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.& " v t " vf.v,- i( ifXri 'V Vi-' -? "Z KHmi . THE WJSHINGrTON TIMES. SATURDAY. MARCH 25, 1016. ' HERO! OF FLOOD USES AU TOIBILE Miss Helen M. Tullock Tells of Trip at San Diego, Call- fornia. During the recent floods In the vicin ity of Ban DIcro, Cat., Miss Helen M. TullocK was the heroine of n trip through the flooded reRlnn Hint attract ed considerable attention on IN) coast. Miss Tulloch Js the driver of one of th stages operated throuRh the Im perial Valley, all of the cars used being Dodfiq Hroii. cars. Storm conditions were so bad that other bars wcro rcfuslnR to mnkir the valley trip, but the Insistence of somo people who desired to reach 8nn DIcro was so strong that Miss Tulloch con sented to make thp trip. She started with six people In the car and a quan tity of bnRRafe, consisting of two bi cycles, four suit cases, and a quantity -bf beddlne. Describing the tilp. Miss Tulloch says: "The roads wore nothing hut mud paths front the heavy rnlns thnt had continued three days, and It wns raining when wo sot under way. Told It Was Impossible. "Wo plowed through nineteen miles of the worst possible travel, but Anally reached the concreto road thnt was higher and where we bad good travel ing for fifteen miles. Wo mot one car that told us to turn back, us It was Im possible to Ret tliYough the flooded dis trict, nut wo kept on and ran Into threo or four land slides on the Moun tain Springs grade, and It wan tough work getting through, but w0 did not even havo to unload. "At Jacumha we Htruck the river and it certainly looked dlscouraclnc. Jt was swollen to 100 feet wide and i ii over four feet ileop In plare and It had to be crossed. We stayed over night anil In the morning It had j?one down a little nnd with the aid of a b ock and tackle and by building a Piece of new road, wo were able to get acrosx. ,!'.T1?.8 r2m.' lo Boulevard wna badly ?i.butiWe ""needed In kMUiik n-hHfJl.01,"1 "I'ont the night there. nSf..nc1 ,,ny J l,l,ck',tl ui wo mote passengers wUo bad tr0() , Kel ihnn" n .". CHr wl,lcn l!le.v .nd to abandon In the mud. and wo went on. AH Bridges Out. "We got to t'ampo and they told as there that no one could k further, but we atartoil. The people were nearly right. We had to clear tiie road of land slides In places and In ?ineKBi3" Bullion and washouti. .ll BL&" iw?ue 0,,t and ,v" iu,i t P.?JE tnr"gh the streams. h.nei.fttt,i?.ed.i '"an, car that ''ad it?!1, i ft .'J1 tho mlld f ''ad broken them had been laid up for a week, in the Jamul mountains, where we &?& (? .nn oll trn" ''-VaUMo of 2 bridge being rut, we ran Into a milek. hard time getting out, hut ilnnllv made It and then ran Into blink mlieH. lhat ICpt Us ln " low for "Wo reached San Diego lhat aftei noon and at once the car van "out. over thoroughly Wo found tlm It sV irte";',,"11 "" a.i ,001 fhe,roa,I"nga,.Cna"ed U WM rMll' for THREE MILLION CAftS IN USE THIS SUMMER Will Use at Rate of 1,375,000,000 Gallons of GasolCTc Yearly. ThorA were moro than, J,100,000vu tomoblles licensed In this country In 1M5 nnd It In flgule'd that next sum mer the toM will fce not far from I.78O.000, allowing -Jo per cent for cars which probably vyM. be Junked; If, ns oil men ostlmnte, each car con sumes alxrit 600 gallon'4 of gaaolene a year on the nerage. tlio consumption next 'jmmcr luob-xbly will be at ll.o rate of UJS.COO.noo- gallonr yearly. With the prlco of gasolene. now well above SO cents a gallon, nnd going higher, tho matter of operating motor cars as economically a possible, with out curtailing their iitcfuincM, become a problem of trcmopdous Importance. In thousands of Individual cases it Is -a really .serious problem. Tilling tho winter months tho con sumption of gasolene for nulcmobllo purpose has. of course, been at t'.ie minimum: with the opening of thn tour ing season It will mount to maximum. As there Is