Newspaper Page Text
ST - , jr-- -- rfKi'9. THE WASHINGTON TBEES. SUNDAY, jlrCK 31; 1918.- 15 i XT" .- T "- .'r 1 LA0NCHE036SHIPS; POT 1 8 IN SERVICE Thlrty-alxehlps were launched In March by, the United States Shlpplnc .Board. It'tralumonnced tonle-ht. and elVhticn others vera completed and de livered toshlp operators lor service. Two more vessels are- expected to be added tcHha March' record, " Tha. tonnage of the ahlpa pot In service by the board tMa month total 161500 deadweight. The asxfesate of launch Jnts lot the month -ma SB.4S8 ton dead weight. " ' The jsew launching constat of the fol ' lowing: air -contract ateel ships, of a total, deadweight tonnage of EL&O: twenty-one requisitioned vessels, of 1U.63S; nine, others, of "wood and composite, of 11300 tons, . The recent rood weather already Is having Its effect on the speed of ship production, and thirty launching a month will be a. low figure from now on. As an instance of hat the yards are able to do under favorable conditions, the Shipping Board announced tonight a report from the Bethlehem Steel Com pany. sa)lng that in their nve ship yard plants last week- a million and a. half rivets had been driven, an, increase of 17 per cent over die previous week. This number of rivets "represents the riveting work of two complete ships.- GIRLS, MARINES, AND SOLDIERS TO JOINfcORIVE - Quality Pins Joasdeatious -ye Exasaatkp TjHasssssflirW Ara In your arlassea wfin rna c-et ' them from us. The satisfaction of Knowing; that your eyes were ex- 'mined by a specialist who does nothing 'else bat examine, eyes and .who ,1a fully .competent to .advise . yott whether you need glasses or not FIFTEEK YKATtS- PRACTICE. PRIVATE OPTICAL KOOX. Opposite Crandaira. . QUALITY OPTICAL CQ, 38 Tflntb St. Jtm-. , Opposite Crandall'a. GIrlsjin nlforra.trom the National Service School, marines from waan Incton. Barracks, jmd aoldlera from Fort 'liyer will, sell AVar Savings Stamps on the 'principal streets of Washington, next week. Starttng&tonday, from 12:30 to 1:50, and .fromv:3q to 630 "the" patriotic sellers wilt make" their drive each day. Both Thrifi"SUmps and War Savings Stamps wjll be aold. This unique idea, "was conceived Jy the committee for district 'I. The committee intends to make this fea ture add materially to the "War Sav ings Stamps salerln theJDistrict. EASILY REPLACED. The reason that we do, not .keep Good resolutions when, we make them Is lust because we know that We Can make more new ones when w . break them. CHURCH LAUNCHES $100,000 LIBERTY BOND CAMPAIGN The Height of Fashion 1$ 'best reflected in the smart creations in -women's apparel for Easter-week social activities especially is this true of Kafka's showing pf COATS SUITS DRESSES MILLINERY BLOUSES SKIRTS, . MODER: ' ATELY PRICED - The miss home from college arrives .at a splendid time to select herspring apparel. - .:, --1 IKafka's 7 at Beittb ss Recalling that on Good Friday, one year ago, the United States entered the war for human liberty, and that on Good Friday of this year, the third Liberty bond bill waa Introduced in Congress, the Rt-Rev. Mgr. Thomas S. Lee, pastor of St. Jklatthew's Church, today appealed to' alt members of , his pariah to subscribe as much as they can for Liberty bonds. This was the formal, announcement of the ten-daydrtve by an organiza tion of nearly-125 of the most proml- Jnent persons In the parish to have iuvtwv vvv.tu 1W1 fiucriy uuiiua. bought anojappuea on toe aeot or the church. r , Mgr. Lea pointed" out that. In this way many who.would not otherwise buy bonds will be helping the Gov ernment and their." church at thasm time. The bonds are to be held for at least a year' 'after the war, .he promises, and -the Interest wllL be ap plied on the church debt. ' The celebration of "Liberty Bond" Sunday, and to encourage the par ishioners, the completed mosaic