Newspaper Page Text
"ty WEATHER FORECAST: COMPLETE AFTEHMR Fair Tonight With 1:30 Wall Street -J NUMBER 10.215. WASHINGTON. .TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 3. 1917. PRICE ONE CENT. :i w V NEW OUTBREAK OF ORDER FOR TROOPS RUSS DRIVE FOE ACROSS II STRYPA IN MIA Penetrate Three Lines of Enemy Trenches and Take 6,300 New Prisoners Giant Battle Raging. rETHOGRAD, J air 3-Rula'j of- Xenslre; today forced the enemy haek.1 acroaa tie Little Strjrpa riTer ta Gall ela penetrated tare line of enemy trencfcea, and took QJ&QQ added prison er. Ta war offlee announced aweeptnjc valas ererrwaere Lnclodlnx tae eeea patloa of Freaoree and tae TUIare and aelirhta aotrtavreat of Zborar aad Kordah al dalr -Ta oaemr retired aeroaa the 11 1 tle StirpaV tae official atatemeat (Bancladed A con tin Dance of the offensive waa takes, her to ncu .that the enemy Ilnea hare been penetrated aad the enemy1 flanked ta aevera! place. Offlcfal-dlapatehearelsred that U count of prisoners Is still Incomplete, and undoubtedly -will jr hlrfeer than tae ltftQO odd an far a ceo anted for. Great Battle Rasing. LONDON, July 3. A decisive battle is rajrinjr on the eastern front. This information is official, and was contained in a telegram received here from Petrograd today. "The fate of the liberty of the Russian people hangs on the outcome of the engagement,'' said the dis patch. The Russian nation has been stir- the initial success of the offensive. I more than 10,000 Austro-Hungarian ...I . : 1 : i wu uciuiao, prisoners Having Been ptured up to date. But the thing- that moved the peo- most was the news that War Min er Kerensky. falling to arouse the Idlers to the proper pitch of enthus iasm with oratory, placed himself at the head of the army and led his troops Into the thick of the fighting. Battle Spreading. The Initial assaults In thenewRus slan drive were launched In the Kon- Iwchy-Brzezany section. In Gallcla. But today the fighting was spreading to the north and south of that xone. the Russian artillery pounding the Austro-German positions In prepara tion lor runner Infantry attacks. The Russian soldiers, encouraged by their success, are eager to extend the offensive all along the line. Among the prisoners In the hands of the Russians are a number of Turks that were rushed to Gallcla to bolster up the Aut tro-German lines Jong the Eelona LI pa river. Simultaneous resumption of allied offensives now that Rusla has sUrted In to "do her bit" was expected here today. Synehreneua Offensive. Back In the winter the allied plans bad called for a synchronous offensive campaign In the spring to be waged on the western, northern, Italian, and Macedonian fronts. The Hlndenburg "strategic retreat" on the western front hastened the British and French attack. Then came the Russian revo lution and total Inaction of tha Rus sian troops. Italy stsrted her offensive on time (Continued on Third Page.) For Exchange A long felt want Is filled by this brand-new classification which now appears in the advertising columns of The Times, it Is the market place for a wide variety of articles which the owners desire to trade for articles of equal value. The three advertisements which appear below are typical of the op portunities offered by this classifi cation. Others will be found under the same heading on The Times' classified pages. SIX-ROOM BntCK HOUSE, Florida eve N. C U so. What hare you; Apply BOX Ft, Times ttffie A COURSE la "sdvertlftnc" tlnUmstlonal Correspondence Fchocll. with sll lusona empi'ts: ceetlns; li; will cntdr promt- r Hon artlcJo cf ton value, rhene North hji-w . sner 7 p-fkx-K r. m LAW BOOKS rer a illntng room gas dams. HOW WE'LL PAY FOR WAR. Here is a table of the vari ous sources of taxation, and the revenue, in addition to the present levies, they are expected to yield annually: Income! I5IJ.000.000 Excess profits ........ EII.000.000 Tobacco and alcohol... 242,000.000 Freight transportation. 77.500.000 Express and parcel poit 17,600.000. Passenger transportlon 17.500,000 Pipe lines 4.S00.000 Eeata and berths 2.250,000 Telephones & telegraph 7,000,000 Publications 7.600.000 Automobiles 40.000.000 Sporting; (roods JOO.000 Pleasure boats ....... 