Newspaper Page Text
12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. MONDAY; APRIL 1, 1918. nrtllTnnn fl'lr1 uLiinl Ufitx Iiltt mmffl i ... f 1 1 iii I II l Tht Senate today took prellmlnarr tep toward'-'gettlng rid of the small army of of Hear on non-nghtlng duty with the War Department in the DIs triet. Senator "Thomas' resolution was adopted -without, discussion, calling cm the War JJEjiarJmerit 'for informa tion aa to whtnumber of non-combatant offlcara had been commissioned eince the beginning of the war. The purpose of Senator Thomas in secur ing- the Information Is to, follow It up with step to tfet rid. of a long list of offlcers-who ar alleged?- "to be jetting out of ,lghtlng Service by holding positions of: the swivel chair ly In the District - f It Is alleged "that .a nurober'of these officers are of draft age'who ought to be either on the lighting line or in traInlnr:th?tor.. C ' ' 4 - II I f " 'r jtf. t KfE CITY'S SOCIAL SIDE JlliSiSiSiSisSTsUCfKiiiB .Uj Kjte 0teeUftonr. ii in ijiiiBimilii ikriir tiJlsWlfrjl TrW Beta. t; - ;r i 1 'sbtbbbbbbA I ' BBW BbTb I atsty f.wiw,ilM iWtt - jsbbW iiwTt "My (&m rhe Coffee with the aroma that calls for ' aect end cup. B? Mfl H. Uttnttr Flaev. Groceries' Caan. Are. aad K Street. ' BP"laBBBBBBBBBBBBBk-,;eS iiissTn ii.'JwaK'll Fur Specials ForTtoWeekOnly Scarfs GcorB- fcon en etteFox J7etU Cross. (on Eft lfS27.50 Capes Latest Style Hud son IMIO r up L Seal...d.9U Furs StorecTFree - If repair ordefs are:plie wkh us now "P-tJi' iet us advise you as to the repairing your w advisability- Furs. of RwrrfrdeliRg, Befaffing.Storingl WM.R0SEND0RF, 1213 Git. (Oppoajra DaUj, sfsarl'.li Archbishop of York Guest . - At -Reception rrtsldent 'Wilson';, received the Most Rev. Cosmo Gordon Iacr. Archbishop of York, at 2 o'clocktoday. His Oraee of York was accompanied by the British ambassador. Uord.iiead'lng, and mem bers of the British embassy stare Tonlent" the archbishop will be the guest of honor at a reception which the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art will . give at the gallery. The British Ambasador and Lady Reading are ex pected to be among the guests, and the brilliant company asked to meet him In cludes the diplomatic corps, official so ciety, and many of the resident contin gent of Washington. The Marine Band will play during the evening and the spacious and dig nified rooms of the gallery will be In gala array, decorated wfth quanti ties of palms and cut flowers. A sim ilar reception was given at the gal- lery.a few years ago In honor of the Archbishop- of Canterbury. At , ther evening's -reception ling. Gen: CharifiS IXeCawley, U S. 31. a. will mal Jhe'.presebtatlon and those In ther" receiving- Jlne with the guest of honor! wlll'-b -the- Rt. Hew Alfred Harding, 'Bishop-' of .Washington; Charles XJ. Glover, president of the Corcoran-Gallery of Art, and Henry Whlte, formerly, American Ambassa dor to yrttveevvwho; Is a member of the bOari,.ofUUtei. r ' .ZT nedtWcr'olBg to Blue IUdge. TherfiuhAtn'bjissaabr aid Lady Reading! espeot-.teK-Jlnvthe Interesting colonjr"-of diplomat, who "will spend the snmm'ei;.'t.:Erup Ridge 'Summit, Pa. IsSftr.. Tb Ber'eiary. ofi'the Treasury and Mra.iiJXcAAUBllMiV.