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"X ,'" u"'" f. '.?' t - - -str . . j, ?.- ' THE WASHINGTON TIMEg, MONDAY,-NOVEMBER 20191(5.' 9 s- - ' : -.t.l t ' .' '4afsr' '. -: STOCK PRICES BACK AND FILL IN M. Y. P Cross Currents Bring Changes In Active Trading U. S. Steel at High Record.- New York Stock Market Quotations on New York Exchange to i :30 P. M. .- .. ik haala of dolUra And fractions th.redf. Suoutfo'nY VSSwJ-"STw: . Co." mMnb of .w,Tcrk Block ExeUnta. Hlbb. building. NEW YORK, Nov. .-Crosa cur rents Induced by profit taking, cover ing of tho shorts, and week-end buy ing and selling orders caused utno "harp advances and recessions In tho first hour of today's stock markot. Tho metal Issues made Rood ad vances In many cases, nnd United States Steel touched a new high rec ord price, crossing 127 for the first time In the company's history. Lackawanna Steel also moved Into new high ground, and among the cop per shares. Anaconda, Kcnnecott, Mi ami, and American Smelting and Re fining also achieved now record levels, in neither the steel nor copper groups wag thero consistent ntrength, how ever, tho cntlro Industrial list, in fact backing and filling repeatedly Chllo copper bonds again were spectacular, moving forward to 104. Tho paper stocks were somewhat sensational In their violent flucua tlons. International Paper sold as hlgh'as 71 In the opening transaction, but reacted to 08 In the first thirty minutes. American Writing Paper preferred flbld up to 74, and lator re ceded to 71. Union Bag and Paper now atock was bupyantly strong, mov ing up to 124, a gain of more than G points. Central Leather, tho equip ment and speciality shares wcro In clined to be soft. Columbia Gas was in good demand, and advanced nearly 3 points. Driggs Scabury was also strong at a gain of 4 points. The railroad stocks were somewhat neglected and ruled fractionally be low Saturday's level, with few unim portant exceptions. Local Bond Market. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Hid. Asked. JJ. S. Beg. 2 1)0 ... TJ. 8. Coupon 2's IM) ... V. 8. Reg. 3's 100 ... V. 8. Coupon 3's 100 ... U. 8. Reg. 4's 100 . . . V. 8. Coupon 4'a 110 ... D. C. 3.05's 103 ... GAS BONDS. Geo. Gas Cert. Ind. 5's.. 10IU ... Georgetown Gns (Vs.... 101 it, ... "Washington Gas n's.... 100 107 Col. Gas & Elec. G's.... 88 Col. Gas &. Elec. Deb. C's K0 RAILROAD IIONDS. tap. xracuon ll. It. 0's. Ana. I'ot. Guar, li's Ana. & Pot. 0's City & Suburban C's.... Metropolitan R. R. 15's.. Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4s.. MISCELLANEOUS Potomac Elec. Cons. 0's. Potomac Elec. Lt. 0's.. C. & P. Telephone B's... Amcr. Tel. & Tclee. 4'n. Amer. Tel. &.Telcg. 4V'h 108 Amcr. Grapho. 1st C's... 101 102 Wash. Market 0's, 1027. 00 Wasr. Market 0's, 1047. 00 W. M. Cold Storage 0's.. 07 N. & W. Steamboat 0's. 100 U. S. Realty 0'h 104 Rlggs Realty 0's (long) 101 102 Itlgga Realty 0's (short) 101 PUBLIC UTILITV STOCKS. Capital Traction Hi Wash. Ry. & Elec. com. 80 WttBh. Ry. & Elec. pfd. 81 . N. & W. Steamboat 100 Washington Gas 71 Columbia Gas & Elec... 42 Amer. Tol. & Tcleg 132 ... TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mcrgenthaler Linotype.. 178 170i Lanston Monotype 70 78 MINING STOCK. Grecne-Cananea 03 ... NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank.... 100 100 Capital Nat. Bank 220 Columbia Nat. Bank.... 240 200 Commercial Nat. Bk 104 210 District Nat. Bank 141 Far. & Mech. Nat. Bk... 240 Federal National Bank.. 100 ... Lincoln NatBank 100 ... Metro. National Bank.. 203 Rlggn Nat. Bank GOO GQ0 Second Nat. Bank 143 100 Nat. Bank of Wash 220 230 ' Open, lllcn. Low. trtfc Ajax Rubber 74J4 74J 7414 74 Alaska GM. 13 13 12 12 Alaa-Juncnu. 876 8ft B aro AlHs-Chat .. 32Jb 32 32 KS A-0 pfd 91 907a 91 Am Bcot Sur 102 lOZtf luo win Am Ao- Chom 88J4 88JS E8J4 B8J 66J6 63 17 76 Am Can.... Am Cot Oil. Am H & L.. A H & L pfd Am Ico 28 Am linseed. 22H Am Lin pfd. 53 Am Loco.... 9414 66 63 18J4 74 28 22 53 4! G3U 53 17 73?i 28 2214 52JS 93 65 63 18)4 76?4 28 22J4 62 94 Open. Illih. Law. 1: Wabash pf B 30 30 29 29 Wells Farjro 137'l37?4 137?4 137 Wcstinliouso mi 65ft 65 65! West Md... 26 26 W Union Tol 102 102 Whito Mot.. 64K ,54 Wa Ovorland 38K, 38J4 Woolworth . 139 '139 26 26 102 102 MX 64?4 38 38 139 139 WEEK' T II Am Smelting 122 1225. 120 121ft ASmcltpfB 96 96 96 96 A Steel Fdy 69?b 70 69U u Am Sujrar... 117 117 117 117 Am Tel & T 132 132 132J4 1324 Am Tobacco. 221 221 221 221 Am Woolen. 64& E4?b 54 64ft Am W P pf. 71J4 734 71 73J4 Am Zinc... 64 65 63 '-a 64 Anaconda .. 104 108 103 104 Atchison ... 