iMUgit THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1918. jptV' ""J1 LANSINGS' NIECE THE CITY'S SOCIAL SIDE TOBEWARNURSE; 1YG0T0 FRANCE M!n Natallne Dulles, niece of the Secretary of State and Mr. Robert E. Lansing-, will leave WMhlnrton within a few day for Philadelphia, where ah will take hp a. courae in nuralne; before aalllntf for France. lira, Xaaalnc will alia her niece TerjTnueh at she haa made her home , with her uncle, the Secretary of -f State, durlnc the paat winter and haa participated in many of the social function riven br Mr. Laming;. N It waa Miss Dulles who managed the "Bandbox." the War shop of Mr. tmlnr,. en Twelfth street, laat 1 month. The Bandbox wn the war' utore -which' Mr. Laming; ran for the benefit of war orphan. Beautiful Kownk, enlu, and Jewelry were do nated' br Mr. -Lanslne; and society women with which to-stock it. The proceed of the sales Were riven to orphan. Miss Dulles 1 the cau-rhter of a' prominent clergyman of Auburn, N. T. She left her .home there at the beg-In-nlns; pf the wjnter to com to Wash Ington aa the-secretary of the State Department war relief unit of which Mrs. Lansing- is president. "I shall love to bo ,to France," said Miss 'Dulles to a Times reporter. "It has been "my desire since the begin ning of the war. and I think it Is the best tfay 1 canhln-out in this war." When aaked If 'Mrs. Lansing Were sot Broad -of her prospect as a Rd Croar nurse, Miss Dulles said, "I goes she Is. but you had better ask her.? Mis Dulles, who Is a pretty blond of twenty years old, said she is not a, bit afraid of'submarlnes. "I suppose they know how to con trol them "By now, she said. CORCORAN GALLERY TO SHOW WAR PICTURES Washington art lovers are today looking forward with keen anticipa tion to the exhibition of war picture which will be put on at the Corcoran Art Oallery from Tuesday, April 2 to 33. Th pictures, dealing with every phase of the world conflict, are by famous painters In this country and broad. The exhibition will b compoied of sketches, drawings, pastels, and post. era. k Among1 the artists represented wllljbft Charles Dana Gibson, Howard Chandler Chrjsty. James Montgomery Flagg, Lieut. Henry JteuterdahU J. C. Leyendecker. Adolph Traldler, Charles Livingston Bull. Harvey Dunn. C 8. Falls, Herbert Sans, Wallace Morgan, and -x-ouls Fancher. Mr; Gibson and other artists whose works (tompbse this exhibition will be present" in person until April 2. on tie opening -day of th exhibition, - a - Mrs. Humphry Ward has written a stirring novel ef war time which tells kow in three yean the women of England hare won recogfiitloB in fields barred to Hum for centuries. No other novel since the war began more closely touches year own lue. It is called "91d Wise in New Bottles" and begins in the notable Spring Fashions nnmber of HARPER'STBAzAR Your netctdtaJtr can txpply ytru if you net today WEGETMANY REPLIES DAILY from our little ad under Dancing in The TIMES HERE'S DANCING CLOVER'S C Sd. Prlr. Its. any hr., (M: class Tuesday, rrkiay. Saturday- vtt.; rehtftra; baUroom for rent, K. W. 119 by phone, letter and in person. I am very well pleased with the results. ?v Use a "Result Getter" In The TIMES Phone Main 5260 and operator write Bridal Party Is Entertained On The Mayflower Miss Anne Dorsey'Hopklns, daugh ter of Major and Mrs. Nevll Monroe Hopkins; and. bar Dance,, Capt. John Gregory Hope. .R. F. C aide-de-camp to General Cor mack, will be the honor guests at a tea which LtenL Charlton vl Battle. V. 8. N. and Lieut. Harold Van Valtah. U. S. N- will give this afternocm aboard the Mayflower. Th guest will Include the members of their bridal party. This evening Miss