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"mpyf THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SUNDAY, MARCH l31, 191S. 10 uSZ TiMtmhg Devices Developed for Marine Engineers and Forestry J T. Jill f f lA - '. TSS"rt''T' -"' -i--- '- r.t WorMIl 1 . - - . i. i. l GREAT LOCKS IN THIS CANAL WOULD RAISE 1 . ' v Time aniJalror-eatinp- &ett n tinue fo'be dertlopt&$u thirttiU and f ertevcranee-cf, jnan. .jTjujo to most important contribution to 'ma rine engineering and to Jorettry have recently been offered. s " At fh9k?fs tirBoceatfpoina eeels cre-MtndWe f$Jl'ir'crlcee- XolreV; JTrJfnd" Os.tcrto-.. Vronp-fc tie-plan' e PXi tiaiel con" rultini engineer'," a. cental JSffc ZocX fa cccommo&ate'tke-Jarffeit'ttccan-going ehipt may If put in operation from ? Jt&tzto he-Jlivriand all port ox -boftfc "tales -t9uis"art . otvtous benejjfs. T Of more than ordinary interest to forettereffath'eUnventitTi&f'a chain sots uki&dSr toti- hoeAvut down trett thirty- inejti itZdiamSthr in two minvtet. It trill no doubt be a oreat fisie saoer' li- i he 'forettry eeriiee and may e manufactured in -any tfse to be adapted "X any elate of tcorfc. One of the most rtarlnjpenglneerln? tenia in the hlstorjof -man's struggle to harnesther!ea:;of'ns,tnre is con templateof -in- a oot of "pluii for the lift-locks of the. proposed" American canal between Iakes Erie" and On tario, described, by Dr. J, A. L. Wad dell. consulting jcngTnecri. 'in the, cur rent lasue oT'tbe'jScUbllii American. Obvlouslithe blggeit profiled of the project ls Involved- in tho-con-ttrnctloh of locks -sufficiently Iar'g- kAd strong and dependable to hoist ships' from the lower lake to the level of the other, 327 feet above. Outlines Plan. Sir. Waddell believes that the plan lie outlines will solve the difficulty, and he- submits argument .vto prove his contention.- The locks he de scribes would contain tanks, each 660 feet lone, seventy feet wide, and thlr ty-flve feet deep. The inner edges of the two tanks 'would be connected by wire ropes running over a line of fifty-six sheaves, each twenty feet in diameter, ral each outer edge would be tcon--nected by wire ropes running: over a similar line of sheaves to a row of large concrete counterweights. The three piers, or walla, for sup porting: the sheaves would be about 310 feet high and would vary in thick ness from nine to seventeen and a half feet. At each end of each tank there would be provided a steel gate operating vertically and dropping Into a steel box filled with water. The lifts would be operated by electricity. M.r. Waddell estimates that ships as Tinr as 650 feet and with a thirty foot draft could be lifted in the locks ' le proposes. In other words the -!Tt would make it possible for ocean going ships to proceed to Lake Erie -vorts. Jn discussing Xbe project, the Eclen-1 June American article says: j Project Long Mooted. Tor more than forty years there lias been mooted the qutstlpnoffbulld ing a. canal to connect! eftraters of tkes Erie and Ontario on the Amer ican side of the border. As the discussion--has broadened, with the Increase "of "knowledge In general engineering .and in ithe scl -nces of hydraulics and sanitation, a fereater scope of project has gradu lally been included; -and at the -present time there Is under serious con sideration a plan for building a com- ffiS!TO4Ww'?,J i$i"'&, sSw "Pllllwli ? 