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a 9 ClitWahtttfitofitnes INAL EDITION Today WEATHER? FAIR; COLD ER TONIGHT: WEDNESDAY FAIR Hatkg Ik President Demcncy at Hose. Pretty Kid to T. R. Ptttry as Is Poetry. WASHINGTON, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1918. NUMBER 10,402. PRICE HITHW BIBTBICrr COU7KMA. I. KLSKWHKfU. 3. PRESIDENT STATES U. S. IF PEACE TERMS What the Prussian fears he hates. Prussian hatred of Presi dent Wilson is a welcome compli ment A German poet speaks of Presi dent Wilson as "a Kruff block head." What Germany really objects to is the fact that, for Prussia, Woodrow Wilson is a cruff THINKING head. : M What the Prussians dislike in Woodrow Wilson is that he is a block of steel in their path. They talk a great deal about "the will to victory," and find in Woodrow Wilson a steady "will to defeat THEM," and they don't like it. Our valued reader, F. R. Dun ham, wants us to Ret excited be cause American private soldiers are not allowed to ride in first class railway carriages in England. All right, we are excited. Now, perhaps Mr. Dunham will tt excited because an American officer is not allowed to sit down at table in the, United States with his fellow citizens if they happen to be private soldiers. We have our little class distinc tions oTer here also, you see. While we are making our "fight for democracy" how would it be to make our ARMY democratic? We must have DISCIPLINE, of course, but is it -necessary to have SERVILITY amonjr men that volunteer to fight for their country? No -commoner could sit down or cover his head in .the presence of the king. But any man can sit down in the presence of the Presi dent of the United States yet the latter is more dignified than any king. The French Republic teaches com radeship and equality between of ficers and men couldn't this re public teach the same thing? Or is it too much of a money republic and too little of a REAL republic for that as yet? We are rich enough to provide billions " and do It every year for many years, assuming that the Government knows how to reach those that have the great money accumulation. , The.worsl.jjr It 4s. the. -more ' robneywSYalse, TheTess theTnoney is worth, in China, lor Instance, the American dollar Is worth in Chinese coin eighty-three cents, less than ft was before we got into the war. Berlin is alarmed about food, the shortage and the cost. So are we; which, when you think it over, is a good deal of a joke. Half of our time we worry be cause there isn't enough food, the other half we placidly read about food thrown away to hold up the prices, sugar exported by the hundreds of thousands of tons because of some foolish regulation. It is evident that there are many things about which this country knew little and about which it is going to learn a good deal. When we read that the President is eating a pound of butter that costs $567, we shudder and use the forbidden German word "Unberu fun" in spite of the fact that the butter was sold at auction for the Red Cross. Washington has gained more than 38,000 population in two years. That does not include tens of thousands of visitors. Keep your real estate and get more IF you have done your duty about war bonds and war stamps. Mrs. Helen Caughey, of Erie, Pa., dropped this in the editor's letter box: W. S. S. We Serve Scraps and call it salad. We Serve Scraps and call it hash, We Serve Scraps and call it con somme, We're cutting quite a dash; Tis our patriotic duty, and we're glad to do our bit, So We Serve Scraps to save our money and Buy War Savings Stamps with it A good war stamp poem, we 'should say. A poetess that makes f consomme rhyme with money is doing her bit for her country. Woodrow Wilson refused to make Roosevelt commander-in-chief of our forces in Kuropc, wouldn't permit him to end the war by capturing Berlin single handed. But in other wars the President has been kind to the Colonel. Mr. Roosevelt has a collection of fine young boys. One of them is a major. Of him an old army man said: "No boy should be allowed to command a battalion without the consent of his parents or guardian." Another son in the same battal ion is a captain. There is no doubt that these boys, inheriting their father's genuine love of fighting, will render good service. and de kerve the early promotion be stowed upon them. There is also no doubt that the President has been generous to the Roosevelt family, considering what the heid of the family has had to y about-thei President. an bis REASON FOR REVIVAL IN