Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TBDE& SATURDAY: MARCH 25: 191G - J01NGAGEMENTS betrothal announced WfSS WBBim SEIDEN ASKS RULINGS OH PICTURES OF BARD ANNOUNCED; DATE . HAS THEATER PART! .x Stl FUR WEDDING ,&fim. stHLslltBflsilllflnsM ' fj'ilByp's w&IJiil Mtfc-M , Miss May d'Alton Power to Wed Lieutenant Lightle, of the Bureau of Ordnance. TO MAKE HOME IN THIS CITY Miss Eloise S. Orme Engaged to Thomas A. Robinson, of Haverford, Pa. Mm. James d'Alton Power announces the engauemont of her daughter, Miss May d'Alton Tower, to Lieut William Tupper Dghtlc, U. S. N. The marriage wilt take place on Tues. day afternoon. (May 2. at Mrs. Power's apartment In the Parkwood and will bo followed by a reception. (Lieutenant Lightle, who Is a native of -Arkansas, Is on duty at tho Navy Department, -with tho Bureau of Ord nance, and ho and his bride expect to make their homo In Washington for the next year. Miss Power Is cultivated and accomplished and Is decidedly popular In Washington society, and Mrs. William B. Orme an- nounco the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Elolso Stuart Orme, to Thomas Adams Robinson, son of Mrs. William T. Robinson, ot Haverford, Pa. No dato has yet been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Orme and their daugh ter, who havo been at Atlantic City for the past fortnight, are expected to return to Washington on Monday. Miss Onme xnado nor debut In the Capital a few seasons ago. Judge Alton B. Parker, of New Tork, came to Washington yesterday and is at the Wlllard. Lieut. Commander Frank Jtldgcly, U. 8. N.. arrived yes terday opd Joined Mrs. Rldgely. They are also at tho Wlllard. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Converse and D. F. Converse, of Stillwater, Minn., who aro returning from the South; Mrs. Starling W. Chllds, of New York, and her sons, etarllng W. Chllds, Jr.. and Edward Chllds; Mrs. Mortimer Davis, of Montreal, and Miss Caverhlll. who have been In Augusta, Ga.; William Stephen Van Renssolacr. of New York; Mrs. W. A. Burnham and Miss Burn ham, of Trvlngton, N. Y., who are re turning from Camden. 8. C. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Spear, of Now York, were among yesterday's arrivals at the Wlllard. To Wed April 17. Mlso Elinor Fntman has selected April 17 as tho date of her marriage to Henry Morgunthau, Jr., son of tho American Ambassador to Turkey. The ceremony will bo performed at 4 o'clock at ,thp residence ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fatman. 23 Bast Elshty-flrst street. New York, In the presence of the families, and -will be followed by a reception. Mr. Morganthau will have hi father n his best man, and tho Rev. Dr. Ste phen Wise will perform the ceremony. The engagement was announced on February it. Mr. Morgunthau, wllh his father, having arrived a few oays be fore from abroad. Miss Juliet CiPiby entertained at a supper party last night beforo thu Fri day Evening Lancing Class ut the Wll lard. $ Among those who will entertain at ilinnei at the Chew Chase Club this evening are Mr. and Mm. Charles J. Bell, Capt. and Mrs. William Mitchell, and Commander and Mrs. W. V. Ual braith. - Congressional Club Tea. At tho Congressional Club tea yester day afternoon, when Miss Facgln was the guest of honor, Mrs. William T. Borland and Mrs. Frank H. Brlggs presided at the tea table. Others who assisted wcro Mrs. Randolph R. Rapley, Mrs. Seth Shcpard, Mrs. Lcnore Sher wood, Mrs. William II. Thompson, Mrs. John Q. Tllson. Mrs. Charles B. Tlm berlako. Mrs. Charles E. Townaend. Mrs. Oscar Underwood, Mrs. Joslah Van Ors- dei, Mrs. E. J. Trlbblo. airs. South TTlmblo. Mrs. Chariest B. Wnrrt. Mra. John McCluro Wlloy, Mrs. William Elza wijuanis. Mrs. b. j. Williams, Mrs. Otis F. Wlngo, Mrs. 8. E. Winslow. Miss Mary "Wilcox, Miss Agnes Hart Wilson, Mrs. George M". Young. Mrs. James lonng, Airs. James 11. Brady, and Mrs, William G. Branttcv. Miss Faoglil give a recital, rousing tho interest of her auditors by her in terpretation of Mark Twain's argument on peace. Sho also read selections from Huayaru ivipnng and Anthony Hope. The Postmaster General and Mrs Burleson were tho guests In whose honor Congressman and Mrs. Jouett Shouse entertained at dinner last evening. Mrs. F. Robins Mitchell, of Boston, who Is visiting Mrs. Shouse, was among tho guests. 