Newspaper Page Text
. " ' (r'", v Vf ' -mwmm'.i&ivwmgmKmtB 12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 101(5. SCATTER, POP? a? By C. M. Payne ECOTH IAINT GoNrVA PFbr TfN LUV O? CT?EANl! LET IT Go Down AlUT VA AFl?tM"b UV DT?oPPiN' TlAT "P'E OUT TJlTJE. J! I -. , -., -- , OKI V&'R TOES ft T ' ti'J S b UJT... , fnV iciri.iixMui ) .' I 8 '".V .7Wi-sw,i;mfc,i,"V " w&rvffiWH' C A 1 ND-'Q-,p NOT l J "r ..v EArknnn.uxi It 7 fetovnHB aaaaaH HflB Cf?OiSl?OATS 3EST w Cntt. IBS, FWi IMSSI C Of. T. t WtW.) HIGH DEGREE GIVEN ' AT ALEXANDRIA Gtmf erred-With Impressiveness By Officers of Washington Lodge of Perfection. ALEXANDRIA, Vn., March .-The crowning degree of thp Lodge of perfec tion of Scottish Rlto Masonry, tho four teenth, or I'errect Kltf, was conferred with great Imprrsalveness last nlRUt uy the oitlccra ot Wushlngton memorial Lodge ot Perfection. No. H, or tlila city, upon a larKO class composln k tub spring reunion class of tho four Scot tish Rite bodies In Alexandria. There was present u largo number of members of the Rite, as well as vli.ttors Irom several Jurisdictions. Those taking part In the dcKrco worK were Arthur K. Cllft, venerable master; William Lewis Allen, senior warden: 1'orcy 13. Clirt, Junior warden; 11. Noel Uflrner, orator; Frank W. Latham, master ot ceremonies: Doyd J. Richards, expert; J. William May, assistant ex pert; Uowcll)n P. Chauncey, captain or the host. Wvery night next week will be given up to the conferring of the higher de grees by tho Scottish Rite bodies, and the work H to be concluded with a. ban quet Friday night. The following aro the dates 'for the various degrees: Monday night 15th and ISth degrees; Tuesday night, 30th and ilst degrees; Wednesday night, 27tn anu 30th degrees; Thursday night. 31st do grce; Friday night, 32d degree. The law yesterday took charge of the afTalra of William J. Bruff. his wire, Helen nrurr, and thrco small chlicren, Lillian, seven; William, four, and Mar tha, two. A week ago Hruff was arrested. charged with beating Lillian, and an in vestigation by the police snowed that tho three children were not properly cared ror by their parents, botn or whom are In poor health. There aru two other children In in stitutions In Washington. A commission composed of Justice R. B. Washington, and Drs. M. O. De lancy and Walter A. Warfleld, with which Police Justice Caton also con ferred, deckled that the family should lie separated. Tho father was sept to the Western Asylum for tho Insane at Staunton, and the mother to an Insti tution near Lynchburg. Tho children will be turned over to tho Children's Aid Society of Richmond. Sister Mary Coronata, who was Miss Helen Walker before becoming a mem ber of the order of Sisters of tho Holy Cross, and for seventeen years a teach er of the commercial department of St. Mary's Acadimy of this city, died yes terday at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Colum bus, Ohio. Slcter Coronata was great ly beloved by the pupils and alumni of the acade:n. Mrs. Sarah K. Langford wbh found dead from heart failure, sitting In her chair, In her home In tho Cammrrorr apartments, yesterday afternoon by her daughter. Miss Fannie Langford. Mrs. Langford was tho widow of Warren Langford. and Is survived by two daughters. Misses Fannie and Isa bel Langford, with whom she lived, and two sons, John and James Langford. ' Woman' in Peck Case Found in New York Mrs. Harry Horton, the Mysterious "Mrs. Walters," Says Plaza Room Was Music and Lan guage "Studio." NEW YORK, March 25. Sloe- Eyed, a young woman of wonderful bounty, Mrs. Margaret Hcrton, "the woman of mys tery," today told tho story of her rela tions with Dr Arthur Warren Walte, maintaining that they woro entirely In nocent. She