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TilpjiS r-v m. TW F -. . i l v t Ingfgtt ifrnffg , WEATHER FORECAST Fair Tonight and' Monday Full Report on Pago Two.) Sunday Evening Edition NUMBER 9089. WASHINGTON, SUNDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER .9, 191G. TRICE ONE CENT. ,r WILSON CALLS FOR FROM MEXICAN ENVOYS President' Sends Lane Back to Conferences With Power to End Deadlock. MEANS BREAK OR PACT Believed Mediation Attempt Be Abandoned If Border Agree , ment Rejected. Eehsatlonnl dovolopmonts In tho Mexican situation arc expected within he next forty-eight hours. Following a three-hour conference Tilth President Wilson and his Stato And War chiefs, last night, Secretary of the Interior Lane, chairman of the American mediation commissioners, today made preparations to return to Atlantic City for a final effort to break the deadlock In the mediation confer ence. Secretary Lano, It Is understood, 3um boen armed with plenary powers to force an end to the deadlock. The President Is said to have assured him of complete approval of the steps thus far taken la the mediation con ferences. Wilson to Back Him Up. The President Is understood also to have gone further than this by assur ing Secretary Lane that he will firmly support any further steps taken to force an agreement through the At Untie City conference. What turn developments of the next forty-eight hours will take 1 conjectural, but there Is firm belief Bn well Informed circles that one of two things will happens They are: First, agreement by the Comml lon on a plan of border patrol which will provide for tho withdrawal of General Pershing's army from Mexico. Second, disagreement of the con ferees and abandonment of the effort to settle the Mexican troubles by me -illation. While vail-officials maintained com plete silence today, there. was an ap c&rent confidence that indicates of- flelals cotiilnuo'to be'hopeful of. final success. i Lane "SatUucd." Secretary Lane would say only he was "well satisfied with, the Mexican situation," and that ho was "hopeful of a settlement" of the negotiations at Atlantic City. Secretary of State Lansing, who conducted the diplomatic exchanges wun .Mexico uuy wnen armea con fllct between the nations seemed aD parent, and Secretary of War Baker, wno neni tne regular army into Alex loo and the national guard to the bor der when the last Mexican crisis arose, refused to answer any ques tions concerning their participation in tne tnree nour conrerence. Hopefulness of officials was based on the belief that Luis Cabrera, head of tho Mexican commissioners will (Continued on Page Fourteen.) LID IS SEALED ON NEWS FROM MEXICO Restrictions on Releasing Reports Tightened at Headquarters. CAMP WILSON. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nov. 19. War Department restric tions on the Southern department against releasing news developments in Mexico have been tightened within the past week. Officials at General Funston's head quarters said "the lid has been clamped aown upnt the border. sown tight not only here but alt along All Information received bv the South ern department must bo sent to the War Department whero Secretary Uaker and Major McArthur, the department's cen nor, will determine what Is to be made public. Questioned as to the significance of the tighter censorship officials said they had not been advised by Washington what the reason was "If there Is any." At General Funston's headquarters to day it was stated no orders had been re ceived to change the plans to send five regiments of mllltla homo from the border this week. MERCHANT MARINE HERE ON INCREASE Department of Commerce An nounces Growing Activity. Increasing development of the Amer ican merchant marine Is 'reported by tho Department of Commerce. An Increase during the last month of 2S,wS tons In steol shipping under con struction In American yards, was re ported. Four hundred and soventeen steel mer chant vessels are now under construc tion or contracted for. During October IT ships were launched from American yards. Mine Sweepers Sink A German Submarine BREST, Nov. 10. The captain of a French schooner, victim of a sub marine, asserted here today that mine weeperaappeared and sunk the under sea boat, i Old Princeton Star Flies Over Stadium rniNCETON, N. J., Nov. 19. "Hobey" Baker, captain of the 1913 Princeton football team, piloted the leaders of a squadron of twelve aeroplanes over the Stadium yesterday. The flyers came from Mlneola and Governors Island In a flight which was a part of their test for certificates as military flyers. SHOW DOWN ME FOR DISTRICT AND PENSIONS TO BE URGED OK A. F. OF L. Increased Wages for Women Workers and Employers' Liability Before