1 f vsssssssssssssssssWSP 1 SIIshbH H .bhbh sssflsMMksJS' .Bm9NSPsHHtoM' ssssBstiVi9Ssi8ilWW I i f$&ssi!sfaHBHSEBHBHBHBHB bRsiViJbshbhbhbhbbbhbhbhbhbhbhb! 1 ssssssssssskL' 'aaHIrf IrfrsHkVHaak, 9K &! i!11shbhbwVsh&&& I yr!lssHssssssssssssslsr8ssssHsscsBsssr' ssBssHssssBssssasssssssssssssssssssKir!ji9slssssssssf , SkKHsssssssssssssssssssssssI fl lsssSllssHsslBsKaHiri T?ffS5HI?f ?1 flilllssssWBsss&SV! tyifBBfcsHs$aBHeHe.HeHeHeHeBsB rlMslsflllssssssssssssssssssB 4 I1VBBBB ffsVHsBBSBSBBISffia Pjl X f fiBBBBSBBBBBBBBBSBBnSSSsBI l irtrTO9l.i iVVHaBBK t 0 rySinlsSSBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBRBBW VLsSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBKaBBBBBBBBsf SSBBVBBBBBBBBSSBbIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI 8 PtflBBBBr Q W rffTMTPrnfcsaDSm ff., SBBBBBBBBBBSelBKlSewlJBBBfV i VM Vi I tt mSBSBS?SI 7 R ljKaBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlVBBBnBBBBBlBBBBBfetaM.BBBslBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBB SSBBrSSBBBBBBsVISSBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Fi. ssssT SUM 1 SsssVSJIj'B 4MssssssssssssssssiassssssssssssssMRttyS;1rinWssMl 1 B iSsi sssssHssbsvsbssssssssssIibbsDHHsssssB sBslssssiBaBrBrsflBlBslslssllsVBSsHsBBssBKsstsBBsssssssssssflsBsssssH V&&&?m IHlS Iflil iOsisssssssssssssssflissssssssssnBSMyHHsTfilEBll i 3 KsssssssssHsssssssssssssWBnJKsssssB sMSasV VjflisssHHBsl)sstsBsas9nBSssssssssssssBissssssssssssssssssssllssss! F?WsTbssBW' .!! m WE& f1a. I ' kStsssslHsssBBlcVsVssKitt' kJii M I BfSsHBssVsVsVsVsE)sVJsBVsVsss9sBJvJssk 4U SBSSsBsBsl I M,l I e.MH 3J(SlVHssiSBsBsBBBBSSBVWri rSfBMitl ' B UB9BssSSSSs9sKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsBmfHB IvAssssssssss- I I iM TIt UsSiBsBsasEaSMHslSsBaMs R flSrSsssssssssBBVfel- SssBssssssssssssssBssKA lC th-LWLWW- ' 1'c?l I V3&. BsVissVsWB0jHHsBsVaVsVsVsi ?-- -vml9VB I SesJsbWsVsWsVsBb HsssPVflsPAsrf l it'iHK ' 11 ft HI VlM'iis I MBBsBbssHIiBbIbssssssK ;" WM&rW3k3 Wit&tWF'Mi BsBBbSs Itj gSi SirfJfe tiMssslsssWHaS!Btassstssssssssssssl 'i,HJ 4rtfw5BB 1 il 4fett3 LW f-i. timLKaaLMi $tliMiii&iSLWBiLT?9WL ' Ur Vs- ''i!. iM'nssBisLsssssssssB 8 i'!ligmSM.--m$SjMj:MMLtil BayBsffiBnHBKssBssssBaHHMsssBsi'J? ! B UMaMsSjJiadait3issssssisslKlss4agafIfr ,,WiWiWsssssByKMss3aMsaSaslWwisAiaasss I & &&?Km&t?h&3i.-8ii:sMBm s.4 sIbbIvsbbsbssbbSssbIssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSsIbbbIk y yJ-" KiHBkJiBrisl ? sVimifT it" t"jL1 ",jf-?'-jyy'yi,r7grr.T'.siri'i,MWiiartwsiraissnKSi fi BsssssssssKME5SS9iBBI& (HsslssiisssssslsssssssssssaBBasssssK sbssBssShbsI H 11 SBBBBBBBBKWEI -"JS 3K!M&rj& BIBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBSSBBSsIbBBIBBbIcBS .SSBBBBBBariSBBBfiBlsBl Q I SBSWBPIII l"i it-' ssssssssssibbsssssssIsBHBI JPP-asP9ssH 1 ' SsPf!P?rSMa.lM?'MkS ffisSsssBsBSJBCiVHsP&BlBssSSSsI lffllHHSifll raw f - ttiM 1 bm Vssst'?ftw!8rl5l: ysssssssssss's!rf ? W ISHB SKSC ' r!fssRsV SsbsbHssssssI i PtsSM&lfWPX'ssssssssssiISS8 ssHsBBsl i 'gssgegljMfflsWs , i fSBssssLiMFi?ltisssssBsBsl? gill HmH t tmBT.sBSsmmWLWWW J yiH&ililBVBBBJiFBsm wCTinn , sBgaBMBBl t iBBIMiill lm iBBYBfrniH- ! sBBBJ m. aifiTJi. Jh-, JMWikSm : inm sBBBBBx-'TieBBl ; ssssssssssl,-t-i'y -l! feaaa. J 'vt'- jlMBJsKwy MrJiB ' MSBnBVwS3BsssssssssssssHaf3' ''AVIH -wmVZJKm9&lm BgMBragBsBBBBBSi 'rZXm sfef ii-P . . is.HHBBllfVII I " Piiii;? - - -t&atLBBBBBHBBBBBBlgaKO ; 1 u3kw&3ssz. PtA---- r a4ssssBBBBBBBBBBBJsBBS2rTsPI ' - -- f ' 'jBWBp'fSSr -S$f5 ::: 1 MHHIMlsisr i ;i llHHHHiHsHHHHMBfSBBlBVBBMHMBHHBMi iS4a.TS'ju,.t-'-HmwJ-sww 0jiO!imm41i ft anrM wewwc "-, The chop-ax and the cross-cut sa will not be required la fellin? the largest trees If the InvenUoa ot the chain-saw is proved a success. Under test it has, successfully cut down in two minutes trees of thirty inches in-d!amejer. ' , ' .."' V fi f Pi&to .above shows a test being made before a groafi of foresters in tfce.Bertk.woeds. The est is claen aad smooth and there is bo wswta W obtains. In heMe't an ax. The machine, operated by- a feotor;-ia reproof,. ' .. SEND SMILEAGE BOOKS . fa' WHl RESIAT j MITE SULPHUR SPRINGS ipy the sraill admUfllon charged for -v. w I 111 vAlnT LvJTlrniinilaiU enterulnments. given 'at the Liberty If you have any smlleace books that you. would like to get lnto the hands of soldiers at Camp Meade, send them direct -to division headquarters there. Tou may address them as follows, if you wish: ilaj. Gen. Joseph E-. Kuhn. Comrfanlng 79th Division, X. A.. Camp Meade, Md. General Kahn has expressed the desire to see personally to the dlstrl- J Theater at Camp Meade. tiska iltvlilnn HAmfMani4a ! I stated,' have taken 'similar action; so that It any Washington residents want to send smlleage books to camps other than Camp .Meade, tney may simply send them direct to the com- rmandlng officer of whatever catnp or contonment It is desired the books shall reach. Several hundred thousand of the smlleage books were sold In the re cent drive. " William Clbbs McAdoo has been working too "hard. His activities as Director General of the Railroads, Secretary of the Treasury, "Director of the Liberty Loan, eta. etc etc have keptliim on the Job an average of fourteen hours a day. He left yesterdayvon orders from his physician, for a week's rest at White Sulphur Springs, Va. THERE'S always room at the Turkish Bath. f . ' Perfect Service Neyr t Closed. RIGGSBATH istk & a Stota . Opp. Treasury IepC t3SZ3&Sf3SSX53Z3 0rMinlnS Wt nrn-AieuWrftnaaUru Gigantic locks proposed for a canal between ' planwould solve the problem that has been under Lakes Erie and Ontario that will 'accommodate consideration for forty years. The total length ships 660 feet; in length. The locks, the engineer of the canal would be forty miles and ocean-going claims, would raise the ships 327 feet. The liff. ., vessels would be in direct connection with Erie would be equipped wth electricity. He claliha-tse. , ports," ... j , 1 blned ship, sanitation and power ca nal. starting In Lake Erie afa point south of the head of the Niagara River, then running east to the shore and gradually turning north, so an to pans behind the city of Buffalo and west -of the city of Lockport. reaching Lake- Ontario at the harbor of Olrftft ' Quite lately- the United States Gov ernment has intimated that It would be advantageous to have a ship canal connecting those lakes." . The total length of the proposed canal would. be.about forty miles. Sit H i - Chain-Saw for Foresters. Our latest notable Invention which Is of particular Interest to forester Is a 'chain-saw worked with one hand if necessary and operated frora a small motor which Is air cooled. This new contrivance was recently tested and was highly approved. It Is designed to cut down the All the Latest Hits 65c . i -J5.