nn likelihood df tho'crst' of tho furl ilecUnlng. it Is safe to say that car ovnr nro golnn U give mero Intelligent conslrlerntlbn than over bo-' foro to econiuny In operation." For one thing, tliero undoubtedly will te keener appreciation of tne fact that n car which Ik slmplo In dslgti and en stritctlon Is the cheapest to operate, be fauec wel-jht. friction and the brepk ng' hizard have each been reduced wltli the elimination or evory unneces sary part. Bluipllllcatlon Is perlmps the most im portant thing In connection with the manufacture, snln nnd uno of automo biles today. It Is Important not only from the economic standpoint, hut be cause tlie greater the degree of sim plicity In a car tho greater tho Joy of motoring In It. CORPORATION BACKS IE PAYMENT SALE Guaranty Company Organized in New York Said to Have Big Backing. TELLS 0 F VALUE OF ROTOR TRUCKS Buffalo Firm Considers Dcliv ery Automobiles Valuable Investment. Among the rumors current In New Yoik'n llnancial circles is one to the ef fect that .big New York and tnicago capital Is back or tho newly formed Uuiiriinty Kccuiitles Corporation. I This New York company Is said to have formulated a new and original . plan whereby automobile dealers, hand-1 "Our trucks art- In '. winter mil ling various makes of cars, miy sell on summer for out if town delivery. Our me -lime payment pasis. (He-ton trucks not only take tho ,11 itlllKliUllli" tll.WU) Utile f.'l'll I'll tereil Into between several motor "Do truck pay? Wall, all I know Is tiat ours arc considered a dccldedlv profitable Investment," said Jacob J.nng. vice piesldent or the tlerhurd l.aug tli e wing Coiupan, ftulTalo, N. Y, Air. I.ang was In Now York, nt tho andcrhilt Hotel, n short llmo ngo, when the cbovu question was asked him. "Of courie," went nn Mr. I.ang. "Just buying trucks nnd putting them to work Is not all there Is to the proposition. Wo Ictrncd our lesion early, but wo learned it, woll, When uo first went Into tho trjick delivery proposition some years ngo, we were one of tho llrst ir not the tlrrt brewery to uso tflicxs tn liiitlalc Wc gave no thought or over loading or tho proper care or our trucica. When we bought them I think the sales man wns very anxious to make the sale; claimed that while the trucks were rated at tlvo tons capacity, lie wotilit guarantee thorn to carry oven tons. o took him nt his word and overloaded them every chnnce we had. When we woko up we leund that, Instead ot ti ticks, we had on our hands four pieces Of Junk that had cost ua a considerable amount ot money. $oon Sec Saving. "The. way wo came to buy tho trticas In tho flist placo was that tho 1'iercc Arrow Motor Car Company loaned us their experimental truck to try It out for them. It was not long before wo re allsert what a saving tho truck was over team delivery nnd we tried to buy It. U hen 1 put the proposition up to the coinminv 1 was told that the truck was wl tor sale. All truck looked the same to us In those I'nys, so we bought four -n s wun a lot or promises tnrown in. liy tho time w had luund to our nulls diction that overloading did not pay, tne Hcrce-Arrow Motor Oar Company was on the market with their live-ton worm drhe trucks. Wc bought one to try it out, and now lavo rour live-tons and one two-ton truck ot th-it make. "Our new gnrnje Is built tr ncc Arrow truck meaituii- in'nts nnd is with out poitri, thi itjof neiiig trussed rrnm wall to wall. At one in nl the build ing, there (ire three rooms divided olT one ror repairing, ono for painting nnd the oilier as a stcro loom for rarta and tcoli. Make Three Trips. PETITIONS F m HOSPITAL SENT OUT Circulated by Monday Evening Club in Campaign to Re move "a Disgrace." To hundreds of churches, clubs, citi zens' associations and other organisa tions today went blank petitions to bo signed by these who doslra to go on record n. nvorlng tho building of a new municipal