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wirJw-7Byycwi 'fcW?fryV '35f&$ gazime .--- -, w ihsjw" -",-'-"'-e iflf; ', t - A ' " V 1 j - . ; .' i j ..'" ' , - ' ' ' .J ' ' . - Ma of Power and Purpfpe -jjL Champ Clark's Autobiography (In Hearst's Magazine for April) ftsjasrt ' ' rca &$& v-t ? rc 1--. t; SmiSmmmmm e li ?f Sr-MI&dfi"&:''4$'&?&s'.BBMBBBB w w '" BBESJO''BBBBBBBBBflH f f''flHaviflHBBBBflBBB&PBlluBH H " , 5 - Chanip Clark His Lifer StdI In the auto-biography, that tells his own-life, Cham'p'Cliric in HEABST'3 MAQAZIirE tells, the life .in the House in" which he rules as Speaker, and the politicaTlife of 'the United Statfeer .On. each pageo.fthis remarkable aqtobjography, the, mind travels, back, sees, and Temembers what has happenedand looks forward the more intelligently. 4 Sarcastic old Tom Beed, T7ho weighedpnt-tjiree-hnndred. pounds, and said, "No gentleman ever weighed' ovefltwo hun-. j i 3. ii :- !.-.. i m.-. m.-i, Vy.j i..' t.. v . R UXCU pUUUUS, ii SUIYU UJ VUUUJI UKUA. iraUUSbUCr.pUliUC Ui James G. Blaine, whose fight with Conklin, Mr. Clark; says, re- j1 1 calls the Oetferson-HamQtonIackson, CTay.i'cpWiouglas'f I .Atr . ..... , ,; A sasrsESSf fi feuds. 'fe3? -'"'-..! K if - fc K-1 iVii i Im1 Tafafafali r aHfc TIVw"lB,a,ag "TaV HE - vff MT-Bfc 4 'vTw--l&V 1 f y-mSBKISSwr'-'cSwA 1 & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHK2s5iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH s n v.'' .T.Jfl.1fci ,-w" joh: -k- ' ibt'-'7vf TrrrTTrri nr v6-5r,'Bi .r-wi'gv . i w f mm hi ii i ii k MTAirrs nri I , wai.uii'W1 '' ' . mbmKML mw 1". 'i . . imam '1 BJI. i .. i . Br;i iiy 'isf8i i ! -i-KaBBKi W JMIWlMi K - mmmkmmWUmmWmmJM -JMmmVmrfmWmKmWkm WHMr-BUL VH "4. I'i- .JCTJf'4R' 'Br-WCIWHC IB,. AjKT iHSEirB ililVHilB' .'KrliVkMZiiKV SHM -,- K KaaaaaaaaaaW'JaaaaV.lL 'kVtUaBBBBBBBr-. i1 ; -JflBBlBBBBi.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBK. 7 - 'rfBBBBBBBBBBiW! s t nniiHHKiiiiiiiHr:4-r ?viiv:Kiiiiiit'ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiML?.:4BiiiiHiiii ; BBBBaaBBaHcf Wir:aESliiJaaM BaaBaaBaaaaaBBlumiaBH9HBBlBaaBraVM'aBaaH MBBS9HHBBRSBBiJSflJS:B I b vywwfmwwwrmfrwmw from Mr. Clark shows the young William J.fBryin'nrst tenner Nebraska, hair thick and face earaestrJFfSssy - ; e shows McKinley sitting with Theodore Roosevelt, his; jBaspcssSS Assistant Secretary jot the Navy, and Cnsp the-Speaker.who' said,- "When you first lopk over a new House, yonVvoifdef ifffrhalf.o,t-1 IIWN gVU UW5. '- -r---.-i-.;---!: . (ThhPowerful Cartoon Illustrates the Worthy Article by Edgar Lee Masters in Hcarst'sMagazine for April) . "tfit .JhisL nation, under God, shall have a new hirth of freedom,, and that government t UiUC' people, uy IUC pcupic, 1UI IUC pcupic, oiiaii uui pciiou iiuw mc cum. A Singink'Comediaiand FigbTtiHf SctcJMffl. Harry Lamder had a son gay lad,, sailiaglaee, Cti age, free and easy Captain of the Argyk aad Sthkd High landers. . ... ' He trained his' men,- practising fcyoaet "charg,'laigiag. He led his men, in the real death charge still lavgitiag; showing the courage that lead3 on the men. 4 Now he is dead: Odlkdin the charre-awl thai irMMrtttar that the war means to Harry'Lauderr wbe'has gives happy "howy "l fcU OUUUIO Ul ICWJiG (UUi VVAlUdTC IWkJXUWB 116 TILk JBVMUBV' Harry iauder knows his songs by hearty the old jwr to charm has not left him. But there is one songn'hisTip fer the audience, and another song in his heart' sfeee hl3 ey-V death. In Hearst's Magazine for -April Lander tells his stery of the war the story learned by the killing of Ms boy,vaad,hy: Ladder's. visit to the trenches,, where he sang and told stories to.'the seHiers. Lauder tells howhriang to the meniVWitbJKy WeeMaao." reheard hmPMg'ft kiy&JlfeWbtt In this autobiography which - Champ Clark publishes 4n Hearst's Magazine, there is an education for the politician,' and a political education'f or others. '-.