4. Luncheon to Mrs. Pendleton. Miss Ellen Fit Pendleton, president of "Wellcsley College, who Is spending a few days In Washington with her broth er and slster-ln-law. Col. and Mrs. 15. I'. Pendleton, waa the guest of honor at a luncheon at tho University Club today. Tho other guests wero tho om- cors of tho Washington Wollcslo Club ana n. ioiv 01 nuss x-unuictons ciosa friends This afternoon, from i to 6 o'clock, Mrs. Charles E. Hughes will entertain at tea In compliment toMlss F'ondlcton. Her guests will 1Q confined to Wellesley nlumnac, mombera of tho student body, and such school gjrls who aro expecting to enroll at the collcgo within the next yoar or two. Mrs. Ernest Knacbol, president of tho Wellesley Club, will receive- with Mrs. Hughes and Miss Pendleton and the membors of tho reception committee, of which Miss Margaret Moorholse is chairman, will assist. At tho reception which the College Woman's Club and tho Wellesley Club will give for Miss Pendleton, at the Raleigh on Monday afternoon, from 4 to 5:30 o'clock, Mrs. Emma Harper Turner, president of the College Woman's Club, will receive, assisted .by Mrs. KnaeDct and Mrs. Lyman B. Swormstcdt, chair man of tho commlttco on arrangements, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Hillings Wil 1 Hams announco the cnciigomont of their daughter, Ellen Lnno Jett Williams, to Lieut. George Bamfonl Ashe, U. S. N.. of Raleigh. N. U. Tho wedding will take place In Juno at Berryvlllo, Clarko county, Va.. tho summer home of the bride's parents. Mrs. James Irwin Stool, of 1107 Q street, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert U. Thomas, at Harrlsburs, Pa. Miss Caroline Gcrkln Is arranging a series 6f musicals to be given by Mr. Kradkln. of the Metropolitan urcnesira, Youngsters to Frolic in Rose Room at Shoreham After the Play. Photo by Harris Bwlnj. MISS MAY d'A LTON POWER, Who is to wed Lieut. William T. L ightle, U. S. N. CHARMING LUNCHEON P IT TOR Mrs. Thomas W. Lockwood, Jr., Entertains for Mrs. Hamil ton Speir, of New Jersey. IN BO T Y FOR BALLET ROSSE Senator and Mrs. Saulsbury Have Vice President and Mrs. Marshall as Guests. Mrs. Charles Setden Is entertaining twenty-eight small ru.bIh, friends of her daughtor, Miss Virginia Bclden, at a matlneo pafty at Kclttf's this after noon. They are occupying four boxes. After tho theater thoro will be a party for them In the Roso Room of the Shoreham. Tho table will bo gay with spring (lowers In shades of yellow, and all tho favors will carry out the yellow tone. The guests are Miss Anna Martin Johnson. Miss Anne Halght, Miss Lola rJtubbjeflold, Mlm SalUe AlcAdoo, Miss Elizabeth 81ms. Miss Irene Canby, Miss Mary Fox, Mfss Jean Tucker, Miss Margaret Webb. Miss Marjorlo. Golm, Miss Mary Elizabeth Belden, Miss Elea nor Wurtsbaugh, Miss Alice Harding, Miss Silvia Appleton. the Misses Blanche and Barbara 8torebelgh, 10 Crago, Miss Margarot West, and Eustls Hundley. Cleveland Forum Will Hear of "Pork Barrels" Mrs. Robert M. LaFollette, wife or the Bonator from Wisconsin, will mako the principal address before tho Com munity Forum of the Grover Cloveland School at the Public Library tomorrow afternoon. Congressman James A. Ftear of Wlsclnsln will also be a speak er. His topic will be "Pork or Honesty in LeEisiuiion Tho mattor of the "pork barrel" will be one of tho Important topics of dis cussion to bo opened by Mrs. Benton MacKaye. Mrs. Mackaye will devote herseir principally to tho part that wom en have played, and will play In fight ing "pork barrol" legislation. Clara Barton Memorial Society Incorporated Kor the purpose of erecting a me morial to perpetuate th memory cf the founder of the American Red Cross, the Clara Barton Memorial Association has been Incorporated. Mrs. John A. Logan. Emily Lee Re gan, Ada II. Weiss, Albertlne S. Oilell and Cora Bacon-Foster are named In the articles of Incorporation (lied yes terday. . Tho certlllcate states that tho organi zation was formed through the Inspira tion of the !eglon of Loyal Women. New Thought Lecture. Jamei A. Ldgerton, president of the International New Thought Alliance, v. Ill glo the fourth in the scries of leetuies on "The Practical Apollcatlon of the Trachliigs of Jesus Christ to Present Pay Problems," tomorrow af ternoon at 4 o'clock In Jtauschcr's Hall. CUP REGULATONS