-KS- i$6Sid 7Z'-iS7' '? star- .A&&'l V ,. i ... , j j mui j nail VArtflur tollm) DOUBLE FACE fi ra3ick2to Italy (Ada Jonea and Geo. Thompson) WVf HsaitjfCome Marching Home ) , , . WWt SSJofeHoney Boy Edward M Jlt4mkt?tiorXlaod Bv (Unm Fr,1 'SvfteKercnp (Harry Uwrence) (WfypHenryLewiO hi!3LmBliJFax?rrai (Sj8hW-Fox TroO 9 " V UiNLXi -iti $10 For This Good Phonograph GaUjm J U -K ' T . ssKtJTfliTYSrnBBBaEsiBaaaaaaauBaas GIVETHE SOLDIER BOVS RECORDS Let them have some of your records or 68 note piano rolls that are in good condition. Bring them In and the boys at Camp Meade will promptly get them. X.JP. CULLEY & SON 1209 G St. N. W. Main 3659 Civil War Test Oath of Loyalty Jo Be Revived If Congress Passes Bill RcWwl of the old "test oatli" of the civil war Is provided in a bill Congressman MeClIntlc of Okla homa Introduced yesterday. He nould deny Jhe right to. vote to nny one mho would refuse to sign a loyalty plcdse. election officials being empowered to require the oath of any one on nhom the supIcIon ot sympathizing with Germany rests. thickest tree in the fnlnjmum time, at the saving of not only time and labor but wood as well. Tho machine will cut through a trunk thirty Inches in diameter in a couple of minute, and .this performance was repeated time auu time aam in inc rereni lcsi The machine, sas the Scientific American. Is made ip of two parts, the motor and the caw proper The motor, about ninety pounds In weight, has an output of five horse-power; It is air cooled, and the fact that It does not require any water for cooling Is an especial advantage In winter. The noise cf the motor Is reduced to a minimum by a muffler. Device Prevents Fires. The motor further comprises a safety device against the risk of are, so that the exhaust flame will not en danger the forest. Either gasolene or benzol Is used as fuel. The bielj consumption, nlth ten spurs working. Is little more than half a quart Th machine Is, however, eventually to be designed with electric-motor drive, which Is thought to afford advantages In a number of cases. j The saw proper la designed in three (sizes. It is a chain-saw, with links j of six teeth each, which are readily j exchanged. The saw runs In a frame over four rollers with ball bearings. of which is set In motion by a flexible conical pinion shaft. The hoi low Iiandlo is designed as a reservoir ! for oil. HOE MM WHO EVADE WHaT RE BOY SNATCHES PURSE FROM WOMAN ON STREET Mrs. Van Auken Mills, of the Iowa apartments. Thirteenth find O streets northwest, today is at ier home suf fering from the sbockof an experi ence last night when a negro boy snatched her handbag containing 14 and a check for (2drawn oq the Metropolitan Bank, payable to Mary O. Mills. h Mrs. Mills uas walking south on Thirteenth streot near the apartment bouse when the boy Stepped from the sftadow of a, tree, seized her handbkg, and ran. The boy Is about ten J ears oiu. TO BE PUNISHED Herbert C Hoover, the Food Admin istrator, made it perfectly clear to day that recalcitrant hotel and res taurant men who seek to evade the conservation of wheat measures will suffer heavily. Word was received at the Food Ad ministration that a large hotel in Chi cago had refused to abide by the hotel men's promise to absolutely forego the use of u heat until next harvest The hotel wis called on the long distance telephone and given a very strong, polite hint that It will be much better to abide by the promise. Sufficient power lies within the Food