Newspaper Page Text
-it ' " THE WASHINGTON TTMES. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910 ' fc Whp Itftttrt'hfttnfmt Ki.w: tyiuwuiyiuu uiuup te.aJt:.Xi?l'A'tit'T ' PmXi !L"" ?!4?LIL rUBUSHED EVKHT EVfiNINO (Including Sundays) My tho Washington Times Company. THE UUN8ET BUILDING. Penn. Ave. FRANK A. MUNSEW President. It. H. TTTHERINGTON, Secretary O. H. POPE. Treasurer. One Tear (Including Sundays). M.M Six Months. 11.73. Three Month. 0c , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1016. 'WHY THE Bans COMB HIQH. A correspondent who writes to flThe Times in a tono of simple com mon sense that indicates possession of information whereof ho speaks, tolls some truth about tho high cost ft eggs. Tho prico of eggs has gone sky rocketing, he says, because the cost pf living for hens has gone up there. That's all there is to it. If t costs 20 cents a dozen to raise eggB when chicken feed costs on tho basis of 100, then it costs twice as tnuch to raise eggs when feed and everything else goes to u basis of 200. Eggs arc in the same base as milk. The trouble isn't with Brin dlo or Biddy; the one can produce ps much milk as ever, tho other is as willing to lay and likes to cacklo as ?rell as ever. But Brindlc canH give down unless she's fed, and Biddy is reticent about laying if she is fcungry, or has had her head cut off nd been put into the pot. It is a fact, of the commonest knowledge to ppople with any op portunity for knowledge of such sub jects, that dairy herds are being old off at an alarming rate by pco plo who discover that "there is no profit in raising milk, and good Bioney in raising other things on the farm. Hens are being sold or killed and eaten by people who dis- Bvcr that it doesn't pay to feed iem nt present prices of feed. To "evile the cow and tho hen, or ac cuse tho farmer of being a robber, doesn't help a bit. It's a condition, Hot Qthcpry. frilE NBXT HOUSE AND ITS ' SPEAKER In the membership of the next House of Representatives will be a Socialist, a Progressive, an Indepen dent, ami a "Progressive-Protectionist." They might not seem a highly impressive group, in a body with 435 in umbers. Yet it is quite possible that in their hands will lie the power to determine whether Democrats or Republicans shall organize "" the House, control the Speakership, and dominate the committees. Seemingly the Democrats hnve not a majority in the House, which is 213. They are likely to count 215, according to the latest reports; so they will need some of the members of this group of political nonde Bcripts in order to organize. Controlling the House is not the eamp, game it was a few years ago. The Speakership is not the thing; it is the Committee on Ways and Means, whose members are elected by the House, and which nnmes tho committees of the House. There arc at present twenty-two members of ,Wnys and Means, eight Republicans, and fourteen Democrats. In a House so evenly divided as the ncxtjwill be, the dominant party 'would have to divide this committee on the basis of 12 to 10. Should it prove that the independent group possesses a bal ance of power, those four members might easily dictate their own terms; they could all insist on places on the Ways and Means Committee, if they Jiked, and thus get a very big part in making up the committees; or, they could make terms to their advantage, pnd get whatever else they liked. Lord Randolph Churchill once pretty nearly bossed the British gov ernment with n party comprising four members. The despised inde pendents may boss the next House. THE FUNNY FOREIGN COMMENT Our Britistk and German editorial friends, who went to bat before they were called, and struck out by com menting oH'the election results when they thought Hughes was elected, find that the joke was on them. How ever, they were in no more uncom fortable scrape than a good many American publicists of greater or less, caliber, who