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Tr' f&9m&.'!!f:i& i i 3 TTTR WASHINGTON TDlgS; SUNDAY, JMARCH 31 1918. Ejrst Photographs of U. S. Troops on Aisne Front arid lit Treitfhean forjaine SEC. BIER BACKSOFFER OflRSIG T0'K' By llE-VUl -WALKS. U-JTH THn AMEKICAN ARMY IN TFR-VCE, March -30 In a statement issued 'here this afternoon, faecretary 6T War Baker said that he was de lighted with the prompt action of General Pershing In placing- all of Hie Ainsffiean Irooj.s In Tranc at the disposal of tne allle tie said he was certain this action -aould meet with the heartiest Yppro-val In the "United -Mate. here- the people -desire the expeditionary forces to be of the" utmost service In .the -common causa. v Secretary-Baker Is anxious to return- to the United State and impart the knowledge he ealned-here to the yUnrJcanGovemment and pople and to confei; with President Wilson and the Cabinet retarding- the future. During- his Islt to the British frontalmultaneously with the com mencement of the great German drive Secretary Baker saw actualities the saddest phases of warfare Including the civilian evacuation of Teronne and" Bapaume before the enemy troops stormed those places. At-a railroad crossing Mr. Baker, o he told the correspondents, en countered an American made automo bile. He thought It waamerican and questioned the girl driving the machine. - ' "I am Miss Hackettand I'm Eng lish, not American." answered the. young chauffeur adding, "but I fancy It doesn't make much difference so lone aa w are allies. ilr. Baker did not state Just when ha would return to- America and! whether he was going- to Italy first He -reiterated, however, that he waa longing; to reach Washington and take iip -various Important matters. 1 1 ssJsssMiSPtLJJarO - , , w3&iWPT0mtK mmjKmMi 8 s ,iiiiii5 .4 .ffHalWt!urJt v?K y .- 'ft-JHi lrsMs?4i(p?je?I -f saK .-s:, Si h-h'".mM ivsvTVHiim. ' 5. ?4 i :tsvi v . -n- -C. ,:C7 ,dMt'WikkkkkkppkkkkHrczBYBS0unjekkB7 .T,e -" ii' i m i immii mimi m ii ssWi i w.aaairv ;--. -- . T mm - s 4 AjTsirs&. VQIiiiiiiiiE-V,SiMKiiiilKAf.MCiiiiV'BHBK iT,-ilJiy: fi aliiaiiiK.MlK-J)rTk;vl VHBiK J- hlraaBSBitlK M , v sr-BrBBaV TI TfJTsB "v jsvssH(gsssgsHfsssss wrBTsiar M v iiiiiiiiHV 4Jf L VLsV I. V AMUSEMENTS 'npf TODsttril THEATERi ATTKICTIOg. fe i CRANDALL'S tSSTt and tomor-: BOWXTHE IUHTli. OE amuu rDAHlYIlPC Casino. TUiikF ROW "THE LONE TYOU" with 1IAZEL DAWN and BERT LTTELL. UUllllAlJj O TODAT AND TOMOH. ROW W. a. HART In "BLJJE BLAZES nAWDEX." Photo by International. The aecompanyinf; photograph is the first received in thfc country officers say that Jthe American ads Bo about their work ol modern showing bTnStte Ane front They had -just arrived at a warfare preparations with the Sk,U and thorouesg gat igfcy . ifnt far hlhfnd t1 firing line when the camera wrapped ' of their comntdevin-arras who hnye-toeen in the field lon-c enouRh. to .l i l ai i l j- ...1..J m.mYIaa Mm -T. ti1 tnin , . class them na VefARins. nfc"- in tne muaay secnon u ism'ani.uiciu iu mc uwi. j..-o .... - . Tl-t-jl .SSnolled bsr Inte'rnationaL Copyright, Commlttea on Public Information. This phbtompS SSawB three of a gronp" of AmerJcaaniV'wlto Ircrt ssapped as t&ey-weiraittaK ff 4-J' 1A WW flAA lxnta&whltyan'atbertM arrangement-tcr ri .Ge Lotrafae fron. Tiat is tee B1W tfi. r.fa.&WkSrSSeini from all over the couSby cnarge-ovw eaeay treach.