn AicAJormacic.
N HOOD" (I'm t 1),. (Hmltli-i .
r KIkIH Opej-a Company. l,-,.
N HOOD" (Part II). (Smith- f3"-'
si' L,Ik1U Opera Compam. .J
wu iuti'iij. iciur
do Koven). Victor
(Including: "Goodbye Girl, I'm
I ni 1nrti.' V'lfl.n. IfllltnMH
..u ...uuii, ... .'iiilli,'
Berlin), (IucludlnR the "Syncopated Walk"
and "Settle Down In a One Horse Town").
Victor Military Band. J
JKSUS, I.oVKn. OK 111V soil. (Refuce), (Charlesi -
Wesley-Joseph P. Holbrook),
ititiOM-rino Quartet
Bella flcrlla
tin itniinn)
Borl-Jacoby-McCormack-Wer- J-89080
Hits from the Passing Show of 1915
By Hilly Murray.
SIV niir.A BIAID, Duct. James
I'ourth floor, Klevcnth street.
Boy Scouts, Attention
Tli a Cutlery and otliei Outllt'i
needed by thu Boy Scout on his
lilkcj thiuuRlr the woods nnd
camitlnir und outlne epedltlonj
are nn salo In tho Sportlm; Goods
Hoy Scout llatchctti with fheatha 11
Jloy Scout Kmipsacka ?1.M
Hoy Bcout Pen Knives H.00
lluii Scout Cook 1!U 75c
Hoy Scout C'unteeiu SOo
A Cnniern Is a useful nnd sen
slblo part of the Hoy Scouts' out
ilt with ono ho can tuko record of
uverylhlinr ho wants. Hastman
lias just put out mi. dels especially
adapted to Boy Seouls' ue $1.23
to $1.00 each.
IftRNtiuau'M Koiink und Cnniern
in .1 very I a pro shuwlnr; with
lieBit tllins fur every size. Filnit
dovtdoped, printed, mounted, and
enlarged; satisfactory work.
Hoys' and Mrn'M Wnrxlnl Jer-
". fur pryinnusluiri and outliiK
li.ii'p.iaes. Win in and Unlit wclcht
-color. navy. Kir en. may, and
u.atuon; $1.5 ( tu $:'.2i each.
Kuuttli Floot Center.
H. Albert, of New York! Mr.
nnd Ml. V. M WI.Hcnmtt. of Atnhorst.
Mass.: Joseph Thropp, of Earlston, Pa,;
Air. and Airs. WalKer Hpencor, or Now
tlnvon. and Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Hall Mc
cormick, who aro spending some days
In Waimlngton on their way to their
homo In Chicago.
Aim. John 8. Mwrence, of Boston, Is
expected to f.rrive In Washington to
day to join Mr. Lawrence at tho Shore
ham. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Musscy will bo
at homo Informally March 30, from 4
to 0:50, at her residence. 1418 Fifteenth
street noithwcst, In honor of the Ellon
Spencer Musscy Tent Daughter of Vet
erans. Till Is tho only tlnw Mrs. Mus
ey will be at homo this season,
Faces As Fair As
A Summer's Bay
Are Possible If Stuart's Calcium
Wafers Arc Used for n Short
Time After Each Meal.
Many neonle have hien heard to say
that they used creams and lotions for
years without effect, yet after five pr
six days of Btuart's Calcium Wafers
their complexions wero perfectly clear.
l Uot nid of IllnekhmiU In a Jiffy
by Ualaic ntuart'a Calcium Wafers."
They contain no poisonous drug -of
any kind, are perfectly harmless and
ran be taken with absolute freedom,
and, they work nlmost like magic. Cal
cium Sulphide, their principal Ingredi
ent, Is the greatest blood-cleanser known
to science.
No matter how bad your skin may be,
8tuarl's Calcium Wafers will quickly
work wonders with It. It's good-by to
blackheads, pimples, acne, bolls, rash,
eczema, and a dirty "flllcd-up". com
plexion. You can get a box of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers nt any drug store at
cents a box. and you will be posi
tively delighted with their wonderful
effect. Advt.
Free Trial Coupon
P. A. Stuart Co., 30.1 Stuart
Hide, Mnrnhnll. Mlcb. flend ma
at once, by return mall, a frco
trial package of Stuart's Calcium
ir. H.
r1 PBBnlrBBH
its- 'BKr
Giovanni Martineilli
In the Auditorium
) No.
j 17701
I'll ICC
1),. (Smith--)
9 1. 25
(Ivan Caryll).-.
Through" und
Trn I IrvlnL- (-3
r- U720
t,uuiHe Homer- 5-87200
dell nmori'l
1 9 l.oo
ltced J.
V' 17812
New in the Toy Store
Box of Inflatable Toys, for 25c
Lots of tun with one of theso
now boxes of luttntnblc Toys, and
tho prlco is so llttlo that you will
surely want ono for your boy or
girl. Kivo aeparato toys hoot
all, t'tinchlng Hau, Vnlvo Bal
loon, Whistling Balloon and Air
ship. All aro easily Inflated with
tho breath; mado of exceptionally
strong and tough rubber.
Peter Rabbit Bean-Bags, 50c
A very appropriate article for
Foster, and ono that can be used
indoora or out pleasurable nnd
nfforda exercise. Covered with
leather und decotated In t'etcr
Unbblt designs.
