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FACES YOU WILL BsflaaT nr A. "" ' MBBfcSawSJPl Why Constance the Apollo, is Lillian Gish. e 'veayer 0f Bar: - 2-rSH"?"' " " . v T . '.iKi B aw, "H :?rll HHH prJ'fm to Je HBBS& patrons. ftJ4J-BiilSljLitil ttBHMMVHBMHHBHHHHHHPVdHIIMHHHHflltfMHBIIBHHIMB aaaaf&aaaasalJKvBQsaBBBsaBKl SjBIBWfBBliKBMMMBE lyHfMMHiflflHHIvHiHJMlGHMiilkdiHHHi OMHlEiEPv jb BByHipSB IBIiBsy MlrKsStfwlfl!9vw'':" r8wiBT''B &&iiif bHBTSktBbSa &-.-"'A.if'fei? IHl9BB1BHHBBBlBBHBBBHBML-si3n IHLlH JIHBSSSwHIKI lr ll , , What would you do f you were Douglas Fairbanks, and Catherine HUgSHBm! fBWBWJPWMi-y4iaiP?3BjaWwM HK-Cji5gr2jJiJ3l MacDonald were as near as this; would you "obey that-impulse?" See- flpjPSBHBflHHflflflL'M tmntmaUKKtMmtrntKmmmmmmmtammm'mmmgsmmm it he does m4,ncadin south" at crandaii's. IHVi MrMHBMMHaBHM Just Avhy Carmel Meyers seems so frightened is one of the many mysteries of "The "Girl iif the Dark" that will puzzle Garden patrons. . AMUSEMENTS i TIM wiT.r Ss UrctnntnK SSI Haadaj at SCO $ TCIlthta NS 50c Xo fZM WtjtiBttea'r 15 KX rritnXInc Oalr tfce Foremot FowJcn and 9TatlreArtlata and Attract ln tGltllnt j -Jf tor aii SCSI Star Cata Nsl WII.LIA3I JXAXIVE tREXE MACX.YX IIUHIIiHI 1 G!M2 SS AH (SO) Principals Orehctra and Choru I'artlripatlnK. Tbc Conr 5JS Will Be Glrea In CMtnat. The Kntlre OrRnnlzatlon Apnearlnjr. 1 POPULAR PRICES 1 BEGINNING NEXT CO iiatinea wea ana sai. With th nnirinal Nw York Cast. Iprettlent slrF In the Avorldand (Alter THIrty eeK in isew iorK If. ARTIILR SSIITH Annonncru the SYMPHONY SOCIETIT OF Eff TORK Walter Damrosch, Conductor. MEm w. tSSSP lATIONAL-N!HI 1 1 AU This Week Matinees Wed. and Sat. CHARLES DILLINGHAM presexts WILLIAM In a Great Comedy of Love, Laughter and Democracy COURTENAY AXD WISE THOMAS A. ills. Arrancrnent Ulth J. FRED 7.IMMERMAX JR.) A BIG HIT EVERYWHERE N V WORL.D "One of the most delightful comedies that has come out of England in a long time" N. Y. TIMES "A comedy of the social shakeup w rought by the war In England " , PHIlA, PRESS "A better or more finished performance could scarcely have been desired " BALTIMORE NEWS "The most entertaining comedy seen here this season." STARTING SUNDAY SEATS THURSDAY DATin BELASCO and OIIARLEI FROH3I X Present THE LAUGHTER OF FOOLS A Xrw Comedy by H. F. MAI.TH1. . AMUSEMENTS SUTIXKESi A, ED. 25e to $10 sve. SOc to S2A0 Pbrbone neiatimi ELLIOTT FENWICK . ARBUCKLE IX "iOHD AXD LADY A1,GT.- AMth l.umxl-n Hare Florlnr Arnold Gnricr FItrarrald. And Xtw Tork Co. Grand Operatic Concert at 8:20 A uprb rroaram ot the firrat ArU. Dnet. Bnsembln, Chorne. and t)rchrtral Srlrrtlon 1T thr OP COM PANY The Cncrt $1.50 to 50c '," SUNDAY APRIL 7 OfBcr 1 P. 3IJ ai" wpn .njuwium .nifMay CTrtDrtr UtCCPI I ' "" , . ana i" "" uvu I.AST COXCKRT THIS .E.SO.N OF FRIDAY mme. 4:30 iGALU'CURCI "GENERAL POST' Br J- E. ft MIOLD TERRV SEE AT CAPITAL'S IflVflHlBJBJIBBPl : . . . .' i A , ., ICTWHBIIi ,-" ;gMMma can clrb-wno coes to i-nriana 10 tibii i it carer ui iruii, ijC..j..u... mamamaammmmgr Wonder if Emmy Wehlen is victim or winner in "The Shell Game" at the Knickerbocker? Capital Theaters Offering a Varied List of Amusement (Continued from Paso 10.) tliur Jonea' powerful play which was great success in New Tork several Reasons afro. Miss Ferguson has a con 'genial role that affords her ample scope for the dlsplar of her brilliant dramatic powers. The elder of two