-.CBne io White eulpmji-'SpringS for- hQft5tIslt- Mrs-iIoAd"bo-wtll addfesa "tb' woman's cpmjnlttee of the Maryland Liberty Loan,rCoznmittee in Baltimore on Fri day and, later 'will be, the guest of honor at. a luncheon to be given by .the'.comwlttee. at the Emerson. spen,t'-Jat4vV InSvashlngton as the guests or oecreiary aia rB.jtnuuw( returned to New York on Saturday. I Col. and Mre. Henry May enter tained a brilliant company at lunch eon at Grasslands yesterday. Among their guests were the Spanish Ambas sador and Mme. Rlano, George Bakh meteff, formerly Russian ambassador. and Mme. Bakhmeteff; Copt, and Mrs. Perry Belmont, Miss .Frances Hoar, and a.nuurberr.of the foreign officers on duty' in Washington. . Miss Caroline Ogden Jones has gone to New York and Is the guest of her aunt. Miss Frances Ogden Jones. ksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB SSSSSSSSSSR?9sBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSFBSSSSSSSstsSSSSBSSflMBlsVB7 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB AS a J'i2x'' Ji-Li KuSiS- 1 ' -Ae.aViiJ- 3 ,t. - - "y m It Psssssssssssssssssssl Bii liiSii ii Ti Iff U issssssllslssslilsssssl- vIHpHHHIIiHI - ssssssHHissssssS.. 1 5' HEBHIiissssssssl mKmkJMc . Wz&mXalM IsssssssssHSisssssssssiLsPl - : '-aBESsaJasisssssssf issssssssssssslsHiBssssssss;?fafcw'sfcr" 'HssMHRsissssssssssl ssssssssssssV , - S:"! VtlHisKiissssssissW'j 'Sssssssssssl BSSSSSSSSSSSSB Kf'SiBSSSBHBfliSSFIsBsiBK9raK.-'iSSSSSSSsl issssrissB -BixsTvlsssssssssssssflB9HSiiBss k -Sil..lllllllllllllllllHii.lllllllHRRiK ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssft "BissssssissssssssssssssssssssssHlssssssssssssBissssssss isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH IssssssslisssssssssssEissssssssissssiissisHBSBSi isssssssssssssV v H2& $sV?niHGsilKlLissssssH ssssssssssssssssm. " r issssK7?issssssssePlisaBsaaisssssssssl sssssssssssssssssssK .assssssssssssssssslsssssssssssssilisssssssssssssssssH issssssssssssssssssssssssswl' issssssssssssssssssssstsissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB sssssVfissssssK 'SHt'sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi ' 7-V. J A-'.S.nMi.n a vr4rC Tsi'-' . i tv President and Wife to Attend Barracks Ball The President and Mrs. Wilson ex pect to attend the military batl to be IJELANO, . .. Wife of utd&aiitiyelaTlo, O.i?,., and dauchter of Mr. andiMra. Victor MuniodU' i.iisutenant amf Mrs. Delano are now stationed at the Navy Van. Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell Graef have arrived at Hot Springs, Va., from Washington. S" , fi. A number of interesting- luncheon parties were given yesterday at the Montgomery Country Club. Capt. and Mrs, Perry Belmont have returned to Washington after a week's atay In JCew.V0rk. - . itVJ?-- ZsxSjiirL Newi6ok on Tuesi tain gtjuitner, u. s.7k. n win oe absent a- week. . Congressman and Mrs. S. Wallace Dempsey will entertain Informally at dinner tonight. Mi's Carolyn Nafh. daughter of Medical Director and Mfs. Francis S. .Nan. will o -nostasa at amner mis to MLss Marparef FahnetoclC,.and hr who will be married on Wednesday. Miss Anne Hopkins and Capt. John Gregory Hope, whose wedding will e placa tomorrow afternoon, will be among the guests. The company will Include members of both bridal parlies. Mrc. Francis Bartlett Manning, who Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brale R. Howard, will return to her home Iri -Cambridge. Mass on Thursday. Her cousin. Miss Kathryn Givynn, will occo- nany her. I Harold Water, If the consular ser vice, who has been on duty at tin- State Department, has been appointed American consular representative at Buenos Ayres, and will sail for "Ar gentina early thli-'inhth. " 'f The Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. William Phillips rmvr re turned to town from a short visit to Atlantic City. Langs Gle l.uqrbron. Mr. and Mrs. Chsrrlts' Col?at LongJviliiaip I1.fIr. Harrjf AVrdman, W -,-, had a large company at luncheon yrs-' --W-jgin '-l'-.... .. . , ... ,. -ru'. , ,-.t.T- l l'1jr ,11 UI fttVlXa III VIC1VJBIIU ratK. Lieut, and Mrs. Henry M. Jennen. V. S. S., are receiving congratula tions on the btrth of a daughter. Miss Mary Anna Jensen, on Haturday even. !ng. March 30, at the. Cordova. - 1" - . Mr. and'Mrs.