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tt Wawtwicm mxm With Closing Wall Street Prices NIGHT FINAL NIGHT FINAL WEATHER: Fair Tonight WASHINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 19, 1917. PRICE ONE CENT. NUMBER 10,231. k K, PARDONED SUFFRAGETTES REFUSE TO LEAVE 0CC0QUAN WORKHOUSE Alarming Report of U-Boat Activity 1,600,000 U. S. OFFICERS TONS OF SHIPS URGE GREAT IS MONEY DRIVEBYBOTH TOLL OF SUBS LANDANDSEA Charles H. Grasty, in Cable From London, Tells How De struction of Shipping Far Exceeds Construction. Charles H. Grasty, farmer owner of the Baltimore News, and now of the New York Times, , sends from London to that news paper the following copyrighted. t-cable dispatch: LONDON, July 18 The change at the admiralty by -which Sir Eric Geddes succeeds Sir Edward Carson calls attention to submarine condi tions, and there have been sharp re visions of opinion in the last few hours as a result of a re-examina tion of facts and figures. The prime minister's recent assur ance had a sedative effect on the public mind, but discussion by well informed persons, particularly in banking and commercial circles, dur ing tbe last few days has brought out conditions that are dlsauietinsr. Confidence in the submarine situa tion appears to have had no founda tion more substantial than the hODP that some scientific means was sure ly in the way of being found to put the submarine finally and entirely out of business. Construction Lags Behind. That part of England which wakes up lonevhtt ahead of the rest ha suddenly grasped a fact that la so simple that It ought to have been realized and acted on long ago. What haa escaped attention, and what la now brought to the fore by toe cnange at the admiralty, la the Inexorable fact which anybody with knowledge of the rule of three can cipher out for himself that at the present rate of construction and de struction there cannot possibly be at the end of a few months .ihinnlnt- nough. unless British rommltments eisewnere are considerably curtailed, to feed England and France and maintain the present armies In the field, and as for conveying America's armies to Europe and maintaining them. It will simply be out of the question. 3lnst Destroy U.boata. The loss of ships by submarines to-' tala 1,800,000 tons a monlb, or from two to three times the total of new construction. The British government Is, and the American Government ought to be. eye to eye with the staggering fact that the allies have got to find a way to curb the submarine or lose the war a way not )et found und not ven approached, except experimen tally. Damage by aubmarlnea has been re duced by American co-operation, but every single ton of craft effective against submarines ought to be cent to European waters without a single hour's delay. Irish Sea Is American. It la crystal clear that protection la not needed from the submarine In American watera, and keeping de stroyed on the Atlantic aeaboard Is a sheer waste of time, when the situ ation here Is so critical. The English fleet over here protects all Interesta over there. For the purpose of this war the Irish Sea Is Just as truly American as la Long Inland Sound It la around the Irish coast that the fight to make a world safe for democracy la at Its deadliest crisis. No military victory short of march ing Into Berlin can take the place of a deathblow to the German U-boat. Every craft capable of operating, against the aubmarlne ought to be' sent over her at the earliest possible Boaiat. Only Way to Avoid Defeat, Is Admission From Highest Offi cial Quarters Wilson With holds His 0. K. A combined offensive by sea and air against German sea bases and shipyards is urged by most United States fcaval officers as the only rngn-ny pCdcjpatjng thn Gf,rtnn-snb- marine menace and winning the war." Publication today of allied ship losses, with one estimate placing the U-boat toll at 1,600,000 tons of ship ping a month, brought the grave ad mission from highest official quar ters that the United States and her allies must find a way to curb the submarines or lose the war. O. K. Withheld. President Wilson thus far has re fused to sanction the aggressive plana now favored by the majority of United Statea naval officers. This plan calls for moving almost the en tire American fleet to European waters for a combined offensive, carry ing the fight to Germany Instead of merely protecting the American coast. If, the President does accept the view of the aggressive faction of the navy, negotiations may at once be opened with the British and French admlraltlea to plan a combined of fensive against the German subma rine. Official figures' compiled by United States naval statisticfans do not agree with the estimates placing 1.