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16 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SUNDAY, 3IAHCH 31, 191S. s. SCREEN STARS WHO WILL SHINE FOR PATRONS OF THE MOVIES HERE ' ' ' - I ' '' ' ' l X I " . BaBaaaaaBBaaBsasaaaBaTa , C"""L j& o HiBvH'Hv bbbbbsssssssV stH hbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssssssV H,s&''' ""-.fiss v &&u$r'z r aVav llf itsttw wTTl JJ Lv' ' 2a7' B ''r i aaliHalalaHHLisiiBHI I ' ? V '' ' r"$p f i V -" vSwfC' 'ltXn'SjHHHB"!r C T L'g'MM-i ; - mKrr If Georgia Howard is as'ploasmj as " lmlj - L ' Buriestnie -fans don't need an intfo- a imHKt Lz9im " rT she looks. Cosmos patrons haVa T ductfoa to Frank Tinney. star jt ,r t2aassssB . r" " K -T w a treat in store. ' '.sVlataLsaLsaLsaLsaLsaBsatOfev at the Gayety. .IbbW..!, .. Wkf j. I y fv jBBfccy ' MaaWygaiaaaaBM '."iaaaaaaaVvv -SaMMaWaSv -j !, Here- WhaveJTomrWTseand William Couttenay in one of te delight- ' ! M tWlHlBBBtl i' lyBBBBBMk 1 ilftiflWiBBhl ' Sotl Maxtoe Elliott and William Tfavershatri are deeplr aferesUJ r 1 4 -fullyfunrisceiies fa "General Post," at the National. p V Jm JHBBBISSHBmtBBlBBBB! JlvfiiPLLHfcNt. ' hec cigarette Yoall be interested, too. if you yisit the Jelascs. ti -- JmflPPPBy WflivKv Av33Ht - -J Iwm m&l w'&mm WM&Wm immMmk amusements ; amusemehts - Pile S&Jf; ..ttMliniB,l :' -3H mai 9AsdEMter Pi .,! mjf v V.- -W U iMiVairi' .K if I 'TBil IVris - lf 5 jyB l:V'" JBCBlPPffnlBa HFH Tomorrow at 8:15 Am lW , Easter week brrnp a visit from iY - Mf0m$fmm B J-acquea Copeau Bringse French ' JZ A(( lj " r 4- t John MeCormack. MJgKS " " here I -Tk CVll . fcA SStSJKSiWjy - line -a. Bell Sook- rrom-Xakme- I1 lUV ' 30 CboCUS A vV WHHG&fa&fy r wd e famous "Mad Scene- rrom ( W -- I -. J'atMJfcvfl I joiiv mccoiuiack. 1 .-Tfce Play Tiat Made MoatMneryaad i mHH!. 'i..&4ra2&!''02!flflrMMa"BB" .Tnhn rCnrmjir. the unrivaled 1 Ci 17 4. - h" tzer ' i"Lor3ratid Lady -Algy" and- 'M&e&LJMpst" A Offered srtctacle. "The Shadow- of Pajay Mward Renn will offer "The Weak er One," a tribute to the courageous spirit of the French, by Ethellyn de Koe Brewer. "Buster" Santos and Jacque Havs. ycloped "Girls With tbt Funnr Figures," Moran and Mack. as "The Two Black Crows:" Dolores Valleclta and her leopards; Tsen Mai, "The Chinese Nightingale:" the pipe organ recitals, and the Hearst-Fame news pictorial complete the bill. At 3 and Sil3 p. m, today, the bill will present all last xretVs attractions. An all-star cast in realitj has been assembled by William Paversham for the production of R. C Carton's "cpark Hnc comedy of "Lord and Algy," which will be seen Jx the Belasco Theater"tfcis -week with matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. Farersham appears in his original role of Lord Algernon Chetland in uhtch he won one of his earliest and. greatest successes on the American stage. Miss Marine Elliott has re turned to the stage after an absence of Seven ears and has duplicated her earlier triumphs as Lady Algy. VJtss a Irene Fenwlck as Mrs. Tudwaj and Maclyn Arbuekle as Mr. Tudway com plete the quartet of stars. Support ing these players. ie a notable cast in cluding Florlne Arnold, Lumsden Hare, George- W. Howard, George KiUgerald. John Itogers. Herbert Bel more. Bonald Byram, Daisy Belmore, and l.arv Compton. ' JfATIOXAU Tonight William Caurlenay. slim and debonnalr, and Thomas A. Wise, fat and unctious, will come to the XaUonal Theater In their latest com edy suecess "General Post," under the management of Charles Dllllng liam. These two dlstlnguisfied play ers have appeared more than once as co-star comedians, and are said to have triumphed again In thl new comedy of. love and laughter which j " uiicct irom a successful sea son' at the Gaiety Theater. Xew Tnrt "General Post" has become a fa- of moua English tornidv. ami