, .
Teach Your
Child Songs
Worth While
Bo Much Mental Effort Is
i Wasted Memorizing the
I Trashy Doggerel of the
!' Street When Children
! Might Learn Ballads Hal-
lowed By Associations and
1 Now Rarely Heard.
MT attention hu been lately di
rected to matter which per
tain to certain phase of the
education of children, and I
hare been atruck with the needless
wast of time and energy we are ask
InT the children to use In the matter
of memorising- certain useless mate
rial. I know for the most part mothers
. content with knowing; that the
aobools are honestly trying to do the
beat by the children, but very few of
the mother are giving much atten
tion to the words of the songs which
'their children are singing every day,
and the unconscious effect such dog
Cerel must have on the forming of
ie taste for good or bad poetry.
Teach Them Ileal Music
To forbid a child to slngtheso street
ongs is, perhaps, as unwise as It is
Useless. They seem suddenly to pen
' meats every nook and cranny of the
place. One day It is a song full of
cheap patriotism, again a silly love
song, until If one Is sensitive to such
matters, one Is almost driven to des
peration by the omnipresence of the
song of the moment.
Substitution is the only suggestion
En eXDerlenced teacher has to offer
when I talked to her about this prop
. i.i... .1.... .. .......
M ui ngnuiUK nicao piiubi vim
least the silly words from the minds
of the children.
"There are so many exquisite nongs
(or children, songs written for them
and about them, which all children In
stinctively love, that the stroet sons
seem to be a needless shock to the
sensibilities," she declared.
"The parents of our children can
help us more than they dream of by
insisting that the home be kept free
from these popular songs, or at least
from the worst of them, and that the
children be encouraged to sing the
pongs they are learning at school. I
do not mean that tho songs we give
children are entirely free from the
silliness and inanity which wo do-
?ilore, but that they nro more apt
o be.
"A child's memory Is such n scnsl
tlvs thing; an early Impression Is so
long retained that I think the co-op-i'o
parents and teachers Is
' e io I e.jp the children's minds
lro b g filled with tho doggerel
of tho inomeut.
No Lack of Material,
"Thire a -e any old songs, hallowed
by aiio-lnt some of our national
ncngs, wn' .. (ire noble and Inspiring.
Th chtlrt on Know perhaps the words
ii tho lis- ctanza. and an excellent
rremor t -.v may be made of the en
tl fng.
"Thre ore adorable nature and prl
jnr . "R ft the younger children,
i rn ?' ncr real literature Bet to
ccou music
So that tbrc is never the question
f h lack cf good material.
Fond parents who wish to show to
their admiring friends the phenom
ena' memories o? their children which
are e pride of their hearts may find
any iu i ' ''ttle poems and verses
which aru rem literature, Instead of
the song of t' moment to teach to
the children.
(Copyright, 1111, by Laura Claweon.)
Bachelor Girl's
tf tho game of love, when a man
nuQcoan in winning- a woman, he
has lost) when he succeeds In "los
ing" hpr, he has won.
fltrength of will never kept a man
from falling In love, any more than a
atrong constitution kept him from
catching a fever.
No man ever told a woman the
whole truth. He hasn't enough
ntrength left, after he has recovered
from the storm he has caused by tell
ing her a little bit of the truth,
i i
No matter how many perfectly good
reasons a man may have for doing a
thing, he will always try to invent a
better one for a woman's delectation,
it ha really lovea her.
There never yet lived a man so eom
nionpUce that he didn't secretly be
) that his life would "make- a
book." If he cared to write It down.
A woman Is known by her dressing
table. If It is neat, she Is simple f
it Is bare, she is Intellectual; If it re.
embles Aetna after nn erruptlon, she
is tempermental and If It is locked!
ha is mysterious.
Every married woman nt least has
three husbands; the one she brags
fM '8 ter frlom,B- the one ehe
thinks she has, and tho one sho really
(Copyright, 1J1J.)
Crabapple Jelly.
"Wash tho apples, cut off the otems
and all bad spots, then put In a large
enough kettle and barely cover with
water. Cook slowly until all Ingredients
are soft and tender, then strain through
a clean flour sack, measure the Juice
and add an equal amount of sugar, and
to one-half a pock of apples use half a
lemon that has been washed and sliced
Into tho Juice, and boll together about
halt an hour, or until It thickens on a
saucer, at which time sot aside to cool.
This will mako It a clear dark red and
glye it a lovely flavor.
Tickled Onions.
