Newspaper Page Text
T?7T T'- A?'- V ' -? TR?T ?v THE WASHINGTON TIMES: SATURDAY; MARCH 25: 1910. X L h-K w iUDUSTRY INING ATTENTION 0 FUEL QUESTNN Jwner8 and Manufacturers , Seek Efficiency in Making of Carburetors. EFFECT OF AUXILIARIES Rising Gasolene Prices Awaken Unusual Attention Among pwners. TJio .entire motor IncH'stry. nnrl per- t rials, over motor-car owner, is civum a. KrW deal of thoupht to the fuel quealldn With the prices of thin es sential fluid mounting from dav to di, tho cost of operating automobiles Is toecomjnp a srrlous matter to thoso who owri CftB. Motor car ninniuaciurcrs niso aro ltally Interested, for If tho cost of gasolene nccumes exormtan: or mom ltlvp, fewer peoplo will be ablo to maintain ears, and. consequently, the Bale of 'cars will be materially affected. The matter or clflclont carburetor construction Is recelvlnR almost uni versal nttetition from those concerned and nil carburetor dealers report awakening Interest amone car ouneia. J. Wells, Washington distributer for tho Hcnltli carburetor, who has recently located at 470 Pennsylvania avenue, says that fuel e!flclency Is dependent upon proper, sdenUllc carburetor con struction. "Fuel consumption," say .Mr. Wolls, "Is, If I may bo pardoned for tho sci'in ing punj a burnlnsr question "Whllo It In truothat auxiliary devices ran be used to aid tho economy or efflclencvy of orburetors not properly comtructra they aro tbsolutely useless and needier on i the best makes of carburetors, us Instanced by tho Zenith. Automobile Workmen Compete oh San Francisco Stage in Assembling Machines. SAN' FRANCISCO, March 27. A hen form of automobile contest that Fpromlscs to spread from coast to coast 'has been Invented by members of tho sales Agencies hero. an casembly contest. In which tw'elVe tra)iva,j! from rival sales npencltH d ngniusl each other In piecing together two machlnos, which hnvo been previously disjointed Into as many component parts as pos sible. The' Intlal contest wns staged nt tho Empress Theater and pulled oTf mid wildest enthusiasm. Tho curtain went up on a clutter of automobllo parts defying description. Fendors wore' off, lamps on the floor, radiator leaning against a post, he axles out, tho transmission torn nsunder In short. Instead of there being cars thero was simply a cha otic mass of parts. At tho shot of a rovolvor twelve men surnntr to their work, and then began a mechanical fnlry tale, In whlcn n dozen nimmo young men in ovprnlln annarentlv waved wands and caused objects about them to be transformed. Herrmann the Great himself would havo looked on with wonder. In two minutes flat an Oldsmoblle, a four, stood completo upon tho floo:-. Twonty-ono seconds later, and Its noxt competitor followed unit. The simplicity of tho Oldsmohllo was hold to give It BOino advantage. Bconuso of Iho great interest In the contest. It Is predicted that theno contests will . spread all over tho country, a moro interesting form of competition seldom having been wit nessed by theater patrons. Hen Lays 8-Ounce Egg. rmtJiliBUVlUA. March 23.-A littlo TVhlto LcRhorn lien, owned by John Beaumont, Jr., has laid an cbk which weighs 'nearly eight ounces, and meas ures U by 2H inches. Beaumont says tho egg) Is almost as big as tho hen. P FORM OF MOTOR vCONTEST ON COAST I W I KIi0 j m 1 A aeiaU I. I K Federal Auto Supply Co. 476 Pennsylvania Avenue FcdpraTirVulcanizing-Accessorics PHONE MAIN 3445 , NEW OLDSMOBILE SALESROOMS tf H USBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSB'l? i V SssaaSBBBslSSHslsBt flWl iHV X' SBBSBVsBRSslBBlBaSBSBsr'fSr SBSMeSBSBSBSBSBSBSBMMaBafl V tWIBbI I Saw (f aSSHSatsSsflsflHssHI SflsjeVdlflsr BBBBM BBBBBBBbV MW'i&jBMKvSSKB!LX9KmwM I M- 'HBBBBBBBUBHallHHBBBlBBBBBiHBBnHBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBK "' fl?'11 RHbBbC"' fl' I BBBBBBBBBBBftVSBBPiVBiBjBBl JmKBBBMObI BMfSBBBBBBBBBfcBBBBBliB' fc jifla i 4lli Exterior of the new Approaches Bad, Says Maryland has dona nobly with her highways. Bo far as Washington is concerned, thcy.are perfect. Almost every road entering the District from Maryland Is an excellent one. Out Washington has done nothing In ap preciation for theso highways, with out which the only touring posslhle to local motorists not possessing