Bed Time Dolls, 50c.
Alado of decorated leather, and
each ono In sanitary filmed hasr;
nn appropriate Uastcr gift for tho
young baby.
Theso are n few of tho new
playthings which tho Toy btoro
gntherH ns diligently now ns nt
the ClulstinHH season new and
small In price.
1-ourth lloor, T street,
Washington's Fastest Growing Department Store
Store Hours: 8:45 A. M.
Leaders Then. Established I860. Leaders Now.
Rebuilding Sale
The Record Business of This Great Mer
chandise Event Is Without a Parallel!
Necessity forces us to .make room to accommodate the depart
ments from our 8th Street Annex, which is soon to be razed to the
ground. Every department' must givfc; up its quota of room and
every department manager has rcceivVd orders to reduce stocks
regardless of sacrifices. Therefore it hehooves'you to buy PLENTY
and OFTEN.,, availing yourself of these Ion prices, which in most
instances arc lower than the wholesale market cost to'day.
Buy Your New Spring Hat Tomorrow
l,000Beautiful and Exclusive Models
Worth From $8.50 to $12.00
At $5 and $7.50
A wjiiloilut vatlofy of ewry
kind tljat u Vi Oman's hcait
could wlxh Tiicio nro lit ere.
Heml-DrcKs and Tallnicd Hal.i
effretlvcly trlmmod with wlics,
uullls, OKtrleh feathers. Imita
tion Koura, ilowora nnd ribbon.
Thero aro Bailors. Oval and
Sdilaro Crowned Hats, with
fotchlnir turns and twists of
the brim. Bound Hat, toq, as
well ns quite small and close
flttln;; Quaint I'uko Bonnets of
demure style Drooplnij Brim
Hats that sucgest helmets.
All arc simple hut very smart
ly trimmed. These Huts wero
made to sell at from W.M to
$12.00. An exceptionally attt ac
tive assortment thaj aurpnstes
all ethers at such extremely
low prices,
Hats for
Matured Women
All Hats Trimmed
Second Floor Lnnsburgh & Bro.
Rebuilding Sale
Don't Miss This Opportunity to Buy
Dress and Tailored Blouses at $1.98
Rebuilding Sale
A New Assortment of
Fancy Mesh Veilings
All the very newest effects In
Fancy -Mesh Veilings await your
nppioviCr- Colors aro black, white,
brown, taupe, navy, purple, and
magplo effects.
At 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 a yd.
The Very Latest Novelty
Maline, Chiffon and Organdie
Neck Ruffs
Dame Fashion says- "You must
wear onn of these dainty neck llx
Ings to kIvo tho correct finish to
the new spring suit." Wo are
showing nn unlimited variety.
At 50c, $1, $1.50 and $2.50
New Boudoir Caps, of net and
laco combinations in pin it,
bluo nnd lavender. Very
specially priced at....
Main Floor I-ansbursh &Bro.
Rebuilding Sale
A Special Purchase of
Children's Sample Coats
Sizes up to 6 -years,
values up to $5.00, at
Beautiful Shcpheid Check Coats,
with cnibroldeted silk collars. Wool
terncs in stylish tailotcd models, othen
with "mbioldcrcd plquo collars. Many
pretty styles nnd In the wanted col
ors for sprmu. Every one an excep
tional vnlue that every mother should
profit by.
Children's Dresses
Children's Dresses, made of fine
duality pl'iuo tn pink and bluo stripe
effects, finished with embroidered
white collar, belt nt wnlst and trim-
mea with crochet hut
tons. Sizes - to 6 years.
Valuo to fl.'jS, Cholco ut
Children's Hats
Straw and Milan hemps, all the new
shapes in white and all wanted spring
color, prettily trimmed with velvet,
7"' ' and "Mowers. Very special,
At $1.95 and $2.95
Third i'loor Lansburgli & ttro.
to 5:30 P. M. Daily
Mourning Hats
a Specialty
Free of Charge
They Are Regular $3.00 "
A special purchase at n big
pri::o concession brings to us theso
extraordinary values, and you
should picilt by the gicat sar
Ihir. ,
Tailored Mouses, of fine heavy
itunllty cropc de chine with em
broidered collnis .vhito only all
hlnn. Silk Moukcs, of pcllent
quality, with frills and lufflcs, jiIso
tailored i.icdeln tlti! hcmstltchln?
Cholco of white, innlzo and flesh
color. All slr.es.
$5 Crepe dc Chine
Blouses. $3.50
Theso are mado of extra fine
quality crepe. Tailored mod.lj
Willi flloVH rrtl?i n.l ll.4
'with flno iearl buttons. Choice of
rose, white, malre and flesh color.
All sizes.
Second ricor LansburEh & Bro.
Rebuilding Sale
$3 Heatherbloom
Petticoats at..,..
Heatherbloom Petticoats,
in beautiful flowered effect?,
in white and dark grounds.
Choice of plaited flounce?
and small ruffles.
?5 Taffeta Silk Petticoats
At $3.95
Fine quality taffeta silk, in
plain and changeable colors,
also stripe effects. Flounces
are plaited and .Van Dyke
ruffle styles.
Thlttl Floor Uansburglt & Bio.
1 '

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