Convention. COLPOYS EXPECTS SUPPORT President Wilson in Speech to Delegates Urges Elimination of Classes in U. S. Matters of far-reaching Importance to citizens of the District of Columbia will come up for discussion this week at the convention of the American Federation of Labor, now in session In Baltimore. ' According to John B. Colpoys, one of the Washington labor leaders, the principal matters of Interest to come up at tho convention this week, so far as the District of Columbia is con cerned, will be four in number suf frage, civil service retirement, em ployers liability and workmen's compensation, a minimum wago, and a wago increase for women and girls employod at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Delegates at White HoubC. The delegates to the convention, In cluding those from Washington, were received at the White House late yes terday afternoon by President Wil son, who, in a brief speech thanking mem ror their congratulations to him for his re-election, strongly urged uiat organized labor do Its part to ward breaking down the barriers which are threatening to divide the country Into classes. Accompanied by their wjves and daughters, the delegates, numbering between four and five hundred. marched to the White House behind a brass band, and groeted the Prosldent with rousing cheers when he entered the East Room. Samuel Gompers, president of the federation, expressed on behalf of the convention'. the hope that the next rour years which the President would spend in office, would bo character ized DV thA Ifim. Ulnri nf nithUvo. ments In behalf of tlw laboring- menT' ana women or tne country as those which have marked his first term. President's Speech. Replying, the President said: "What I have tried to do Is to get rid, not only of any class division In this country, but also of any class con sclenccness and feeling. Tho worst thing that could happen to America would be that she should be divided Into groups and camps In which there were men and women who thought that they were at odds with one another, that the spirit of America was not expressed ex cept In them and that possibilities of antagonism were the only things that wh nave io iook torwara to, "What I am strlvlnir fnr nnrf what T hope you are striving for. Is to blot out all the lines of division in America and crcme a unuy or Bpiru ana or purpose founded upon this, tho consclencencss that we are all men and women of tho same sort, and that If we do not under stand each other, we are not true Amer icans. Necessary Qualifications. "If we cannot enter Into each other's thoughts, If wo cannot comprehend each other's Interests, If we cannot serve each other's essential welfare, then we 'have not yet qualified as representatives of ths American spirit. "Nothing alarms America so much as mis, aiviBions, me drirting apart of ele ments among her people, and the thing wo ought all to strive for Is to close up every rift, and Uie only way to do it, (Continued on Page Fourteen.i VETERAN CLERK DIES ; STRICKEN, SUDDENLY Frank M. Guy Succumbs at Emerg ency Hospital. . Frank M. Guy, sixty years old, one of the oldest employes at the District building, died at Emergency Hospital about 1 o'clock this morning, after having baen stricken suddenly ill in Ninth street northwest yesterday evening. The man entered a saloon In Ninth street between E and F streets about 4:30 o'clock, said he was sick, and asked the proprietor for something to relieve him. Tho proprietor said the man loked pale and was holding his hand on his stomach. He said he rave the man a drink and the latter sat down at a table as though to rest. When tho proprietor remrnea irum nis supper about 7 o'clock he said the man had grown worse and one of the omployes was endeavoring to revive h'm. The Emergency Hospital amfculancn was sent for and tho man was taken there, where it was found he had n cut over one eye. Coroner Nevltt will view the body this afternoon to de termine the cause of death. The pro prietor of the place said today the man was very pale when he gavo him the drink. Mr. Guv. who lived at 1729 Nine teenth street northwest, came into the District service more than thirty years ago, almost with the estab lishment of the present form of gov ernment. He has been! a clerk In the engineer a department continually. He was married and leaves a daughter and two sons. President Not at Church, Tired Out by Conference President Wilson did not attend church today, his first Sunday home since he left for Shadow Lawn to conduct his campaign for re-election. The President was In conference until nearly midnight with Secretary Lano, Lansing, and Baker, and slept late this morning. The President and Mrs, Wilson plan to take their usual Sun day motor ride this afternoon. GRACE STORY IJB HHHHpVlyHr4 j" VIPhBPPSIbbbMMSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbQ 1 lsWV W : srfif yvW? aV At tj'Wl 1 1 A. Vv JswdnMC JhSSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW i ''" I IMbbbbbm'' lulixVBBUfBlBBBBBBBBBBBB I lr irJr IibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbimI t-4.W jr. "Hk bBbbbU I r Ja BsWWMB Jtjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi 1 RmKm&Z3&aBM I iy , fyjimRKP) r w ibbbbsbbbw!ssbV s WKfBKml$&BB3j 9? A SBszsSBsaWVliiBBBSBsszB I ffel Bv sHt 1 sHfiV oV I lj-f fij9BnK4&?33liiBBHs!