cars with caterpillar wheels we aro thinking of Virginia would neces sarily bo confined to the city limit. In practically every Instance the approaches Unking Maryland's htgn ways with our main avenues are in dlsgwcerul condition. If one- uses southeast Tenth street us an ap proach from Anacostla Bridge, all Is well, but Eleventh street, tho logical route, to paved for rough riding up to Pennsylvania avenue with cobble stones. From the District line, Just inside of which Annapolis and Marlboro roads come to a fork, the rood all tho way to Pennsylvania avenue bridge is poorly surfaced with gravel and In sad need of grading. Wisconsin avenue, from Massachu setts avenuo to tho District line leading Into the most direct route to Kroderlck and aettysburg-ls anoth er stretch which needs attention, motorists passing up this strip tn Tavor of Connecticut avonue, and turning back to Wisconsin at Chevy Chase. Uunkcr Hill ond Queens Chapel roads, each of which leads Into the Baltimore road, aro In islserable shape as far as the District limits, where, as In every other instance, Maryland's splendid highways begin. The following letter In this connec tion Is self-explanatory: Dear Sir Referring to your article of laat Sunday describing a new route for nutomoblllats to Baltimore via Michigan avenuo and Queen's Chapel road, I wish to say thero Is a small portion of this routo on the Queen'n Chapel road in tho District between tho lino and the Bunker Hill road about a quarter of a mllo long and curves liko a lottcr "S", which is put to shame by the handsomely un proved concrete and asphaltum Queen's Chupel road just abovo in Maryland. Hoveral years ago this littlo stretch of road was both well lighted and well paved, but the honorable com missioners removed the threw or four lights nnu the only paving In recent yearu was a heavy dose of black coal duet on a road but thoy really did !t In this Instance. After two years of black itlcky mud In rainy weather and black cU'st In dry weather Iho coal coal dust is about exhausted, thank Heavens. Since tho lights were taken off, four or live automobiles havo come to wreck on the road. When the lights woro removed tho Honorable Commissioners snld fhorc was not cnoush travol on the Increase the Efficiency of Your Ford with a Zenith Carburetor Here is a carburetor simple rigid un changeable. It has no moving parts it cannot wear out it cannot breed trouble. If you use the Zenith on your car you can forget it permanently. We Absolutely Guarantee Better Results quarters of Pollock Car Corporation to Capital Radiator road. When asked to put them back they said thero wcn not enough householders. Now there arc some fifteen or twenty householders on or adjacent to this nuutcr of mile nnd the' travel 1ms always been dense, as It Is. used by a large number of market gardeners as well as automo Mllsts. One expensive light removed from Sixteenth ftrcct extended would light this dangerous stretch of road. Four cheap poW like those on Bunker Hill road and a wire con necting with tho light on Bunker Hill road would do the work. A couple of hundred dollars worth of screened gravel would put the road In gcod condition No need to ask tho honorable I'om mlrsloncrs. They turn us down every time. I pay taxes on lots in North east Washington, and I paid 137 to ward that flno concrete road In Maryland. Tho only thing now Is publicity In the only paper In Wash Ingthat does not "cuckoo" every thing done by tho District govern ment. JEREMIAH JUIINMON. Urookland Htatlon, Washington D. C.. March 21. 1316. Is the United Males to he unique In having miserable approaches to Its Capital City' Paris, London, Berlin. Vienna. Potrograd, Rome none ot these cities would permit approaches to fall Into such a condition of dis repair. And If tho civic pride was not strong enough to Inspire a movement for tho correction of such condi tions, would tho national government of any European country countenance the existence of poor highways on Its outskirts? Certainly not for long. Whatever charms the city proper offers, tho unsightly. III cared for ap proaches to Washington's broad ave nues are shameful evidences of neg lect for which there can hardly be reasonable excuse, but which detract from Its