WASHINGTON I "Because It's Easier to Get a Crowd to a Leg Show Than to a Prayer Meeting " Evan gelist Declares. Because you can Bcare up a larger crowd to see a "girl" show than you can to attend a prayer meeting In Washington, Billy Sunday told a large crowd at his tabernacle this afternoon, It was necessary for him' to conduct revival services here. Only twenty persons were in the tabernacle at 12:45 o'clock, but long before 2 o'clock the faithful began gathering to secure choice seat, and by 1:30 o'clock It was well crowded, also well heated and comfortable. At 1 o'clock the police appeared thirty-inlne of them, led by Lieu- (tenants Hartley and Head! ey. They filed in through the ministers door. Why n Revival! "Washington has been ridded of the demon rum: there la no licensed tlce among- us, good people; no caba ret, with its sensuous high noon of pleasure all these modern festivals of tn are relegated to dim memory. Why. .should w have -a revival In -tSfaabtngton" shouted the-eug Hst. "It Is because it is easier to scare up a crowd to see a chCap leg show than it is to attend a prayer meet ing." Billy chose as bis text the Tro phecy o fllabakuk." third chapter, second erse: "O Lord, revive thelt work in the midst of the years; in wrath remember mercy," Billy Sunday stepped out of his bedroom into the study adjoining bright and early this morning, stretched, grinned expansively, then (Continued on Page 6, Column S.) E HAS SENT PROTEST The Pope has sent autographed let ters to the Kmperors of Austria and Germany InMstlng on the cessation of unjustifiable massacres of de fenseless Komm and children, and protesting against the destruction of art treasurer in air raids over Padua, according to official dispatches re ceived from Home today. SEES ?90,000,00OTAX IN RAIL LOSS SEIZURE Taking oer of the railroads will deprlre the Government of J0OO0O. 000 In taxes. ConuiiW-ioniT Anderson of the Interstate Commerce I'omml- jsion told the Ilout Interstate and I Foreign Commerce fommittee today "The taxes would still be paid un der the Administration railroad bill." he said, "but with the Government operating the roads it will be like I taking the mone from one pocket I and putting it into another " , YARDS IN 25 STATES BUILDING 1,409 SHIPS The Immediate program of the Km ergencj Fleet Corporation includes 1,400 vessels of varrylng tonnage, with a total dead weight tonnage of 8.63fl,S08 tons The bulletin from the Council of National Defense today announced shipyards are now In operation or un der construrtlon In twenty Ave States Including practically all States touch Ing on the oceans and Great Lakes FIBERlirreSTED FOR SURGICAL DRESSINGS WITH THE FRENCH ARMIES IN THE FIELD. Jan. 8 Substitution of natwir nuln "fiber tlaue" tar mtrfHr-al i dressing, compresses; and bandages In hospitals may result rrom tests now being made in a certain -war -zotn hospital. The enormous demand for cotton and linen dressings during three eari of nar has developed difficult In ol, tainlng sufficient supplies. WTMPO TO TEUTON RULERS Dr Chamberlain Guilty ur urotner s ueatn GOOCHLAND, Va., Jan. 8. Dr. Asa ty. Chanberlain. sixty-three years old, was found guilty here today by a jury in the Goochland circuit court, of the murder on October 22 last of his brother, Judge Albert P. Chamberlain, sixty-one years old, at the home of the latter at Elk Hill, this county. The Commonwealth proved that on the night of October 22, Dr. Chamberlain went to the home of his brother to pay a debt of $1,200. It was claimed that the doctor was angered with his brother and rather than pay him the noney he took his life. The jury returned a verdict of guilty at 10:15 o'clock. James C. Page, leading counsel for the defense, filed a motion to set aside the verdict on the ground that it was con trary to law. The evidence and the case will go to the State supreme court. Charges of Drunkenness Among American Forces Abroad Officially Denied Admiral Sims and Colonel Slocum Indignantly Contradict Reports Spread By Prohibitionists That U. S. Soldiers and Sailors Are Drinking to Excess Neither Has Seen a Single Case of Drunkenness In All Our Men Abroad. -'--There -has- beenuclfolicity given by"jprohil5Ition interests to what they said was "appalling' drunkenness" among the American troops abroad. The Board of Tem perance, Prohibition and Public Morals, 204 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, has been particularly active in the spread ing of these reports by a publication called the Clip3heet. sent to all editors