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- fr ,vvvp,'" "fZ jtttv WASHTKOTON TDFES. SUNDAY, MARCH J31, 1918. 11 "V t u r ' AcHrelorrtlcIiiation in the drive of tn Araerican Women's Hospitals for 2WWM-..withiwhIch .to establish a 'chain of hpsnltals, dispensaries and dresaing stations in France, Serbia, and. Italy, to&s decided upon by the wlrea of the mernbers of President Wilson's Cabinet at a. conference es- terd&y. Xaeries of meetings will be held by the Cabinet women this week to dls cuts rnethoSr of aiding the campaign. The women will co-operate wun ur. Certrndealkrrwho ls-dlrectlng the drive from New York. Already mem bers of tnelionorary advisory board; tha Cabinet, raembera wives dcoided upon active, aid. In the American Wom an' Hospital campaign after listening to appeals by Mrs. CharloUe 1L Con, air. the executive chairman or the organization, and Mrs. Sinclair Sto- bart,.the famous leader of the Scot tish Women' Hospital. x Jin. Lansing Presides. Mrs, Robert Eanslng, wife of the Sec retary of State, acted as chairman of the meeting, which was held at her home. In addition to Ihe wives of Cabinet members the conference was attended by tin. H. D. Flood, wife of the chair man of the House Foreign Affairs Com- Edttee;. Miss Cannon, Mrs. Walter Fen' flfldr Sirs. Byrd, Mrs. Orme, and Mrs. JoSNa. Peters, wife of Congressman Paters of Maine. Mrs. Conger told the women that the service of every American wamrn yhyaiclan are needed In this Umo of eriaU. 'They are not admitted to the Medical Officers Reserve Corps, she aid, and In consequence are compelled te organlz6 for war service independent ly. Mrs. Stobart presented herself as "a Jivtar refutation'' of a recent article in the American Medical Journal, in which military authortles 'were quoted as as serting that they had established that Vomen were not capable of 'standing the train T medical war services. She is a woman weU over sixty. :&S:aSS77rmXg5Sa&taKS3ife?!i n ... r-, ,. i. tzxzEOEZEP zrr !a,OLjeaaeZBvir"f ' "' '-"ii'-'iVWH . " ' ' -m i " ' I Mntisu Umclai -lioiugrapn ' : The steel lattice tvoric seen in the foreground tvas evidently in tended by the Germans, who built it, as a -roof of a rather elaborate dugout as a lolling post for German officers. Whatever palatial plans the Germans had in mind tvhen this steel gritting was- laid were dashed to pieces when a few "tourists" in the shape of Eng lish tanks came along. Slow as they arc, the big armored caterpillers came 50 fist on the German lines that the enemy had rto tone 'to 'destroy4 their ljandiwork, which" is not according to their custom:. Two of the tanks can be seen in the background followipg thfe successful at tack. Infantrymen are preparing to restore the "works" vacated by the fleeing Germans! Easter egr roliinic will be taboo in every public park In Washington1 tomorrow. The White Iot will not be opened .to. the egg pollers, Neither will any of the; public parks, and egg roners will not be permitted In the Zoo.