--AeriBrfrM ' are-cmorB tMWgbldmytfifeir own; they are feolduifc&e.egegufty'- , -Trr "Jr"T . What It CMlgreSS Did Yesterday U3t. m?' --, Billion-Dollar Day at 4e Capitol Breaking All Records ii Ose Days Work The Boad Bill the House-The War FmaBce Bill Agreed Oi In Coaference Effect of 'Takag the . LimitOriaWartiBe-towaHd High FmaBciermg oa Cea - tracts A New "Iroaclad Oath" Proposed - for .Hectiws A , 'Comrassion to Restore Business After Peace Cofflfan4eer " kg Property "Real, Personal, and Mixed" Mr. Hoover's FluctnatioBs. on "Billion Dollar Day" in Contrress, add te three and a half billions authorized for the new War Finance Corporation, or ""Central War Bank of the United States." By W. V. BYARS. The 'day's workof the House -ot conference on the war finance bill. C AVB. CR.1XD. I u 4S r. A. L i TODAY MADGE KVASB In WANTED A HUTUKK." TOMORROW MAE JUui in imk HKLOVKD TRAITOR.1 i'fVJrllSy'1' " TODAY-CONSTANCE TAZADOB IB "THE.ETCDIO GIRL." JSJfSfSJLnJ11-8"5 FERGUSON la ROSE OP THB WORLDS l linUX TODAT AND TOMORROW THE ZEPKXTN'.S LAST RAID " LLHVLti TODAT AND ALL WEEK- TER OF FRANCE" asd a Fax Suniijlnel cemear. iULIHUlU MADGE KENNEDY in -1-I31 IT St. -OUR LITTLE WIFE." STRAND TODAY AND ALL WEEK -MaetsrUnck's "THE ULUE TIinMC '230 " frret TTerttrast tnUITlIl -TODAY ALtCE DRADY In t'trmtiSASD vjKfr'nJ3ENJAMiN f CHAPIN In TENDER MEMORIES " i IinUC'C CAIIOL K. I liUmC O llth Jt . Car. Art. S. E. I TODAY HARRY JIOREY In "THE I OTHER -MAN" and BE.VJ UtNr CHAPIN tin TENDER MEMORIES." fmnnru today and tomorrow iTrUvUtll IRENE CASTLE In 'SYL VIA OT &. SECRET SERVICE' mriuniinc KnlckeHxwkrr. I.KHrilJALLO 181fc at. at CaL rd t rODAY AND TOBUBllun -Vstn-ANCE TALMAiXiU m Axi-. Diiiiii.- TimIIOTbeatr,9thVE t. LKAKUALL O todat and tomor ROW "DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS la JTEADIN" SOUTH " '... -itt Srpert Advice FREE ' t o Save Your Eyesight It wut coir you nothing- to com-vIn and rlet our Dr. Kinjtston. aa. -expert op tometrist; examjne. vour eyes and'itTnsy-javp'ou years of misery. If glasses -are .needed, he will preseribev--thV 'correct ones and fit themperfectly. Their cost wiU-fee-yery mod crate, and you may pay, it 50c weekly if you -wish. .- Casteljberg's 935 JirJa. :iAve.' Representatives was the most im portant In Its history, and If It does not break all records In the political history o the world, no one at the Capitol cared to soany further in record-breaking at the end ot the day. It consisted of debating and passing the new bond bill authoris ing th Secretary ot the Treasury wljthlhe approval of the President, to borrow not exceeding twehe thou sand million dollars and to issue therefor bonds of the United States, In addition io the two thousand mil lion dollars Jmloads already .Issued or offered tor subscrjption.under the act of April 24, 1917. If anyone reading this, finds him self in doubt of what It means, he is exactly In the position of everyone who helped. pass th6.bUJ, aftetIt was done. N'tf one knew, 0 could know the meaning of these vast- sums Jn billions ot dollars. It had been de cided that It was necessary to vote up to these totals 'to win the war." They were -xoted accordingly. Those whose heads begin to ache when they try 'to Imagine a billion dollars, 'need not try. it is useless, ii cannoi uo done. Interest in the most,xcmaJk-. able day's work in American political history does not belong to these In comprehensible figures, but to -the way It was done In this, therewas nmothlnir more 'absorbing 'than can be put on paper It was the life In terestmen with, .highly trained minds, knowing they were acting wholly beyoqd their powers, groping In the dark but Eolng forward, at any rate. Chairman Kitchin, of the House Ways and -Means Committee, who opened" forthe bill, was treated with the greatest' respect on both sides of the House, and,especially on the He publican side, as he'explained it sec tion by section. The explanation was: that the-bill authorized -an ad ditional bond issue bf not quite four and a half billion dollars ($4,461. 