decorations of the- sanctuary vtere un veiled. These decorations havd con more than $160,000. AT souvenir book let 'was distributed, to aech member, of the parish. George K. Howard will preside as chairman of the campaign organiza tion at the "banduet in the crystal room of the Ebbltt Touse on Thurs day evening-, when prominent Govern ment officials interested in the lib erty loanwlll'mako' patriotic speeches. The other members df the campaign T-tnlT committee are Mcr, Lee. treasurer: Henry R. Gower, chief of I captains, and Francis A. Mccann. sec Irvtary. There are more -than 100 (leaders In social. 'business, and pro fessional life, many of them. from, the army and navy circles, 1 the cam paign organization. ALLEGEDWEB. OF BOOZE VENDERS. STAGGER STOP SYPTEMBEST -f V (. , ' ' By-BtLl. PRICE. v Declaring- polnt"'bIank tnat It ll o'clock Government rush is added the "futile," to jexpect -adequate 'or even -X,C.f l "r. 0Ir,e.,, a "cno" ear lines df Washington so long as all Government and private business be gins at t o clock in the morning, Jofcn to work close to S o'clock. The figures show that 16,000 "Wash ington people employed by the Gov- A.,Bef1r' e traffic expert, has.aub-jernment, stores, and offices -uio the "" " uitMuuiia commission vnoicars to get to work at 8 o'ClocK in rourthsctionof his recommendations the morning; 400 at 8:30 o'clock.' on car service conditions in this city. 1 3,500 t 8:43, 53,000 at 0 o'clock, and Ing array of figures to back up his as sertion that the only thing tp be done to guarantee an absolutely certain satisfactory service Is for executive heads of. Government departments, bureaus, and other establishments. after that hour the number dwindles to. a minimum of several, thousand until 11 o'clock in the morning. Business Hen Willing. Business men with whom Mr. BeeJer has .talked expressed a, willingness to M25 .Jfe jn wUhhU VuU t Gor ?rw.r wui, ir me plans gn tnrougq. xrpen at 10 o'clock In theiinorriJng and.close ti'-.Mi inline afternoon. inenign and. closing- so as to relieve what he calls an unprecedented strain on the street car line. GIVES HEAVY BOND ; "With the arrest of nanes Verliujr. colored, aged thirty-one, of 451 K street npTthwestT operatives of the, division of investigation, Department of Justice and the Washington police believe they have taken a long step toward breaking up shipment. of "In toxicants into Virginia. Verling is at liberty today, having. furnished bonds 'of -$2,000 Tor his ap pearance tomorrow In the United States branch of Police Court on the charge of shipping liquor Into dry ter ritory- His arrest took place at his home Friday, but was not recorded upon the headquarters blotter until yesterday. Co-operatiog with tho"1 pe partraent of Justice were. .Detectives O'Brien, Itullen, and Wise. . Verling bond Is the heaviest set for months In a case of the Kind. In his home were discovered, the officers say, quantities of gin, vermouth, and other intoxicants At Petersburg, Va.. fo-ir trunksful of whiskey, it is said, were taken. These Verling is alleged to have shipped Into the Did Dominion for sale. He submitted quietly to ar rest and his bond mone nu furnish ed immediately. Mncb Work. ( Beeler and htl -assistants vut? In months collecting data concerning" the working hours of Washington, ob taint ing statistics ft to the number, of employes in .every Governmenlnst( tutlon, It. stores, offices, schools, and other places. These experts Vere startled at "the magnitude of 'the. task imposed on the car lines'' In trans porting" such a large proportion of tha population ,to work almost at the same minute each morning. Tho strain is not so heavy in the. after noon because there Is some dUferencal in closing hours, and the population Is "more leisurely in starting ioVard home in the afternoons. ! I Sir. Sealer asserts that Washington