- , At the, "request of the Food Ad' ministration, -the office' of- public buildings and grounds has issued in structions that egg rolling Js not to be perrnlUedMn any 6? the parks. The same standi has been taken by the m4j. '.MihAM., nrt Hi the 'Smithsonian' Institution, which ha control of the Zoo. Police, both the United States and District force, have been instructed to tee that the 5rdera against" egs rolling are not .violated. Thosevh6,wish'to fltre luncjieon in, Jloefc Crek or the other parks wll h nerniltted to-da usual. There ' Is no' restraint or Hmlfupon theuse 'of 'the parks ror ordtairy -purposes, though the WJilte House Grounds will not be open to the publlci The-administration win not dis courage the Eastern bunny from bringing Vaady. china or tin eggs. fol- the amusement of the kiddles. but wasteof eggs will be dlscour sed. t f " n.y:ateeiicclub raO-GERMANS NEW -TORli- March' 3U Three members pL the New YJrl: Athlftlc Club are' under suspension! today fpl lonlnc their utterance of alleged pro German remarks. They are said" to Iiayo. expressed the hope that Ger many would win .the' present delve against the allied forces. Another member has been -expelled ontrlgh,tJ by the -club for the samo. cause. An evidence of the loyalty of the club Is Indicated fin the posting. last night off the following notice:? , . . 1 "JSurlnr; the war the German' Ian-' guage must not be spoken in the club hopse Any Jnember bringing an enemy alien, mala on female. Into, the club, will '.be "expelled." Other New York .clubs arf jJlannihg t,o follow the. same course. ' I WIVES OF CABINET . " Tanks Spoil' German New .Style Dugout- -' EGG ROLLING IS MEMBERS TO AID ' 1-7--: lWmmmmfTSTA9i. . "Tmrt-um im Vf 7 WIMMM I BmmBWB. lmmWmKmmWM SsKBrnamm e iafjsjsjsjsiafjsjfjsjsjyjsswsi " 4 . i:aiSMCkBBBriBkBMBBHSllHUAS: r y ss-SjsjajaiafasafjyifcaMifJaap . jPlgnslMlBMgafjSjSjaagafjSji mmmmmmmmmamWOmTSm'mtimrSmmSmMtr-t - . -'f1' I-zZru 2-9T jrtSvilaZmmmmmmm siHssaS&ekSSSs?PS9SS9aslsSKBlS I sHBsBC?Iiiuaw'fisteI3?s39to9V . las Bas&aaaaaaaasBSBM7ap&BasWi.Asaaasttaaasfar4aaa&Bh7aaaaasjuak - EHHasBsiBBeDBnu9ssBsn9n(9''ik?sBiiV9fie9Sj i B3(SBV!ry.?sll&sSPlslll29!SlBMss&stfSsis itVBbraJ r.wgjvaajjaaaaesaHfpB-lBfHp9vaaj?jaHa i BraViTHsTvBUsBssBSsBiisSQ "f mmmwmmSfjJ? 1 2H 'vBkslllllllllllllllssHsslBsllllllllll9sllsk7'srisliHklsMa 'TmwwwmSrmmwmWWWmJUWKBMWBp I -... .r. 1 -,'7JV-yry7Nayai WINSLOWyANDEYAHTER PROMOTE FROM RANKS Wlnslow &. Van: DersBter: son of Justicd Van Devanter. of the United States Supreme Court and well known in, Washington, to now a second lieu tenant in. the coast artillery coftis. White a sophomore to. Tale Vain De vanter enlisted in the regular anpy last June, and was statloned-at Tart rotten. N. T. "H.took this step with, out nU parents' knowledge. Displaying unusual ability in coast artillery tactics1 -he -was, sent to an onicera- training; school at Fort Mon roe last December. Two days ago Justice Van Devanter" waa notified that, his son successfully passed ex amination's and had beea commis sioned. The young .officer was an athlete at Tale and a close student of military .science. He waa born in Cheyenne. Wy6-. and received hl preparatory education at' the Hotchki School te Connecticut, lie Is twenty-one years old. j UNIVERSAL T1UIWG . r a 1 Senator Calrlp. chalrms eat the Senate Mitltarsj .Committee haa. no lntentlofc' of dropping the ilgft for universal training 'because the new- amendment to the bill extending the draft law -was beaten Js the Sen ate. - On. the ceatrary. ffeaatoe Cbaasker-lain- deeply leaeeeterer the fact that the 'New amnment drreleytd so much stHngt&V 'The ameadaMnt waa beaten only bfr a ca rote. The Senate 'tnrnea-'down, a-netioo to ta ble It, then took- up the amendment, discussed 1 aadYted olt after dlscuseloa. . S ' ' t Senator ChatneerVal tateoda to urge his Universal traJafag kill at the. opportune time, ttitt kaewn a the result, of canvaeaea -ht the, Mir ljaa raor stKength-H.,0 aBd went. Tkl-growaet f'the fact -the ame4meiat dIdTtot.'coinhad' tberoughly