Newspaper Page Text
T. ' S'V? WWW? ' ?Y$tfmWil$W7, m'w?'w ri v.-va-r --'iMtrrprerti." -TTT w f- Wit4 . THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SATURDAY, MABCH, 25. 1Q16. " 13 ' cWV COMPROMISE AGREED i TO OH SANITARY BILL Amendment To Be Offered to Confine Board to Study of Montgomery County The nAnltnry hill nnw before the Maryland lelsntnrp hna been rc-drntvn so pto co n line the power of tlip pro posed innltnry commission to a sttnly of conditions In MontBomcry county. The change In the bill Is a compro mise hctv.-ci'ii t'.ic MontKomery an Prince deorwi delegations, which ltuvc been deadlocked ocr the measure. I Montrrnmorv omintv desired to lm ellmlna7cd from tho bill entirely, but ' jiaii FiiltTEItriantry main dish man, wall Pilnco Geoi.'Jca county member "P- i er. nok, jrter,Ji;.MiiN. Y- "i.'i 1 posed siicit n plan on mo Kroiino. u't It would result In hilling the whole Mil The nmendment v.ns mmle 'n view fit ft Krowlnir nentlment In MontKomery emintv In fntor (if preliminary IokmIii tlon looking to the creation of the joint Pcderal nnd Stale oanltnry com mission aunu'stcd by The T mes. Tnkoina Puik Is on iccord In favor of tho Joint 'ommlsslon. .., Whetnci tho chsnuo In the mensvue will be -atlsfnctory td Montuomeiy count) communities l uncertntn. It I. urwInrLlnnil tlllt the I ',ll"0 Gcor-cs delrrntlbtt fnvors tne cllmlita- tlour Mt. ltninlcr trom the or the tilll Dccnttso inni municipality i nbotit to vote on ti bond Issue to increase- Its present water nnd sevcr uys tem. Kcsldcnts of TnKnma raiK niso am about t'l vote on a U".WM bond Issue for' a a t...luiM sj Tiki nui tfnllmi prltACa .... 1...U..I.. nr .. nwiniA irnllnn rmor. til' UII1IMHIM .' '. .vwvw ...... ... voir and ettllnK basin In connection with Its present water works. A special election has btcn called to authorize tho Issue for Afirll !, and a mass meeting will he held tonlRht to consider tho project. Gallipolis Grotto fn 1 S1 11 rff Ao J 11 'YP JJV J CLLLILL U-ts JLillAts ' Glee Club Goes to Alexandria foris.ioK 8ALEHMEx-Experienced. innsirH HIP SHOE HTOI1E. 1(W:-2S 7th st. N. V. 1 Entertainment at the I s.rl,,)i:.vrNoon ,,our anil ,,-.. Appi Elks' Hall ' AMI!lllOAN i.PNf'ii. io th st. y w. i Tho Bl-o club of Ualllpolla Urotto HELP WANTED FEMALE samboled down. to Alexandria on the. "Jaunt du luxo" of its season laat night. .a'"J' 0o,k1 BnJ i"!v '" hou"vork- 'f There It was met by the Indian Ouaid'-"'y 3Jn '"" "' 'N' -VJ - Band of that town! whose principal "" P- took anJ """"""M etreeta had been decotated with KlnrlnB SALE31DIE3-Experencel In dry good! red fire, nnd wns escorted to the blkH department. Appl at I'AINEU, i:23.JS Hall for a lolnt entertainment stnucd Wisconsin ae. .. by tho two Ol Ionizations. I Tho ulnRera and their cuesta went to Alexnndtla on a special train, and weto met at IU fTKtca by .Maor Fisher, who presented the delegation with "the Kcja . At. -I.. ,, iV. i.ii.inmnnt nn.ia.i oi.iri.. nf The entertainment consisted chiefly of n. mlnitrcl show, followed by a dance. All CtUUltlUII tu It Illllliuui Ul Jlivuit:jn us the elce club, individual numbeta wcro contributed by Prophets Charles A. Stevens. John A. Shrevc. past mon arch, Kirk C. Miller, Otto Wocrner, scph Gro.ii,' Charles U. Shncklcford, ivld Wolf. Charles II. Popcnoc. Ed-. Jos David ward L. Hutthlnson, F. II. Kramer, Wllburl E. Kookes. P. It. 1-atterner. nnU S.v F. Shrevc. Trof JttllUH Kampcr directed the band and Jncque Heldenhe'mer tho oichestrn. A business rrcetlns of the Grotto has been called for April 3 at the Chamber of Commerce looms. Tho shprt form Initiation will be conf cried upon sev eral candidates'. An entertainment In cluding uumbcin by the Grotto Hand will bo furnished. Dr. John Fox to Preach At New York Ave. Church During tho absence, on nccnunt of Ill ness, of tho Itcv. Dr. Wallace Had cllffe, who la undergoing treatment at Garfield Hospital, the pulpit of the New Yoik Atnuc Picnbtcrlon Church will be filled by membcia nf the foe- ulty of I'r'nccton Theologlcnr Scmlnnry, with the exception of tomorrow, when the Ilev John Fox. of New Yoik, Willi ptcach at the morning nnd evening sot- V Dr.' Fo hns been In tho city for some , time niiaiiKiut, mcetlnga in connection wiin iiu cnntrnniai oi inn aiiici il-uu i L I-.. . .. n .. .1 l,AM. ' jiiuiu nuv:iri .viu u nun i. i rv-'niwciit Wood row Wilson Is expected to speak al ono nf llicf-o mcetlnga. Mission at Church of Epiphany to Close The I.cnten mission at tho Church of the Kplphuny, G street nenr Fourteenth street, will close tomonow nt the even ing ae.rlco. Next week tho usttnl Lenten services will be lcmimcd cery day ox cent SatUrdav at noon and at 4;4!i p. m. The llev. Dr. Itandolph II. McKlm. rector of Epiphany Church, will give the ni!drs at tho mld-tlny services. Ad dresser will be made by different clergy men at tho nftetnoon servlca except v. cdncsday, when there will bo a briet ai'rvlcf followed ny an organ recital uy AlcHenry McChord, organist of tho chuich. Memorial Service. The ninth anniversary senlco of tho Admiral Charles M Thomas Camp, 1 nlted .Spanish Wnr Vcleinns, will he held tomonow c cuius; at the Camp bell A. M. E Church, Anncostln. Chap lain W, T. Anderson, l'.