Newspaper Page Text
tZF . - $-.- -3$?Tf V"" Tr. 35 " , ?. THE .WASHINGTON TIMES. SUXDA1V 3JAKCH 31, 101S. j "- 4 I MASTER CLOCK AT OBSERVATORY NOT TOBE.SHIEAD At -It o'clock' this morning, the TfjiFferf States Naval Observatory will flash otfer America the first "artifi cial noon" signal in the history of the nation. '." To'all Intents and 'purposes; the tTme of th "nashsCJrjjoel-riotf,- ln accordance with the inaadatr of-Con- . gresa which" ordered 1 all official " clocks' move a forward one., hour at 2 o'clock 4hls, moraine, but out on Georgetown Heights, at the Naval Observatory. It will still bo 11. a. m. k meridian time by the uaJtlWa stan dard" clock. ' .The Xaval Observatbrr. It was slid today, will probably be the only-offl-cial "spot on the American, map. where trie master clock wll continue run ning, according ,to true time, and con swjueritly. on'e. hour behind the rest of tiie country. The answer to this apparent; indifference tff the orders of Congress lle 1nt&e.Jle.iJeaT;e adjust ment of Amricjt;rUndrd tlrrfe-plece t me enrorjoryTper.ifp5g dayy sup plies the pojnOnentCjia 'Atoerlcan ships far at. jsja'wlth'' ihe.ytandara Urn, or the'Werfdlan not Washington. LleuU JU -Patton,, . -NU and Time .Kspert "8iuct"tlie Observa- iqry,- sent.s5ur-iaeiaar;,.tBne-nasn .un der the old ByJm-atJlO' o'clock la". night. ThlattlmaVltiab'- neae'f rated tn efery PJ(rtJgr-v-eijtounty over glgantlo- ntrvyte3 of -telegraph wires aba IfevfrM -ifift-flaahed' East: V.est. North, and Booth by- wireless fronvtht: Arlington rad)6tat!ob. Ordlh'arrlly", the Obr.vatory. aends out but-oW tlrae-aiiH. a.,dy. That IsrrvenLat-QOon, Xwdjlsthes. (bough, were sent oufc yesterday one at soon .and- the'Bthr 'ajklO. 1 ra, Thelast 'flash wj((jspf -flnal- warning! to , get vbrymUtJinity'lbior turn ing thejn VsS&Sfc,1.'?.. Alttrbngh. -Congress- t 2 a.,m. as 'the-jMsaVJo mjtf.he.-3JeW" daylight-saving plan inu&i'cperatton, comparatively- .fevfjsUjcKs. -were, turned- up ,at that hour. Host of the mantleplecfc chronometers and family alarm flocks got their ' turning-tip, mV bed time, last night, and, America, for .the most partj.awDlie- this Paaday- morn ing In accordance- -with the new schedule Pome hour had o be set. however, 'for; the' use' of railways and other In dustries where lime is -always,an .Im portant factor, and the wee sma,' hours of this morning were' chosen by .Congress ..because, less, .confusion was liable to result from a change at that Jjour, when traffic, Is compara timely quiet and- the world- alee. than at any other hour of the whole twe"hty-four. Tie. average tune-piece, no matter how excellent and well-balanced It may be. can be turned up one hour by hand wiuwui iipw ounw w iu wra. - 1U. Art Ac-am fntM.ri friA ViM tf f h some one eVen touch the liands of the bjjc jtn4ter clock at th XavakObeerva 'tory and" .the observa.tory scientists 'urobably'vIH have to' stay -up' alt -Sight looking for the trouble. Those observa tory clocks are looped up with a most amazing tangle of electric wires, and turning them forward an hour Is a, task t that wotihi reejnlre days,"of effort, be cause 4h Job would .have to be done by electricity and by very slow, 'degrees: For that reason, the JS'tTal Observa tory will ran ' its clocks according to I stellar time aO "during the present, artl flqial-time period.- and in that way , any possible maladjustment of these 'dejlcate, temperamental time-pieces WUT be avejad? U.S.mGUARD WOMEN WAR'WORKERS' HEALTH' -J - -; . Health and working conditions of' women in arsenals and munition fac-i1" i. n v. .j.j . i . , torle, will be guarded by specially , created nesitn department. Miss Mary an Kleeck. chief of the Woman's ! Division- -ofthe' Industrial, 'Section , erylceof the-6'rdnance Department, ! jounced last night i x'he new department will be headed by Dr. Kristin Mann, of Smith Col lege, who will, have' a. corps, of train fed assistants ln each munition tnanu factorlng'eenter lnthe country. . AT THE B0LSHEVJK8' EXPENSE. 