Cecilia .McCal lum. who has Just returned to town after a lslt In Philadelphia, will-be hostess at an Informal supper party for Miss Hopkins, Captain Hope, and their attendants. Miss McCallum wilt he one of Miss Hopkins' brides maids, and both Lieutenant, Battle and Lieutenant Van Valtah will serve ai ushers for Captain Hope. The out-of-town' girls who will be In the wedding Miss Esther Hosmerof Boston, and Miss Elisabeth Sefton. of New Tork are staying with the bride. Tomorrow afternoon Miss Lillian Blrney. also one of Mlas Hopkins' bridesmaids, will give a tea at the Chew Chase Club for her. and eh will -share honors with Miss Mar garet Fahnestock, whose marriage to Sylvanus stoics. Jr., Vj 8. N. -It, is set for April 8, at a luncheon tomor row with Miss Catherine Harlow as hostess. Miss Harlow wilt be brides maid for both Miss Hopkins and Miss Fahnestock. The President and Mrs. Wilson spent the morning at one of the country clubs, making an early round of the golf links. - Mrs. Marcus A. Hanna will enter tain a distinguished company at din ner tonight. Other dinner parties will be given tonight by 8enator and Mrs. Howard Sutherland, who Mil entertain at th Chevy Chase Club for their daughter, Miss Virginia Sutherland, and her guest. Miss. Josephine Whiteside, of Chattanooga, Tenn.. and by Mrs: Ffoulke Smith, whose guests are ask ed to meet her schoolgirl daughter. Miss Oradya Chapman Smith. 4 . Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Jones hav as their guests Mrs. Jones' sister and charlea Dnane Williams, of Fhlla ntec. Mrs. Edward. L. Msxulre and delphla. Miss Eleanor Magulrs, of, PhUadel-! phla , ' 1 Mrs. Jones will give a matlne party on Tuesday afternoon for -Miss Maguire and Mr Albert Stahl. wife of Naval Constructor Stahl. Naval Construcforand Mrs. Stahl, who have recently returned to Washington, have" an apartment in- the St. Regis, Another wartime romance is dls- sr " THE AD. V&f-PT have an experienced it for you. elalalalalaflaPtxeiaiaalalalaVn ''.LalaaealawawH P-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-S-STvVjr. fSsBTeTBBlBr -V BBSSBlBPlBBBSSBWSBBSaiBlBlBlBlBa ' is.i.HHkkjef JK9B aH saaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaHetteaaSeV aataEttsv2 !aaBBHe ,4bsbBsssbibiB aaaaaaaaaaakxiafSeaaaaaaalaaasaar e mBmmHX4 .XstmBCxm -Hkaaaaaaaaaaaa saaatlaaaaeHlTffBfflaffaaaalar HKaawrrS'r 'ffiaaaaaHaalw '-eSSfliiaaaaaaaaai 1"'' ' M nSilBKffiMMmmBla&wtiftSfflBffinjMy .'-saaeLaaaaaaaa! I .m.JT .- --waniaaaaaBaanBaaHaafsSB4BGeansa7 JHHEaaaaaaaaaH HfialHHBHffiP!l3BI aesiiSeaBKlL3RBsiiiiiiiiBHnS3Rns!JVMl&v i--?sEB'EelaaaaaaaB KtWtiBmKaBKmSBlB&XtntVSEr" ' JeSSsii'Ssssaaaaaaaal LsffffimLsiiiiiiWrfflsifllri iifmSwfffiLsiiiB MME. HENRI CHOVEL, Wife of the Assistant Naval Attache of the French Embassy. closed with the announcement by Mrs. George Edgar Hoe. New Tork. I of the engagement of her niece. Miss Jean Haddock, to Lieut, ltiehara Korrls Williams. 2d. U. S. A., who Is widely known as the' national tennis champion of the United States, and member of the Internatlpnal Tennis Team of 1913-14. , Roth the young persons are In France, Miss Haddock being with the .French Red Cross and Lieutenant tVilllams with tho field artillery of the American Expeditionary Force. He went to France last autumn after the tennis tourney at .Forest Hills, (L. I. having received his commission f TPtattabtire. IT la a son of Mrs. -- Capt. Tardleu In Jfew York. uapt. Andre xaraieu. nign commie- sioner of France, has gone to New York. 3 .topping at the Plaia Hotel. Dance At Wlllard. ' All arrangements have been made for the entertainment and dance to be gly&n attthe'ewJWllIard on Tues-uajvAprir-flC'for tne benedtat the Agriculture' War Itellef Association, by the Triangle Club of Masons, and the department- entertainment com mittee. The excellence of tho En tertainment Is assured by the names of artists who are lo take part. Keen Interest Is being displayed by the various bureaus to make the affair a big financial success. The Secretary of .Agriculture and Mrs. Houston and the Assistant Secretary and Mrs. Vrooman will occupy a box for the evening. A complete list of box holders will appear later. .