fnr mr. a jear has proved to .be a grcatl tvrp-nr London success. It Is k comedy of t. . ",LM , . the .social shakeup viar has wrought I Al Monte CarI- two act musical in England. nomedy In four scenes I, the attrar- MIss Cathleen Xe.bltt has the rolet,on at the Ljceum Theater for the of the baronet's daughter who has current week by "The Coney Island fallen in Ioe with her father's tailor. Girls" companj. impersonated by ilr1. Courtena. Thl5 II set forth the laughable aden- is before the war and take place injures of one Colonel King, imper-l the opening act. There in a. tactful sonafed by Harry Loire, In his ef-i vid amusing scene betneen Mr. W,et forts to gain the affection of aTrlma w In the role of Sir Denns Brouchton donna at Coney Island, the character) m mni Mr. Courtenay as Edward Smith, which Is enacted by Dorothy Blodgett. Z? The tailOr. There IS AlnA n H1foAl.. Mn4 Af .1, B.KnH ln,nlra, I halasced situation between Mr. Cour- Coney Island, and the. settings range I irom scenes at lonte i;ario, a caie at Coney Island, and a bathing beach. ' The supporting cast Includes Lottie Gibson, Loretta Gail, Gus Mortimer, Clare Watson, Itlchard Hagah, Jane Thompson, and Harry Toung. GA1ISTV. Audiences are In for a laugh treat this week at the Gayety Theater If ad vance reports concerning the mlrth provoKlng proclivities of the enter tainment provided by the "Eostonlan Burlebquers" canbe relied upon. -LU' Ole New York." is the title of the Vehicle, starring Frank Finney. It has to do with the predicament in which a staid old college professor, a lifelong advocate of prohibition, finds himself when he hears the provisions of a strange 'Will. Under Its condi tions, he is to receive a fortune pro viding he will agree to pass a period of six months in a condition which may be rulldly described as "helples. Inebriety." Finney Ij assisted, in his comed) -making efforts by Phil Ott, an old favorite. Other notables in the cast include George Mack. Bobby Van Hern, Jimmy Hunter. Xattie Nelson. Kathryn Dickey, and Hose Barnard One of the features of the olio will be a dramatic sketch entitled "Old Judge Nolan,' with Finney in the character a country Justice. while Sam Curtis and Elsie Gilbert will proldc a nifty bit of nonsense, with more flippant melodies. The" dramatic feature will be "The Smart Alec," a lively playlet presented by Wilbur Townsend and company. Georgia HowarVL the dancing violin ist; and Maglln, Eddy, and Itoy. noted representatives of clownland. will complete the bill. The film attractions will be headed by the big matinee feature picturing William S. Hart in "The JJawn Maker." and Include a lively and laughable comic, with the Hearst Pathe news. Today's performances, starting at 3 p. nw will feature all last week's attractions. LOEWS XOLU31DI . In her lateit photoplay. "The Lie," In (which Elsie Ferguson will be seen at J.oews Columbia today and until Thursday, -self sacrifice is the domi nant theme. In this picturizatlon of Henry Ar-. (Continued on Page 17, col. 3 ) Vaudeville lovers will find Rita Mario and her girls pleasing both to "the eyes and cars, at B. P. Keith's. cMusical Ebehts Scheduled The appearance of Galll-Curci with the Symphony Society of New Tork. Walter Dararosch conductor. In the concert of April . In the Belasco Theater, Washington, should be an event of uncommon interest to the lay as well as to the musical public Galll-Curei was In no sense of the word a "prepared" sensation. Tfue, reports of her great success In opera in Chicago and tit concert elsenhere protected her, and interest was natur ally aroused In her debut in New York. There she was welcomed and declared a sensation after she had sung Ore "Shadow45ong',from "Dinor oh",wlfh tha Chicago Opera Company. Her subsequent appearances in opera and concert