1 Senator Stone said at a recent lunch eon in Washington: i xjjc liciuuisis ui nussia. are in me Jriw7i;VtrrVS w:t?.JM.f:i"Klit wins bill in the Senate. -moved . Al r!linn Ws Bv-l A n & !.. 1 He notes. Tie at 14 t nrt thm aitlan. ... -Auw.-a mr -- vis fc it uU!OI he forging ahead?" 'aSSSF4 OUR COAXAMTEX V ' IMmmt h2 s U aU duaud .". aUey I nf 1 yT suocy, an J WiiiU r toVAlMM. E. n rm stftfc Geaaa T.llwacd -NoJi'. tisumt, vrinc NWI.V Ark entHs iins. YJaaeknlBIqrfcl4nk artetiasitUboaU. Ui'ttkrtfi 2Sc. jQcfleWrfynroWct. Wh Pradoota Cwm Wml, ft. front. the.Germans can' truly claim tolloi."'e "'"-"l OI ." mov.rr. r rHtSSSH. Sr.lSSSSSWaiSSsTWva iffl V 4 , . OlfieiaMy 'Enacting-Daylight Saving Xaw mmmUWMmmmmWmWMK&BMBSnVtR' ''mmSaBiaf ? -J&r X7(P : i" ft&ZMmmWmW slslslslslslslsVlzsBBtiHBBiKK -y.1ls9isBr &Jye -"Vti tr- -IslsV H isisisBsisisisKsHHisHisY"-:os7V'" OammmF )itX. lli VtaHHsl mWmmwWipmWJm"jkk' mm mmmmmmlMaWI&W$m -- :M .isisisisisH.L-f?diRflB Hw&iV isisisisisisisisisisisiisisisisisKBLkH9BKifBHBiBk t ktBS'UmmmwMm' -ti-.mmmmKWF coX. ,V aH HLwissBilivsisisisftki ,7'" Ammmmm mmmwWQmwI27Ili3uWmmWWmm&mWWnwwwwwwmWSS& mwMwMwMwMwMWMwMwKmwMwmMwMwMwMmMmwmuWmmmmWmmmmwKmwM - frite'asiO.-B. Watts, photographed as he advanced the-handa ot ihc-transmitting dock-.ot the, United State Naval Observatory. This clock announces, the time for more tharhal the world. Its flash goes to the Arinfetori wireless towers and the Key Wes't and Chicago naval stations, while the Western Union and Postai -wires take its- messages as far as thereach! It is the -official 'timepiece of the United States, bat,n.oV thV standard' clock. The master, clock keeps sidereal-'time," measured by the course of the stars. No" law of'CoiiBress tan laffect this, but it will be the only clock in the United States outside) of naval v observatories- whose-fhands,are not subject6 law. - WlTHDllf A HITCH N D. a SCHEDULES With Its clocks all comouflaged, j from the standard chrpnometera. at the Ttavat -Observatorr down M r- family-: alarm clockVashlngton. and the rest of, the. country . Is . moving , along serenely, today an -hour ahead of the sun. At X o'clock the sun- had ,Just gotten overhead. Washington picked up the new. I .-t.A4.11 nrndtfa'lli' Tt-lthnilt !nMenti or noticeable effect, though some newf boys and some milkmen who hod failed to rakke an allowance for tie 1 ... l il ,..... skipping, of an hour when the clocks moved from 2 to .3. o clock, were 'ate on tlieir rounds. Most of the milk-' men solved It, one of them stated, by J moving the clock up before gotnjr tol bed", and getting up on the new! schedule. i Train schedules In and out oft Washington Were adjusted practi-' cally without Incident, trains on the road at" 2 o'clock k.eeplng art hour i behind time-to destination. There was little ceremony atten-1 dant upon the clock moving in Wash-i ington. In the city's households , clocks were moved at bedtime lastj nlght,and most residents awoke on the new schedule. Forgetful ones were, up hour behind and had to catch un tortav. In the future the . t average ltisn will be at' work one M4 ..ra,X sssr and have an hour more to spade the garden or" play tenuis. Daylight saving as war measure compulsory. It is ilmated .that the measure will rts-ult In a cut of . M j , , nat,on., blI1 , tor artificial Sight The change tn the Government de-1 Ipartments, , the, a to res, business houses ! -" office's-' of. -Washington will b affected practically without notice. Clock were turned up at the close of business last night, or during the morning today. The hands on the big postoffice clock were turned up at " p. ra. this morj-itnsr. the official hour for the change. The