$. Miss Amy Brooks entertained at luncheon yesterday In the United Ser vice Club, In honor or Mrs. noy Hal lock, wife of Capt. Hallock of the U. S signal corps, whose marriage took plac recently. The other guests were Mrs. C. H. Knight, Mrs. Myron Bcrtman, Mrs. William Irwin Mlrkll and Miss Owendohn Denya. Mrs. Frank C. Young, of Oswego, N. T.. is visiting Capt. and Mrs. Ar thur L. Wlllard at the navy yard. .;. Mrs. J. K. Ohl Is arranging a bridge party to be given on Wednesday afternoon April 10, at th Farnsboro for the benefit of the recently form ed Italian Relief Committee Countess dl Cellere. wire of the Italian am bassador, who Is patroness for the committee, has offered a prize which will be glren to the playrri making the highest score. There will also be a prize for each table Mme. Zaldlvar. wife of the minister of Salvador, and Mrs. Joteph Llter, are among those who hac taken Good Health gOOd appetite, COOd Spirits I mean iiv uiacuiu m uie uuuy. To keep the organs in har monywhen there is need use BEECHAMS PILLS Lartert Sab of Aay Madklaa la ta Worli SeUsvarrvber. la box, 10t 25. ADVERTISEMENT KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feet voting to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there'snoneedof hav ing a sallow complexion dark rings coder your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no enarkle. Your doctorwiil tell you ninety per cent of all Sickness COUies from U SCtive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician In Ohio, penectea a vegetaoie com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he cave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub ctitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of epirit, that natural buoyancy which should be en Joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. tables for the eent, and Mme. Lux Mendez, daughter of the minister of Quatemala, will sell lemonade, as sisted by a group of young girls. The bridge party will be followed by a tea-dance for young people. The fifth of the Liberty dances, which have been held at the Cairo, will bo held at the Dewey Hotel, on Friday, April IS. The patronesses are Mrs. William K. Carr, Mrs. George H. Shlbley, Mrs. Luman EL Morgan. Mrs George A. Lewis, and Miss Margaret Ca'nnon. Mrs. Elva" May Batter is hostess. fr Ralph Totten and Herbert Hengstler will entertain informally at dinner to- nignt at the Washington country Club. IJ. A. It. Chapter.Meeta. The Continental Dame Chapter N. S. D. A. R. met on March 20th at the home of Mrs. Austin McCarthy, 3810 Jenifer street. The meeting was of special interest aa it maruea tns fifteenth anniversary of the founding 'of the chspter. The members were able to congratulate one another on the fact that they had kent the same regent through the fifteen years, Mrs. H. T. Gum. who palls the girls Daugh ters in a real sense as well as the patriotic one., Miss Helen Stout read a very fine report of the work that has been done under her direction by ths C. A. R. the Red Cross. The amount of knit ting and sewing that has been pro duced by these patriotic children la astonishing, and Miss Stout was high ly