600.000 Perfumes cosmetics. 1.700.000 Proprietary medicines..- 1.400.000 Kodaks 600.000 Admissions 2X.O0O.O00 Schedule A. Including; playing; cards 10,000.000 Tea, coffee, sugar, etc. J4.000.000 Virgin Islands products X0.000 First class malls 50.000.000 Second class malls.... 1.000,000 PUT UP TO SENATE The biggest revenue bill In the na tion's history, calculated to produce 11,670,000.000 annually for war. ex penses, was reported favorably ta the Senate shortly afar the upper house, comrehed - today. The enormous amount It Is expected to raise Is still several hundred millions short of this year's estimated . share of the war burden, but the deficit will be met by a bond Issue after a more accurate calculation can be made by the War and Navy Departments. The measure, aa reported by the committee this afternoon, only slight ly resembles the bill aa passed by the House. For more than six weeks the Finance Committee has been sub jecting the measure to the most care ful consideration, tearing It to ahreds and redrafting It. More Caanjrea Likely. There Is a probability that the bill will be still further amended before Its final passage by the Senate, and promise Is held forth that It will pro-1 voke a bitter battle when It goes back to the House. The committee believes It has dis posed of the cry that the measure Is a "rich man's bill" by making swol len Incomes, excess war profits, and liquors and tobacco the chief sources of Income. These three sources must contribute J1J07.000.000 or the J1.GT0. 000.000 to be raised by the bill. Mis cellaneous sources will be taxed to an extent large enough to make up the difference. La Hollette to Flsht Bill. The bill was aubmltted to the Sen ate today with the Indorsement of twelve of the seventeen members of the Finance Committee. Senator La Follette of Wisconsin believes that entire war burden ought to be placed upon excess profits, big Incomes and liquor and tobacco. In this connection, he has been supported by Senator Gore of Oklahoma and Thomas of Col orado. He expects to mske a fight on the Senate floor for amendment of the bill along the lines of his plan. FOOD EMBARGO HOLDS SHIPS FOR HOLLAND NEW TORK. July i Two large steamships flying a neutral flag have been held at Quarantine during the past few dars. Both are heavily loaded with foodstuffs, consisting of grain and coffee, which Is said to be consigned to firms tn HoIIsnd. The ships were detained on order of President Wilson under the authority vested In him to declare an embargo on foodstuffs. On one of the steamships Is a party of thirty-eight German diplomats who are returning to the fatherland under safeconduct from the allies. HOLDS RICH GERMANS MENACE TO U.S. SAFETY "It Is not the poorer class of Ger mane In the United States we have to fear." said Governor Bamberger of Utah today. "They are loyal They understand the tremendous advantages this re public offers them advantages offer- NEWREVENUEBILL BUI TORY e by no other country In the world . official advlcea received here to- Unfortunately, however, there are I . . .. ... . many men of wealth, men who belong"1"'" rrport ,nat "'' "vl '"" to the aristocratic classes of Ger-'hve accounted for two German sub many. They are the ones who will' marines within the past week. One stir up trouble. They are tha danger-1 was destroyed and the other cap ous ones," tured. - I SUV'S SMASH INSPIS NEW OPTIMISM IN Washington Officials Expect Smashing Offensive Will Af feet Austria and Hungary Internally. By DAVID LAWRENCE. (Cbprrlxht, I1T, by New Tork Evening Port Company.) Russia's dramatic return ta ag gressive warfare has inspired gen uine enthusiasm among officials of the United States Government. While not inclined to be overopthnistic, realizing indeed that Russia still has great obstacles to overcome, and may find her offensive quickly check ed, official Washington is. gratified that at last Russia has given Ger many the most complete answer possible to the intrigues for a separ ate peace. , r -It was the effort to- detach Rossi from tha allies which produced the depression of spirits, here six weeks ago. Submarine losses have since diminished. American