slsteis, daughters of a dissipated Eng lishman, deliberately sacrifices -ue lote of her sweetheart to save an err- Ing ulster from Uie disastrous conse quences or ner rauic The Hearst-Pathe News and other short reel subjects n ill also be shown Thursday and for the last half uf the week Seue Ilnal:awa- one of the most capable emotional actors of I the screen will eb seen In "The Honor of His Hou.e." I STIttMI. ! One of the important weeks in the 'history of the motion picture In Wash 1 ington will begin this nfternoon when at lloore's Strand Theater there will be presented for the first time mo plcturizatlon of Maurice Maeter linck'.s mighty spectacle of happiness. The Blue Elrd " This Mlent version of thl.1 classic is by Its r-r nature sufficient to put new loui t e Into America's har.ts and to lift dark thoughts into the sunshine In addi tion Mr Moore lias arranged an In spiring prologue, one of the most pre tentious undertakings ever attempted In correction with n. photo play in the Capital. The stage settings used in the orig inal' production of "The Blue Bird" hae been secured from the Phuberts in Vew York for the prologue Dur Ing the lntroductorj seene an elabor ate ballet number will be prexented under the direction and perona! su pervision 1 Ills? I'or.i It Slirexe b lef forwoul will b ieieied by Slaiirlce Jari.. Tile oirhestral Ht ompanlment which will be rendered bi an augmented organization under Lei oplancs over the English chan the leadership of D-inlel BreesMn nei. The girl prpvm to be a mem has been especially arranged for thlsbe.r f the Secret Service, but per production. , mltjr the olf to escape upon his promise of reformation Hazel Dawn KMCKrainnrKF.ll. and pert Ljtell portray the prlncl- "The Shuttle.' a screen vetslon of i pal characters rrances Ho.lcson Burnett's charminr storv. Is to be shown at CrandcJl's Knickerbocker today and tomorrow for the llrst time locallv Ciuislnnce Talmaclge Is pictured in rentral role, that of Bettlna Vanderpool. an Amrl- AMUSEMENTS "' f LYCEU Penn. Ave. at 11th Present CONEY ISLAND With M SINGING DANCING 24 Girls Girls Girls BURLESQUE and WASHINGTON'S CHORUS SUPREME TWICE DAILY THE WASHINGTON TIMES, can glrU-who goes to England to visit her sister. She Hnds her. alster broken ! In health as a result of the studied I cruelty of her nobleman husband. ' Bettlna, high spirited and resource-' ful, manages to straighten out every-. thing. Incidentally, she meets Lord ? TJount Dunstan, the head of a nelgn-j boring estate, and a charming ro-1 roanee develops. I "The Claim." adapted from i-nanes,,,.. , .,,.,. ., r-rn.lir Anwr. T.-.HwnH. !,.. e Kn ,, tltl TOIII be shown Tuesday, the principal char acter being portrayed by Edith Storey. "The Shell Came" will be shown Wednesday and Thursday. Emmy Wehlen belng.featured. For the last two days Of th week the attraction will be,"The Famllr Skeleton," featur ing Charles Ray. v. GAnOEX. This week will bring to the screen at Moore's Garden Theater three pho toplays of more than passing Interest. Beginning this afternoon and con tinuing through Tuesday the1 offering will be -Sylvia of the Secret Service," In which Irene Castle Is pictured as the Intrepid oung woman from which the piece derives Its name The story is one that compounds interest nd pre sents many episodes of marked melo dramatic power and thrills. Mrs. Castle, as goes without saying, brings to the central figure