(00,000 tons of shipping a month as the U boat tolL But the official figures show that approximately a million tons of ship ping a month are lost. Haa t Loss. Official estimates place the allied nations shipbuilding totals as from 200.000 to 400,000 tons a month. This leaves a net loss of from 00,000 to tOO.OOO tons of shipping a month. It the minimum losses of 1.000.000 tons a month are accepted. It is frankly admitted that the United States Government has fol low rd a policy of concealment as to submarine losses, following the lead of the British government. These reports have lulled the peo ple of both continents to a feeling of false security, and United States na val officials believe the people should know the truth. "We are up against It sow. Our defensive methods hae failed. Let's try an offensive." This Is the demsnd of all the younger naval officers and many of the older ones, snd It la this demand that is now before President Wilson for decision If the offensive policy favored by the aggressive faction of the navy Is adopted, the next great development of the war may be a naval and aerial combined offensive, the result of which might well decide the outcome of the war. ROGERS DEFENDS CENSUS. The Census Bureau today forward ed to tbe Senate a defense of the pop ulation estimates based on the draft registration. Director Rogers ex plained tbe registration was figured aa 8.32 per cent of the total popula tion of draft districts, allowance be ing made for "abnormal shlftlngs to ward manufacturing centers of mlll-tary-age did since the war's outbreak." THE NEW DOCTOR OUGHT TO DISCOVER A SUBSTITUTE FOR THAT CROWN i "n IT'Vm-m-internal (" QH I WHftT A HEAnArMFJSflW tyZ&ZZZ - y IN BITTER DEBATE The Administration won a decisive victory this afternoon In its drive to eliminate all commodities except foodstuffs and fuel from the controll ed list In the food control MIL The lie was parsed during the de bate In one of the bitterest rows the Senate has seen this session. Reed of Missouri had launched a movement to oust Herbert C. Hooer as food ad ministrator. He proposed an amend ment to the food control bill which would put the administration of the act In the bands of a commission of five, all of whom must be bona fide residents and qualified voters of fa United Statea. Senators declared this would shut out Hoover. Senator Hollls of New Hampshire charged that Senator Reed had cross examined Mr. Hoover, when he was on the witness stand before the Sen ate Agricultural Committee, "as mer cilessly as If he were a chicken thief on trial In a police court." "That Is absolutely and unqualified ly false," shouted Reed "I rise " "I refuse to yield," retorted Sena tor Hollls. Later Senator Reed received recog nltlon on a point of order "The Senator said I treated Mr. Hoover as a chicken thief." ssld Sen ator Reed "That Is a reflection on me It is absolutely and unquall fledly false." "It Is not a personal privilege In the Senate for one Senator to stand here and call another a liar," Inter rupted Senator Williams cf Missis slppl. By a vote of 41 to 2S, the Senate re jected an amendment offered by Sen ator Kenyon of Iowa to retain Iron and steel and their products, farming tools, hemp and binder twine. In tbe list. BERNSTORFF IS BOOMED FOR ZIMMERMANN POST Count Von Bernstorff. formerly German ambassador at "Washing-ton, may become foreign secretary of Germany, succeeding Zlmmermann. State Department advices today tell of German newspapers advocating his appointment. Dutch newspaper comment Indi cates that the Reichstag peace pro gram may be twisted about to make the German people believe the allies have rejected It In order to continue the war until Germany is crushed. SENATORS PASS LIE CONTROL tCopyrtzbt: 1917: My MlNSwilH" ygfLsHHW ' HRST CAUGHT COLD IN HBP I LlilMjll 'A'A's KAGIN& herd- A THE AMERICAN DRAFT AND RlRLiUrvrfTOjl'Ji ''''''' ' ss-ssssssinPSJssssssMs,s,hlasss---ssss.M . I.nt. i m -T'slsssssssssiMinssssssssssjssssssnistssossssM.i 1 mmemmmammmaimmmmmmammammmmmammmmmB'xmBKmmmi&!amimmmmM' The President's Wise Act The President has pardoned the ladies that were jailed for making a camping and demonstration ground of his official front yard. It is our opinion that the ladies should not have heen put in jail also that they should not have chosen THIS moment to demonstrate at the "White House. The President acts wisely in refusing to let the suf fragists stny in jail. The young women will display wisdom if they now refrain from annoying the President, who has worries enough on hand. The President really favors woman suffrage. It is coming. It will not he hastened, hut delayed, hy unwise agitation that alienates sympathy. AVe repeat our invita tion to the suffrage ladies to come and demonstrate in front of The Times office wo shall welcome them, inter view them, praise them, and work for them. "We congratulate the President on a wise act of good nature. HOLIDAYS FOR PER DIEM CLERK Per diem employes of the District government, numbering about 2,000, are entitled to a