1042 104 10414 104 At G & W L 12214 122J 120 122 PLANNED AT Y. W. C. A. 72 67 A G&W L pf 72 Bald Loco... 87 Bait & Ohio. 86 B & O pf . . . 75 Barrett Co.. 165 Beth Steel.. 675Z 700 Beth Stl pf. 165 165 72 86)4 6)6 74 75 166 165 675 165 72 87 86)4 74 166 700 165 Dancing .Exhibition and Many Meetings Are Scheduled: Mite Box Contributions. MERGEN THALER UP ON ACTIVE MARKET Linotype Stock Is Center of In terest on Washington Ex-change'Today. ALEXANDRIAN'S FOOT CUT OFF BY A TRAIN James L. Bailey, Brakeman, Sustains Second Serious In jury in Potomao Yards. 100 1 07 ',4 100 100 102 10.1 104 105 81 82 BONDS. 101 102 Vi 100 10(1 101 100U 100 AS 62 82 Brook R T. . 65ft 85ft Butte & Sup 75 75 Cal Petrol.. 239i 23?4 Cent Leather 113)4 114 Chcs & Ohio. 68 69 Chi Gt West C G W pf.. C M & S P. CRI &PR Chile Copper Chin C Cop. Cluett'Pebdy 85ft 72 23 110 112 67 67 Meetings and conference nt tho Y. W. O. A. oro expected to fill this week's program and keep tho secretaries busy. Tho monthly meeting of tho member ship committee will be held tonight nt C o'clock, when supper Is to be serv ed. Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock thero Is to bo an exhibition of Interpre tative dancing by Miss Norma Hchwon dener and Miss Bllnmay Blakemoro, teachers of tho subject at tho association. .l.UIIX IUI DUIIO IIUQICfllCU ,11 HIV l 85 ' have been Invited to attend. After 7914 ' tho exhibition by tho teachers a class 23 14 43 93 33 36 73 72 14)6 43 93 35?b 36 73ft 14 43 93 33)4 34?4 72 22?i 23 Col G & E. Consol Gas.. Cont Can. ... Corn Prod... Corn Prod pf 10596 106 Cruciblo Stl. 91& 93 Cruc Stl pf.. 120 121 Cuba C Sue. 7196 71?4 D & R G pf. 45 Dist Sccur.. 42)6 Dome Mines. 24 Erio 56 F M & S pf . 49 Gaston Wms 45 Gen Elec... J82 In esthetic danclnit will norform There Is to be a special meeting of book lovers tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, whon Alice Ilutchlns Drake will locturo on "Lofty Thoughts In Mi I Lofty I'lacos." TVib "Mr-xlnt ITunirn" nln. Inllirhl hv 43 I Miss Margaret Wade, meets for Its scheduled talk at 8 tomorrow. The Tho freshmen girls of McKlnley Man ual Training .School are to be given n party at the Y. W. C. A. building Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Tech High School Krlendshlpdub. The Alumnae Club Is to meet Friday nt 7:30. There has been a new class In sewing added to the clrrlculum at the association. The old class was fii i :-"-.";"." ""-. """ - .-..--. Ht2 .is the (II re tor or tho class. fiRiji iorU ioaIa 1'flUl Thero was a demand for both movn Tw hV 7?nV, TrXvA ln nnd evening classes In sewing, so 102 102 102)4 102)4 , that there are now two classes a dftj In that subject. Hnturdnv the results of the "mito box" cnmpalgn will bo Known. Ka'eli member was given n box In which to place her contributions for a new building last spring. It Is expected that about 7000 will be realized from this plan. 72 72 93 33 34 72 72 C G E L & P 128?4 128?4 128 128 ColP&I... 59 61 59)4 61)4 45 47 45 .Continuing the marked' upward trend which began the middle of .last week,. Mergenthaler Linotype Stock was the center of Interest at today's session of tho Washington Stock 'Ex change, with sales at 17 and 178, a net gain of tUMQlnts over the high mark of 17S,.reached.8aturday. Little of the stock was offered, even at this figure, -the transactions aggregating only twenty-three shares. Today's oracrs ror tho stock were mostly buy Intr orders, holders of the stock ap parently being Inclined to hold out for still further advances. GrapkapHone Stocks Strang. Stocks ' of the American Grapho phone Company, both preferred And common, were strong today, the bid for the common being advanced a full three points to 18S, with no sales, while the common was bid up two points to 184. The only salo was one share of the preferred at 184. The only other stock transaction at to day s session was a lot of six sharos or iiaiiway preferred at sz. neventv one was bid for Washington Gas, with 71 H tho offering. Potomac IOlectric Power consoli dated mortgage C's wore strong, sales aggregating 19,000 being recorded at ivi j wo inousana uouars worm or Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company's B'g sold for 105, and a 11.000 Hallway 4 brought 82 after call. D. Jt O. Annual Iteport. Tho ninetieth annual report of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, being distributed today to the 27.300 share holders, shows that total revenues of tho system for tho fiscal year ended June 30 last, aggregated SU1.UUM, 0H0.34, an Increase of 21 per cent, and exceeding by $10,112,048 tho next largest earnings of 1013. OpertV'.Ing expenses were $70,310, 804.10, .