were lure too soon. " The comment of tho foreign press 'suggests, on the whole, more of ig norance about American conditions than anything else. The Germans in Germany displayed fear lest Mr. Hughes, who is quite unknown there, .might be dominated too decisively by Colonel Roosevelt. The British prpss made the painful mistake of Voicing some of the spleen that has commonly been repressed, and a number of newspapers made com ments on President Wilson that they would be glad, now, to have left un- mudc. Still, on both sides of the North Sea, the observations indi- Vated a very real concern about the nttltude of the American nation, and n sincero desire tnac tins country might continue friendly. Germans in Germany commented, on the whole, very much as Ger rnuns in America voted: turprisini'ly friendly to Wilson. There luir, been dovelonhur in Crrnny r. 'vi friendlj one toward tho President, especially sinco tho submarine raid off tho Now E Innd coa8t whlch seems to havo convinced Germany that there wasn't much daneer of America getting seriously resentful, no matter what indignity wcro im- posed. British comment unfriendly to Wilson was projected .from a theory that the United States ought to havo been more actively and cf- College but that Have different con fedtivfcly friendly to the causo of tho ditions surrounding their qualifica allies, and that Mr. Wilson wns re- tions for voting. Alabama has a sponsible for its insistence in "the population just a little less than strict letter of neutrality.- I California or Iowa; and on tho basis Responsible official pcoplo in the 'of population gets twelve electors, warring countries have maintained while Iowa and California havo thir extrcmo reticence. Their cxlrcmo teen each, because they have slight care about making any expression is ly moro pcoplo. Suppose, however, reflection of the feeling that the, that these three States had clcc timo is at hand when America will tors in proportion to votes cast. In be a more importnnt figure, in con nection with world reorganization, than it has been in wartime. THE PRESIDENT'S TRIUMPH President ''Wilson Is re-elected, with 272 electoral votes in his column and a chance to gain a few more on completed and official .re turns. But the probability is that in tho conclusion the total will stand Wilson 272, Hughes 259. As 266 electoral votes wcro needed to de cide, the election proves the closest ever held, except in those coses in which the Electoral College failed to clcctj at all, and the House of Representatives had to select the President. It must be set down as u personal triumph for the President. His party has lost heavily in the Senate and House. It is probablo that the Democrats will control the new Sen ate, but they seem to havo lost the House. They surely would Have lost the Senate as well, if the country had been choosing an entire new Senate, instead of only one-third the mem bers of thai branch. So the pro portions of the personal expressions in behalf of the President arc more impressive-than perhaps they have ever been for any President. It is mere conjecture thus far as to how much Mr. Wilson ran ahead of his ticket, in the country as a whole; but in State after State there is a monotonous iteration of the report that the national ticket led the Dem ocratic State ticket all the way from a few hundreds to many thousands. Gentlemen who, in the tensity of excitement over the closest Presi dential election in a generation, emit loose talk about frauds, cor ruption, contests and tho like, have been doing neither the country nor their parties any good. The country is going to accept the result in good faith. There has been no confirma tion of any allegations jibout cor ruption, cither in the casting or the counting of the ballots. The Demo cratic management made charges, before the polling, that now sound curiously hollow and silly. The Re publicans were