Knitting Sjappliestfor thevgreat y
Army pfjtetxiptic Wohien
who aro knitting- sweater, socks, ti.tatt, fat tha bora at tlrs front rXrg jfifeweats
of knlttlnr Jnu and accessories jstfrecatved on sal Monday.' in .
Art Deausrtme atwef-'Tloor.
-. . . , - "
?Oii:S5ld? Monday, 5,000 Rose Bushes
2 for 25c
All of them fine healthy bushes and'aure to grow. AH the well known varieties and
,,.. On Sale Fourth Floor.
j nvire JiW. Rrinhtftn TTn the TJrimp With New Runs. Furniture. Decormwe
Hangings-Many Needfuls for the War-Time Gardener at Savings WQmif
"''WiCr -
H -
THP. fiRRAT sprtisto drtvr on
JL A J. m. jb-st v a - T
DfKivafAfc flac Pcinapfi &nrf&n T ci wn Mowers. CJardftn Hose. TLtc Etc.
In spite of almost unsurmountable obstacles, embargoes slow freights, high prices, etc. ,we have accumulated a splendid stock of all finds' ofneeded Housewares and Garden
Implements and marked them at prices astonishingly low, in face of the unfavorable market conditions like this country has not known since ihe days of the Civil Wan
'ALL TrlKlrl I JrlUUailWiVl WILL lAtvl AUVAIiaucw ijtuj iavt x-xvxvij
A 9 L - - - - a Aatsl Km sisflsh-ossm I eT
Special Values in Rubber Garden Hose
4-piy tt-mch, 3 eo no
oot lengths 05.170
4-nlr Mnch. 50 ?T OQ
oot lentha -Out0
B-nlT I-lncn. 25 frt ETA
"oot lentctha..... OUiUW
C-olr fc-lnch. 60 OC OQ
. 1.--.1.. Tit.nn
jf IWa. icm m " - -v .;
Adjustable brass spray nozzle FREE with all 30-foot lengths.
j..lt Vlr n.nvTeiA Zi
Inch. 25 foot QO OQ
length 00.00
4-ply "VVIra Covered Si
Inch. 60 foot Q7 QQ
lengths Ol.JO
7-ply 34-Inch, BO CQ Cf
foot lengths....... wuiou
Sunray Gas Cookers
2-burner, with oven; $1X98
3-burner, with oven. $15.98
Drilled burners, with black
japanned tray under .burners;
well made tnrongnout. -
9-Piecettakufig oets,55c
Coveredi casserole, 1
baking dish and 6 Indl
vidua! custard cups.
an for
$1 Brooms, Spe
cial, 87c
High grade -sewed
corn brooms. Sold by
most stores at $1.23.
34 Inches tall,
roads of genuine
willow, nd baa
hinged willow" cov
er. Regular price,
Jii iiL-oii
2 Aluminum
Specials, $139
2-ouart Percolator
or lt4-qusrt Double
Boiler. Special at
XI 39.
ScWMgTables, $1.29
Oak finished, Strong
Folding 8 e.w I rr g
Tables. Exceptional
values at $1.29.
Screen Doors
' $1.98
N'atUral hardwood
finish, four panel
style, full 4 - Inch
frame, filled with
closely woven black
enameled wire, com
plete with all fix
tures: slzea ?.S fL x
6 S ft. and 1x7 ft. and
all Intermediate sizes.
Other Styles
$1.59 to $3.98
Window Screens
A a J u stable
style, walnut
Size 24x33
Inches. -
14-feich Jewel Lawn Mowen
.With 3 steri
blades, adjust
abls In every
way: very easy
runnuur and
rullv aniaran-td.
Sizes !ix:
Other styler
to fit most any
..---ga I
1 o t
v l m a flnlall.
Choice of 3 sUez.
6 for $1.39
Choice ef st
aral attractivs
Ligbtnkig Batter Mergers
Hake two pounds of butter
from 1 pound. Cut tout butter
blirin half. Let us show you
NoT'l size, makes 1 lb. from
lb. ,1.50
No.2 ize, aakei 2 lb, from 1
lb., 32.00
No. 3 size, makes 4 lbs, from 2
lbs.. J2J0
Sr Rfrigerairors i
front jeer, ta-aoor sTjie; uiienors:
wjiite enameled... ,,,-' V9 T'.Qff
7S-lb. ice cap.acityr..i jf lUktiJO
100-lb. ice capacity..
