Newspaper Page Text
J' T& . 'irwXtf WEATHER FORECAST: Partly Cloudy; Warmer (Full Report on Page Two.) HOME EDITION NTJMliEIt bbO. WASHINGTON, SATURDAY EVENING-, MARCH 25, lflftG. PRICE ONE CENT. VfJJP -f" FIVE AMERICANS LOST ON VESSELS SUBMARINED OFF COAST OF ENGLAND SHORTAGE OF TROOPS MAY FORCE FUNSTON TO ASK FOR MILITIA Demands Pouring in From Three Border States For Protection' From Mexicans, and Gardsmen Are Needed Transpor tation Problem Serious. SAN ANTONIO, March 25. General Funston may Vt compelled to request more troops. A flood of telegraphed demands for Federal troop protection poured in upon him today from communities near the Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico border. As a result of this increasing pressure for soldiefs, it was intimated at army headquarters, General Funston may soon recommend to the War Department that a call be issued for the National Guard of the three border States, used for border patrol duty. Believing such action might alarm the Mexican people . and render more difficult the task of the American expedi tion and Mexico's de facto government, Funston, it is known, has beer! reluctant to ask for the services' of State General Funston early today, in response to repeated urgent requests from General Pershing that the Mexican Northwestern railroad be taken over and supply trains operated betwen El Paso and Casas Grandes, informed Pershing that authority from Washington to take such action has not been received. It was frankly acknowledged about headquarters that permission is anxiously awaited. With his line of communications reaching to Nami quipa on the southeast, El Valle to the south and possibly to Madera on the southwest, Pershing's need of a steady, certain, and rapid supply source is imperative. The Mexico Northwestern offers an ideal solution of the transportation problem. Taking over of the road would almost certainly mean the transfer of the border base from Columbus to El Paso. Reports of the killing of three Americans on Gibson's ranch near Columbus, N. M., by a band of 100 Villistas, were not confirmed. Major Sample, at Columbus, was urged today in an early dispatch to .secure definite informa ticfn as quickly as possible. Feeling at El Paso is such that Sheriff Edwards may ask Governor Ferguson for a detachment of State trosps to assist him in protecting the city from possible trouble with the Mexican population. Villa Escapes Dividing His EL. PASO, Mmch Si. Villa linn es caped tho trap formed by combined American and Carrania forcca near Xamlqulpa. With a largo number of his followers the outlaw Is believed tn have- reached tho San MlBiiel country. Mllltaiv of ficials expressed this belief when ic ports of a battle between Amctlcan troops and Villa's band failed to ma terialize. Villa has scattered his forces. A smalt number of his men may bo surrounded In the .Namlnulpa district from which reports persistently como thnt tho American (expedition Is closing ,nAnSthcUr""roup of Villistas set lire to Jnnos. north of tho American mnp In M&5L!?:. t vmiHtim acaln crossing tho border into New Mexico ami ktllUm twi.i American women nnd one, man. "to un-i confirmed nnd uncrrdlteil here. lie story was brouKht to tJouflim by an mi tmobllo party who received the roport from an American soldier. The numes of tho three supposed to' have been butchered by tho MoMcan tandlts have not yet been leirnert. Their bodies hnvo not b'en rccovo.-ed Another band of Vlllls'no In believed to hnvo been connected with tho wrccl: of an American troop tru n south oil Cnsat Grandes. whercv tho Mexican Noithwcstorn line 13 In General t'crsh Inn'H hands. I The enslne and several cars of cavalry re-enforcements for , Nnmliuipu wero ovcitumed near the Cuinbtos Tunnoi. I There weto no fatalities anting tho sol diers, but n number of cavalry Morses wrm Injured and had tn bo shot I The tcmalndci of tho journey was ninde otcrland, I Gen. Luis Hvrrcra, whose lumoicd tu- Trap by Forces olt to Villa proved to be unfounded BKaln became tho center of conflicting reports today. With '.'