Newspaper Page Text
5W THE WASHINGTON TBIES. fONDAY; APRIL 1. 1918. SEC. DANIELS.WILL FORCFGLEANUPOF PHILADELPHIA VICE Penny Ante & when the jokee is . By Jean Knott Secretary of the Nary Daniels today Iterated hU determination to make Philadelphia safe for'bluejackets and marines. He has ample powers, he declared, and unless the city authori ties Act upon his expose of vice and Uqvot Conditions he trill "not hesitate to Cues drastic action. If necessary, Jie said, he can make the whole city dry, but he does not contemplate being forced to this ex treme. He is not, as Is believed In ome quarters, restricted to a five-mile stone limit, but can prohibit ethe sale 'of liquor, for any distance from a naval station if he deems that neces sary to saf eguard the jackies. Another course open to him Is to make Philadelphia & forbidden terri tory that is, prohibit sailors and ma rines from landing there. This -was on it Hare Island. Vallejo, Cal, being- en "the "blacklist" for six months because conditions he, complained of Wert) not corrected. It was learned today that Secretary 2ah!els complained to the Philadel phia; -authorities some time aero, but BO action resulted. He. then pressed Jits investigation and formally- noti fied the authorities that conditions must improve, at the same time giv tnr his finding to the press. In connection with the Philadelphia Situation the Secretary let It be known today that lie contemplates divorcing fhs marine barracks from toaw, Yards laltoeether. The nlans. which will be put In effect, as soon as J poMiDie, is 10 leave at navy jams only enough marines to do guard duty. . rtabllt(hlng the barracks at other joints. 83 JOE PLANES DOWNED Bit BRITISH IN ITALY . LONDON: April J. An official Brlt- ssn statement, -mace public today, tells of the destruction by British Irraen. of eighty-three enemy air planes on. the JUlian front. Tea ma nines wete.lost by the British. Of the operations of British forces on the Italian front, the statement gays that "on the Italian front the British troop holding- the llontelo Section, were relieved in the middle cf Karch, and since have taken a. new sector on the-Astago plateau." A florae dispatch sutea that along Chntlre Italian front there Is an In tensive, artillery duel in progress and considerable activity b,ypatro parties, Italian 'Airmen, .hare -succeeded. In bringing down number of. enemy alr gUaaes daring the past week. Registered V, B. Patent Office. ' ' GT This feKSHT. mk ( i 5 " . X TeLEPHoME Do BVJEL OP A W? SUM. Mlfc-E.. I eop A WWD BEAT W fiv5 BEAT A I LAWYER J 5TfiAlSHT FLUSH gS j PavAL HUSH. NA r Don't -Tuey? ' ujhat's the. use ) f r domt see ? y-T- r-6ET THAT V( ?LUSH'BAT3 To J .( i ff? J T F,VEOF yvy RECRUITING CANARIES TO DIE FOR DEMOCRACY MINNEAPOLIS. JIDW, April 1. A campaign to recruit canaries who will give up their lives to help make the world safe for democracy, was started here today by Arthur Loralne. The part of the canary in the great war Is a snap. AH the canary has to do is to die. The birds are placed In cages hung along the first line trenches. Canaries are particularly susceptible to Ger man poison gas. On .the first sniff of the gas. iha canary dies. Then the gae alarm, is1 sounded,' and Simmy has a chance to put' on his helmet.' From the Business Office Viewpoint 3- GAINED 285,229 Lines of Advertising FOR MARCH, 1918 An Advertising Gain on a Basis of Three-and-One-Half Million Lines Per Year STARS OF MOVIES COMING HERE TO BOOST NEW LOAN Gee! Movie fans, look here! Did you ever even dream In your wildest moments of imagination that you'd ever get a chance to see, all In a bunch, and in real life Instead of reel lire, these stars: Mary PIckford, with her splrituelle beauty: Douglas Fairbanks, with his Infectious grin, and Charlie Chaplin, the wiggly, and Marie Dressier, th avotrdupolsly film comedians? Guests of Press Club. "Well, listen, now and keep this under ouj;.hat, All four ofthem