were triumphs. With "the Symphony Society in JOIIV McCOIUIACK. John, MeCormaek. the unrivaled tenor, will be heard in recital at Poll's Theater next Tuesday afternoonV under the management of Mrs. w 11-son-Greene. The charm of a Mc Corrnack concert, sajs a distinguish ed writer on music, is today probably the most magnetic force in the musi cal world. His artistic personality is a dynamic epoch waking force. Mr. McCormack will present an en tirely new program and will include groups of American songs. LEGINSKA. I turn engagement of Leglnska, the re-j markable woman pianist, in recnai i at the National Friday. April li. The! several appearances of Leglnska in' Washington assure her a warm wel come and a large audience. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS rnnKonw vnce SU.MJAY X 3. r. 8 Ml with Prologue. TAKEU liKMi 10. Ill43i- Jl3C, .1130, 3u10, Tl3fl, HI5 Prolvgne at 1.30, 3i30, 7i30, OiIS SCAM? OK PIUCES SUMIAY 3 to 'O, 23c. After 6 p. m S5c and 33c. WEEK DAYS 10 to 1'20. ISr. 130 to 7. lSe and ZSr. After 7 p. m Dnlcon, S5e. Orchestra, 33e. i tenav And fl vki.. i .. i.. "" lo Permit her to elope with him. J Thin comes the war and .the social upheaval which chaiiges the old or-fc-der of things. Amarlng dilemmas follow fast and furious M COS3IOS. Ea Ii Hue. an amusing eccentric nlll present at the Cosmos Thater this week a new musical comedietta called "The Art Studio." It will b marked with a- new equipment of handsome cotumes and scener and embellUhed with an original musical score of many prett) numbers An potrs. "The Wirard of Ox" is expected tS ; prove an interesting Einier attraa- comedienne, heading a compan of tlon at Poll's Theater. Beginning with J ,e, en People mostly pretty girls. . iiie-nw.nee tomorrow. Mondar. after. 5 noor. Jor the special beneiit of the j, school children of Washington y Almost everyone, particularly among the children, l familiar with Jthe etorj- of -The WUnrd f Oz" ""icn was really nut Int.-, xtnrt. r.m iter uie musical cifflh'v 9rhibi oilier leading act uili nrent Vflfi u aeh-a distinct success nino years age 'and Halllday in their military farre. at was. Montgomery and Stone's moat i A festival of song successes is a p aucctssful ehlcle suredbj- Amanda Gra and her ojs, ? There have been matt, nmihi. I g vivals of .the "Wizard of Oz" outside i Jir f Washington, and It Is tho ambition g f Director Roger Gray that the local j-rrival shall be In the nVurj of a' JJ "producUon." It is felt that, the p.-r-.-onnel. of the JPolI Musical C6medy 2'layers is particularly fitted to put on k this great how. ..The original cast Jias. however, been drawn on for in- n- iviauais to pla the part of the ll-.n J sind th6. cow in thisMnunical extrava. i sanza. The Pchrodejamilj of animal J actois Tiave been drawn on to meet m tbfs Kiponsibllit). AMUSEMENTS Auspices of Andre Tardicu, Freach High Commissioner. Two Gala Performances 'of JACQUES COPEAU'S FRENCH PLAYERS From the Pari, and New Vork t, B. V. KEITH'S. - Two stellar features will Inaugurate JJ"1h Easter week till at B F. Keith's m Theater this- wek, the prfprmances b beginning at tha usual hours, by rhc ?loelf After two Tears' absence Lillian . "TheAtre da Vietrr ColomrtJr" . Shawv the vocal dialect star, returns Win r cien at ' m to vaudeville, her repertoire including D-!:' T1 . M.t i -i D,L "wop- costume song, a dietetic rail s Ifteater, Monday, April 8th dlt,ty, an Irving Berlin coal number,! r - - ! inn ti ; and other numbers. ' ' Aftemoon-Mobere's "L'Avare." n "rk."""8 '" NeW Tork "" beer!Eve.-Les Frere. Karamazos." 