000,000), increasing' the issues al ready authorized from seven an a half to twelve billion dollars. With expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1918, estimated at over sixteen billions and receipts at only twelve and a half billions, the deficit was of something -over three and a half billions. In addition to this, it was necessary to provide ior uie allies at the' rate of half a billion a month during, tb,e rest of the fiscal year and for the quarter ending with next September. -This called for a total of a billion and a. half. The rest is a matter of making bonds at tractive to investors, especially to State banks, by lowering their as sessments when holding the bonds, and of what bonds may be exchanged for those carrying four and a quar ter per cent interest. On this lat ter point it is explained that "the four per cent bonds are now con vertible into a subsequent issue bearing a higher rate, and the three and a half per cents are also con vertible. This proposed four and ,a quarter bpnd i?sue wijl got be con vertible." . . "- " -i .When Mr.rKitchinJconcluded, he -X 1 announced that he was called-to the As agreement was reached In con ference between the House and Sen ate, the new "war bank" will have a cash canltal of half a billion dollars trod a bonded capital ot three bil lions. The membership of the "Cap ital Issues Committee" Is changed from five to seven, -who "may bo all of one party or of no party. No rail road while under Government con trol can secufe more than $50,000, 000 in a single loan; and while under .Government control, railroads, though required tp give "adequate lr-iiHv'i-nr pmmnted from the re quirement that the security on Joans must bo 12X per cent. This. Jiqw .ever. doesnot require actual col- .v- - lateral, but may mciuae me esti mated laluo of property on which the loan Is made. The Interest rate must h so adiusted as not to Dis turb the buslnes of central reserve banks, and' In "exceptional cases" of distress the person or torporation relieved must show; that while de serving help. It was not possible to get It from the banks or In ordinary channels. The conference report will probably be made on Monday to the Senate, where the Overman bill will h the reeular order. The Senate was not in session yesterday. The worst ot the "bad blood" after the cMl var dee!oped oer test oaths preventing oters from cast-ine- their ballots without swearing to their loyalty. A variation ot the test oath to suit tne present .was proposed In a bill Introduced by a member from Oklahoma. Mr, Dent Introduced In the House the bill already Introduced In the conntfi authorizing the Administra tion to take over any sort of prop ortu "ral. nersonal. or mixed" for and that the bond bill would be left in charge of Judge Hull of Ten nessee. As the "drive" for the new Liberty loan was to begin April 6, the bill ought to pass both houses not later than April 4.- witn iir Kitchin s disappearance. there was a diversion which Involved no opposition to the passage of the mil. Mr. Fbrdney of Michigan illus trated the habit of counting In bil lions .of dollars as It extends from "highest up to lowest down." He had 'a bundle of letters and memor anda from Hog Island and elsowhere, illustrating the operations of patriot ism on the percentage base and on cost plus contracts. Taken seriously, they would have shonn that below the surface corruption Inevitably In creases to its greatest possible ex tent as tne "limit Is off" on expendi tures during the war period. As a relief from the attempt to think In thousands of millions, they were ludi crous. One case was of $75 for haul ing 3,000 feet of lumber half a mile; another was $10 60 a cubic yard for hauling gravel the same distance. It was alleged that on contract in MIs- rn'MipjJJ fai uao oeea m ume-p" """,: - -. . hu rieper at $5 a day for eery ten men,tFw" purposes. "7uo '" " u jnnipiarv i ii n i .... .