One quart of email whlto pickling
onions. Remove the outer skins, and
place In a pan of boiling wator. Cook
until the onions look clear, then remove-
and drain and dry them. When
cold place In Jars or bottles nnd cover
With tnA fnllmvlnir t,lvti... r.. ... .
of wine vinegar, ono ounco of white pep-1
t"i " aiiuuu oi sail, ."UBKO not. I
Pour over the onions. When cold cover t
down. The onions must bo peeled with I
a silver knife. A steel knife rauscs them
to blacken. If peeled In a basin of
water It saves the eyes.
What They Say
About Us
Mis nankin's Election.
Like a young Lochlnvar out of the
West comes now the news to all femi
nists, suffragists, and womankind ' In
general that Miss Jeanette Itankln has
been elected to the United States Con
gress from the Btate of Montana. Here
l the dread bogey of the reactionary
actually come to pass woman, once
she receives the vote is not content
with that, but must Insist on holding
office as well.
60 now It Is, n the vernacular, "up
to Miss Rankin." When sho takes her
seat there wilt be plenty awaiting the
chance to scoff and to deride. But It
Is safe to predict that her record in the
future, as In the past, will redound not
only to her own honor but to that of
the thousands of women who, in her
own State have worked for her elec
tion and throughout the United States
have eagerly watched her work and
her present campaign, conscious that
1icre was a woman who throughout her
career as a worker for the public good
has reflected nothing but credit on .her
self and the movement for which she
Miss Rankin's campaign In Montana
was one of history-making events. In
the primaries she ran amazingly ahead
of her opponents, and the forces of
good all over the States flocked to her
standard. Miss Rankin's adoption of
a prohibition plank brought the same
plank Into the platforms of men who
never before had allied themselves with
a constructive reform movement. Sud
denly they were awakened They found
that not only women but men, too
prominent men, Influential men, men
who were recognized and honored in
their communities were out to support
this woman. New York Globe and
Commercial Advertiser.
How Woman Voted.
Woman did nobly at the polls.
Sho had more nerve and dignity than
many n first year malo voter.
Dy tho way, sho gained one State,
South Dakota, but was rejected by an
other, West Virginia, home of alleged
prohibition and the Wheeling stogie.
Rut to the ladles. They take hold of
politics like they used to take hold of a
rolling pin. Usten:
Tho election of
Mr. Hughes means
that tho women of
If Mr. Hughes is
elected, the coun
try would bo doom
ed for four yearn
to the reign of
privilege. The fact
that Mr. Hughes
personally Is an
honest man will
only serve to fool
tho country and
prevent clear vision
of the unjust sys
tem he represents.
Mrs. Mary Ware
I., the great rrolrte
America have their
flrst hie nation
wide opportunity to
help tho Chief Ex
ccutive of this na
tion put Into effect
a program of na'
tlonallsm, Amerl
conization. Drotec
tlon for working
women and chil
dren. Miss Fran
ces A. Kcllor.
in Cook county, I
State, more than 300.0CO women vntnnV
Undlscouraged, by the long ballot,
they went ahead and mastered It, fig
ured out split tickets, took less time In
tho booths than their husbands to make
up their minds, had very few spoiled
ballots, and were not afraJd to scratch.
"Hero and there Republican women
voted for Wilson because he has kept
us out of war. nut on tho whole the
women voted as the mon did."
Votod as the men dldl What's the
use. It's only making moro ballots to
count. New York Evening Telegram.
Times Pattern
IN this charming model we have a
clever arrangement of a deep over
tunic at tho back and front sides of
a two-gore skirt, to suggest the Influ
ence of the coat dress. A collar In
square outline reaching to the line of the
bust Is a striking feature of the waist
it has a small round collar with plcot
edge as an overlay. An unusually at
tractive buttom-trtmmed sleeve claims
further attention and the latest in
trimming Ideas Is expressed In the
embroider banding that encircles
above the hem.
The pattern Is cut In sizes 36 to 42
Inches bust measure. Size 36 requires
yards 3C-lnch material for the waist and
skirt, 3? yards crepo for tunic, sleeves
and largo collars; yard 27-Inch con
trasting goods for small collar and 3
yards banding.
Tl fttltatn rtla naltam Mil ...a, IV.
na encloi 10 eenU In aUn.pt or coin. id.
The Washlniton Times guarantees lb. de
livery of all patterns sent throush this "seE
vice. No patterns can be obuined In person.