'The other stellar Inclusion. P.lta 'unnnuea mi iminnaj'i Aeni) 2 Mario and her orchestra. Is another t " recent croaaway nit. largely owing lo its notelty and beauty of the girls. Tlflreprtoire nutnbers Ight seiee g tions, ome frpra "You're In rve," others from "Katrinka," excerpts -from JJ grfcnd opera, topped off with dances, m rsffie, Susa, and a stirring en J semble. Aiidther featureVlll be the prima -ballerina, Alice Els, presented by Bert u. French. Joseph Wilmot Is assisting v Instead of Mr. French, as In times STRAND For The Entire Week ADOLPH ZUKOR PRESENTS MAETERLINCK'S MASTERPIECE, THE BLUE BIRD A MAGNIFICENTLY SUMPTUOUS PHOTODRAMA OF THE CENTURIES OLD STRUGGLE FOR HAPPINESS THAT LIFTS DARK THOUGHTS IMTO THE SUNSHINE AND WILL BRING NEW COURAGE TO THE HEARTS OF AMERICA. THE PERFECT EASTER SPECTACLE VISUALIZED BY ARTCRAFT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MAURICE TOURNEUR, FROM THE SCREEN ADAPTATION BY CHARLES MAIGNE, AND PRESENTED WITH AN ELABORATELY STAGED SPECIAL HAPPINESS PROLOGUE WITH FLOWER BALLET UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF MISS CORA B. SHEVE. ORIGINAL STAGE SETTINGS BY ARRANGEMENT WITH THE SHUBERTS. FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. FOREWORD BY MAURICE JARVIS. WONDERFUL LIGHTING EFFECTS. THIS WEEK'S PRICES INCLUDE THE WAR TAX M WIZARD OF OZ The BiggStrtskMost'&peBKre Profcctien of ike Seasort' Special Engagement of Joseph Schrowkr, the Origmal Lioa lmpenoaator Matinees; Mon.?.Thur. adfSt 1,600 Seats at 2&; EVENING PRICES 25c, 50cv7S1.00 , THE THEATER PAYS THE WARTAX NEXT WEEK: "VERY GOOD EDDIE" TONIGHT ft! "SWEETHEARTS" MATINEES. 10c Except Sunday GARDEN EVENINGS 15c PATHONK8KS Mrs. Wm. C. McAdoo. Mrs. FnnUIn vr. lJin. Jlrm. Frank Lrun Polk, Mrs. Csry Treter Graron, iln Jllrhard Crane Mm. Joseph CUrL Orew, Mrs. Gtorce Vanderbut, Mrs. Oeorst naroctt Mrs Adolph Mlll.r, Mrs Henry D" la War Flood. Mrs. Kertll naul da Mohrcnacblldt. Mrs. Arthur Graham OUarow. Mrs. J. B. Harrlman. Mrs. Joseph Oelter. JJra. Paul Bartlatt. Mra. H. C. Cor bin, Mrs. Robert Slrau'brldt-e, Mrs. Albert B. Ruddock. MIu Ha'en Woodrow Ronea. Hall Older .OW. .Ilox Offlee Sale (aii at Pali's, M'ednesday, April 3d. Prices: Oreheetra, $3 Orrhtra Circle, jdrat ..f TT. Mmh. tn.i.... .- -.Js rows, lfto; isai iiiree roira. ;; uaicon), "RS.l-J nuI"bff V" 1Ud,V1.n.inr.?n5J nrnrwo rows, I?; next ihref row., M.- uit aZa. dances, concludlnr rith the'datrtS , roor eie. II. Second Balcony, He m TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY I'nlhe's Moat Stunnine Star. Irene Castle IN Sylvia.of the Secret Service. A Tense Drama of Adrenture an Thrill- inj; and Full of Mystery as the Name Suggests. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Bluebird's Baffling Thriller, Carmel Myers IN The Girl In the Dark An EngrosNing Melodrama Jof Weird Conception and Wonderfully ' Picturesque Execution, TRIDAY SATURDAY Vitagraph'b Blue Ribbon, Harry Morey IN The Desired Woman ' The Gripping Story of a Man Who Sacrificed Honor, Health and Home for Gold. Daily Mat. 15c & 25c tjYSI Ea ErtoJaes SaadOTa and Holidays :0e3Se &, JbJt-(HU Ti 'y7rfezt'ZZiusc&X7Z&&JXZ' ttsffstUPZ? iptirz&- m "SJj'-!T s?:: ii a.- t m tt w m Trrwrwrw mwTrm m. trrmttr , 'ze IAIZXJ1 Fields i-iAWDAY imoJn MflGLin JDoy Ooy WlLBlffilOHKENDtc tfr'miSmartJW Jt7xrstcrlZsbtiriir AHANDfl6M60ff Georgia Howadd ?tmpteGt Z3&ncfi2F' J&fpftJ3sj?' y 5howrt enfifttt ' -JS1 &" fan. 52aww enlffaf -S'S- &"ffaiz. THE DAWN MAKERS ThMostJalked-of-a-Bect-ThwghlHjf-TrlB-WaslHflgeiii Presenting the World's Foremost Photoplays The Most Select Following in the City of Washington LOEWS COLUMBIA I1IU IfcM A. H. to II r. . wmn r. m. ia n r. u. KanNif 10C&15C lt!KlOc15c25c TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ELSIE FERGUSON In "THE LIE" An Adaptation of the Celebrated Stage Success. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY. SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "THE HONOR OF HIS HOUSE" Tense Drama of Love, Jealousy and Self-Sacrifice. fi