-!! Increase of 24.0H per cent. Net revenue was $32,348,870.12, an Increase of 10.00 per cent. The summary states that the gross Income from the year's, operations was sufnclent to enable the company to meet Its fixed and other charges; to pay the established 4 per cent dlvl dend upon preferred stock; T per cent upon the common stock and to leave a surplus of $3,004,403.35. . 22 23 1059o 106 90?4 92 120 121 71 71?i 46 43 24 26 49 47 45 42 24 69d 49 45 182 182 46 42 24)4 36?i 49 45 182 ALEXANDRIA, Nov. 20.-iJame L. Bailey, of 1303 King streot. cmDloved as a brakeman on the Southern rail road, caught his foot In a guard rail In the Potomac yard yesterday, and before he could extricate It was run over by a caboose and so seriously In jured that amputattlon of the left leg and toes on the right foot was necessary. The operation was per formed at the Alexandria Hospital by Dr. William M. Smith and Dr. M. p. Delaney. Hospital attendants say he will probably recover. On the 0th of last month Bailey fell from the top of a freight car and fractured his skull. He was In the hospital several weeks. AMENDMENT VOTE EXPECTED BY WOMEN Suffragists Believe Congress Will Give Them Franchise. Basing their hopes on' promises made them by newly elocted members of the House before tho eloctlon, officers of tho National American Woman Suf frage Association have Issued a state ment saying thtfy "confidently expect a vote on tho Federal suffrage amend ment In both houses of Congress In tho session beginning December 4, and the final submission of the amendment to uie mates lor ranncation beforo the adjournment of tho Congress Just elected." Today tho organization sent out scores of congratulatory letters to suc cessful candidates of both parties who U. S. TO CALL HALT E ON MEXICAN VI The Administration wilt stand for but little further "manona" delay -from the Mexican side of the Atlantis City peace conference. Its patience Is at the breaking point, and the next few days may bring portentous de velopments. The Mexicans will be told emphati cally In language stripped of all diplo macy that the United States aennot sit In the pence sessions If dilatory a obstructive taction continue. Alexandria-Washington Lodge of Masons will meet this evening at 7:30. City Treasurer Thomas W. Robin son and his assistants are engaged In preparing bills for State taxes. Tho November term of circuit court for Fairfax county opened today. Judge J. T. Thornton presiding, at the Fairfax court house. BRITISH ADVOCATE MILITIAMEN'S THRIFT IMPRESSES CHAPLAIN By Staff Correspondent. CAMP WILSON. San Antonio. (By Mnlll. Vnv. 1 (7hanlAln Arthur Lwls Goodrich B P 70 70?4 70)4 70ft smith Is loud In his praise of the thrlft- G North pf . U7?4 117ft 117?4 ll7ft lnesB of the members of tho Third G N O Sub. 45 46 45?a 46 . Regiment. He says ho has also been r.nn r r Kfi tR Mz W3h ' Impressed with the faithfulness of tho n I Mln' iS iS ,S m ' Washlnutonlan. to their financial ob- Granny Aim. 117 110 11.38 lldti )Btons at home. His enthusiasm Is III Central.. 104)5 104, 104 104 borne of the fact that the District Ins CoDDer.. 74 74?lS 72ft 73& I militiamen sent more than $3,100 of 48 I thelr October pay back homo to reia- STOCKS. 271 125 234 130 TP.UST COMPANY Amer. Sec. & Trust.... 201 National Sav. & Trust.. 271 Union Trust 122 Wash. Loan & Trust.... 232 Continental Trust 25 SAVINGS DANK STOCKS. Homo Savings 411 . Rank of Com, & Sav.... 12 East Wash. Sav. Bank.. 12 Sec. Sav. & Com. 13k.... 100 FIRE INSUItANCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Ins 8lA 0 Firemen's Fire Ins 18 ... Ger.-Amer. Fire Ins.... 270 ... Nat Union Fire Ins.... ' 0 10 TITLE INSUBANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Ins 4 ... U. S. Realty Co 10 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Chapln-Sacks 170 200 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 140 200 Qraphophone com 185 187 Graphophone pf 184 180 Merch. Trans. & Sttor.. 05 100 Washington Market.... 18 Socurlty Storage 185 ... Today's Sales. Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone C's. $1,0000105, $1,0000)105. Potomac Electric Consolidated 5's, $1,0000102, $1.0000102, $1.0000102, $3.0000102. $2,0000102, $1,0000102. Mergenthaler Linotype. GO 170, 1 170. 10O170, 2O170U. 0O170V4- Graphophone preferred, 10184. After call Washington Railway 4's, $1.000082. Washington Railway preferred, 00 S2. Washington Railway common, 11 81. Int Nickel.. Inter Con... Int Paper. 48)4 18 69 18 69 48ft 48ft 18 IQ 70 70 nt Paper pf . 104 105)6 104 105 Kan City So. 25 25 25 25 Kennecott .. 64 64 63 63 Lack Steel.. 