Senate, however, took time by thhe forelock yesterday and moved the Senate clock up at 2 o'clock 'in tbo afternoon. Senator Caltler of I Sew York, who sponsored the day- Jthe clock up there twelve l.mirs be-, !'u1 fore schedule. Ills performance was I . . . , . - . , , ., i ji lAict "iiaiii? niiu iiianuiaL'iiii .era' Association put the clock ahead one hour at the clo.r- of business yes- . .... ,. . ... .. ... ... ' terday. It was tunfed up by Secre tary C. J. Colurabuy. It was an nounced that there would b" no change ln store or other business hours in Washington. MARINES AT QUANTICO WILL PRESENT-SHOW ,..c w.u.. ............ ..-.. "-., raiiro-ls for proposal on (lie ron- , -'- " irrespective of the clock or time , .miction of niO.tMMi freight cars. Tin One of the, most. pretentious .-a.nip record. car, will be of a standaid dcj-lk-n. de- theatrical productions ever attemp' ed will be given by the men of the heavy artillery farces at Ihe Marine Corp Theater at Quantico next Thursday evening under the title of "The Marine Itevue " More than -IX) marines will tal.e part In the show, which is a musics I comedy-minstrel show combined. It Is to be the exclusive production of the enlisted men of the marine corps. Klaborate stage effects of the show are the work of Kirst Sergt. H. H. Hudde. formerly manager" and dlrec-' ! tor of a theater in Chicago. T.he I mus'c In prepared and directed by Private IV. W. Multrr. former soloist for the.PhJladelrrhia Oj-chestra. PALMER TAKES OVER BREWERY SUPPLY CO. A. Mitchell Pslmer. alien nronertv . custodian, bus taken oer the K. and ' li KeurconJ,Cotnpany. .of . Nev .Qr- ! e.n: - r,,e ev.ny-rroiks brerr siir.- pIlcK and l.os r.100,000 capital stock, r 'ai-.e iX ' oT" which " Ts' ' enemy' ' icrt, f j.nurltr Pyk, vice president ui -th.-JUiltny. intral -National nk or Xew Orleans, has bee,, T to mt Be director Text of Daylight Saving Law An act to save daylight and to provide, standard time for the United Be it enacted by the Senate and United' States of America m. Congress -ossemDiea, mat, ior ine.pur-. pose of establishing the, standard time of the United States, the ter ritory of continental Umted States shall be divided .into five zones in the manner hereinafter provided. The standard time of the. first zone shall be based on the mean 'astronomical time of the second, .zone, on the.ninetieth degree; that of the third zone, on the one hundred and fifthdegree; that, of thefourth zone on .the one hundred and twentieth degree, ard that of the fifth zone, which shall include only Alaska, on the" one hundred and fiftieth' degree. That the limits of "each zone shall K AofmaA hv an nrtloi- nf thp Interstate Commerce Commission, having.. regard for the convenience f commerce and the existing. jucc.tion J points and division point 'of common .carriers engaged in commerce-J between the several States' and. with foreign nations, ana sucn oruer 'may be modified, from time to time. r -. ? o Tht within the resnective zones created under the" auth ority hereof Ihe standard time of the oi all common earners rengagca in- commerce ikhvbm -mo kici States or between a State and any of the Territories of the United State, or'bftween a State or thtfrTerritory of Alaska and any of the, insular possessions ottlie United States orany lereim countrytflrf all statutes; orders, rules, and regulations relating, io the time,of,-per-; formance of any act by anyof ficer or .department of the United States, whether in the legislative, executive, or, judicial branches of the Gov ernment, or relating to the tinre within which any rights shall accrue or determine, or within which any act shall or shall not be performed by-any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, it shall he Understood and intended that the time shall be the United States standard, time of the zone within