WwrkediMtt aJaarfor uor Tersal.rajnlng. TJierChaaiaeilala bill does. " " Genuine Bargain Monday o duplicate the value. plferec tu ttnQrow, it vouli cosf o $5.00 jnorcv than the price we are quoting. " Guaranteed' GoW. Filled Society, or SWtex FRAMES' OH' EMGEA9SO rata riHr HsmK i pere cryitl fhfiieal H f r H W ' a I' K FK ) n sasi "uB I High-CfMs 1 If yoa have eyotreaWe 1 Lewis H.'Kraskin. Eyeetrate I aches, dizziness, etc. He will H' and if glasses are needed they I Factory.i I . n' Do Onr Own TM Toric Lenses, a. 7 . " mm Uuit apeoM jpw sric yoa- i. er-;-.-. -upncai c"f jcc t. J .1-4. tell mcesfflBeBaijeBr will be- hade in ,011 Meni Optical . Grksir e "Ae Treai. ADOLPH KAHN, 9?5 FS.- Ari. engine that wrings from gas more power than was ever taen out -ol gas before-through its "Hot-Spot" and "Ram's-Horn'' Manifold Chalmers, devices. SERVICE GHANGES BseeeeeeeeKaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaajSew'g TBHKsMPajY"vaaBart ?iffrBSBSBBBBBBBBBsaEBBBBBBBeBBMBBBBBBBM Mm l jiMtLaTaaBBBBBBBBj Sitbbbii aw MsaaaMFiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBr yMarntiMr sbbbbbbbbbbbmv i'"v- lYrfysnnnhrisBsaB Tests of exhaust vapors have shown weaknesses in many engines. By such tests you can always tell how good an engine is. In the great Chalmers engine so very little in the way of unused or unburned gas comes out of the exhaust as to be almost negligible. The gas is used up all of it in the Chalmers. The moment it passes fi;om the throat of the carburetor it strikes the now noted "Hot-Spot" where it is heated and "cracked-up" and then rushed on to the combustion cham bers via the "Ram's-Horn" Manifold. When the spark touches it off there is translated a power such as a gas engine has never known; all the brute force imaginable, yet tamed down into a softness that is as smooth as deep water. Once you play with it with your right foot you will be amazed at the thrill it'll give you. ojfwi&no. TAKEEFFECTSOON -Imaroveinents In the service on the down-ton n -lines of the. Washington' Hallway and Electric Company, order ed yesterday by the Public Utilities Commission, were Inspired by the lm- pruycu iicrvicc rcnutrrcu uy wia wivi tal Traction Company after that line had followed recommendations offered by John A. Beeler, traffic expert, it became known today. Skip stops, double berthing of cars, raised platforms., and other changes ordered Ijj the commission on the lfnes of the Washington Hallway "and Electric Company will become effec tive April 7, according to the order of the commission. Conferences between representa tives of the company and members of the commission have resulted in a complete understanding regarding the new Improvements o-dered Street car! will continue to Jop at the emergency (ire ioInt. according to the order of tlio commission, but passengers will not be taken on or (.off exccjit at certain rperldcd points in tne an-a coerpu nv the commis sion's order of esterda EIGHT-HOUR DAY IS FIXED FOR PACKERS CHICAGO, March 31. The basic clsht-lOtir day was ordered In the nation's packing Industry by Ted eral Judge Ssmuel Al-chuler's award in the packing arbitration today. Wage Increases ranging from 4 '. cents an hour to emplo) rs receiving SO centi and under an hour af pres ent, and ranjflng down "o 3H cents per hour to empioje being paid oer 40 cents an hour, wero also granted. The eight-hour dav goes Into ef fect May 5, 1918. and the wage ad ances are retroactive, effective as of January H. IMS The award which affectn about 200. 