105ft 106ft 105 105ft Lehigh Val.. 83 83 83 83 Marine com. 48)4 48)4 47 47 Marine pfd.. 120ft 120ft 119 119ft Maxwell M C 76 76 75ft 75ft Mexican Pet. Ill 111 109ft 110)4 Miami Cop.. 49ft 49ft 48 49 M S P S S M 121ft 121ft 121ft 121ft 7)4 10)4 26ft 55ft 99 7)4 10)4 26ft 7)4 Wholesale Produce Market !lc; new, UUTTEn-Elgln print. 40cj Elgin, nrawm. 1.1031c: store racked. MUSOc. ET.OS-Nearby, 42c; Southern, CMHOc, CI1EE8E New York State, factory, tMt:ic. POUI.TnY Live hen, per lb HftlSc: roos ten, per lti 13c; turkeya. per lb., 2402Sc: prlnit cnlckens. per lb., 18ff:Cc; nucks. per lb., 17818c: geeae, per lb., MQUc; keata, young, each, 6OU:0c. DItESSED POITLTRY-lIcna. choice, per lb., 1920c; chlckcna, per lb.. :Wf:2c; turkeys, per lb.: UiSMe; ducks, per lb., HfllOc; rooa tara. per lb.. 15c: goeee, l!flltc per lb. OllEEN rill'ITB Applea, new, per bbl.. II WW5.00; per box, tl.C0?:.(0; California orangea, il.S093.Mi Florida orangea, l:S0 mi hnx Irinons. ner lox. M.OM07.CO: neara. per liox, 75cSf!.75s New York grapes, M&SOo Der basket: grape fruit, I3.CWJ3.M. VEOETAUI.ES-l'otatoes, McCormlck, per Lfcl., I3.WO4.00; per !W bu. mck, It.OOtfUii; aneet potatoes, Il.WifJ.:!; tomoloea, nenruy, per box, 11.0083.00; string beans, per banke:, f cxwJflO: eDera. per creti-. I1.0C2.00: car- lots, per bunch, :03c: okra, per crate, 12.009 too: radishes, ner 100. Jl.Mfi2.CC: cucumb.Tr. rrale, t3.C083.SO; onions, per 100-lb sock. 3,50 HJ, 7S( eggpinni, i:.iwi.s.iu crate; new cauDnge, JM?.:5 ner 100 Iba.: beet, per bunch. SIHc: f-rlerv. ner dox.. 35C7SC. romtlne lettuce. CW "bIo er basket; New York lettuce, fl.COftl.&O per basket, mnu iwnns, per ii socj cran berries, er bbl., I7.JCHjS.(; per box, Jl.tT.O ; VU euuash, Florida, tl.WUl.75 it baaXeti II 7nf:.V per crate; egg-piant, iz.wui.iv, nilKH4KI MEATH-rork. small tomti lb. lJUCIJo:. hey. lb.. llOlio. (iAMK-ltabUltc, No. I, per dox., S1.0083.K; Ku. :, per dox., n.wgi.iu. i medium. 55ft 99 123 34 69ft 34 10)4 26ft 55ft 99 123 33ft 69 ft 32 7)4 10)4 26 ft 55ft 99 1 34 69ft 33)4 177)4 Mo K & T. . Mo Pacific. Mo Pac wi.. Mo P pf w i. Mont Power. Nat Biscuit. 123 Nat E & S..' 34 Nat Lead... 69ft NevCCop.. 34 N Y Air Brk 177)4 177 177 N Y Central 106ft 107 ;i06ft 106ft N Y N H&H 58 58 58 58 N Y O & W. 30 30ft 30 SOft Nor & West. 140ft 140ft 140)4 140ft North Pacific 110 111 110ft 111 Ontario Sllvr 7)4 7)4 96 26ft 56ft 85 43ft 44 DOUBLY ARMED SHIP Sentiment in London Favoring Mounting Guns Fore and Aft on Merchantmen. A man giving lila name as R. Groves and claiming Washington as his resi dence, was arrested ror violation or the prohibition' law by Police Ser geant. Scott Saturday night. He tes tified In police court this morning thattGroves took it drink from a bot tle In a restaurant, gave a drlnU to a man named T. fltrlckler, and offered the officer a drink. Police Judge Ca ton held Groves for the grand Jury, and ha will have to remain In custody unless he furnishes. ball In the sum of SZoO. Stickler was released with In structlons to appear berore tho grand Jury when wanted. The case of Mrs. Wheelock, arrest ed for keeping a disorderly house, was conunuea until 'inursaay. Improvements to the Duke, street road leading from Stone bridge to the overhead railroad bridge, about 2,000 feet, have been completed. The road Is open for travel, as Is the road from the head of King street, near the Union Station to Janney's lane. The Improvements coat $11,500, and both highways are In newly annexed terrl tory. The Alexandria assembly has organ ized for the season. C. William Wat tles Is president. George H. Kvans, secretary and treasurer, and Emmet C. Dunn, Kdward II. Kemper, Dr. J. Stewart Jamison. George H. Evans, William C. Wattles, Albert D. nrock ett. Dr. Thomas n. Cochran, Eugene It. Taylor, and William Albert Smoot, Jr.. tho board of governors. The first dalice will be held Friday evening at the auditorium of the Elks' Home. ccsaiui canuiunies or ooin panics wnol ,, . . :. . . . .. u made nre-clcctlnn nrnmWn tn thn . Dy such means the Administration elation that If elected they would sup .hopes to force a peace agreement oa ntP ft,. ..AM.ImnH. ! ., .... . . .