Druggists' .Association Wants to Know What Sterilization Law Means. At, the request of. tho Botail T)rug glnta Association of Washington, a public hearing will be held In the board room of the District building on Thurs day momlng on the regulation govern ing the uie of the common drinking cup. Section , of the regulation provide that after July 1, cups, mugs, glasses and receptacles used In drug 0 to res, bar itioms and all places whore food or beverages aro sold, shall be steri lized by steam or hot water after each, vse. The druggists ask for a ruling as to meaning ot tho terms of tho regulation. Following aro their auerles: "What is meant by sterilization In terms clear to tho aerngo person not familiar v.ltlt bacteriological technique? "At" what temperature docs water become hot under the meaning ot the regulation? "What constitutes life of apparatus? Is it limited ts service to a customer or does It Include the handling of a glass or spoon In mixing drinks, as is frequently the rase? "If apparatus is clean and has been sterilized what objection Is there to the use of dry heat or to uny other method of .terllbatlftn?'' Section 3, provides .that all places where fooii or bevorages rtre sold shall be provided with "adequate facilities" for cleansing and slerllzatlon. The (Irt'ggists nilc to have the meaning of the term "adequate facilities'' explained and ask If on ordlnarv tub full of boil ing water would bo sufficient or whether a special iteainer would be required. Sterilization apparatus, they point out. Is not mado email enough to meet the requirements of the ordinary drug gists. Regulations as to common oups and towels went Into affect on February 1, Mrs. La Follette to Speak At Forum Tomorrow Mrs. nobert M. La Follette will be the first speaker at the meeting of the Grover Clevoland Community Forum in the Public Library at S o'clock tomor row afternoon. Mrs. La Follette Is familiar with the community forum from the fact that U0 communities In Wisconsin have them. There the centers nre held under a law similar to the Hollls-Johnson tncasuro proposed for the District. Congressman James A. Frear. of Wis consin and Mrs. Benton MacKaye will be other rpeakcrs. Lobsters at High Mark BOSTON. March :. Lobsters have reached the highest price ever known In New England. They aro quoted In the local market at 75 cents a pound. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS OF TODAY list of Changes Announced By Department Affecting Officera. Army. Capt Joseph F. Slier, Medical Corps, relieved from duty at Army Medical School, to Fort Mam Houston, Tex., for dUtv fit 4h rUn.rtmATit t.hnntArv Tit following officers of the Medical Ileserve Corps are relloved from duty at the Army Medical School, to take effect uiun mo completion or ineir examina tion for appointment In the Medical Corps of tho Army, to Harllngen, Tex., for assignment to duty with Ambulance Company No. 6; First Lieut. Joseph L. Fnrden.-Flrst Lieut. Charles O. liutter. Each of the following officers of tho Medical Corps, will proceed to tho place specified after his namo for assignment to temporary duty with tho organization Indicated: Capt. Harry O. Humphries, Brownsville, Tex., Fourth Infantry; Capt. Wllllnm 8. Shields, Brownsville, Tex.. Third Cavalry; Cap.. William M. Smart. Harllngen, Tex., Field Hos pital No. 5; Copt. Jesse It. Harris, llar Ilngn, Tex., Field Hospital No. 6; Oapt. Edward M. Talhott, Harllngen, Tex., Sixth Cavalry; Capt. Charles L. Foster. Mission, Tex.. Twenty-eighth Infantry; Capt. Hobert W. Kerr, Fort Clark, Tex., Fourteenth Cavalry; Capt. William K. Bartlctt, Eagle Pass, Tex., Seventeenth Infantry; Capt. James S. Fox, El Paso, Tex., Seventh Infantry; Capt. Craig It. Snyder, Douglas, Ariz., Eighteenth In fantry; Major Cosam J, Bartlctt, Doug las, Ariz., Twenty-second lnrantry; Capt. Lucius L. Hopwood, Columbus, m. May rrnralftt. r.v.lrwi XtM4MH 1nM.. t. Bevans, El Paso. Tcx Twentieth In- inmry; japi. Tnomas J. inynn, Nogales. Ariz., Twelfth Infantry: Capt. William B, Melatcr, Nogales, Ariz., Twelfth in- fnnf tV Pant flsknvwA TT t)U..n iv i Paso. Tex., Twenty-third Infantry; Capt. George H. Scott, El Paso, Tex., Twenty third Infantry: Lieut. Col. Paul K. Straub, Fort Bliss, Tex., base hospital; Major William L. Keller, Fort Bliss, 'lex., base nosplta!. leavo for two months, to