Is jtinlike any other city in the coun try in, the transportation question schools, which Ir. Dealer says add considerable- burden.' to the traffic rush, could open at 9;30 o'clock. , ."The keeping of the stores" open after-the. Government departments close Jn the afternoon would1 give Government employes time to do shop Dins? and attend to other business. As (things now jire they have little time rttr this purpose unless taken from their annual Wares.''' , ilr. Bee!ers plana, call for Govern ment departments engaged In, direct war" activities to retain their present opening hours ,of 0 o'clock; y that therj'mayba no interference with the Government's "work. ' .Other Government-office's should OTSen at 8. 8:30. or According to this therei will be no change n the hoArrs of 42.670 Govern ment clerks, who, now go to work at o clock. . . in others A universal opening "hour;' Employes of 4h .Interior Depart as here, "is contrary tq the principles menu Commerca rand BeclamraaUon of economics so far as city transit. Service now reach work, at 8:43 methods are concerned." By changing the opening hours he gives assurance of material improvement Jn -ear serv ice, "and a foundation will "be estab lished upon which can be operated ultimately a system of urban trans portation worthy of .the Capital City of America." What Proposition Is. Heeler's proposition, which Is con sidered highly important by the Util ities Commission, Is to break "tip the heavy "peak" load on the car lines o'clock; - - - Tabulated, Sasaasary - A summary is presented of the Gov ernment establishments which should change hours and the number of em ployes arxecteo. rne present nours and the proposed sewnours are out lined. The table is as follows: Open'g CbsAgtd Ko. Depermsent. k from to enpl'd Clrll Servle Ocmmlulon SHOP EARLY IN THE MORNING, IS NEWESTS'LOGAN 4 ' With the daylight saving law in ef fect a new shop early kgan has been sounded by the merchants of Washing ton. Secretary Charles J. Columbus made the announcement today that Washing ton stores are .prepared to offer special inducements to all persons for early morning shoppmg ' After dtlnr tha labor shortage' In Washington andth. Inability of ties stores to get sutneieat help, he saia utt not only would the Stores be greatly benefited, but shssoers -would find more convenient and to their interest to shop In the morning hours, when, the stores were leas crowded. "As a result of the afternoon crush," hi1 continued. "It is a logical sequence that thoewbo shop In the roornlng are .given more at tention and have freer and .better op portunity for selection and decision." mw m aonormai Development, ot Washington trade la. wonderfully good, Tut tha business. men of WashH ington.are anxious to do something more than distribute merchandize. They take a prjde in their business aad they want to t It develop along constructive and enduring lines. Service la aktural part of that ( Tha United States Government baa reaiisea tne . neceeury of actios to meet tin labor- si tuition and conse quently CwUkise Speais Fir Praises Geieral Feck The-pt)iAX has spoken. CoE. IL-House, President Wll son's jtersoBai advljw4iPr iaps the 'saostSecretlve man la America jMteally Msmitteoto aa lntervfew-feaVsy, pwdthon permit ted.htesfrlfjto'nM qnobsd. General 'Fe, now 'aJIled eom-raander.waa-beebfeet of his re-, marks, joe f Whtet wllbe used against xH 'eoteaei.v -r Thewc-rdP ,- "I haveVtetasit confWeaee In General.Toek.; T-consIdev, him nofcoaTy iiotwa1 ' foldler, ut a well versed dlomt. eH is-'onV of the 2Mest.eeUeiaeB r know." GAwjmm. . . y nni 1 TPTir inftTo lt'XhtUfl I.U' "I V 'ill liHf ilir lrlii '1 Cf-i AMENDMENT FOR LI I aU I JI if 11 1 A W I illli I OTiiifSIKI in I rrShif The Bortaad -ylasx of .ictfceajsf; the workWc hoars of ' kasafreds of thousaadr of Goverameit' , employes will be beaten. The Swale has turned, dewn the promulgate .rales ctttUnr ?or,5"?r,Bdnt. t0 AgricuT- . i- m nirfii nioii Mac. b 4svf sii OP-STflUGfE ' J . -.