troops have been landed in France, and officials are beginning to have the feeling that America's power is effective at last in Europe. Will Affect Neighbors. Aside from the Influence which the Russian offensive must have on the Internal political situation, the ex pectation Is that Bulgaria and Aus tria will feel the effects of the re newed military activity. . Information received officially In the last three weeka but hitherto not made public Indicates that the Rm slans are well prepared for the prcs- i ent offensive. Military experts believe the Russians have picked out the weak spots in the Austrian defenses and that even if they do not score a big victory they will at least Impede, if not check, the Austrian hope of art offensive against Italy In the Tren tlno. On the other hand. If the Rus sians break through the Austrian line, another sensational movement through Gallcla. with a probable re adjustment of the whole eastern line, may result Worries for Bnlgars. Political conditions in Austria and Bulgaria, particularly, are far from satisfactory for Germany, according to the best Information available here. The entry of Greece on the aide of the allies and the probability of an allied drive Into Macedonia before the sum mer is over, together with the re sumption of the offensive on the Rou manian front which la expected short ly. Is worrying the Bulgars. Rumors of a separate peace have come out of Bulgaria with significant frequency of late. The drive being made by Russia under the leadership of General Ker ensky, In whom officials of the United States Government have the uomst confidence, the failure of the Germans to keep up their estimated totals of tonnsge destruction and the Ameri can military preparations sre con fidently counted upon from now on to affect the morale of the German armies. Amrrlrans Help Cause. In connection with the sood news from Russia comee favorable reports of the work of the American commis sion now visiting that country The speeches made by Ellhu I loot. John R. Drltt. James Duncan, Admiral Glen non, and General Scott, are reported to made mad a remarkable Impression- on the crowds. The addresses were translated sentence by sentence, expert Interpreters being employed. On the whole, today was In contrast to the many days of worry and anxiety over the war It was a day of optimism and stimulated hope. BRITISH TAKE ONE "SUB" AND DESTROY ANOTHER WAKIL SOLONS HALT N oy Southern Senators Block Meas ure Because of Decline of Eight Points in Price for Product Included in Bill. The Senate food control bill hit a new snag today. Fresh revolt and confusion is seething in the chamber. Overnight Southern Senators learned that cotton dropped eight points when the Senate included that product in the control measure yesterday. As a result, today these Senators, some of them foremost Administration leaders, have become "bears" on the bill. They say they won't vote for a cloture rule; they won't agree 'to a time for voting, and they won't approveAhe bill In its present form. , -mis new- aeyejppment, -interjected Into .an already very perplexing sltuai tlon, -temporarily ahattered hopea of those in charge of the bill that a vote would be possible within & few days. , Cletnre Fight Delayed. While efforts were made to appease the new element of uprising. It was decided to postpone introduction to the cloture petition until late today or tomorrow and possibly the end of the week. Instead Senator Chamberlain made another attempt to get unanimous consent for a vote Thursdsy. but was once more blocked by objection of Senator Penrose, Pennsylvania, where upon Senator Jones. Washington, "dry" leader, rose to exhort newspa per correspondents to let the country know that "this time at least It Isn't the friends of temperance who are de laying passage of this measure. Would Censeript Workers. Senator Johnson of South Dakota today. In an effort to straighten out the food control bill tangle, urged on a number of the Democratic Senators that the proposal he advanced when the conscription bill waa up be adopted. Under this proposition, the Presi dent would be given power to con script everybody for work or service