tako effect upon his relief from his present duties, granted First Lieut. Charles B. Meyer, Coast Artillery Corps Lieut. Col. George Montgomery. Ordnance Department, or one of his commissioned assistants, to Greenfield, Mass., on official business pertaining to the operations of the Ordnance Depart ment. National Thrift Campaign Indorsed By Thurston Ernest L. Thurston, superintendent of schools, addressed pupils of James Or mond Wilson Normal Bchool, yesterday afternoon on "Thrift." Mr. Thurston Indorsed the national thrift campaign, and said that thrift should bo related. In school teaching, not only to tho saving of money, but to the saving of health, of time and to conservation of natural resources. Huidekoper to Speak On National Defense Frederick Huidekoper Is to speak at the meeting of tho Society of Colonial Wars tonight at the New Wlllard Hotel. Tho society will consider the question of preparedness. Mr. Huide koper will support a resolution In dorsing preparedness. Afterward nip per will bo served. ATTRACT STUDENTS The Shakespearean Collection Makes Publio Library Ren-' dezvous for Many. For high school pupils and college students, the Publio Library Is a ren dezvous this week. The attraction Is the collection of Shakespearo pictures, In the exhibition cases on the second lloor. Nearly 200 pictures are Included In this exhibi tion. They form only a small fraction of the pictures devoted to Shakespeare contained In the extensive picture col lection In the library. Besides those shown hundreds aro being loaned to high school and college classes and to clubs which aro making a study of the dramatist In honor of his anni versary. Tho collection on exhibition ha prints of some famous portraits, such an the Chandos head, the Dreeshout portrait, the Jausen head, the .Felton head, and the busts in Trinity Church and the so-called Stratford bust. Pictures of Houses. Then there aro nlctures of Stratford- ' on-Avon, of Shakespeare's house, of Ann Hathaway' cottage, and of the Globe, Swan and various Elizabethan theaters. Scenes from a dozen of his plays are shown, and there are character pictures of famous actors who have played In Shakespearean roles. The pictures are taken from the li brary's collection ot more than, 25,000 , mounted pictures. This collection Is constantly being added to by pictures from magazines, from newspapers, and from prints which are presented by friends ot the library. Librarian George F. Bowcrman welcomes the print collections. Are Widely Circulated. Theso pictures are widely circulated and not only schools and clubs, but In dividuals who are taking art course draw them out. One portion of the collection is devoted to Biblical history, and this Is drawn upon by Sunday School classes. A wide range of subject Is covered. One of the most complete collections Is the geographical one, and vying with this aro the literary and historical, collections. Tho art collection Includes not only reproductions or famous pictures, but pictures ot statues and architectural work. Newspapers draw freely upon the col lection, and In times of great catas trophes, like the Dayton floods, the Frisco earthquake, and the Jamaica earthquake, three of the four Wash ington papers have used library pic tures on the same day. Mrs. Thomas W. Lockwood. Jr., was hostess nt a charmingly appointed luncheon today, when she entertained In compliment to Mrs. Hamilton Spelr, ot Mcntclalr, N. J., who Is spending the early spring In Washington. Invited to meet Mrs. Spelr were Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson. Mrs. T. DeWItt Talmadge, Mrs. S. C. Ncale, Mrs. Sam uel J. Gruham. Mrs. Louis Pennington, Mrs. Charles Henry Butler, Mrs. Charles Wood, MrsAWllllam Sinclair. Miss Helen Stcwurt. Mrs. Victor Kourfmann. and Mrs. Esra Koon. Tho table had a graceful centerpiece of white lilacs and pink sweet peas. Mrs. I. T. Mann will be nt home to morrow afternoon for the last time this season. Mrs. Thomas S. Crelglton Is enter taining a few guests Informally ot tea this afternoon nt her residence In Nine teenth street. In compliment to Mrs. mfy To,wnc, of New York, and Mrs. V llllam Post, of Englcwood, N. J., who aro her guests. near Admiral nnO Mrs. W. W. Kim ball will bo hosts at a small and In formal tea this afternoon at their resi dence, 17B7 Q street. Arranging a Recital. Mrs. Georco Pcabody Eustls la nrrnnz. 