Newspaper Page Text
w 'r?j, ffapHpir to THE WASHINGTON TIMIjS: SATURDAY; MARCH 25: 1910. ' Cardinals Are Playing Attracts Almosts at Alexandria Fans See Rookies t' wriW? ALTROCK'SALMOSTS BAHLE CARDINALS DOWN RIVER TODAY Washington Fans Have Chance to See New Players in Action on Diamond. JO PLAY AT CLARENDON Old Fox Gives Judge, Rondeau, and Jamieson Long Drill in Game's Fine Points.. Today Washington fanii have their first opportunity of seeing Ed Ohnrrlty, Charlie Humphries, Sam Glttlngs, and Jimmy Parka In tlio uniforms of tho Grlrfmen, for Nlcl; AttrocU's Almosts are spending the afternoon toying with the Cardinals at Alexandria, and n large squad of dycd-lp-the-wool fana went down the river Just to ace how the newcomers Impress thorn. The fair weather of the past few days has stirred up interest In baseball, and tho fans Just cannot wait till next Wednesday's appearanco of tho Old Fox and his clan at Florida avenue. President Sylvester Brccn. of the Cardinals, has been working hard to have everything In good condition for today's game, and the fana found the park clean and shiny. 8peclal cara ran even' ten minutes nftcr 1 o'clock to care for tho fans. Doc Ayers. Jack licntlcy. Hum tilt tings, and Charlie. Humphries, tho weo southpaw, arc expected to do tho hurl ing for tho Almosts, opposing Blschoff, Blanton. and Rlsdon. Nick Altrock lias been Invited to of ficiate as umpire, and with Carl Saw yer's coaching antics to assist hltn, tho big league funny man ought to have a "largo day." Following Is today's line-up: Altrock's Almosts. Cardinals. Sioeller, cf , Bauer, 2b Sawyer, 2b Degnan, 3b Uarber, rf Snowdcn, If II. Milan, If Merchants, lb Shanks, as McBrlde, cf Park?. 3b Sweeny, rf "Wllllanis, lb Purdy. ss Gharrity, c... '...... Glovanncttl. c Ayera. p Cornell o Bontloy. p Blschoff. p Olttlngs, p niunton, p Humphries, p Rlsdon, p. Tomorrow Altrock's AlmoHts will en tertain another bjg crowd of Capital fans at Clarendon, Va tackling the nowly organized Alexandria County A. A. team nt Latternor's Field. This will bo tho llrst Invasion of Alexandria county by a big league ball club, und with good weather tho park on South Spruco street, Clarendon, should bo taxed to its capacity. A reception committee composed of Peter Lattcrner, J. R. Jones, M. K. Crutchley. T. D. Torreyson, and II. C. Ball, will meet tho big leaguers at Florida avenue, and tnko them to tho Clarendon park In automobiles. A band will discourse popular airs during tho afternoon. Tho game Is expected to start promptly nt 2:30 o'clock. Manager Bill Malonc, of tho Alexan dria County A. A., will liuvo tho fol lowing men In action: Murphy, first base; Llmorlc, second base. King, shortstop; Zanelll, third! base; Howard, left field: Bolen. center field. Tlllet, right field; Davison, catch er: Wyntt Lee, Boswell, Colley and! Smith, pitchers. CHARI.OTTUSVI1.LI3, Va., Mnrcli 23. ' For two hours this mi rnlng Teacher j Griffith instiuctcd the three rookies, who arc conceded to liuvo a chance to stick with the club this season, in the HClenco of base running and bane steal- , ing. The CM Fox had Judge. Kandea-i nnd Jnmlcsou under his personal tutelage ' nnd ivcnt Into every detail of tho busl- i ness of lending on bnaas, delnycd, ! Btralght, double- and triple steals. Some ' or tlic older pluyers, such no Milan and Morgan wero i.scd an models. Tho 'bluff play," by the runner on third in which tho catcher l sbluffea Into tlirouliiL- tn thlril ImmirikI nf .., i permitting the runner on first tn git to . by urirmii, and owry phase of base running and the business of scoring thoroughly explained. Meanwhile, a long batting pructlc was enjoyed by the nthura In cntrp and the hits wero made, the Uue0 students in base running and j-teaUng were al lowed to ndvnnco as far na they could. Today a gamo between tho Alrendva nnd AVcInlaiiH is on the