Newspaper Page Text
ejmw--v "?" THE WASHINGTON TIMES. MONDAY, APRTL 1, 1918. U -fFt$fz' v-5 ja x n AT M E ALONG YS PULMNlYOPi A "KEG OF NAILS" MaJorjKjrjaona-V- Pullman, super lnten'dent'of police. ! a much puzzled official today. He says be hu a white elephant -a his hands. When he reached his office this morning, la the District building not only dldheTlnd a number of congratu latory letters .and telegrams on the beginning of Us" fourth terra of of fice as head of the Metropolitan police bur a bill of lading,, setting out that there were 200 kegs of nails await ing hi claim at the ordnance station of the War Department at 'Sixth and B streets. Two hundred Iters of nails," he muttered. ""Whs,t In the name of Caesar am. I golnr to do with 200 kegs ofnallst Edward, C. Hess, chief clerk of the Police Department, was summoned and questioned". ''What are we going to do with these nallsr' queried Major Pullman. Inaulnr at the ordnance office by Mr. Hess elicited the Information thatJ the nails had been consigned to "Major Raymond, W. Pullman." "It's a mistake It's a mistake." exclaimed Major Pullman. Now the members of the Detective Bureau are making an investigation. Major Pull, man Insists that the rightful owner of the nails be found. The Govern ment; It-was whispered, probsbly or dered, the nails. and the manufacturer In consigning them got the major's name confused with a major In the ordnance department. M II F OF PAST WARS If NH mm NAMED ORHEROES Several American heroes of past wars ark honored by the Nary De partment In the" "naming of several sew destroyers now being built for the Navy. Secretary Daniels has Just tnade jmblto the following names for the new destroyers: Oe-Belknep, In honor of Rear Ad miral George Eugene Belknap, of Xewport, W. tt, a civil war hero. The Sadger, for Commodore Oscar C Badger, of Connecticut, who saw aerriee In the Mexican and civil wars. " The Walker, for Rear Admiral John Grimes Walker, of Hillsborough, X. H who served with distinction en a Union- flotilla In the Mississippi river naval campaign. The1' Crosby; for Rear Admiral Ttrt- t!fiMrrrriat 'Delaware "Country m Pennsylvania, a civil war hero. The Gamble, for Commodore John M. Gamble and Lieut. Peter Gamble, who served in the war of 1812. The Twiggs, for MaJ. Levi Twiggs, of the Marine Corps, who served from "Tripoli to the Halls of the Monte-zumas." 1 ,1 93 VESSELS BONG RUSHED '-Ti QRWARWQRK Spurred by the German threat on um Um wm fmnt America shlt. builders today are speeding work on cargo and transport bottoms that more thousands of soldiers and sup ples to maintain latm may oe rusaea to France. In addition to 1,118 cargo vessels under construction now, there are ,.,,v.Av combined cargo and B transport bottoms being rushed to completion, the shipping board an nounced today. These will produce OlU,WV KVttm, m - .- Simultaneously, It was annou-.ced that co-operation Between me snip ping board and railroad administra- Hon nas orojen me os "nfc jn. ... .U.Htiu, Af shlna hmi rarjldlv increased, and for the first time sup p3 plies are awaiting vessels. The situation Is shown In the fol i-... aH1 nf arrii-ftla and denart urer of vessels during the last four Dec. Jan J-eo .uarcn Arrivals .. 8T1 Departures 7H0 789 99T SC5 723 -S9-! 