l a contralto singer and n student of the fore'gn languages. Bho Is twenty-two years old. i Her husband. Henry Mack Horton, Inventor, electrical engineer, and dealer In war supplies, believes his wlfo did no wrong. Mtb. Horton expressed sor row for Walte, and soVrow for the fact that the po'son mystery might disturb her musical career. "My relations with Dr. Walto were entirely Innocent," she sa'd. "I met him at the School of Languages, whcio we were both studying. I found that ho spoke French wonderfully well, and thought conversation with him would bo Just tho thing for me. Wo went to restaurants togother and talked French, und we went to dances together and talked French "NothlnR to Conceal." "When he suggested that we engage a studio at the Plaza and use It during 1 readily assented. Thcic was nothing wrong In It. I went back and forth thero with him openly. We were never there at night We were thero for ono hour or two some afternoons, and sometimes pel Imps a little longer. "When I knrned Or. Walte was In trouble, and was being questioned by tho district attorney 1 left the hotel at once, not winning to hnve my namo brought Into tho chko for the salco ot mv husband." Mrs. Horton maintained with the ut most carncMlfipns tfcnt she did not know. until she saw It In the newspaper, that Dr. Wnlte icglstcred "Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Walters. Now Rochelle." when h took the room. Confidence in Wife. At the close of tho Interview Mr. Hor ton patled her hand tenderly and as serted his confidence. "Because sho believes good of every thing and everybody I have the utmost and nhsnluto confidence In her freedom from an intention to commit a wrong. ii is not in her to do so," be said vo Air. LOCAL AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS B 0 SHOW 11 TONE 10 ADVANCE Several Issues in Stock List Ease Off on Washington Ex change, However. While bonds manifested a firm tona nnd Mended to advance fractionally at today's session of the Washington Block Kxchange. several Issues In the stock list cased off. Washington Railway and Electric pie ferred Htock continued In good demand at 82. the price that has prevailed for several dayB, and led the market with sales of 167 Mini of at that figure. A totHl of $I.MV) worth of the 4 per cent bonds of the company were traded, I4.0M) worth at SI and a JJ0O bond at MU Thp ilda on Cnntlul Traction and Washington Oni flocks were lowered frnctlonally. and that on Mergenthaler Linotype Jlock uroppca im noinis 10 10.1. One Mhnre of the latter stock sold at HSi. The other sales Included a Rlggs Ro alty (long) 5 per cent bond at 102, our nthrrwln. llnnrrtlnleri AftnrnnnnH ' "CCCnce of New 'ork life and her con our otherwise unoccupied afternoons , fl(,nK dp,,,,,,,,,,, for le lr(nlllp m n .. a. .... . . tin h iv unnKi uiirion inu wmoic anair an-i ":'. ..-i .-- u ... nanr. In ll. ll..h nf .l... ,.. , IHHl a I'UlUMinc rll-Klili; runn vunnuii "- ,,v- .."..... w.v ... . ,i.A. i r. ... irvi young, unsuspecting woman led Into an rinbarrasslng situation by a man wiser than herself. Ho blames his wife's In-1 for the study of languages and music, hus come. Sho came from Cincinnati dsted C at 100. The American Serurlty and Trust l Company has declared the regular quar- lenj uiviucmi m ivi cvm, piiijnuiu WAiTE SEES DEATH FOR PO SONING PAR T April in March 31, to stockholders of record Funeral services for Mra. David N. Rust. Jr . who died Thursday at her home at Rraddock Heights, were held this afternoon from Christ Episcopal Church, .and worn conducted by the Rov. William J. Morton, rector. Interment was made In Ivy Hill Cemetery. Funeral services for Julian T. Rurke. senior partner of the firm of nurko and Herbert, will lp held