prnctlco menu. Wal'cr Johnson, who fnllod to start In Thursday's gamn against tho collegians, has Leon promised as the pitching nominee for at least throo innings, and behind him will probubtv como Beit Oallla. Sunday a short work-out Is to bo held In the nftcr non, and another conflict with Virginia may bo arranged or Monday. Tho playera appear glad that the tlmo la approashln to thow ;thclr heels to C vllle. as tho stay has been durl except when tho athletes wero "actually on tho Held. No end of Interest today centers in the Wlllnrd-.Mornn championship fisht nl Now York tonight, and dlsriwslon as tn tho merits and chnnoes of tho two pugilists was rife among tho ball play era all duy Tho consenxua of opinion Hccms to Indicate, that Willard's chances for losing In ten rounds nro allght nlthnugh Frank Moran has several friends here. Word that Joo Rngcl, who wa with tho GrllTiuun hero three ycurs, hna been married was received by Walter Johnson nt noon yesterday. Tho news was a surpibio to the men ns well ns Clark arlfflth, nnd they sent a Inlnt telegram to tho aung pitcher, wishing lilm well and congratulating him upon his very senslblo step. "t Frltlay proved to bo ns warm a day ns has blessed tho encamped players, and two sutlsfuctory practice games were sandwiched between menls. In tho morning the Alrcadys lost by 3 to -', nnd ln the afternoon tho song was roverscd, the children having been punished to the extent of 11 runs to 1. Allen Dahlcn has been rolcascd out right by Clark Griffith. Tho boy failed to Show enough pitching class to please the O, F.. and today he goes directly to his homo in Sheffield, Pa. - Kddle Foster will not go to Wash ington with the last detail of Griff men on Tuesday, hut will today slip off to Richmond where he In to mnke Arrangements for the games between MINCE PIE "LITTLE OF EVERYTHING." By "BUGS" BAER. waxw "The Nation als expect to come home in first palace." Would mke O-ronlmo emerald with envy to sea the paleface scalpers at work. Looks H If If nlll tii rh.iiM!. tn sprinkle the wet basellnea with Cor- ranza money than sawdust. Advli batters to look up their political connection- as It Is sotng to take a lot of Influence to get t first base on Walter John son, I t If Moran Is really sincere about copping the championship, It Is very stylish nowadays to put something in the other guy's soup. I I Wall Street experts predict h bottom will oon drop out of the Wtllord-Moran ticket boom. Minus Speaker, Manager Carrigan'n outlteld would have been Hooper, Lewis and n pulmotor. Rabid Rudolph, our left hnndod export, will pre dict tho winner of tho Willard-Moran fight on Monday. Armed Intervention is all right, but two armed Intervention is better. Aladdin would need two lamps to set Into the big rlRht tonlslit. Ill the midst of all tho Mexican and heavyweight excitement, a cycle car was run over by n reckless pedestraln. Moral support la all right, but we never aw a furnace that would toss out hrat on that diet. Although hondtennned liv tho InnciinrA Washington bowlerj won their contest In Baltimore. Populace awards Moran the battle by popular acclaim, but Wlllard hasn't signed on the dotted line yet. Answers to Quecrics. It. I. P. Don't know why tho leaning tower of Pisa leans, but it does. 7.. Z. Possibly that money was sent to the conscience fund by some short stop who batted .143 last summer. C. A. D. Thoso op armed lunch chairs, wcro designed by a right-handed architect. Might get enough left-handed Congressmen to enact new legisla tion. B. Q.-No truth to it. If llonus Wag ner was ln tho loague in '61 he would have gone to the front. B. U. M. Might ave enough to build a gnrago by filling tho gasoleno tank J with champane. , K. '.. If an affable stranger dragged you away from your Ingcrsoll you have j no comeback. The W1C rules nln't , printed yet. H. H. II. Kn Immigrant mounted on a motor cycle would ever pass tho Blnct sanity test. Cop) right. 