- - To print such an autobiography in. a magazine of gigantic i rirr.11ln.tinn snread all over the United States is a. miMic. service., i And HEASST'S MAGAZINE is to be congratulated upon the accomplishment. What Is a Great Magazine? SOME ANSWERS It is a publication with a definite purpose. ' ' It seeks to inspire a good thought, and to publish- the country's best thought upon the most important topics. . . It adds to the powerful written word illustrations. by the tmat Mwttala 4TlA HIA ttlim 4Vn4 - T aiaaj ml aut jt A paper, good printing can produce. A good magazine, like a good man, strives to 'make the world better, upholds justice' and attacks wrong. . - Hearst's Magazine ., IS Magazine. With a Purpose Best Fiction Best Features &XM28Q&B28l!HSfXSl2!SZ3823Xl mmmmmmm.4wmJ 2tKmkj . -. '$MmmmM mmWMMWk& PS ' mmm 'Wm WmmSm9fmmmm mmwmfim'Ji r ", mmm xm&m&fmmm f II 'iiilBBaHiH mmWmm;$;r.Jmmm. &m8mmV' U.r aSHra9 bpkSW V bVbVbVBV;' kPBbBbEa '.T v .VfeSHaBBBl KW- 'J -- 'ilBBfiBaHBHBl , Mm4t4utwr WEMfiBMmv&Ttrjrr'r' .- ;:.-; .. "-r.H?.-;;;; - ?; ? -; -KaaBB mmmW& f MtU miMWiMMm !- - '.' ' - mmm ' r BBBRSKe? JLf - ." v.-. vt-.V J'AOJiliieiMS.;- .. , ' ; .M.-i'--',.' r .HsaSMasa I IBBBBP'fcTM 2 Bi . - - '-- r .. ' . --fe. . -i "Jt!.Jr",P3.JE2Ju;fi)r5 '-".-. ..' 3-v t BJ1CI ""T' " ---Ti'T""""1- --- If yon have seen him arif heard : his songs, on one of themachines that iny, ye:iaevrH;r?wc of expression. His story, of the war takes yon to'the treschet, as'his songs take you to Scotland. . ' To Entqrtain Is a Duty HEARST'S MAGAZINE, ; .; THE ENTERTAINING PUBLICATION Who writes for the Aprfl Hearst's Magazine? ' , Answer: Champ Clark Rupert Hughes Robert W.Cktmt en Melville Davisson Post ', :'' Harry Lauder B. G. Forbes, .EdgarXe.eWMter$ And manyothers. " . . "U- --5j-fcr v-- - . rv- r- I:. Who illustrates the work of the writers fot.BtffitfryifMflf for April? ,4 ,... , V-t$&1' ' Answer: '" yiifeJ. Howard Chandler Christy. ffcifrwp'Ciie James Montgomery Flagg . ?Anlonr6tn Titckcr Gayne de Meyer Pernjra3)Uiiawii And many others. r-v "v ? f-'- --r- - - - , yy-ATt-sggr?r-'-T,-a?.itaagt-fy!y--,.:;; Make -ready for the new day: ' Prepare your heart and soul for the advent of the youog world ... Turn your face to the hidden thin go, To the ground-murmur and the singing along the rails. rFrom "Songs for the Young World," by Jamci Oppenheim, in Hearst's Magazine for April.) kJ-W In the April' Hearst's Magazine .begin 'Tn J8ecrtif' wnt series of love and mystery stories, by Bebert .Climber. i Bearin Marie Corelli's great story. ''TheoulirDisaaHQlll -I .jLi. " -. iissswtsssiss and Rex Beach's'"The Winds of Chance'-in HeitrsV'i Maguiae, That which ye have despised may be a , . . -r - r- . path to your glory . . i what is the meaning of the words,i'.to"eaWSali,'l Tfcey The stone the builders rejected shall be come the corner-stone ...... The last shall be first . . . mean to appeal to every.separate part or .the active hraoaa hrab and this Hearst's Magazine does with the best fiction, the feett poetry, the best articles on science, the best art, it wide and the unlimited spending of money provide. HEARSTS MAGAZINE FOR APRIL April NuiaHeri :Ncw on the Stands ... , . i.m I , , ! fc r fl I , ,