- S. A, lotlred. will speak. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE 110 f-eparato Locked Itooms, 12.00 .Month Up. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Co. Main 6900. 920-922 E St. N.W. "SAFETY FinST." ADHOU TEI.Y FIIlEI'ltOOF BTOIIAGE. UNITED BTATES UTOnAUE CO. nootns, l.'.OO and up. Moving, Parking Phone Main I2.'9. 4I8-4JO lf.tli at. II Y. 'LEAN, dry storage for furniture nnd planer. Estimates cheerfully glvin. WESCHLKIl'B, 920 Pa. nve N. W Thono Main 1.1.'. tasga!? i SLjaavafcaaSi sskajswai vaTajraBBBsajairaBla OUU Slornico Itooms, SI. (10 per mo, up, HOVI.NG, I'AUKINQ by Kxperts. Low It a tea, UNION STOHAOB1 COM 4H 3d at. Main 4374. MOVING iNiEft Phone M. 2010-2011, KREIG'S EXPRESS, 1221 11 Street N. V. BTOnAGE. packing:. AND SHIPPING. terra rouvlnir for lnr ace, N. iU4X or N. 3.U4, SMITH'H Tlt.tNSKUII s'loiiAlm co.. nu . Mulil I'll. N. OUltS. BTOnAGE hauled free; inoln. paiklng. and staring at lowest prices. PEOPLE'S bTORAOE CO., 1711 7th IL N, W., N. JJ10-M. I J IsaaaiWsiaaiif i EDUCATIONAL Commercial Spanish Ln.'.?!,y.. $t HO 11. i:. Trust "his.. Hth and H N. W. Mrs. i:. It. HinVKNT. Director. M. ifc Mr. LUIS nivnitA. Initructof. Singing, Elocution MIIS. Bill I. Y l'RECIl HAIlNKfl. 143.11th m. N. II. Phone l.lnc. V,.. Tuesdats and Frldaa. 2314 nth st. N. . LOST AND FOUND POCKKTROOK Plain blsrk. containing ar- tltlrs mluable lo 'owner! 11 reward. Return In TELEI'LONE OPEH-VlOll at tho W)0,- inlntt V TIRE tt by S. off Ford esr, on Ga. me. or Kenvon st.. bet. 04. ate. and 14th at N. W. Kinder plcaie notify II. CAFHEY. Col. SCO. . SEALSKIN PILLOW MUFF-Klnas Palace to Knnn'a on Lincoln l'nrk cor. Keturn to KM F t. N. W Reward offered. PIN-nianior.d Mnreli 19. between ItV) Ulllinuro st. nnd Hock Creek l'ar!. Llbtrtl I reward offered Call 100 tllitrnora si X. V. j HELP WANTED MALE harper KOII TODAY. 917 I) ;. X. HOOTIil.ACK. Klrst.clats for barber ship 717 15th at. N. P. DAWSON. "THE PRINTER," wants Job press feeder at once. Applv K07 Plh !. nw. ERRAND nOY-Colored. Apply NICHOLAS I'll tntlACY, 1901 I'enn. ae. X. V. engineer llulldlng. Farst-ilsis. Apply Munsey IIOTKI. OAijIllllll, Intlde stewards, .levator conductors, laundry marker, bus !. nlwi colored henil ttalters and side vnlterx. Ap ply tllCK'B HOTi:i. AUKNUY, 13th and I'a." as. N. Y. lAUOIli:ns Take lirookland ( Home ears. TIIOH. HOMKKV or Holdli-rs' II.I.K CO.. National Terra Cotta Works, i'erre t-'olta, U. C. MAX to hang some pictures and clean 2 roc mi. Hundiy. expel lenced. 1IOX ltt. 1 Times office. 1 MAN-Colored, to ttjork In boiler room. .. . . . . . . ... . .. nurici. I.UUA.N. lowa circle, inr.-uin at. WANTED Monday morning. IS men to work In wash loom; experienced men given preference. Apply NATIONAL I-Al'NIMlY CO.. 19 1'lerce it. X. W. , l'ASTRY iiOOIC Experienced, white prefer red. JONES .111108.. ill th sLN.W. 1 I'l.l'MIIER-Flrat-claii, Apply lll'HII, 31G1 Mt. Pleasant st. EUGENE I BAM.'SMAN Ileal estate, to sell high-grade l atihurhltt tnta In a rpntdlv rrtiwlnr section near Chevy Chase, 1IOX Its. Times office. 1 soj.lClTOllPSalary nnd commission. IS caih bond required. Apply 1119 Woodward oiug. HALEHI.ADIKS wanted at once. VIENNA! HAT FACTulU, t:s lllh si. :. v SI1WEH3 lhoiiiUKlil ixperlenced. on worn cn'r toals and skirts. Apiii, before 10:to u. in JIU.IL'S t.AltFINKI.E A. 1 TAIUlHEhS on llnl-ili'J ions, must make , ,,llU(inloltJi Cl . ,.,, ;.., Corcoran ut7njlllx j. TEX hotel unltrn'.oe. mildi, !:" per month Apply DICK'S HO I El. VQEXCY. 12th and I'a. avi-. X W. WAITIIESS-Kxperlenced. KOi'HTKE.STH HTnEirr LL';cil, ua wAITUESSC?- t:iur.- &n.i litis st. .v v. iu e.1. ..ivcellent noil- tlon. Aupi, AMKIIIUAN- LUNCH. 110 Sth rt. X W. l WOMAN- notil linen room, ITO per month; and molds, .'. per nninth DICK'S HOTEL All.. Uih and I'a nve. N. W 1 oMUAfiONS WANTED Male. JAPAX'."!. Two joung men desire positions as r-ool; nnd as butler, are first tlati. Ap ply Km Sth X. W ! Female. MIDDLE-AGED LADY wishes position ss housekeeper for elderly kentlenian. Aprly BOX R Times office. ! BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WE C0X8IDEU that a certain percentage of the stllsh trade or this cllj should sell to us we can afford to pa the prlte to buy ntt l he uien'e wi.rti ernrments. ihnes. etc tliat will lie sold this ear. we can use nil we can get Jl'STII' OLD htavp. t l) l 7Z " " T' , " Vacuum treatment. PROF. H. N. D. PARKER Hours. 10 a. in. tn g p. m.; Sunlav. 1 to 5. OFFICE. 710-713 IIONIJ IIIJII.UI.MI. vntniNlA K. lioi.r. ' Iite Assistant lo Prof, "arker. Hours, 1 to 3. and bv npnolntnien- Offlce and Hesldence. 1113 N at N W. Full Dress Suits For Hire. FULL DItESS AXD TI'XEDO 81HTS FOn HlnE. M. T. PIMES. 