On week Is needed for the nillng if biu
tern orders. If patterns do not come within
that time, notify this offlce for adJuTtmStf
Times Pattern Service,
NOV. 20.
Name ,.
Street and Number
City and State
No. OSS 4 Size Desired
Nijinsky Dancer, Director and
Proud Parent, Is But Twenty-Eight
Though He Has Had the
Technical Training of the
Imperial Russian Ballet
School, When He Was
Twenty He Broke Away
To Join the de Diaghileff
He Was Interned For Two
Years As a Spy, and Came
To the United States Just
In Time For the Second
Season of the Ballet Russe
Last Spring.
AND Waalav Nijinsky Is only
The man who has created
a sensation In nearly every
European capital, and Is in a fairway
to repeat his foreign record in this
country, was born in 1888. During
his eight and twenty years he has
managed to keep busy most of the
time, dancing, writing, designing,
getting arrested aa a spy, and winning
fame everywhere.
It was of Polish parents that the
premier danseur of the Diaghileff
Ballet Russe was born in Russia near
ly three decades ago. His parents
were dancers, and It" was only natural
that they should enter the little Was
lav at the Imperial Ballet School,
which takes the dancers-to-be long be
fore they have reached their teens and
promises them an appearance before
the Czar If they work hard enough.
Young Nijinsky danced with the
Imperial Ballet until he was permit
ted to leave Its sheltering wing and
travel, 'visiting Austria, Germany,
France, and England.
Joins DlaghllerT Force.
Just about eight years ago he Join
ed the Serge de Dlsghlleff organiza
tion, which represented a new Idea In
ballet. Though recognizing the value
of technique, de Diaghileff thought
that the ballet should represent more
spontaneity and vigor than the stud-
Boys and Girls Famous
in World History
HE was the son of a Florentine
music master who had more
talent than money, and who
decided at Galileo's birth
that the boy should choose some better-paying
trade than his own.
The father kept this Idea In front
of his dreamy little son all through
Galileo's childhood. Money money
moneyl Ther; had been enough of
hunger and of shabby clothes. It was
up to the growing son to raise the
family fortune by learning a profes
sion that would bring In a fat In
Come. Whereupon the boy decided to be
come a musician like his father. And
setting to work with the whirlwind
energy that was to lead him so far he
began to learn music. Before ho was
in Ills teens he was a better musician
than his parent.
But, apart from bruised vanity at
being bestod at his own game, the
father had no Intention of letting
Galileo beoome a half-fed music teach
er like hlmaelr. He put an end tn this
by ordering him to study medicine.
Galileo hated the thought of being
a doctor. And he begged loave to take
up the study of mathematics, for
which he had an almost Insane crav
ing. Ills father retorted that there
was no money In mathematics, and no
financial futuro for a mathematician.
He forbade his son to think any
more of so unprofitable a career, and
to go ahead studying medicine. But
the problem of expense came at this
point. It cost much money to enter a
medical school. And there waa no
money in tho family treasury.
So Galileo was unwillingly appren
ticed to a cloth dealer. There Is no
record that he scored any success in
this vocation. But, while he was sup
posed to be learning how to sell cloth,
he waa secretly learning how to draw
and paint. Then he became wildly
fascinated by machinery and by me
chanical inventions.
At last In some way enough money
was raised to send the lad to the Uni
versity of Pisa to go ahead with his
medical course. He hardly knew the
first rudiments of mathematics
thanks to his father's command and
even at the unlvorslty he was com
pelled to study bis beloved subject on
the sly.
. He wanted to learn things for him
self; not to accept them because other
people said they were true. If you
will remember that leas than a cen
tury earlier people had laughed at
Columbus for declaring the earth was
round, you will understand why some
of the "truthB" taught at Pisa were
hard for a brilliant boy Ilka Galileo
to believe unless they were proved.
One day while he was an under
graduate at tho university, young
Galileo went into the baptistry of the
Pisa Cathedral to pray. His thoughts
were not very closely fixed upon his
devotions. For, presently, he began
to notice a bronze lamp hanging by a
long bar from the celling.
The lamp was very slowly swinging
to and fro In an almost Imperceptible
arc. Galileo wondered why since
there was no Jar to cause the motion.
He fell to measuring the awing of the
lamp by the beats of-Wa own pulse.
And his Idea was born.