- i.- t , Recommendations that the bursal of placing- COal In" Mas ba shifted ti the shoulders of the consumers arr before, tho District Commissioners" to doy Jrora. the retUroal Interests ot Wasblnctmn- . t- ,-. ----.HVn..- """" reprejentattvea-of the.local.coaltradi and Ccmmhisronfer Knight ia his offIC4 la. tha-DfaUit fiulldlBr yestcid j afternooK' y t Vji, r The plfU'of"Uie eeVsi'Healexs wai that, eMtti'st required". Wregu latlojas issued bjf'tti CamsaUsJontn to-5tutaWBX caajaf ter JIlJs delivered at thelrotts.MC$mm!steser Knigh; took tnS'pefjS'At finder consideration A public hearingJMrjir jjaccoruX dealers and coasunier's at -a futun date? . s J'isfiJi.t.r r Pretest TttlUoBS! izeqcire 'thai atuerm rfar mray ieoi wnnin twi heurswif lfi le ts.-rakidy or set that dferer sJgtnMsvaftB bur aran thetfU pne1tie.lBl1rft,pTrBfghi ln-'stweC-orvaia(r.t--s-f i tne aeiiverias to OB-a day In any one sectloa of th city- eliminating special deliveries, Burtallinc the re turn goods privllete jm three days and requiring" a rdepofit" of 10 per cent on air C X Di purchases In order to help -raet' the exigencies of a lacic oi labor. District BuOOhur rbstsvibs. isaresa ot... t-00 t w w by asking- Government departments . FoSAdminlitrstlon .'.'.'.'.'.'. -M to hffln business a.t hours ranff-lnf? Pul Administration .-.. S.M . . . .. .. i .. f from 8:30 o'clock to 9:30 vate offices to start at 0:30 high schools at 9:30 o'clock, and basl- neis houses at-JO o'clock. This -would distribute the ars ranging ran Aaministrauon - . o'clock: Prl-'Jo""!1 Conuneroo Com- J.-00 o o'clock: l S.:r:.-:::rr::;r.n: 5 SU war savins? bom..... .w Nat. Defenio, Council or... 52 rUSni'Tj,,.. nnrtau of 90 hours so thoroughly that the car lines .Port Office Dpiroent... would be able to meet the problem Wit InformaUonJOom. on. g more easily, .and opportunity to -ride SEtrSZZ juntrtemn' oo would be given thousands of people state " who now walk rather than try to JE? Commls., Inderal-'-.- JJ board the packed cars. Beeler la sure ?rk" Arar MtdV'iK .M there are many thousands of people war Drat.. Auditor S-co now)-walking to work 'who wish to War-JHfc lasuraneo, J22 ride, but refrain f rxftrr dotngsc. They S!.' lrt?.."".W" ' aro not only denied this privilege be- -waatner-Borau .,.........& 130 tsr jo toe J0 1.000 (.39 WD M 4M SJO MO S.S0 ITS I oo y te lie S0 1,000 S3 M : l,m ja iso 111 It I .SO Tit :m tJU too M IStt t 119 tin su te l-ofo t v im s- -woo cause of conditions, but the car lines are cut out of profitable short hauls. The Improvement of the service that will- follow will distribute some of the city's congested population into suburban parts of the District. JFcar as to the car service has had much to do, he says, with bringing about an overcrowding near the center "of the city. Government clerks refusing to take the risk of going distances from their work. Beeler finds that Washington's population Is excessively dense in the older sections' as compared with, the suburbs, and much of this is due to the preference of DeoDle for Hvlnir within easy walking distance of their places of employment The worst street car congestion comes from the northwest and northeast sections of SHORT SALES HEAVILY TAXED. Short sales of stocks are taxable at least four separate times, the Sec retary of tho Treasury has ruled. Short sale, he holds. Include at least four taxable tr.