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.1 WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Colder Tonight (Full Report on Pago Two.) HOME EDITION NUMBER 9091. WASHINGTON, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1016. PRICE ONE CENT. H, I BIG REAL TEST OF THREE OFFENSIVES No Let Up in Campaigns on Somme, in Greece, and in Roumania. BIG GUNS MAY BE SURPRISE Effect of Heavy Artillery Fire on Frozen Trenches Is Un solved" Problem. Three offenalvea are now at tho height of their pressure as tho Eu ropean conflict enters Us (third win ter. For the first time since the war began the military situation suggests a continuation of active fighting through the zero months. The Anglo-French offenslvo along the Somme and the Ancre; tho allied advance along the Greek frontier, and the Teuton movements In Roumania all contain possibilities of winter sur prises. The principal unknown prob lem that the winter may solve Is the effect of Intcnso artillery fire when concentrated upon the frozen trenchos. Winter the Real Teat. Since the start of the conflict there has been no effort to test tho ability of either 'aide to withstand an In exhaustible trench bombardment under tho conditions of semi-numbness which winter enforces upon the combatants. Hitherto, trench fighting has slack-1 ened largely Into a winter draw, with the factories in the allied countries turning out munitions for spring operations. Now. the test has come which will show whether winter, un der conditions of extreme military oc tlvlty. Is tho better trench ally for de fensive or offensive operations. The beginning of the cojd weather sees tho allies better situated nlon the western front because they have established strong artillery positions on hlirh ground for shell blasting operations against the frozen lines. Hitherto it has been, up-hill righting for the Anglo-French armies. During the winter they will havo more down hllMyork jjflo, Allies' Advantage In Greece, . Along the Greek ' frontier tho ad vantage also rests with the allies, be cause their lines of overland com munications are much shorter than the German-Bulgarian llne,s. This fact Is capable of very effective use whon winter storms begin to Inter fere with the smooth movement of supplies to the front. In Roumania the advantage is with the Teutons because the Roumanians ran obtain guns and ammunition only from Russia, where the supply Is not sufficient to equip properly the Rus sian forces. The war's third winter may be a supremo tost, not only for tho fight ing powo- of tho belligerents, but of the staying power of their non-combatant populations ns well. This is the reason why Great Brit ain, Franco, Russia, and Germany are now putting into effect new systems for conserving food supplies and In dustrial power. The belligerents (Continued on Fourth Page.) HUGHES HOME HERE OFFERED FOR SALE Justice's 16th Street Residence Also Listed for Rent. Justice Charles Evans Hughes, Re publican Presidential nominee, has placed his home, 2100 Sixteenth street northwest, on the for sale or rent list of a local roalty Arm. The house, built by Justice Hughes in 1011, the year following his ap pointment to the Supreme Court, con tains twenty rooms and five baths, Tho agents were authorized about one week ago to place the house on the market, and negotiations, accord ing to reports, are now pending for Us disposition. The Thomas J. Fisher Company, Inc., is handling the property. CONCLUSIVE PEACE, IS CANADA'S DEMAND Dominion Premier Declares Noth ing Else is Acceptable. NEW YORK, Nov. 21 Only a peace that Is conclusive in gaining the ends of the allies will be acceptablo to Can ada, the dominion premier, Sir Robert, Borden, declared In a speech to the Canadian Club here. He said that Canada, having sacri ficed her men and monoy, is In the war to tho same end that prompted her entrance on August 4, 1014. "I am proud of the part that Canada has played In tho war," the premier said, "It wan due to the fact that her sons stood In tTie way that Calais was not opened," Impressing upon his hearers the feeling of Canada toward ultimate peace, the premier said: "While we all pray for peace and hope that it will not