hospital to rcplaco tho nntlqunlcd and Inadequate Washington Asylum Hospital. Tho petitions nro being circulated by a special committee from tho Monday Kvcnlng Club. Attention Is called to tho dilapidated conditio,, of this hospital ps described In articles appearing In The Times, nnd tho letter nccompanylng, tho petition stutes, that "present conditions at the hospltitl are by common agreement a dUgraco to tho Cnpltal.' Letter Makes Appeal. The letter mokc.a this appeal, ln con clusion; "I'lcaso net nnd act quickly, as h good social worker interested In your own city nnd determined In. the name of tho Monday Evening Club to do your best to substitute for the dilapidated Wash ington ASYlUm llnsnltnl n mnttorn itn. to-dato hospital for tho tiontmont of i .nr uiKciu men oi minti nnn tooy. Tho letter Is signed by Or. A. J. Mc !. , ny' "enrgc !', iJowermnn and alter IJ I'fford. who compose the spe cial committee to clrculato the peti tions. For Ihla campaign the Mbmlay hvenlng Club, appropriated JCOO nt Its last meeting. The Petition. The petition to which signatures are asked reads, nn follows; "Wlurcas the Commissioners of tho district of Columbia and the Hoard of Ciarltles havo requested an appropria tion for a new municipal hospital to tnKo the Place of the present antiquated Washington Asjlum Hospital, and. ' , .lfrpn Mln tinn.l tm Ilia lin.ntlnl Ins been lone recognized by the cltl- zrtlil nt lh nlalflnl "hesolvcii resldetits of the Dlntilct of Columbia, icspoctfully petition tho Cougicsn of tho L iltcl Htiles nnd the leepecllvr Appro piltiCoim Commlltcco of tbo Korute and loij-o of ltepicsciitallvcs to provide In "ic D'strlct appropriation bill the ncccn nary iiwua wiui wnjpn 10 ucgin tne construction of the hospital." To Go Hcfore Congress. Wiicn thene petlllons nio llllAl they will bo sent to Mrs. rt. Thomas West, .oi-i rmincnim vucui. nun moro pen lions mny ho secured from Mrs. West, When tho petition nro nil In they will bo prcnented to tho Olstllct Com mltteea of tho House and Bonate, and pierrort will ho mado to havo District citizen appear to urge that the Item fill. tllA VflBhlnr.nt1 Aa. .!.. 1I....H.I bo Included In tho appropriations. New England'Girls Visiting the Capital Nearly 00 high school girls from lown cast" took possession or" tho Capital today, having arrived on a sightseeing trip from New Bngland. They -tiro slopping at tho National Hotel. High flchoom at tho following towns me represented by members of their senior clanses.: Newport and Homcrs woith, N. H. Topsfleld. Duxbury, Chal liam, Koxborn nnd Webster, Mass.i York. Kcnneuhkpoit nnd Augusta, Mc., nnd Plnlnvlllo. Conn, Slghlscelng parties, composed of em ployes of the Jordon-Mnrsh Company, of noston, nnd nf, Thomas Cook & 8on, nro also Mopping at tho National Hotel, Scouts Collect Clothes For War Sufferers Serviceable clothing to bo forwnrded to Belgian, French, nnd (Jermnn war Mlffclcr is blllR collci'teil at Unv Front hcadqunrtcra In the Corcoran ' cunning. Clothing which has been outgrown lut Is cloan and In condition In wear will be received at tho seout lieadquart irs and prepared for shipment to tho war zones. Three school troops recently organized nro .lerrcrnon Troop, No. 41, under lead er Thompson; Cook Troop, uijler Lender Johnson, fttld Wntllieb Tr)hi. Knrh will probably complcto Its registration ' wiinin n ween. Hannis Taylor to Speak Before Atheneum Monday Itnnnls Taylor, former minister to t'paln and nn International law author ity, will speak befoto the Kpanlsh American Atheneum Monday night. Hon .lose Tlble Machndn. of Quata mnla, nlso will speak. Musical features will be provided n Sciiuri Poiih Khidla Cnrvnjal cc I.aninan, Mark I'hilllps and Hanfoid Covington. Place rt I n (num. I.,t. vnln , 1. ...... t.t.i. . ... .w i.tiniDi mmw iimni: , leu t ijis , icams seventy miles a dny. Our driven, nre all utile ful men nnd lmvo lien Instructed how we want the tiucka iifcd. We have our i.wn mechanic, who munaraclurrra nnd their dealers which ' 'ln- msteaii of one nip a da: for enable the latter to offer cars to their ll,,,'"y vW from jibty to ; customers on deftrred payments. In earh case, however, the pluns dltler, and It h to offnet this objectionable feature If.... .1.. I!.lnnn... Unntl.111. lnnA..A- Hon has entere,d the Held with a selling SJT" .. rii', .'