getting ready, they said, to buy the election. L.ater, when it became apparent that the result' depended on a group of very close States, they charged that the Republicans were getting ready to steal it. A result which shows the Democrats victorious, with the Pres ident running far ahead of his party strength, indicates how little ground there was for either accusation. The appearance of Federal judicial of ficers in conferences which aimed at attempted interference with the States business of canvassing their own votes was in exceeding had taste, nnd worse. Federal authority has no right to intrude itself in this affair. Each State has its own ma chinery, and each State is the ex clusive authority over tho .counting and canvassing of its vot,e. The threat of Federal interference wns a vicious perforamnce. There was at no hour the least reason to suspect that the result would not be honestly reeflctcd by an honest count of the ballots. In tho conclusion of the matter, it must be said that President Wilson has curried the country, and that the Democratic party and its policies have been denied a vote of confi dence. POPULAR AND ELECTORAL VOTES The observation is heard very of ten, in timeB when Presidential elec tions call attention to the eccentrici ties of the Electoral College system, that it would be better to have the President chosen by direct popular vote. Ideally, perhpt it would. But this country is not 'governed under an ideal system; and it does not require a bold person to protest that the 'Electoral College system is fairer than n direct popular vote would be. Each State is permitted to de termine the qualifications of voters within its own citizenry. Thero never has been a time from the be- ginnings when qualifications for vot- ing were anything like uniform among the States. When theCon- stitution was 'adopted, universal manhood suffrage was by no means the rule. Many States had property and other qualifications). In it union of States, it tvas agreed, the fairest method. of ap portioning influence in tho Federal CS vonui'cnt wi . ."i ihv ba. it, yf population of the States. To place It in proportion to Iho number of votcrs ,n tho stnt0 would bo unfnir because tho Stato that was most liberal' in giving, tho ballot to ita people would .have a long advantage. Tho situation may bo illustrated by taking thrpo' States that havo ap- proximately tho samo population and tlie same strength in tne Electoral 1012 Alnbamn cast 104,000 votes; Iowa cast 465,000; California cast 576,000. Iown would havo had four times as much voice as Alabama in making a President, and California Ave times as much. The disparity is much greater when comparison is made between Alabama and California as they vote today. Alabama denies the vote to half its men the black ones; Cali fornia givcB it to all men and all women, bo, this year, on tho basis of votes actually cast, Iowa would have about four times tho influence of Alabama, and California some thing like eight times. It would al most eliminate the, South from real importance fh tho choosing of a President. In 1012 tho total vote of ten Southern States was consider ably less than that of the single State of New York. To cut down their voice in the selection of a President would bo manifestly un fair; more than that, it would seri ously endanger the devotion of such States to tho Union. Results attained through the Elec toral College system arc, on the whole, much more fair and represen tative than would be tho results from a popular vote so long as the "popular" vote varies so widely as now. SURPRISES IN THE VOTING One of the early signs that some thing astonishing was in the politi cal atmosphere, was the vote of Mil waukee in the Presidential primary early in the summer. President Wil son received an overwhelming in dorsement from the popular vote then cast. That he should receive more votes than all other candidates