all of the grace, all of the chic modlshness, and all of the attractiveness of an Interesting personally On Wednesday and Thursday the screen will be held, bj one of the mot charming of the lounger carrtera sta-3 Carmel Myers In ".The Girl In the Dark." For the last two days ot th nfk the Garden will offer the latest Harry Morey release. "The Desired Woman." CASINO. Those who have read IxhiIs Joseph Vance's fascinating slor. "The Lone Wolf," will welcome the announce ment that It has been transferred to tile screen and will be shown at Crandall'a Casino for n four-day en gagement, commencing today. The htory centers around a mysterious criminal, known to the police of ParU as The Lone Wolf. A oung girl, ap parently the msmber of a notorious band of criminals known as "The Pack" attracts his inti rest and he determines ti rescue iur The escape Is fraught with uiaiiv perils, includ ing a motor car chase through the .va. tt Ta,f. fliA ltiifnliif tt nti ,,.i -,i hntji- i n, ,. het.Aen . Commencing Tliurna. the screen n-lll be occupied for the remainder of the week by the nottible film pro duction. "Draft "38." a remarkable atory of patriotism and intrigue Mabel Taliaferro is the featured player. sov. 'Tit Birth of a Nation" will be given a special two-day showing at Crandall's Pavoj, commencing with today's matinee. Peaturlng a cast which Includes several of fllmdom's greatest star It presents a story of unusual he-irt appeal. Based upon Thomas Dixon a ' The Clansman." most of its action concerns the early reconstruction days of the "carpet baggers" in the South ond the forma tion of the ICti-KIiix-Klans. One of Its most stiiking scenes shows the gathering of the clans hundreds of sheeted figures In mystic array astride pinopliert horses. Other de pict stiirlng battles, the famous manh tlirnunh Georgia and the as-a.s;iN-itlon of President Lincoln in a box nt I'ord h theater. Washington Other attractions announced for the current week are as follows Tuesisv Mabel Normand In "The Floor ivlt.w Wednesday and Thura da Mil' urn . Hart in "Blue Blazes Uaucluti I mlay, Viola Dana In "The AMUSEMENTS i iira.tMo Tin:ATrit. TIllItSDW MATIXKK M'ltH. 4lll at J 15 A'elAoV inw llual "fn ti- T t-l nf flfM Bellsve." a fairy play or the ineftt of tto Children'! Ttn-tiox "ura under tbe direction of Mli. Hawks Pta row eelllng i JKI Q ""' Ph. North -sal. SUNDAY, jMARCH 3K PLAYHOUSES DURiPTHI!pEK Weaver ofr Dreams." and Benjamin Chapln In "The, Son of Democracy;", Saturday. Enid Bennett in "The Key ot the Righteous," and Maude Wayne in "The Lady Killer's Doom." AMEnrlCAX. The whimgcai comedy. "The Studio ,,.. .. , ..ioh rnmiinra. Talmadca Dortravs the leadlnc'character. Is to- 1 . lean. Her role Is that of Celia Laird, almost resigned to the humdrum life that will be hers if sho marries the only "eligible" In the village, when she meets a young artist from the cltXiWhose interest In ber-is purely Impersonal. In true hoydenlsh fash Ion, she hides herself In his auto mobile when the time comes for his returning, and Is notd!scovered until too late, whereupon to avoid scandal, be marries her. Other attractions on the week's program: Tomorrow. Elsie Ferguson in "The Rose of the "World:" Tuesday, Margarita Fischer in "Molly-Go-Get-em;" Wednesday, Mao Marsh In "The Helnveri Trjillor-" Thursdav. Carlvle Blackwell In "His Royal Highness"' and the seventh chapter of "A Son of Democracy," featuring