07G The Shipping Board lUUaj ..! thet America's bulldlnc Dro- grarq. has been increased 2,200,000 deadweight tons since March 1. and RW now embraces a total oi j,.io i--eis si h tnlal InnTmrii now eontem Vl fcc kuv. v....n- plated 10.4O4.2SS only 2.253,000 tons or 3ZO vessels nave occu uuibiuiu through requisitioning. NURSElELS POLICE SHE KILLED SISTER TREXTO.V. Jf. J April 1 Miss Es telle Consolloy. thirty, a school teach er, nas found dead In bed yesterday nhen police burst open the door. Her wrists were cut. and he bad bled to death. Her sister. Miss Cornelia Consolloy,' a trained nurse, proclaim ed herself as the murderess. She Is regarded as demented. But wheth er she actually alew her sister In a" fit of mental aberration or merely fancied that she was the slayer after becoming demented upon discovery that the teacher had committed sul fide is -a mystery the authorities will seek to unravel. PARI8 LIMITS MENUS. PARIS. April J. A -uniform menu has been finally adopted by the res taurant association of Paris The menu will be limited to four side ! shei and oysters. oup. two dishes riade f-om eggs, four kinds of fish, fcur kinds of mesi, four egetables iiTtd fruit H Wt Customers will he. entitled to one sld? dish' or ojstrs one 6f soup, two rilsFirs either "of meat or vegetables and fruit. piiilll!ilWllilllWl IMIMMIIIIM New Spring Pumps $5.00 and $6.00 Values An after-Easter clearance of broken lots of our most popular lines of Women's Spring Footwear that brings you exceptional savins;. These fashionabhs Pumps are here in gray, champagne, Patent Colt and Kid leath ers, with Wgh and low heels this season's most approved styles and shapes. Broken sires, but all sixes in the lot from 2.M to 7. Getdealersa First Fleer. ' Magnetic $4.00 Bed Spreads, $2.98 Crochet Bed Spreads, full dou ble bed aise; in heavy raised Mar seilles Patterns. First FUor.. 65c Bleached Sheeting, 55c Xlne-quart'er Bleached Sheeting, close-woven Quality, free from starch. First Fleer. 59c White Batiste, 35c 44-inch White Mercelzed- 'Ba tiste, made of finest selected combed yarn, with a rich silky finish that is permanent. Extra fine texture, which makes it ideal for wal3U,.and dresses. 1 ' first Fleer. 59c White Suitingr49c 44-Inch White' Llnefie Suiting, an extra heavy quality, with the appearance of .all linen sntting. First Fleer. 30c India Linon, 25c 40-inch 'White India Unon, fine sheer Quality, bleached to snowy whiteness. .First Floer. 30c Pajama Checks, 25c 16-lnch White Pajama Checks, a aoft finish, close-woven grade for making undergaremtns. First Fleer. 59c White Poplin, 49c 36-Inch White Mercerised Top Hn. heavy, firm-woven quality, with rich lustrous finish, for suits and skirts. First Fleer. 50c White VoUes, 39c 38 and 40-ineh White Novelty Voiles, in sll the newest effects, Including Shadow Lace Voiles, Kmbroldered Hemstitched Voiles, Plain Voiles, with embroidered de signs: Plaid Voiles. Shadow Voiles. Woven Stripe Voiles, Woven check Voiles, etc. First FImsi 39c White Voile, 25c 40-ineh White Chiffon Voile, firm woven, even weave, two-ply quality, with soft chiffon finish, making It a charming white fab ric for dainty white waists and dresses. First Fleer. Boys' $1.00 Blouse Waists, 44c Boy eMothrs Friend BIoui vtaiaxs, or irnue niaarai. t a. .. J vkkoobIa nrltl eiA? ' oray fuiuvs ". -. . xkttAva lPas4nav arnnfe atTtri lurplu production. Values worth to J1.00. Flrat Floor Bargain Table. $1.00 Stamped Night gowns, 66c Ready-made and Stamped Night gowns, in packages, complete with sufficient embroidery floss to complete. Good qualltv white nainsook. Fonrta Floor. $1.26 Nightgowns, 98c Nainsook Nightgowns. new sleeveless models, also with short sleeves, trimmed with laces and embroideries. In a number of pleasing styles. Third Floor. 75c Table Damask, 59c t4-Inch Mereerlred Table Dam- L- In &ttA tfrfmnt nf nflt. terns. Suitable for boarding house, cafe, and home use. First ( Floor. $1.75 Table Napkins, $1.59 Mercerized Damask Table Nap kins, neatly hemmed: readv tor use: assorted patterns; size 20x20 inches. First Floor. 59c Pongee Silks, 49c 30 inch Pongee Silks, a high ' class silk and cotton material, ,, with the appearance of silk. ,i Itlch. lustrous quality, in a good assortment of street and evening ; aliarioH Alan hlarfc jknri Trhlt. It Flrat Floor. 