Mir" I
HI iiaJ 1
44 VBHiaiiBfeTa w
White -Enam.
Stands, $2.39
W hu.' TTnAnmtilii
Wash Stand, with
wash dowi. pitcner,
soap dish and towel
Ladder and
Stool, 79c
3 ft, high. Just"
the thing for klt
ohen or, pantry:
strongly construc
ted. Begular price,
Nursery Refrigerators
With, .nfckel-plated faucet.
Inside galvanized Jron Used.
Oakrinished, $3.98
White Enameled, $4.98
12 Kitchen Jars,
&large aad 6,nnaJl cotered jars, labeled
coffee, tea,-gMgii; etci-Complete J1. 7C
set of 12 Jars for ?-
Palais Royal Famrtfc Flaw.
45- . 4
DerabEtration of Famous
-V It" sf " 1 C
" , -IHfeiehoIJPfcucts'-e.
JUas aeiPinduceaent f or -Uw piS day wa
offer tfolewfecexceptioBal'Valae: h- j -
J ' CtoinbHiation Outfit Spaaa! ;
fili-x Wizard Trian pie moo ' -.'',.
,(l )Soc-Bonle-Wizard PofrtPT
(l) 5oc Wizard Duster, , ;
a., J uz ;'
hoasehoM ietes'tiat make- hooirror , easier.. -
'Wlaard jMha. for rural- L "naaaVt," ,34arJa Bsurt
Jng all Bakes of polish mops. 'Cal trjafaawat SlTWC tbtm
4-Oz. Bottle, -25c Stf
- 12-Oz. Bottle, 50c vTK&?&gS.
utt allnn 1 Kf , Polish, ready for aa? TJai"1
Halt CiallOn, -510 J adrtsuWeaB(Haatai-
H-VenUMosffroa rising when ;"i S i? o - (
PrFer. 3UC $1.00, layfl
Furniture for the Home at Savings
Featuring Celebrated Krqehler Bed Davenports in a special bale
--( fj," n V . - k .. t svaessBBBaaaaaai
. " 1 1 rBKS2222
S39JS0 Kodav Bed
Plain Design, Msiog- '
any-flnlsh Kr o e h 1 e r
Kodav Bed Davenport,
covered In Spanish
leatherette: has gur--anteed
springs and will f
carry t 35-lb felt rnat-
spta'ar. .r.-,."S3275
Knxhltr Kdar Brd
DitTOrt, Special
. .. at KUBO
irile of quartered oak.
polished flnlabt with broad
arm-Dd covered In Span
ish leatherette, wjtli a
' slfiaranteed spring;
Special-. fO ""ICKI rjA
SSS Malegany FlnUh
Bed Davenport. .
Mahogany finish
Kroehler Kodav ,Bed
Davenport, covered In
good quality of tap
estry; nas a guou qual
ity bed springy
'Special at..!..
aS7JS0 Talae Kodav Bed
Davenport. Special
at ZOO
Kroehler Kodav Daven
port, finished In dull ma
hogany, with extra soft
seat: spring edge covered
In blue and gray striped
velour; can panel, rnds,
with guaranteed 'CCA
spring. Special at.. UU
150 Fumed Oak Settees Special
Saaiplra Aenllrd and Offered at Special Prices
$30.00 Settees, $24
20.flQSettets. $16
$24.00 Settees, $20
$26.00- Settees, $21
Palais Royal Ith Floor.
, Fumed Oak Arm Chairs
Odd pieces at odd prices a bargain opportunity
for Monday. All the wanted new designs.
Kroehler -Kodar Bed
DaTenport, Very Special
at SS5
Mission btyle Kroehler
Koday Bed Davenpcrt.
finished In fumed oak.
large and massive de
sign, with guaranteed
aprlnar that will carry-.
a SE lb. mattress. Out
side measure. 7 ft. In
Very special 55
3-FIere Bed Davenport
Snlte, Soeelal STXSO
Plain Design Quartered
Oak Bed Davenport Suite.