tomorrow after noon at r o'clock from St. Paul's Epis copal Church, Headed by tho American Indiana Guard Band in their pearlet uniforms, Prof. Julius Kamper, director, tho mem burs of Kalllnolls Grotto of the Veiled Prophets, of Washington, marched through tho streets of Alexandria last night to Elks Home, where they took part In a musical carnival, under tho auspices of the Kalllpnlls alee Club. The prophets worn met on upper King street by Mayor Thomas A. Fisher, escorted by Chief of Pollen floods. Major Raymond W. Pullman was pres ent to see that the Washington Masons kept good order and reached their homes after the "Jaunt de luxe of tho season" as tho bllgrlmago to Alexan dria had been billed. The entertainment furnished hv the Qlee Club was mai'e ua of vaudeville acts. On the program were Prof. Jacqiio Hcldenhelmor, pianist; Woerner and Gross, "blackraco princes;" Chailes A. Steovens, "potentate of entortolners;" Klrik C. Miller, "the shake 'cm up drummer'" Fred Kramer and h'la "flchnltzelbank warblers;" C, It. Po penoe, "saxlnhono soloist;" Edward Hutchinson, "monarch of songland;'1 Charlos P. Shackelford, "sultan of vaudeville;" nave Wolf, "the whistling wonder;" Wilbur Fookes. "the great female impersonator." and S, i Shreve lh a "mandolin melange." Thero was dancing "after tho entertainment brother, Fiank A. Walte. of tho N'iw Yoik IMIilIc L.brurx. iu rived to try to ' sc the dfMlitt. i Wniicn Wnlte. the father, an Iron i giay halted mnu of about to yean., sat I In the office of llcllevde looking about i nun siouiy m r coin vo(l way na olio i "'' ,,ew"s',l that something momeiituus ' hud h.npprned. but was unable to uranp what It alt meant. Tho dentist's parentH had arrlvpj ' j threo limns earlier and had been met I by their roll. Fiank, who Immediately took them to hi home ,ii KOI Hull I avenue, The Uronx. Tile ncciifpd man a mot pr linn nit NEW RIVER SERVICE IN OPERATION TODAY Potomac Company Puts on More Boats to Accommodate Traffic, Local Bond Market. GOVERNMENT UOND8. llld. Asked- II. S. Reg. 2s ! ... V. b. Coupon 7s I ! (J. H. Reg. 3's 102V4 Wi I). H. CouiKin 3's W: 101 U. H. Reg. 4's lim if. B. Coupon 4's llltt ... D. C. 3.65's 1U ... OA8 BONUS. Geo. Gas Cert. Ind. 5's 1U8V4 Georgetown Gas B's 103V4 Wash. Gas B's 11W Col. Gas St. Elec. Vn ?i Col. Gas ti Elec. Deb. 6's W RAILROAD DON Dtl. Cap. Traction R. R. &'s 10',H Ann. Pot. Guar, fa Wi Anuccstla & Potomac 5's 37 ii City u Suburban 6's 102fe Metropolitan R. It. S's .',. 104 Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4 s Kl MISCELLANOUS BONDS, n'.jl ntomoc Elec. Cons. B's. . . 100 Potomac E'oc. Lt. B's 104V4 C. & P. Telephone 6'a 103 Anicr. Tel. At Tclga. 4's 3i Amer. Tel. & Tclga. 4W's 103V4 Graphonhcne .S's 90 Wash. Markol B's. 1XT7 83 Wash. Market S's. 1017 93 W. M. Cold Storage B's M X. ft W. Steamboat S's 103 Rlggn Realty B's (long) 102 Rlggs Realty S's (short) 100ft PUHUC UTILITY STOCKS. 10S 107 Vi 107 103 1"0' W'4 103 29U 30 I 30Vi 71 71 I 71 em til KM ASH C9 I 69Vi 2SH SSHI 24l Z3S HI 3H -AU 7B I 75 M( M 1MIA 71' SO 1V4 m'. lKi 7Bi 166 Dentist's Alleged Confession and Story of Woman Make !;, n goo.i heami for smo Vl.are J i The shoc'n of receiit events "ni" tlic Gripping Tale. Columbia Nat. Rank Commercial Nat. Hank.... Dlstrlrt Nat Rank . . . Far. & Mech. Nat. Hank IVd-ral Nat. Hank . . I Lincoln N'lt. Rank I Metropolitan Nat. Bank.. The Potomac and Chesapeake Steam- n a Mt i mk.. boat company touay inauguraieu a TRUST COMPANY STOCKS, temporary schedule embracing the American Sec. Ac Trust 2MI service of thrco steamers to accommn-' Nntlonal Sav. & Trust 267 Cnnltal Traction Wash. Ry. & Elec. pfd. Wash. Ry. & Elec. pfd.. N. & W. Steamboat... Washington Gai Georgetown Gas American. Tel. & Tclga TYPE MACHINE STOCIva "Mergenthaler Linotype .. 