1000 7th st. X. V Ph M. 211. Floor Oil. SPECIAL PltlCEfl of JI.S-. for 5 rmllons of floor oil PLAZA AUTO Sl'PI'I.Y CO.. 401 403 Msss. ave. X. W Phone M. 5777. Mattresoc." and Kn Snrincs. SI'ECIAIr Hair and felt mattresses made over and renovated; all sUes, 11 only. EAGLE BEDDING CO.. UV 7th St. N. W. P'l X S210. House Repairing. nnowx x. co.. 47' h n. w. m. zm. win do your painting, paperhanglng, general re pairing, flrsl-claea; reasonable 1 Insect Destroyers. TflE V. S. INSECT UESTIt JYINQ CO. Guaranties to kill anv bug n- Insect. 429 101 h l X. W. I'lione Main MM Paints. rrt acm s, nr oulldlnc ols. in jlriVLii V VjyM i)(i mints, oils and glsis. 1927 Pa ave. nw. Main lilt. nUFFAI.O A. L. O. PAINTS SOLD I1Y GEO It. GILL. 112 Ta. ave. B. E. Phone Line 1179. Upholstering. (CO nn a nlfce ln tapestry. Have jour tp.UU lurnllure reupholslcred whers you gel a guaranteed lob. IIALTIMOItU UP IIOI.bTEIIING CO, 111 II St. N. K. Carpet tJIraninit. CAitpTirs" Titono and "caulfully cleaned; rugs woven from old t.irpeis. mat. tnssrs n novated. Estimates turn ALliEIlT r .t co 33: ii st. s w. m. va. Masquerade Costumes. Masquerade Costumers. n c. m. nuiiTON & son, hi e n. w. MultiRraphini;. Hungerford Letter Co. m';0. 1 Heal Estate Truit Uldg. llth & II. ROOMS AND BOARD Ith ST. X, W.. 1101 I-nrge nkely furnlidied room, cicclicnt board, home looking, rea sonable. t MASS. AVE N. W. IllS-Flrst-ilara table boiudaud rooms, rates moik-rite, " dsy, w eek. or nipiilh. I'lione N. CC11. With or Without Board. CONN. AVE. N. W !7r.'-LaWe well. ten tllsted rooms, with or wllluut board 1 HOTELS "" " EVERETT HOTEL. 17J0 It st. nw, Atiier. & European plans. FOR RENT-ROOMS Furnished. 4lh HT. N. W.. 401-Second floor, two front rooma. facing park; islao single bnik loo 11a; all complete fori, h. k. ' I. HT N. w 927 Front roum! clean anu convenient; u.ult liouie; J per month. 1 rA. AVE. N. W.. 12M-Opp Raleigh, warm, aunnt, hot water nlwas; no car fare! ratet. llth.N. V 122 Two rooms and bath! single or tn suite) mod. ton. Cot, 3032; gentlemen. . N. CAROLINA AVK. H. K Jli-Two zooms aid alcove; brnwnstone houst; fine location; furnished toniplete for light housekeeping; reasonable. 1 Unfurnished. NEW JEttREV AYR. N, V 1733-Front and back parlir; heat and light. N. 7711. PA. AYR. N. V.. Ill-Three l.irg unfi.r-lilwlie-l rnonn, only IIP per month.e Furnished or Unfurnished. MT 1'I.KAHANT 8T. .V. ' SMI-One large riHiin. kitchenette, and liath; reasonable. lllh XT. N. W, rll Hflei' f. p. 1011 til. I-nrge rooms, i, w. Ii. ! TABLE BOARD BI'KCIAI. I.UNCII-T3I Kth St. X. W.. Southern cooking, nlco homo tnsda tlestert, hot bread, rake und waffles, a tickets II; ex cellrnt table board, II.SO per week; quick ser vice. TAUI.K UOAltD-1 meals. II per meals, II.CQ. W9 1. st.N,.W. vvk: FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IIUCKPTEIt'i horse, wsgon, and harness; chrap. 817 12th at. N. E. l'hone l.lnc. 11 SHE EAHTEItN DISPENHAHY and Casual- ly Hospital, phn have purchss-d a motor vehicle for ainbutsiire work, deslrd lo sell two horse-drawn ambulances, one Miibulsncc tan be seen at Kmllh s Lumber Yard, 1st and Indiana ne, nw.. and tho nthrr at the hoipltat. 7m Mass. ave. ne,, set of am hulsnre harness will be sdiled to the am bulance at tho llOSDltal. lllil nn rnrli np Imtli ambulances will be reoetved ny I'LAttENCE IIO.NOIIOE. tli l'enna, ate. ae. "No reasbnable offer will be refused." TWO-INCH continuous post beds, 14 M; Na tional springs, I2.E0; good mattress. I:.:J; msttreiies renovated. Johnson's. HUH N. E. TEAP.INQ DOWN COL t flint A IIOSPITAU All kinds of building material for sals. SIDNEY L. HECKINOEn CO.. lh and C sts. N. W. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD !'LSE TEETH and old gold and all. er; 11 to $10 paid for old. broken seta i false teeth y highest cssh prices for old Jewelr), such as rings, watches, ihilns, spec tacles, etc.; any condition; alio gold crowns and bridge work This week only. Drop yt-lal Will, rail Address IIOX 10 Times office. WANTED Furniture, pianos, inrpcts. etc. l'hone M. 12S2 for usgon, or have us call. "WEHCHLElfK." y.p Pn se. N V. i ONE STEAM TAUI.K S 1. Anctli.K. Alexandria. Va. WANTED Furniture for caih hll your goods to the man who Klvei the incst money. Hee HOPWOOD. 8th nnd K. 1 OLD FALSE TEETH. Will nay rood prices. May be broken; also, old gold, silver and jewelry Al. SUTIN, Room 203 KcWis Bldg., inn anu v. Mts. N. Y. IflGHESr CAHH prlic. paid for worn iloth Inc: either ladlea or men's; .enH n....i. will call. II. TAItSHES. IJOJ 7lh at. N. W.' Phons North 499. .. SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. NEW BUNGALOW With spacious grounds. lleauilfull designed I .arse porches. Cheerful mmiis. Five rooms, hath cellar nnd attic. Hot water heat Eleotrlc light. Convenient to cars Lm alert on wide avenue In the one csr lore limit. PRICE, $3,850 Convenient Terms New Detached Home At a reduird price Owner of Oils prop ert rccentl acquired same In mi ex ihanie nnd desires to make a quick sale of It lleautlful two-story dwell ing eight large, bright room, modern tiled bath, concrete cellsr, hot water hear, hardwood floors, electric lights, large iantr. kitchen gas range, p-rce-laln sink. etc. Hsndinine decorations and fixtures Exceptionally roomy