.OOO Carrnnzn soldiers Herrcra Is reported en route to Parral. Carraiua mllltnry nuthorltles. on'theiU S Permits Arm; Cartrn other hand, s.ild that He.rrera's column, c,,,,Ils rtl ,5 drgO wan sent into Houthom Chihuahua to rnicn vnia i 1110 outlaw cuts through tho I'no of Carrnnzu troops between Ch'huahua City and.Madero .Mexican Consul Uuicla, who Thurs day night rcpoited Villa surrounded near i:l Ozo and fighting with the American forces Imminent, has rceo'veil no further word of tho situation theio. Villistas havo cut the telegraph wires south of CnsuH Qrnndes. THE WIFE OF VILLA THE WOMAN WHO WAITS .luanita Villa, the wife of the man for whose capture an American army is in the field, has an American home, and American friends. What she is like and what' happened when the search for her bandit husband began is told most entertainingly tomorrow in THE SUNDAY TIMES Commander of Patrol In nfcfrirt of FJ Paso CopyrlKht. Undtrwood &. I. mlarwnoil COL. CHARLES W. TAYLOR, ICE FOR D.C. EMMS --. n. Federal Commissioners Indorse Tinkham Bil lat Conference With City Heads. The Civil Service Commission today Mronsly endorsed the Tlnlsltnm hilt nuthorliing tho President to place all District of Columbia employes under the civil service and clnsslOed scrvlco Tho commission's cndotsrinent wb itlven after a two hours' conference, hold with Commissioners N'cwinp.u and Kijtz. nnd Congressman Tlnkhani. of l!oton The Tinkham bill was referred to the District Commissioners by tho District Committee, which Is considering the mensure. The Commissioners availed themselves of tho first opportunity to ascertain tho sentiment of tho Civil Service Commis sion to tho bill. Naval Committee To Grill Daniels Secretary To Go Before Body Next Week to Defend His Administration. Secrcfiry Daniels will go before tho House Naval Affairs Committee next week, to Intend his administration of the Nay Department. Members of tho oommlltco hostllo to Mr. Daniels uro expecting a lively ses sion. They hnvo warmed tho gfiit nnil huve promised themselves and their trlenda a plcasuroablo tlmo toasting him. Congieman Urlttou of Illinois and others of tho eo-mmlttco tneir questions all prcpaied. Tho Secretary will bo called on to an swer every criticism ilm.'d at nun ty tho naval exports, and out or his own mouth his foes hope to prove tho asser tion or Admiral Bradley Kirtko, that the Secretary ot the Nwy fihould either bo f.'.ik'Bed or muzzled, or eliminated. Chnlrmnn Lemuel P. Padgett, or tho committee, will be the Secretary's chlor defender. To Be Shipped to Mexico Mexican Ambassador Deslgnato Arre dondo todny arrangeil with Secretary Lousing for the rolrnso of a cargo ot ammunition on tho ship Monterey nt New York. The vessel was to have sailed for Vera Cruz yesterday, hut Wns held up b cus tom's authorities. a i I i I FAVOR CIVIL SERV IE REPUDIATES HUSBAND HELD FOR ITS i Mrs. 1Vaite Now Declares, "1 Him. I Want to See Im Punished." TELtiS HOW. MOTHER DIED J' Says 'Accused Dentist Gave Her Medicine, and She "Never Woke Up." OIANP ItAPIDS. Mich. Mnieli Z, -C ork Louise Peck Walte. wife of I'r A Wurmen Wnlte. who until yeslerdnx was n stanch defctidct of her husband, turned nsalnst him today. Vp tn Friday morning. Mrs. Walto , had not be'en shown newspaper accounts I of tho tragedy and on Thursday through Intimate friends hc had tried to com ntunlcate with her husband by long dis tance telephone. When confronted with the New Yojk Authorities' proof of her husband's pur chnsn of arsenic nnd the existence of the "other woman" she biokc down to day. "How could ho have done It?" sho sobbed. "Arthur, I hate him. I want to sea him punished. Iln took from me mv mo titer and father and they say he 4 planned us WU me. I believe them, it MS ttrrriMev . . . Sho men loiu wo siory 01 me ucain of hot1 mother. 'Mother wns not feeling well tho nlRht before she died," sho said. "Hho was restless, and nftor I nnd retired Ar thur went Into her room and gnve nor some medicine. .Mother never woko up. Hho Just slept until she died. I was m bed asleep when Arthur cumo In nnd nwakened me. lie told mo mother had died. He was nlono in tho room with her nt the tlmo." Mrs. Walte made a new will following her repudiation of her husband, in which ho wns rut oft entirely. Ktcps already have been tnken to tie up n joint bnn'c account In tho names of both Mr. nnd Mrs..Walto in New York. Dr. Waite Sees Death In Chair in Poison Case NEW YORK. Mnrch S3 With Dr. Arthur Wnrrcn Walte, fnshlon-plnte, von b vnnt and globe trottor, a prisoner (Continued on Pago Twelve.) CONTINUES CASE OF E E Men Charged Wilh Illegal Entry Said to Elect Trial on Charges. Cnnble to prepare their defense tor tihil todny. Mnnon I.. Howes