will; be Jn "Washington on 'Friday. April 5, and' that night they will be the guests of the National Press Club. So If you hang around the Rlggs building, you may see this Quartet of movie stars. But here's another way to see them. Walt till the next day, when Mary and Charlie one can't help being fa miliar will speak, at jmbllc meet ings lie re In the interests of the third Liberty loan. Definite arrangements for the time and place of their appearance have not been completed, but both the fa mous film comedian and Miss Pick ford will speak to the public. And here's a tip If you want to make a hit ,wlth them, just buy a bond. Douglas Fairbanks, although be will be here Friday, will not speak any where In this city, but at the Press Club. Marie Dressier will not speak either. Margnertte Clark T Speak Another film star who will speak to aid the loan la Marguerite Clark She will tour from Philadelphia, where she opens the campaign on April 6, through Middle Western cities, but will not visit 'Washington. Charlie Chaplin, after speaking here, will t$ek. , twJ&er-iniiStrginlaJ -hd then go through North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Douglas Fairbanks will open his campaign April 10, at Rochester. N Y and then jump to Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, 'Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Miss PIckford's Itinerary, after her opening of the campaign here, will Include Baltimore on April 8, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. Marie Dressier will not be a Lib erty loan speaker, but will be the Press Club's guest here next Friday night. BILL FOR HOUSING ALL NEW DAY OF PRAYER Fl RALLIED AU E In the month of February, 1918, with a gain of 203,588 lines of advertisinff. The Washington Times led all the papers in the 19 largest cities In the United States, in both the amount of gain and the percentage rate of gain. And the March Gain Is Nearly One-third Greater Than the February Gain. For the Past 9 Months The New Washington Times Shows the Following Advertising Gains 82,720 Lines Gain for July 112,889 Lines Gain for August 119,620 Lines Gain for September 168,201 Lines Gain for October 153,652 Lines Gain for November 214,633 Lines Gain for December 211,112 Lines Gain for January 203,588 Lines Gain for February 285,229 Lines Gain for March Senator Galllnger, oldest member of I the Senate, the Republican leader, to day offered a resolution for a day of prayer and fasting for the success of the allied cause and speedy and lasting peace. He asked the Immediate consldera- Itlon of the resolution, which la as follows: "Resolved by the Senate, the House of RepresentatUe concurring. That, It being a duty peculiarly Incumbent In a time of war humbly and de voutly to acknowledge our depend ence on Almighty God, and to lm plore Ills aid and protection, the President of the united Mates be, ana ho is hereby, respectfully requested to recommend 'a day or publlo hu miliation, prayer, and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States, with religious solemnity and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of our cause. Ills blessings on our arms, and a speedy restoration of an honorable and lasting peace to the nations of the earth." BEAM TUB L SPY SUSPECT 10 BE BURIED TODAY FOOT POWDER MAKES A POOR ROM SUBSTITUTE i - TOTAL, 1,551,644 Lines Over a Million and One-Half Lines Gain " For a Period of 9 Months E. C. ROGERS, Business Manager WITH THE AMERICAN ARMT IN FRINGE, April 1. The substitution of a ton of foot powder for flour in making a batch of bread here re cently proved successful only In arousing suspicion temporarily among the bojs that they were the victims of another German plot. No one knew what was the matter with the flour. It was thought mere- ly that some one had sold the Gov ernment a bogus article, but the cli max came today, when an official ap peared at the quartermaster's place and insisted