1K3 Laustiiii Monotype "7 MINING STOCK. Greene-Cananea 4a NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. Amer. Nat. Rank 151 lfi-i Canltnl Nat. Ermk 21B .... . ... . 210 3 ,. VJi 210 n. . . . 240 140 142 . IK) . losw ... 141 221' New York Stocks. All tntlHe flnna In fnrkfl .r. tin th !.! I f dollars ind fractions thereof. Quotatlonf urnlhed by W. n. Illbha A Co.. numbers of New Yoa Stock Kxtliame. iiuum uuiiainr. , Yea. . , IIIch.Lnnr.Cli'e.tiioie. Alnftka O. M. Co WW 20 I0WI SOVi aiiis cnai go Am Bt sug com 7m Am Can M Am C & p M Am Ice Security J3V4 Am Linseed Co .3 Am Locomdtlve 7m ..." IV4 100 101 I lOlVi ?'", . " : M, R M,il M .'" T.e, . Tcl m l30W 'MM ' I30 Am Woolen Co M j,w 5IV4 6,,k Anaconda m BW M,k, MV4 ,, ,, ,nV '. ,,)3M K3V4 icaviii03; llaldwln Iico Work0iW Wt lot I I0IW Baltimore S: Ohio.... tei, MH g8W ( ,4 n. tr. uoouricn 73, lirooklyn Rap. Trai mv, II. Sc S. Cop. Co.... oiVi Calif. Petrol J Canadian Pacific 168 Central Leather ii Chesapeake & Ohio. M( Chlno Con. Cop &i Chi. & Great West. 13 C. R. I. & P. Ry.... g i HEAVY SELLING ON W m CHANG E Chl Mil. & St P.. Chicago & N. W-... Col. Fuel & Iron.... Corn' Products Cruclblo Steel Co... Crucible S. Co. pfd.., Dlstillora Securllcs. Erie Eric. 1st pfd , Great Northern Ore. Guggenhclmcr Expl lnrplratlon Copper. Intcrboro Metro Inter. Harvester 110 Lackawanna Steel... to l.ehlgh Valley n Maxwell Motor C0...70H Maxwell At, Co. pfd.. MV Miami Copper set. Neada Con. Copper i?i 724 73 I 7 MM SI KJH 90 CO I 01 MH 21W1 sm I87't I67U 1 I6S M(4 51 HI AH, tin 63S I M US S3tl S3H 13 13 I I3H I7. 17HI I7H 01 Bl'.l 05 Sharp Break Caused By Sink ing of Englishman and Tor pedoing of Sussex. I71 IS7H I J7H I ItTh 40 m. J5HI 46 rSH HeU 8til Mi 1I5H lliH II5HI II6H 48 47H 47SI 47H 4H 31 47'i 17Vi 37 B3ii 44. 21 47V4 17J1 110 77U 77 ro rBVk 39S Ifl'k NEW YORK, March 25. Sinking of the Dominion liner Englishman and torpe doing of tho channel boat Sussex caused heavy selling on the stock exchange shortly before tho close of the market at noon today. Prices broke sharply, but buying was strong, and the decline was stopped be fore the close. The market had bean dull and featureless earlier In the morn ing. Mexican Petroleum, one of the stocks pronouncedly affected by tho Mexican situation, opened 1U8U. up . Marine preferred was up 72. Baldwin 1W4. up H, and Industrial Alcohol 164, off M. Dr. McKelway to Speak at Socialist Headquarters Dr. J. McKelway, secretary of the National Child Labor Bureau, will hpeak at the headquarters of the So cialist party. Ml K street northwest, tomorrow nlKht at 8:15 o'clock. H!a sub ject Mill be "Child Labor n National Evil." Miss Efitellc Weaver will speak on "Infant Welfare Work." ' The mcctlpg will be open to the public. 37il 37H B3HI 5.1V, 41HI 44. 21 I 21 47lj I 48 I7UI tBli 110 I 110 77UI 78 77HI C0UI 63 . . 1 Tne "Poo'"' musical program which 3S I 5414 wan to havo been given at tho National 17 1 its Press Clu'j tomorrow afternoon, as a Press Club Postponement. 225 1 N. Y. Central 05H 105S lO&Vi I lOSVi I-adles' Dav function, has been indeft date the residents of the Maryland and Virginia counties who aro piactlcally de pendent upon Potomac river boats for communication with the outside world. Tho Jiew schedule will remain In reports she rnrt in lapeis, which she and her hiiohnnd lirmnlil n., ilin while ciinilni I'nM m'ntrr-ti.i 1,.. tk Frank Walto strongly ndvlsed that who effect until the regular spring schedulo . n-st for a dav or fti 'joforo tiylng to becomes operative April 1. It was de- ;' -, " iit-. ' pikiivii uy lliu 1 uiuiiiuu aim v-n;oiJvn. 