for Presidential nominations, on all other tickets, was an eye-opener. It made a good many people marvel. The most German city in the country seemed willing to take cspccini trou ble to indorse Mr. Wilson. One ex planation was that the solidarity of the German opposition to Wilson had driven all the rest to support himu a more plausible was that there was no "German vote" when it came to voting, and that the Germans 'di vided as always. Now comes the election, results with a list of such eccentricities, not yet nearly completed. Wilson car ried St. Louis, one of the greatest Germnn centers; the Republicans carried Cincinnati by a very low ma jority, that city being nnother Gor mun center. The Germans are very Is announced for showinc ut Cran- i n t. ...a vtui lldnll's Savoy neM Sunday, As a sup- strong in Omnhn, yet Nebraska goes Democratic, though Omaha's Ger man vote was counted likely to be a powerful factor against Democratic success in the State. New Hampshire requires explana tion that is not at all obvious. If it hasn't gone Democratic, it has come' so near as to make iU almost Demo cratic. Doubtless the. explanation dates back to the State's revolt against the old Boston nnd Maine regime which bossed it for many years. Under Churchill, Bass, and others, the protest took form; there came an awakening; the State acci dentally chose a Democratic Senator four years ago because of the Re publican split; there was war pros perity in its industrial centers, and the rural population may be assumed to have been influenced largely by the kept-us-out-of-war argument. Looking for surprises, again, who would have guessed, after rend ing the sort of literature that has given us our impressions of Alaska, that it would go dry? Well, it is now claimed that every town in the Territory went dry, and that prohi bition had one of its most sweeping victories there! Doing this, Alaska turned its back on "Jim" Wicker sham, the most loyal, useful, effec tive representative that any Terri tory ever' had in Congress and elected in his stead a brother of the "Same Old Bill" Sulzcr! Truly, politics is a great game. On Juh 15, say, it would have been hard indeed to find a political prognosticator who would have be lieved the women's votes would win for Wilson. It seems they did. Wil son was against me Aiitnony amenu- iiiii.- 1 ii , ment; Hughes was for it; and the UiCIH, Ulium u...v.. a wiiva ClUwaH piaCOQ On BttlB llKlay determined to show tneir power by puidshing Wilson. Instead, thoir women voters supported him. There is basis for a mild suspi cion that the Indies who run the suf ..,.,.. ...... -..- - -..- u-.- frnge movement from aNew York headquarters have not quite grasped .1 ... iv..i. s ,.., 1 1.. ii. 7 ..... tne .u heads sit! uu (iiui. is lotigcu in uiu pretty ,rVh"t-j--Ky .ictfo , Wilters. tnemhor Ulr"' requiremenis to tno minimum mat of the ladies over on the other' of'" the pSofSISn. W SutW'Jf If?;,;.0, "Y" f?.!!" havo' a of tho country who actually fSSJi&.'OT I Spni Vf,-..ii"ii, rdftorf. cl,.,r.h.H linva a voto. aiu arc umcr it to suit t i jreueini punnc, us won iinuw " 17 -" - ,.,.,,.. . mnw "wiu, "in ui 1. u-nib it 10 ,uii w, 0JU) autlcH Hro tne soach, ua- He opinion, to end thulr uBresslro co thcmselves, boose, sr locomotive. opciutloil in Mils uominenuublo and Just 1 POLITICAL A1BsBMaS5&. JrJ I f 1 1 if urn ti ii wKKBMmmmmmamarr mmtw f Vw- i CMMHBIBHBflBiHflHMHKlMISaOUR is?!trW3sWHHHs!HsE llisssssKcVwfissssssKflsHsisssSi&SS HEJIBSmshbsH ssssMsJsflsssaesssl A.RKAH3MMJBBi!MBBlBBHBp CARRIED BY WILSON CARRIED BY HUGHES DOUBTFUL LZ PHOTOPLAYS ON THE Speoial Productions Scheduled For Presentation in Local Theaters. Crandall's. fScoi-sc UronOtiurt'H tnj;i' .