of benefit to the public. To this Sen ator Johnson would add a provision giving the Government power to com mandeer all property needed In war for Government use. Deny Blocking Bill. "Dry" organisations today Issued a statement tn which they said eleven big prohibition societies denied the President's Inference that antl-Ilquor lobbying haa delayed the food bill, and added that they will leave to "trusted leadera In Congress" the de cision as to "In ur on what bill" pro hibition legislation may be grafted. Organisations represented, the state ment said. Included the W. C. T. C. Anti-Saloon League. International Re form Bureau, and the temperance com mltteea of the Methodist, Baptist. Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Christian churches DRY FORCES STILL DEMAND DRY NATION Although the prohibition forces of the country announced today they oodahX" ." ' o' that measure which would permit I the manufacture of light wines and beer, they Indicated quite clearly their Intention to demand complete war prohibition through some other channel. Representatives of all the leading "dry" organisations of the country met lest night at the Drteeoll Hotel and mapped out an Immediate legis lative policy. They Issued this state ment today. GERMANS 8MOKE CABBAGE. Venerable Jokes about cabbage, or hay clgara has become a sad and serious reality In Germany owing to the scarcity and high cost of genuine tobacco, saya a Copenhagen dispatch. The latest war substitute Is com- 11 COTTON MP .... - k& AAinD- i. .u iwenij-year - per cem Donas ot Alllian party is aaiu iiinme auuicieni posed or the roregoing. with othir the Federal farm loan bank of Spring, supplies to last only until about Au Ingredients like strawberry laves. i ., u nere paced ot) ,e today athrnsn. Eight tens of supplies from I lavender blossoms and sandalwood tollOlU- The sale 'of $10,000 worth In I New Tork are. fat Sydney to be pull impari o-oma, ) RACE RIOTS BRINGS TO SHOOT TO KILL Kingdon Gould and Bride X 'k JssV aasrejrassWsaaaaiaaWf Pf , nlrBaVSPT AinVflBaaMS HsaBnHBsHsBBBvStVe s9sasBBVIBaBLa(F PaBBBBsMiaBBBnE'BiaBlafl JpsbbbbbbbbbbbB 'Hl 4w 4DlKil9DIsHE!iaaBl!K IfltHeflaSlBaiaBBBBBBBBBBBf " ' Sl-HKKSLasasnBBaiUiaBnasJsjatfHniaBBBBlsBBBffxBBBBBBBBBBH SSaiaBB.,iaBBBPBtiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSiaBBBBsHiaSiaiaBBBBBBBBBl &YtsK 'iaS nt5LaBBBBBBBBBBBBmnnnWgHaVTW:! csasT.BTaBBBVf.BaBBBBBBBBBBBBlsBnHBaS-4lSa;aujeS4 , aWwiJ'anlsaaaaEanasBaliBB 1 !!Si?$ilaanViaaaaaBnmr'l!l ' (DUnderwood& Underwood Copyright. Underwood A Underwood. GOULD AND HIS BRIDE POSTPONE HONEYMOON Bridegroom's Brother Denies Girl Was Ever Governess. NEW TORK, July 3. Ills family apparently reconciled to his marriage to Miss Annunziata Camilla Maria Luccl, formerly a teacher ef Italian In the Gould family. Kingdon Gould ta back at work at his father's office today, having decided to postpone his honeymoon for a few days Mr. Gould was very frank about the entire matter, following the ceremony yesterday, saying that his family was "somewhat surprised." but that "everybody Is satisfied now " His brother. George J. Gould, Jr., the only relative who attended the wedding seemed to be In thorough ac cord with the couple. Ho Issued a denial of the report that the bride had been a governess, saying she had merely tutored Miss Vivian Gould, now Lady Decies, in Italian about seven years ago. The wedding yesterday set a record for Informality Only about a dozen guests attended, for the most part artists and singers, friends of the bride- The ceremony was performed In the rectory of St- Patrick's Cathe dral by Mgr. Gherardo Ferrante, while a curious crowd waited outside. It waa necessary for the couple to obtain a special dispensation, Mr. Gould being a Protestant and Miss Luccl a Catholic Mr. Gould said he would start In two or three days for a two or three weeks' motor trip up the-Hudson with his bride ONLY INFANTRYMEN NOW NEEDED BY UNCLE SAM The War Department has ordered recruiting stations to sccept men only for the Infantry hereafter. With the exception of a few places In the quartermaster's corps for bakers, cooks, and men speclally quallfled for field clerks, everv branch of the service hut the Infantry Is filled to war complement. About men r, needed to fill the Infantry to war strength. After the draft men who have been drawn will not be allowed to volun teer. FARM BONDS ABOVE PAR. SPItlNGriELD. Mass . July 3.