- WILL WIELD HOES TO BEAT KAISER Women of IVaahlng-ton will take up the hoe and the plow this sprint on VlrlnUuand Marjland farms to "help halt the Hun." This Innovation waa inaugurated at a meeting- yesterday. In the District building of forty truck farmera and crow era of Virginia and. Maryland. Br a resolution unanimously adopted theytaereed to b1v employment to Washington, women and elrbi who may apply to till the ntlds for this season's crops. Women farm hands will be recruit ed xrom the ranks of housewives, school girls and society maidens who heretofore have known tne rarm oniy as a hot weather resort. Preliminary training for the workers - -will Be riven on an extensive' scale at- the National Training School on Conduit road. The women who volunteer for farm work will be quartered In tents. In charge of a woman foreman who will superintend their work and conduct. They will be employed by farmers In groups, receiving their board, lodging and -ft ages. Mrs. F. L. Ransoms will have charge ot the employment of women for nearby truck growers. Edward V. Colladay presided at yesterday's meeting of the truck Krowers. SAMMIES- GIVEN ANOTHER RESPITE A further stay of sentepee fn the case of the four members of the American expeditionary forces re cently given the death penalty after trial by court-martial baa been- au tomatically alllowed by the action or the 'Acting Secretary,-ofWarrln-k-Ing for more specific information 're garding the cbargea. Tne papers in the cases were .returned. to Uie Judge advocate general, r . , The fate of the two soldiers sen tenced to be shot for murdering a sentry In Texaa 'still rests, la the hands of President Wilson. The pa pars were forwarded, to the Actlnr Secretary of -JV'ar and -the, matter re-J ferred to the White House lorjinai decision! r - S 'vr Two of the four men sentenced to die in France were convicted of sleep ing,, in listening 'post. The other two disobeyed otdera of a superior officer. Jt is understood that Oenerar Per shing waa asked for additional de tails In these "clses: ThJa action waa unofficially. Ipterpreted a an indication that Executive-clemency. Is to be granted It mitigating: circum stances sufficient to Warrant such a course can. be found. Commutation to long-term Imprisonment is antlcl oated. , BEQAMOFF M S TOOK SEWS Operation otthe-rsSed Duteh tlaera baa been seriously embaraaseeT by tha taking away by their aWppera of th sextants, it was learned at tt Ktt Department late yesuroay areeraeeo. These .laatrussents areeehtiMlr bard to 'obtain, and because of the de appearaace'af the sextants, the personal property o -the- officers, the aalllag of. , the Neluw Amsterdam, upon which many of UmS Dutch officers baefceaV-war de layed that naval officers micnt ooiaia WELL FIXaj-T - . "How are you fixed for cal at your fuU Itvthe- bin and the promki of .taora poeIon of th ezfe&tr Utfoufa Ml I ..1r mw wn f 1eaAs in a week or two." or lease. though In Mr. Fordney's business, one was enough for 400 men. In another case, the number of foremen was more than half the total ot the num ber of men under them This recital continued until Democrats protested though rather feebly and Mr. Fordner ended in a splendid patriotic outburst from which It might have been Inferred that he was as ready to vote In trillions. If necessary, as In billions regardless of grafting by both high and low financiers. This was the general tone of the Republican side. Mr. Fordney had protested .against increasing taxes on this generation instead of issuing more bonds. He said the proportion of "fifty-fifty" between bonds and taxation was grossly unfair to a country 'struggling with the high cost of living. On the Democratic side, Mr. Huddleston, of Alabama, said that while he had voted stead ily for all money demanded to carry on the war, he thought poorly of the kind