11 unii i want 10 ark for the 1111 (Continued from First Page.) In Bcllcvu-s Hospltul looking gruesome- usual nrlvllegcs." the doctor's father. ly lorwara 10 uruwi in me ciuuiiiu umu ( nii) lacou, geniio spoken ma,n, for his Beif-conrcssca snare in mo.;;- poisoning of John E. Peck, his million aire father-in-law, one of tho most nmnilng poison mysteries In history Is being speedily unfolded today. It Is a more gripping tale than tho chapter on "Toxicology" In Dumaa' "Count of Monte Crlsto." Twisted In with the mystery Is "another woman." Sho has been Identlded as Mrs. Mar garet Horton. From February 22 until March IS, Dr. Walte maintained n studio for her nt the Plaza Hotel, one of tho moat pal atial In New York. Tho outstanding facts In tho case In BUt If It ln'l n.lllmr inn ..!. T Jt Ilko to go In nnd see my boy to rhcur him up. If only for h minute. There's something all wrong I don't know what. My boy was a good boy. I'm su.r' h was all the time he was abroad; I know that from the fre luoncy of his letters and tho kind of cttcrs he wrote home. Even If there Is little chance of seeing him, I folt I ought to come down here and asl: hat everything posslhle be dono for his comfort " ROCKVILLE. Slate Senator Frederick N. Zlhlman, wlin Ih seeking the Renuhllrnn (-nn. tho hands of District Attorney Swann ' gresslonal nomination to succeed David and tho police today were: ) J. Lewis, has appointed Harry A. Daw- John E- Peck, millionaire of Grand , son. of Rockvllle. his political ngont for Rapids, Mich., died In tho apartments of his eon-ln-law March 12, from tho effects of arsenic pdlsonlng. After denying steadfastly for two days that he know anything about the poisoning. Dr. Walto now admits that he purchased arsenic March 9 and gave It to Peck because the latter "wanted to die." Walto credits his father-in-law with committing sulcldo because of lone liness that followed his wife's death. Ho says ho purchased the poison at Peck's request. r'nntmrilrtlnir Dr. Wa to's story of Innocent participation In the 1 Is the testimony of Dora Hllller, who savs sho saw Dr. Walto put "some Montgomery county. A meeting will bo held here next Tuesday to organize a campaign commlttco In behalf of the Zlhlman candldncy. Cases have been disposed of In tho circuit,. -ourt hero as follows: Annlo Smith, executrix, against Samuil K. "ready and others, judgment for SS7.G7; itrw- pJun,n,er "Balnst Hcman "rlggs judgment for S.11.0; M. j. urovo Lime Company against William H. Ware, judgment for 1189.67 James E W for,'?V,KM,r',!,t(J,:mrB M- Mottf an Avno says sno saw ur. " i" ."- son against Raymond P. Lelzen- 11 lJ thing from a vial" In Peck's soup and ment for 1164.75; Uriah 1 ' W finVnn agalmjt Susan guorlte Pink. t. IVUIIIII llllll .11111-a "..." nuniic i-iim. lincmonf tn tutn-.. n of a detective ti ai ur, v iiuo wneellng Metal Comnanv nn-alnst fjer: inairecwy 10 orii.o icr iiuo iu-,niud wire. Judgment for J13(!53- Pcrcv to something she did not see. to, prco ngnlnut Wllforrt w ' ,'.i his own story of "innocent par-1 Jnmes M. Mount. iiim;,' V" ...A o,. M ANACO$TIA. Iprf the nlvht hefom ho died Strengthening her testimony cnargi tried fylng suimort tlclimtlon Prosecutor's Theory. With these facts clearly beroro them, tho district attorney's office Is now In clined to the following theory: Dr. Walte, without money In his own right, met and became enamored or Mis. Horton. That he needed more Union Trust 12 Washington Loan & Trust.... 227 Continental Trust 121 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Home Pavings 335 Bank of Com. & Eav 12 East Wash. Sav. Bank 12t Security Sav. & Corn. Hank . i. FIRE lNBVUANCE STOCKS. ?w lit 12.