131. by the Treti Publishing Co. TheN'ew York Evening World, COBB ABSENT, BUT SAM OUTDOES BEN Big Crowd Disappointed Not to See Hot Contest. HARM.V, Tex.. March 2.".-The much sdvertlsed battle for supremacy be tween Tv Cnhli nml Honnv .',lrr ji.i --.... ---.. .. ...IM'l .Jill not materialize when the Glant:i and 1 ugera clashed at Emerson l'urk hero. Cobb, for one reason or another, did not arrive at tho Detroit camp In tlmo to make tho trip, and tho largest crowd that ever witnessed a mine nt tho training camp of the .Vow York club was disappointed, In a measure. It was only a measure, too, for the Giants delighted tho Marlln residents by winning l.y n score of 4 to 1. Kauff hart threatened to outshlno Cobb, but ho failed to outdo Sm Craw ford, rim Wnho veteran gathered thrco hits to a brnco for tho Federal l-cnguo star. Ono of Benny's was a weak roller to Donle Bush that was too alow to be f.elded uulckly. But Kauff stole a base, which Sam failed to do, and Kauff neg lected to strike out. which Crawford did. tho second team and Hilly Smith's club next week. Meanwhile Clyde Milan will cover the third station against Virginia and one of Griff's many utility mon will go to center Held. Tlio scoro of yes torday nfternoon'H gume; Alrradys. Almosts. AH II O A E All HO AE Jaml'eon.rf 1 0 0 1 i o : Kosler.3')., llenry.c... Khaw.p. .. Uoodttln.ii. Totals .. Alrosdys . Almosts ..., II l i Harber.rf... 5 2 0 i 0 8 0 n o 0 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 n. Milan, If, l o 1 iliank,;u,. 2 0 3 Williams. n n i 1 1 II H,nwaD,2U,, 2 0 1 ftlcc.p 2 10 Totals,.. 11 'Jim j 20 1J 13 7 t . 18J fio-U ..001 0(-i Huns Jamleion 2. Kosler C. Milan Ilonucau. Morsan. Mellrliie. Hrnrv ci ui.... ami Illce. Stolen bases-Mllmi, Judite, Mor ran and Harber. Two.base till-Ilcnrv and Uhurrity. Three-bs hits I'osiur and Jamie son. Innings pitched lly Shaw. I, by (lood wln, 1. First base on balls Off Hire, 2 off Shaw, 1 Struck out-lly nice, l, by (-haw, 2, bv Goodwin, 1. Ieft on liases-Alrcadys. ; Almosls. S. Bit by pltchcr-lly Hire. 1 (Henry). Wild pitch Shaw. , Umpire-Mr. Altrock. Time of game 1 heur. ft" Jk HE CAN'T TELL WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE 'ALREACtfSX LREAWSX At , rrr H.iti wyi IF GfciFFS PLAYERS VJOQ.E MASKS HE WOULDNT KNOW WHICH TEAM TO CHOOSE. AS HIS REGULARS FOR. (9l Ui BASEBALL SE 0 TO OPEN UP TODAY Georgetown Nine Meets St. Jo. and C. U. Tackles Gallaudet Team. College and high school baseball gets its stnrt today. Georgetown Is meeting Mt. St. Joseph's at Hilltop and Catholic Vnlvcr)lty plays Gallaudet at Brook land. The llnc'tin for the Hilltop game is aa follows: Georgetown H. Sullivan, left ncld; McCarthy, center field, (captain); Ber denla, right field: Gllroy, shortvtnp; Dempsey, nrst base: Moloney, second base; Cusuck, third base; Huger, catch: Strait, catch; Owen, pitch; Flnnegan, pitch; Murray pitch. Mt. St. Joeph-A. Hart, catch; li. Malon, llrst tuse; Snared, second base; Jj Hart, shortstop; J. Molan. (contain), third base; Gannon, right Held: Wright, center Held; Matthews, left field, Phllll for, pitch. Harry Collirtwer will umpire. Tho game Is scheduled to start nt 3:30 p. m. The llnc-up for tho C. U.-Gallaudet contest follows: Gallaudet Showe. left field; Treuke, second base;- Rockwell, shortstop; Ren dell, catcher: Marshall, first baao; Kehlcnke, center field: Plllord. right field; Rasmuasen, pitcher; Ferguson, pitcher. Catholic Unlverslty-Klllalne, first basoj Cnffrey, second base; A. Whote, shortstop; Shortley, loft field, J But ler, center field: Rogers, right eld; H. viiiiu, L-mcncr;, catcner: iraney, pitcher; Johnson, pitcher; Crocker, pitcher. Dick Woodward is sure to umpire tho game, which is scheduled for 2:30 o'clock. Central High School Is down for a game with tho Bliss Electrical School. It Is tho first engagement for both teams. Tech la tackling Episcopal High School whllo Business la Blutod to meot Brlarly Hall at Poolcsvllle. Md. The Eastcrn-St. Albans game is postponed. GEORGE SISLER MAY NOT LAND A BERTH Famous All-around Performer Doesn't Fit Into Plans. ST. I.OIUS. March M.