.".ftf. w'Jcn VCr w8 plan that Is declared to be unirorm for , 'c " "J'0" "',,1,,I',,V" wri"'Kl ,"" nil makes of enrs and national In its,".''0 ,.,i?.r"F,,i. "V''1'" '" ml repalnta "MC m. I'll' is HI l'fJJ LtlL'lfJ (IT ( fourtepii moiithtj. in thli way. mc arc enabled to kvcp our icpnlm don vcrv r rwmx ,1,1 scope. While dctnlls of the plan have not been made public. It Is understood that . """'"V" v p0?,!",,10."!,1? ,1,W",V'!;' the gioup of capitalists who ore le-l!?"," B f " Ut of ou Henderson Now With The Semmes Motor Co. Humors to the effect that Irving J. Henderson, following his rerlgnatlon from the Hcnderson-flowo Company would enter another line of commercial endeavor, wero proven to be Ill-founded by a statement from the Semmes Motor Company tarly this week. Mr. Henderson entered Into negotia tions with his new nssoclates as enrh ai" t5n,.,,oy.8 nK0 ""' "o deal whs closed Monday morning. i UI,intllue Scmc Company his acllvl tles will bti conllned for the most part to the pleasure car huslnts.s-th0 aeMIn' of Uodgo and Hudson cais- and each Sf!.ho par.tJf s, la t0"''dent It will prove highly gratlfjlng. His association In tho automobile In dustry dates bad; to tho old da) a. and embraces selling experience Iwth 1'opo. Jlathcson. Oakland. Oveiland. Pullman. Wavorly electrics. Chevrolet. Cole, and Kissel cam. Solid Trainload of Buicks Make Record Trip A aolld trainload of thirty-two Hat cars, containing eighty-two nuick 101C models, nrrled here. Tuesday morning from Flint. Mich. The shipment wns in charge ot K. A. Owns and It. C. Taylor, of th? local nuick bianch, who roughed It In the caboose, acting In the capacity of pcisona! tracers to carry put the orders of tho ralload company In seculng rluhl of way. The route taken covered UK mllca and the entire time required wns three days, the train making better llmo than a lettur mailed In Flint on tho afternoon or departure. Special clearances wero provided for the entire route, and ou some ot the heavy-graded llnka double-hcudcr en gines wcro employed. The three-day inn Is tho fastest time any freight train hns even made over this route, and much of tho crcuit or tho quickness of tho deliver Is ivon to the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad for Ua splendid njstem of routing. Guardsmen of Nebraska Have Motorcycle Squad The ilrst motorcycle company In tho national guard west of Now York has Just been formed at Omaha. Tho guard of the atates of Virginia nd New York and the District al ready havo motorcycle detachments which were organized during the past twelve months for signal corps duty. The Nebraska guardsmen, llko most ot tho boys in tho East, furnish their own machines. Tho nro already plan ning motorcycle manouvera to take place on some early Sundays, scouting and mapping between Omaha and Lin coln. Tho motorcyclist will spread out to cover ail tho roads, bridges, camp ing sites, water supplies, and rorage ror animals and discover whother roads are passable for heavy artillery. Porto Rican Birds Are Agricultural Benefit Th bird life of Torto nico Is ex ceedingly valuable to the Island In tlyi uppresslon of Insect pests, and meas ures of Government protection for the blrda aro recommended by experts of the Department of Agriculture. A?tudy. otM tho various species of birds on the Island waa recently completed by tho Department In co-operation with tho Prtrtn Hlfan vsw T ... w. w ,...,. tu.siiiiiniii, ii naa luunu I that charges that the birds Injured fruit I at other crona r n imiBinAj I spohMDlc ror It arc numbered among the most Influential hi the count iy. That till new company Is destined to play nn Important part In the future or the motor car business is evidenced by the fact that it Is capitalized ou the basis or handling JiO.WiO.liUO worth or automobile paper this year, Investigation of Sinking Norwegian Ships Asked COPKNHAC.KN, March 25. Norway has made a demand on Ocrmany for nn Investigation of the sinking or tho Nor wegian ships Llndllcld nnd Knnnlke, ac cording to Chrlstlanu dispatches today. 