praised for her capable manage ment. MlM Hilda Thatcher, the District regent-elect, was the guest of honor and gave a very charming address whlclf was enthusiastically applaud ed. A birthday cake with fifteen candles In red, white and blue was a pelaaant little surprise awaiting the members when they went to the dining room. Those present were Mrs. It. T. Qua, Mrs. H. K Fox, Mrs. Alvord C. DeVoe, Mrs. Beverly Price Evans. Mrs. Austin McCarthy, Miss Helen E Stout, Mrs. Hallle Chandlee. Mrs. Edmond Rrady, Mrs George G BIrchfleld, Mrs. Ward T. Mlxeell, Mrs A. C. Houghton, Mrs. Albert Mason, Mrs. Earl Godwin, Mrs. G. L. Wood. .;. Wedding I. Announced. Announcement haa been mad of the wedding of Miss Gabrlelle Adele Hoss. of Mil city, to Whltmore O. Whatle. of Augusta, Oa, now sta tioned at Tort Screven, Georgia, with the Fourteenth Coast Artillery Band. Owing to military orders, the cere mony was quietly performed on Sat urday March 10. at 3 p m. In the presence of the Immediate family of the groom at the First rresbyterlan Manse of Aucusta, the Rev. Joseph K Itexler officiating: The hjlde wan becomingly attired in a modish suit of blue French rergc. with hat to match, and wore a - 0"0 boquet of Parma ilolets and I She was attended, by Miss Bertha E tthatloy. while Edward Thomas I Whatley. brother or the groom, act ed as best man. j After a brief honeymoon spent In Augusta and Savannah, On., Mr. and Mrs Whatley left for Tort Screven, where they will be at home after April 1. Congressman nnd Mr Jouett houc cnterulnod Informally at din nor last ccnlng The Rev Gove Griffith Johnson, of the Immanuel Baptist Church, ami Mrs Johnson announce tho engage ment of their ilaughler. MIhs Fran rclli Ma Jnhuson. to Lloiit. James Gelston Affleck Jr. of Yonkcrs. X Y - .;. The Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club will meet with Mrs. Frederick Covllle. lir, California street, this evening at b o'clock .;. .Ir Sam Iloumni Ctrr hat dlscon 'nued her Sunday aftci noons at hom for the remainder of the season. ;. Suflmur I.rniruF T. Among thoae who have taken table fr Urn bridge tea which the Junior SulTraKP League will jrtvo on IVednes- mternoon for tho benefit of the Woman (hergfit llosnllal which the Nitlonal Woman MifTraee Association hii et.iblllil In Trance, are Mr. fliarlrs Uoilphtun U'onil. Mr Itichnrd Aldrlrh Mr Iicrnard n-iruch. Mrs Mc-dill llrl-ormlclc. Mrs. Jloward I'arl olTlii, Mrs Gilbert Orosvenor. Mrs. eorse M Klilp, Mrs V. Owynn Oar illner Mrs Howard Manefleld. Mrs Jouett .Shoinc. Mrs. Hlchardson Olb eon Mrs I: M Caee. Mrs Itarwood i: Head Mrs Wes'cj Martin Motirr, .Mr S a Ualere, Mrs r i: Harrl man Mr Charlea II Falrchlld. Mrs. I. IlnbrrtKon Child, and Mrs. L. V. Shepherd. Washingtonians To See Wedding of Miss Smith Washington will b wtll represent ed at th marriage of Miss Josephine Tunstall Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tunstall Smith, of Baltimore, to Lee Barroll. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Barroll, of Elizabeth. !n. J., which will tak place this after- noon in Baltimore. Among those who will attend the ceremony are Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock and Miss Margaret Fahnestock. couilnsof th bride: Miss 'Fahntstock'a fiance. Sylvanua Stoke. Jr.. U. S. N. R.: Jonkheer A. W. L. TJarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, attache of the Netherland legation, and Mme. van Starksnborgh-Stae-houwer;; Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cha tard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinckley, and Miss Gladys Hinckley, th Mac nell of Barra, and William Bowie Clark. v Th wedding will take plac