in the country. In denial of these statements the Associated Press has transmitted by cable the results of investigations and inter views with army and navy officers flatly and indignantly denying the charges of drunkenness or excesses of any kind on the part of our soldiers and sailors. The Times prints below the charges copied verbatim from the Clip sheet and the official comment transmitted by the Asso ciated Press. (From the CllpslierU x obody can claim that conditions abi.iad arc Rood The War Depart ment would not claim it The Goernment has abandoned the soldiers when they cross the sea. One may exhaust the adectlves. lie may call the present state nf affairs "appalling:." "hornfjin;;. ' When the great Bray transports crossed the seas, when efficiency and sobriety, strength, health, and man- nood counted for ten times as inurh as they did during the week of pre Ilmlnar training at home, we threw those same bos Into the waiting arms of wine sellers and harlots! Een the I'rcntli hae been deeply impressed by the haxoc of drink among the men of the American camps Drink and the devil of pliilis are whipping; American soldiers who hae reached France into the guardhouses and hospitals by the thousands It is true that on the first day of their arrival in France our men have been getting mine and brer and In large numbers hae been getting drunk War Department officials were reluctant today to dig nify the accusations with denials, because they had been completely refuted by reliable authorities on the other side, but privately they did not hesitate to brand the charges as outrageous. Secretary of War Baker said that General Pershing has assured him that every necessary safeguard has been placed about the moral well-being of the expeditionary forces. Chief of Staff Bliss contented himself with pointing to the denials .of responsible men in Europe and that he was satisfipd the charges were absolutely false. Officials pointed to the fact that if there was any founda tion to the accusations there would have been hundreds of courts martial, and it can be stated that there have not been. (By the Associated Press.) LONDON", Jan. 7. Much indignation has been caused among American army and nay officials and other Americans In London because of re ports circulated In the United States that American soldiers and sailors In Kurope were drinking to excess. Vice Admiral William S Mms. commander of the American naval forces, and Col S. L. II Slocum. mili tary attache of the American em bassy In London, todav derlarcd that the charges' of drunkenness were false. Admiral Sims said there never was a time in American hl. tor when there was so little drunkenness anion; the American fighting force He had been here for eight months, he said, and had visited the American flotilla base and various cities in England and on the French front, and never had seen a drunken soldier or sailor, and no rase of drunkenness in the navy had been called to his atten tion. Colonel Slocum also derlnred that he had never seen a drunken Amer ican fighting man on this side of the water. Walter Hlnea Page, the American ambassador, and the secre taries of tlie embassy, the American consul general and the officials of the consulate all made similar as sertions An Investigation tnda) showed that it was the general opinion that any drunkenness on this side of American soldiers and sailors I confined to a few Isolated cases. SHORT OF MEN, ARMY SEEKS WOMEN FOR MAN! POSTS Truck Drivers, Conductors, Watchmen, -and Messengers! of Fair Sex Asked by Depot Quartermaster Here. BrBILL PRICE. .The depot quartermaster of the War Department In this city has called on the Civil Service-Commission to furnish an eligible list .of women motor truck driven,' ele vator conductors, watchmen, 'and messengers, owing to the scarcity of men needed In these lines. The Civil Service Commission has not yet held exaainatlans, bnt will do so, it is- said, "if applicants are to be found, and a campaign will be waged to find thim. "" Xeeds Drivers. The depot quartermaster's office in this city, which bandies an-JmrnenSf amount or work for the War Depart ment, is badlr In need of truck driv ers, and army officers, finding men getting scarcer each day, are willing to lake women drivers if they are to be had. The salary for these drivers starts at "0 per month. -Wrlre wnnngr to try'tbe earjrerl-- ment. and think It will Je isatlsfacf torr " said Col. U G. Enerer. aasutaa; depot quartermaster, today. "We now have 900 employes In this office and