porches. Sufficient yar I for thickens, flowers, garden, etc PRICE, $3,950 Want Offer. Gardiner & Dent, Inc., 717 14th St. N. W. PHONE MAIN 4nI. An Attractive. CLUB SITE For Sale Just 7 miles from Wsihlng'iin nn Mt. Vernon division of Washington-Virginia .11 II. 12-rooin house, pra'itliwllj new, Isrge porches and water In home. Ironls on beautiful Potomac, within 1 minutes' walk or station. Fishing, Hunting, llsllilns. Two acres of ground, well laid for tennis courts, An exceptlciml oppor tunity for club. Communicate with M. B. HARLOW 1979 lllltniore st N W.. Washington, D. C Th. Col. 5IJ7. NEVER SAY IMPOSSIBLE The Word Is Never Uied In Our Offir. If ou think It Impossible to t.ecurc a horns such as you ileal re. a call ut thla nlDce. a glanco over my llsfbf real barrfalns, will not only save ou time nnd annoyunie, but ton lnce jou that I can sate )ou moni-y and auii ou In a purchase. HAVE MANY DESIIIAI1LE 11AI1GAINH. I'ltll'ES AND TEHM8 TO HIIT YOl'. it' lr-H A HUNOAl.OW. CHICKEN FAItM. I.AUGH LOT, Oil niVEIl FIIONT I'Alt.Mtf, ASK MR. FOWLER, 60S r ST. N.W. HALF-ACHE and acre lots, cunt anient to tors. II. M. SMITH. Arlington. Va , I'll Ilosslyn 23-T. I BUUUIIIIAN HOME Only one tar fare; with staole and 17,000 feel of lund, Now vacant, lluiuo S rooms and bath and cellar. Price H.UK). Turms, tooo cssh, and entire balance .'33 per month, principal nnd Interest. James Morris Woodward. 723 20th st N. W. HOW TO HE YOUIt OWN I.AXDI.OItD on I10U rath nnd 113 month, ill CHEW CHASE. For full panlculirs drep postal, telephone, or call on WM H, IllTCIIIK. 418-419 Colo. bldg. Tel. M 1011. For Rent. 120. PIUVILEGE of purchase, I.ansdon. D. C. 0-rooin cottnge atre of uro'in.l; poultry raitlltlea, largo lalng huusts, i ornlng plsn. Apply Owner. AnjrtineiU I. 'I he Coluiuoln. FOR RENT STORES COHNEP. BTOIIB AND DWELLING: XEAIt public sihool. good biiatncssi llxtiires torn, plrle: III health muse of rcttrtriiiciit, ltd tier tun. 'vW) 13th at. B. K. HEVEMH AXH PA 1VU Desirable store with excellent dlsidi Its lonveiilent locnllon na well us Hit- uHtoiiahle rental we tire saklug niskes It n itno.1 prmio. Illoii for moat nil) llni' of butlntes For fur ther information apply lo U. F, tiAlL CO., M N, Y. ate. u. w. Main TIL 1 j BULLETIN OH AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES j Detailed information concerning tho following opportunities may j0 secured frrn of ehm-rer itnnn nnnlirnHnn tn ... r. .,,,.......,! ..,., BUREAU OP INFORMATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. BO I lnffKPM T AnnilBVIATlONS U8EI-! BLS.XV Prce board, todjflng and ,? i?.1 n'Tltr month- PW Per week. PD I'er day. PII Per l.cur. Hk v tliTwn du ond !.,K'?' IiOK&M Unfurnished house, Harden, fuel and ml'k. idW5U."r's5kln,f' .:xt' Kxpcrlenod. Tr.. Adv. Transportation may l auvanced under fuvorabiu ccndltions. a nT5:.,ll'r.7,n ,fl.,c 'L r' understood that all opportunities are oi a permanent naturs. and tho help Is desired aa toon aa possible. AKM LABORER APPLICATIONS Maryland. ,r2n0.7.' fecll Co. Ons single msn for gen eral work on grain and dairy farm. Anv ESiJ cow.-'. KH. Ill PM winter, III I'M IILAw. Summer wages March IS to December IS. ' r?I ""mora Co. Two matTled men Mt "?n,,r for truck farm work. Any w?i'hi-ny& Cblklren permitted. Tr. ndv. w hln Jto mllen. 17 PW. liaK. Work for wivea and children. Virginia. ''.u".11' -,Varrn Co. One married man. mid-tile-aged preferred, lo cars for gardsn. atooK. amalt irasolens englno for pumping. J. AJ?y Kfl- No objection to 1 child. .m".' Ar-adv, from .Washlng'on and ae. ducted. ;o I'M, quarters and bosnl fur ii''Xii VUt t" " cooking and laundry at -rJ-J'' Wsnled April 1. .' Norfolk Co. One married and one single man for milking and assisting with general dairy work. Whits American pre ferred, other 1-M. IS cows. Exp. iTIiildren permitted. No. Tr. Hi PM. 1IO&V. for single. K r.M. nU liO-3776. Norfolk l'o One married man far general farm work. American, white. Other EB Exp. No objection to two or Hires cnildrcn. No Tr. US TM winter. 148 PM APARTMENTS TO1 LET Unfurnlthcd, TTSwTwTsaWTTss.TssT.s.taTwf..T.a.ts,TsiTTMtMltTMT..Twf. I- THE KEDRICK 1801 IC BT. N. V. 4 rooms and bath ISS.00 The Cumberland MASS. AVE. & THOMAS CHICLE. 4 rooms and bath S8-5 (0 T 1 : rooms ami nam I3,V) . ii.w The Fontanet Courts X FOIJIITEENTH A FAIHMONT NW, 3 rooms and bath , WJ.SO T 1 . .nn.. a.... t,.th V - rn t 1 5 rooms and bath COO The Rochester T 1IW MBIUDIAN BT. X. V T 3 rooms and bath . , J 4 rooms and bath ?: .'0 ... All buildings In rhsrgs of comlent 4. 1 emplojes. Aparlmenta upen lor In- J. .1. specnon. :t Swartzell, Rheem & i Hensey Co., t 727 Fifteenth St. N.W. :-hH-HH-H-:-H-w-H-:-w-:-:- CHEAP FLAT. X. E. S lafge rooms and bath, good repair: rent lit to .no. i:s;v4 Morse . N B ii. f. SAUL CO, 911 N. Y ave. N Wf. Main :71. 1 rT- e .m Tt7 llth HT. N W bath, or for business 2007 O St. N. W. NKAIl DI'PONT CIRCI.K. An unuauallv attractive apa-tment nf & rooms and bath, eletator, rent V0 Appll to P. J. WALSH E 713 13lh Hi X W PhoneMalnfl. IX) II LEASE Dcelrable houieke-plnc apart.. 