which the act is toibe performed. , Sec? 3. ThaJ; "at two" o'clock antemeridian of the last Sunday inj JIarch of .each year.jhe standard time oi cacn zone snail De advanced one hour, and at two o'clock antemeridian of the last Sunday in October in each year the standard time of each zone shall, by the re tarding of one hour,-be returned to the mean astronomical time of the degree of longitude governing said zone, so that between the last Sun day in March at two o'clock antemeridian and the last Sunday in Octo ber at two o'clock' antemeridian in each year the standard time in each zone shall be one hour in advance of the mean astronomical time of the degree of longitude governing each zone, respectively. ) Sec. 4. That the standard time of the first zone shall be known and designated as United States. Eastern Time: that 6f the second zone shall be known and Designated as United States Standard Central Time; that of the.third zone shall be Known and designated as United' States Standard Mountain Time; that of the fourth zone shall be known and designated as United States Standard Pacific Time; and that of the fifth, zone shall be known and designated as United States Alaska Time Sec; 5. That, all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby, repealed. . Approved March 19, 1918. 10,000 HOURS LOST TO POSTAL SERVICE The Postoffice Department stands to be one of the liesvy losers under ..- J...lfl.. ...... In... Y?l.. . I ,,,r aa"l"- "'"- '-" "" ";!' - "a.rn.e o, ,.r .11- "" rK"'K' l"""" ' ' Koons Issuedan oraer last niciii ;triilng all postuiasters 111 the .- , j t ' t ... .1 . -ir 1 1 1 nltrt Kraf.a tn. see thatr all (Mock I . J0.toffJces nrc -set forward In ac- ' ln posiorucen srp lu,"lu " , cordance with the Jaw. rne oraer proving "i regular employes whose tour of duty covers j the period at which the clocks are i set forward, but. who render only; seven hours' service. wIU be- paid thsir regular ..alary on Uie-b'asls of I an eight-hour tour of duty, tho same I as heretofore. J-.mpioyen wno work in Washington next week for confer at an hourly "to will be paid for . ,,..., with tIlP dlr.lor i' , t... ...Iii.l' mtmhf rif limit-, ti-r.r1.-nrl n v Annroxlmite r Jii.uuu elerus ln first and .necond cla-s poctofflre.. wnu xu v ........ ,.., ...ti-i by ihe time change. The postal service will lose nn hour of worK for each one of that number. The average rate of pay Is about thlrt) one cents an hour- The Ions of 10. 000 hours will cost the department more than 3.000 for services not rendered. In all other Industries where night shifts are employed similar losses will- be - incurred.- Ordinarily one oliift of workmen must tnuke r.a for. another. If the Sunday, morning f-lil ft -pmes on a.t .the usual hour acunidlng to th clock, the night ..inrr iirdRrAc-mirKn-iidurleBi. 10 ftlEXICAN BANDITS ' KILLED BY AMERICANS . Match 1 .T.n KU P.UfO. T!X8n. Mexican bandits were killed and flf-l'r IB.. tmiiTkI In i ninnlnr'H.hi li .. i v-iif sT" i - Mexico, according, to CapUlL.lL An-J 'imilllj: aJKIlL n dcrson who.twlth Ills troop, has re- ' tumetr here-. - - - - - The body of the trooper. Theodore K Albrite, nf Plltsburgh. Pa., who, was L.IM In the-flgf.C .. brought 'here. House of Representatives of the' zone shall govern the movement H U.S. NOT TO PAY FARES, OF RAILROAD OFFICIALS The Government outght not to pay 'the salaries, offl'-e and traveling cx- ... -t-l. .. . . f evium. iiieinopr.4 t.. He'-uiivc rom-; m-l'"""" " n-nr-urn ipnyem, uirec- " Gneral or M, .d !,s Informed arloni railroad prerrients ...... . . e ,f , . , , "'"" u,,; of tlilx qumllun and mav after Anril , 1 i.liarge back agaitiM the companies' own operating the salarle? nn(j expenses of men in this class. T0 BUILD FREIGHT CARS ' rnuuni wns. Hepresentatives of vafioiis car- building companies have been called - ,j.,i .. ....