Administration to make it sevsre for any hotel that refuses. By the order ot last Sunday all places are asked to reduce wheat consump tion to 60 par cent of their normal. Now the hotels have promised to make a 100 per cent reduction: but there are some that have given broad hints they will not agree. These hotels will find that wholesalers will not only not allow them their CO per cent but that more drastic measures nay be 'taken under orders from the rood Admlnlstrutlon, and the whole supply be cut off. RYE FLOUR BANNED FOR VICTORY BREAD Use of rye wheat as a substitute for wheat flour In the making of Victory Dread must be discontinued The Food Administration has decided that It could not extend the limit of March 31 on this use of rye flour by bakers Supplies of rye have been so diminished It wan deemed unwise to continue It as an ingredient for Vlctorj" Bread. ADVERTISEMENT TuredKisRUPTURf I vu badly ruptured while Ilftlnc a trunk ertral rears sro. Doctors Bald my only hop of cure was an operation Trusxis did m no rood Finally I sot hold of soniethlns that Quickly and completely cured me Tears hav raued and tlw ruptun has norar returned, althousn I am dotns hard work as a carpen ter. There rma no operation, no lost time no trouble I har nothlns to Kit. but wltl (Its full Information about bow ou ma find a cotnpleto cure without operation. 1( you writ to ma. Kugine M tnillen. Carpenter, SC0D Marcellus Avenue, sianaaquan K, J, lietter cut out this notice and aboar it U any ethers who are ruptured you may save a Ufa or at ltat ston the muery of runiura and tlu uerry and danger of aa eparaUss. HiiiniiiiniinniiiiiiiiniiHiiininHiiHiniiniiHfiiHiHiinfinjfniHiiHHiHnHfiii Your Btsi Home! liiene.a1.nAH , . " .:" 3"ivc i mflKenwautinii I sssH isi" IE-J ' i r xrfc SBBBHBBl IB SBBBSVI . . fffl M Jafl sbbbbbbb!Atssb naH VST H9 W assf .shbhbhbhbW rf MISawSBSSSMIIB II SSI JSBBBSl S VBBS CS. - SBK. iSBTTLlBBBBBBBSH I sasssssl jialftassssflKassssssH asssssssssk 'sCsssaaWtaV EsssssssssssssT B " " " Jsgai"" N EssssssS, JSLw TTmf HBHHDHsBEss-H StfrOMixSffaxg&df LfHasssissssssssssssssssss StfTB il nVS&. flJfS !sssBMasssassssssy;asrlssPM8ti!tfyMsssss -c ssv -. 5 -y-ur 44 R I Y 4 Two Reasons for Buying Furniture bn Credit .' The two reasons are Necessity and Convenience. You may think that practically all the-people who buy on credit do5so v?j, j from necessity; but that's far from the real facts about such buying. ." :' Hundreds of our customers who are perfectly well able to pay spot. - . . cash for their purchases use a charge account because of its convenience -and because their ready money can be profitably employed elsewhere. A careful examination of values and a comparison of prices have" . shown these people that we sell a high grade of furniture without " charging an extra penny for credit privileges. ' Every article is price marked in plain figures and purchases are charged at these prices; without notes or interest. We arrange the terms of an account according to the means of each individual custom er, making the small weekly or monthly payments to suit them. Young married couples can do best by coming to us; also the people who have just-come to Washington to enter government service. We're glad to give them exceptionally easy terms. . . , Peter Grogan & Sons Co. 817-819-821-823 Seventh Street N. W. 'n j44444-J44444444i44UU44U W WtWtt WUWll liilUlI ISagS N r?