-- i . . this city as reporjea. DEMAND FORREPUBLIC IS GROWING IN SPAIN Dispatch Forecasts Overthrow of King Alfonso's Throne. LONDON. July 3. The revolution ary situation In Spain Is causing grave alarm In official circles In Madrid, said a dispatch from the Franco Spanish frontier today. "Well Informed quarters believe that the fall of the monarchy cannot be averted," the telegram stated. "Alfonso In all probability will find his 'divine right' government turned into a republic. Leaders of the strong est political parties In Spain have formed a republican bloc." The labor situation Is acute and the suspension of the constitutional guar antees has not tended to relieve It any. U. S. AID FELT ALREADY BY PEOPLE OF FRANCE NEW YORK. July 3 A Paris dis patch to the Philadelphia Public Ledger says: The magnificent organization t.nd the faultless working of the British military machine, and the entry Into the war of America, with her Immenae resources, both man power and ma terial, are considered In various quar ters of France to renderIt extremely ' improbable. If not Impossible, that there ever again will be among the allies a crisis In effectives. It I thought, therefore, the time has now come for taking certain measures with a view of lightening the heavy burden which, on the west ern front, has fallen upon the French people. "The war minister announced at tc day'a sitting of the chsmber that three classes of miners would be Im mediately released from service at the front In order to Increase the output of couL" BARTLETT OFF TO RESCUE. ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, July 3. The steamship Neptune, on which Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Is proceeding for Utah. Green'and, with supplies for the relief of the Crocker land ex pedltlon, headed by Donald R. Mae Mlllan. sailed yesterday for Sydney. Nova Scotia, to take on bunker coal. Captain Rartlett expects to leave Syd- nev for the North this week. The Mac .1..... . ,- ,...,. ..... .1 laoosja e ne. ) ' TOTALNUMBEROFDEAD ESTIMATED II B INT EUDREDS EAST ST. LOUIS, IIU, July 3-At a meeting of the Chamber of Deputies this afternoon it was agreed to call on Governor Lowdes demanding martial law throughout the State by noon. In the event of a refusal, they will appeal to President Wilson. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., July 3. The embers of race hatred again flared ominously here today while the physi cal fires of last night's rioting smouldered in ash heaps all through the "black valley" of this city. At noon 300 armed negroes were reported marching on East St. Louis to avenge the wholesale slaughter of colored residents during the race riot. Col. O. E. Tripp, in command of the national guardsmen who have put the city under virtual martial law, has sent 100 soldiers to meet the black mob. The soldiers have orders to shoot to kill. A night of terror of torch and gun and lynch law wa followed by more rioting toaay. Two more negroes were killed. A score were injured during today's fighting. Several women were among the hurt , .TWENTJYPIVBBOIiES'- ' - ""' The bodies of twenty-three who fell during the night have been counted. "Estimates of the dead vary from 75 to 250. Hundreds more were injured. The death toll may never be known. Bodies of some of the negroes were thrown into a creek. Other colored, men and women doubtless burned in their homes for there was death on the outside asfwell as in. FIVE BLOCKS BURNED. I Congressman Rodenberg Explains Cause of Riots Economic differences, and the fact that colored labor Is displacing white labor In the packing plants and tn the aluminum worka as well aa In other establishments In East St- Louis, are at the bottom of the outbreak of race rioting which has occurred In that city, according to Representative Rodenberg of Illinois who represents the East St. Louis district In the House. Representative Rodenberg received a telegram