iws!, ryqyrg&qt' ",?
-j New Store Hours: 9:15 A. M. to 6 P. M. Including Saturday
39c Boies
25c for Writing Pa
per and Bordered
Cor respondent
Cards, hea,vy linen
stock. Envelopes to
match. (T)
. ,$2.00 WacJuble
Couch $1.39
5L39 for Washable
Linene Coach Covers,
50 inches wide; full
lengt h; seamless
style, plain or fring
ed ends; green, red,
bine and brown bor
ders or stripes. (T)
Men's Hand- f7n
kerchiefs ''
"Secowk" of 10c, 12 Vic
aad 15c Valae.
Mea's White-'Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, good
quality, soft galea Wad;
full size. SossWiiuivtf slight
defect fe. finish, in- no wn?
aiiectfothe appearssce or
wear; Foar for 25c
Ooldenbeig's First Floor
7c for Ly Jhrrel
opes, 23ia et& pWf-
(Limit sr-peek-ages
to 'a twyef .1 ' .
J-' $1.50 Ctih
Sc Brass
3 for 5c
Be for Three Polished
Brass Window Wedg
es? a little device to
prevent windows rat
tllng. (T)
(Fourth Floor)
$1.50 "Surety"
Fountain Pens
85c for "Surety"
Fountain Pens, with
14 karat gold points;
choice of medium,
stub and fine. Fully
guaranteed. (T)
( Iters COUPON and
8fe for Crib Blankets,
36x50 inches;
or pink Teddy
and other nur-
mer designs. (T)
jnx-t-s.,-'ig -' '
A Rare Opportunity to Buy
New Spring Pumps
$00 and $6.00
r- Values
at $3.95
Choice of
The Newest Style
M -
Ah after-Easter clearance of broken lots of our most popular lines of
women S Spring iOOlwear mat urmga you cxccpuuiiai -savings.
These fashionable ramps are ncre in gray, cnampagne,
Patent Colt and Kid leathers, with high and low heels
this season's most approved styles and shapes.
Broken sizes, but all sizes in the lot from
2J4 to 7.
Goldenberg First Floor.
75c Mercerized
Table Damask
59c yard
' 64-lnch Mercerized Table Dam-
isle, fn a variety of pretty patterns.
..Excellent quality for boarding
leases and cafe use, as well as for
Home purposes.
"-t3rereeriied Damask Table Nankins.
Pt&3. hemmed, ready for use. In as
sorted patterns. Size 20x20 Pl CQ
laches. Worth $L75 dozen.. V !
Goldenberg First Floor.
Pongee Silks
36 inches wide, regularly AQf
59c yard, at . fOl
A high class silk and cotton mate
Ial, with the appearance of all silk. 'A
rich lustrous quality, in good assort
ment of street arid evening shades,
also black and white;. Theideal fab
ric for .inexpensive "costumes:
59c Yarn Mercerized Poplin, 49c
27-inch Yarn 'Mercerized Poplin, of se
lected combed, yarns, with a guaranteed
permanent lustrous finiqfi. In a large' as
sortment of street and evening shades;
also black and white.
39c Turkish Towels, 29c
Turkish Towels, in a variety of styles, including
all white, red and blue borders; heavy double thread
quality; size 20x38 inches. An opportunity to re
plenish your towel needs. i
Hemmed Huck 'Towels, plain white and red borders,
also white jaequard weaves, with blue or pink bor- It
den, worth 20c each.." JLUC
Goltenberg's First Floor.
Mannfactarer's Seconds of
$11.50 Grass Rugs
8x12 foot &Q Qf?
Room Sizd tpO.tD
They're ideal rugs for summer homes, for
the porch or bungalow. We secured 150 of
these Grass Rugs, in the desirable 8x12 ft.
size, to sell way under price because of slight
imperfections nothing, however, to in any
way affect their wear or mar their appearance.
Extra heavy weight, very serviceable, attractive
and sanitary. Choice of 15 handsome designs, in
colorings of blue, green and brown.
Geldenb.rga Floartli FloW.
45c China Matting, 35c yd.
If we bought this Matting- at today's market wo could
not'nell It for less than 45c yard. You enjoy the' benefit
of a purchase made a year ago when you get it at this low
price tomorrow.
Heavy weight palmed finish straw, with double cord
edge; choice of ten patterns. Including stripes, checks and
plaids of green, red. tilue.. tan and brown.
Geldenberg Foorth Floor.