-'Charles C Glover 'have evening, entertaining In compliment moved from . their town house to t. ' L V .IBSSSsBglSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSBBLsiSsW V ,BBk- ISsTatBS ,BBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBaBSBBSfiSBBB7BBB 0E Bb-. .BBB9'3BBBBBBBBBBflBBVBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .BSl jbbKbsKvSHbbbI 1Q1QR Are You From limvenf 7P S5vslalHaBBk I Y .sbbK4sRWbbbbbH i-O'tOD Give Me thr WcM to I-ove u "- aiflEBBBB, Hi tfffWwMBn 1Q4QQ Torn, Ulck and Harry and Jack . .. I7tin SfimVLsssMA dF JUtltfiwBffm J-0'iDO An Ilerolr but ot dovd-Ur. Suldlrr lut HsBiIbsbIsb&bsV KiltrmlfaJm nr, NtsHsnsBsX ,MyfrrsBB IQtQCn'Take Voa nick T Italy IO TstMslKkBBBSBVBa SBBsT -LO-iOO 'Itound Ifrr .cck thr Wears a lul WlHUBkB bbbW I ll I FJ.lJlak Yrllrr Itlliboti JDuSHWtBBV bST HI1 Ttifm 4 CTIiq 'd I.Ike to br a Jloaker In hr Zo.. . f- HA (mPNHH.K bbbs?' 1 till I (JlM 1Q1QQ Jul " Baby's Vrajer atTirillaht . .. HTLn fflksssiaissBfHVk jH7J'-'l 111 lU i-O'iOU on tbe Road n Home, Swrrt Home ' til MHKIHB Hi '(ll'i'flll VOCAL A.VD I.STIll'.l!C.TAI. IlECOUDS 1BWBWHHpB bbbGII ill I ! !u ll H lo44U The Little Diiataaan (f rm" -SO Song" l3C HBWHbbM Ullillf llilfl Clawiea-I. fBW fTBi IW IB Vllilll VlHVllBf niil SKAL BKCOItDS fifsMl ME ffiiS U Hll lU fiSRT Ere ' B,ue CQ (( BnwBBrilKM SM VlWWiW C17CC no.ton Sjmiihanj- Orrh. (J-l nrk WulffM&JMttK AXVm OfxlDO ".Marrhe Miniature," 10-ln O.L.UU ' SWMWlSlMI .KVliUlVS fi170Q "Harllnjc XelUe Gray" CIHrt tWtMfmvX WLwUXwHOSSmt ''' Alma i lurk, lO-ln. Ol.UU $ffffjJKJM ffB-vQBBll '400 aalll-Corei. l:-ln. 51. OU WmflEM BBBBSSBaviflBBBBVsBxVil ' Ev"n Williams. 10-lnl Sl.UU IMHI. .- r. n. jl . j &. - . t - .Weitnvftr. their place on the out skirts "of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Glover, jr., hava leasod - their suburban place, "Orchard HIIl.'l to Ur, and Mrs. Ber nard Baruch, who will spend the spring months there. Mr. and Mrs. Baruch have had Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Reynolds Hltt's residence for tn win. ter. Little Miss.Betty Baker, daughtsr of the Secretary of War andMfinaker. and Miss Beatrice liendersori'grfand daughter of Mrs. John B. Henderson, will take part in the fairy play. "In the Land of Make Believe," to be given at the Belasco Theater on Thursday afternoon for the benefit of the Tin Bite I'und for the destitute children of wir allies. i'The and boTjhjaldcrs are Mrs. Woodrftr- Wilson. jfwr Now on V. Bakeri Lady Reading Madame L'kengren. Mrs. Tasker II. Bliss, Mrs. Frank Polk, Mrs. J. Lord O'Brien. Miss Mabel Boardman, Mrs. Arthur Lee, Mrs. I". S. Grant .Id, Mrs. John B. Henderson, Mrs." "Walter -Tuckerman, Mrs. P. Lee Chlllfps. Mrs. Barrett Browning. Mrs. Kdward McLean. Mrs under auspices of tbe Woman's Army and Navy.; League. A box has been reserved for them." Th 8ccrstary of the Navy and Mrs. Danltls art also among tht box holders, and among others who have boxts and will have gueits with them are Mrs. Emerson H. LIscum, Admiral and Mrs. William S. Btnson. Rear 'Admiral and Mrs. Leigh C. Palmer. Mrs. Francois Ber ber Moran, -and Mrs, SHas