and J. K. Klllott. sustH'ndert members of the po lice "vice Kiund,'1 churged with unl iw-, fully entcilng the Ijomc of Mrs. Iloao Kcnnett, 31S Relnwnro iivemio iorthcast, pioimed n conllnuanoo until next j Wednet-dnv In iollte court todai. How en will be represented by Attorney A. A. BliT.ey, and It I, Williams, assis tant In the cfflcn of tho Plstilct Cor poration Counsel, will lc-fend Klllott. Asslitant District Attorney linlph OIncii who Will prosecute the rase, agreed to a continuance. Tho Government' (attorney wilt be advised Wertneiilay as to what mode of trial will be demanded by the accused officers Tim men cllher can request h trhl by jury or nlnco their case bo loro J ud co James I'ugli nlonc. The defendantn nlso are privileged to rresent a motion to Mimsh the Infornia tifn. but li Is iindervtood that they will elect to go to trial m tho iharce preferred. POISONING PAREN UP NDD roue Explorer Marooned Near the South Pole SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON. RELIEF SHIP TO GO fflB SHACKLETON Hasty Preparation Made to Search for the Marooned Arctic Explorer. LONDON. March 13. Hasty arnnse ir.ents for the fitting ofU of n relief ship to go In seanii of Lieutenant Bhvlclc tun's Antarctic expedition were bein n'ade today, though the fate of Shaclt'e ton nnd other members of hU party war In doubt. The Now Zealand authorities wcte urged by mblo again to attempt who les communication with the shin Au rora, which first reported tho Shackle ten party In peril. ' Tho Aurota's wireless mcsingp was badly g.irblru In tiausmlsslon. Wife Is ConGdcnt. Ladv S.iacKhton nn'I his exulorer friends pieu-ss confidence that Lieuten ant Shackleton and hlB nion will icturn alive. They believe Simtkletun b this time, cither has .ibanJoncd h s attempt to cross the I'olt-i sens fiom tho A uth American side, uiui Is ioturnln to IK'Uiios Ainu, rr that he U already safely ocr the iouth Pole and will aouii Join Captain McJntosh and his men nt Uipe CrnMcr Antarctic fowls will simply the fiaity with food If their lallrma run thort. Polar exports declaic. Only biie'f dlspiuches, telllir. of the disaster tc the Nexi Xe.1l11.1t patty of the Shackleton expedition, huvo reuchej London. Accaiiillng to thesei illspatcren, tho All roia broKe ndrlft from lyi inomlnjfs last Mnv doling a violent hllrzard. Cant Mcintosh with eight men, was nshore at that time mtnMIs '"n:: a fold depot nnd rngnsed ii nelinlv ext.lon llimH. The Auiorr iliiflei nortliwaid hi tlie pn k lee for ten months, coveting a ll(.inri of l.jfXi miles 'ler rudder was t-nnpned ofl. but nf te i iMfltnfc fioe tii Ice (lelel, tho new constructed u tcm pinnry steering gear. Ship May Return. Unless the dnmnge ic tho Aurora wan too seere. It Is the tight posslbln sho may bo In condltlor to re urn to tho tellef of the Mcintosh patty. If u tellef rhlp is Mtcd oJt at unce, It may reach Cnpo Ctozler and escipo bofmo whiter nt the -'o.tlh Polo, comiit? In Juno nr.d Jul. clcnn the lco butler aealn It Is trost proWible, however, that ni relief fhltt will reich tho Capo until KXt r-ecmnhei unions tho Aurora lh in shape to return. Admit Trying to Poison His Wife Negro Pleads Guilty, Confessing He Mixed Arsenic With Bluckbury Cordial. Charged with intent to kill his wife. Martha II. Ilrooku, bv mingling at settle with blackberry cordial, Hut ry n. Itrooks, rolotcd. pleaded guilty In tho Police Court today, nnd wan held for tho grand lury In J5.CU0 bond. ' Prool.s. who lives nt 41 D stroet south east, whm rested early today by Da teiilvcs i vleu nnil Urudley, of the Tenth pro 'n't, Uetei liv HonUn it.ij's tho woman brought I ' a bottlo of wine soveinl days ago. She toM turn, ho says, that It had hj " Hm to her with a note, bearing 0 nnnw of n old friend. Her suspicion'. W'i moused before sho drank any H t'. mi1 h)io naked the po lice to l.vtut. Tho be-' of w'.' was analyzed Jty the Ulst '.' ol'ViiL found to contain poison i.. o fru: was obtained for tho nni.t oi 4kt'who lias been separate I from Blfl Wfe. U. S. OFFICIALS FEAR COMPLICATIONSOVER NEW U-BOAT ATTACK Renewal of Submarine Terrorism Indicates Possible German Decision to Disregard Promises to Warn Enemy Merchatmen, Officials Admit. At least five American citizens are reported to have lost their lives in what appears to be a revival of Ger many's campaign of submarine terrorism. Four of these are reported missing from the British