-After nil thla talk about George Slsler, It may be sur prising to the fans to know teftit ho mnv not lnnd a rerular berth with Fielder Jones' Hrownlei thl.i year. Sltler can piny llrst r bit. ctii hold hrh own In the nutlleM. nvl he has pitched somn grcnt gamei, nt'ldy tlinso victories over Guv Morton fid i:ir Johnron InPt summer, lint ho doesn't lit into Jones' playing nchemes. This greatest dlamord proip-c mlnss slgim nt hat, a cardinal f.rult wl'h iiar.nger Jones, no iiitB at evorytirn.i. , good nnd bad balls. Ho can't aepni to pick out good ones only. Ho fan't lenrn; me nit-anu-run tricK, nor v.-hen to tilt or not to lilt. All In all, SUInr needs n minor league trnlnlng. nccordln to Flol Inr .Tona. If Armando Mnrsans fall's to lilt. His-' lcr mav get a trial In tlm nntiinM. if the Cuban delivers, though, tho former Michigan atur may sit on the bench for n aenson. Joe Engel Takes Bride And Elopes From Camp MKMPHIS, Tenn., March 25.-Joe Kngol, fnrmor National pitcher, who hns been In the trnlnlng camp here with Joe Cnntlllon'rt Minneapolis tenm, Ih reported as having oloped with MIbs Mary B. PolhnmuH, of Hickman, Ky, The couplo was married nt Union City, Tenn., and could not bo located today. Knuol, who hna boon wintering with Joo Cautlllnu nt his ranch at Hickman, Ky., for tho past two months, mot Miss Polhnmurf some weeks ngo. The hrldo Is eighteen years old, nnd Is tho daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Polhnmus, of Hickman. Outhit, Indians Win. MiW OIILHANS, La.. March M.-A1-though the Indians got but five swats to tho Pelicans' nine, Cleveland won J to a. Tho Indians clash with tho Cln clnnatl Beds tomorrow. f .r aflftv Cj ' INFIELD OUTS. "Kick" in Willard's blows is ex pected to win for ,him and the "kick-In" spectators are expected to win for he promoters. There are always two losers to a cham pionship right. The public never lni. Wall Street Note War Hbb Boost ed the Price of Paper. Pasteboard is worth from J3 to J15 per thrcc-sMuare Inches ln New York today and the market is active as Mt. Vesuvius. The champion who rlk hi crown In ten rounds li almost as brave as the lion Mho rat In ths same dn with Daniel. Standing- Heads. nKNNY KAUFF TAUvS FOR PUBLI CATION. OIANT8 NOT FOR SALE. niLLY SUNDAY HITS THE TRAIL, CUMUC GItlFFITII HAS HE3T TBASl OF HIS CAREEIC CONORESS ADJOURNS UNTIL MONDAY. Pests Wc Have Known. Imitators of Charloy Chaplin. Slot Telephones. Southern Training Assignments. KIRK C. MILLER. Boston Terriers Again Take Lead Bulldogs Making a Battle, Though, With C-'.'.'cs and Beagles Still to Come. Boston terriers, Jealous of the strides mudo by bulldogs in the tussle for the honor of having the greatest num ber of entries to the Washington Ken nel club'H big bench show, to ho held at the Washington Hiding nnd Hunt Club. April 13, 11 and 15, rushed to the front today with nine additional entries. That the bulldogs arc just aa eager is shown by the arrival of seven moro from their class. "Judging by the way the entries are romlng in, this show will bo tho best we've ever had," said Secretary Charles A. Watson today. "The Boston terriers and tho bulldogs arc now ln tho lead, but the collies and beagles will Hock ln next wook and may yet win tlio honor of having tho largest collection " The Dee Cee Kennels will hnv .!, Boston terriers In the April show, tn- cniiiing L-ouniess ueo ucc. Thomas Mooro has entered his Boton terrier. Ilose. and . J. Therrlnn'o nn iv ... nlso be shown. " Mrs. Louise Mater's bulldog, Dona, has been entered, with