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr viMi" SlBSBSBSBSBSBlsKVlaulVQsaSBKsSlBSBSB "'SsjBMMMfc,BaSMBBBSgJjJ (Qty SSl Vf-tfhhU. tt rTVBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBr 'y ' I ? VJH III h -A. 4i?ArWh 4sBSBszs bBHssbsbAXX W &kf ' ' "I I 1BSBSB lllll&'' iJ f. " '-thih i V ssBsbssbbII I V -. illlllllllHBsHBSSSBSBSBHKr J SVV''aBBSBSBSBVsBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBBK1 TbwV' vC'.aBszszszszszszszszszszi ky Above FRANK MARSHALL, Father of the Girl. Below MRS. ROSE MARSHALL, Stepmother of Girl. HOUSEWIVES MI m ON WASTE HERE Garbage Collected in Washing ton Runs 20 to 25 Per Cent Under Average. Washington housewives already are waging: a strenuous war on waste! Economy In the use of food stuffs Is tho weapon they are employ In 1n the face of soaring- prices. The Garbage cans tell the tale. Garbage collected In Washington for September, October, and so far In November has run from 20 to 25 per cent less eaoh day than for the corre sponding months last year. Poor In Quality. Tho garbage Is poor In quality, from the contractors' standpoint, con taining much less than formerly of meat scraps and vegotable refuse, the Items that go to make up "richness" In garbage. This means that housewives are not only careful of the amounts they have thrown away, but that they are careful to utilize every eloment of food value In their market purchases. Officials of tho Washington Fer tilizer Company today made these statements. This is the company which contracts to collect the garbage In the District. This garbage is watched carefully both in quantity and for Its quality. Quantity Had Increased. "The quantity of garbage In Wash ington for years pant had Increased at the rate of 2 per cent a year," said an official of tho fertilizer company today, "This Increaso In quantity about kept pace with the Increase of population. "Suddenly, In September of this year, tho quantity took a sudden fall. Tho only way to account for this drop Is In the greater economy or noueewivew. This official pointed out that the fall had como about tho time that 'W-J'PM!! we"1 " .!!" !"".' and Washington Bkfh SJ.L 5. i,..i. - ..ViPJl , n,Pats' pmen or tne i eggs, and othe The decreased "richness" In the ,! .".lit.. .." r i ,v.. garbage Is due partly tu economy In the use of "left overs" of tablo sup plies, it was stnti d, and partly to the decreasing purchabes of meats, butter, lardn. and other fatty foods, (Continued on Second Pas;.) MARSHALL'S WEIRD TO BE E Advance Quarter M'le Near Grandcourt In Firsts Snow Storm 500 Prisoners. LONDON, Nov. 19. The first snow of tho western battle front saw a battle won by the British near Grand court In which 800 prlsonors were taken and the allied lines advanced a quarter of a mile on a three-mile front This latest success makes untenablo the Geramn positions south of the Ancre, as their only available road is under bombardment. Paris reports offlciallv the repulse of a German attack east of Peronne. Appearances indicate that General Halg Intends to give tho Kaiser no rest this winter In conformity with the plan to apply all the pressure pos sible on all the fronts east and west. Interest Centers in Balkans. Interest here at present Is focused on the Balkans. The allies realise that Germany Is making a stupendous effort to over run Roumanla arid reduco King Ferd inand's kingdom to thd status of Ser bia and Belgium. In fact German military authorities (Continued on Second Page.) CAMPAIGN ON HERE BRITISH PUSH LINES FORWARD ON ANCR TO PKOltL.1 rLAU.had Intervened with Kaiser Wllhelm Patriotic Societies. Want Congress to Make Desecration Dangerous. Improper use or desecration of the United States flag will bo made a ' dangeroua piibtlme In the District of Columbia, If plans of patriotic so- i clettes here uiglng Congress to pass, laws to punish such conduct, go through. ,"h, ".!,", ,y, be as r2,"V1'e, , ,, leilslatlon hI?UectUChas,e!een i An soon as tho lawmakers reas- askod to pur , glslatlon. A Dill to .1 .m I.aav. naiamwl K. k a I Mi". and Is pending In tho Senate, The organize of this campaign ! point out as