Dominion liner Englishman, which, an official dispatch to the State Department today asserts, was torpedoed off the British coast; At least one more American is missing in the list of survivors from the British Channel steamer Sussex, re ported to have been torpedoed off the French port of Dieppe. Elizabeth Baldwin, of Philadelphia, daughter of the man believed lost, was severely injured by the ex plosion. . - CONFIRMATION LACKING. Although official confirmation of the attack on the Sussex Is lacking at the State Department, officials believe the reports to be true. Gravest apprehension has resulted. It is realized that if investigation proves that the two ships, or either of them, met the fate of an unwarned attack, the most serious complications are likely to result. It will mean, officials admit, that Germany, availing herself of the opportunity afforded by the complications of the Mexican situation, has definitely decided to cast to the winds all past promises to the United States, and to pursue relentlessly her intention of attacking all enemy merchantmen without warning, and regardless of the human freight they may be carrying. Four U. S. Citizens Believed Killed On Liner Englishman Oftiilal confirmation was -ecolved at the State Department today of the filnllni; of the Crltlsh Dominion liner rngllshniau oft the northern coast of I'-ugland. Vt least four American citlrens, all members of tho crew, are believed to have been killed. They nre: Peter McDonald, horse foreman. 53 Cherry rtrtet Uoblen. P. I3'tll;Icy, hoi soman, address un Unown. M A. Uuike, horseman, address un known. Cleorge McDonald, trimmer. 37 Com mon, Lawrence, Mass. The depattmcul mado public tho of lleial text of a tcport from UnltoJ Suites Consul Aimsttong, at Bristol England in which the flat statement Is made that the vessel, ivitivntVI bound for Portland. M. wns torpedoed. Accotdlnir to the Iltillsh cmbussv here tin Hngllshmnn was unarmed. The offlolnl roport wns n follows: "Dominion lino steamer Dngllshman tContlmied on Second Page.) Call The Times You can get the result of the Wil-lard-Moran Contest ,by calling The Times, Main 5260. "The bout is call ed for 9:30 o'clock and if it lasts 10 rround? will finish about 10:30. V.. i 4 V- -J- One American Lost On Channel Ship; Three Saw Torpedo By JOHN H. HEARLEY, United Press Staff Correspondent Aboard Steamer Sussex. OOULOONK (via Paris), March M. One of the twelve Amcrlcuns known to haio been aboard tho channel liner bus- sex, believed to havo been torpedoed in crossing tho channel yesterday after noon, is missing and believed to bo lost. UllzabcUi Baldwin, of Philadelphia, scvoicly injured and her father reported Three American passengeis agree that they saw a torpedo. It Is estimated that titty or the Ju pasiengera lost their lives, though It ts possible somo woro picked up nnd taken Into other port. Tho Sussex left Folkestone shortly nft er noon yesterday under excellent weather conditions, mid was neating the ! tench port of Dieppe when she was struck. I was convctslng with other Americans among my fcllow-passcngcrs when an explosion suddenly shook the whole ship. Lifeboat Destroyed. One of the Sussex's lircboats was blown off by the fotco of 'the explosion, and splinters sent hurtling high Into tho nlr. At the same time n fountain of wn ter dnshed over tho side of theihlp It wosv about 4:30 oclock when the Sussex wias struck. Many passengers were standing near the rail watching tho outhno of tho French coast when tho explosion rocked tho Sussex Several wero hurled violently Into the wator and It was among these thut tho casualltlos occurred. Boats wero put over tlio side at once but I was told that several persons who were gathered near tho tall previous to the explosion wero not picked up. Tho sussox listed badly Immediately after the explosion ond It was fonred for a few minutes that sho was about to sink. As the steamer settled, panic hroko )U aboard, particularly among the women and children. Officers ran about cnlmnliitr tho passengors, and In a few minutes tho vessel uppoarcd to right herself. The survivors temnlned nbonrd tho Sussox until 11 o'clock Inst night when most of them were taken off by tho Theresa. V0 were landed here calls todny. The explosion ocputred forwntd of tho ship, wounding many persons Tho wlrclosj house was shattered and for this reason it was Impossible to summon I