Casey. Mrs. Daniels wilt head the rectiv Ing line, which will Include Mrs. George Barnettj wlft ,of the cdm mandant.'bf the. Marine Corps; Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Henry P, McCain, wife of the adjutant general U. S, A; Mrs. Arthur "Wlllard, wife of the command, ant of the Washington Navy Yard, and Mrs. LIscum, president of the league. Captain Wlllard Is chairman of the floor co'.nmitet. Mrs. Sherman Miles beads a sptctal committee of army women, and lIr- Edward Dorn. of navy women, who have been .promot ing the Interests of the ball. The members of hostess committee, who will bt designated by a knot of rib bon and whose principal function will be. to make 'Introductions, are Mrs. Alexander Sharp, Mrs. Theodore JewellMrsJ.JJ, N. Atwater. Mrs. Leigh , jAiiss , Dixie Bait At Wlllard to Be Gala. Event The fifteenth annual Dixie Ball, to be given tonight ' at the Wlllard, given tonight at the Marine Barracks) by Robert E. Lea Chapter, United mi JCamt - rmt f J. 0110 8THST.AXMHrtA.rZ, T. B 9 KcBGBtOV 7 - Palmer,- Emma Nourse. Mrs. Mrs- AndreH-Mr- Lsjj'fJrJ-iSMrs. Raj-ne Bills', Mrs. Ord Prcstott.' Mrs. lnpbert Roosevelt, Mrs. Charles Ram- lip. Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Hendricks. Mrs. Warrington. Mrs. Richard Crane 3d., Mrs. Alexander Msckay-Smlth, Mrs. Davit Ireland, and Mrs. John Crayke Silnpson. Seraple-BroiTBe. An announcement In which Wssh- lngton will be generally interested Is that of the marriage of Mrs. Hester Browne was a brother of Brltton Singer Erovn widow of Jcse H. Browne, of Washington, to Lieut. R. Hollyday Seniple. of Louisville. Ivy. now of the Ordnance Department, II. S. A., stationed at Springfield, Mas. The ceremony was performed quite privately a( noon on Saturday, In the winter' home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Morton Singer, of Pittsburgh, at Pasadena. Cal. . The date was act suddenly on ac count of possible War orders, and the party was a very small one because of the family mournlng'for the bride's grandmother. The late Jesse B. Browne, of this city, and the bride- broom of yesterday Is a brother of Mrs. Brltton Browne. Tho engagement was announced to the families several months ago. The bride and bride groom will go at once to Springfield, owinc to' th Inability of the bride groom obtaining leave for a longer period than the ceremony. ! . Miss Maxlne Elliott, who rs playing In Washington this week. Is the guest of Mrs. Thomas L. Chadhourne, jr.. at her aparment. 17f3 Massachusetts avenue. Howard Clark, Mrs. Stlmson Brown, Mrs; Dennis Nolan, and Mrs. Hayne Ellis. Mrs. Walton's pame heads the list of patronesses; which Includes many distinguished women. Commander and Mrs. Frank Freyer and Mr. and Mrs. D-C Stapleton ar among those who will give dinners before the ball. i. "- .' . Mri .atiiOlrs. Arthur Lee wJU enV UtUIn lctttstlngulhed company, ai dinner. tanigni. . --. Miss Martin Honor Gnest, Miss Anne Martin', vice chairman of the'Natlonal Woman's Jy, who will leave for Nevada tnl's. Week, to organ ize her campaign for the United States Senate, will be the honor guest at a dinner at" the ' suffrage headquarters at It Jackson place tomorrow eve ning. The dinner, which' Is to be held In the ballroom, will also be the hous'ewarmlng of tbe new headquar ters. Among the speakers win be Will Irwin, famous war correspon dent: Dudley Field Malone, of New York, and Mrs. Hheehy-Bksmnglnv. Alice Paul, national chairman, -of . woman'" Party, will act as toaitrals-tress. Among out-of-town ptople who ara coming to Washington ror me dinner are Mrs. Florence Btyard Hllles and Mrs. James Glnnes. of Wil mington; Mr. Robert Gorham Fuller nrf fr. lfaltam I.. Movlus. of Boston. and Mrs. John Winters Brannan. Mjrsy S&iJaVXahO'VSISigfr e .Euesu John Rogers, jr., Mrs. Robert Adam tit's!H4b,?aPn' at the Wlf- VII.. M,,lr.n .. -fr .n,l Uri ,-fi -' -V.