-mccc'. "nought mid l'ald For." adapted to motion pIctmi'K. will bo tho itttrKlou at I'ramlaU'rt 8undityr Monday, ami Tui'Mlay with Alice Hrady tho fcatuivil player. Tim ploiy lns to do with a Rlrl, a telephone npprator. uho yrnrn for th'" luxiiilcx of 1 1 f 0 nnd to obtain which rw enter into a lovelcH iuuiiIuko with a rich limit. The attraction for Wednesday, Thurs day and Prlday In to Im- tho l-'ox pro duction, "The Mediator," tho leailliik' character of which i love peace thai he 1h aluay leady to flht to obtain U. (JeorKe Walxh hau the chief role. Loader. A iiliotonluv that Riven a new twist .to the interna iioiiui spy moiy is i no Intrigue," In which I.cnore Ulrlch will bo seen at the- Leader Theater today. Miss Ulrlch plas the parLof skill ful international agent wfio uses pe culiar means to bring about the de struction of the jiewest and mon powerful weapon of modern warfaio. Tomorrow Maty I'lckford will be the star of the program In .1 unliiin play, "Uttle I'll!, In which Miss Pick ford plns the part of an Indian, girl In the far Noitli. The part Is dif ferent than any In which Miss I'lck ford has ct been seen. Savoy. Mae Marsh and Hubert llnrron are co-stars In "The Utile IJar." which nleniHiitaar) attraction. Hugh Kn will be seen In the. Keystone comedy, "She Loved u Sailor." Other photopHys for the week arc: Monday, .Mario Doro in "The Lash;" Tuesday, SVilllam Nigh in "Life's Shadows," Wednesday. I'aullne Fred crick In "Ashes lf Kmburs." Thursday, Uall Kane will be scon In "Tim Scarlet Oath:" Friday. Frank Keenan In "Tho Thoroughbred;" and Ora Carow III "Dollars and Sense,' nnd Saturday. Theodoio Hubert In "Anton, tho Terrible."' Anollo ... ., . . J. ! t fi. n "The House of Lies, featllling bd !a Goodrich, will be shown at ti randall s APOIIO nliniia, .limn uu m iu& aim llcrlieri manning navu uuiwiuiiii mica In nlelllre. Monday's attraction will lie "Kach Pearl A Tear," In which Fannie Watd Is star. Tuesday. Kthil Clayton will be seen in "Tho Hidden Scar." "The Daughter of MacGregor" will bo shown Wednesday. Life's Shadows." featuring William Nltrh und Irene Howley, Is announced for Thursday.- Friday's attraction has Sot vet been booked. "The Prlnco of Yaustarkv will be shown Saturday with llryant Washburn ns star. Avenue Grand. A woman's fight for happiness Is the basis of "Tho Hidden Scar." Sunday's photoplay attraction at Crundall's Avo nuo Orand Theater. Rthel Clayton, supported by a. cupable cast, Is tho fcutuicd player. "Tho Captive God" will be shown Monday, with William S, Hart nnd rjnld Markey In tho principal roles. "Pills of Peril." fcutuiing Ioulse Fa zenda Is an auxiliary attraction. Other pictures for tho week arc: Tuesday, Donald Brlun In "Tho Smug glers;" Wednesday, Iiene Howley, In "I.lfo's Shadows;" Thursday, Ilerthu J, Kallch In "Love and Hate;" Satur day, Cleo Hldgcly In "Tho Selfish Wo man." PAPER Otf EUGENICS IN RAILWAY BUSINESS Entertaining Treatise in New Rail road Man's Magazine. An ontertnlnlnir treatise on prac tical eugenics In The railroad busfness 1 forms a part of the sixth InBtallmetn rorms a ni r ..nio. tiniimmiinir.1 Ucle, ,Sf Charig lffcarur. In a series 01 ur Tiamnrkabls stories and statistics are given of whole families on our railroad and who have passed the same Jobs along from generation to generation. Paul Steele contributes an artlole of unusual Interest upon the electrical era ,n lllu iiusnj ...u... ........ ..,. "h0"'? A "l,,feI'!!,fu' V. ft "f era in tllO liocuy mouninins. 110 SiTlwauk'eo' and stV'Paul system. ' 1 a mimhne of ntlmr nrtlclcs aro con- PROGRAM NEXT WEEK MAP AS CHANGED BY Don Marquis' Column "Is Oratory a Lost Alt?" asks a licadllnc..No such luck. On Tuesda) election da) Candi date Fairbanks lost his hat. Candi date Maishnll didn't. There para erapliH ure written on Tuesday and jou got them on Friday. So you will he able to supply the comment j almost automatically. PoliticH in Breathitt County. From the Jackson (Ky.) Times. In the pretty kiovv of beeches on the cast bank of the Middle Fork of the Kentucky river, about two miles below the mouth or Canoe Fork and directly across from the residence of ! ItfKer CallahHii. there was being beld, naturilay niiernuon an ciecuon 101 school trustee. Isaac' Short, ono of ' III- Hading u.wu of that hcctlun. sober. . industrious and n good mono niuk- . er, was a candidate for the place. I Jesse Johnson. 