000 emploes throughout the United States in 90 per c-nt o the packing houses of the country was regarded as a sweeping Wctory Tor the workers -JrAL . " ii-iitft rT'm t TOtrrU.f G CAIt. 17-I'assrnger S.10I3 TOrillJVG CAR,.S.rat-nccr IS63 sTAxnAitD no.4usTi:ri - . siscs lotuiNf; m:ii-n .... - sisso 'K)w ctn mmmi'lui' - isdss I tllltlOLirr, .-;.I'srnccr - - ?I7?3 LnfOt'SINH. M'snnisrr - - 52025 TOW ( 1H, 71'ai.xeiiser - - X202S l.l UOL'SIMJ 1 l.MI 1TJLKT -- C023 ali, rnfcES f. o. n. Detroit suimect to ciiagc winiocT aotice Combs Motor Co. Display Room, 1100 Conn. Ave. Service Station, 1214 V Street "COMBS SERVICE BEIIIM) EVERY SALE." ; v.i MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMm1kMM aaaaaaaaaaaBaBsBsaaaaaaaaasjaaaaajBaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaHsap MMMMwaaaaaaaaWBaaaaWi, : wSmLmmmWi ' I BBBBSVvlSBBBBBSBBBBSBBBlBBBBBBBaSBU tj " CL Vw --' '!--a- H tsVtH IsssbbbibbbVsbE!sVC Vl'Ba- '-'"'- lJtjtt flSBBBBBBMiHLaf$Si!!SBBBYBFr V I'W BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasBSiiaBBaasnB?sai-.i HiiijiiiBL BLsaa i ibiv CBflPSallBVSnBSaiaasaaaiHsaaaV-f atX MsaaaaMsUtggiggiaSBB5Halaaaafr K mWWmKmXm TmSBTmmm33mmmmm I m jBsBl,W5BBlssssBia55"'"2a3-353ssBjH IH n iliPfisH ' :I , , Ui IKE 1 lilH I :! OBUlkiJlJi il SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiHaSiSkSSsBBB&nSBBBBi SSBBBsW mm m VbHIIIB mm mmmmmmmm m EtsV aH saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH mm mmm "wk mmmmmmmm Jmmmm Visit Our Appliance Department JL Old Straw Hats Reblocked. Equal to New. Ilrlnjr c year old nftlan, bentp and chip hala and we villi clean and rrhlock them In Ifae Aeir Sprtnjr Stylrx. I'anamaa and leghorn rlcuned. hk-nchrd nnd blocked In the ud anerd atyleit. Stake yonr eorcette and strnn bata on our irvr Hat Frame. We carry the largest aelectlon of 'Inn nrald. Ladies' Canital Hat Sfinn ji i . -?'... i - . ,, . ,.. ' ;. i li -,..u'ci I-,' " 1 CI1UJ OUCwt .. Northwest,t ''' - ' ' i ' - T , Here Are Practical. Comforts for the Modern Home;. Now' that coal fires are a thing of the past, it's time vou should turn your attention to summer comforts in the home. Our appliance department is replete with suggestions--chief of whicji'are here featured. You can't well afford to deny, yourself the luxury these aj pliances provide, for they can be purchased on ' -v -Z Easy Terms A Little Each Month When You Pay Your Gas Bill Gas Ranges of every type and size for the small family, "or large for the bungalow or mansion; modern fn every respect. Hot Water at Small Cost is assured with the Copper Coil Gas Water rleater. It provides piping hot water quickly. Saves time, temper and fuel expense. instantaneous Automatic Hot Water Heaters are an alMhe-vear-round comfort. Anv hour, dav or nieht. there is always HOT WATER at the turn of a faucet and the best part of it all is there is no limit to the supply. Installation is a simple matter. Its service has b?cn proven in thousands of homes. , Ttese are but a few of many home comforts yon may obtain at the nug cost of a few cents a day.- WE itfVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT. Washington Gas tight Co. i. -, msCi iaBpSj sK9 aasaanaaBasK saaaaaaaaK'aW 'irBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBai jarBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUaBBf bbbbbbbbbbSbuK I- J ' fVOS 11th 5t. . V. ltinr Mntn 8322 li llai t. - r tff..aal II ARE YOU KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES. J ! T sua am waar iiriuinnvni a( St :.