A Purchase of
New Trimmed Hats
In Two Groups at RemarUabte
At $5.00
Values up to $7.50
yalues up to $18.00
-, - w j
. ..- . -. . .
A truly great millinery offering, with values that only this store,
could offer hats designed ;by one of New York's best makers
marked at prices that will meet a ready response from Washington
women who knbw what a Goldenberg millinery sale means.
- , Every hat in the collection, is brand-new and fresh-fashion's last
word of the Spring styles.
AT FIVE DOLLARS Beautiful Hats, in the bright, gay
colorful designs of Spring, of Lisere straws, in Pokes and
Mushrooms, large .Dressy Black Hats, trimmed with flowers;
Black and Colored Hats trimmed with quills and fancy fear
thers; Black Hats with colored; 'facings ;.:in Targe and small
shapes for women and misses.
Sport HaU and Tailored Hats, $1.98. w'v :.
Values worth up to S4.00. The smart Rough and fine quality Split and Lisere. Straws, in black, purple; khaki,, riay'y
. ........ . f J fit. Jtl 1L. i ..1 l'.1.A &rte ' ' " ' K-
anarea; siynsniy inmmea wua hiudoiis in we ucwui uuiutcu &&.. ,
Coldenberg Second Floor. '
ssjoati leraoi ie
AT. TEN DOLLARS A wonderful assortment 06 faigh-n
class, ultra-smart creations, including model hats of isusuaK
beauty and style distinction. New Large .Dressy Hap,
Straight or Drooping Shapes, Transparent HaB of;fine Hair
Braid, l rimmings or Durnt ostricn ana novelty teatners, iirje
French flowers. Unusual shapes large and tsmalL Very
smart Tailored Hats, in black and cplors, incluaed. . l
WSoiBBat El TssssssswHoV . .J mM0M BSjUorsisssoBBtsssk bssssbssl
fcfoPsPfc . .sssoR - V mpM 1 9bsBv fll'ovH kI hM9 JrSSk.
BboBBssBbP bH slssBlsoBP - Bj &m M
iiiinniiiiiiiiiiMirfiiiiiiiMMlpij 4&m L H -wLr-
SIIhSH r mSlOTI H rM '
iiiiiimi-'simiiiiin IHTfTffffiiiffTl ' m. 1J HI mL
ffSffSflBW1"!'11!!1!1 mn" "iiyimimt WBKar oHi ksssso
An Event of Extraordinary Importance,
Offering a Great Variety of Standard Quality
Beds, Cots, Cot Beds, Bungalow Beds, Divan
Day, Beds, Couches, ' Mattresses and Pillows at
Prices That Show Decided Economies.
A carefully planned
event to meet the ex
traordinary demands of
Washington homes
that require new Beds
and Bedding to accom
modate the incoming
thost of newcomers to the
National Capital. The spe-
'cial prices mean much if you
consider the high quality of
the merchandise offered,
which comprises the product
of the best known makers in
the country, .including na-
. tionally advertised
makes of Beds and
Bedding, the high
quality ana de
pendability of
which is known
to every house
keeper. Come tomor
row and furnish
your needs
from those im
mense assort
ments, and en
joy the advan
tage of prices
that are the
lowest in the
Bungalow Beds, $4.95
200 Bungalow Beds, In black
enamel or oxydlzed finish; con
tinuous post; complete with
link springs. This bed can
be folded up In small space
a moft convenient arrange
ment for apartments.
Simmons' Bungalow
Bed, $7.95
This nationally-advertised
white enamel bed Is complete
with twin link springs, a fea
ture that adds to the economy.
Strong, rigid and durable.
Steel Drop-Side
Couches, $4.90
All Steel Drop-aide Couches;
full height; very strong and
Boxer Folding Couch,
With Mattress, $17.95
This Bor Folding Couch
opens to bod size, ana Is com
plete with mattress. Contains
plenty of space for bedding
when not closed up during the
Folding Emergency
Cots, $8.75
All Steel Folding Emer
rncy Cots, complete with pad;
of substantial construction
and good finish.
White Enamel Beds,
Solid Iron white enamel
beds, with continuous posts
and six fillers; size 3 feet 0,
Simmons' Brass Bed,
High-grade Brass Beds, with
2 inch continuous post: choice
of bright or satin finish.
White Enamel Beds,
Whit Enamel Beds, with 2
Inch continuous post and solid
fillers; an exceptional value
for the money.
Simmons' Steel Beds,
TVhlte Enamel Steel Beds,
light In weight, yet strong and
rigid; 2-Inch post and 1-Inch
fillers; brars trimmed.