from the chief of police of East St- Louis telling him that De tective Sergeant Coppedge had been killed In the rioting, and asking him to Inform his son. Arthur Coppedge, who Is on the battleship Florida. Mr. Rodenberg took the matter up with the Navy Department and In formation was sent to the young man. Congressman Rodenberg told The Times today some of the causes that have led to the rioting. , -fegroes Supplant Taekers. "While I do not know all of the details," said Mr. Rodenberg, -there Is no doubt the difficulties are eco nomic. Strikes have occurred In a number of the big pWnts, especially In the packing plant and In the plant of the aluminum company. Thousanda of negroes from the South have come In and are filling the places of the packers. "Several weeks ago rioting oc curred In which six persons were killed and others Injured. The com panies have refused to recognlaj the union and have Insisted on the open shop. "The use of negrrt labor has caused bitter feeling on the part of the strlk ers. About 3.000 men are employed In the Dlant of the aluminum com pany and about 5.000 In the pncklng houses. The aluminum company has Government contracts and paya high wages. The packing plant also pays goou wages, and the result Is that the colored laborers, attracted by this pay. flock In to fill the places of the white men who have gone on strike. ' "In no other part of the district Is there difficulty and the trouble Is con fined to East St. Louis, which Is a great center for all sorts of manufac- turlng Twenty-six railroads center - , l.. l. 1.., ....v Mr mr a mrrc. w i - " - - greet many negroes have been em ployed ' the railroad companies for work about the atatlon and as ac- uos buu. By POLICE jiegrbes and two white men Five city blocks of negro tenements and small homes were wiped out by incendiary fires. In other blocks there was partial destruction. Fire damage Is estimated at $309.- 000 to J750.000. j In all fifteen city blocks were. j touched by the torch of the mob In cendiary. More than 200 negro , homes are In ashes. The comparatively small property damage furnishes no Idea of the night of frlghtf ulness. The houses destroy. ed were low-priced, but the light of j the fire lay over the entire city add ed its ghastly touch to the riot dis trict where negroes herded In the streets like cattle on the way to tha slaughter house and white mobs ran yelling and shooting through "black valley." Flames Only Ligat. There was no light except that from tha burning homes. The whites cut the electric wire that their work of destruction might be the better carried on; the negroes cut the wires that the way of escape might T easier. "I believe there are more than one hundred negroes dead," Night Chief, of Police Hlckey aald today. "Wa have 103 names on an Incomplete list, but have not found all the bodies. I estimate the Injured, white and black, at 730. but any statement must be In complete at this time." Chief Hlckey said the property loss might reach SS.000,000, but this la far above other estimates. Governor Lowden has not proclaim ed martial law, although martial law haa actually prevailed here sine midnight. Hay Foree Aetien. City officials believe the report of negro bands forming; on the outskirts of the city for an "attack upon the whltea may force the governor to act officially. The hospitals are crowded with wounded men and women, most of them negroes. Not all the rioting; was confined to the whites, however. Black mobs. Ies bold than the whites and lacing leadership, operated spo radically during a night tf crime a4 disorder. Mayor Molman showed some Indls nation today because the city had not been put under martial law by procla mation. He wired Governor Lowden several tiroes, he said. A conference Is now on between the mayor and Colonel Tripp regarding a probable recurrence of trouble this Qternooa and tonight. Three to Ten Thousand. The mob strength of the whites ranged from three thousand to ten thousand. Women and stria and young boys aided and encouraged maddened white men. In tho work of wholesale devastation and destruction of life len. women, and children atood by and cieered today as negro bodies.