'Ing' a recital of the song cycle, "In a Persian ilarden," to bo gtvon at tho Playhouse on the afternoon of April 11, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Elliott Woods, Miss Fnye Bumphrey, Myron Whitney, nnd John Barncc Wells, of Now York, will bo the artists, with Mrs. Eustls at the piano. The recital, In which much Interest Is already being shown, promises to bo one of the most delightful musical events or tho early spring. - Miss Elma S. Moulton, daughter or Judgo and Mrs. II. H. Moulton. has ar rived homo from Wellesloy College ror the spring vacation. Miss Moulton will be graduated in June. - An cntorUlnment will be tho benullt vaudeville tea to bo given early In Muy by the District of Columbia Division, United Daughters of tho Confederacy. Miss Alice Theobald has entlro chargo of tho affair, which already Is claiming tho nttcntlon und Interest of resident and official Washington. A delightful vnudevllle will be given during part of the afternoon, starting nt a o'clock, and will bo followed by dancing. ("harming matronr, asatnted !v Wash JngtonVs nt'tractivo idebutnntar). ,wlU Bcrvo" refreshments throughout tho afternoon. Among those of the younger set who havit leccutly Hlgnlllcd their Intention of Joining tho National Servlco School camp at Chevy Chase In May aro Miss Anna Hopkins, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neville Monroo Hopkins, and Miss Phyllis Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Passett Moore, of New York. Miss Elizabeth Deeblo and Miss Louise Davidson will also take the course. Lansings To Ue Honor Guests. The Secretary of State and Mia Lansing will bo tho guests of honur at a dinner this evening, vlth the Japan ese Ambageatlor nnd Viscountess Chin da as hosts, .-.J.Mr, and Mrs. Christian llcmmlck will also bo umnug the dinner hosts of this evening. They will havo clghteon guests. Mr. nnd Mn. Hemmlck will also give a dinner next Friday evening, und Mrs. Hemmlck 1ms cards out for a luncheon on Tuesday. A number of Interesting box parties were arranged last evening for the per formance ot tho Imperial Ballet Russe at the National. Senator and Mrs. Saulsbury .enter tained In compliment to tho Vice Presi dent and Mrs. Marshall, with Senator and Mrs. McLean to complete the party. Tho Minister of Nlcuraucua had with him Senator and Mrs. Stone and the Asslstuut Secretary of Stato and Mrs. John K Osborne. Mr. und Mrs. John V. Wllklns had a box for the evening and had with them Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glaugow. Mrs. Joseph Letter and Robert Wlklns; while Mr. and Mra. Etdrldgo Jordan had as their guests Mr. und Mrs. Georgo i'caDoay tsutis, Mrs. Preston Gibson, and Basil Miles. Mr. und Mrs. Jordan entertained their guests at dinner before tho ballet. Mr. and Mrs, James W. Wadsworth also entertained Informally at dinner, taking their guests. Miss Barbara Blcl stein. Mr. and Mrs. Mandevlllo Carlisle and George Marvin, to the National aftcrwurd. This evening the Russian Ambassador and Madame Bakhmctefr will occupy a box, as will Mrs. Robert McCormtck, whllo Mr. and Mrs. William Corcoran Eustls will have Mrs. Marshall Field's box. To Give Recital. Tho Kate Gordon Chanter. Southern Stalcj Woman's Suffrage Conference, will glvo a mid-Lent recital In tho Gold Room of the Hotel Lafayette on Aionaay evening, April 3, at 8 o'clock. Tho following artists will participate: Mrs. J. J. Loving, Miss Clarlne McCarty, Mra. Hugh A. Brown. Mrs. Charles Zurhorst, Miss Sylvia Mctcalf. Mrs. itnymonu u. uicKey, ana aiiss isisa Ranor. Accompanists, Mrs. Charles ui-ooks smun ana .Mrs. ucorge Metcair. r Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Phlpps have como from tho South for a visit in Washing ton en roulo to their homo In New York, and arc stopping at tho Shoreham. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward, of Lon don, who aro In Washington, aro also at tho, and others registered there are Mr. und Mrs. A. H. Carter and Mrs. E. W. Sells, of Lcesburg. Va.: Mr. and Mrs. James W. Oakford nnU Miss Frances Oakford, of Haverford, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Strawbridge, Miss Anna Mrawbrldgo and Edward Strawbridge, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dean, of St. Paul. Mrs. Marshall Field, who left Wash ington the first of this week. Is spend ing a fow weeks in New York, and has with her her niece, Mrs. Albert J. BevcHdge. k iAftKjefc'ft HAIR BALSAM A toll.l preparation of nrll IT.Ip. to tnAletX dudratf. Por ft astorlac Color b4 BaaatyUGrayerFadadlUlr. Safety First Indigestion, constipation, biliousness and many ailments of the digestive organs are often the source of serious illness. At the first 6ign of disordered conditions take the reliable family remedy that is always dependable BEECHAM'S PILLS Utt-t 31. ot Any MwUcIae U & WerU. Sold oTonrwlnro. In box. 10c. 3Bc ARCADE AUDITORIUM , 14U Sf. Park Head DANCING SKATING try Ki at 81 se Meaday. Taesday A Tbarsslay Xt'ks Tuesday and Friday Afternoons, J. A. WlbLATtn, Gen. Mgr. Public Announcement , - 1' sBBMBflssnSirKr'&il '-'' $- i' 'sBBBBBBBBBBBBBSiiBOUHtsli '' t iiaWsssst-VBW i' jssi HaM' l-:4 : i- JP.SP;SaWam'''8WaWslaf-1 i TIIifMsssssKS ZlSJv'',fesj' "i. tasssssssH r3-i aawP iHssv-vI u & nifl ' BrifedSBBBBBKai IB KXjMa3tlS U Crandall's Theater, 9th and E SU: N. W. "HalBBBBBSkSiHSBWaliaiBlaSat nHalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBlBHHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBttsr fSBBBBslBSBBBBBBBISWKpSBBSlBBBBBBBnE T It is with the greatest pleasure that we announce our new Theater, known as the Avenue Grand. Notice is hereby given that this Theater will be closed April 3, thoroughly remodeled, and will reopen about April 15 as a first-class Feature Photoplay House, with the best pictures obtainable and a high-class orchestra. We now operate, as you know, the Crandall Theater, Ninth and E streets northwest, also the Apollo Theater, 624 H street northeast, and after April 15 we will give the Southeast section an up-to-date theater. Our intentions are to have a first-class theater located in each section of the city, placing us with our chain of theaters in a position to always furnish our patrons at the various theaters with the best in mo tion pictures, accompanied by good music. Our next announcement will deal with our proposed Jarge theater in Mt. Pleasant, located on Fourteenth street, the exact location to be made known at a later date,-and at this time wish to assure you that we have absolutely nothing to do with, and have no connection with, any other that has recently been announced in the Mt. Pleasant section. We make mention of this fact to set at rest any false impressions and as answer to the many inquiries which have been received requesting information as to whether or not we have any connection with any of those formerly announced on Fourteenth street. We also take this opportunity to advise the public about buying stock in moving picture theaters. Investigate the Following: 1 1 1 1 CrandalUs Apollo Theater, 624 H St N. E. IssssaL I KssssslslsssVK ssiBwgPshsssssssCTsssssssssssssssssssK "'i"' Crandall's Avenue Grand Theater, Perm. Ave. S. E. bet. 6th and 7th Sts. ? Another Crandall Theater To Be Announced Soon. 1st. What is the financial standing of those most interested? 2d. How much stock have they subscribed for, and how much actual cash did they invest? 3d. Arc there any PROMOTION FEES, high prices to be paid for LEASES, or is there much watered stock? 4th. What salary (if any) arc the officers of the company to receive 7 6th. Will the total investment be so great that a profit Mould be utterly, impossible? 6th. If there were a profit, would they declare dividends, and divide it among the stockholders, or would they dispose of the profits in high salaries to officers of the Company? 7th. Have the organizers, whoever they may be, had any prac tical experience in the moving picture business, and have they been successful? This last question is a very important one, for, regardless of what their financial standing may be, thousands of dollars have been lost injhe moving picture business mainly through the lack of experience and unnecessary expenditures. ' I want to assure the public that 1 make this statement purely for their own benefit, as in many cities large stock selling propositions have been floated, and the public have suffered through stock jobbers. My advice to those contemplating buying stock in a moving pic ture theater proposition, is to give the above very careful consideration. (Signed) h. M. CRANDALL. U In vasnineion tor a visit.