of modern civilization which had brought about such a holocaust. This was followed by applause from the galleries, with men in uniform joining in it. He condemned bound less inflation of debt as not only dangerous, but unnecessary, when the Government might raise the cash by proceeding to take it from those who had it In excess of right to it So the House proceeded, with members tiring of billions and drop ping out until just before 3 o'clock there were only forty-three present The debate continued until said to have come from the War De partment Mr. Dent labelled It "by request." After the war ends "ome time," it will be necessary to get business back on a peace basis of which, if the war lasts long enough, business will be as much afraid as it was of the war basis to begin with. Under the Emerfon bill, a commission would be appointed to begin study ing qut the problem as soon as pos sible. Federal judges will be provided with higher salaries and other ad- vantagfs, u the Uarlm bill passes. The Secretary of Agriculture is to proceed with the "voluntary mobili zation" of labor, under the Rubey bill, which provides proper safe guards against paying the railroad fares of colored Republicans who are devoting their attention to cot ton instead of politics. Mr. Frank Lon appeared before the House Committee on Interstate Commerce in the interest of steamor competition for railroads. An inter-1 catirg fact he disclosed is that vio-1 lation of law. due to cheap through rates, disappears as soon as railrod and water lines combine and can put the rate high enough. j i 1 S. j-ejaT rlalaBM?-ala Jh.'v IV If out Your Eyes Are on Duty all the tlm ou are awake, yours tire under tne strain lnforee them with a pair ol expertly adjusted eyeglasses. SPECIAL Monday and Tuesday Only Gold Filled, Rimless Eyeglasses i New Style Finger-piece Mounting Made to Fit Any Nose Mr. E. C. Lasater. of Texas, told the Senate Committee on Agricul- i ture that Mr. Hoover had been guilty of a breach of faith. It con- after , sisted of startine out to "stabilize" sunset, without a point of order of' (or '"bull") meat prices, and then "no quorum," and the bill passed I undergoing the most distressing without division t fluctuations. The constituents of the Agricultural Committee are eamest- In addition to the four and a half y convinced that fair' prices on all billion increase in bonds authorized, I food, products begin high and go the Secretary of the Treasury is higher in becoming fairer. When authorized -to increase certificates . Mr. Hoover agreed with them they ' of indebtedness outstanding at one thought him the most eminent living time from-' four "to-'elght billions. financier,' but when he fluctuates iriii tnWn tetaVrff iKe" tia'jr wnrfc -riiv-uVnr.'h words' as "consnlracy."" We carry a complete line of Kodaks and Kodak supplies. eh?.. Schwartz s Jewelers aad Opticlaa 708 7th Street and Thrifty Women Tomorrow Will "Make Short Work'JM IMesefZ' c 4a 10m) o0 Pairs Gray, Fawn and White Silk Faille Cloth Oxfords - a At $3.85 Bought from Jon Ebberts Co., Brooklyn, At About Half Their Actual Value THESE new shoes will appeal to you. They are graceful and springlike, with their lonir slender lines and Louis heels. Wear well too. We sold severaUhousand pairs' of boots, made of same material last fall without one single. pair returned to us for unsatisfactory service. A few pairs of BOOTS, same material, also in this sale. Also SPRING PUMPS in Patent Leather and Black. ..' Brown, low heel Military Pumps. i . . And balance of those "FOX SAMPLES" Slippers, Pumps. And Oxfords values to S6 and $7 pair." ' ',.." All in One Quick-Action fcO QC - - - . After-Easter Sale at ipO.WtJ Lots of Other "Spring Novelty Shoes" at Popular Prices eis . - xTVJt - !c.i tr - T-- J' y-."i - i' - V.