L. Stewart Barra High Sheriff, nnother lino bulldog. Mrs. A. F; Hramlctt will show her toy poodle, beauty, and Mrs. C. A. Watson has entered her Pomeranian. Muftlo. JHujor lMtz Woll has entcfred his col lie, Picelo II. Capt. Hlchard Uatoii'a hcnglo. bampaon, will also bo seen on nvhlhlttnn. . Vnn Hapnard. of tho Netherlands ministry, will show hla fox terrier, atlto lVggyoby OtJIob, j. c. Wcathler'fl thoroughbred bulldog, has promised to be on hand. Almost every breed of dog shown wilt tuke part In tho Washington exhibition next month. Practically ull tho moro Important nluucrs of tho recent Now Jfork. Philadelphia, nnd ufitlmo uhows will bo benched hero, Tho Washington Bo.iglo Club lias en tered more of theso popular llttlo hunt ing dogs than wen over soen togother at one tlma In , .tho Capital. Judco i'lamer. of Newark. N. J." wt liavo ?6 ahow all hla. akin in .picking tho win ners. Hntrics will close promptly at H o'clock, March 30, and the latest ruling of the Amprlcnn KonncI Club will bo strictly enforced. No post entries will be ucccptod. James' Arm Is Dead; He's Lost to Braves MIAMI, Fin., Maroh 35. If Qeorgo Stalling? and his Histon Braves de throne Pat Moran arid his Phillies as champions of tho National League this season tlio Hub City, outfit will havo to do It without tho services of Big Bill James, hero of the 10H world series. That James Is through na a pitcher appears to ho unanimous among critics nnd members of tho Braves' squad. "His arm ls'gone. BUI knows It, and we know it," said Johnny Evers today. jbsLW V AMATEURS SELECT Pick Same Board, With Two New Members, as Existed Last Season. . Tho entire list of officials of tho Ama teur Baseball Association of tho Dii trlcl will servo for nnother year fol lowing tho annual election of officers held at Spaldlngs' last night. Two now member of the board of governors. Mnior Eugene C. Bd wards and Robert Eoyle. weto elected to serve with President Robert 11. Young. B. Kdward Beach nnd Clark C. Griffith. The list of cfflclabj is ns follows: President. Mr. Robert II. Young; for vice president. Mr S. Kdward Beach and Mr. Clurk C. Griffith, for trea surer. Charlcti M. King, and Harry V. Rhurtleff, secretary. Two new memberj were elected to the board of governors, Capt. I'ugcnb C. Kdwnrds and Robert Doyle. Five leagues were represented nt the meeting, namely: Department, Govern ment. East Washington Sundny School. Potomac anil Rosedale. After consider able dlsctiMlon several changes in the constitution were adopted. Mrs. Harry V Shurtleff. wlfo of tho secretary was given a vote of thanks In recognition of her services last aen son. All of the ns.'oclatlon records wero kept by Mrs. Shurlerf who has had ronsldernbln Interest In the nmnteur baseball situation here for several yenrs. The Fmplre A r will hold a practice tomorrow at 2 o'clock nnd nil candi dates are requested to report Tho club will play all of the first eiars nines In this vicinity and Is desirous of arrang ing n many out-of-town games ns pos sible. For games, nddreas nil communl rations to Frank R. Helse, manager, 311 F street northeast. The Rosedale Baseball League Is ready for the coming season, At tho last morning of the board of directors three new teams, the Washington t'nlon Printers, Kalllpolls Grotto, and the Hill tops were nwnrded franchises. A high class of ball will be furnished the north east fans. The plavlng field Is to be remodeled, making It tho equal of any In the city. H. A. Smith, director of the nose dale Playgrounds, Is the president or the league; Hugh Reld. vice president and treasurer, and G. W. Jcx, secretary. ' First-class teams of this city and vl rlnltv desiring tames nddress Irwin M. Oensberg. W Maryland avenue nnutli west, manager of tho Alpine team. CHOOSES FOURNIER FOR FIRST SACKER Manager Rowland Also Has Mc Mullin on the Far Corner. MINERAL WELLS, Tex.. March 23. When Manager Clarence Rowland di vided hla squad for the long swing North, it wns noticed thnt he had Jacques Fournler nt first base fpr the Regulars, nnd Fred McMullln, tho Coast League recruit, nt third. Following aro tho two line-ups of tho White Sox, as they will piny the oxiilbi tlnn games from now till tho season opens: ' First team Murphy, right Held; Mc Mullln. third base: 1''. 