Saturday half holiday not only during the summer, but the entire year. This. was the opinion of the Comptroller of the Treasury, V. V. Warwick, submitted to the District Commissioners today. The annual salaried emploes are not Included In the yearly Saturday half holiday, but 'the Board of Com missioners has authority to prescribe the number of hours that shall con stitute a day'a work on Saturdas. Asked If they would be given the half. holiday during the entire year, Com missioner Brownlow said: "Ask me something easy. That Is a problem to be met later." There Is no question of doubt, how ever, as to the per diem employes. They are assured of the holiday. Get Store Than They Hoped. Tbe question waa referred by the Commissioners to the Comptroller fol ! lowing the taking of a half holiday last Saturday by per diem employes of the District sewage station. The Br JohnT.ICcCutcheoa. ALL YEAR men wanted to make a test case of It, hoping only for the Saturday half holiday during the summer. The re sulting benefits are greater than any of them anticipated. Is Up To Commllonerfi. In answer to a second question of the Commissioners as to whether they are authorized under the Presi dent's order of June D to prescribe four hours as a days work on Sat urday, tbe Comptroller states that the executive order applies only to the Federal departments, but the Board of Commissioners has author ity to prescribe the number of hours that shall constitute a day's work on Saturdays either during the summer months or throughout the entire year," provided said act Is not In vio lation of and does not conflict with any statutory provision. fmmarmrrwmmmaangt DRAFT NUMBERS TO BE DRAWN AT 9:30 T! At 0:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. In room 220 of the Senate Office building, will be held America's great lottery to determine the order In which her men are to respond to the call of democracy. This announcement was made at the Capitol ahortly after 1:30 o'clock this afternoon following a visit to the Capitol by Provost Marshal Gen eral Crowder. Room 220 Is a large committee room on the second floor of the Sen ate Office building. All details of the drawing are now complete, except announcement of who will draw the numbers, who will announce them, and who will consti tute the official tallymen. Only a limited number of people will be allowed without the room and press association wires will be out aide the chamber. Justice To Everyone. Working absolutely Justly In so far as mathematics and luck can work the gamble will settle once for all the order In which registrants w 111 be drawn for army duty. It Is the product of a careful study by the draft experts, later checked up by outside mathematics experts. The sstem cannot be tampered with. There can be no dodging through political Influence, and every care has been taken to see that the fated capsules and their numbers are protected from interference. Pennsylvania and New York have failed to report their serial numbers, but had advised the provost office that they were practically ready. Press To Flash lumbers. In these circumstances General Crowder felt free to arrange with Secretary Baker as to who should cull the capsules, and where they should be drawn. Press wires direct from the draft room will flash the numbers to the nation. General Crowder has outlined the system of the lottery to newspaper men. Fearing that some effort might be made to switch the numbers at the last moment, the scheme will be kept secret until the lagging dis tricts have reported to their State capitals. The lottery will draft every one of the 0,630,000 men on the registration (Continued on Pace 3, CoL 3) 0M0RR0W Release By the BE EJECTED Pickets, in Sixteen Separate Statements, Announce They Will Not Accept Pardons Un less Given Vote. The sixteen suffrage pickets im prisoned at the Oceotpian workhouse under a Police- Court sentence, flatly refused" to- accept;., thePJrejesiTs, .puiuoa or to leave uie xdortnmory, In sixteen1 separata statements made to Warden Whittaker at 2:40 o'clock this afternoon Warden Whittaker called the pick ets into conference immediately af ter he had received a telephone mes sage from Commissioner Brownlow, saying the President had pardoned them. He asked if they would ac cept the President's action. Wouldn't Accept. Every one of the sixteen, in an Individual statement, declared her Intention of Ignoring the President unless he also agreed to back Imme diately the Susan B. Anthony suf frage amendment In Congress. They said they appreciated the President's act. but that Inasmuch aa they did not consider themselves guilty, they would not accept a pardon. Warder. Whittaker clashed with Commissioner Brownlow over the question of whether the suffragettes should be permitted to remain. The Commissioner Is said to have de clared that the law required the ejec. tlon of the women If