-vnsactions. The tax Is tuo cents a hundred dollars, par value, for each transaction. JH I , y Th nrnno.iltlon Is now before Cab inet officers and heads of establish ments generally. Copies of the Beeler report have been submitted to these high officials by the Utilities Commission, with intimations that the commsslon would like the coopera tion of the National 'Government In bringing; about Improved conditions. It Is hoped there will be prompt ac tion in the way of favorable response. U. S. LABOR AGENCY SETS NEW RECORD More than 300 laborers were brought from on Eastern city several hundred miles away and put to work on the Camp Humphrey cantonment. Belvolr. Va .t within twentr-four hours throuch iaipio) urcub I the city, 'tevhere the density of popu latlon In greatest" liccier nnas. irom figures obtained the Labor Department from all Government Institutions, sm-ir. inai inero are u,uuu employes or the Cnited States Government in Wash ington. The number, he thinks, ex ceeds that now The stores of Wash ington employ 10,000 people. The Navy Yard. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and Government Printing Office, with their thousands of em ployes, fortunately start work at 8 o'clock in the morning, tnt to the 9 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES AID IN HELPING SOLDIERS tural bill ky.a decisive, vote. The LettlsTstlve. Executive aad Ju dicial bill is to the hands of the legis lative subcommittee of tfc -Senate Appropriations Committee. That sub committee consists of Senators Martin, OvermaJV Beblason, Underwood, Smoot and Warren. Vhe subcommittee wfll dron the Borland, ameaaraent from the btlL The Appropriations Committee will take the aarae position aad the Senate win- back up the Aproprlatloa Committee. "The, Borland amendments are to be dropped," declared one of the fare most leaders of the Senate when asked what would be the fate of the Borland proposition. Other Information tends to corroborate this Tlssr. It'lal of coarse, not impossible that the Senate In acting- on the legisla tive bill should 'reverse its attitude VAfmm't'"' ND O SBSBSBMf-' .mih SmIIm 1 aBVkdFajw'SSrE BBBBBW W "? ' " I , U1' ',. ,,"'' ,ZL, l.L-""' ' l &". f 4siq sw i ! taken on the 'agricultural bill, but the I signs do not point that way: Once the Senate turns down the Borland amendments to the agrieHl- m , Y.,11 ...V ! 1.M.1.H-. WHY Working through the central comforts J 4 u h,, tltttAr acted on the agri forwardlng committee of the Christian cultural bill the question arises Scienco Church In Boston, nearly 00 .whether there Is likelihood of them comforts "committees, scattered through-,)'?f lut " eoafersnee. out the nation, are MWnrs Partl-dTrmly-'pV.Tt;" n the work, of auppiylng-.clothlng and and In tile end" that the House and. the otner articles to mitigate :ue hardships House conferees wllVfiactcaway vlrom of the soldiers and other war sufferers I JJorianu. on the other side. For the large amounts of articles sent and tha excellence of these supplies, the Christian Science workers have drawn much praise from members of other war' relief bodies: -- - During tha first three months of the'si committee's work, about 9.S0O articles m have been sent One American, ship has H been supplied with enough knitted artl yM cies, -toxauing iuo pieces, tc equip all the sailors on board. A feature or the Comforts Forward ing Committee's' worl .which, has brought splendid results is the "unit system" of preparing- new garments for refugee children. Ten of the com mittee were first Instructed in the making of a model garment, each of tha ten Instructed ten others and tha latter became captains of teams of ten others whdm they In turn in structed. Two groups of -team cap tains meet at the committee's rooms every day to receive Instructions and material for use by themselves and the members Of their resDectlvs taimi. who work at leisure moments at home. Thus 1,110 sewers are banded togeth-'3 er for-thla particular part of the com- taolult TVOl V -x"it Imi'fSesr toy specla Kf7-WaJ-tok rRi'm-wasmi IrlrtcMs iv. odaOoPlileaehlBB lyeirrsr, oieaatss, arm " usocKtaa-: ail kinds jC straw -'aad. panasaa hats , "'. -,'" Latest styles o-cJiooe irom;- , Bride .us yqur; faded. Straw. Hat to be- remade intl w' wM-restwre lf-lo-?tt'aorlclal-Aa-.!tree. of cnfcraaiSl qeuKi jl itii - 814-Slf ttth,. A-. W; , 1113 G Street WW. Removal Sale -i - I ALL MILLINERS Trwrnrl awirl llBrrnsurti Mat Be Sold Regut-saoti CeL.3 A. "K t - fJ-.