- ... the line... Several companies have put L .n tiki, even In silvan.; .if tho con for - ence. ADVERTISEMENT " Miller-. AntUrpllc nil, Kniinii A. Will I'o.ltllrlr llrlletr I'lilu In l-'ew 3llnnte. Try It right n" fur Itheumatism. N'euralgia. '.ii-ihago. non. tiff ami rwnllt-n Joints. Iu'im in tli.- head hack nnd llrnbr. ine. Iiuiihuih. etc. Vfler ne npplic:illiin pali u.uull peats n If by inaji"-. A Tleiv remedy uscl Intrnnll' -ind. exterrialli for 1'ou.ths. ""olcl... (Sroiin. ISore Tiiroat. Plphther a anil TonKllltis. nil. nil m concedeu to be the most pcnetrstlng remedy known. It., prompt and Immeillato effect in lellevinir lmiii due. -to .,hf fact. '"t " penetrates t.. "'"'"'tl'" !'"' "- .-VS nrr H ?li - affct .'SKKVi "'i-i- . e i;.i- tlZKL. .J, I k . - ... -A will penetrate this substance through un through In three minutes. Accept no siib'tltute. This great ! Rllen rd color nnl H)"-y bottle f?;Trn;fBe5n.0JfneTft Drugstores Snake , AERO MAIL LINE Tl BEGIN IN MONTH Indications at the Tostofflce Depart' m?nt today were that the' aerial mall. service between Washington and New Tork. via Philadelphia, will start some time before May U. the flnal time limit set by Postmaster General Burleson. Agents of the department ttf New Tdrk here Just reported that they had mad good headway In their effdrU to secure a site for a landing station at a. reasonable price. They expressed the hope that It would be found passible to close the negotiations early this week. ft the New York landing field Is se cured this week. It win be practicable. It Is believed, to complete the hangars and other equipment for the station ln time to begin the service by May J. at the latest. Sites at Washington and Philadelphia already. have been secured, and work on the stations Is rapidly, pro- grr.slng. The War Department stands ready to supply the alMsnes and fliers at the rail of the PostoCflce Department Appeals to the patriotism of the New Tork property owners, who had set what the department considered exor bitant prices on art-the avallabll landing places, are having the desired effect. It las been reported. GERMANS EXPECTED DEATH AFTER CAPTURE WITH TJIE AStEniCAAMT' CJ FRANCE, March 3lA-"When are. yod going to shoot us T-was, the first ques tion anxiously asked by four Bermari prisoners' who were brought Into the American lines following 'a.. iurpMie attack upon a German dugout The prisoners .seemed fearful of be' Ing killed, unty given a good break fast of fried .eggs, hof cakes," and cof fee, the'vsame, klntfasttheir capCors. Then they brigbteped conaHeraMJ and talked freely. " r- - - - FINANCE CORPORAllok HASWIDEPOmS The. new -war finance corporailoa.1 with a capital of 500,000,000 and the power to jasue bonds tip to 3)O0 000.000, Is the outcome of an agree ment on the Administration bill by Senate and Jlotne. Conferees. ' , "The Intetest-ratedtt-advahcea of the carcoration 'through'the Teder'al- Ra ftrtt "bank's ia'tlxed at I per"-'cent 0 NEW YORK MAY per higher than the discount rate. In the respective reserve' districts. -..-. :W . f Pafe'-SsSSS twy - .; t ' . A Capital atHSurplkg hf Safe Deposit Boxes in Fire and Burglar : Proof Vault ' t '-ft &: Wbewlitrty Bdb j ' Zero WkDcccBjwr 1 Aferageii Alaska "Somewhat delayed- by cold weather" Is th- gist of a report received. today by the Bureau of if ;nes from John A. Davis, supsr, .1 itendent at the" bureau's experi ment station at Fairbanks, Atas Ka. The. report traveled a part ot the distance on dorsleds.