be long deferred, fio long. as we In Canada have a voice there will be no trace, nor an Inconclu sive peace," City Mines and Sells Coal, Cutting Cost $3.25 TERRE HAUTE, Ind Nov. 21. The. city of Terra Haute, through Mayor Qossom, entered the retail coal business today and greatly re duced the cost to the consumer. Residents of the city, through the , municipal market, were able to buy Indiana coal at $2,78 a ton. Dealers were asking $0 a ton for same grade of coal. Mayor Qossom has tensed a mine and hired 'J00 teams to haul the coal to the city. . ZERO WEA HER WILL Street Car Head To Fly Over City Today In Bleakley's Plane Copyright by Uarrli-Ewln. CONGRESSMAN-ELECT 0. D. BLEAKLEY, Of Franklin. Pa. ILLY E.SEAWELL ASKS PLAIN FUNERAL Authoress in Will Requests There Be No Eulogy Nor Biography. The request that her funeral bo "as almplo as decency will permit; that no eulogy bo pronounced over me.and.L!S, J,n t" ? come, the term rA'al5urat'on ' ,Won tw8SR. next thaThoTnEg?abhy" of me bo nub-Tvc Tleff wlU something morTj?ar wl" 'named by Vonco Mc ..shed." I, mfdo In tho will ol A"" ?'? t. both .&! Democratic na- Elliot Seawell. tho authoress, flled for probato today by Attorney William Henry Dennis. Tho will names Mr. Dennis executor and trustee. It was written Fcbrunry 10, 1915, nnd changed In minor details by erasures early this year. Miss Sea well died at her home, 17G7 P street northwest, November 15 last. Gifts of 11,500 each nro mado to William Henry Dennis, Georgo Aug ustine Washington, of New York city, Margery Pepperell Hlbbs. of Wash ington, nnd Carol DuDols Cosby, of Brookllne, Mass, god-daughters of tho testatrix, and Sarah M. Oemmlll, of Philadelphia. Tho gifts to Mr. Den nis and Miss Gcmmlll nro In recogni tion of kindnesses to the deceased. The sum of $3,000 Is to bo set aside for tho education of John Tyler Sea woll, of Newport News, Va son of a half-nephew of Miss Seawell, and 11,000 Is left to Victor F. a. Seawell, of San Francisco. Annuities Left nelntlvrs. An annuity, "enough to inalco com fortable" is directed to bo paid to a half-sister, Maria Louisa Seawell, of Gloucester county, Va., and an an nity of $300 Is left to a cousin, Ellen Seawell, of Norfolk, Vn. Tho sum of 1500 each Is left to Marian L. Kllby. secretary to Miss Seawell from ll0'J to 1013, and to Mary E, Stubbs, a "faithful friend and servant." Pro vision also Is mado to glvo this lega tee black dresses of tho deceased "to enable her to wear mourning for mo If sho desires." Tho sum of ?250 Is left to Catherine Keban, a dressmak er. The executor Is directed to uso his Judgment In "suitably rewarding all servants and secretaries." Portraits of Charlotte Cnrday are left to Nellie and Isabel Scdgley, of Washington, frlonds of tho deceased, and personal effects are left to Ellle Seawell, of Norfolk. Charlotte J. Den nis, of the Patent Office, a friend, und Sara M. Gcmmlll. Slaters of Charity Ilrneflt. Aftor all the bequests aro paid tho balance of tho estate Is to go to tho Sisters of Charity of tho Roman Cath olic Church of Virginia, to bo expend ed as a memorial to Henrietta Seawell and Frances Elizabeth Seawell, sister and mother of tho testatrix, with the provision that the certain relics ,f tho deceased bo preserved, and that the prayers of the sisters be offered In be half of the three Seawalls and Henry Greenway Kemp, a cousin of tho ten tatrlx. Tho executor Is directed to confer wtlh Daniel Frohman, of No.v Y rk city, as to tho dlsposul of any plays or dramatic rights left by tho de ceased. Americans in Palestine To Be Allowed to Leave American citizens In Palestine, mostly Hebrows, will bo allowed to leave the country for tho United States, according to a Stato Depart ment agroement with tho Turkish government. It was announced today. Despite the npparanolty favorable attitude of Turkey, tho, dopartmont has had great difficulty In arranging the necessary details, Another strong note has been sent, requesting quick action. Minnesota Republican Leader Dead at St. Paul v , - 8T PAUL, Nov. 21, C. A. Congdon, Minnesota member of the Republican national committee, died ot his St. Paul Hotel apartment today. Heart disease caused his death. Clarence