splendors. The question Is decidedly up to the District Commissioners. Ninety per cent of tho automobile manufacturers spend considerable money each year for the publication monthly of a m-jgaxlne which bears the name of tho car In whoso Inter est It Is irlnted. Most of them are ycry nice. Wo enjoy reading them, but wo often wonder If there is nny man who reads them nil. And If ho exists, what car ho ultimately buys. Every now and then, when wo are most despondent over our literary discrepancies we bump Into a specl ment that maken ua cheer un. The following palpitating product of a Georgian scribe appeared in tho au tomobile section of the Atlanta Journal: "Monday the Poolo & McColough Company will open ono of tho most magnificent automobile show rooms in the entire south, at numbers 311-313-315 Peachtrce street. This room is magnltlccnt in every detail, the arraignment Is both practical and tastely, tho decorations admirable. Absolutely no expense shared, Judg ing from tho beautiful decorations that havo been wrought around the room. From the entrance and all around, tasty decorations please the eye, and In It tch grouping of tho recently completed. several medals ot beautiful automo biles, make It pleasureable Indeed. From the opening, and foreve rafter, the cars that have been wise ly selected by Messrs. Poole and Mc Coullough will be the prldo of this tlrm. The , the , pelasure cars, the motor trucks, and last but by no moans least, the , Jn all Its glory. "While tho finish on all mod els aro far above the average, yet thero Is one model that Is receiving moro than Up share of praise and appreciation, that Is the now roadster, the most graceful of them all. Tho body of this model Is nn Ishcd in a beautiful ahado of darK blue, and Is undoubtedly a car that will attract attention for Its distinc tiveness. Tho wire wheels, too, takes n sharo ot Its praise, and the white tires that this model carries, add mora, if possible, to Its distinctive ness. To all attending the opening ot the show rooms Monday, a largo pretty carnation will bo given, to gether with an excellent view and demonstration or the excellent makes they so ably represent." A recent Issue of Molor World con tains an article onFales help for dealers. At ono point In this dis course on baleshianshirj W'.l" "Are your shces unpolished? Do you need a shave? Aro your teeth clean? A ncgatlvo answer to any ono of theau questions will help you sell moro cars." Who would think that Prophylax ity was oven a distant cousin to Sales Psychology! MONTE W. SOHN. You gain on these ltl CTIANmBn roalster: s4 as dtmonatrator; practically saw: 1700. , im IMPERIAL rdstr; all op-te-dst .xjtUpmont; stream line body. IVH PAI05 touring; inn only 1M riUm; birraln. ltU HUP rosdaUr; la sUgant bmp. 11 CHANDLER touring can; onir & few utt; fii. 115 I1U1CK touring car; run 1000 mills; sxtra tire. UK HUDSON roadster; perfect condition; extra eqtUpmtBt; 160. ltl CHALMERS light six tear ing; Ilk nw. 11S MITCH BUI, touring: seven pasmnger; bargain; Ills. AMERICAN, overhauled and re painted; a nap. lilt OVERLAND roadster; very attractive; low price. 11S VEL1B touring car; shock abaorbcra; brand-new tires; 1176. BXJICK roadster; demountable rlmei "Turtle Back"; M00. 11 MAXWELL touring car; owner will sell at a sacrtflee. We BpoclallSa on Motor Trucaa ana Delivery Wagone GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 N. Broad Barsaln Bulletin Free Why Wait For Cars? BUY A BICYCLE! ' The bicyclo is back again and it is here to stay. It has proven its worth as a time-saver and a money-saver. It provides in attrac tive form the exerciso that everyone needs. It's bad enough to bo cooped up in an office all day but you can't help that. The means of your coming and going, however tho choice between the crowded car and the bicycle lies with you. Call on any of the following principal bicycle dealers and see the new models: HARRY V. SEAMAIUC, S. K. Cor. Oth and f) Sts. IV, W. Merkel and Imblrm Motorcycles and Bicycles. BI. 2053. HAVISIIKOIID OYCM3 CO., C. II. Gross, BIgr. Hudson and Day ton Bicycles. 023 10th HI. N.W. Main 0388. P. J. MKNDELL & COMPANY Bicycles, Motorcycles, Tires. 