11 good cltlen and a ' man who stands well.jvas the oppos- j ing candidate, and these two men wvro brothers-in-lawhdvljig, iflrr.led sisters, the daughters 'of "old man Jlminv Keene. who died come three years ago and Alfied Krone was 11 brother-in-law to both candidates, he being the sou of old mar Jimmy and brother to the wives of both Short and Johnson and inx-h- tu Iliadtey Short, who Is -aid tu hne shot him. The election wan ilose. holly con tested, and much reeling and detei liilnatlun to win animated both sides. About 3 o'clock something like a tie vote developed, and the feeling be came tt'nse. About heie 11 woman, the u-lfe of Ueorge Anderson nnd niotliei ' in-law of Andri.ym Splcer. who will i- the next few nil nil ten git Into tho game ami he llgurcd largelv after lie concluded to tuke a hand, cujne up to vote. Shu was refused on the ground that she did not live In the district, and Just here the county superintend ent will get In and he a witness as to Just where the boundaries of this school dlstilct run. Mis. Anderson had umiucstlouablv lived In the dls tilct heretofore, but, it is said,' lind been cut off and thrown Into the Canoe district. It Is further said that Hunt hete somebody, said to be Henry Hpleer. bounced 11 rock off of "Otick- I em" Cleminona' head and rendered him hors do combat, and Alfred ' Keene. suld to huvo been drunk, got ,,,to ,l with Uradley Short.; son of Candidate Isaac Short, and then the -smoko of ruVulvei end the II11 Inel. , dent to om of tho bloodiest lialtle that aver took nlaco In the State ren ders a perfect account of what wan done and who did It impossible; but In a little while Alfred Keene was dead. Ike Short was shot tour times, and likely killed. Anderson Splcer sK times, and Is In but little. If any. bet ter shape than Short, anil Johnnie Anderson was found witli a bad shot in the leg. Short and Splcer weie taken on the river to Atliol and from thore bv n speclnl train to Lexington and to the hospital, to seo what could be done to save their lives. UIglil hole we might suv Hint soon er or later most Kentuckinns get to n hospital to be treated for gunshot wounds. There came near being the same kind of an affair at Haddlx, and If the opposing oUudldates, Doc llryant and George HpurlocV, had not been more In favor of peace and decency than determined to hold office and hud not got together and begged tho election otllcers to call it off there would probably have been fnore kill ing. Also tho nejivs Is that on Trou blesome, near Bucklioru, there was n flue chance for a duplicate of tho Middle Fork business, und all In the name of the public schools. These THE TIMES MAIL BAG Communications to the Mall Bag must be written on one side of the paper onlyt .nust not exceed Jfto words in length, and must be signed with name ani aAdreas of tho sender. The publication of letters In The Times' Mall Has: does not mean the Indorsement by The Times of the opinions of tho writer. TuoAfall Bag U an open forum, where the cltUen of Washing ton' may arsuo moot questions. Reduction in Consumption of Milk Is Suggested as Means of Com bating Increase in Price, ' . To the Udltor of THE TIMES: Truo to the influence of a dangerous example, of rendering a snap verdict without arbitration, Investigation or any proof but their own say 30, .the milk producers and dealers have' advanced prici of milk. I Tho Alter, however, hns stopped w mi k ami bene yes, nat -it , ui who ?."". " 'iKcwise win tio mi or reuuro B -5I j : 1 thliiKH are working an itintold Injuiyl to the county, her schools and hur j people. 