In old St. Paul's Church at 4 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Arthur B. KInsolrIng of- J, The chancel wilt b decojaUd with paims ana me atiar wun Annuuvt tlon lilies and lighted with tapers. A musical program will be heard while the guests are being stated, and wed ding marches will announct th ar rival and departure of th .bridal party. The ushers will be Hop Barroll, or Chestertown. Md.; Norman Charlock, of Elizabeth, ft. J.: Capt. Guy F. Brandreath, of Philadelphia; Hunton Van Bllbrg, of New Tork; Henry Erbard, of Boston, and William Thomas, of Virginia. The bridesmaids will b Miss Louue Tunstall Smith. Mits Anita Tunstall Smith, and Miss Marlon Tunstall Smith, sisters of th bride, and Mis Amanda MeNear. of San Francisco, Th brld will enter th church with her father, by whom she will be given in marriag at the chancel steps, where she will be met by the bride groom, attended by hi bst man. Capt. Frederick Beasley W!ll!araon, or Fort Monroe, va. She will wear an exqulslt gown of ichlla satin mad with a court train and trimmed with old family lac, and her veil will be of tulle, arranged with a bandeau of orange blossoms. Her bouauet will be lilies of th vai ley and whit orchids. A reception for th bridal party ana tne two fami lies only will follow at the apartment of Mr. and Mr. Smith, after which the bride and bridegroom will leave for a wedding Journey. Miss Smith, who is a niece oi uora Fairfax, has been a frequent visitor In Washington. Patronesses Fr Pray. The patronesses, for th two per formances to be given by Jacques Copeau. founder of the "Theater du Vleux Colombler." and his Franch players at Poll' Theater on April 8. under the auspices or capt. Anare Tardleu, the French high commis sioner, are aa follows; Mrs. William G. MeAdoo, Mrs. Franklin K. Lane, Mr. Henry JX Flood. Mrs. Frank Lyon Polk. Mrs. George Barnett, Mr. H. C Corbln. Mrs. Cary T. Grayson, Mrs. Albert B. Ruddock, Mrs. Richard Crane, Mrs. Adolph a Miller, Miss Helen Wood- row Bones, Mrs. aeorg vanaeroiit. 'Mrs. Joseph Letter, Mrs. Paul Bart lett, Mrs. Joseph Clark Grey. Mrs. Arthur Graham Glasgow. Mr. J. B. Harrlman. Mrs. Robert Straw-bridge. and Mrs. Ferdlnand-de Mohremcblldt. -5. Col. Samuel McRobert haa gone to New Tork from Washington, and Is topping at th PJaza Hotel. Sir John and Lady Harrington are at White Sulphur Springs, West, Va.. for th cure. Ensign Ethelbert I'. Nsvln and his bride who was Miss Jennie Louis Fassett, of Elmlra, N, Y., have ar rived at the Greenbrier Hotel White Sulphur Springs, on their honeymoon. After their sojourn there Mr. Nevln win continue her work with th Toung Women's Christian Associa tion In New Torlt. Capt. Eveleth Whiting. V. S. R of Washington has been ordered to duty here after being stationed at Madison barracks. New lork. all winter, and Is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Kenyon. Mrs. Wbltlng and Miss Frances Whiting will Join Captain Whiting here shortly, and about May 1 they will take possession or their apartment at 1824 S street, which Is now sublet. In Carter Mulllken Is spending the Easter holldas in New York DandniMs the Hair CDticuraKillsDandroff Try one treatment with Cuticura and see howquicklv it clears the scalp of dandruff and itching:. On retirinc rcmiy; ruo spots oiaanaruu ana itch iiith Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tenid water. Repeat in two weeks. Noth ing better or surer. SlMlBulir,MlTM,ll. A,Mr...r.