-1 1 lrlltfi, L m 1 nalta nf.. comnanv 10 laxe care 01 iraiuc. a nor- o'""1"" '.,lv ...... .,w .... iinn nt whirl, tir.nfnr hnn hi-n hn. I Corcoran Flro Insurance so died by the Marylland, Delaware and ' 'cmJ" F5;'7nl!T'nC1, 4 ...i, 11. in.. nnrUuA.1 f.nm iV. ' wat t'liion rirc ins..., I'rnnBvlvn'nl. rnllron.1 In the Interim. I TITLE INSUR'ANCR ST win tn nui nt nnorntinn Thursdnv. .Columbia Title Instirance. . . . Tho .iMtn.r Wnkplli.lil loft liotv. nt 71 MISCELLANEOUS ST V4 8 OCKS i OCKS. o clock this morning, and will make . nnpin-wacKa i. landings on the liver proper from l- l Paner Mfg. Co lii Liverpool point to Nomlnl. Gtapl-ophone com US Monday and Wednesday she will leave Oiaphophono pfd.. l at 4 p. in., and will go as far as Lower. ll'TCh,: """" Storage 100 Machodos creek. The steamer Frederick SSc"1,ty 4BlorJ5.KV'. '! (icliarv will leave here Sunday. Tues-"""""'"'" "" '" Norfolk & West I2H HIS lzl I Its Northern Pacific lit I Pennsylvania R. R... MH Pittsburgh Coal Co.. ts 'Ray Con. Copper.... it Rail Steel Spgs., com 40 Rep. Iron & Steel.... tm j Reading PH Southern Pacific K)V 'Southern Railway.... 21 ' Studebaker Corp ms .Tennessee Copper.... MH 1 Third Ave. R. R.. j Union Pacific III III III3S 28 I 21 I 40 I SI I MSI nltely postoned. J7i 23S 40 M'li HAS 5K 1211 I. ill 110 210 day, and Thursday, and will make landings between Liverpool Point and Colonial Beach and Mattox creek. On tho Tuesday trip sho will go Into Up per Machdodoc creek, and on the Thurs day trip to Brents. Tho etenmer Gratitude, will mako dally trips to landings between this city and urlnders and Proctors In Mattawoman creek. Work Is being pushed on the new steamer -Majestic to havo her ready to go on tho route April 1, If this cannot be done sho will take up servlco April 8, HYATTSVILLE. Tho county tnxTato on real and per scnal property for this year will bo $1.49 on tho lldO. According to tho an nouncement by the board of county commissioners, tho sum of $J66,193,75 has to be raised, and with the taxable property of tho county assessed at $17, Tfil.tCfi, tho Increase of fourteen conts over last year was unavoidable. The assessed valuo of taxablo stocks nnd bonds In tho county is placed at $J34 -3ll, and a tax of 30 cents on the $100 Is placed on it. Dlehl Manufacturing Company ngalnst i?r,5!.wI Tn'madgc, Judgment !or uP rM'Jnt2rpt K' Jackson and Wll nnlli" ;"' ?" "Fln8t William n. rr.1,0?' IottAcd ,"."'' Pn' Thomas & Co. 5i?M8t A' C' a,crrlem, judgment for $127.53. Charles F Brooko has Introdirccd a. This Is registration day for the voters of Capitol Heights. Tho books aro open from 2 o'clock this afternoon until 7 o clock tonight, and on MnnH.v 11.0.. I will bo open from 10 In tho morning until 8 In tho evening. "Maryland Day" wa8"observed at tho local high school here yesterday after noon. Charles W. Clagget addressed tho pupils on "Tho Cornorstono of Our Federal Union." Tho girls' glee club of tho school gavo soveral selcotlons. A number of parents of tho pupils wcro jmis. tiorton. inai ne neeaeu mnro i.m nnthnriiint. ..;;.. ", ' " money than he had to maintain her and " Tn 1S1,. cPun.V n"lwlon- hls home. i.n rJ, . ' . uo ,,on1" In the amount of That Walto saw the Peck millions nl-om to I-innSvinS rnnd leading from PJ w'y?" W-clutche;:. had the poison I b'o'condlioile S"S' lS '"i0. uven unuiBCDveruu, iinoincr uenin noma ninnr .1,0 m;i n;...ii;...i " ...o havo occurred within a short time, bring- n.iiftS, Toart contributing not less I T.