'ollns, second base; Fournler, first base; Jnckson, lett Held; Folsch. center Held; Weaver, shortstop; Schalk nnd Lynn, catchers; Benz. Danforth, Ellcr. Williams. Ualvln, Walsh, nnd Kaber, pltchors. Second team Lolbold, center neld; Mayer, right Hold nnd catcher: .1. Col lins, loft Held: Ness, llrst base; Torry, second base; Foursch, shortstop; Mori arty, third base; Lapp and KhooK, catchers: Scott, Kusscll, Wolfgang, Clark, Clcotte, nnd Stellnrs, pitchers. Kowland declares that this division has been mudo merely for convenience, but it Is thought that McMullln mny land tho regular Job nt third, provid ing his work holds up, If ho falls down Mb Terry, anothor Coast Ixmgucr, niny bo sent to short for tho llrst team, with Buck Weaver shunted to third base. Terry la going liko a house allro nnd looks too good to drop. Connie oees Defeat. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. March i'.. Connlc Muck fuw his stay-at-home trimmed handily by the local Sally Uaguers yestuiduy, 10 to 6. Wyckofc and Weaver wcro wild. FO Jones Declares War On Jennings for Remarks ' 1 is" ! J Says 1916 Brownies Are Better Than lM&'Wfiite Sox And Will Prove It, Too Today's Sportflfrial On Live Topics Interesting to Fans. By LOUIS A DOUGHER. t ' Fielder Jones, manager of the Brownies, has declared open war on ughey Jennings, leader of tho De trolt Jungalecrs. Jones Insists that If the Brownies must beat tho Tlgors ,o land the 31 American League banner, the " world's sprlcs will be fought at flpprtamari'd.rark. w,.&ma. Hn!rurul0U sport writer EHm.,Jid...'nt0 innings and Inter viewed' him on the coming season. "uKley waa quoted as saying that the ''Brownies, with all thoso for mer Feds In tho line-up, would havo a hard tlmo staying out of last place." When this waa shown to Jones, no went Insane. Then he replied: ... JHi!t out nnl '"" Jnnlnva and tho Tlgora that tho 1916 Browns are a better ball club than tho I'M ChlcaRo Whlto Sox." shrieked Jones. If Detroit Is tho club we havo to beat, then tho world'a scries will be played at Sportsman' Pork. He Mid wo'd bo around tho bottom becauso I had too manv Federil Leaguers. What does- ho know about tho Federal League? "I'm not saying nnythlng about my Federal league players or the American Lcagucrs-I'm talking about my 1016 ball club yes, It's a better team than tho 1908 White Sox. "I'm willing to back up this stnts ment, and to prove It we're going out and lick tho Tigers." What a relief it Is to hear some thing Uko this! No more howling about injunctions. No more back biting nbout signing contracts. But a whole lot about baseball. And that's what should be said. Those St. Louis fans will simply eat up this dope about what the Brownies nnd Tigers aro going to dn to euch other on the Held. And the gate won't suffer, either. A Popular Magnate. Charlie somers was always known as ono of the moat popular men con nected with, professional baseball. Ho had friends, not only In Cleve land, but in every other city tn the major leagues, and even down Into tho minors. They all admired his gamencss, his sportsmanlike habits, his ways of doing business in base ball. But James C. Dunn, his successor, may come close to equaling Somers' popularity. Already, ln a month or so, he has become popular in Clove land and one swing around the cir cuit will probably turn tho trick In every other city. They call him "Jim" In Cleveland. Fohl Promises Rooters Indians'll Be Scrappy By LEB