that the ton of foot pow der be produced. So far as Is known the powder Is quite harmless. Just how much of It was eaten is prob lematical. The partly empted sacks now are being rounded up and sent out where they w411 be of more ser vice than In the baker's kitchens. The quartermaster's department In the rush to get supplies forward, had mistaken a shipment of the unlabeld powder for flour, of which there was then some shortage. NEW YORK, April 1 Beautiful Mme. Nezle Desplna Davldovltch Storch, accused of being a German spy, dead on the eve of her deporta tion to France, will be burled Jhls aft ernoon. The woman of fashion, once known In all the capitals of the world, will be Interred In a hermetically sealed vault In Mount Olivet Cemetery. A priest of the orthodox Greek church will read the last ceremony. French Baron Chief Mourner. Baron Henri de BevlIIe. whose In fatuatlon, for the fascinating Turk caused his arrest with her on March 18, will be the chief mourner at the funeral. He will be permitted to at tend the funeral under heavy guard from 'Ellis Island. His father. Baron Albert de Bevllle, a loyal Frenchman, of this city, will pay the funeral expenses. While It was first thought likely the death of Mme. Storch might open the romantic story of her adventures In this country since she chummed with officials of foreign governments, It now appears that so Important are the discoveries made by the Department of Justice In connection with her ac tivities In Washington and New York that the chapters of intrigue, detail ing her association with army officers, ambassadors, and attaches, may never find their way out of the files of the Department of Justice. Nothing Is known of the family of Mme. .Storch. She told an official of tho Bureau of Investigation that at the age of seventeen she married Paul Storch. and said he was probably In service In France at this time. She was born In Constantinople. Seed at Suicide Theory. Government officials scoff at the theory that Mme. Storch died a sui cide. Since her arrest on March IS. her physical condition had graduatfy weakened under the strain to which she was subjected. The Turkish beauty contracted a cold one night after a crying spell, and pneumonia set In. In her despond ency, officials say, the woman made no effort to combat the trouble, desir ing death rather than a further con test with the law. There was no criminal .charge against her She uas never arraigned. D. C. WAR WORKERS EXPECTED TO PASS Proposed legislation for housing in the District of Columbia, as well as housing for war workers the country over, is expected soon to take shape in Congress. ri With the -demands for housing ia Washington and elsewhere growing every day, the House today has be fore it the general housing bill, pro viding 150,000,000 for housing, and In cluding an amendment which allows S10.O00.OO0 for housing In the District. The Imperative need for Govern ment acUanEinrefrrence-tqhouslng In Washington has been set forth re peatedly, both before the House Com. mlttee on Public Buildings and before the House District Committee. In the recent report or the District Commit tee on the Mapes bill, it was brought out that many eligibles are turning down Government Jobs in 'Washing, ton because they cannot find quarters. Indications are that both the House and Senate will act favorably on the proposed appropriation for housing In wasmngton. RIVETERS OFFERED PRIZE. NEW YORK. April 1. To stimulate the rivalry that exists among the riveters at the Fort Newark terminal shipyards, Edward N. Hurley, chair. man of the United States shipping board, Has announced that he will pay the expenses of a trip to Wash ington to the crew making the best recbrd In the next month. Mr. Hur ley also promised to introduce the prire winners to President Wilson. After Mr. Hurley's announcement one crew made a new record by drlrlnsr 966 buttonhead rivets in nine hours. Vital Records