-and In it is stated the fact that tha. of ficial average temperature for December last,, for which .month the, report tvaa rnad w" 40i degrees below iro The object of the experiment ment station ia to assist prospec tors to determine whether their Ore Is of value. Despite the extreme cold weath ' er 110 mineral specimens wera submitted during December. h IDENTIFY 25 OF TUSGANiA DEAD Tweaty-flve unidentified dead oft the Tuscanfa have'been identlfled by raeans.ot fjager-prlnta taken from th? Doajes,-jae ar ueparimtnt auauuuv- ea yesterday,. -Thorti identified are: Privates Oeorge A. Altwein, yerneriC-Bran- land, Joe Cochran, 'Leonard H. Deth- ratn, Rosendo JJIaz,. Elton li Kdmond son, Florenclo Erlas, Edward! C. Peyr er. Sfcttoa..nores. 'Goadelilpe-vGana, E4wa-4ciGrala'raerLI!rank KosaaetH, Jose-, Marliil Bor iUBcaster, Ben Ti 0eiis;t-CiaVenee't'.Paut,'J-iah. A. Peres. Ondis Carlo, Clrllo.Rodrlgaezv P.lchard Schulie. Arthur Spraacb, Patrick JI. White, Paul AT 'Williams, Jose Xbaria.- ..and cook uiyae u. PeUey. - -r-rr r FjENCriOPD SVPVSf HIT. "m.i eifce-anLjir Vsk fLwim fnpM In: PlcardjrHa"sreatlr added to the ! cUffleultjf or .the food situation ln .France- The supply In, the Olae and jusne- nas Deen oestroyea or iosi. ana the attention of the American. Gov- mn-'eat'' has bes called. to the seel OC aJHlouKHpa .materia. 2j;aaiftALvfcTrci.itswa moa vuv a. icremaiBK'wewtar ,i. iaa .wonver nave aIsoaSnIiaCi' the available re-serves,- Uli . r.TTrT'i.v?. '-! 'Ti'.'.-v- Ti 4 Announcing of a Savings B N This new department, inaugurated in the interest of a larger and more complete service to our patrons and the public, will be open for the receiving of deposits TOMORROW, APRIL 1. ; As a saviigs depositor with 'this bank, all the privileges and-facilities of one of the strongest linancial Institutions in the National Capital are at your disposal. We invite you to take" advantage of them. Money Placed to Your Credit in the New De- partment WMlEarn. . 2 Interest on Checking Account on Balance of One Hundred Dollar or More Officers of the Army and Navy absent from the dty ax invited to open accounts by mail. The proper records win be made and deposits promptly acknowledged. AMERICAN SECURITY Pennsylvania Avenue At Fifteenth Street Charlea J. Bell, 'DUUREDRAMOAJD MEN- HAtti INVALID HUH . trenches. Tne rojjyicres arejaglft An Invalid home for the hundreds''0 the railroad men- of this country of railroad men of the Tnlted States w&o aresert1or.-or.who-iny -serve, fit who may be Injured In. the military Europe. service has been provided in Cole-: rado by day Adams, former Denver'! railroad man and now mall traffic manager' for the Union Pacific' sys tem. Announcement to this effect waa made by Hr. Adams' today. Ha has deeded forty icres of the DouMe- MjM3 TExtraoi'flfiuiy Sale of,iHen's dn&Wemen's r:vT ' - ? " Celored Sifk ,'? ".':; (Suh and Rairtl' Btnbrellas and Pamsois Alio plain black silknmbrel las, itntakle. for men anrTwo-n-ien . Don't let April showers eatch veu unawares. Host of these Farasok ire Just as 'de sirable foe jwbtection against .Siimiersaflshiae. Verv clever 'styles; with attractive handles. lake advantage of this special feffer and buy one tomorrow at xmi&rw tojo bcibw i cgaiar prices. these Vrws Camtot Be XuUcUd Later Patabi yai Street Ttr Pricej ' UfeaiJr :. Beauty Baiddrs rpecf vjjbcsX6niorrow arc qudted oft Goods jS-mtches anTransformationi. I ' Switches In all shades excepting rjgjray r-iacWding values tq Monday at $1.29 1 Transformations, Monday at $2.98 - All shades exceptiuj; gTay. Vafuesfto JtflQ; the Openings Department Compound Interest : AND TRUST CO. PreaKeat. Empowered to Act 09 t Executor and t, -?? .lffiSZZ Flans are 'underlay, ta "gave the Project flaaieed -!bj-WBll4.(ttlons from railroad employes and officials, from the humble, track-walker to presi dent. Plans look to the comptaUo of the camp by- July- U More than 80.000 railroad men. art already doing their bit ln France.- Switches Three-stem; one -loop; variouslsixxtsres of gray, $1.98 to $3.98 JUlc- Parli Street Tlswr. :& i ' . ' m I -I Ml JasssssssssV WASHINGTON . t . . . -. . -e,. Administrator . .Ettoict 'Ta i'-f ti't -"-l ; :i I ".' .iC :4Mt