Sale of Springs
All our Springs are guar
anteed for ten years servlco.
Twin Link Springs, with
bsnd edge, S4.03.
Diamond Link Springs, high
riser. S7.0O.
Knglander Gray Knamel
finish Saggless Springs, with
band center and edge, S&OO.
National Link Springs, high
riser, long helicals, taxo.
Woven "Wire Springs, pencil
weave, band center supports,
extra heavy tubing, 1S.C0.
Steel Beds, $13.75
Attractive wood finish seel
beds, with square tubing; In
oak finish. Single size only.
ieEnglander" Bed Couches, Springs, Etc.
I wl.I.nr.fc: Conches. SI 7.S0.
Sliding Couches, $21.50 and $25.00.
Divan Beds, $7.95 and $9.50.
Bungalow Beds, with Witedge
Springs, $11.50.
Day Bed, upholstered in cretonne,
including pillow, $19.50.
Foldaway Cots, with canvas top,
Foldaway Cots, with pad, $12.50.
Englander Pads, filled with white
cotton, covered with Khaki colored
ticking, $5.00 to $8.00.
Englander Folding Crib, with mat
tress, $19.50.
A complete line of the famous
"Englander" Couches and Beds at
lowest prices.
Delayed Shipment of
Math-esses at Important
These Mattresses were ordered last fall, but have
lust reached us. Since they were purchased prices
have been sharply advanced, and our early buying means
savings of at least 25 per cent.
These Mattresses were made under the most sani
tary conditions, and are filled with now cotton felt or
silk floss. Every one Is labeled and guaranteed as to
material and workmanship.
Felt Mattresses, B'.j-lnch bpxlng, finished with Im
perial edge; closely tnf ted and covered with Q1 n Eft
art ticking. Worth 118.00;, special at ol.OU
Silk Floss Mattresses, light and comfortable; fin
ished with roll edge, C-lnch boxing; filled with silk floss,
which Is as soft as down. Covered with fancy
striped art ticking. Worth 123.00; special jlQ Cft
Brass Beds, $26.95
Fine quality Brass Beds,
wlth'S-lnch continuous post. 1
Inch fillers and extra gallery.
In satin finish.
High-grade Brass Beds,
. $33.00
Extra large and heavy Brass
Beds, In a new and attractive
design: C-lnch tubing through
out. Sale of Pillows
Only the sanitary and odor
less kind will be found in our
stock. J
All Feather Pillows, 1Sx25
Xll Feather Pillows, 28x28
at esc.
Goose Feather Pillows, SI.SS.
Extra size Goose Feather
Pillows. S3.S0.
Fine Down Pillows, iZ.
Wood-Finished Steel
Beds, $18.50
A handsome steel bed, with
wood finish; extra large 3
Inch continuous post; IU-Inch
fillers. Choice of mahogany
or oak finishes.
Steel Beds, $12.50
Old Ivory finish Steel Beds,
with cane panel head and
foot; a type that will appeal
because of Its beauty and dis
tinctiveness. Steel Beds, $17.50
Old Ivory finish Steel Beds,
with square tubing; In a true
reproduction of the Adam pe
riod design.
Silk Petticoats
Regularly $4.50; Special At
A special underprice offering of Taffeta Silk'
PetticoatSj of excellent quality, in a variety of
wetty-changeabie colors, also plain colors ana
black. Made with scalloped ruffle and tucked
flounce. Specially priced at $3.98.
Sateen Petticoats, at $1.69
New Spring Petticoats of sateen In attractive floral
designs: with stylish flounces. Choice of rose and copen
nagen on black grounds. Full cut and correctly fashioned.
Goldesbers Third Floor.
$1.69 Georgette Crepe
40 Inches Wide; Special at
$1.39 yd.
Extra fine superior close-woven' quality that finds
favor with women who appreciate fine quality.
40 inches wide, in white, black, and the mosfcde
sired street and evening shades. This Georgette
Crepe cannot be duplicated outside this store for
less than 31.69 yard regularly. Here tomorrow
specially priced at SU9 yard.
Coldenberz,a First Floor.
Specials From the
Grocery Department
Coffee, 28c Pound
THIS COUPON and 28c for one
pound cans of "Orlenta Brand Coltee.
Spotless Cleanser,
2 fpr 7c
THIS COUPON and 7c for
two full size cans of Soot
less Cleanser. (T)
Salmon, 17c
for tall cans of Itaceland
Brand Salmon. (T)
Goldenberg Basement.