Why should he not Invent an instru.
tnent which should mark, the varia
tions and the speed of the human
pulse? And from this i was born an
other idea. Why should not this same
swinging motion or a weight on the
end of a bar be used to help in mak
ing clocks got
Almost at once he Invented his fa
mous "Pulselogla." And some time
later followed the first use or pendu
lum for clocks. The boy's career had
begun a career that Was to revolu
tionise the world of science. Here
after he waa to labor tor posterity.
' IBBBBHiaBls'f&'PBBBPiWasMfp! SsibBBBBBBi '
St li-KtAOBBfcwft'jVyr JIm vXSbbbbbbbbbbbV '
i swt3w3!tHFBBB iJiwir&'VC-'f iK'X 'l
Nijinsky at his summer homo, Bar
Harbor, Mo., with his daughter,
Kyra, and part of the Nijinsky
led poslngs and pirouettes of the ao
cepted Russian school.
Of the group he drew about him,
Wasav Nijinsky speedily went Into
flrst rank. To him was Intrusted the
choreography of many of the ballets
that were introduced from time to
While tho ballet organization was
traveling In Austria Nijinsky married,
and went to live for a time at the
home of his mother-in-law, to work
out plans for new ballets, His con
stant writing, his voluminous corre
spondence, and a certain amount of
doubt regarding his mysterious pro
fession filled the Austrian authorities
with misgivings. It was deemed ex
pedient to place him under police
guard as a suspected spy, and even
after his Innocence was proved he
was considered a dnngerous person.
This period of surveillance lasted
Just about two years. Soon after he
was set free he sailed for the United
States, appearing at the Metropolitan
Opera House last spring with the
daatera from whom he had been an
unwilling exile. ,
As soon an he had made his pre
miere appearance, critics hailed him
In no uncertain terms as "the tenor of
Russian dancing, to Mlkall Mordkln's
baritone," "the greatest dancer of his
generation," and so on.
But who would think to see the "Spec-
Boy Scientist.
Galileo soon afterward was obliged
to leave tho university, after all. witn.
out his doctor's degree, because ho was
too poor to pay for such an honor. So
Italy lost an obscure physician. And
the world at large gained a scientific
By the way. Galileo was born In
the same year that Mlchaelangelo
died. And Galileo died In the same
year that Sir Isaac Newton was born.
Thus as fast as one genius dropped
the Torch of Learning another was
born to carry It on.
(Copyrifht. ltll.)
The Dot
The dlstrlot attorney had hardly
settled down to his desk earlr In the
morning when hta telephone boll be
gan to Jangle excltely.
"Who Is Itr ho demanded aa he took
down the receiver.
"This Is Ira Lent." came the an
swer, "and I want you to listen to me
for a minute. Sometime during the
night my house was entered and Its
up to you to find the burglar."
AD SO' - 0 '
tre of the Rose" float mlstlyonto the
stage, that the maglo being is a very
fond parent whoso heart Is quite
wrapped up in one small girl?
Their Ilaby Also Interned.
Kyra Is still little more than a baby,
but she tasted or Austrian Internment
With her parents. Mrs. Nijinsky ex
plained whon they first came to this
country that the child was literally
raised on a diet of German chocolate
and food that would kill most child
ren. During the summer Papa Nijinsky
found plenty of time to romp with
his daughter at Bar Harbor, Maine;
where he had a summer home and
apparently devoted some time to the
raising of acrobatic white rabbits.
Mrs. Nijinsky Is the business man of
the family. In spite of the fact that
she was a dancer In her younger days,
and that dancers, of all people, are
supposed to be tempermental (as her
husband shows.) she has a sound head
for finance and acts as her husband's
representative in an matters of Im
poriance. one is a linguist or no
small ability, for she speaks seven
languages. No wonder that sho Is
the one reporters usually interview!
Mary Fanton, writing In The Crafts
man for October, says of Nijinsky.
"I account for NlJInaky's success
through his extraordinary power of
giving out nis spini tnrougn His dnn
clng. To him it is far more than
technique or color. He says Isadora
Duncan liberated dancing for us.
Through dancing she Is liberating all
tho arts, and, greatest of all, the art
of living."
"Come down to Ut? office and tell
me about It,' said We district attor
ney. J'- can't." yellyfl Ira Lent "The
thlftf stole mr . "
To roraplcie yM plcturea In the Dot
Detective aerlii draw a straight line
from A to D and so on through the
alphabet. Tra connect . with Mo. 1,
draw to No a and ao on.
(Copyright, 1H. by Joan u. -Wheeler. Jna.)