1701 Heventh Mt. N. W. North 2481. DEDGK'S MOTORCYCLE AND BICVCI.E IlBPAin SHOP Tom my Hedge. Mgr., S333 18th St. N. W. Col. tH48. THREE ENTERED II INDIANAPOLIS RACE Trio of Duesenberg Cars Will Compete in 300-Mile Con tost. 1NDIANAPOM8. March Z8.-The first three official entries made for the In dianapolis Dpoedway 300-mllo race this year were lnade by F. B. Duesenberg for tho Ruesenberg cars, threo In num ber, with O'Donnell, Henderson and D'Aleno as drivers. Tho entry of the Duesenbergs gives credit to tho rumor that this team is going but In 1916 to "tnako a killing.' There Is every evidence to substantiate this rumor. During 1916 the Duesen berg cars mado thirty starts. They fin ished first once; thrco times thoy tooK second place; five times they took third prize; twice fourth position: four times they came In fifth; twice thoy came In llh- nnrn tl.r.v finished seventh: twice they ran In eighth place, and once they finished In ninth place In the various Speedway events In which they were imtArnfl. A. Duesenberg captured the speedway race at DcsMoTnes last August for nw miles, averaging eighty-seven miles per hour, heading the list for a. purse of $15,000. In view of the fact that the riiKanhirffg did so well In this 300-mlie distance last ear, speedway fans pre dict hot competition from these cars, lnc tho Indlanarjolls race Is for an equal distance this year, this evident ly being ino uuesenoergB uvoim speed mileage. Tho "Smiling Irishman." O'Donnell Is known as the "smlllnB Irishman." Ho was until last year, a neonhyto In the speed business, and has experienced more than his share or tough luck. For example, In practicing for the vanaerout race nis car sua on tho slippery course, performed several uncontrollable gyrations, and wouna up In a ditch fifteen feet nway. Tho next day, however, O'Donnell was on tho Job. swathed in bandages and ono cyo closed, but ho was ready for the race, and it was not his fault that It was postponed for a day. Tet during the race when it was run he turned turtle; but those experiences have not daunted htm. He won the Qlcndale road race In California. Last year at In dlnnanolls he finished fifth .In the Speed way race, averaging Sl.fl miles per hour. At Sioux City, Iowa, last year, ho fin ished second. At Omaha. Neb., he fin ished second. At Dps Moines, Iowa, he finished third. At tho Twin City B00 mlle race at Minneapolis, ho finished third. He won a 100-mllo dirt track race at Oalesberg, III., going the dis tance In 1:34:00. In evcrylnstanco he drive a Duesenberg. which the critics say nas been an experience In 191B that has prepared him to be a star this year. As teammate he will havo D'AUcno. Comes From California. Wilbur D'Alene 1 from California, where ho broko into the racing game driving a Marmon on dirt tracks. In 1!U he also drove at Corona and Klgtn. In both of theso races ho was forced from tho running by sensational acci dents; but In each he escaped without Injury. Ho belongs to the younger gen ratlon of pilots, whoso ambition knows prices buy NOW Ill HOLLTOR : xtra equip ment; great value. U1I CHEVROLET roadster; elec tric lights and starter; cVe- mountablo rim. FOliD touring oar and ros&iten. 1160 up. BTOTZ roadster; very classy; 1(00. AMERICA, demountable rims; : mechanically perfect; IIM. ItBO touring car; recently over hauled; law. 1(16 OVERLAND tonrlag car; all I electric equipment; 6400. ,' 1I1E BTHAHN8 touring car; 8I- lent Knlsfct" motor. ITDDSON touring; four brand-new I tires; complete tool kit: 1116. MARION roadster; very attract- Ire: 1176. j 116 OAKLAND touring ear; ox- Itra. equipment; at a nap, 114 DUICK touring car; electria llgbts; generator; Klaxon horn; 1100. 1116 PARTIN PALMER: electric, lights and starter; extra tin; 1 1460. 1 1116 8TUDBBAXER touring cat; excellent condition; run j jvuv muea. St, Philadelphia Areata Wanted II. W. IIWHAM. JR.. 10,1 B St. H. E. Hlgh-Grnde Bicycles. Line. 017. NonriiEAST q i o y c i. is ex change FranU BI. La lib am, Prop. 500 II St. N, E. Mnc. 370. CLARKNCE S. ICESSLER, Jt BItO. Nothing Snld at lie tall. 000 V4, IS Street N. AV. Blaln 3072. E. P. IIAXETON HlBh-Grnde Bicycles. Cash or Installments. 420.431 Tenth Street N. W. Bluln 038. NEW YOHIC BICYCLE CO. Kl Kruficl, 1110 7th St. On ISnsy Payments. 