-tj " .., . .' suti, iib, .,.v.. --tt .. -..- -- itru on Qsurasr venins; or in. liontrtururrt.Mr. """-; ' benefit of the Amerlean-Brltlsh- "",?Tt.Y' cx '.J ""J V'i Trench-Belglan Permanent Blind Re Mrs. Lillian M. McAdow, of . New Y'ork. The committee In charge of the ar. rangrmehts for -,lha. dinner, for which -ay Mrs per Edwards. Mr. Avery Cdonley, Mrs. John Jay White, Mr. Richard Walnwrlght. Mr. Jane Palmer, Mrs. William Kent. Mrs. W. Thompson Unroll. Mrs. Francis J. Heney. Mrs. Gllson Gardner, Mrs. 8. B. M. Young Mi's Sallle Hovey. 3lrs. Robert Baker, Mr. Robert B. Stearn. Mrs. A. D. Van Cleave, and Mr. Harvey Wiley. Daughters of tho.. Confederacy. or the benefit of.;Cont'ederate .Memorial Home, prom) to; be one of the most notable entertalnrdent In the history or in organisation. Those in the reeelvlntr line will be Mrs. E. Hilton. Jackson, president otj uie cnapter; Airs. ranK u. uoennciin r, Mrs. James E. Mulcare, District division president, U. D. C: Capt. Fred Beall, commander of Camp' 17?. U. C. V.; Mill Nannl Randolph Heth. president Southern Relief Society: C C. Calhoun, president Southern Relief. Society; Mrs. John M. HIckey, hon orary president of the chapter; Mrs, Hunter Laugbton. second vlrc presi dent; Mrs. H. G. Clay, recorJIng sec retary: Mr. J. William Kyle, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. Horace Whlttaker, historian; Miss Edith Lil lian Blchter, registrar, and Mrs, Belle Riley, chaplain. Mrs. Walter E. Hutton who- heads the ball committee, will be assisted by Mrs. A. H. Plant; vice chairman: Mn. J. Lee Webb, Mr. H. O. Clay, Mr. William I. Denning, Mrs. Hunter Uughton, Mrs. J. William Kyi. Mrs. Victor Deyber, Mrs. George Horning, Mrs. Theoqjjre Judd, -Mrs. Claud Ben nett. Mrs. Mates Warren. Miss Minnie Carroll, and Mrs, Archibald Toung. Gen. Julian S. Carr- and Dr. Clar ence , J. Owens .will Introduce the Euest's and aiiUted by the reception committee composed of Gen. William Cv -Gorgas. -Brig. :dn. Charles B. Howry, CoL Robert E. Le. CapL T. Raleigh Ralne. Charles M. Sted- man Thomas W. Jlarrlson. Congress man Hnry D. Flood, Congressman J. Wlllard RagsdaJe, Congressman W. W. VanabU, Dr. Philip: S. Roy, Bdward E. Denlson. L. D, Roblnion.-. Col. Robert N. Harper, Gov. Alexander DockerylTf jonn tfooie,- .cot.- wagnus b. Tnomp; tan. Capt. M. HIckey, and R. Walton' Moor. , : Mil BJHn Stuart Griffith. JHsi Iena .Daakt and Miss Marie Loplssj uwent wrn ae in cnarge or tne young ladles' committee, to which have been added the following: Mia Gertrude L. Jones, "Miss Mary Belle Fish and Miss Margaret J.'Holllngsworth. William S. Stamper, commandant Camp 305, S. C. V.. and Major E. W. Kwlnr, district division commander, will be tn charge of the floor commit tee. To this committee have been added Sumner E. Kimball. S. H. Ford. fCharJH Woo4;TtJor. Wade Cooperj Gefe.--HornlnBvrjrre4iarmolph Car- rr.icnstl. John -Wltlougftby- and u. It Epdtrly. .. Hostess Committee. A hostess committee, recruited from the rank of Washington's most charming girl and young matrons. 