W. King to Take Ride in First Winged Legislator's Machine. TWO ARE SCHOOL FRIENDS Test to Be Made This After noon to Prove Efficiency of New Stabilizer. At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon Clarence W. King, president of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, will be higher than he has ever been before In his life. He will be about 4,000 feet In the air. Tho aeroplnno which brought Con-gressmnn-elcct O. D. Weakley from Philadelphia to Washington yesterday afternoon will have Mr. King as pas senger. It will bo driven by Sergeant Ocker, of tho flying corps of tho army, who drove tho plane here The purpdso of the night will be to demonstrate to Mr. King tho beauty of a new stabilizer as a means of making safo and comfortable aeroplanes popu lar. Went to School Together. Mr. King and tho new Congressman elect aro old friends, having gone to the same Pennsylvania school together some thirty years ago. But this morning was tho first time they hnd seen each other for that length of time. As soon as they tnejt, however, remi niscences of school days together be gan to come, nnd In short order they wcro on the old basis of boon compan plons together. The piano will go up from the Fort Myer aviation grounds at 2:30 o'clock. It Is likely that two nights will bo mado In the afternoon. Mr. Dlcakley Intends to make another night him self. If he can make proper time ar rangements. Flight Over Washington. The nights, which will start from Fort Myer, will bo over Washington, and the passengers will get nn en tirely new view of the Nation's Capl Congressman-elect and the president or the street car company. in une wav at least Ho will be the best etiulnned ConcrreH.mnn In k. next session to look after tho District of Columbia," a prominent Washing. tonlan stated about Mr. llleakley this inornmcr. "Ho win )mv v..h ,.. of tho District that no other Con. gressman has over had." President Wilson today was invited to toke a trip In tho air by Mr. llleak ley. Dlcakley promised the President ho wouldn't take jilm above the three mile limit. "It was a nno rldo. I'd do It again In tho same circumstances. Wo did It to prove that Heroplanes ore us safo ns automobiles." This was tho declaration of Mr. llleakley today. Feels Fine. "I am feeling line this morning," he contlnuo. "I was not uncomfortably cold. ., though we were up in the air iuur or five thousand feet most of tho time. Tho only trouble was that I had forgotten to stun any cot ton In my ears when starting, and so the nolso or the cngino was a lltMe deafening. "I will mnko the prediction aeros will soon at just as acommon as automobiles and they will be far loss dangerous. Ana this time will not bo very long away," After reaching Washington tho ma chine circled tho Washington Monu ment to show what It could do. Throng Watches Dlplane. A largo throng of spectators was as sembled thero watching It, After a minute on tho ground at Potomac Park the "bird" rose again, wheeled about tho Monument a time or so. and dart ed off for tho southern ahoro of the Potomac. In tho cloud niled sky, tinted with tho colors of tho dying sun. It gradually became a mere mov ing, diminishing speck, and disap peared entirely from view at 6:27. Tho 'plane und Its driver had gone to the Fort Myer aviation grounds, and there descended to make them selves comfortable for tho night. Mr. llleakley, who Is sixty years old, went to a Washington hotol al most Immediately upon getting here. TO LIVE 14 DAYJFON JUST FORTY CENTS Chicago City Employes Ready for Strange Experiment. CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Final prepara tions aro under way today for the City's Diet Experiment of two weeks, In which twelve employes of tho Health Department will attempt to live for fourteen days on 40 cents worth of food each. Tho meals aro to be prepared at the School of Dosmestlc Arts and Science, and the experiment will be. gin tomorrow. Mrs. Lillian A. Kemp, director of tho school, and Miss Anna Johnson, dietician at tho Munlclnal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, uro making today a tour ot retail groceries In an effort "to strike averaire nrlees." Tho lowest prices will not be paid, as tne iicuiwi wommissioner main tains that fair and useful data can not reBUlt from tho test unlesa nvor. ago prices aro paid. Others who are Interested with the Health Commis sioner In the experiment aro Sol. Westerneia, neaa or tne National Ice tnll Grocers' Association: Marv v. Conner and Mrs. Aldlne C. Coulter, of tho Woman's City Club, and Mrs. N, E. Badonoch, of the American School of Jiome economics,. Copper Sets New Mark. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Copper sold at 35 cents a pound, a new high rec ord price, today, and an advance of Hi cents over mc record established last ween. BERLIN DENIES BREAK OF IN U-BOAT ATTACK New German Note Admits Sub marine SankRowanmore, But Repudiates Charge. CLAIMS ALL PRECAUTIONS Destruction of One Other Ship Also Credited, But Action Is Called Lawful. BERLIN, Nov. SI. The German government has handed a note to the American embassy flatly denying It has violated its submarine pledge -to the United States. The note was a reply to an Ameri can communication relative to the sinking of the British steamship Row- anmoro and three other steamships which were lost In September. The German government admits that, a suDmarine sanx the Kowanmore but denies that lifeboats containing survivors were flred upon. Tho reply uci-mrcn iimi it was aue to precau tions taken by the Germans tnat tho men on the Rowanmoro owed their lives. Admission is made also that one of tho remaining three steamships, the Antwerpen, was sung by a subma rine. It is denied that any of tho principles of International law were violated, however. In respect to the other two steam ers the German government says that thpy were not sunk by a submarine. In tho absence of Ambassador Ger ard, tho note was received by John Grew, secretary to tho embassy, and It was prepared at once for transmis sion to the State Department at Wash ington. Mccormick to name inaugural chairman Democrats Think Decision Means Choice of Colonel Harper. The chairman of the inaugural com mittee, who will have charge of the coremonlos attendant upon the inau- This was learned from an author itative source at the White Hojso today. Officials declined, however, to say what effect tho decision would have on the selection of the commit tee chief, Domocrats In Washington, for the most part, professed to believe that tho decision presages tho appointment of Col. Robert N. Harper, who has boon active In tho campaign here. DISTRICT ASSURED OF BIG COAL SUPPLY Contractors Promise to Deliver 100 Tons Daily. Upon assurances from the bonding company representing tho contractors that beginning tomorrow 100 tons of coal will be shipped to the District government daily for seven days and after that 120 tons a day. tho Com missioners today decided not to ac cept the bids submitted yesterday for 1,000 tons. Two bids were re ceived, one at 8 a ton and one at J8.B0. The latter bid was received after 2 o'clock, the time set for the opening of tho proposals. Demand for de liveries of coal were made upon M. C. Hargrove, purchasing officer of the District, by fifteen schools. Mr, Hargrove immediately got In touch with other schools which have more than la required for their Im mediate needs with a view of trans ferring roal from one school to an other. The buildings, he said, would be supplied by night. Three car loads of coal consigned to the District gov ernment arrived yesterday. The Dis trict Is using about 100 tons a day. NEW BORDER PATROL PLAN TO BE URGED Wilson Expects Conferees to Ac cept It Without Wrangling. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Nov. 21. A final plan for border patrol and withdrawal of the American punitive .force now In Mexico, backed by Presl dent Wilson's approval, was to be presented to tho Mexican members of the American-Mexican commission today, with the statement that, the Administration at Washington expects it to be accepted without further wrangling. The plans are contingent upon several concessions by General Carranza, which have not yet been made public. It Is understood President Wilson expects to put Into operation plans of his own regarding bandit opera tions In Mexico, unless the sugges tions of