-l. card: "CaiUara.Ucpt.9A. Boatoa." Sld CYerrwhere. Sap 2x. Ointment 25c and 50c. ADVERTISEMENT ObUln Kw XAtt br Taklns HowelULYMPHINE Tablet, lleaiorta lot rwrre forca. creating new Ufa. Imrroramtnt corata to ur, oarantaeJ fra. trvib Chloral, Coealna. Morhlna or otbr Dftrcotlc drust Write for hooklvt. Kaeh tacKa contalnt 30 Cnym irratmeat. by mail II C. M. Ilowalla a Co.. tt Church St., Kan Tork. Sold b James O'DonnaU and etaar Uifllns drusslsts. CORN TO FILL GAP AS USE OF WHEAT S CUT FURTHER America today hit the roughest food road thus far traveled- In the war. Th titanic Job of supplying Eng land, Franc, and July with sufficient cereals to maintain the moral of th troop and people haa reached th point where the American table la forced to make the' greateat sacrifice of Its history. Individuals are limited to a pound and a half of wheat a week, and ho ter men are pledged not to serve wheat flour In any form until the next harvest. There will he plenty of meat, however, to, make up for th wheat bread lack, meatless days, hav ing been abandoned for thirty days. i Can Fill Gap. ' Corn la called upon to fill the wheat gap for the. time. Beginning tomor row, corn shipments to Europe stop for two month the germinating sea son. Thousands of bushels will-caul be made available for home consump tion and tonnage, and wheat will b released for Europe. It 1 estimated that 10.000,400 buihela of wheat will be shipped across during April. But, pending the next harvest. which hold oat great hope, the coun try appears willing to undergo sharp curtailment. In bread" aupply. accord ing to official reports her. The residents of Grimes county. Tex., for Instance, have sledged them selves to give up every bushel of wheal within the county limits for war needs, similar action I expect ed eliewhere. Oppose S29 Wheat. Rallying after overwh feat by the Senate, the . tlon today had thrown tr. ' de-tra- ,1001 tlon In the path of $2.50 wheat, in the House. Leaders forecast this morning the legislation will come to a definite halt there. Taking stock of virile warnings by the Food Administration and Chair man Lever of the House Agriculture Committee, many members at first in sistent on bigger wheat prices, today were veering about. These Included some membra from farmer State. The feeling grew that -the allied food situation Is now In too precarlou a state to take any chances with demoralization of the grain markets I through radical price advance. J CHURCH NOTICES CossrecatiopaJ Dr. Gordon's. Subject. Sunday-11 A: M. Eajter .Sermoij.'- Suiiday 8 P.M. 'Haig and Hindenburg' or 'Tragic Scenes. In the Great Western Drive Dr. Gordon's printed sermon on "Why De God" Permit Great Cl Ides" wilt be dis tributed at the morning ervlcs. First Congregational Church corner or Teata ana a o""" -' " Melhodkt Episcopal Methodist Episcopal Church CALVARY On Columbia Road N. W.t Between 14th and 15th sts. . JAMES SHERA MONTGOMERY Minister. BIWe iKbool at M. Dr. Frank A. Ilorna da. ffuprrlnti-rdent Public worship at It oVlock-. with spcUl KmuIt Muio and wrmon br DR. MOM COMKRT on the aubjret "The Immortal Word of Eaater" Bpworth Vmtn at I W. .,. Barmon lecture at o'clock by DR. MONT OOMEIXY o-t 'The Kaiser and the Carte of Religious Fanaticism," Free reata to the people Doors open In the eenuie at 7 JO. Service! of the cay will beg-In on new tune ilUSIC.U. PItOGl:AM FOIt EASTER SUNDAT OALVAitr m. k. rui'ncit. MonNrxa. Anthem "A It IVjnn to Dawn - Vincent Uod So Loved th World" - -SUIner I From thn CruHaalon ) Barltore aolo -lloanna" .. ... ....Granler ISunj by Mr Wheeler A. WUeon Arthem. Gloria in KicoIjU 0Irl Innammatua" Roeelnt (From Stabat Mater I Soprano aolo I Know That Mr e- deemer Llvtth" .. ..Itaodel (From the Muslan.) Bu-is by Mre Haiel V Bachechmld. Spiritualism The First Spiritualist Church 'BPIHITUAUBITB MISSION." Lecture by Ibe paetor. Alfred H. Terry, n s .