FOHL. Manager of the Cleveland Baseball Team. I am not making any predictions that Cleveland will see a pennant floating over Its ball park either this year or the next, but I am willing to go on record as saying that I believe that Cleveland haa a real ball team right now. I will not say whether tho team will finish in the first or second division, but 1 feel certain that these Indians of 191C will put up the scrappy kind of ball that wins th hearts of the fans. I have been ln baseball for many years, and havo never seen a bunch of players where the feeling nf good will wan so unanimous. The older players aro doing all in their power to help tho young players, instead of hampering them, aa lias been the case with so many teams where the veterans were full of tho feeling that the rookies were after their Jobs. I am satlsllcd with my Infield, outtlcld nnd catchers. The only doubts In my mind are m: to tho strength of the pitching staff, which Is composed almost entirely of young twlrlcrs who have yet to show that thev aro of big loaguo caliber, but the aro aa likely a set of young fellows as I have seen on the mound. All of them show promise of making good, und It is Impossible to tiny now which has'c tho best chance. A couplo of experienced pitchers to steady the juungstcrs would help a whole lot, nnd hope hns net yet been given up that tho Indiana mny get some added strength In that linn. Guy 'Morton Is sure to mako good. I believe the added batting strength which the team Is practically certain to show this year will help Mitchell to re gain his stride. Last season tho team was always lighting such closo game3 back of Mitchell Unit ho was pitching under n strain all tho time. IU never had a chnnco to ease up, and a pitcher under hucIi conditions Is almost cortuln to crnek sometimes. Every om: of the younger pltchcra has a chance to mako good. Klepfer looks especially good Just now. But every ono of the eleven members of tho Indians' pitching staff will gut his chanco to show what he's worth In tho weeks remaining before tho scuson opens. aundil U a tower of strength, not only on llrst, nut at bat. Ho can take tluows ut any anglo and on all sides of llrst buso, und many Inlled taps that produced errors before or went us hits because. Udders had to stop and make sure of uccurato throws will now result In outs. , Chnpmuii and Turner havo proven their worth uh tho koystono combina tion at short and second. Ivan How aid Is n tried player, nnd Joo Kviuis nnd Freddy ThomuH aro as likely look lug a pair of young third basemen as you could pick up anywhere. I don't Know myself which ono of tho thrco will be on tho Job when the bell rings opening day. Thoro Is no question III my mind nbout tho outfield. Lairy Chappclle belongs In tho big league In splta of tho fuct thnt he Didn't mako It on tho Chicago White Sox. Ho wasn't given a fair chanco theie tn show his wares. We won't steul a m'lllon bases, but theio"ll bo enough talent on tho team to keep the other fellows guessing, which wasn't the case last year Back of tin bat Steve O'Neill will And that's the way he wants to be knowniiaa plain "Jim." Thoro aro several good- points about "Jim" Dunn. Trie .first. Is that ho doesn't claim 'ony. glorlea before they're won. The second is that he doesn't believe In cHartimr more than a dollar to see his. team In Acttw 'against tho best. In the busi ness. , "We're golnjrf to try to Una a pen nant somo day,"saya"SJimV Dunn, "but that will hardly, bo this year. The team will fight fir all it can and all I ask Is that the fans' appre ciate their willingness to fight "A dollar is enough for any base ball game anywhere. While I am at the head of the Cleveland club, the fans will never have to pay mora than a dollar to see the team plar ball." No wonder Dunn's a favorite In Cleveland. Only One Today. t Only one fan arrived