Kroehler make. All -pieces
to match: covered In Span
ish leatherette. Suite con
sists of armchair, rocker
and bed daven- C70 Crt
Kroehler Koday Bed
Davenport. Special at
Covered with srenulne
Spanish leather, has
broad arms. In mahog
any fjnlsh and rjaln de
sign. Will carryva 31-lb.-mattress.-
CC1 K(
Special at 3UX.JU
STS Valor Mahogany
KlBUh Ued Daves
port at S70
Dull Mahogany - finish
Kroehler Koday Be
Davenport. In William and
Mary Period design, with
cane end panels:extra fC-lt
seat and-back has spring
edge covered In good qual
ity blue striped velour. 'Will
carry a 35-lb. mat- (t7A
tress. Special at.... uU
Palais Itoyat 4tk Floor.
Five Hundred Bed Pillows
JlBtfcfrlth- all iew feathers, "civered In ari'tl'eklag.
One Hundred $1.25 Pillows at $1.00
$1.50 Pillows, $1.19 I $2.25 Pillows, $1.75
$1.75 Pillows, $1.25 I S3.25 Pillows, $2.50
Everyplllow folly guaranteed.
One Hundred All-Cotton
Closely Tufted, Rolled Edge Mat
tresses, covered In blue and white
art ticking. Value S11.50 CQ ITC
Special at S7li
Black Coded Hah- Mattresses
To go on sals Monday. Hair mat
tresses weighing 45 pounds, covered
In good quality blue and white tick
ing, made with rolled edge, closely
tufted. Regular at S20. 15,00
Monday ......-.--..
t 5"" "-'
s - "
Hiffh-Gfade Rusts at
fc i 4 J Its jlt t4ilitvri1ttr viidti va tiitrr nt4 flrtn 4ntKrC ftiH TllfX HBgfl ITrMW
Housecieaning time is nc anu uiuusu uaiuhmj wu iu u .w.m...6( 4-a- - ?
leums are taken up and new, bright, lasting qualities put down. , . .l,,.
Splendid Assortments of the Best Amei$can-Made Rugs aV&ecMlmcm
-f.t.4 fn'mnrrnw af these snecial Palais Roval Brices',will nrove aneicellenfinvesaaeBt.
V new j.Ufi a.n..i- iM...-n -. r - --.- -
First in Quality. Style and Durability
Famous Anglo-Persians
All tha rfew styles and colors for spring
are nere,
0x12 ft. site.
Exceptional CQQ
valua ....... VOU
SJSxlO 8-ft. Hi.
In wlda CfQI
variety "
ex9-ft. aUe.
Unusual CkS
quality iBOU
i6x6.e-ft. sixe.
Excellent COfl Cl
valua ... 3UV.UU
Royal Wilton Rugs
Iss expensive than Anglo-Persians, but
for wear there are none that will give better
satisfaction for the investment.
8E- $59.50, $54.50, $47j
"$54.50, $49,50, $45
ffif $36.00, $?7i50, $25
ray fl&Vjtti
oHissHsl K
fcv- ' IsffflaVllR
Tk. ISMaSBH iwawi
Him r1
JJfHBjl j fe
Fine Axminitef Riigi
Celebratedf "Beauvals. which In,
stood tha test lor tne past 09 years.
of the well known Sanford
The prodaet
K r:
''lesaslesa and Seajaed toieppeg Partes!
$4040 S3S.0Q
Size 9x12 ft. Size 8x12 fu Special at
i-?l Srr-
132.50 $2.50
Crex, Dehor and Wool
Fiber Rugs -,
Nearly every "kind nnd ateada'esjrar J
tags. ' -J--l-45:
Thousands to select from. Come In at
tractive blue, pink. tan. green and laven
der effect, with plain and chenille borders.
OOKadCl 00
!Jix5 ft. ?!.?
y k
Palais noyal Third Floor.
Bargain Basement-uAfter-Easter,, Features
for Monday
N "
At $13.95
A Limited Number of Satin
Mostly Silk Dresses
The price is to make up for lost
time such dresses before Easter
would have been quick selling at
considerably more than $13.95.