-1. f lAae- fnllnssv' 11 etplrlt mfeaUKvs at PyUil&a Tmpl. Wl Xh U i. V. iivrnmiir ,i,niM, br llnltv Sntrirt-a! let Cliurrli. Sunday s p ro (new time) at the N K. Manonlc Temple, 'in et , reir t ei M E. hort addrenera by Mrs. K. B Katee. Mr. Katee Mrs tleraan, Mlaa Hlcaon. epirit meuacee by Mra Katee Vocal eolos by Mr Butterfield and Mr. Buchanan. All Invited v Christian CHURCH OF CHRIST. MASONIC TEMrLE KIhih and F Sts N E. Bible study. U m Lord's Day. Communion sen Ice. 11 a m. 'ir-jnimrrff'-iSiM I9siIVm ssssisbBK r'aiBB asiislHIpBsH f aaBBBBBBBBBWBS MU8KRAT3 EARN 91,088. MILTON, Del, March 30, Buying a small farm at Prime Hook Neclc oa which was a aalt water marsh, Harry B. Roach haa made enough by trap ping muskrats this winter to pay for his farm and leave him some money awataBaBHMMBiaa,MHShtf smmI Mjfi SasySmVJuaSmv iff IAS 'sP jlw v& -.-siibT sssBsiifiaanSBSiiassiaisP Hudson Announce, a 4-Door Sedan ; TTUDSON reaHy tetroductd the Sedan to Aserfcaa motorists. Thereto I j it is natural that this new model should be aa advance eve the cars ' aSaflar type which have preceded it sad which are new to contemporaries. vTheliae are straighter thaa ia former model. AH side wtedews rHmpniwr asd the rear posts ea either side uc resaovahk. The aeadag arringtrmnt comfortably provide for tevea persoaj. There is no question about the suitability of the Super-Six Sedaa far aS touring purposes to which even a light touriag car Is pefa Thorn ands of Hadsem Sedaas art ia service SEMMES MOTOR COMPANY 1132 Connecticut Ave. M.9790 - tegsjbssajg CHURCH NOTICES TRINITYOHUECH. THTRD'AVD O STS. JT- W. Rector. UEV. o. W. VAN FOSSXN, 7:3 a, m.c Horjr Coauntnuoo. v , - U.W a. mij eoaTening -9njMrV,aensen Q Hatjr conosMep. i M pnu'erauaag sad eamlw Ckwcfa of the Geoal Sepberi STXTll AND I aiKtims XT. X. Bev. C. & ABBOTT. Vlear. Strangers "Welcome. 8EAT3 FRKE JOCD UXABSIOKED. EABTEn SERVICE. 3 a. nv Holy Communloo. 7.43 a. m-nolr CTenmusion. 11 M a. ra. JlolrXonnnnnlon asd sermon. 4-M tv m. Baptism. 'OS p. us. Eranjag prayer and tenses Social and rapper ror aolalers and ttraster. :W p. m. to t p. m. M ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. X; IL AVE. AKD V BTO. K. W. RKV. J. J. DIUON. Rector. Services for Uster Day: T CO. Holy Com munlon. IJO. ltoly Conuaonlon. f 10, Call, dren's service. 11 IX. room In r eerrlce, Holy Communion and sermon. .. evenlos prayer and sermon. Schedule et services at etr lermllied time. s THB WATIVITr TJ. ., J. U, S. Good Kuter Communions required of alt. Special ofretiiura for debt dealred. TllB RKSUltRKCTIOK llrth annlreraary) a. m., special offerlna for bunding fund. 21 Unitarian All Souls Church Cor. Fourteenth and L Sts. Uylsses G. B. Pierce, D.D., Minister. I.O a. m., Saaday scboel: dais for the temparatlva study of petition and Emersaa itudy class. II a. m., morslss servlcs; sarmoa by tas nmlater. Tsar Is also ktndersarten dsrlar th hour t raomlas wsrshlp. I s. m.. r.lberal Hellrloue Union will be st home to youns people. Easter mualcale: Mre. Beulah Uarner Dunwoody. contralto: Mr. Chav T. TUtmann. tnee; Mre. Krtrthe Mar ttilon nroalue. harp: Mr. llarrr Waller, vio lin. Mr Lewie Cornlnc Atwster. piano. Spe cial Invitation to men In uniform. 30 Y.M.C.A. Yours Men's Christian , Association THE IMMORTAL HOPS." 8unday, 4 pm. By Judra Wm. F. Norrla. Sololat. Mies Helen Edsar. Men and Women Invited. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, Of Waahlnston. Columbia rd. and Euclid at. Second Church of Christ, Scientist Of Vvaehlncton. i:th am II ita. N. TV. Third Church of Christ, Scientist Of TtaJhtrxTon. il Jaekeon plac4 Subject: "REAUTY." BKHVICE3: Sunday. 