0 rooms, Imth and orch, Ut3 Euclid st. N. W, . rent. 133 r,0. Inquire of Janitor and 1140 lth at. N. V APAIITMENT. 4 rooma nnd bath, hot-water heat, all plumbing, clean and fresh. In Alexanrdla, one block tn cars for Warning. ton. rent IE.W. SI.AYMAKEIt'S COUP., 112 King st Alex . Va. 1 AIT. 7, IlEnKBHinE. 1112 CIIAPIN BT N. W! I rooms, bath. recep'Un hall, gaa snd electric lights; phone, awnings, screens, eletstor. etc . TO per month 1 Furnished or Unfurnished. THE nOVDON. n Near llth St. N. W. 1 rooms and heith, unfur . 117 '0, fur. 1SS M I room snd bath, unfur, 120 60. fur .. 27.00 Fireproof and strictly up-to-date FOR SALE HOUSES H-r ."I""i,,I""I-r,I,,I' t $2,295 $100 Cash, Balance $20 Monthly, Including All Interest, Until ALL is Paid ONLY 4 LEFT 6 rooms, bath, porches, front and back yards, mod- Xern improvements, combina Xtion gas and coal range. J 539-541-543 and 545 :: 1 5th St. N. E. One Square From 1 Sth and H N. E. Sample House Open Sunday Until 9 P. M. J 5 SOLD 4 LEFT I. O. B. ZANTZINGER, 903 New York Ave. N. W. J HJl-I-H-:-W-l-l-H4-i-H-i-J-l--W TAKOMA PARK ATTllAC'lIVU NEW COItXEIl RKdIDK.N'CU JCBT COMPLETED. EVEltY MODEIIN CONVENIENCE. 112 FEET FHONTAOE ON CAllllOLL AVE 8EVKIIAI. SHADE THEES. ONLY jK5,500.00 PETWORTH IIAUOAIN IN COLONIAL UE-HDHNCB. I IIOOMB AND I1ATII. HOT WATER HEAT-ELECTIUC 1.IOHT8. GOOD LOT TO ALLEY IMPnoVED STHEirr. OWNEIt WILL BACniFICE. 3C0 (K TO MAKE QUICK HALE. $4,25a:oo WM. H. SAUNDERS 8c CO. 807 15th St. N.W. SACRIFICE lor ILL'S, coat 11.000, 6 room, oak flnlih, hot water Prat eleurlr light; near N. II ave. and Park road. IJOX 114, Times office, CORNER nsar Iowa Circle, 9 rooms nnd tin til . 13.000, reduced from '7,140. sairlilie at ome ' IIOX 163. Times of the. ! llUSINEbS pro;iert. Hth at,, w side; 1 blocks from V st. 12 rooms .ind Imth : ssc rllli e for 16.C0O worth IJ.tW. IIOX IU, Times of Hie. 1' For Salr or For Rent. IIEATTIFLI. IIOIM IIOI'HE. llraud not Mo lern Intiirmeuients, 1333 II 81'. N. K. Apply on Premise. MILLS BUILDING summer, J10AP. Bummer ragss April I to Heplember 30. jO-J7i. Gloucester Co. Ons marflfd wan for general farm work and be form,n " competent. Any while E8. except Italians. & cows. Exp, Children permitted, lie Tr. adv.. and deducteil. l! "M, liarAM. TRADES. Maryland. T-II02.n. lisltlmora Co. Wsntedt M ma chinists, round house work; IS machinists for erecting- shop work; to machinists for back ahop Work. Car repairers a:nl car builders. Machinists. lSc-3to ITU: T T" pslrcrs and car builders, piecework. Tr. sdv. 10 hours PD, op Poturday. DOMESTICS. District of Columbia, l7-M. Washington, D, C. One colored woman for rooking, helping to ilean Fri day i. Not less than SIS I'M and home. MISCELLANEOUS. District of Columbia, lll-M. Washington. D. C. Ons stetiiurrspher, must be accurate, speedy and well educated. Ons experienced In patent work preferred. Opportunity for advancmsnu til TM to stsrt. FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. 4H-H-H-MW-M-H-I-1..H-I. T I-M-I-M. t A r-fcVV br-fcUALS 2719 Kill st.. or. and b. flat. 127.10 J KU N J. ave. nw., 7r. and b T Ua C it, ne., r. and b T 3.'i F st. ne,. Ir. and b 2S.D0 J. 22.S0 T .u. avit, ei, pr si. biiii ii it ro COLORED TENANTS 1721-1S 17lh St.. Ir. and b.... .. . .ITOUV 1715 Vermont ate. nw., .'r. and b . j iui it at. nw,, i rooms 14.10 1203 K st. ne.. t rooms 12.10 J FRANCIS S.'DUMIGAN, J (is lllh st. N. W. l'hone Malnxll And we will ooen any of these hoiiaea 1- nn -jv nunuies notice, H-H- A. 8. CATWOOD. Main 710. 9H New Ydrk ave. N. W. Ill Mh nw.. Kr..S7M0 212 iiandolpn ne., 120 Mais, nw., llr J7..V) Mtt as. at. in M 1311 Ith nw 7r.. KM r. ... .. , -..00 U20 Sth nw., 8r.. 2I.U U28 G nw.. tr 20.30 COR N Y. uv. nw. fos 1. nw.,. r,... 10s V tw 4r... 47 P ne r Mt 333 v n , 4r .. X19 Golden sw 4r, I. Ml into II. M lO.fiO 9r. .. .... n.M) KI3 Clet eland nw.. Ir ... . . 13.K0 1019 4th ae.. Ir. . IDM i-.oo 0.00 22S W nw., ',r. 12.00 IIS Kramer ne4r r.30 tin sth nw., r MOO s 1 nw , ar , , COMP1J-7TE LIST AT OFriCE Unfurnished Houses ma ISlh 1.1, . tuu! K2 Park pi. nvr.. 04 llelmont. Ir.b 35 50 r ii 3l.r.o 127 Cpshur. Cr.b. 2S.&0 M I'orUr ne, Cr.b 3.00 I , .1. 11. .iv,ir,n.iiv i!l9l '.' ". r-b... 40 00 1312 Spring r.l Ir, uz .Ncwion nw , Sr. b 17.00 213 llth ae . eV.h. It tO I' 2a to 2811 N Csp Ir b 32t,0 Apartments Heat Furnished 1122 KENVON BT. X. V.-4r snd ba'h. 32.00 For Colored Tenants 24 Patterson ne., i!3ll Ith st . 6r. b. J2S.30 ..? .. t "3 W UK Gsles rt. nt.. 1110 llth St.. r b 20 00 f,r . 10 0 Stores l2t lllh st ... . ,. 1100.00 WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., Southern Bldg., 807 15th St. N.W. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance I'hpnes Main 1016 nnd 1017 1I3S 17th nw, 12r.b HOOi 9W K nw ljr:b 0fO 1312 n nw, lOr b 40.10 1709 lllh nw 9r b 40 Oi i(j win nw 7r 2S0O Mox't pl.S. b.40 00 1773 Church, 9r b 37 SO 16M M'roe nwtr.b S3 01 1C33 M'roe nw6r.h.3orrti 1701 XJ av nw,7.b.27..V) 1423 a ne. Cr b 16. in VC3 M nw. 12rll &3.00 1911 Pk rd. inr2b.00.0o ! sth nw, I2r.b 43 00 1! Ont rd, lOr b 43 50 1J20 9th nw. ior.1, (2 to' A complete Hit - - - - -- - n-' ((aats linen hoiiaea mot he obtained al i hi. orrie. goo. npartmenta and PAUL V. MITCHELL & CO. . M- t. mi o st. n w i COn.NEIl IIOl'SE-Wlth ilx -ooma and mod. ern bath, porcelain alnk In kltrh-n. liiun k!"j !lVi,..rMl ""'' K" ranges, llent. 