they refused to go. The warden took the opposite view, basing his opinion on more than twenty years' work in penal Institu tions. Department of Justice officials this afternoon backed him up, declaring he cannot legally force the women to leave the Occoquan workhouse, even It he Is directed to by the District Commissioners. Like a Deed. Said an official of the Bureau of Pardons: "A pardon Is In the same family with a deed both must be delivered and accepted before becoming valid A pardon unaccepted Is as Invalid as would be useless positive and nega tive electrlo currents unconnected. "There Is no doubt in the world that tne women are standing within their rights In refusing to leave-prison, and no one can force them to do It." The pardon was sent to Occoquan by telegraph, by Pardon Attorney Stanley W. Finch. A few minutes afterward, a copy signed by the At torney General, was dropped Into the malls. It was addressed to Super intendent Whittaker. Unusual Course. The telegraphic order to releaae the women was sent under direction of Attorney General Gregory. Of ficials of the Department of Justice admitted that this was Irregular. One of them explained It, however, by saying that "as the President has taken an inteerst In the matter." and that It has caused so much comment here and elsewhere, the "Irregular" course was taken. Up to a late hour this afternoon the warden had not received the tel egraphic copy. Immediately after the conference between Warden Whltta'ter and the women, word was Cashrd from Oc coquan that Dudley Field Malone, J. A II Hopkins, an da third person had driven Into the prison farm In an auto. It Is believed they will attempt to persuade the women to leave. OFFICIALS SAY UN CANT 1 ffllS Ordered President OF PICKET GETS Chief Executive Moved Only by Argument That Women Got Heavier Sentences Than They Expected By DAVID LAWRENCE. (OojttUM. int. New Tor Evening Post Co.) HUSBAND WHITE HOUSE TO INTERVENE YMit,9'l.rTDnBta. .. .mImaJ i A.UUV IIJUUU uam, uoiuuuca the aixteenharonen who,-en picketing the White House recently for the cause "of woman suffrage, were ar rested and convicted of "unlawful assembly." The President was moved to com passion by the plight of the women who, while fully able to pay the $25 imposed on each, preferred sixty days in the District of Columbia workhouse. The argument that soma of the women got more than had been bargained for, that they ex pected only a three-day sentence and not sixty days' detention, undoubted ly moved Mr. Wilson to intervene. Power of Mercy. Ha bad nothing to do with their conviction In the first place, having left the matter entirely to the discra tion of the local police, but when J. A, Hopkins, former Progressive national committeeman of New Jersey, and husband of one of the Imprisoned women, pleaded with the President yesterday that the women were un dergoing severe hardahlps. Mr. Wil son decided that he ought to use the power of mercy constitutionally granted to him In such cases. The Issue is not settled, however. Tbe question sow is whether the women will obey the law or continue demonstrations, notwithstanding Mr. Wilson's action. There Is really no law against the kind of plcketlng they did before they displayed the banner addressed to the Russian mis sion and termed seditious. Interven tion by the police sines then haa been f on the theory that the women ob- atructed traffic and Incited crowds. ( Should they continue to display C their old flaga petitioning for woman suffrage, the likelihood is that they will not be arrested but the police, will have a knotty problem to solve.' In respect to demonstrations Immedi ately In front of the White House, for objection to this procedure come from those who believe It may po dangerous to the Ufa of the Presi dent If mobs can awoop down on tho gate as he goes back and forth. Those who may be bent on violence could conceivably use the opportun ity for their purpose while the police were occupied with the militants. Xo One Can Say. But -the President's action today. the White House explained, has ref erence only to the conviction of the sixteen women now In Jail. What the future policy will be toward other offenders or toward the Federal amendment for woman suffrage, do one would say on behalf of the Presi dent. The scene at the executive offleaa today resembled many a war "crisis" of the past. The correspondents gath ered en masse and patiently awaited the outcome of a long conference be tween Prealdent Wilson and Secretary Tumulty. Finally the latter emergea ironx Mr Wilson's office with a formidable looking document In his hand, with a big red seal on It and the signature of the President of the TJnlted Statea affixed It was the usual form for the pardonlns of law breakers, and gave the sixteen names of tbe women, as having been "conlctd of unlaw, ful assembly." Mr. Tumulty declined to make any. i aA