11 A. it. and IP. II Bf.VDAT SCHOOL-Jst and d Churches, 11 A. M. Jrd Chureh. U A. L wauncsuAi Kveriuxu ueeiuiu ir.a. KEADINO ROOMS. Colorado bids nth and O eta. Hrs . 1 to t (Wed. It lo 7. anl Sun.. 3.3a ta SJ). IMS Ada-ns Mill rd N W lira 10 ta I (except Wed. eve . Sundaya, and holidays). 1U ul Capttul st. lira. It to (except Sundaya and holidays) 24 Universalis! CHURCH OF "OUR FATHER Thirteenth and I. Sts. N. W. ItEV JOHN VAN SCHAICK. Jr. D. O rHator, on Icaie Per TVM C"l'DKN Actlt R Paitoe ruMIc wornhln at It a m . with sermon by -V Piiul-n Subject, -ifaall We Recmrclxe Ojr Frlendi la the Life Ilejcnl the Tninb"' Tounj: Feople'e Christian I'nion at T p m Leader. Mlae Smith. Topb. ' Poatoftice MUel n" Sunday eehool. 9 li a. m. Free klndersar ten. Ham Evening service at . sermon by Mr. Couden 3J Babai Movement Publect "Tlie Babal Movement the Loilol ReMIon of the Future. Hpealcer Prof Pun wood CoM. Studio lli'l. 13) Connecticut aran-:a Sunday. J p. m. Music H for getting the farm ready for mer cultivation. Receiving 11.33 for each black; fcMV S3 cents for each brown one, sad M cents a pair for the meat, ha has made $1,083 and still has avrs4 days of trapping lett before the season- Is over. , CH1RCH 'NOTCES' ' SaJvalioa Army - ,, THB SALVATIO ARSTT IMostnal Ikaa tim Ibn. a Prn. an ', aT.. HlfllTIBBWT S -,M pu aroJuiS u MHraeTiasa mHrS lea a. sn.1 "Stan.. Ixaaas; Tat Imo, Wesleyan Pen(p3ta) D.ST, X.TV..BKrHOCfe tbj BE. H. B. aoSLSTCj Paster, rtrrlces It a, m. JJ; and. 7 -p: a. Ttre.Caayal Trio Of Baltimore, W3I Smg At Each Secnf I . We C Aa $ Y.W.C.A., 619 14BVSI! Veaner service. : n. m. Speaker. KHzabeth Kewbold. BoUrlet Mre. Cttpg-- Baptist -3 SECOND BAPTIST CHURO? 4th and Va. Ave. S. K. HEV. HOWARD I. STEWART. Paetor. At .M (new tune). Eailer service by Bible aebool: 11. momlnc earmon. "THE LOST WORD," from. "THE BLUE FLOWXRf 7:C Easter, orxan recital and beautiful baa: tlemal service, and at S. evenrac aermon en "nECOaNtTIOX OF' friexds vx HEAVEX" The choir U1 render special Easter music at all serrtcee. SMlst-d by set era! aolols's. A hearty welcome awaits yotf. Come. it E. lies Swe-n eaye: "Turn yoor watchee and docks sheaj on hour, and turn yourselves to God's House." Sun., 11 a. m. and P. Baptism. Centennial Sapt. Ch., ;th aod I rts. X. E. M Reformed Grace TJlh AND. O STREETS N. W. 'c ItKVItY H. RANftJC. D TJl .4) S. s : 11 a. m. ard c m.. Commun ion. Dr I). B. Lady f peaks. I Lutheran fHPICiT t,r totty avenue, between l,tuu1 M and X itt. (Ulaaoart Synod). J. F. TVCN'CUELU Pastor. Servlcea. U a. nx. and T n. ra. Prerra. ory com munlon. 1 a. m. Sunday sebool. It: o'clock. 1 a. m. a Theojophy THREE PTJBUO fflBWttt EUGF.fB IV. MDK- bu!, Aiuoaii ierar er of the TaeoMBhl eI Soeletr at The- QasS saphlral Halt. 13tS H Sri street n. -w. (oppoaite Xrvr lixnle Temple), at S p. sa. Kaater Snndar. itarcb 31.(Uaer anapleea ef (be Order of tke Star la tbr Kaat). OCCOI.TISM AND -VVAR-" Mamtar. Anrll 1. "COBTALS OF THE PAST.- . Tuesday. April Z. "OCCCLTISM OF THE 20TU CEXTUIIV.- rnslle Invited ne. admittaae eharae eolleetlon. Socialists SOCIALIST PARTY c-ll K St. N. W. "The Sinn Fern Movement and the Independence of Ireland" Wilt be dlecuaard by Mrs. Eileen Gifford Donnelly, of Dublin,. Ireland, Sunday nlht. March. II. at t o'ltoilc. at So cialist Hall. X E tt N TV ' , Mrs Donielly participated It the Irish In surrection of April 2J, lr.. 8ie wUl explain tho true condition of the Irleh people and I tha alms and methoda of tbe Sinn Fein movement 1 Unpublished Information Rel-jctn-e'to the Strike at Offterdfof- ers Cijj-jx ractcry tor a uva. Wage Will alio be preaenteO. M W6 i at- varV -a- -i-.- tJICtnr- tif-mrjtoifr-ak k.a. . A