Benjamin Chapln: Friday. Pauline Frederick In "A Hungry Heart:" Saturday, D W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Na tion Alias Elizabeth Marbury and Lee Shu- ."ITM'B CJR1XU. ibert. with Geo'rge Hassell as lead- Eugene Walter's great drama, "The Ing comedian, will be the attraction Knife," is to be shown in screen form I at "the Belasco Theater next week, at Crandall's Avenue Grand toda, A particularly clever company, with Alico Brady the featured pfay- along with-a large number of pretty cr. The plot has to do with a oungi girls, appear in -Mr- Hassell's support. surgeon who. on the road to an im - portant scientific discovery. Is ham pered because the crucial test lies In the application of the theory to a human subject which would Inevi tably prove fatal. "The Beloved Italtor" based on the story by Tran.L. Packard and featuring, Mae Mariji. is to be shown tomorrow?. Th"e program arranged for the rest of tlie'wcek will constat of the following subjects: Tuesday, Edith Storey in '"The Ees of Ms tery:" Wednesday. Enid Bennett In "The Keys of the Righteous:" Thurs day and I'ridav, D. W. Griffith's mas sively produred spectacle, "The Birth of a Nation,"' Saturda), Viola Dana ill "A Weaver of Dreams," supple mented bv the Kev stone comedy, "Fal-e to the Finish " APOLLO. In. the film. "Blue Blazes Rawden." to be shown at CrtindaU's Apollo tcnlav and tomorrow. William S. Hart will be seen In a "different" role. The scenes are laid In the Canadian woods, and Hart Is shown In the hanly lumberjack's attire. Itowden runs afoul of a rene gade Englishman, and in the ensuing flght. the Litter Is tilled living, he begs lUwden to ronreal his real character from his aged mother, who Is expected to arrive in the camp a few das later, which eituatlon pnves the way to a "tore that Is .novel in theme and well supplied with thrills. D W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Na tion." a spectacular .screen story based upon incidents m Dixon's book, 'The Clansman." will be exhthlted at 'the Apollo on Tuesday and Wednesda.v The program arranged for the .re malnder of the week Is a follows Thursday. Mae Marsh In "The B loved Traitor." I'ridav. Hnimv Wehlen in "The Shell Game," Snturda. Sessue Hayakawa in "Hidden Peatl rnmitU'.i, Douslas Fairbanks' latest picture, ' Heailin' South." the action of which rangea from the woods of Canada to the deserts of Mexico, is to be shown at Crandall's tod iv and tomorrow. "Heailin" South" Is the mine civon to the charac ter portnve.1 bv Mr Kalrlnnk". a mys terious Individual, who at the end of the story proves iu lie a Secret Service oper ative. His object Is the capture of a band of clever marauders, and In older to tffert this. Joins their gang. Later lie rescues a widow and her pretty daughter from an outrage at the hands of the band s leader, thus paving the way for ia lomsntlc side to the siorj "The Kejs of the l!!shteou." a whole- om and Mgr-ly diverting drama, featuring Enid Iknnett ind a capable cast, will be shown Tuisn.iv Commenc ' Ing Wednesday ami for the rest of the week the attraction will be "Uy Right f .ulchaie. ' In which the stellar role hs-portr.