Purchase cf Samples and Seconds of
Women's silk Stockings
Worth $2.00 and $2.25 a Pair
$1. 69 Pair
Pure Silk Stockings of exceptionally fine qual
ity, in many beautiful styles, including, plain colors,
exclusive novelties, embroidered designs, clocks on
sjde and embroidered fronts. The attractive shades
include: '
Black.. White.. Gray .. Bronze .. Champagne..
also Embroidered Effects showing black with
white, white with black also black embroidered
on black, and Clock effects.
Some are classed as seconds because of slight Irregular
wavc. which does not affect tho appearance or wearing
Women's Fiber Silk Hose,
high spliced heel and
double sole and toe; good
elastic garter tops: In
black, white, gray, mahog
any, sand, mist, navy and
other desirable shades. Hub
"Tt tr -slight lmprfci
tlons. Worth J1.1S rjr
Misses' Fine Qoalltx Gor
don Lisle Thread Uose. In
black, white hnd Uusslan
calf; made with a four
thread heel and tc-e. which
Insures double service.
$lz'7'.4 to Cftp
9 3 Of oooooooooooooa-tt " "
Boys9 Wash Suits
Worth $1.00 and $1.19. rjQ
Speckl at ''
A special offering of boys wash suits,
at a price that means worth-while sav
ings for tomorrow only. The popular
models include Billy Boy,. Daddy and
Middy styles,ywith stsaighrNkraee pants.
The assortment Includes' plaih; white and
fast color washable combinations, in sizes
3 to 8 years.
Boys' $1.79 Corduroy Pants, $1.29
Narrow rib "Crompton" Corduroy Knickerbocker Pants, fult.cut .and
strongly sewn, with taped seams to prevent ripping. Just the kind
for school and knock-about wear.. Sizes 8 ta IS. yeara . . , ,"
First' Floor Bargain Tables.
Spring Sale of Notions
Lingerie Tape, five
yard pieces; pink,
and white; Cn
piece ut
Bias Sean Tape,
good quality white
cambric; ten yard
pieces; regularly Cn
10c OL.
Jf nfeet." for men'a
and women's hosiery;
black, white and bal
briggan; fine quality
yarn; seamless foot.
15c Pair
2 Pair for 25c
Fancy Frill Garter
Elastic, three quarter
strips; all desirable
colors: good quality
serviceable 1ft
elasUo JLUU
8 b sip Fasteners;
one dozen on card,
regular So kinds
2 Cards fpr 6c
Shoe Trees, for
women's shoes or
slippers; strongly
.made; hardwood
tips; pair ...... OU
" Skirt, or Trousers'.
Hangers, substantial
ly made, with An
cushion ends....Ttv
Inside Dress Belt
ing, black or white:
all popular widths;
regularly up to r
10c vard (si
JWaah Racs. sani
tary knitted kind;
regularly 5c each..
2 for 6c
-Wdget Velvet Grfc
Garters. Infanta'
sixes: 'pm en. stylet
rubber .buttons, 1 A.
attached, -pair JLW
WUte Cotton Elas
tic, all widths up to
1 Inch: good quality.
Regularlyf up t r
10c yard .. wVw .iH
'Women's' Sanitary
Aprons, made of su
perior grade, water
proof sheeting; as
sorted styles. Values
worth 25c and IQn
23c each ...... JLA
. Baby Pants, rubber
sheeting;. neot-.OI
ly made ...... 4X1
$1.00 Cork Linoleum .
at 69c sq, yd, i-
Because the mill had but three Tatterns of this number,
we were able to get the lot at a lowered price and tomorrow
we give you the benefit of the purchase. These are genuine
cork-filled Linoleums, a thick heavy grade with burlap back
not the inferior paper kind. iFull rolls not remnants.
The assortment comprises tile, parquette flooring and vari-colored
design in pretty blue and yrhite colorings.
Unusual opportunity to cover your floors, at a saving.
Goldenberg Fourth Floor.
$1.00 Vanity
Pursesj, Special
at 55c
With strap back; fine p.imt
leather finish, with Inside ocn.
pocket, purse and mirror. Un
usual values at 55c each.
Goldenberg' -First Tloor.
Crepe Kimonos
Special Values
at $1,19
New kimonos of fine quality
crepe, in solid colors of pink,
blue, rose and lavender. Ksdo
with elastic, waist; full cut sizes,
neatly finished.
Gsldenkerg's Tmird Floor.
" - pair
(i r ,1 -( - n