4 The Worker. The spider wcavos Its web l'rldefully nnd skillfully in a wn Far froni the boast of braKKiuc ' men,. . . Weaves It of cossamer. of a oualltv Course but an good as the warp of silk worms ... i Weaves It displayful of cunning; ortis- try! - .Suspenfllnfr Hb gorgcou patterns, be- j yond the dream of man's creation, ""; "' '" "." . j library Where I. sitting- coilly. reg-ard It with -''ol! Miblt.on of so mean a thing- as a spider, .ni vision, ns am lorccu, 01 uru. My servant, dust-capped, aproned and Arn,WMtli "roon?. ItfTi'sh and duster. comes merrily singing, because . . . I xupposc . . . Christmas Is coining, ,r1,'"lK,i:,l,niP.e-web eBt'Hrall I illnccr near the door and watch in : Spiders, unlike servants, are poetic '"rr...'" .'. ulu,.c "'"wioi uie ep creatures, wealing themselves out Ppmtment or a board to report corn on their labois; I1'1.0 nlnns at the next session. To my servant spiders ar abhor- ,lTI,0reP!'t 0'.tho, United States Pub ronr. &,...njaltl1 Service. Superintendent She does not fear me . . . spiders'. ,p1n,,,'I, 1"n'''i affords indisputable ev Knoulng which I watch with palpi- "lencc ttet there Is no ground, for np luting hem t. '. . . prehension that the sanitary condition For It took hint long to build that web of th otomac Klver Is such as to be And he made n good Job of It menace to public health by tlfe pol 1 watch. 1 ,u"on of tho ojster beds In tho lower -"-.-""""""I.- .. 1 siM vim VlnnlU tbeservant leaver lloddlntr for my reiuin: And Jity icturn Is fraught with Joy .... My ervniit fears spiders; she detests them; she would not touch them; Po she has not . . . wiped tho web away. -A WAITUH UTTIXG. SCOUT NO. 173S REPORTS Sir: It might Interest .those wishing coffee to know that they can order It nt M. J. Coffer's cafe. Ilrondway and 177th street, or at Kugcno Coffey's cafe ivs Amsterdam avenue, or at J. .1, Cof fey's cafe. IJJth street and St. Nicholas avenue, or at James Coffey's cafe, SSI nighth avenue. Or, Where Is Archy? Sir1 I met Archy on a Stnteu Island ferryboat tho othor day. It Is, my Im pression thnt ho Is riding back and forth because he Is unable to make a laudl'i;, being afraid that ho will be trampled on In the rush If he attompts to go ashore when the crowd does. R. P. 'sir: Huuay! t What do you think" I have found Archy! He is Imprisoned behind mi embrold pied mat on tho wall In a Chlncso res t.imant. lie was showing great signs of dls ties. Poor Archy looked starved,. J was afraid to let liltn out for fear lie would cat my "chow-meln." However. I gavo him a big noodle to s.ivo him from death until 1 could get our advice whethor to free him or ho. N. a. I. "New York," wrltei) 1 B "doesn't seem to get as enthused over tho promised ndvont of Hilly Sunday as some of ourther fair towns. Is it possible that New York Is ablo to dlscrimtuato between strictly emo tional religion and the more steadfast sort? Or does New York look on It as Just another big show? Or Is Billy losing his punch?" , We dunno. We'd hate to think Hilly was losing his punch It would grieve us to write sic transit gloria Sunday, DON MARQL'IS. movement. If an lnvestlgatlo"h by an Impartial committee 'llnds a Just ground foi tho advance, then we all must bow to It. "ELIJAH B. KNOTT. Washington. Nov. 2. 1910. Head ft United, Hebrew Chariteis Thanks The Times. To the Editor of THC TIMES: Permit mo to extend my thanks for your edltoiliil of today regarding the wcik of our organization. II Is gratlf!ng that our work in the Intcjei-t of tho poor lias met with your iippi'iiving notln . Vi HI 11 l l.i' " v Mi'AJ: 'l.X I" It 1 l ' ' ' ri t . llaillfioU II N IJ'i. ELECTION WM STREAMS- BEING POLLUTED But Additional Sewers From Suburbs Not Health Menace, Says Supt. Phillips. . , , ,. ,, . Incicdse In the pollution of streanti entering the District was noted during the year ended June Zu, according- to tin annual rennrl of Ann K. I'l.lilln. uporintondent , J which dlschn superintendent of sewers. due to the installation of items In neighboring towns larcn their Mttrniri. Intn the streams Mowing through the park 3niein 01 me District, with thfi au thority granted by Congress, the report states. It will be possible permanently to remedy this condition as soon ,as action Is tuken by the Maryland authorities to provide tho necessary Intercepting sewcrnuc to connect with the District system. : Efforts of tho Maryland Board of ... .