our women clerks and workers In all lines have proved themselves loyal to the Government and attentive to their work Colonel Downey, depot (Continued on Page 18, Column 3.) E With a pleco of clothesline about ber throat. Mrs. Martha Helvestlne. forty eight years old, waa found hang ing from a rafter In the summer kitchen of her home, 804 Fifth street northwest, shortly before noon to da Dr W G Suter. of 27 H street northwest, who was called In, an nounced the woman had been dead for several hours. The woman was found by her daughter. Mrs Marie Satlano. when she returned home after a brief ab sence The mother's body was dangling from the frayed rope. An overturned chair lay on the floor nearby The nrreams of the daughter attracted neighbors, who assisted In -utttng down the body Tlie police of the Sixth precinct Were notified They could find no marks on the body. Coroner Nevltt was called upon to make an lnvestlga tlon - The daughter stated to the police. the a that her mother had been in ill health for some time HE STEALS A DRUM, THEN HE BEATS IT t-omewhre in Wahngton or the United States Is a thief all prepared to boat his wa. He stole a drum from a shed In rear of the home of Mrt Agnes Seymour. 715 Sixteenth street northeast, he reported to the police today. The theft may have occurred any time Ince Christmas, so the i rook and his drum have had ample time to bea it most anywhere The drum had a red band around it not ail orchestra, you understand, but a piece of red leather. The noise lot ing crook didn't even muffle the drum when he took it. and so as"to be icady to beat up lis loot ho In cluded a pair of black drum sticks, which. ou understand, have nothing to do with a chicken 25 CHINKrFROZEN TO DEATH ON TRAIN UAVGOR. Me. Jan. 8. Tw-enty-tle Chinese laborers, en route from Van couver to Halifax for transportation to Kncland and Trance, were found frozen to death In their car when it reached the Maine border, according i to railroad men here today Armrdlinr to the railroad men. the Chinese were frozen while passing throuch Maine In the recent cold vac when the temperature reached 42 below zero WOMAN NOS HER LIFE BY HANGING IN SUMMER KITCHEN OTiat the President Declares Must Be Peace Basis 1. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understand ings of ajny kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always , frankly and in the public view. 2. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas. outside territoriaT waters, cept astne seas may be closed in whole .or in part by in ternational action for the enforcement of international co.venants. 3. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions, among all the nations- consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance 4. Adequate guarantees given and taken that na tional armaments will be reduced' to the lowestpointa con sistent.with domestic safety. 5. A free, open minded,, and absolutely impartial ad justment of all colonial claims, based, upon a strict ob servance of the principle that in- determining all such ' qnestions of sovereignty, the interests of the 'populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to-be determined. 6. The evacuation of all Eussian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest co-operation of the pther nations of the world in obtaining forvher an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and more than a welcome, assistance also of every Mnd that she may need and may "herself desire. The treatment accorded Bussia by her sister nations in the moaths to coma wiUbe theacid test of their good mil; unselfish vfHnithr,. 7. Belgium, the, whole world wBI agree, must Jbe evac uated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves "set and determined for ihe government of their relations with one another. With out this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired. 8. All French territory should be freed and the in vaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be arightd in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of alL 9. A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality. 10. The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to Bee safeguarded and as sured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of au tonomous development. 