(w... Joseph E Cadrll has been made third HKtlstant engineer nt thn Government Hospital, cucccedlng J. M. Francis, resigned, V.'lllhm If. Barter will ercst atwo. storv dwelling at 232fi Q street, to cot about $3,000. S. TJ. Snyder will build two two.story frame dwellings nt 2344 nnd 234.1 q street John Hernth will erect twa two-story dwflllntr at 15"Jf and 1511 Twenty-fifth utreet. E E Bwry will mako Improvements to nremlacs nt Minnesota and Pennsylvania avenues. J. B. Leuder will hulld an addition to hla premises at Alabama nvenuo and Wllfoler road. The Randlo Hlihlands Citizen' As sociation will meet next Mnruliy nlaht nt tha office of the 1" H. Kenlt y Com pany nt Pennsylvania nnd Mlnneicta avenues. Ing the Peck millions Into Walte's1 nanus. This the office supports with the allegation that Immediately after tho funeral of Pock, Dr. Walte urged hlrt wife, Mrs. Clara Lpulso Peck Walle, to make hor will, leaving him the t.ole benenclary. He at tho time, stys the district attorney, agreed to make his will leaving her tho beneficiary. Dr. alto's dire need for money Is supported by the fact that last fall ho procured $46,000 from his wife's nunt. Miss Catherine F. Peck, saying he had a aplondld opportunity to In vest It for her. Shortly afterward ho opened a spec ulating account with a downtown brokerage firm for $30,000. The re m.a'J,n& 'A0-0.00 ?e sent to a brother, Clyde Walte In Grand Rapids, It has been Impounded. Dr. Walto had bet n lying motionless on tho cot In Bnllevue Hospital for nn hour, when his father, a comrrlsslon merchant of Uiand Rapids, xnl hla John W. Hnll has filed suit In tho rlr cult court hero for an absolute dlvorca from Mrs. Al Uo L. Hall, who Is under stood to be living In Canada. School Exercises. Graduation ceremonies for tho George town Hebrew School, at Twenty-eighth and N streets noUhwest, will bo held nt the school tomorrow afternoon nt 3 0 clock. Tho speakers will Includo Rubbt B. Ororsmnn. Attorney Louis H. Gottlieb, nnd Dr. L. Glusnck. Mission Head to Speak. An Illustrated lecture on tho work of rescue being conducted by the various missions Is to bo given at the Cairo, Tuesday evening, by Herbert Kline, su perintendent of tho Gospel Mission. All interested urc Invited to atteni. Today's Sales. Worhlngton Railway 4's, $l,UW7jl, $1.0KIJj8I. 1'.,,WII0MI l&WtiSlU. Rlsgh Realty (longrB's. i.iuotjUU. Washington Railway preferred, 2Vfl!2. 2WH2. oOS- After call: Washington Railway preferred, 23WS2, 264 . Mergenthaler, ltilCS. Washington Railway preferred, 2-ftV-', jutrw, o-'. i'otomac Electric consolidation 5's, $l,WOtJl0O. present. ..nailiMr?. P' Lroy Jone8 wl en i??.. ,-! alternoon a number of tho h'olio oV0nhe8rbt.ayd,aUghtCr Mary" "l Real Estate Transfers. Westford-Owen II. Fowler jt ux. to Wllburn ?rodsnMk""' -a-una: Deanwood llelgnts-rllelen C. Hunt to i:il tb cents"). ' l0' " Llck "' 10 ""'" Klevcnili and IrylnKalreetanorlhwest-Martha C l.ovy et vlrj Jamca T., to Ctiarlta II Dean.. lot 39 block 17. Mt. JM.ant and Pleasant Plains, $10 (atampa .M), BrnnRliain I'laca-Charles II. l)-an at ux. to K'f. no fcT lMTCl ,,e,,cr','c!, Now llumpshlra aenuo and I. atreat north- Congress Heights Kxtcnilnn -Edward W Womack et ux. to George I). Jllack, lot J7 square MU7. $H. Alley between N and O. Twenty-Mrs: and Tenty-sccond atreeta northwriit.eiie V ItnwIlnKa ct ux. to Dlalrlct of ColumlU. pnrt orlnlnUI lot aquare 69, S150. KUhtcenth nnil K atreeta northwtitt -Wash Incton l)an and Trust Company, trustee lo ilarrv II, W'lllson, lota U and :, part orle Inal lot M. equaro 1W. .000. B Wholesale Produce Market, j EGOS Nearby. fresh. He per 1J01., Southern, Mo per dox. ClIlCKaK New York, new, c wr lb,: flat, isatje. 1IL'TTEII-Klln print. 40o per lb. j tub. o per lb. ; process. 29c per lb. LIVK raULTItY-llcns. I70t;'.4o per Ib.t live turkeys, UQlie per Ib.i cprlnc chickens, 234C30 per lb, LIVE STOCK Veal cahes. best, UWllUo per lb., heavy, lOOlOHio per lb.; fat sheep. &8Uc per Ib.t lambs. 