119 30 No 12fO Mil. ate. N K Key J2W. n. F. 8ACI. CO.. 934 X. Y. ate. nvt.. M 271. 1 1117 Sth N. w, 9r. ana 2b 1411 Ith st. N. W, lOr. and b 1234 sth N. W.. 9r. and b Ml Q st. N. W-. 7 r and Ii 14?K. Sth it M w 11 . .- i. 143.00 . 17. '.0 . S3.00 . S 00 . 23.U . r.&o . KS0 . 22.00 . ic to . 14 00 . 13.10 . 12.01 .ill 04 . lf.00 . IX.00 . u.ri . 1C.S0 , 10.00 . m.oo . 11.31 . II I JH2 J!th st. X. E.. 7 r. and b 1229 Etarts at N E.. 7 r. and b IMS 6th N. W . Ir. and b.. . .... " !'i :i" " K B r and w 1113 Ke at. N. E. 0 r and w 771 Olrard at. N. W.. I r. and w. ... 2321 Georgia ate. N. W , I r. and w.. jon coLonED tenants. 1233 Linden N. E Ir, and b IS Acker af. N. E.. 7 r. and b 224 D a-. N. W 10 r. and b .. .1 1 ! J" .N w r. and w " 2211 Ith N. W. Ir. and w ' 619 Q N. W . 5r. and w 123 Kill S E.. Ir and b 1247 2Jth st. N. W.. 4 r. and w . 2403 th st. N W.'l r. and w. .. . IIS HfrlM rifrt V n.' r . ...j .u ---------- "- ... ii., as i. nilll W,. a 1W, CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO., 10.49 Phone M. 2142. 104 Cth at. X. W DOWNTOWN HOl'HE FTllt 12J.C0. Nine large rooms; good condition, modern plumbing fixtures, conveniently located nnd very desirable for rooming house, kk lmi ate. N. W V. F HAUL CO.. 931 N. Y. ate. nw. M. 271. . 1 FOn ItENT-SIX-noOM liniCK HOUSE. large rear ard; has Just lieen pspered and put In thorough repair; rent, 111.50. No. 133 Morton st. nw Key In MI. II. F. SAUL CO.. 934 N. Y. nve. n. Msln !!ls 1 (.ROOM AND HATH HOC8E; good leiutlFI opiltu steamboat wharves; rent, 118 SO. ISIS Water st. svv.; key at 1.11. II. K. bALI. CO., 534 N. Y. ate nw. Main 271. 1 121 11 st. ne, C rooms ,, 1121 North Capitol at.. 4 rooms 1219 Ps, nve. se., I rooms 213 lit st nw., rooms 3023 Cambridge pi nw s rooms 00O4 7th st nw t rooms , 1307 C st. nw,. I roonn ... , 633 Elliott st. ne.. 3rd door, 4 rooms . G33 Hth st. ne. 2nd floor, 4 rooms 921 N J. ave. se . 6 rooms, color-d.., 2i7 Ilrooks ct. nw.. 4 rooma, colored 1013 P at nw., 0 rooms, colored. ARTHUR CARR 1101 ESt. N.W. .121.00 . :u.tsi . L.oo . CO.00 .. 23.00 . W.fO . 33.0J ,. . 11.00 , 10.01) . D.OO . zuoo 00 II BT. X. E.-6 rooms, 413...U. 1107 11 it. lie., 0 rooms, 112.00; on tar Hue; nlso K8 and 13.' 7th st. ne.. 6 rooms, I13.V). Kea at 213 till st. N. E. 2014 Portner place, 6 rooms and bath.... $30.00 H.W IT it. nw,, 8 rooms and bath 4130 1117 7th si , 7 rooms and baili 37.00 Heat and hot water Included In the above Store, 2102 Hth al, nw with living quar (O.OJ Applj A. U. WUIIs. the Portlier. 13th i. U nw. 2223 FLORIDA AVE., 4 room houie; water, gas, 111: while tenants Key 916 W 1 113 3rd St. N. W. Rrlck houie. live rooms and yard Key 614. 3rd st. N. W Furnished. TO RENT, for the summer, large, comfortable, well fur nished home and garage, out 1 6th street. Only twenty min utes from Treasury, but fine ele vation, trees and extensive lawns, cool and secluded as if miles in the country. Efficient servants, also cow and chickens, if desired. Phone Col 1733. FQR RENTGARAGE ZZi D BT. N. W. New brkk garage. J.'xlO, nttr from Ird St., IU per month. M. (Oil. DEATHS llHAI,l-()n Halurday, Marth :3, at 4 a. in., at her residence, 010 I) ln-t sJu'.lmrst, AMELIA 1IEALU widow of the late John 8. Ikall. I'unernl Monday, March 27, at 2 p. in. from Klftli Ilnptlst Church, E street south. west. Ilelalltes nnd friends Invited. Inter- Incht private, Congressional Cemetery, (Alexandria, Vs., papers please copy), IIIIOHKAN-On Prldsy, March 21. Wis, nt 1 a. m., at her lome. 77 U street northwest, CATHEniNE AONEfl UltONAN, wife of John llrosnan and diughter of the late Wil liam nnd Ifanora Jlocne, In the sixty-first year of her age. Hhs Is survived by the following children; J. ltrmtmn, Jr., Mrs. ?'. W. llramball, Mrs, Chsrh-s Yimou, Irs. J, J, McCarthy, and Misses Nellie and Julia llroinan, IMneral Monday mofnlng, March 27, lilt. Iltqulem mass at 8t. Martin's Church, 9 o'clock. Friends and relatives Invited. MEYEIt-On rrlday. March 21. 1U. at 11 o'clock, at his, residence. R10 Kennedy street northwest, WILL II. MEYEJI, aged twenty-eight, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Meyer. l'uneral from his residence Monday at 1 p. in. IN MEMORIAM HIIEEIIAN In sad but loving remembrance of THOMA8 F. HIIEEIIAN, beloved bus band of Mary F. Bheehan, who died from Injuries received at the new postufllce two jears ago today. Oft from my heart comes a bitter cry, Why. Oh why did my husband die; Hut his answer comes to me consolingly sweet. Do not grieve, dear one, we shall soon meet. His Devoted Wife. Anniversary mass at Holy Comforter Church. 