59c Mercerized Poplin, j 49c 27-Inch yarn Mercerized Pop lin selected combed yarns, with a guaranteed permanent finish. In all desirable street and eve ning shades, also black and white. First Floor. 39c Turkish Towels, 29c Turkish Towels, in a ariety of stvjes, including all-white, ted. and blue borders: heavy double thread quallt), size -'OiSS inches. First Floor. 20c Huck Towels, 15c Hemmed liuck Towels, plain xhlte and red borders, also Juc quard weaves, with pink or blue borders. First Floor. 45c China Mattings, 35c Heavyweight palmed -finish straw, with double-cord edge: choice of patterns, including stripes, checks, and plaids of green, red. blue, tana, and brown. Foarth Floor. $4.50 Silk Petticoats, $3.98 Taffeta SIIlc Petticoats excel lent qualfl) in nrettv chantrc able colors, also olaln eclors and black Made with scalloped ruf fle and tucked floun'e Ihlrd Tloor. n at $3.95 Value Offerings for The Second Day Tomorrow of Our Annual After-Easter Reduction Sale of Women s Suits, Coats and Dresses aVt IL a I i TTlXV iTt- ff iMIM i J Valaen ap to $27.50 Sadne Petticoats, $1.69 New Spring Petticoats, of sat in. In attractive floral design, with stylish zlounca, Choice of rose and Copenhagen rn black grounds. Full cut. Third Floor. $1.69 Georgette Crepe, $1.39 Extra fine superior quality. 40 Inches wide: In white, black, and the most desired street and eve ning shades. First Floor. 29c Stamped Centers, 17c Stamped Centerpieces, pure white llnene: heavy quality: XI Inchea round. Simple designs. Fomrtk Floor Art Pest. Boys' Caps, 50c Boys' Army Hats and Caps, of cllve khaki color oioth: sties N to 7. First Floor Barxaln Table. Envelope Chemises, $1.19 New empire effects, trimmed 1 with val lace Insertions In back and front; good quality nainsook and pink batiste. Third Floor. Envelope Chemises, 79c Nainsook Envelope Chemises, with deep yokes of embroidery and val lace: new styles; all sizes. Third Floor. "Billie Burke" Pajamas New "Billie Burke" Pajamas, of Windsor Crepe, in dainty pink with blue floral designs; empire models with pockets. At SI .OS and $:. Third Floor. Women's Bloomers, i $1. 1.19 Women s Bloomers, of silk and cotton materials, flesh tint; rein forced and made with elastic waist line and knee; all sizes. Third Floor. Women's Pajamas Women's two-piece Psjamas, pink and whlto crepe; also pink, blue and while solsette; trimmed with silk frogs. $-'.48 and 12.98. Third Floor. 39c and 50c Cretonnes, 29c Fine quality Washable Cre tonnes, in floral, bird, figured, stripe, foliage, Verdi, and Japa nese designs. In every wanted color to harmonize lth any color scheme. The most favored-materials for furniture slip covets, cushions, curtains, draperies, rhoe, laundry and sening bags. Fourth Floor. $1.50 and $1.75 Summer Curtains, $1.29 40 inches wide, -"i yards long; finished with tasels. In ecru. green, red and blue grounds, with stripes of roe. brown, red and roen. Foarth Floor. Gas Ranges Gas Itanges, with drilled burn er: fully guaranteed. Three burner stjle, at tips'!. Four-burner stle, at..334IS. Basement. Cups and Saucers, 25c Thin China Cupa and Saucers, ne.ttl decoiated, asuited pat terns. Cup and saucer, 5c. Basement, TigflMB 'K New Store Hours: 10m sides or Values Worth up At the very zenith of these smartest of Spring Styles in women's and misses' apparel, we have lowered prjees on many of our most popular lines of Suits, Coats and Dresses, representing the broken assortments of garments left from the Easter rush, together with the re mainders of several special underprice purchases made recently. For another rousing sale Tuesday we have brought into each assortment re-enforcements to make the rangeof sizes and styles more complete, and it is safe to assure every visitor a satisfactory selection from the splendid collection of garments offered at this reduced price. Spring Suits $im Stunning Spring Suits of