'J-ast year, lenair liftrts cost u.i KM for 23.000 miles this It will br a llltlo more. i'it not niuclj. which Isjhot so bad. u our tiucks every W nnd although we havo had Irts of snow this winter. We have not had to ship b rail once. All I hv.e to say Is, if yoti can possibly uso trucks, buy them, don't overload -keep them running and they will mako you money" Gorgas to Speak. MaJ. Gen. William C. Gorgas, sur geon general of the army, will speak tonight nt tho Wlllard before tho mem ner.i or tho Southern Society on th cleaning up or the Tanamu Canal Zone A dance will follow Phone Main 6916 Harper-Overland Company AUTOMOBILES 1022 Connecticut Avenue 5lccvc-Valve Motoi till j$0&- HIGHWAY 'SIX" $1,690 W'VV'NiN(iA iVsl r' 1 The National car acquired, the keynote of its character z, in ns eariy racing clays, tvery lnaiviauai National car V. in us eariy racing ciays. tvery individual National car x f; cnmsulinf rminicrAnf nt rh mco irorV Tha llnor H i q (J this latest National Highway Six are lines that bespeak ' 0TJir a Jook of strength and cleanliness and aggressiveness tHaJUrio other car begins to possess. It might be said that k ,-tfie Rational seems not only aristocratic, but athletic. Combs Motor Company Vermont Avenue and H Street N. W. I'hone .Main HT01. rT! HiaV HUUH 1 ; - H 9 v. V 9 V V i Facts GET the facts on the operating cost before you buy any" automobile. Find out the truth before not after. And don't be satisfied' with hear-say or a salesman's claims. The price of gasoline is high; so is oil, and there is sure to he an increase in the cost of all tires. ,So, what you want is the car that will give you most miles per gallon of gasoline, per gal lon of oil and per set of tires. Here are the facts proved by the Maxwell stock touring car that recently set the World's Motor Non-Stop Record. Maxwell World' Non-Stop Record FacU Mile without a motor stop r, . - 23,023 Average miles per day (44 days) 500.6 Miles per gallon of gasoline 21.88 Miles per gallon of oil r ...-.. 400 Averago miles per tire '...',9,871 Remember that this was a Noji-Stop En durance Record in order to prove that the Maxwell car was exceedingly sturdy, reliable and trouble p'roof. No attempt was made or could be made to save gasoline, oil or tires. So these figures merely indicate what would be possible under ordinary driving conditions. RIGHT NOW we have a MAXWELL we can deliver to you, and if you don't want to pay cash, make a deposit and pay the balance as you use the car. BUT DON'T PUT IT OFF. We know the Maxwell factory can't get half enough freight cars to carry their doubled out put. Later on we may not be, able to supply you. But we can NOW. Better phone us "for a demonstration TODAY. Touring Car, $655 Roadster, $635 Prices F. O.B. Datrolt H. B. LEARY, Jr. 1321 UthStN.W. Phone Ndrfli 4434 DISTRIBUTORS FOR ri Used Car Bargain We wish to announce that we have a number of used cars in first-class condition which afford unusual buy ing opportunities. A special arrangement in collection with the sale of these used cars makes it pos sible for the purchaser to se cure one of them immediate ly for a cash payment with terms for the balance. Demonstrations On Request TheCook&StoddardCo. 1138 Conn. Ave. North 7810 Hl ! tMsxjtgzt I wjrsssssssssssss. rsssJVssssssssA i A 5 , .. " WJMBWWkMMHktl