1 (Notices for this column are accepted at II cents flat, either prosa pr poetry. In ess no tice does not exceed ten lines. And 10 cents for esch line In excess of ten.) UNDERTAKERS Embalmers. Funeral Directors. J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDEttTAKErt & LIVERY. J21 Pa Ave. N. W. Telephone M. 11. WABIIINOTOV. D. C. . 1 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO., IXIT loth SI. Ti. W. North 47. JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, nOlM M S. Tt. W. West 041. JAMES T. CLEMENTS' SONS, 1241 Wisconsin Ave. West 804. MARTIN W. HYSONG CO., 1014 MnitsnchascH Ave. Mnln K420. ADOLPH j. SCHIPPERT,- 2003 Tn. Ave. West, 151 1.109. ULRICH & BURDETTE, 1021) Wlaconsln Ave. Writ PSO. S. H. HINES & SON, INC. 171.1 14ili St. North l.lOt:. R. F. HARVEY'S SONS, 132.1 14th Ut. Ncrih 281. THOMAS F. MURRAY, 2007-2011 Nichols Ave S. E. Line. 120. GEORGE W. WISE. 2000 Bl SI. West 1IW. W. W. DEAL & CO., Kill II St. N. K. l.lnc. .14414. HARRY M. PADGETT, 7.';n, lltlT SI. S. E. 1 Inr 13.19. HERBERT B. NEVIUS, 920 Neir York Ae. Main 2887. WILLIAM H. SARDO & CO., IPS II St. N. E. Line. .124. GEO.P.ZURHORST'S SONS, Inc ftOl Knat Cupllol St. l.lnc. 373. W. R. SPEARE, 040 P St. Bala 4 ISO 4281. P. A. TALTAVL'LL, 44.1 7th St. S. W. Mnln 1870. THOMAS M. HINDLE, Sth nnd II Sts. N. V. .Itnln .1.17. O. B. JENKINS, a03 II St. N. W. Alain 4804. THOMAS S. SERGEON, 1011 7th St. X. V. Mnln 1000. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderate prices. aUDE. 1214 r St. X. W. VITAL RECORDS. Births. Ixiuls D and Ilcrtha Van, girl. James II. and Mar E. Talor, tx, Ralph W. and Edith P. Chllcoat, boy, Edvvnrd M. arut Nellie E. llakcr, boy. Altln W and Alice A Hair. ho. Herbert 8. and Vera llarbrr, boy, Jeaso and Clarice Amldon, girl. Gus and I.uc White, girl, James and Ethel C. Nash, boy. , Marriage Licenses. Abbott 11. Knighton. Orange, Va., and Iluhy 1). Grcluer. Uordonvllle, Va. Horace W. Johnaon and Kstclla L. Taylor. Edward II. Schneider. Raltlmnre, and Ma tilda Goetzkc, llaltlmore. Robert F. Padgett, Ashetllle. N. C, and lllnnche L Carter, Rutherfonl, N. C. John . (iooden and Agnes Armstend. Deaths. Anna Gooding, 09 yrs.T 917 Q st. nw James E. Walsh, 10 rs Wash. Ast, Hns.1 Waller Hutchison, 30rs Emergency Hob. Arnbella V. O'Connor, 3.' jrs., 1337 '" st. svv. Ksrah E. Hennlng, 73 rs., Prot. Jlos, Edward E. HUkerlon, 37 jra.. 1700 .Dtli st. se. Etta Norman. 61 rs, lloineo. Hos. Victor Gernrd, 71. rs 1310 Vermont nte Nellie J Morton. i vrs.. 1300 Knon it. nw. Margaret Htt ceiiey,' 7 rs., WW 1st st. nw. Mary T. Ilctijamln. M rs 1.' N t. nw. John F. Howe, 21 rs Frcedmen's Ilos Robert H Mlnoh 88 rs., 1320 .Montello ate. ne. ... . . Mar Wllaon 30 vra.Wash Ast. Hos. I'harlea Madison. 31 rs.. Gov, Hos. Ins. Frances Martin. M ra. Frcedineii s Hos. John Mitchell, 61 : rs. 19 11 St. srt Fllxhugh Inswell, Ti rs, ueorKoiowi i. niv. .Mile" Campbell. 36 rs EnierKem-y Hos. Win. F Greene. 70 rs.. aih .vyv. Ilos. Frank Gordon. 2 rs.. Children s lips. Ada K. Watson, 22 yrs.. Casually Iloa. Albert JacksonT 2 inos.. 1007 1st st. sw Alice Johnson. 7 mos.. Iluena Vista Hgls., JsjneVTlood, n'mos.. IMS Cedar st. nw. Helen Dixon. 1 mos., 1K2S Ith -it nw. Chnrlea A. Roberts. 3 inos. El O al nw. AUTOMOBILES For Hire. FOn HIRE Phone Nolh tiiO, night ur day. Ford car, reasonable. MAIN 7 151 Day or Night. One mile Ore; esch additional mile. 23c Automobile Repairing. CENTRAL CARRIAGE. WAGON, AND AUTO WORKS O. K. LOYD. Manager. Truck and Automobile Bodits to Ordsr. P.EAR OF 4U TO 431 EYE (STREET N. W. MAIN HIS. Pslutlng snd lettering a Specialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 HORSES AND'VEHICLES GOOD BOFXD MART, weighing about 1,100 pounds, 7 eurs old. Apply rear J9 Nsvv York ate. N. W 1 MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN FTRBT'AND" SECOND TRUbr LOANS AT I and I per cent; 1200 to 13.000; on residence, apartment, or business property, straight note or monthly payments; ian bu arranged In three das. PAUL V. MITCHELL I. CO., 1411 O st. N. W. 1 MONEY TO IJAN on real eatutp. lowest rat's, pclor iui)iiirnt irc llctca, larax aniounla TYI.HIt Itt'THKItFtlltD. 817 I'.lh MONI TO U1AN K lo 1Mi.K0 on 1 l rial estate, beteral trust lunda, I'. tu 8 per rent All iraniai'Mnii ii'ittx wiia economical consideration for borrower! WM II. 8AI NUEI18 A C". Southern Bulldisc. (07 Uth it. N. W. .Specaail Notiices LEWIS M". THAYER, Printer AT..T, STYLES OP COMMKP.CIAI. CHUnCH and SOCIAL PIUNTUN'O. "SMALL WORK EXCLUSIVELY" S MW 507 Thirteenth Street . PHONE MAIN 1816 V .. JMTCItlJN J'AINTrJD 7M For March only. It. ULMEU UniFFltf. Phons W. 10L 1049 U st. THE HOAHD OF PHAItMACY OF THE District of Columbia will hold Us regular ?ii!n'fly examinations April 11th and 14th, 1911. 