Why Growing Boys Eat
More Than Is Needed
By Most Laboring Men
IV llfs's morning march, the gas
tronomic pouch should never be
empty like the cupboard of Old
mother Hubbard. The boy needs
better and mora rations than the
Dr. Graham Lusk appeared re
cently before the Washington Acad
emy of Sciences with his researches
upon the dally diets or active Ameri
can schoolboys. His conclusions are
that growing boys of school age eat
on and a half times as much food
aa a bard-working farmer is supposed
to require.
Dr. Du Bols. or the Russell Saga In
stitute or Pathology, agrees with Dr.
Lusk, saying that the least a hungry
boy or girl eats is one-quarter more
thaa an Industrious man or woman
Test Bqjrwf Food ITacds.
In on or the largest private schools
in the United States, an investigation
was made as to the amount of heat
units calories each boy required,
and the proportions of fat, sweets,
starches, and protein or albumens
The food In 'this sohool was not
Ilka that In the schools of Dickens.
Answers to Health
V. X I have a desire to swallow fre
quently. What Is the cause of thlaT
Habit, excitement, salivation, over
active stomach or thyroid glands, ex
cessive emotions, largo tonsils, smoking,
"speaker'a throat." and other such
things may cause this desire.
A. H. What can be dono for a child
two years old who Is constipated? This
child teeth have become green at the
top. What do you advise?
Give the child a tablespoonful or
olive oil a hair hour after meals. Plenty
of water should be given and orange
and other fruit Juices. Stewed apples
will also help. A visit to the dentist
Is necessary. He should make a
thorough examination or the teeth.
Seen In The
NO one ever would guess that the
miniature logs of birch and
pine, complete even to knots
and perfectly reproduced bark, are
candles until a closer examination
showed an unobstructive wick at the
top. Not that any one would burn
anything so fancy. It would be a
shame to spoil anything so attrac
tive. The price Is GO cents for the
birch log candles, and 70 cents for
the little pine log.
These are boxed In pairs, well and
safely packed In cotton.
Stolid mama and papa rabbits,
dressea sensimy in gingnams to snow
that they are not averse to hard
work, aro 80 cents.
Christmas tags, not punched ao
that they may be used as greeting
cards, are selling at twenty-rour for
o cents at one or the nve and ten
cent stores.
Heavy perle crochet cotton In all
colors, fine unmercerlzed crochet cot
ton and plain white mercerized cot
ton are all olrerings at 10 cents
NEV N1TIQ1AL tonight, seo.
net nnUUHBjl, Wl. A Sat. Mats.
rrlcfe, 11.00, Jl.W, Ttc, tOc; Saturday Nlsht,
1.W, IS. 11.60, 7tc. Telephone orders euipended.
JfMT wrcrcK mats. wed. a sat.
"A sreat actor In a (Teat play,"' American.
Sunday Nigbt at 830: CaRadiu Redoes
Imperial Britain, Dec. S. The Oerman Father
land. Dec. 10. La Belle France, Deo, 17.
Beats for all lectures. H.00. T&o, Mo.
Thurs. UlkM A Ufies Mtra-teerue
Is M tutrices CesoitiMoas Is tie feats
Tickets. S2. gl.80. 91, TSc
T. Arthur Smith. 1000 O St. n.w.
Third Concert Ten-Star Serlea
Coenraad V. II oa at the Piano.
Tickets. S3. S1JSO. 81. 70c. T. Arthar
Smith, 1800 a St. N. W.
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Dn. ICAnL MUCK, Conductor
Tuesday, November 2H, 4i30.
Seats now on sale at ticket offlce In
Droop's. 13th and Q.
TricM, W.W. l!.M. tl.to, .; now on sale
at ticket office In Droop's, uth and a.
1I. ! jTl
Th Hlir rferamm!.. Ill
Tint Week Mutt and Jeffa Wedding
The High Flyers"
Extra Heraole. Extra Prlnceii Arab and
Kentucky Trio.
Kext- Week "The dlile of .Monte Carlo."
It was excellent and of Infinite va
riety 103 variations to be precise.
Kach boy's meal averaged the
school over 18 cents per thousand
food units calories. That Is to say,
the three meals for any particular
boy amounted to 4,350 calories daily,
or 80 cents.
When It Is recalled that a muscular
man, hard put to It in the field, farm
r city, is seldom allowed over 3,000
calories of rations a day, even In the
best regulated families, It Is no won-
F l18' Browing schoolboys almost
eat their parents out of house and
Besides the 4,300 calories thres
nrths or which Is sugar and starches
the rest evenly divided Into rats
and proteins, chocolates, and candy
store stuff to the tune or 650 addition
al calories were gobbled up- by these
kids tircry day.