Gabardine, 'Poplin, Mannish and French Serges, in this season's- smartest styles, including New Pleated, Belted and Tailored Effects, as well as Sport and Semi-Norfolk models. Suits in the favored colorings of Spring. Introducing at Special Prices Many New Trimmed Hats $5 and $10 Values Worth $6.00 up to $18.00 An event no woman thentic styles, in an extensive variety of new models that tell emphatically that summer is not far away. Beautiful hats for every type of woman and for every occasion. Every hat new and perfect, and every one an exceptional value. AT FIVK nOLI.AHS Beautl-I ATTK IKII.I.IHS A wonder ful I'als In the hneht nv col- fnl "'""""'rot or high-clas. iui i.ais. in tne Dngni, gay coi utra..niart croatlons. including orful designs of Spring, of Llsere ( model hat of unusual beauty straws. In Pokes and Mushroom-. I and styl distinction . New, large. large Dreasv Black Hats, trim med with flowers. Black and Col ored Hats trimmed with aullls and fanrv feathers Black lint with colored facings In large and small shapes for women and misses. Garden Hoes, 75c Steel Garden Hoe-, with long handles, strongly made. Base ment. Floor Brushes, 89c Celling or Floor Rrushe- of coton; with Jong handle llasr ment. Wash Boards, 25c Wash Board-, with double rubbing surface. Basement. Brooms, $1.19 V Five-string Carpet Brooms, ex tra quslit. Basement. Wash Boilers Tin Wash Boilers, with cold wood handle;"Btrong and durable. No 7 size at SI.3A ' No fi size at.. IUD Basement. Androck Ovens, 79c Androcl. Oven-, will lit over anv gss or oil stove, hakes, heats Irons, snd toasts bread Com plete with four parts nasement. Wash Tubs, $1.19 GaUanizcd Iron Wash Tub-, with side handles; good size Basement. Clothes Dryers, 25c ollapsible Wall Clothes Dry er, with eight arms Basement. Gas Domes, $11.98 rt Glass Gas Domes, nith fringe, choice of two pretty design- Ml complete, and hung In our h"inc Basement. Dover Sad Iron8f $149 Dover Sad Iron Sets, nickrl plated, three full weight irons, one patent hood handle ami stand. Basement. ft HBP 9:15 A. 31. to 6 P. M. IT. PAYS TO kr DEAL AT r At K st. the dependable store' Tuesday That Show to $25 and $27.50 Spring Coats S1Q.85 Values up to $27.50 Strikingly designed Coats, for street, dress or utility wear; developed in the most fashion able materials All-wool American Poplin, Wool Velour and Serge. The styles reflect the clever est ideas of the fashion world, and are shown in every desirable color. Choice of smart Tail ored, Shirred, Pleated, New ,BeIted and Nov elty Coats, correct in every line and detail. should miss. The season's au ilressv liats traiirnt or droop ing shape... Transparent Hats of fine hair braid Trimmings of burnt ostrich and noelty feather-, fine French flowers. Un-ii-unl shanes large ami -mall I Verv smart Tailored Hats, in I black and colors. Included. Scrubbing Brushes, 10c Scrubbing Urn-lies, all good. eer iceahle brushes; assorted kinds. Baaement. Garden Rakes, 49c Maleable Iron Garden Hakes, with lung Iiandl;. Ilnaemrnt. Grass Shears, 29c Stoel Gra Shears, good serv iceable qtialitx. Bnaemrnf. Garbage Cans, 98c Galvanised Iron Garbagn Cans, with Iop covers; good size. Bnsement. Clothes Washers, 89c California .-icililtn Clothe-Wa-hr.-, saeK time labor anil clothes. Bnsement. Steam Cookers, $2.98 Tin Slentn Cooker, with four compaitment-. bottom esiel cop per bottom Itnaement. Chafing Dishes, $6.98 Nii-klc-plate.l Chafing Dishes, full si)-, a high grade chafer. Basement. Garden Spades, 98c Steel Garden Spades, wltli D handle, strungly madr. Baae ment. Garden Sickles, 29c Steel Garden Sickles, full size. iell made. Basement. Lingerie Tape, 5c Lingerie Ti fixe t1s In esch pierr blue and whlt First Floor otlon llept. ilH Hilly I!IIIWPH Including Saturday $18.85 yalaes up tftfJatSnoSBBBoffJaVsBBBBBBkant to $27.50 Select