1 no bounds, and 'whoka auraa arid Hr. Ing are parallel to his ambition. He says mo way to oe a winner, or learn to bo One. tfl tn nnn thik HirnMlA WMa nnrl keep going as long as he holds together, ana inoso wno nave soon lilm say he practices what ho preaches. Pete Henderson, thn third tnml.i- nr (he DUescnberg team, is not what one wouia caii n veteran, yet he has had considerable and varied nTturlnp. Enough, as he says to warrant him tn nis aetermination to win first placo In 1918 In ono Of tho major events. Hen derson finished In the 100-mllo race at Dei. Moines last year; also In the JtOO mlle race at Providence, n. I and was tiuiujiR nicer wno were stiu going good u, . . .".." .mo mj-iiiiiu race at Uhccpshead Bay last year. mi n an, mo uucsenoerg team ror 1I1C as entered at Indianapolis looks like fnrtnlrlahl. .& i.i.mi n...-. ... "'-'. u nun ui Hint llio Uuesonbergs have been profiting by past ;-.." v..w. , u tin cyo io mo peculiar hardships Imposed upon cars In speed- WAV mnlnir fa tinniun 1m mmmImhmIm circles, and perhaps tho public will see some exceptional features when tho Duesenbergs begin practice at'tho Hoos ler capital. Rescue Sightless Man Sitting on Log in Canal DOYIiBSTOWN. Pa., March 2C. Whllo walking along the Delawaro river canal, three men heard cries for holp. Upon Investigation thoy found Horace Hager, a blind man, sitting upon a log In the middle ot tho canal. He was hauled to safety with a rope. He said he missed the brldgo and walked Into the canal. Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAH The all-teel body and its beautiful finish are peculiar to this car, and the one is made possible by the other If a wooden frame were used it would, not be practical to apply the enamel which gives tho body its lustrous finish. Tho body is electrically welded into a unit. Then the enamel is baked on 'at a high temperature. It will pav you to visit The- uasollno consumption is unusually low. The pries' of tha Touring Cor or rtondster complete la 783 r. o.h. Detroit.) . SEMMES MOTOR 1136 Conn. Ave. "But Why The Eveready Storage Battery?" An even dozen words tell why I recommend the EVEREADY. "It gives Maximum battery life and service with Minimum expense and attention. "The great fault with the majority of batteries lies in sulphation, which is NOT a necessary evil proven ly the fact that sulphation has been eliminated in the EVEREADY. "Besides, it is covered by a DEFINITE guarantee, an assurance of specific service. "We prefer to sell the EVEREADY because we KNOW beforehand that it will render perfect satisfac tion." "IT STARTS THE CAR," I National Electrical Supply Company 1 1328-1330 New New "Motor Trucks Of America" Is Out Not every truck owner roalliea how much more efficient trucks can be mado by adapting proper devices for handling the lo.vl, Theso mechanical aids are now so nu merous that there Is practically no class' t of merchandise which cannot bo handled bettor by their assistance. Whether It 1)0 coal or lumber, dry .goods or build ing' material, there Is an efficient way , to load, carry, and deliver. Huch devices havo been described from time to tlmo In magazines, newspapers and trade publications. All or the mot Important of theso havo now been col-. lecled and are sot forth In one artlclo appropriately Illustrated, under tho title, l)evlcen That Make for Motor Truck KRlolency," nnd appearing as an Intro- ' ductlon to-volumo IV of "Motor Trucks of America," published by the .11. K. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio. This Hi-page volume, an edition of which is published annually, is now ready for distribution, and a copy can be secured on application to the Wash ington Ooodrloh branch at 1502 Four teenth street northwest. "Motor Trucks of America" has be- come an Institution, llocnuie it con- tains the detailed specification of all the Important motor trucks mado In tho unuoa mutes, furnished by the manu facturers themselves. It has come to be regarded ns the most authoritative com pendium of Information regarding pre. ' cnt-day motor trucks that is pubilsned. Kvery man In Washington and vicin ity interested in motor trucking in all Its interesting phases rriay got a copy of this authoritatlvo reference worK Ireo. u and examine th( ear. COMPANY, INC. North 4105-6-7 York Ave. N. W.