11. Bomnnnia, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and thp relations of the several Balkan States to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and terri torial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into. 12. The Turkish portions of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomos devel opment, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees. 13. An independent Polish state, should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indis putably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant. 14. A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mu tual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. Full Text of Message on Page 2. YESTERDAY GAINED 10,249 Lines of Advertising (37 Cols.) Over the Corresponding Day (Jan. 8) Last Year. EDGAR D. SHAW, PubKthtr. alike in peace and in war, ex te&irenf i LAYS BASIS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION WITHRERLIN Executive's Address Threefold in Purpose-Shows Concur 'rence in Terms Voiced By British Prwnier. By DAVID liAWRENCE. (Cbpyrliw, nil, by NtwTarlc Evsnlns; Post Company.) I Prealdeat Wilson today gare to the world the peace terraa of th United States- TVlth bnt an hour warrant; he went to the Capitol and read to both louses of Congress a message tin which he has ben work ing erer since Germany began hir negotiations with Russia. The pro pose of his address 1 three-fold:! To drive a wedge Into the political structure of Germany by encourag ing the Socialists- and Libera! ele ments and exhibiting the military party a the single obstacle to democracy-and world peace. To expos the Insincerity of Gr- maajrt pretension of liberality J'a her'ogertnilMaaad-LVia-iifrhrtft?-. i?,TS?-'rtaraaJp-Df: .rsers5js.fiea which she iaa eeemed to be inclined, to depart. To show the agreement ot tb United' States with the speech ot Lloyd George and at the same tinea to drelop further the principles of world peace for which America stands. AdTaaeed Doctrine. The- President's speech is without doubt the moat -advanced doctrine ot Internationalism pronounced by any or the allied statesmen, aven surpassing- his lofty vision of liberalism expressed by him before the Senate just a year a-o thla month. For example. Mr. Wilson's declars tlon for the freedom of th seas la time of peace and to time of war ought to be especially pleaslnr; t German radicals. The man who baa done much to advance this principle. Colonel House, head of the Americas -. War Mission sat In the exeeativ B-allery as the President read hi speech. Congrea Chttrw., The Congress broke Into cheers fre quently, especially as Mr. Wilson spoke In laudatory terms of the speech of Lloyd Georre, and as ha announced America's rea'dlness t stand by her traditional friend, ths French people. n their effort to re cover Alsace Lorraine. Does It bring- peace nearer? Mr. Wilson has believed from the begin ning that the conflict should not b waged a moment longer than Is es sentia! to the security of the world, and by Ijls speech today he has added momentum to the counter offensive on the subject of peace which the en tente allies have undertaken In the last two weeks with the oblect of s curing If possible their war alms by negotiation and on the other hand with the purpose of unifying all rad- leal and laboring elements In allied countries behind the governments in an unrelenting prosecution of the nar should Germany continue to refuse to meet the liberal terms so often r presed by the entente. Real Feaee Effort. Mr Wilson's . spaech i pa a graphed by articles in the formal - In which peace terms are couched In seeking to learn. howeer. whether a peace negotiation Is about to beglij the fact that the President expreseil America's support of France's claim for a restoration of Alsac Lorraine standa out as one of the obstacles which German) hitherto has been un willing to remove There are othe things to which Germany will ta&e objection, but there Is so much that Is reasoned and considerately stated especially Mr Wilson's frank state ment that "we do not presume to sug gest to her (Germany) any alteration or modification of her Institutions" that the Cerman people must see a real effort on the part or the allies t meet them half way Mr Wilson may be thought by some to have altered his position In the sense that he does not make It Ini possible Jo negotiate peace with the $ present Oerman government, but in this Instance that "we should know whoirl German) spokesmen speak to when they speak to us. whether fof tha helchftJC .najorlty or for the uHltary party and the m-n hose cree1 I impsfla' domination." He reiterates the Insistence of the. allie that the spokesmen of Germany In the peace negotiations should not be pup- ; -I -4i 3 ,ysz i