'mm"lV!1S'!a!!Vi Open from 9.15 A. M. wtii 6JBPZM? j""- J LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR SILK NEEDS L And see ifrtfreSpportunity is not meant especially i .' - tui juu. ManofactsHTer's :San!e Piece, bflwit at csecial prictv. : : conceulotir. and tbe benefit it ym twBorrcrw'. -7r :: T trr.u N.,;.k. JLe p:... v. iu. ai;l, .on v.i. I . jor More to'lfie Piece It I Ytxir "Tone to By ! ''-Zc. -rv-JBMutirul Silks for a Biz Saving VpiErprm Regularly Sold at $2.50 to $3.50 ? 4uu ivV T?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 'SS I Lsbbbb9sbbbVbbbbbbbI 4TS JtflBBBKflaBflBBBBBBTI 11 ffjtV aflBTaBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBl ' ' BflTBflk. -PXBBBBBXBflBBBBBTBflTI '' CflBBnBBBHflBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTl '' BBTBBBBBBflBBBVSflBBBBBBBBr9!jBBBBD!3 ' KaflBBSBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf 1 BfVP2BBBBB9aflBB7flBBBBBBBBBflBBBB 1 BflBBBft'11a(a(aTafl2flBBBflBBBflBBBBBBB ' lflBBBBUBflBVSBBBBBTBBBBBBVflBBBBBBBBBBTI 1 ' BflBBBBBBBBBKsBBBBBtflBBBBSflflBBBBBBBBI ' BBBBBBBBB!flBflBBHBaBflBnBflBBBt ' IBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBSVll I BBBBbH '' BlflBBBBBBmlflBT' It I bESsII i ""bbbbbbRBbbb I' I bbbbCJI BflBBBH aBBBBF I BBISBBBBb! i -ZZ7Z3ijBi yBflTSBBBTBBBBklflBBBU 1 I . . ,.'.-;'-. .. ' t Choice A .rich assortment of Eng lish Twills and Radium Fou lards in the new spring pat terns some are small and conservative effects, others are bold and dashing; large coin spots, irregular figure? and modern art motifs are among the new designs. Novelty Summer Dress Silks, $1.85 to $2 Values Choice m? Yard sS?f-. These are 32 to 3iwliewide,ia wide ranee of fuUmable deaijrai and besatifnl tiewMtttHsff. Ia cludedW' Stripe SWfetag, SUk Ginjrh&ms. Checks, Plaids, Satin Stripes. Polka Dots and Novelty Foulards, in both light -and dark grounds, for nmmer dresses 'and separate skirt." " Kann'a Street Floorv . Mulligan (iormin. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Iteatrlre Collettft Gor man, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terence James Gorman, of Har vard street, and Lieut. John Joseph Mn. 'lean. Li S. A., son nf Mrs. Psrah X Mulligan, of New York and At lantic Highlands. N. J. Tho ceremony tvan performed at Charlotte. N. C. on Marrh 2!. by the chaplain of I.leuten. ant Mulligan's regiment, tho wedding I having been hastened by war condi tions. The young couple are spending their honeymoon In the South. &&?.?& 4. & V kJ ft Ji &ZJJ 1221 F Sfit N. W. Main 7361 Stoin-Reat and Hear the Best ADVERTISEMENT. A Sure Way to End Dandruff There Is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do th, Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvun from any drug store (this 1 all you will need), ap ply It at night when retiring: use enough to-molsten the tcalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. lly morning, moat If not all of your dandruff will be gone, and three or fonr more amplications will complete ly dissolve and entirely dstroy every single, sign and trace of it. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will And all Itchlner and dlr- going of the ncalo will stop instantly. ana your nair win ne nuny 1..u 111... -. - a. IU.BJ, Billy uu pull, iu ! a hundred Uom bu. r.. i. . ...