Thank the" railroad the '"'ex
press" for their late arrival and
lesser price.
Taffeta Silk Dresses,
Foulard Silk Dresses,
SQk Gingham Dresses,
Crepe de Chine Dresses,
Dresses for all occasions for
woman and miss. Latest styles and
beautiful colors. Dainty, every one,
rarely good bargain at $13.95.
Ai- New Spring Coats at
Tt, O'f black and navy serge and novelty checks, g .
?lth fashionable large collars, full belted, with J
. gathered waist. Msh tailored.
Blouses at Unusual Prices
if Silks and Genuine Georgette Crepe
Geoncrtte Tlour that would
'be a bargain at S3.30 With new
large collar edged with lace, and
latest military cuff? Sizes 36 to
ryi, Jn nhlte and flesh PO QQ
. . wav.w w
rplnk. Special at
Tub Silk. Jap silk and crepe
de chine blous?, with Tux 'do
and square collars. Some with
rurned front. Beautiful color
ings, sizes 38 to 44
H". $2.00 House Dresses at $1.59
AV-1! tiHort' cut full, perfect fitting Of good gingham In
checks and stripe Palais Beyal Bargain Basemeot.
2,500 Yards Madras
at 23c Yard
In a variety of stripes for shirt
ings, housedresses, and children's
wear. Full pieces sell at 35e yard.
Here In lengths from E toj:0 yards
at "3c yard. Bargain Basement.
Silk-like Satine
Petticoats, 89c
. Limited quarltlty with 14 Inch
flounc-. A few In click and colors.
Special at S9c Bargain Ba.emeai.
3,000 Yards Laces (
at 3c Yard
FIIH and heavy lacei for curtain
edging. Also ecru all lln.n laro
from M Inch to T Inch's wide. Val
ues to 10c and 15c yard.
Bargain Baarmrnt.
Women's Black and
White Hose, 19c
Well shaped, double soles and
heels; splendid wearing Qualities.
Sizes 8 ',4 to 10.
Bargain. Bonoflt
Women's Fiber and
Silk Hose, 43c
"Mill Mends" of 65c grade, with
Imperfections are very slight and
do not Interfere nlth the wearing
qualities. Dlsck. white and ell the
leading shades Sizes 8H to 10.
Bargain Basement.
Women's Union Suits,
Special, 39c
Of combed jarn. umbrella and en
velope styles; some plain, others
lace trimmed Rgular and extra
slze Bargain Basement.
Lace Curtains
at 59c Each
250 sample lace or scrim curtains.
In pairs to match. All are clean and
perfect goods. Many wonderful pat
terns. At 00c each.
Bargain Basement.
White and Colored
Curtain Scrims, 12&c
All 36 Inches wide and dozens of
patterns to select from. At 12Vtc
yard. Bargain Basement. .
59c Sunfast Drapery
Materials, 45c
For doors or windows. Many col
ors In the lot. Good patterns at 45c
yard. Bargain Basement.
Children's Hose,
Special at 19c
Fast black and white, double soles
and heels. 25o grade, but slightly
imperfect. Sixes 5 to 9H.
Bargain Baaezaent.
2,200 Yards of New
VoUes, 19c
In a big assortment of designs
and an exceptional showing of col
or combinations and plain colors,
stripes, neat small designs or tha
larger floral effects.
Bargain Basement.
Crepe Plisse for
Underwear, 27c
Only about 800 ards of this fina
quality crepe. An excellent mate
rial for night gowns and under-near,
not requiring Ironing.
Bargain Basement.
100 Dozen Crash Towels
Extra heavy and absorbent, 33-inch with 1-inch
hem, at 19c each.
On Sale Tomorrow Palais Royal Bargain Basement.
And Linen Finish Toweling
This weight and duality Toweling is regular at
23c yard. Special at 19c yard.
On Sale Tomoi iu w Palala Boyal Bargain Basement.
2,500 Yards 15c to
25c Laces, lie
"Wonderful values In heavy Imita
tion linen laces. Imitation filet, and
lsce banding: excellent for trim
ming and lace curtains.