- . More than ono member In four, they declare, of tho next House wilt be not only favorable to suffrage, but will bo an actual worker for tho cause. They aro predicting a big surprise for the country whon tho roll colls of tho two houses aro taken on sulfrage. "The presence of Miss Jeanctto Ran kin, a former member of tho Congres sional committee of the national asso ciation, on tho floor of the Houso during tho coming light for the Federal suf frage amendment, will bo a tower of strength for us." said Mrs. Walter Mc- Nab Miller, nrsl vice presiacni oi mo association, who Is spending the winter In Washington to direct the campaign. CITIZENS PLAN FIGHT FOR DISPOSAL PLANT Active Campaign to Be Waged for an Appropriation From Congress. vexatious problems between the two nations. The border patrol plan Is but part of what this Government hopes to ac complish. Primarily, however, pro tectlon and safety of American rights and proporty in Mexico Is the big problem. And, If these rights are not obtained satisfactorily and a border patrol plan effected, new steps will be taken. The United Press learned these facta from a trustworthy source today. A V hut the alternative course Is, In event of failure at Atlantic City, no one would say. President Wilson. Secretaries Lane, Lansing, and llakcr alono know what It Is. It Is freely predicted by those close to Mexican problems that a shift In policy will be forthcoming, which will deal rather mora strictly with Mexico than In tho past. Tho Administration. however. Is really hopeful that such Ideas need not be used; leaders really think that the Mexican' commissioners will be whipped Into line, with the conse quent benefit both to the United States and Mexico. ' Tho significant part of the em phatic talk slated for this week Is that President Wilson approves It, and Is backing his commissioners tn their whole plan of forcing 'settle ment. The commission Is to convene again at Atlantic City today after a week end adjournment. 96ft Owens B M. Pacific Mnii. 26ft 26 Penn R R.. 56ft 56ft PCC&SL85 85 Phlla Co.... 43ft 43ft Pitts Coal ctf 44 44 Pitts JCoal pf 110 110 Press Stl Car 87 87 Ry Stl Sprcs , 53 58 Ray Con Cop 36ft 36ft Readiwr .... 108 109 Rep I & Stl. 90 93 Senb'rdAL. 16ft 17 Shattuck A C 37 37 Sloss S S & I 90 91ft SL&SW.. 27 27 South Pacific 99 99 Southern Ry. 27ft 27ft Studebaker 7 96 26ft 56ft 85 43ft 43ft 110 87 57ft 35 7 96 26 56ft 85 43ft 44 110 87 58 35ft 108)4 108ft SOft 92ft 16ft 6 90ft 27 99ft 26ft 17 6 91)4 27 99ft 26)4 125 126)4 125 125 Studeb'kr pf . 111 111ft 111 111ft Texas Co. Tex & Pac. Third Ave... Tenn Copper Tobac Prod. Union B & ? 232 231 18 EOft 24 53)4 15)4 124 18 EOft 24ft 53 15 124 231 18 50ft 24ft 53 15 U B & P new 124 Unted Fruit, 162ft 162ft 162 163)4 Union Pacific 148)4 148)4 147' 147ft Unit Ry Inv 13 13 13 13 USCIP&P 26 26ft 26 U S I Alco. 136 137ft 136 U S Rubber. 63ft 63 ' 63ft U S S & Ref 78 79 78 U S Steel... 126ft 128ft 126)4 128 U S Steel nf 121 121 121 121 Utah Copper 128 129 126ft 127 232 18 50ft 24ft 53)4 15 124 26ft 137ft 63ft 78ft Va Car Chom 46 46 45 45 Va Iron C&C 72 72ft 70 70)4 Wabash .... 15 15 15 15 Wabash pf A 58 58 57 57ft Uvea. While the officers send substantial checks and express and postal money orders home, the great bulk was sent by the enlisted men, whoso pay ranges from $15 a month for a private to $t5 or first sergeants. Scores of tho ex press money orders sold by Chaplain Smith to tho militiamen were for V, J7.G0, $S and $10. In many Instances the amount sent home represented all the militiamen had nfter paying their bills at the canteen. The militiamen have quieted down considerably and most of them are treading tho straight and narrow path. The hike to New Iiraunfclq. covering aixty-rour miles, wnicn was in tnc na ture of an endurance contest, con vinced tho militiamen that they must keep themselves physically fit. Tho Washlngtonians' first pay day here was characterized by scenes of Jollity and mirth in strong contrast with the soldiers' grouch over the delay In paying them. When Capt. E. W. Ful lam, regimental adjutant. Instructed Sergeant Loveless, chief of the drum nnd bugle corps, to sound "pay call," tho sergeant Jumped three feet In the air and shouted with glee. At double quick speed he rustled out the buglers and drummers, ana began mo ever welcomo pay day parade. After sounding pay call the buglers played a little ditty known oa "You're In tho army now." The gist of this song Is "You're In the army now, you're not behind the plow, you base born boob the probabilities of your be coming wealthy arc most remote, you're In tho army now." This Is not a ver batim copy of the words, but It Is as near accurate as Is printable. The exuberant militiamen did not like this song following pay call, and chased tho buglers to their quarters. Baltimore Grain Market. BALTIMORE, Nov. 20. Wheat ensler. November and spot No. 2 'red wheat early $1.82,ft, No. 2 red western spot $1.87, December, $1.82. Re ceipts, 181,877 bushels. Exports, 37, 000 bushels. Corn easier. November, new, $1.01 '.i. Receipts, B1.00S bushels; no exports. Oats quiet. No. 2 white 0,TiMJ3. Standprd white, 02iQ02jC. No. 2 white. OlOgi'i. Receipts. 