The ravenous appetites or young
sters Is no fiction. Neither is It
the upshot or some eplcurlan "hora
d'oeuvres " as the French call such
whips to the appetite as pepper, pick
les, cocktails, radishes, olives and oth
yr gastric Irritants. Their "appetite"
Is an honest call or hunger, which. It
unanswered, makes for poor health,
malnutrition, slowness at school, dis
inclination toward athletics, and de
fective nourishment.
Essentials Are Cheep.
Brend, butter, milk and sugar sup
ply hair or this fuel rodder, so there Is
not much excuse even for the poor to
withhold "second helpings" to their
youngsters. No better or more nutri
tious combination or victuals has ever
been discovered than bread, which Is
protein and starch; butter, which is
oil and fat; sugar, which Is the, Ideal
carbohydrate, and milk with its water,
mineral fertilizers, sweets and albu
mens. If to these are added water, berries,
fruits, vegetables, meats, creams,
cheeses, cereals and nuts, the requi
site dietary Is complete. Twelve
simple foods such as these will give
three-quarters of the caloric rations '
demanded and 181 other varieties are
left as "the spice of life" and to yield
SO per cent fuel value.
(Copyr't. lilt, by Newepaper Feature Service).
Face Powder
(In Oreen Boxes OaJjr)
Keeps Tho
Complexion Beautiful
Jolt and velrety. Montr back It net
courtly pieaeea. nadine u pnre ana
hsrmlen. Adheres until washed off.
Prevents sunburn and return of dU
colore 1 1 one. A million delighted users
prove It value.
Tints: Flesh. Pink. Snmette, TThlta,
By Toilet Counters or Kail, 60s.
National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn.
With Nijinsky .
Prom the Bletropolltaa Opera Co.
Orcheetra Seventy-five.
Belasco Theater Three Efenings
Tonight, Nor. 20 Sylphldes, Prlncesse
Knrhantrr, Prince Igor, CarnavaL
Tuesday. Nov. tl-Papllloue. Spectre de la
Roe. Scheherazade. Wednesday. Nov. n
Bylphldts, Prince Isor. Faune, Camavai. Sln
Cle Performancee Boxes, 17S, HO. 45, 30 IS;
Orcheetra. , ti; Balcony. l. $3. ; Oalltry, W.
Seats now on sale at Droop's, Uth A O eU.
and the Belasco Theater.
3 Mghta Com. '
Next Thursday
John Charles '
Biggest Mnalcal Hit of the Tear.
America's Ovra Master Pianist
Thursday, Nov. 23, 4:3 P. M.
Prices, , U.tO. II. BOc Mexzanlne. IIH and
tJ. Boxee. liO. Seats on rale at Box Office.
B. F. KEITH'S if
Mats. 25c Eves., 25c to SI.
The Beautiful Broadway Star,
New Act, "The Political Boss."
Beleae Lackaye&Ce.
Avon Comedy Fear. Six Otter.
Thanksgiving Week All Stars. S
ShoTTe 2, 5, 8MB Thanksgiving; day
Continuous Morn.. Aft.. 10. 11 Cent.
10:50 a. m. to 11 p. m. Night. 10, it, U Cents.
now piaAyino.
EXTRA, CHaRLIE CHaPUH Is ashing the Sown
Mil, & MRS. HARTLEY, all Uteet steps di
rect from N. Y.; studio 11M 10th st. at, Ft,
N. SIM; send for Intereetlnr literature in ool-
ore. rrce. Ascni tor aioaern nance Mssanne,
IWnco Theater bids. Ph. M. SIM. Diners
for Mil.l?. The Too-Too. the I.on1on TATS.
1UTZ Wslts; private ft claeaj Inetrue. by apt.;
Set. eve, cieee nans uec. a UlnutM).
NAT. ItlFI.KS AIIMOBY, near Bth.
Open Mon., Thum,, Bat, eves. DanrlnK 1:30 to
11 p. m. Band and Orchestra with soloist.
Ana Tlfll elAfl Tharadlv. VIA n ra
OLOVER'B. CU 72a. Cluui liiu. Thunu
Sat. Priv. lessons any hr.. 60o: latest meth.
da. Ballroom tor rent M. Phone W 111.
Class Tuesday Rvenlnss.
Modern dinelnc Private lessons only.
13 C st. N. K.
Phone IJac H7W.