Births. Edwin R. and Marten E. Selenitic, bey. Domlco and Marl Eabbatlnl, girt. Albert and Concitta Sllvestrl, boy. Nathan and Anna Itomt, girt. Btltlman J. and Katnryn McCathran, clrL Boy U. and Florence A. McVer, boy. William C. and Kktherlne G. Mnalnk. rbi. Stephen and Uarle L. Latcbtord, girl. Fnnlc and Laurts. nor: Louli and Sophia Jeweller, slrl. Lanrenre A. ana Mildred it. Hopkins, sin. lterry W. and Florence 1. Celt In, boy. Henry W. and Effle E. Frj". br. Elbert K. and Ethel l: Diirfee. bor. Welter II and Mabel E. ntxon. bor. John A. and Ormre a. Belt. tor. Charles D. and Katbertne A Dateon, Frmnela I. and Anna Burdlne. strl. Howard and Kllxatxtb Wlllla. strl. Reorse and Leanna fimlth. boy. Joeeph and Helena Mitchell, boy. George and Kpuna Hebron, boy. Owen and Mamie llawklna. (trl. Levi and JIary J. Holt. boy. Theodore and Florence Green, gtrt. Earl S. and Elile A. Greenleaf, Ctrl. Joeeph II. and Annie If. Carroll, fir!. Lewis and Susie Anderson, strl. Isaao and Jennie Dunayer. boy. Junee and Mary CnaJcalakls, girl. Mildred and Etrie Crowell, girl. William T. and Anna L. Able, girl. girl. WALL ST. MARKET ADVANCES IN ORDER AS SES SION OPENS. Favorable News From Washington and the War Front la Responded to With Good Demand for Stock. Copper Group Stranger Reading Leads Rail. Her Single State Is Brief . NEW YORK, April 1. The favor able news both from Washington and the war front was responded to with a good demand for stocks at the opening of the stock, market today, with advances In order. The supply was go small as to cause general com ment, especially in stocks that until the end of last week had been sub jected to bear pressure on all displays of strength. Reading was the most prominent feature of the trading In the fore noon, with renewed accumulation of that stock carrying Its prices up morei than 1 point to 82",, but many other issues showed a receding tendency after the early advances. Steel common, after advancing Ti to DO, reacted, to 00H; and Mexico Petroleum. "Marine preferred, and Baldwin Locomotive moved In the same way. Sinclair Oil, which made a galn,of H to 2Si, later declined to Barorday Qom, A jax Rubber I.AlukaGM. lft A&s.-Jnnean Allls-Chal... 40J3 AmCarj.... 78 AC&Fdy Am. Express. Am Loco.... AmMaltpfd 77 Am'Smelting 89.'" AmSamTob 63 ASteelFdy, Am Sugar. .. K0',i Am Tel i. T. E0?4 m.TOolea7 63 Anacoadh.. " AQiWI... AtG&WIpf.. Bait & Ohio.. B&Opf 74J Bald Loco... Barrett Co. . 77S BethSUB... High; Cow. 2 IK Hi 24 40JS 79 81 61 47 715b 91 627a 102)4 VMi VJZii 101 101 101 51 51 63,'i 63 105JS 105J 61JI 6lJi 52 .52 533 53X 74J6 -75H 87 67M 773 mi 1H VA 24 407s 79X 81 62 48 77 92 627s XML 54 IX l'A 24 40 79U 81 613 47 71 S2 62 51i 63? 106 em 53 Js 15'A 87A Betb.SU pf... 1013 101 101 BrookRT... 39J4 -3975 39J 19&,Butte&Sap.. 19tf 19J -TS'A 138$ Can Pacific 138 128 XS3U 64tf Cent Leather. 64 64 64 38 Centl Found. 56 Cnes&OMo.. CerroCop..., CU&SP.... 71 CM&SPpt. 55J6 CRIP6wi.. CRItP7wI.. 15M CMlo Copper. 40 Chin C Cop-.. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSVBsiSSBBBBBBS f ssssssssss-l;V'asr IssssssssssssssssssssssssssssKs?. Xv0K4.,SsaV SseisesBiaeC''.-?'SS"W SSBBBBBBBBBam aPf i??V ssssssssslsl CAPO! WOMAN DIVORCED AND WED WITHINFEWHOURS MRS. WALTER C. McADOO. Who was divorced and rewed ail within few hours, ,-, THE LOCAL MARKET BOND SALES ACTIVE EXCHANGE HERE ON Not Single Share of Stock Sold During Entire Session Dlvl dends Announced byAmerican National Bank of Washington. After call at today's session of tbel Washington 8tock Exchange, bond sales showed activity. Stocks were dead, not share being sold the ntlre .session. During call but "one sale was recorded. a (1,000 Capital Traction 6 at par. After call SQ more Traction STt brought 97; two more blocks of 1600 each brought only Xhi. and a third sale of J1.8W found the price rsji. .Two WX blocks or Po tomac Consolidated Fa went at te. and three $500 blocks of Washington Railway and Electric Va brought S3. 