the American commission are adopted. Falkenhayn Ousted From His Command LONDON, Nov. 21. A wireless dis patch from Bucharest today says it is rumored In the Roumanian capital that General von Falkenhayn has been recalled from command of tho German operations In Transylvania, being replaced by Field Marshal von Mackensen, who is now in Dobrudja. In Mackenaen's place, tho dispatch ays, it is reported that the Ger mans will put General Ludendorff. Blond Eskimos Vexed. NEW YORK, Nov. 21,-The blond Eskimos are peeved at Vilhjalmur Stcf anson, their discoverer, because they think he introduced them to Influenza, the explorer wrote to a friend hero from Cape Kellett ANY BROTHERHOOD HEAD PLEDGEWARNS8-HQURFQES R.R.ST1EIMPENDS W. S. Stone Tells A. F. of L. the Nation Will Face Unfinished Business. ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME Affiliation of Two Great Labor Organizations May Follow Meeting. BALTIMOB.E, Nov. 21. "There's going to be on eight-hour day on the railroads or there's some unfinished business before this country!" In this manner today, Warren S. Stone, head of tho Brotherhood of En gineers, answered tho query, whether the railroad brotherhoods will call a strlko In tho event Injunctions being sought by tho railroads of the country succeed In tying up operation of tho Adamson eight-hour law. Speaking In responso to an enthusi astic welcome given him and the heads of tho three other railroad brotherhoods by delegates to tho American' Federation of Labor con vention, he declared: Will Watch Fight. "Labor will watch from the side- lines whllo the railroads fight their own Government." His only explanation of this lat ter was the sentence suggesting "un finished business." Efforts to obtain from other broth erhood leaders an expression of their purpose In the matter were likewise fruitless, notwithstanding President Gompers" assertion, direct to the four leaders on the platform with him: "We expect the brotherhoods on the first day of January to Inaugu rate the eight-hour day." Affiliation of tho brotherhoods with the American Federation of Labor within a short time seemed certain ta tho conclusion of tho four leaders visit to the convention. May Join Federation. Starting In with a guarded sugges tion by Stone, tho first speaker, con cerning question's of jurisdiction that have prcvineil such an jftUiatlon. th visitors steadily warmed to (he Idea until at the conclusion of tho last speech no delegate In the hall doubted that the brotherhoods were coming In, and President Gompers himself said: "It Is a great comfort to hear you say the tlmo Is not far distant when tho four great brothei hoods will bo part of the A. F. of L." Tho brotherhood leaders declared their belief that tho Adamson law should hnvo Inhnr'n support notwith standing, they said, that they had not asked for It. With President Gomp ers urging support for It and the delegates today cheering mention of President Wilson's namo on several occasions. It appeared likely that ef forts to ohtiiin repudiation of tho Ad ministration's eight-hour legislation would fall. Opposition to the law Is based en tirely on tho theory that organized labor should operate through Its own organizations In such matters, and not rely upon legislation, "Wo didn't nk for the law,',' said W. G. Lee, of tho trainmen, speaking to the convention. "It Is not what wo (Continued on Fourth Page.) DOCTOR OF DONATION NEW CORNELL DEGREE Schwab Gets One, Banker Baker Another. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Some S00 Cornell alumni In the grand ball room of tho Waldorf lost night chsered for Charles M. Schwab, George C. Boldt, MaJ. Gen. Leonard Wood and "Dan" Reed, one of the football conches. Th occasion was a "mobilization supper" of alumni to launch a movement to raise $100,000 a year for current cy penses of tho university. Dan Reed mado a speech, in which he said: "The university Is so badly off for funds thit there are Cornell Instruc tors so badly paid they can't afford three menls a day. Somo have to get along with two and somo actually can afford to eat only once a day Why do they work? It's tho call to tench they feel tho coll for personal sacrifice." Mr. Schwab wasn't present, hut sent a check. The alumni agreed ho ought to have the degree of doctor of phllos- ?phv and "doctor of donations." Mr loldt's "degreo" was voted as "dontoi of loyalty," and George D. Rakor whoso cheek was right on hand, also got a "D. D." pacific"c8ast"may have felt "quake" Cleveland and Washington Seismo graphs Register Disturbance. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 21. The seismograph at St. Ignatius' College hero registered an carthquako begin ning at 1:24 this morning and con tinuing until 213. Indications aro that it was on the Pacific coast. A very pronounced earth disturb ance, reaching Its greatest intensltv at 1:44 this morning, was recorded at the Georgetown Observatory between 1:31 and 2:15 a. m, The estimated distance of tho quake was 2,100 miles westward, President to Spend Little Time in New York The President will spend but little time in New York City when he goes thero Saturday to attend the Army- He will arrlvo in New York shortly after 1 o'clock In the afternoon, will go direct to tne Polo Grounds, and win return to wasmngton immeui otely after tho game. DISTRICT AROUSED OVER SERIES OF DARINGROBBERIES Three Citizens' Associations, Alarmed By Many Hold-Ups and Burglaries, Take Up Matter of Police Protection. PRESENT FORCE CALLED TOO SMALL Louis Lowe Tells Georgetown Organization That Entire District Is Without Proper Service; Method of Choosing Chief Hit. A series of daring hold-ups and the number of burg laries and robberies recently reported have aroused citizens of Washington to a consideration of the problems involved in the policing of Washington. Three citizens' associations last night held serious and frank discussions of the subject. The Georgetown Citizens' Association was told by Louis Lowe, Government attorney, that Georgetown and the entire District are without adequate police protection. FIRE IN STABLES AT Blaze Breaks. Out as Afternoon Throng Assembles for To day's Events. BOWIE IIACR TRACK, Md., Nov. 'Jl. Shortly after 12 o'clock today a tiro broke out Inestables E and G ut ' tho Bowie raco track, and in less than llfteen minutes both stables had been burned to the ground and at least ten horhes had been caught In tho flame. In view of tho fact that a high wind was blowing at tho time, tho volunttm liremen that got together quick)), went to work to save tho nd--lltlonal stables, nnd after a struggle checked the (lumen from spreading, although Stable V had a narrow as tapo from going down with the others. Horse Kri-ently Purchased. Of the horses that were killed two of them were Corslcan and Yellow stone owned by J. G. Wagnon. who recently purchased Corslcan and Uold crest Boy. The latter horse Is now at the Plmllco track dangerously 111 and It Is not expected that hi will recover. E, 11. Garrison, tho wall known trainer, Is said to have loitt Chfclsea and Bottle's Baby. E. W. Moore. Glen- dale, and Joyland nnd Paul Allies his good horso King uox. Upturn To l'Mnmi-M. Joyland and rather Hlley were both rescued from tho flames, but broke away nnd ran back Into tho flames. H. Ncustellcr caught Joyland and had him twenty feet from tho stable when tho horsu broko away from und ran back to the stall, and the same thing happened In the case 'of Father Illley, who was rescued by a stable bov hut who was not stronjj enough to hold tho horso when ho be came frightened. al It Is more than likely that this list will be Invreased when the round-up made, us It Is known thnt there Is at least ten horses still among tho missing. One of the Htublo boys was ..adly burned about the arms. GERMANY IGNORES PROTESTS OF WORLD Continues Deporting Belgians De spite Actions of Vatican. LONDON, Nov. 21. Notwithstand ing protests from America, Holland, ind the Vatican, Gormany Is still de porting Belgian workmen. Moreover ho Is registering, presumably for future deportation, all citizens of Switzerland and tho Duchy of Luxem burg who are residing In Belgium. A statement from the London office ot the Belgian department of Justice made these assertions today. "The doportatlon of Belgian subjects continue without respite' tho state ment asserted. "Tho council of alder men at Brussels wero