'Appllratlops must bo filed with the sc- HeVretat? A',r" ,nl' W' T KRIUXOT' "" SPECIAL DOLLAH 8ALB IN JEWEUtT ttir ..... .. N0W OOII0 ON. . JUL1UB II. WOLl'E. llth A It sU. N. W. Modern Dentistry All Branches. ruVV.nJfMMt,ho'1,-rt"(ntbU PtlCtM. Wot 1l. t . . ",w saa,ss UI aUIItf, DtSfJCiall flees. tm,nl of 1U,M D1" Two f B ft' SSA" ASSOCIATION. Ml 70) N. "v7 B. IS. DENTAL A880CIAT;0N. 8. B. Corner . Ith AND B 8. E). PAINI.EBB EXTHACTION AnTIST will sacrifice seversl fine oil and r.u e5.S?Jor Paintings for few days only. Call or address 4?t n ,t. N. W. 1 fh?S? '" ''by iva the tockholders of enmLnS"1?1? IJulldlnjr Company that tlwv &nJ bavlny sold Its prlncfpal asset n?w...l., ,n Commerce IlulidlrfVc located at iSr.rSi '", "m"- of lth street and Penn. V ' .?'" i.a'.nU8 northwest. Washington, D. l'"JU"10P of portions of the proceeds "!, U mon h stoek tfli'Z', Hcc?ralne to their respective hold.. '" of l.5k therein at various times, at tb' office of the undersigned. .1'.. cred,t6rs of sold Commerce nulldlng ?S!?J? ? "."i? ""' notine-d to present their claims to the urerslgned on or before th Mth dsy of Jfarch. lie. JAMES nAIHD, Becretsry. Itopm lro Munsey nulldlng. PERSONALS- MISS CAIN "aJ?!cur'n ? 8P Treat oicnt. 716 7th mU N. W, Apart. 1. Phone Main 7425. . ! MISS WELLS l'aneurln and Scalp . .. Treatment Heurs to I. 133 Q st. N. W.. Apart. 2. third floor. MISS JAMEIION, manicurist and chiropody: hours, 10 a. m. lo p. m. 1213 Now York ave. N. W.. second floor. AMY FI 7 19 MANicuniNo. scAtP rtlVl I CLLIO TREATMENT. 711 llth at. N. W. l'hone M. 731L WANTED To borrow 1130; private person: endorsed note; good Interest. Address Times office. MRS. ORA L. FIELD M,0cAND Treatment; face and scalp. Here tor a short time only. 815 II at N. W.. 2nd floor. LOUISE MAIER&S'SKKS., chiropody, nalrdresslng all branches taught. Open Sun. 303 Kenols Bldg,, llth A. O. M.M1I MI?? RARFR MANicuniNo. . JI1IOO DftDCrv BHAMPOOIXO. 8CALPf Trestment, 409 Q at., opp U. H. Pension Off. MllS. MAE COHAN Massaging and electri cal treatments, racial, scalp treatment, manicuring, residential, open Sunday. Ph. M 1SS9-J. 212 Kenols nidg. MA HILDA WILLIAMS. Manicuring, hair dressing, scalp treatment: 10 to 7. Apart. 21 The Caroline. 70S llth st. N. W. M. r!40 JOHN H. ARNOLD, Upholilerlng and Cabinet 'Work. EOt N N. W. DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 Seventeenth Street Over 30 Years' successful Practice in th uvcr ou ituia Cure ot ctronlc N.rvous and special Diseases ot Men and Women. Means Health to You If You Suffer Irom Catarrh. Obesity. Rheumatism. ConsU patlon. Piles. Throat. Lungs. Oram. Heart, lllood and Skin Dlaesses. Nervous Diblllly. Kidney Diseases. IJladder Troubles, Bpecldo lilood Poisoning, Eruptions. Ulcers and Alt Prlvste Diseases Cured for Lit by Safe Methods. 101. Sacterla vaccines and all the new se rums snd anti-toxins administered. Charges Low. Medicine Furnished CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room For Ladies. Ofnca Hours. 10 to L 1 to t. Sunday. 10 to 12. RUG WEAVING OCR woven rugs are guaranteed 5 yeaia; carpets cleaned and scoured. OLD LAU. REL ECXJPBE. 109-311 10th st. 8. W. M.32II-J REFRIGERATORS & ICE BOXES McCnAY REFRIGERATOR COMPANY. Refrigerators that are uneqiuled. IU F 8T. N. W. We Dulld and Repair Refrlseratora. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. VERNERa.ttfo.aS't.W. tal Sclentlit, can be aeen at her old arldren. 600 It st N W . 2d lloor Phuno M. (319. 1 MME. CARLETTA gvovAvr. Card Reader; 11 a in. tu 7 p. in. Reads our Ltfa as an Open Hook. , 703 8lh STREET N. W. PROF. D. B. BRUCE, THE GRljiAT AUSTRALIAN PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. Cap be consulted on all affairs. l.'03A Wsl. ter plate 8. E. Hours, 9 a. in, to 10 ti m : Hundat. from 2 to 7 P lu Ph. Line. 1721 MRS. GAYER liT &. toyant. Readings, 23c. Now 117 1st st. sw. DELMAIN SISTERSc'SEliS ants. Card Readers; tell what you want to know. Readings, f0c; test. 10c; 12 a. m. to I p. in. Sunday. 4 to 8. Ill 7th st. N. W. MADAM JEAN mSm?"10 Clairvoyants are born, not made. Madam Jean has been one since childhood, acknowl. edged by press nnd public to Oe the greatest clatrtoant ln the world, can positively re unite the separated. Get a reading from this remarkable woman. Will tell you names, dates, and facts without asking vou a slugls question You have a power of your own. either for good or evil. Cultivate the aood. Develop tt. Use It. Call and be convinced. Private rooms. ou sea no one, 035 H St. N. W. Phone M. 8091. PALMISTRY CARD READINO MRS. R. LUSBY, Tarot and Foreign Cardsl East India Crystsl. Now located second floor, 733 12th nw, Uiilles Only. Closed Sunday Miss LaPoints IWXZWmr. 1142 Kill St. N. W. e "nceMIrt -Readings, -30c. R lunltes tw VaSllUU separated. Cauics speedy w riage. Removes an troumca, oaiiaiavti . 119 V st N w.. want in lire.. 11 la 4 v.i-w Madame Catherine S&T'iJSA hack from England nnd will bo pleaied to see friends and patrons at 008 Oth st N. W. MADAM FIELDuu "ff.u,UK Reunites ths. separated. N. 1IM-J. 1221 lin nw. SPIRITUALISM MRS. MAMIE STEVES, S Readings dally; seances Tues. ftThurs. eves : Frl . S P. n. Ph Line. 2018. 313 N. J. ate. B.E. JVlrvO. tJ I n-rues. and Ihurs. eve., 1030 1th st. N. W. Abots Ubrary. MPC WAMA1 1 BPIItlTUAI. MEDIUM Weil and Frl, etes Sundays bv appoint' nient Now at 123 Man, ate N. W. Marie A. Davidson, Ph. D., SPiniTUAI.ISI' MEDIUM Readings dally Detrloplng class Hondas etcnlng. by appolaiment only rboM M. M10. UOt IU at. N. Ifi