from no less than a dozen of the pret tiest of the Spring styles in this collection of charming frocks. Included are Bolero, Tunic, Pleated, Belted, Eton, Draped and Combination Effects. Materials are Crepe de Chine, New Striped Satins, Silk Ginghams, Serges, Plain. Striped and Plaid Taffetas and Satins. You'll find all the leading colors, in all sizes for misses and women. Bias Seam Tape, 6c Bias Seam Tape wanA cualttv wnue cambric ten-yard pieces. First Floor. "Nufeet," Two Pair for 45c "Nufeet." for men's or women's hosiery: black, nhltr and bal briggan nne quallty.yarn; aesm less foot. CT . First Floer Motion Dept. Garter Elastic, 10c Fancy FrIJI Garter Klastlc, three quarter strips; all desirable colors. First Floor "VotUn Dept. Snap Fasteners, 2 Cards, 6c Snap Fasteners, one dozen on card. Sold regularly 'at Tic card. First Floor. Shoe Trees, 6c Pair Shoe Trees, for women's shoes and slippers: hardwood tips. First Floor Notion llept. Dress Belting, 5c Yard Inlde Dres Belting, black and white; all popular widths. Sold up to 10c yard. First Floor. Midget Garters, 10c Midget Velvet Grip Garters. In fants' sizes; pin on stjle: rubber buttons attached Flrat Floor A'otlon Dept. 25c and 29c Sanitary Aprons, 19c Women'" Sanltarv Aprons, made of -uperior grade waterproof sheeting. a-orted -tyles. Flrat Floor Notion Dept. $1.00 Vanity Purses, 55c With Strap Purses, with -trsp bark, fine patent leather finish, with inside coin pocket, purse and mirror. First Floor. Crepe Kimonos, $1.19 New Kimono-, of fine quality . crepe. In plaiil colors, of pink. , blue, rose and laender Made with elastic waist full rut sizes : snd neatl finl-hed Third Floor. 'I $1.00 Cork Linoleum, 69c sq. yd. Genuine Cork filled Linoleums, thlek. heav) grade, with bur lap back, not the Inferior paper kind, full rolls not remnanti. The assortment Includes par nuettn flooring ami varl-rolnred design In pretty blue and white. Fourth Floor. I 10c to 15c Handker chiefs, 7c Men-- 1hite H-indkerchiefs good nuallt -oft flni-h kind: full size; some hae slight defects In finish, which In no wav will affect the wear. First Floor. $1.50 Chiffon Taffeta, $1.29 35-inch Colored Chiffon TanYta. rleli lustrous quality, witn soft rhlffon finish. In a full assort ment of slndes. including plentj of nnv blue. Copenhagen, allcc. wistaria, old rose, burgundy. Bus s I an green, silver, seal, g"'den brown, tan, reseda, inals. light blue. pink, while, and black First Floor. $1.25 Silk Poplin, 98c nc-lneh Faille Silk Toplln ex tra hcaJ 1'iirh lii'rou ijnili In all wauled shaili s nnrt hlich Also nav blue and blnek grounds wth roin spots and figures rlrst Floor. liiW IliiWIIIIiSIIIWiliililllMiMliiiiilBI; $1.50 Crepe The Genuine Box-Loom Quality Par Excellence 40 Inches Wide 40-Inch Bov-Loom Crepe de Chine, of heavy firm woven quality at the lowest price It has been sold for this season. The complete range of lovely Spring colors Includes: White Ivery Flee Flak Coral Mala Made Usat Bloe - Turqnelse Mle Reseda Slivers Gray Taape Taa Leaden Sssoke Wisteria Gold Chartreuse Floss Old Rose Oeldea. Bmwb African Brown Raaslaa Green Atlee Bine Belgian Bine Cepea- hacen National Bine Navy Blue Black. This beautiful silk, especially adapted for the new Spring Treses. is a remarkable value at the price. SL23 a yard. the Way to Spring Dresses nm All-wool French Serge, $1.69 42-inch all-wool French Serge, a fine twill. Arm-woven quality. In all the most desired spring shades: alao plenty of navy blue and black. First Floor. $3.50 All-wool Broad- cloth, $2.98 48-lnch all-wool Broadcloth, superior quality, with rich satin face and line twill back; sponged and shrunk. In a complete as sortment of favorite shades, also navy blue and black. First Floor. ' il JULaiirUE - JUlllllHHlllfml Ji ri "Hr'rFrTTT tillllllllllllllll' i I aK W H-HSssHill