- I. lU'UUU,. d look and Signal Carps Meeting. The Signal Corp Emergency Com mittee will hold It regular monthly meeting at the Fhoreham Hotel this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. E. C. Johnson, and Ml Audrey M. Johnson,.'wlfe and daughter of the General Counsel of Internal Revenue, left town oh Thursday for New York, where Miss Johnson went to resume her vocsl studies under Trofeasor Hosea, of ths New York Conservatory of Music Jacob U Lacldiu. of this city, an nounces the engagement of his daughter. Miss Dlanche Lapldus. to Harry O. Sandberg, of Boston. Mr Kandberg Is temporarily located In Washington In the Interests of the Zionist movement. War roster Exhibition. Cards have been Issued by the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art announcing special exhibition of war posters by prominent American artists held under the auspice of the Committee on Public Information, to be on view in the special exhibition room of the gallery from tomorrow to Thursday, April 11. Uraax Aria Club Salen. At the regular " Sunday afternoon salon of the Beaux Arts Club. 1413 H street, Mrs. Marguerite Xeubauser. a collection of whose landscape paint ings are on exhibition at the club gallery attracting most favorable comment, wa the guest of honor. Itudolph de Zspp made the presenta tions. Miss Verna Hetfield. poured tea. Among the guests were Con greBsman Burroughs of New Hamp shire and Mrs. Burroughs; Mr. and Mrs. George Crafts, of Manchester, N. H.; Mr. and Mrs. Floy L. Neu hauser. Capt. Luke McNamee, U. S. N.; Dorothy Swlneburne McNamee. the noted portrait painter; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houston Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Sutphen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bleyden. Mr. Martin, Miss Eleanor Martin, Mr. Rosa Graye Kennedy, Mrs. Liv ingstone D. Bishop. Mrs. Aubrey I.anaton. Mrs. George Pearce. of Texss, Mrs. Casey. Miss Alice Tage Cooper, Miss Cells Martin, Miss Cor nelia Peako Lyne, of Kentucky, Miss Morr.'MIs Ann Fuller Abbott, the portrait painter; Miss Agnes A. Car ter, Miss VeagU, Miss Margaret Mentsel: Theodore J. Morgan, the landscape painter; Onlp Petrograd; the Imperial Academy, of Petrograd; Lieutenant Commander Hetfield, U. S. N.: Roy Baker. Ulrlc S. J. Dun bar, the sculptor; Jack McAndrews, Senor Paniagua, Morton Walker, John Carroll, a young artist of San Fran cisco; W. B. Chilton, and Jleynolds Hodgson, of Wilmington, Del. A collection of John Carroll' water colors will be on exhibition at th Btaux Art Club this week. lief Fund.' Thl commute will be active In Introducing visitors, partic ularly army and navy men. and ex- na.l. if IlmNatHA-fi,Mta1 e.ln- nf vjiKin the bk Through the .generality of various subscribers, th committee for tha bsll Is able to announce that every' dollar paid In for boxes and tickets will be a net contribution to the wonderful work being accomplished by th organization among the sol diers and seamen blinded In tbe great war. William E. Fowler is. chairman of th committee. Bear Admiral Samuel McGowan Is head of tha floor com mittee and Miss Glsdys Hinckley Is chairman of th young ladles' com mittee. She wilt be assisted by the Mleses Burleson, Nataline Dulles, Catharine Harlow, Eally C. Beecher, Franec'a Hoar. Louise Delano. Sara Price Collier. Manuela de Pena, Louise Hoar, Helen Le Seure, Joan Oh), Lydla Selden Chapln, HaIle Davis, Louise Thoron, Virginia Le Seure. M. Etaln Denegre. Caryl Crawford, Margaret Cary, Enid Sim, Mary Duncan Gibson, rtuth Donaldson. Lillian Bir ney, Mary E. Sanger, Kathrrine Colby, Bessie Edwards. Anna Montgomery, Ruth Wilson, Helen Blodgett. Elisa beth Sim. Anita Henry, Cedilla Mc Callum. Minna Blair, Margaret Tuttle, Adelaide Tuttle. Margaret. .Smith. Mar garet Devereaux, Catherine Burrltt, Claudia Johnson. Jean Rayner, Car ter Mulllken, Reeves Harris. Anne Gordon. Lellla Gordon. Lucy Flather, Maxlne Durant Delphlne Heyl, Dor othy Dunn, Grace Overman, Davlette Flcklen, Virginia Maxwell. Abble Har vey, Grace Beach, Mary House, Bea trice Fairfax, Pamela Henry. Eliza beth Koons. Gladys Calne, Virginia Sutherland, Helen Claxton, McKenna Pults. Mrs. Sherman Miles. Mis' Elea nor Stewart, the Misses Shoemaker, and Mrs. Thomas Blagden. 