-:' --.. , n j 1 en un to tins cnti rolled during-the year. Ilttf ffll lAnlkUtll.. J - "r 01 umeiwisc. huWHgo to the amount of 2I.034.000.W and 3( gallons of storm water were pumped duilng the VcarAH U;c sewage ws discharged through tV outfall system to .mid-channel in thc Potomac at'Urlmes. WHAT'S GOING ON IN WASHINGTON TODAY Today. Dlnnei, menibeiJhlp committee , of tl Hoard of Trade with executive cotnmli Maaonlc Temple, HrookUnd, 8 p. m. MeetliiK, Ilrookland Citizens' Aoclatlcn, Masonic Temple, HrokUnd, S p. m. Meeting, Richard H. Alvcy UcbattaG So cioty of the National CnheMltV Law Hctiool, in the ichool, S p, m. Concert, Paul Allhouie, tenor, ami Ethe I.eslmlca. plnnlit, Helnaco, 4.30 p. m. Aildresn, Mli Constance Collier, bef or Iluslnesa IHrIi Uramatlc Association, at Ituslnca Hlsli Suliool, 2:15 p, in. Meeting, central conference, Associated Ctur Hies, mezzanine parlor, Nen Wlllard, ' 1". m. Aiklreis, "The Shakeipearo Tracedles," RX, lrle Wlllley. before t-hakespenro Society e .MueriL'n. auyituriuiu. i-mro, b p, m, Mcctlim. Home and School Association 6' lantern HUM Seliool, with atldreste by D lolm Van Schalck and pr, Wlllard S, hxati i:atrrn High School. S p. in. Election of otllcers, Story Tellers' l.eart.4 New Wlllard, 8 p. m. Meeting, Tnrberv Alumni- AoclatIon. drib hall, ljastcni High hcliool. 11. id. Dance, Iininaculate Social ("Inb. private ball room, nnmacumie conception Hohool, UUhth und N streqts tiortlmcst, S p. 111, Uxhlbltlou. water colors, by near Admlr Charles Henry Dnxl, Corcorali Art Gal ler, 9 a. i p. 111. Meeting. I). A, It. Stato committee on pa'rl otic education, at 'home of Miss Ada llovu Ulnsslc, I. M S ulreet'iiortliMett, i;J0 p. r.i" Meeting to form branch of Just Gorernmsnt lcuKue of Maryland, in I'rlnco Ueorge' rounty nivcrdale, 2 p. m. Masonic Hope. No. :Dj Anacos'la, No. II Capitol, No. 1J. of the Itojal Areh. Taltonu No. i:, and Cttthedral, No. 1(. of the l.'ii em Star. Odd Fellon-s-Cenlral, No. 1, Metropolis, No. - 16; Phoenix, No. . Knlghta of I'ythlaH-Sjracuslsns. No. It. Itathlione, No. 2i. Itathbono Temple, No, ' bf the l'ythlnn Sisters. Ren Ices, Adath Ixrnel Synagogue, S p. ni. Lecture, "Haiti and Her Problems," H. W Kurnlss, Andrnn Itaiikln Memorial Chapel Howard University. p. in, National I'nlon McKlnley, No. tK, Wash lug ton Hall; Nation Capital, No. 447, Na tional na-)k Ilnll, nnd Qeorgetown, No. 1011 Potomae'SavlngsllankHall, Amusements. National Sarah IlernhardV t:13 p, m. Belasco "The Merry Whti of Windier, " 8:13 p. m, Keith's Vaudeville, 2:11 and 8:15 p. m. Poll's "Broadway After Dnrk(" 3:16 p. m, Gayety Burlesque. 3:13 and 8:15 p. in. Lyceum Burlesque, 2:15 asd 3:1 p, in. Cosmos Vaudeville. 1:15 to 11 p. m. Loew'a Columbla-i'hotoplays, 11 a..m. to l:f Moore'a Garden r ho topi ays, 10 a. ra. to 11 p. m. Moore's Strand Photoplays, p. ni. It a. in. to 11 Tomorrow. Address, "Aotlus Blncerui Sannuzarlui. a Verglllan of the nenalssanqo," the Rer John V. Quirk, 8. J., before Washington Classical Club, Quniton Hall, 8 p. in. Meeting, Missouri Society of the District with address, by Commissioner Brown low, Jtauaoher's, 8 p. in. Dance, Home Club, 8 p. m. Illustrated lecture. "Poor Man's Fuel Sugar," Dr. Fiank Yelgli, at American University, 3 p. m. P.iLrlotlc exercises and planting of tree at Mt. Vernon, by ladles of tho District of Columbia Federation of Women's Clubs, 11 u. ni Odd rellows Canton Washington, No, 1, Patriarchs Militant. .Miights or rsthtas -Ways and mesne lummlitee 1