181,110 bushels; exports, 200,ir0 bushels. Rye, steady. No. 2 ryo western, export $1.(17. Rag lots as to quality, $1.2nft$1.35. Receipts, 105,300 bushels; exports, -140.720 bushels. Prime sail yellow corn, old $1.20. Cobb corn, prime, yellow on spot, $4.1&$4.S0. Real Estate Transfers. I'ftworlh David J. Dunlg-an to Qurney J. KlmitiKT and Minnie K. Klsalngcr, lot 40, aqunre 3:33, $10. Chlllum Caatle Heights-Charles W. Finch to Audrey G, Morgan, lot 1. saunre 3394. 110. Addition to Takoma Park Clarence C. Archi bald et ux. to Audrey O, -Morgan, lot 1, block 4, $10. Pleasant Plains Llnle J. Manrudr to Will iam K. Magruder, part lot 24, $10. Alley, between a' and II, Nineteenth and Twentieth atreeta northwest Edith K. Kern to Jamea M. Woodward, lot 31, square 120, $10. Princeton Heights John A. Col born and Eva Q. Colborn to Thomas J. Hurney, lot 193, square 3031, $10, Thoaias J, Hurney con veya same property to Eva O. Colborn, $10. Will Is Filed. A potltlon for letters testamentary and probato of the will of William E Schwennecker, was filed In the Dis trict Hupropio Court today by Lillian L. Lamb and Marie O, Wood, who are named as executrlces of the document. The testator left personal property valued at $in,H2.B0. The will waa dated January 4, 1010. LONDON, Nov. 20. Under Secretary Zimmerman's statement In Herlln, claiming the right ot Germany to sink unarmed ships, which was cabled here In part, coincided with the re newed appeals to the RrltlsH govern ment to bestir Itself In the matter of arming all merchant ships for defen sive purposes. Winston Churchill's assertion In the House of Commons on Thursday that, roughly, four-fifths of the armed ships had beaten off submarine at tacks, while four-fifths of the un armed ships attacked perished. In generally accepted as accurate, and forms the basis of on argument strongly advanced In some quarters that British and allied merchantmen should have guns mounted not only aft but fore its well, seeing that the best method of defense against the submarine Is the offensive combina tion of ramming and gunfire. Advocates of this extreme view ad mit that ships so armed would not bo allowed to trade with American norta: but they urge that, while the Amer ican regulation could be complied with In resDcct to vessels Divine tn Amer. lea, no such restriction need apply to ships touching only nt British or al lied ports. "Hello, Kid!" Salutation Causes Man's Arrest HYATTSVILLE. The mayor and comnton council will consider the electric lighting proposi tion tonight. The Hyattsvllle volunteer fire de partment will meet tonight. William J. Ilickey has entered suit hero for an absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion, from Frances Josephine England Hlckey. There wilt be a dance In the Acco keck ball November 24. NEW YORK. Nov. .-As Miss Anne Ilewes, a stenographer, of 29 Man hattan avenue, waited at 12Sth street and Eighth avenue last night for her companion to buy a cigar, a young man grasped her by the arm, and, ac cording to her story, said, "Hello, Kid." Miss Howes screamed, and her friend rnn from the cigar store, displaying a shield. Ho explained that he waa Detec tive .Micnnel J. llegan, or ponce neau quarters, and he arrested tho other man on a charge of disorderly conduct. In the men's night court, mo prisoner cave the name of Wynne Crlnlon, of 205 East Ninety-fourth street. He Bald ho made the acquaintance oi a young woman, nnd had agreed to meet her at tho corner. He said ho mistook Miss Hewcs for his friend. Magistrate Krotel found ,nim guiuy, but suspended sentence. Leaves All to Son And Niece in Will The will of Catharine M. 'Mark ward In the District Supreme Court today, leaves the testatrix's life In surance and stock In the Washington Railway and Electric Company to her son. George II. Morkward, who Ib named executor. Tho remaining estate Is bequeathed to a niece, Marie C. Hardester. James II. Brooks, by his will, leaves a life Interest In his entire estate to his wife, Georglana Brooks, who Is named as executrix. Carrier Arrested on Mail Tampering Charge Christopher C. Green, a colored let ter carrier, of 010 W street north west, was arraigned before United States Commissioner Isaac R. Hltt, In the Maryland building, today on a charge of tampering with the malls. Green waived preliminary hearing and was ordered held for the grand jary In bond, lie was commit ted to cSo District jail until he fur nisnes dc Supreme Court Asked to AdvaWe Appam Trial There will be a dance In the Ma sonic hall at Upper Marlboro Friday ovenlng. Miss Marlon Evelyn Storks, of Bos ton, will give n dramatic Interpreta tion of "Fanchon the Cricket" at the