5 AOVERTI6EMENT DAUGHTER GAVE AGED MOTHER VINOL Now She is Strong and Better Every Way Pitman, N. ,WI suffered from a vretk, run-down condition so I could not ret around to do my usual light duties, (or I am 73 years of age and past hard work. My daughter brought me a bottle o Vinol and asked me to try it, and after taking two bottles I have a good appetite, rest well at night and am stronger and better in every way." Mrs. F. Anderson, Pitman, N. J- We wish every feeble, sged man and woman in this vicinity would just try this constitutional cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to bene fit. Formula is on every bottle. O'Donnell's Drug Store. 004 F Street t N. W- and other Washington Drug Stores that display the VlnoI Sign and at the best drug store In evtry town and alty (a tha country. WASH W&ISTS BLOSSOM OUT IN STUNNING NEW STYLES Plain Colored Voiles in new tans, flesh, and other colors, as well as white; some are trimmed with Point Venise laces. There are colored organdy waists,- with high collars, finish ed with black ribbon stocks, and white voiles with colored organ dy collars. Also some colored striped waists in the lot at the. lower price. All sizes. -,&, It ?2 arfd $2.95 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbC !xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI " XIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS JJ9 l J BbW Kcnn'- Scond Flqor. w. A. Spring Coat Is Useful All Summer Lqngx. And-sou can still call it into service in the --early- iaiVefera you buy your fall outfit. - - -- Come in and see tb new models. Theylwjlljbe aa inspiration to you, and if you havenot fully made up your njind ypuro sure to do so then- and there and select from the" many "we are nowinjr m new silvertone. velours, Toiret twills, gabardlffes."and wool Jersey. CoaU with' -new style belts, large pocketsrand fancy button trim- mings, v--' In new colors, such as the new grays, .Pekjn, bint, rookie, sand. and navy. All sites- for women. -J At $29.75 HIGH GRADE COATS With many especially designed to be becoming to the "stout figure. In some of theso styles, we have sizes as high as 5QH host meas ure. A number are faH silk lined, and are shown in all the new col ors, as well as nary and block. They are made of the season's popular materials, "andthe" work manship frof the-highest cualityv Trith- all the lit tle details' that' make for perfection- carefully con sidered. Choice at F " r S 12, I MA u vy t sj jmk u.ljk I iTH vlyi VI V rerS, 1 -. s I $39,75 Kann's it Floor. April Brings New Models in Smart Spring Suits In fact almost every day there arc ' new ones arriving, and there is no diminution of their attractiveness, because the new ideas each seem an improvement on the one brought out just before. Plenty of new Eton models, ripple coat style, pony coats, new vest and waistcoat stylps. The materials are Poiret twills, Jersey cloths, serges, twecdi, chev iots and serge and silk combinations? .. The colors are taupe, olive drab, navy, Sammy, black and sand. -All sizes for misses from 14 years to women, 46 bust " At $25.00 $29.75 $35.00 Kami's Second 'FI$X; I r"f f'fffffj -iTiTWi5s" nfrMr III - L . 'i i. 7J .. -u.- xi-H