surprising that while an act of Congiess in un creaiea the flag, "it is a singular fact mat no action has been taken by that body to provide for the punishment of Individuals who desecrate or muti late It, and thst thus far appeals to that body have proved Ineffective," TOLD IN GRACE MARSHALL, aa She Looks I Today. the Authorities Found Her. Below -MISS EMMA DAVIES, Who Aided in Rescue. Girl Kept Incarcerated for Long Years by Father and Stepmother When Finally Rescued Was Child in Mind and Body Although 28 Years Old. EASTON, Md.f Nov. 19. will be placed on trial here next assault, assault and battery, and Grace Marshall, the discovery of whose condition last year cre ated a nation-wide horror. Grace Marshall was kept a prisoner for a number of years in a dingy room by her father and stepmother. A year ago tomorrow she was taken from the Marshall farmhouse, thin as a shadow and ravenous for food, by court order. Twenty-eight years old, she weighed but 57 pounds at the time of her re moval, and could neither talk, read, write, nor remember aught of her experiences. HER MENTALITY DWARFED. Physicians confinement asserted that the long In a room narrow, locked, filthy had destroyed any chance of mentality she had ever had, and that her mind was not even on a par with that of a six-year-old child. Today Grace Marshall, the center of the storm of conflicting emotions and passions In Eaeton, the animal side of her satisfied by plenty of food, clothing, and freedom, plays with the children on the streets, utterly uncon scious that.her father and stepmother are io do cauea oeiore in oar or jus tlce for their alleged monstrous and inhuman treatment of her forlhe past twelve years. jrwenty-nine years of age, her mind Is 'still that of a llttto child. If she POPE JOINS IN PLEAS Tl LONDON, Nov. 18. Belgium's pleas against stripping tho nation of Its manhood by Germany have resounded even above the din and noise of strife. From Home came word that Pope Benedict, responding to pathetic una wun umperor JTans josec oi Austria. From Amsterdam came reports of a riot at tho Turcolnsr railway sta tion when German military officers nought to cairy out deportation orders. Accurdlng to the latter story, .100 men and boyn tet asld" for trnnsfer to Oerinan factories, rebelled, nnd In the fighting which followed Hxteen clvillanu woro killed, with two Oer man soldiers. Tho naitio story had It that a. score of the Belgians had escaped and fled to tho border. It is unon tho Pone's nlca and intr- I cession Dy 1110 rnuea maios wiui n.ria. linnn rf K,innlio fhn riAfttllin i system of releasing Its own citizens now In factories for war serNloo by i replacement bx Boigians is oaneq Urltlsh ptibilo opinion 1ms seldom ijflo been moro stlrrod than by the piteous stones which nave seepou out or iu little kingdom which has borne the brunt of the war terrors, detailing families divided and homes disrupted by too "employment" orders, SAVE BELGIUM COURT Above GRACE MARSHALL, as Frank Marshall and his wife week, charged with Common assault with intent to kill" on knows a person by long experience, she will speak, but her vocabulary usually consists of an Inarticulate "un-huh" or an even more frequent negative shake of the head. Her body has fattened, her limbs have filled, her face Is fuller, but still her mind refuses to assimilate, or to reason. Grace Is still an Infant, In thought, and, physicians Btate, will always remain so. The story of Grace Marshall Is tho most pathetic that the history of Talbot county, whoso criminal annals are filled with the weird and sur. rising, affords. Her father, Frank Marshall, is a poor tenant farmer, living near St. Michaels, about twelve miles from'Easton. Her mother died wnen uraco was but a mere child, and she went to a nearby arm to live. In a few years her father mar ried again, and the stepmother tried to make a home for all the children of the first wife. So Grace came back home. She attended school at St. Michaels, and learned to read and write; In a few years she was accounted one of the 'best scholars of the school. Her i life at home with her brothers and ' sisters and father and stepmother was very happy. Grace reached tho end of girlhood a happy, smiling, winning child, A few months later she was seen no more. Tales of a myster'ouB "love (Continued on Sixteenth Page.) MACHINE GUN TRUCK STOLEN FROM TROOPS Taken From El Paso Street Mexi can Bandits Are Blamed. EL, PASO, Nov. 10. Army officers here are searching today In an ut tmnpt to recover a machine gun um ort'd automobile truck, which was vtolen from the dowtown streets Inct night vhlle the oporatlug squad was Inxido ft totrrshment place. It was tho property of the Thirty third Michigan. Infantry, and