-i.ved b rina Talmadge. f - 1918. In "Blue Blazes Rawden." at the Savoy,"this "fijrhtinjr face" of William S. Hart is much in evidence. What the Theaters Here Are Offering Patrons Next Week "The Laughter of Fools," the comedy by H. F. Maltby. which la to. be thU season's David Belasco-Charles Froh man production and which will be pre sented at the National Theater thtfwwk beginning Sunday, April 7, before It goes to New York, was one of the last plays bought by Charles Frohman before he sailed for Europe on the LusIUnia. The manuscript yivas sent to Mr. Froh man by his London agent. He read It and immediately cabled to seenre the American rights, lie and Mr. Belasco were at that time busy with their all star production of "A Celebrated Case." BELASCO. Love O' Mike." an Intimate musl- i cal comedy, under the direction of ( Among the young women of the com pany are Leone Morgan, neien uiarK, Stella Mar Hoban. Luella Sears, Claire Stratton. Winifred Kendall. Ruth Ma,bce, Hilda Pentland. and others. Among tbe men are Harry Vincent, Clifton V"ebb, who dances with Gloria Goodwin,' Alan Edwards. KEITH'S. Three stars will lead the bill at B. F. Keilh'! Theater next week Eliza beth Brice, Robert Edeson and com pany, and Bessie Clayton and com pany Others ofheadline caliber will be Jack Wilson and companv and Moon and Morris. Remainder will com prise Crawford and Broderlck. Tox and Ward, the Four Bolses, and the usual house attractions I'OLI'S. "Very Good ;EdlleJ' Comslock X. Gesfs big Casino Theater success, w 111 be next week's attraction by the Poll Musical Comedy Plavers This notable revue had a run eg" two years In New- York, one entire season in Chicago. i months In "Boston, and plaved to 'standing room only' audi ences In Washington Mr Toll will offer this notable production at popu lar prices. (. S.YI7TV. Billy Watson and his Beef Trust Girls, an aggregation which for sheer avoirdupois Is unhesitatingly con ceded to be unequaled. come to the Cayety Theater next week The original Billy Watson hlmoelf Is the chief comedian and he is ably assist ed by Harry Montague. Beatrice Harlow, Kathryn Pearl. Frances and Helen Russell. I.ud Rejnolds and Tony Kenned COSMOS. "A night In the Trenches" will be the big feature In next week's bill at the Cosmos Theater. It will present "Dick" Duffey and company In a series of scenic thrills and surprises. Chong and Moev will appear in a Chinese version of modern ragtime songs and dances The Wlleya will bring the big musical number, on wood, glass, and brass, and there will be other novel acts, with a notable matinee photoplay feature. LOEWS coi.tniui I. Next Sunday and for the Hrst half of the week. WllUm S Hart will be seen In his new photoplay, "The Tiger Man." at Loow's Columbia. This is a remarkable stor of the West. Tliel picture Is one of Intense. thrill, strong situations, and highest dramatic ln-1 terest. Thursday and for the laat half of the week Jack PIckford will bo seen In his new- photoplav "His MaJ esly. Bunker Bean " KNICKERBOCKER. At Crandall's Knickerbocker woek. "By .Right., Of Ciirche. next will In another moment the dimbinir down the sheet rope. Lone Wolf at the Casino. be shown Sunday and Monday. Nor-! ma, Talmadge la the featured player. Mary Garden, famous operatic star, will ba seen In "The Splendid Sin ner," on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Brass Check." which Jointly features Beverly Bayne and Francis Bushman, has been booked for Thurs day, while Mary PIckford In "Amar llly of Clothes Line Alley," concludes the week. SAVOY. "Headln South," the newest vehicle to exploit the activities or popular Douglas Fairbanks. Is the attraction