ijijjb. rjLHH-HI-lIH Sale of Beds and Bedding Ottering Standard Qualities at Unusually Low Prices. An Event of Interest to Washington Householders. The special prices mean much If you consider the With quality of the merchandise offered, which comprises the product of the best known makers in the country, includinfr nationally advertised makes of Beds and Bedding:, the high quality and dependability of which is known Simmons' Brass Bed, $19.50 High grade Brass Beds, with 2-lneh continuous post; choice of bright or satin finish White Enamel Beds, $7.95 White K n a m e 1 Beds. with - Inch continuous post and solid fillers: an ex ceptional alue for Simmons' Steel Beds, $9.95 Simmons Steel Beds, light in weight yet strong and rigid: '1 Inch post and 1-lnch fillers; brass trim med. Steel Beds, $17.50 Old Ivory finish Steel Beds. with square tubing: in a true reproduction of the Adam period de the money. 1 sign. Wood-Finished Steel Beds. $18.50 A handsome steel bed. with wood finish; extra large C-lneh continuous post; lVlnch Oilers, Choice of mahogany or oak finishes. , "Englander" Bed Couches, Springs, Etc. Level-Lock Couches, $17.50. Sliding Couches, S21.50 and $25.00. Divan Beds. 57.95 and $9.50. Bungalow Beds, with Wilt edj;e Springs, $11.50. Day Bed, upholstered in cre tonne, including pillow, $19.30. Foldaway Cots, with canvas top, $9.75. Mattresses at Important Savings These Mattresses were made under the mott ianltary condi tions, and are tilled with new cotton felt or ailk floss, i:ery oca is labeled and guaranteed as to material and workmanship Felt Mattresses. 5'--inch boxint,. Ilnisheil with Tnperial edge, clost.1) tufted and covered with mi ticking. Worth SIS.OD. spc- QIO Q de Chihe $1.25 yd. Economy 89c Check Suiting, 75c 42-Inch 'Check Salting, two tone and overplald effects; a popular material for suit and skirts. Flint Floer. Storm, Serge, 98c An extra "hard-twisted grsde, 40 inchea wide: In navy blue, brown, gray, Russian green. Co penhagen and-black. First Floor. 89c Mohair Skifian, 75c fl 42-!nch Mohair Sicilian, heavy lustrous quality, dust and- spot proof. In black and navy blue. First Floor. 75c Spring Suitings, 49c 33-lnch New Spring Suitings.. In a large variety of rlobby mix tures, stylish material for worn en's and children's wear. First .Floor. jl.50 Seamless Sheets, $1.25 Large double-bed size. Six' seamless' bleached- sheets, heavy quality round-thread sheeting cotton, hand torn-andtronedr Dn Ished with , three-Inch... hern. Every sheet perfect quality. First Floor. $1.69 Bleached . i Sheets, $1.39 81x90 seamless. .Bleached Sheets, full double-bed Ire. free from starch or dressing. First Floor. 29c Pillow Cases, 22c 43x36 Bleached Pillow Cases, large size: band torn and Ironed. First Floor. 39c FiDow Casesr32c g 45x38 Bleached Pillow Caaes. heavy round thread quality; large size. First Floor. $2.50 Bed Spreads, $1.98 Crochet Bed Spreads, three-quarter-bed. size; Marseilles pat terns. First Floor. , ". ., $3.00 Bed Spreads, $2.49 Crochet Bed Spreads, double bed size; Marseilles patterns. Flrat Floor. to every housekeeper. Steel Beds, $12.50 Old Ivory finish Steel Beds, with cane panel bead and foot; a type that will ap peal because of its beauty and distinc tiveness. Steel Beds, $13.75 Attractive w o-o d finish steel beds, with square tubing: In oak flnlfch. Single size only. Foldaway Cots, witn pad. $12.50. Enzlander Pads, filled with I white cotton, covered with khaki colored ticking, $5,00 to $8.00. Englander Folding Crib, with mattress,. $19.50. A complete line of the fa mous "Englander" Couches and Beds at lowest prices. Silk rioss Mattresses, rght and conuoi table; finished with roll edge. 6-lncn boxing; cov ert d with fancy striped art ticking Worth C" n JTft J .'J oo: spccii: at VtVlUU llf2lllllllllHi11ii'a hhum l 1 I T3 m ---M