four Is entertained that Mexican bandits got it. Capt A. C. Crosaman, of the ma chine run company, immediately no tified tne police and army officers of th thoft of the maehlno gun truck. The two marhlnn gunx unsigned to the car were not on It when the theft occurred. There was n Hrarchlluht ; on tho front and ono on the leur of i wiu ui All the army camps are ,ho ng neaielied nnd a closn watch Is being kept along the river and the county roads, WOMAN FLYER ON IY MY. Ruth Bancroft Law Plans to Make Trip In Seven Hours and Set Record. RISES IN A STIFF GALE Sister of "Human Fly" Trying for Average of ) 25 Miles an Hour All the Way. VERMILLION, Ohio, Nor. 19. Miss Ruth Larr, the avin tress, passed here at 10:23 (11:23 Eastern time) flying at the rate of two miles a minute on her flight from Chicago to New York. CHICAGO, Nov. 19. in Chicago luncheon Breakfast in New York. This is the schedule of Ruth Bancroft Law, aviatrix, who left Chicago on her cross-country flight to New York at 7:25 o'clock this morning. Rising on a stiff southwest gale, which delayed her departure almost four hours, she executed a spiral circle over Grant Park, waved a cheery good-by and headed due south. In less than a minute the daring bird woman, who is a sister of Rpdraan Law, the-''human flay," disappeared in the hazy mist ofa typical Chicago November morn ing. FIRST 143 MILES. She made her nrst 143 miles In an hour and thirty minutes, passing over Kcndallvllle, Ind., at 8:55 a. m. At 10.23 o'clock (11:23 Eastern tlmo) Miss Law reached Vermillion, Ohio, a distance of 308 miles from Chicago. Her average speed for this distance Is al most two miles a minute. Other cities where her tlmo was taken tvaierioo, jna., i miles from Chicago, 8:(C; Butler. Ind., 163 miles. ' wi B$uoV wli .""S: ''wkwSn: Ohio. 202 miles, 9:30; Lime City, 214 uuiL's, 9;ta. Miss Law is flying at a height esti mated at 3.C00 feet. At l.lmn nhn became confused and flew south, pass ing six mues south or Toledo. When she reached Vermilion, however, she had regained her course. Three Miles a Minute. Reports along the line indicate sho frequently attained a speed as high as three miles a mtnuto. She reached Pine, Ind., nineteen miles from Chicago, at 7:50; Dune Park, thirty miles, 7:86; Chesterton, thlrty-slx miles, 7:50; Otis, forty-four miles, 8:05; Dunham, forty-eight miles, 8:00; Rolling Prairie, sixty two miles, 8:12; South Bend, eighty five miles, 8:22; Mlshawaka, eighty, nine miles, 8:23: Elkhart, 101 miles, 8:30; Goshen, 107 miles, 8:31: Llgo nler, 133 miles, 8:13; Kcndallvllle. 143 miles, 8:S5. Miss Law rose on a wind which avl atora declare would have discouraged almost any other flier In tho world. She hopes to make the trip In seven hours by maintaining an uverage speed of 125 miles an hour. If she accomplishes tills she will break one world's record and estab lish another. She will eclipse tho feat of Victor Carlstrom, who made the trio In twenty-five hours and forty- six minutes over two weeks ago, aft er descending at Brie, Pa., and Ham mondsport, N. V His aveiago speed was 107 miles per hour. Record for Woman. Of less Importance, according to Miss Law, Is the fact that she also will make a record for sustained flight and speed by a woman aviator. According to her Itinerary, sho was to follow the southern shoie of Lnit Mlglchan to Gory, Ind., time picking up the tracks of tho Lake Shoio ni'd Michigan Southern railroad. I low Ing them through Cloveland and l.r e, along tho southern shore of l.nui F.rle. She then heads almost duo east, passing over KlnghanUin, V . thenco southeast to New oik elt: Miss Law arose at 2 30 r'ne,. ,'i' morning at the Morrison Hc-t-1 ) attired herself In n suit of Hill, a sitlt of chamois, two suits ( woolen n (lerwe.ii, u milt of soft 1 iithei cov eted by a heavy, fur l(n d leather owrcoat. On Her head nho wore n wuolei cap, i'overe-1 hy a w ool hel met tied atounil h-r shoulders Over this wax u leather lulniel Two pull's of wool utocVlngs. lmnvjr shoes, puttee. g!ive, and gogl'le completed her outtlt. , Arrived at 1:30. She uritvcd at t'ic hangar nt 4 30 n. m.. w'ioio imipit of her roulj w o sowed to Iut lap and right glove MIh Luw was ounfionted with ft nlxty-mllo giilo. In splto of thfs shs ordered lift t'ltltUs biplane, of tho nrmv scout tpe, hauled out ttid pro parnrt foi the flight. Sho entered tho mochlne at oneo for a t I it I Might. hho elrclecl Purl., itartiiig nt the foot of Mnillsmi stieol tu to-, on'l descended, nil within llvo minute. It vnsi still ilntk mill l'ei mnv-'iiei is irn followca n niecimiii inns m flashlights Tl fil wns then so 1 ng Inat In combating It liei nm IiHk u is brought to a standstill twie. ' r 4:05 until 7:25 Miss Law stood at tho FROM in 3