9c par lb. KIIEY, PnifB t OO. VEOETAIlLnS-IQuotatlona furnished tv Taylor Wade)-l'olatoes. I3.J3 1-3 per bbl.; onions, t.6 per bu., 12.73 per sack; cabbage. Minstrels of Columbia Heights Give Show A minstrel show nnd n number of vnudovllle sketches wero given last night nt tho Wilson Normal School by the Columbia Heights Athletic Club, under tho direction of Kdwnrd Muth. Those who took principal parts In tho minstrel show were Louis Millard. Inter locutor; Goorgo Tobbs, Charles McKlm mle. Arthur Knrr. Tyron Jenkins, K!ls worth Mnrlow, and Dewey Peacock. Tho vaudeville sketches Included In strumental solos, a monologue, recita tions nnd ilnnces. Tyron Jcnklna gavo a monologuo, Mrs. Minnie Hock Smith played a trombono solo, Miss Bolva P. Ilock sang a vocal solo, Miss Paulino Horton recited, and MId Martha Dougherty danced tho Highland Ming in native costume, A one-act playlet entitled "Busby'a Corners." was given by Stanley Schuui, Mrs. William 11. Holmes, William Hl lon Robert Kroms. Catherine Vernon, Helen Mann, Kdlth Denham. leather Denham, I.cfcllo Perry, Rudolph Rlslnii er , Kiln Pauldorf. Kvclyn Glcason, nnd Kenneth Charlton. 2SH 23H 40 i 87H WM S9!tl WV4 21 II I 21 j ROW 141 I 1131. ! M S!Vtl 13 j M 62 I 62 1 IJ3H 131 I 131 1 stt vi 1 ss ' Indus. Alooh.,1511. IS2S IMM 16S Rubber, com.. 52S 52 52SI SI flit, 8I 814,1 85 8I 81 81 I 8IH 46 it 48 I 45H 35'i 31 32HI 30 W esH fi5' esui cflH FINANCIAL 1... 02 ...131 u. s U. S, U. S Steel Utah Copper Va.-Car. Chemical. Wefctcrn Maryland. Westlnghouse IZlec Conservationists to Have Conference The Nntlonal Conservation Congress has called n conference to bo held hero May 24. to consider national defense. President Wilson will be Invited to speak and invitations will Also bo ex tended the members of tho Cabinet nnd of Congress. Mobilization of the resources of the country for defense vrlll bo tho chief topic to ba discussed. Tho conservationists have been mak ing a caieful 8tuty of the Industries of tho country with n view to securing nil tho data posstblo In reference to the usefulness of tho various industrial con cerns In n practical national defense scheme. Prominent men representing all Indus tries. oNperts In Industrial specialties that havo not yet been established In the United States on a firm basis, transportation oxpcits, scientists, college presidents and Inbor leaders -will bo In vited to nddress tho congress. Phone YourWantAd For The Sunday Evening Times Main 5260 Ask Tor Classified Order Department AMBITION The quality that makes most for the success of every man Is 'the AMBITION to excel his own standard, to reach a higher financial mark next year than he has reached this year. There Is no better way to get tho satisfaction which comes from progress steadily made, than by opening an ac count with The Washington Loan and Trust Co., Corner Ninth & F SU. Capital 11,000,000 Surplus 1,100,000 The Safest Investments Are those that do not fluctuate during dls. turbed conditions of the money or stock mar kets, Plrst deed of trust notes (first ntort gasva), well secured on real estate In the Dlrlrlct nt Columbia, constitute "gilt-edre" )nestmenta. Thry do not depend upon the financial responsibility of lndhlduals or cor porations for their stnblllty, and ure exempt from taxation as personal property. Wa tan supply such Investments In amounts from 1500 upward. Bend for booklet "Concerning 1-o.ins and Inveetments." SWARTZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., 727 ISTH BTP.EET N. W. CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS $2,000,000 Resources Over.. $15,000,000 If You Desire SERVICE which anticipates and meets every banking re quirement if you de Sire protection of the highest character be come identified with this strong old financial in stitution. We invite accounts of individuals, firms and cor porations. Drafts Issued Direct on London The Riggs NATIONAL BANK rn.N.v. ave. orr. u. b. rniSAauRY