Bargain Basement.
600 Pieces Val Laces,
Each, 27c Piece
These Include wide and narrow
edges and Insertions sold In a reg
ular way at 0e per piece of one
dozen yards. Bargain Basement.
Pink Tub Silk
Camisoles at 53c
Some are trimmed nlth bands,
others with edges of Imitation flltt
laces, nlth lace shoulder straps
Bargain Basement.
Women's Union Suits,
Special, 55c
Cotton and lisle, tight knee and
envelope styles, some are plain
tailored others have fagot stitch
ing. Regular and extra sizes.
Bargain Basement.
Silk Bodice Union
Suits, $1.19
In a beautiful shade of pink: all
have tight knees. A real J1.50
Bargain Basement.
Scrim Sash Curtains,
Set, 45c
I.scs edge or plain Sold with
eah rod and brscKcts Complete
set for JSc Bargain Basement.
Envelope Chemise and
Gowns, $1.19
Of good nainsook and longeloth.
with lovely lace, embroidery and
ribbon trimmings, superior at tha
price. Bargain Basement.
Gowns and Skirts,
Special at 98c
Gowns with embroidery and lace
yokes, run with ribbons; skirts with
Rlnch embroidery flounces. Many
styles. Bargain Basement.
Silk Camisoles,
Lace Trimmed, 67c
Pink tub silk and crepe de china
camisoles that ulll wash. Rsgular
at SI 00. Special at 67e.
Bargain Basement.
Children's Hose,
High Grade, 29c
Black and white, fine rib. double
soles and heels. Good wearing qual
ities. Sizes 5 to 9H
Bargain Basement.
Women's Ribbed
Pants, Special, 39c
Combed yarn, lsce trimmed Each
alr has good strong band with
uttons. Sizes S and 9 only.
Bargain Basement.
Women's Vests,
Special at 15c
Combed yarn. Swiss, ribbed, cross
bar vests. Regular sizes only. An
excellent value. Bargain Basement.
'- '
900 Pillqw Cases..22c
33c Would Be a iayr. sce r iBear-
They measure 44x34 inches the
most wanted size. Free of dressing
and good weight Their durability
is assured. Hemmed, laundered,
ready for use.
Not more, than six f o each pur
chase: at 22c each.
The Bleached Pillow Cases of this
mialirv reiail todav at 45c. These
unbleached, cases better wearing
and soon ashinr as white as the-
bleached at only 22c each.
xBargmla Basement.
500 Sheets, $1 and $1.45
In Justice to All Not More Than Three to Ea'ch Purchaser.
A a. St ifl 72x90 inch sheets, 1 A CI AK Sheets meajnrrjng
At 51.00 .-,. n.m.tlteh- At dl.xD 81x80 inehearbe-
ed. all with welded seam, laun
dered, ready to be used.
fore hemming. Of good haavy
bleached muslin. On- sale tomor
row. Bargain Basement.
Bleached Muslin, Yard f 1
Wide, 25c Yard Quality ?
Bargain Basement.
Bedspreads Less Than Regular
$1.79 $1.89 $2.3& $2.89 -
' The prices, vary according to the size, weight, and quality., bnt
In each instance a considerable saving U assured tha purchaser. Size
72x80 Inches at 11.70. S1A9 and J2.30. Size 74x80 inches, at S2.b. Ml
are spreads in good Marseilles patterns and each Is a ftne Investment
at the price asked.
Table Damask at Special Prices
Bleached Table Damask Ex
ceptional fins quality pleached
damask, 72 Inches wide In 8 pret
ty floral and stripe styles. A
good value at S5o yd. fiQf
Monday at wl
Bleached Damask Extra, heavy
and permanent mercerized finish.
8 prettv styles and quality rjQp
worth Jl yard. Monday at ty
Bleached Damask 69o a yard
would be low for this heavy mer
cerized damask. Choice In 4 pat
terns, floral and polka A'ic
spots. Monday uU
Mercerised Xatpsina There an
regular at IU9 dozen, prettily
mercerized and hemmed ready
for use. 1T-Inch size, fljl OQ
Monday ................ vXsOt
Palais Royal Bargala Basement.
yt ,