Forcstvllle Odd Fellows' hall Thurs day night. Harry Lanhardt Is captain of the basketball team of the Men's Club of the IMnkney Memorial Episcopal Church. A dance will be given In the River dale town hall tomorrqw night. ANACOSTIA. Plans are being made for Important sewer construction work-in this sen tlon next year. Stlckfoof branch will be eliminated by a sewer. A continu ation of the large Anacostla Inter ceptor also Is planned. It wos announced yesterday In Em manuel Churcft by the rector, tho Rev. W. O. Roonie, Jr., that February IK had been set aside by tho bishop for confirmation. The Young Teople's Society of Em manuel Church has resumed Its ac tivities. Friday night a meeting will be held. SKULL FRACTURED, WALKS FOR 12 DAYS NEW YORK, Nov 20. One of the most remarkable cases which sur geons at tho Greenpolnt Hospital say they ever had brought to their atten tion was that of Thomas II. Conquest, forty-flvo years old, who died there yesterday following an operation for a fracturo of the skull. The man wuj injured on November 0 last, and had been walking about until Saturday. Conquest lived with his brother, William D. Conquest. In Woodslde. He was on his way home on the night of November 0, he told his brother, when he stumbled and fell, striking on his head. On Saturday, twelve days after tho accident. Conquest lost the power of speech. Ho became alarmed and went to uie Hospital. aurgeonB operaieu at once, finding his akult had been frac tured. Conquest did not recover con sciousness after the operation. Attorneys for Captain Hans Berg, of the German prbte steamer Appam, today asked the Supreme Court to ad vance the datee forargulng the Ap pam case, In which Herg Is appealing from a decision or Recovery From Shooting Accident Is Doubtful Physicians at Casualty Hospital to day said it was impossible to tell whether Frank Samerl, the shoemak er, who accidentally shot himself tn the right breast with his rifle while gunning yesterday afternoon, would recover. The accident occurred In a field, at Massachusetts avenue and Anacostla road southeast. It 1b feared the bullet pierced the man's right lung. Samerl lives at 2311 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, Samerl's companion hailed a pass ing automobile and brought the wounded man to the hospital. Muzzled Wrist Watch Is Broadway's Latest (Continued from First Page.) Increase In efficiency, of street clean ing. By the present arrangement con tracts on these four classes of waste removal are made every nvo years. A new contractor would have to In clude the cost of a plant in his bid. Duplication of Work. The old contractors take advantage of this fact to lower their bids enough to keep new bidders from competing with them, but they also Include In their bids a portion of the price repre sented In their original bids for equip ment of plants. Money Is now spent on Inspection, It was stated, which could be spent on those directly engaged In the work of wasto removal, it was stated. When the street cleaning work was taken out of the hands of contractors th city saved $.10,000 at the outset by converting Its inspectors Into fore men, and thus eliminating a uvnlica tlon of employment. Price Increasing Yearly. Each year, It Is argued, the cost of erecting municipal plants for garbage and refuse will Increase Price of material has advanced 30 per cent, ana tnat or machinery even more, since tho estimates of cost of a mu nicipal plant were made by Mr. Os born. On the basis of existing prices he made the following estimate: "The not annual cost of tho District In 102S, as estimated for the recom mended project, amounts to $137,008, Including interest and depreciation. The amount required to collect and dispose of municipal waste by present contracts Is $101,020 per year. Assum ing that tho cost by contract under present conditions will not Increase, there would be a saving of $.13,002 per year If the work was done by the Dis trict at the estimated cost for 102S. "If this amount was set aside as a sinking fund each year, with Interest at 3'.i per cent. It would only require approximately thirteen years to amor tize tho total capital Investment of $885,000, so that after this period not only would the capital Investment bo paid off, but the District would own the plants In practically as good con dition as when new." Points In Plan. The proposed plan of municipal col lection and disposal Includes the fol lowing polntB: "Separate collection of each class of waste. "Improved collection equipment from the standpoint of appearance and elimination of nuisance. "Construction of two garbage trans fer stations, one