-s- si. ! sal Trimmedfiate5: IS 1 - I 1 'J V M $5.00 Value $10.00 Value Labor-Department heads said It was a record performance of its kind. The War Department tent out an "S. O. S." and tho employment service went to work at once. They found a surplus of the kind of men wanted at ono city, mobilized them, and started them on special trains. They,wero without em ployment .when found, and now have good jobs, the department said. .... r. r - - . . " vut uii Kvcruso oc over .i.uuu garments a wcolc. m $2.87 ..-.$737 Untriirimed Hats vSl-.?..iSSPeJ87li S...:..$iJ&i0J ilue- ;, t-reifti-4-aC ?jpSss3MEs-igEi Springtime Feminine Footwear ,The spring footwear fashipns arc so delight ""fairy varied and so-fas-dnating that6 all our ' Hew ntodeliv''inast ap peal to lovers of dis tinctiveness in shoes. - "Queen Quality" Shoes arc made by an organization that has kept in mind the re quirements of the peo ple; and tho existing conditions. Buy "Queen Quality" Shoes with the assurance that you are Retting full measurje of value ' lor every dollar you expend. Prices, $5.00 to $9.00 A. Lixaer Shoe Deoartasent, 2d Flocr. G Street " You Need Selinger's Eye Service" eB H !bibssssssssssssV sSaKsH WMsssBawWfeemjr JjlHfc Vytt 'tSmffir' hf T? c j mar -T ' Spring Time Help? Tam Comfort and Emciehcy in ffikHoMxe: f ' -a Section of Our Newly Enlarged Optical .Workrooms on Our Second Floor We can now boast of the most complete factory and facilities in this city for jjrindiniT glasses and other optical work. It is here that your glasses are ground especially to fit YOUR particular needs after youn eyes have been examined and your needs determined. Broken lenses duplicated at short notico; we do not need yourj prescription. Special Offer for Monday and Tuesday 14kt. Gold Filled Rimless Eyeglasses. The new style finger piece mounting, fitted with best quality periscoplc Arfc TORIC lenses, large size. Complete with folding UT I I 111 case and guard. Regular $5.00 value. Special for tDfJevrV Monday and Tuesday only x Selinger's 820 F St. Cor. 9th Mfg. Jewelers and Opticians. IftS. I Tab Spring Cleaning Wi Be a Pleasure If Done. With a Hoover Vacuum Cleaner There's ho dust or germs in the home kept clean with a HOOVER Vacuum Clean er. It has superseded the old unsanitary broom and .made housecleaning a thing of pleasure. Even a child can operate a HOOVER it glides so easily over the floors, furniture, etc It cleans draperies with equal ease. The HOOVER accomplishes more than other ordinary sweepers it shakes and thoroughly cleanscarpets andv. floor coverings by the aid of a whirling brush of soft hair in addition to the suction. Easy Terms If Desired jj s 3J i wi BSSSa. r -- . I vesSSHBBBSBSSSBSAJ?)sSldBv M HLBsbbbWI W K rLtm . I ' ' hH sP"9Ibsbbbbbbbi m fcV5 Sl J V Portable Sewing Machine A. portable Electric Sewing- Machine should be In every modern home in fact no borne today is considered complete without this wonderful little helper that makes sewing- a bit of play, not hard bacK-Dreakingr peaanna-. eoia compl Iner case, corn, ilete with, motor cary- fcsW,!?, as. fobt-conrfoUr. and $-iOy, for .... . a The E-Z Motor A BOON to the Home Seamstress Is another handy llttl worker In the electrically equipped home .Quickly at tached to your old or new snwlnir nu- chin and aa easily removed. Does not require any special attach ment. Complete with foot- controller, cord and socket. :$15.W The Store for Things Electrical. If It's An -Autoaebilo Accessory "W'e Hare It XMO-OO WrkOBtt ML s MAM 6GOO - V JTT. iMa)l "I.OOK FOIl TTin DIG CLOCK." r