booked for Crandall's Savoy next Sun day ami Monday. Other attractions for the week arer Tuesday, Robert Warwick and Elaine Hararaersteln. m "The Mad Lover:" Wednesday, Con stance. Talmadge, In- "Ths Shuttle;" Thursday, Montague Love. In "The Cross-Bearer:" Friday. Edith Storey, In "Revenge;" Saturday, Jack Pick ford, In "Huck and Tom." CRANDALL'S. "The Shuttle-" will be shown at Crandall's next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with Constance Talmadge starred. Wednesday and for the rest of the week, the screen will be occu pied by "The House of Glass," an adaptation from the popular stage success with Clara Kimball Young la the central role. STRAXD. Next week at Moore's Strand Theater the feature will be "The Whispering Chorus." produced" under the personal direction of Cecil B. De Mllle. The story treats In a new way of the age old problem of the triangle and Is said to furnish the basis ot a photoplay that AMUSEMENTS B.F KEITHS DAILY2S J SUNDAYS These Hour. Are In Compliance Two Stars Lead a The Premier Voeal Dialect Comedienne uIlTTb SHAW In New Comic Typical Songs la Costume ?reUr-h ALICE The David Belaaeo Production The Funny Figure- GlrU "THE WEAKER ONE" SANTOS fc HAYS . Tribute to Heroic France "The Health Ilunterm" Mornn Mack. Taen Mai. Iloloren Vallreltn'a .Performlna: Indian Leopards. Organ Recltala.yPletorlal Xewa and War Fllma. J5aTCAINE&tANSpN!r.:ru'..;" MARIE "XORDSTROJI AND ALL LAST WEEK'S BILL QAYETY CHAS. H. BOSTONEAN URLESQUERS - With n 1 Frank-Fuiny-Finney m "Lil" 01 New York All NEW CLEAN., FUNNY NEXT WEEK BILLY ir camera would have caught tHem You'll see all-the thrills-of "Tbe Is well away from the worn path of th commonplace. Elliott Dexter and Tally Marshall jtre among- the many well known actors Aimed .In this subJecL GARDEN. At Moore's Garden Theater next, week three nims "will be featured. The week will be opened by the latest Vitagraprr Blua Ribbon supervftature starring Earle Williams Thefotber two will be announced later, ' ., , AVKXUE GRAXD. "The lad Lover, a gripping grams. of modern life. Is announced for"rsn dall's Avenue Grand next Sunday, with .Robert Warwick and. Elaine Jlammersteln Jointly featured. On the Monday following, the comedy dranuv "The Floor-Below." featuring Mabel .Normand,. wilr be shown. APOLLO. Douglas Fairbanks, fn "Headin' South." will be seen at Crandall's Apollo next Sunday and Monday. Tne program -for the remainder of tha week Includes: Wednesday .AUco Brady In "TM Knife " Thursday. Constance Talmadge in "The; Shuttle:"" Friday. Beverly Bayne and Francis Biuhman in "The Brixs Cheek " Saturday. Enid Bennett la The Keys of the Righteous." AMERICA!!. "A Weaver of Dreams.t a delightful romantic drama, is to be the principal attraction at Crandall's American next Sunday, with Viola, Dana starred. Other pictures for that week are: Monday. Clara Kimball Toung ln Tha Marionettes;" Tuesday. George Beban tn Jules of the Strong Heart;" Wednesday. Madge Kennedy In "Baby Mine." Thurs day. Alice Brady In- "gpnrs of Sybil . AMUSEMENTS x ' fW& 5 " 1th the Daylight Savlnar Law Smiling Easter Way The Latest lilt to Leave. Broadway rTt MARIO and Her Orctiextra at TEX I.OIBI.l GIIIL9 EIS nd Joaeith '". 1 1 mot tn Xew Songa,and Ilaaees ALL THIS WEEK WALDRON'S (BEEF TRUST) WATSON JvSOaBBBBBBBBBBBaHPPVt aililH-LJsaaa tL KPHsaV . ft bbbbbbV v JtaaoW HsBBBBBBBBBBat- MosMaaaMMaitag&. ' SMsarsa&li9B r& .s