In the southeast sec tion and the other In the lower north east section of the District. Disposal of garbage and dead ani mals by- the reduction process In a plant located near Shepherds Ferry. ("Disposal of rubbish In a utilization and Incinerating plant. "Disposing or ashes by dumptng as fill on low ground. "Disposal of night soil by contract. "Sale of municipal by-products re covered and materials reclaimed," Could Almost Moke Way. From the last mentioned sales the municipality could mako Its collection and dUposal of waste almost self-supporting, lt Is believed. These by firoducts are apt to Increase In price, t Is believed, and to be greater In pro Sortlon to the garbage collected as etter means are found of extracting them. The principal by-products are the grease, sold for use in oils, and the tankage," left after tho greaBe Is ex tracted and sold to be mixed with other substances to bo utilized as fer tilizer. Several other projects also were considered, Including that of an in cinerating plant for all garbage and refuse, but this was considered too costly because of the wasto of tho by products. WOULD SHUT STREET IN FRONT OF SCHOOL Plan Discussed nt Carberry Parent Teacher Meeting. FINANCIAL S Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $1,100,000. Departments of THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY,' Corner Math A V Streets N.W. Banking Department Receives deposits ot any amount. Pays 2 on checking accounts. Pays 3 on time deposits. Loans on real estate or col lateral security. Trust Department Fully equipped, with large ex perience In fiduciary business of every character. Real Estate Department Thorough attention given all property entrusted to the Com pany. Safe Deposit Department Unexcelled In security, con venience and beauty of Its appointments. JOHN JOY KD.NO.N. President. Capital Earned Surplus . .J1.UOO.O0J DEMAND these things in your bank if you desire maximum safety and satisfaction: I Efficient Management Time-tned Policies Big Capital and Surplus Interested Service ALt. THESE arc offered by this bank, nnd. In addition, the advan tage of Convenient Location. 0"Same Kate of Interest Paid on both large and uranll accounts. National Savings and Trust Company, Comer llith and N. Y. Are. FIFTIETH YEAR. IL N. L Carpenter Co. Main Office, 17 William Street, N. Y. EsehanM. Chlcnso Board of Trad. Nvr York Produea Exchange. NEW YOIIIC. Nov. 20. They're muz zling their wrjst watches on Broad way today. rg Is appealing I Somebody got near enough the Virginia courts I trenches to see the little silver net which ordered the stcSiger returned I protectors they wear on them there, iu usr uriitsu usugii, v suiu una ma tuv. Closing of the street In front of the Carberry School during the recess pe-riods-was urged at a meeting of the Carberry Parent-Teachers' Associa tion. The Rev. Dr. John Van Schalck, Jr., president of the Board of Education, discussed the halting of traffic, spe cial motion pictures for children, abol lltlon of home study, the teachers' re tirement bill, and typewriting for eighth grade pupils. Dr. E. Q. Kimball, supervising prin cipal of the seventh division, spoko on the advantages of having a coach ing teacher In each school. He dis cussed the crowded condition In the eastern section of hin division. Miss M. Gertrude Young, principal of the school, outlined a number of plans In connection with school work. The pupils of tho eighth grade gave several vocal selections, as did Har old King and Miss Marlon I.urncr. Mrs. O.' T. Swain, vice president of the association, presided. BiEJinnns Nsw Tork atoek Nsw Tork Cotfte Exchange. New York Cotton Exchsms. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Private Wire With All Principal Cities. HERBERT H. BROWN, MANAGER Woodward Building ISth and II Sts. N. W. John L Edwards & Co. INVESTMENT SECUIUTIE! MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Washington Stock Exchange 1415 O Street Northwest. TaUHliA... Main 3220-3221. Unexcelled facilities for. the purchase end sale of Securities In larga or si lots. In all markets, tor Cash or Margln. mall a The Safest Investment Are tho that do not fluctuate during dis turbed conditions of the money or stock naN keta. First aeea oi ww ..v. iwt.i District of Columbia, eonsUtuta "gilt-edge' Investments, and they do not depend upon the ananclal responsibility of Individuals or car. poratlons for their stability. We can supply Juch Investmente In amounts from KM up. ward. Bend tor booklet. "Concerning Laaat end Inveetmenta." SWAK 1ZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., m UTH oTREET K, W. ef e 0 .4i O' ft