today with his prediction for the coming season. Hero's his dope: "Mr. U" A. Dougher, Times: "It seema to me that the fans who have written to you about the Wash ington baseball club are unduly se vere. They seem to forget that Grif fith dellverod the gooda in 1912, win ning seventeen straight, too. with a tram that was expected to b a tail-, ender. Why can't ho do the same thing again? He haa just as good a team now as he had ln 1312. "I pick Washington to finish nrst or second, if It has what you base ball writers call the 'breaks in luck.' It is sure tn be at least third, 'accord ing to the way I see things. Boston, New York, and Washington will be the first three teams. I don't knew Just how they will finish, hut. the best Detroit will bo Is fourth. The second division will be Chicago. 8t. Louis, Cleveland, and Philadelphia. "A THIRD BASE ROOTER." May13e Lost Yet. If Benny Kauff doesn't begin to do something beside talk, Johnny McGraw may manage to sidetrack htm somewhere on the way back to the Polo Grounds. New York likes .the loud talker, but he always haa to deliver. Welsh Is "Dee-lighted." Freddie Welsh is "dee-lighted" to meet Benny Leonard In a ten-roUnd bout in New York. That's where Welsh shines, facing opponents In ten rounds without decisions. That's the easiest thing the lightweight' champion does. have a pair of understudies who would do credit to any team ln either blr. league. We are going to do alt In our power to dovelop a pitching staff that' on. a par with the reat of the team, and there Is plenty of hope and Indication that this can bo done. TERRY TURNER MAY LAND HIS OLD JOB Veteran Inflelder Is Better Than Three Recruits. NEW ORLEANS, March J6.-JTeny. Turner, veteran that he Is, la better third baseman than Howard, Brans or Thomas, the throo rookies tried out here this spring, and it la not a bad bet that he will open the season at third for the rejuvenated Indians of 19K. "Turner Is still a great ball player," said Manager Fohl today, discussing the outlook for tho coming aeaaon," and I don't see how It ever came outthatWash Ington might get him. I never had any Idea of sending him to Washington In the deal for Oandll. He'd be a good 5i'fn. wtP .'or Foster, according to my thinking. H0 lays all over Morgan, be cause ho hits hotter and Is equally good nt third, ahort, nnd second." Howard and Kvans have about dem onstrated their weakness at third base, hut young Thomas Is getting better every day and may be carried for a while In tho hope of developing. Witt and Pick Look Like Mack's Regulars JACKSONVILLE. Fla., March 15. Connln Mack Is spending a lot of time grooming young Mr. Witt, from 8kow hegun, Me., to play shortstop, and he Is satisfied with results o far. Witt Was n third baseman In Maine, and Harry Davis picked him up to play third for the Athletics, but Charllo Pick has c.'.n?hed that Job for himself, and so w 'It la now performing nt short. Tho best looking newcomers with th' Mnrkmen uro Witt, tho real aurnrlsa of tho eump; Pick, at third base; Mur phy, tho Blnghamton catchre; Morris pctte, tho pitcher, and Myers, who twirled a fow good games last fall. Home Run Is Dangerous. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 25,-Au-tomobllista gave the Pirates' training grounds a wldo margin today, following a homo-run smaBh by Ervlng Kantlo hnncr tht broka up the plate glass wind shield of a passing cr.r, Speaker on His Job. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March SS.-Trls Speaker celebrated his first day In camp by driving out four hits. Including a double and a homo run, and making tin eo circus catches in ahort center- . Held. "Y" Boys Win. Tho Y. M. C. A. boys defeated' the Epiphany Chuich team by a scoro of Sfi to 3i In tho 'Y." last night ln Uie third of a series of live contests. The liplphany team has won two ot ths games played. V