arrested be cause they refused to communicate lists of unemployed to the German authorities. Deportations are proceeding In tho province of Ilalnault and In Wells and Flanders. Subjects of, the Duchy of Luxemburg nnd also of Switzerland residing in Belgium nro compelled to register. A group of Luxomburgors hava already baen, deported." She Helps Burglar. WILMETTE, III., Nov. 21. Miss Helen Gemmort was quite accommo - dating, 'ins Durgiar wno enterea ner room found her awake. She gave him a match when his flashlight failed and showed him her Jewel case. He got nothing. BOWIE KILLS RACERS ATTACKS SYSTEM. At the Central Citizens.' Association Bernard Rover attacked the political system under which the head of tho Police Department Is appointed to of nee without regard to previous ex perience In police wo-k. Tho nsso elation adopted a resolution that no part of the District's money bo ex pended for a superintendent's salary, unless he had served at least ten years on tho force. - Th East Washington Citizen' As soclatlon also adopted resolutions de claring that thero was an immediate need for police In automobiles to cope with tho crime situation here. Calls It All Inadequate. "Georgetown and tlio entire Dis trict aro without adequate pallet pro tectiou. "There have been times, and not bo Infrequent, when but one patrol inun was on duty in Georgetown, and frequent occasions when there were only two.' These declarations were made bv -Louis Lowe, Government attorney in urging action by the Georgetown Citizens' Association last night look ing to a numerically stronger Police Department. Mr. Lowe declared he had con ferred with police officials and with precinct captains, and, to his sur price, bad discovered Just how poorly tho city is patrolled. Cites Hold-ups. The speaker cited three recent hold ups as sufficient Illustration of tho necessity for better police protec tion, and urged tho association to move to secure It, not only for Georgetown, but for the DlstrloL On his motion the entire matter was placed In tho hands of the legis lative committee of the association. "Just Imagine," said Mr. Lowe, to drlvo his point home, "ono policeman endeavoring to patrol a boat that covered all of tho Georgetown pre cinct, from Hock Creek to tho District line. It would take nioro than a day to cover Its circumference. "Then there are frequent occasions whon there aro but two men on patrol duiy, one covers a be(it fiom Rock Creek to Wisconsin avenue, and tho other from Wisconsin' avenue to tho District line. Both beats extend north from the river to tho Tenleytown sub station. "This situation," continued Mr. Lowe, "docs not apply to Georgetown alone, nnd It In not the fuult of our officials Frequent efforts to secure a needed Increase in forco havo boon futile, and I propose that wo untto bohind such nn effort now. Only One Mun Left. "I was told by tho captain f the Sixth product recently that when a train of visitors came to Washing ton, and it was necessary to have an extra detail at Union Station, but ono bicycle or traffic man wab left to cover tho entire hlxth precinct, which Is In the downtown section of tho city. Eventually this man hud to be sent to the station, leaving the terri tory uncovered." Mr. Lowo then cites the three re cent hold-ups and robbery of women, and declared then he had saved in sult to two young women on the streets of Georgotown not many nights ago. Denial by Pullman, Vigorous exception was taken to day by Major Pullman to statements mado by Lowe before tho George town Association, that thero have been occasions frequently of Jate whon not more than one or two pa trolmen were on duty in Georgetown. Admitting that the police force Is far too small for the adequate pro tection of a city the size of Washing ton, Major Pujlman nevertheless In sisted that "Irresponsible" assertions of the kind which he says wero made by Mr. Lowe are colculated not only lo iau io convince oongress ot inns' needs of a larger force, but actuaUx 1 to do harm by persuading crook that Washington oners an easy fiold for their activities. ' "As a matter of fact," said Major Pullman, there Is never a time 'when tbtre are less than six or sqvaa men