118 90 27 ClCC,&StL. ColG&2.... z5'A CornProd.... 3 Crucible Stl. 40 Dirt Sesnr.. Erie 1st pf.. Erie G Lien.. FlsherBodj-.. Gaston '.Vmi Gen Motors Gen Mot pf- G North pf- Gt Nor Ore.. Greene C C. . 464 lm Copper.. IntHar.JiJ. 28,'i Int Nickel... IntConpf... c0?i Kennecott... 76 Lack Steel... Mackaypl... 24 Marina com.. QO'A Marine pfd... 53J4 Max. 1st pfd.. 92J Mexican Pet. 31 Miami Cop... 45 "MldvaleStl.. 4 MoK&T.... Mo Pacific... MoPacpf... Nat. Bis. pf . . 54 Nat Lead.... 18 NevCCop... 69?4 NY Central.. 38 56 0 Alii Tl'A 55 66 1514 41U 30 32 6 63K 41 28 5U 34 33J 120 81 90 28 40 47 38 E6 0?i WA 7VA 55 E6 15 41 30 32 35 63 0'A 28 51M 34 33'A S8 16'A 0 4115 71 55 66 15 41 30 32 35 63 40 23 . 51JS 4 33 lWi 117 81. 90 27 40 47 Deaths. Harry Fee, 25 yrs , en route te Georgetown Hoar. Charlotte Milton. i yrs.. 17 Q at. nw. Nannie A. Cbeelr. 42 yrs., Colurrbta Koap. Julia S". Ulndeletr, "S yra , Frorldenee lloep. Thomas N. Lowry, 47 rs , 1302 9th at. nw. Nettle R. Wtnkleman. 3) yra.. 6 C at. ee. James A. unn. yrs . Walter Reed Hoap wm. A. ueaneia. ei yrs , u. s. Boiaiers' Home lloep. rtoee Valllarlo. D yrs . Tuberculosis Hot. Clara Da. via. IS yra Geo. tVaahlns ton llojp. UjcIus It. uocce, ,z yrs., u i; at Harry H. Rupertus, U yrs., US Randolph pi. Theodore Gey. 11 y . Wash. Allium Itoep. Samuel It. Benson, 53 yra.. 170S 15th at. nw. Ltndaar Moore. v yrs , i-Teeamen s iiotn. isry B. Fadrett, 47 yra., 47 T at. nw. Alexander X McKee, Z4 yrs., (3 R. I. are. nw. Arthur y. Wilson, a yrs , 144S Corcoran st icthel It. Cnaae. 2 ttb.. 13S1 Corcoran st. nw. Frederick D. Williams, St yrs., lt:i Swarm at. T.mia Sewell. Xt tts. Frerdmen'a Hort. Infant of Joaeph X. and Annie il. Carroll. 7 dare. 1401-A 6th Capitol at. Christian Jacobs. 77 yrs . (41V t, st. nw Wm. Burley, 71 yrs , Soldiers Home Hoap. Jim 8qulree7i yrs.. Providence Hoep. lease It. llinsnam, ei yrs , moier jioap. f Caroline Handy. 11 yra , 81. Elisabeth's Hoap. Sallle J. Spcnce, S7 yrs . 504 Inlnr at ne. Frank It. Jackson, yrs.. 4317 Iowa are. nw. Itlchara urovee. rre rnersncy fioap. Mary Gannon. K jts.. WIO N at nw. Kveirn T Cobum. 11 yre . 1537 Hob&rt nw. joeeph Dank. It yrs . Weill. Aajrlum Hoep. Martha Johnson. : yrs.. Children's Horp. John Rsgadale, 33 yre.. Wash. Asylum Hoep. Jennie L. slurray. 19 yrs . 434 First st. aw. Kthel B. Johnson. 1 yr., 73S Navy pi. ae Kate M Dlrca. 31 yrs, Wsah. Alum Ifosp. Thov 2Ia.41on. 0 )Ta., Wsah. Asylum ilosp. Ella E. Coleman, 45 yrs . rci7 J. st. rw LUlan Caaiptelt. 17 yrs , Casualty lloip. 29 NYNHciH.. North Pacific Nova Sco Stl. 7? Ontario SHvr. 44 PennRR.... Pere Marq ct. Pure M pf ct. . FeoO&C... Pitts Coal... Pierce Arrow 51 Rr SU Sprgs.l 52 '23 Ray Con Cop. 23 78 RepI&SU... 79 81 Reading 82 ShaUuckAC 16 26 Sinclair Oil.. 22 Southern Ry. 83 South Pacific 41 Studebaker'.. Sup Steel.... SL&SF.... 17 TennG&C. Texas Co.... 50 TobacProd.. 120 81 90 27 40 46 116 115 116 28 28 28 42 30 76 61 25 90 52 92 31 45 4 21 52 103 54 19 69 29 85 62 7?4 44 11 52 42 62 33 52 23 78 81 16 26 22 83 40 35 10 17 144 142 14 52 51 52 42 31 76 61 52 93 31 45 4 21 52 109 54 19 69 29 85 62 7 44 11 52 42 52 38 28 22 83 41 35 10 17 42 30 76 61 25 90 52 93 31 45 4 21 52 109 54 10 69 29 85 62 7 44 11 52 42 52 38 52 23 78 81 16 26 22 3 40 35 10 17 A number of dividend notices were read. The American'Tiational Bank an nounces that the regular quarterly divi dend of per cent will be paid on April 10, the books to be closed April S to April 9. inclusive. j The Bank of Washington anotifaces the regular quarterly dividend of J3 per share paid April 1. ins. The Security Savings Bank announces a dividend of 3 per cent, paid April 1 to shareholders of record April 27. The Security Storage and Safe- Deposit Company announces the regular quarter ly dividend of 24.per.tnt. payable April ID to stocknoiders or record JUarch-30. Within a few hours ,atter a decree had been signed' at Fairfax "Court house. Ya grantlsgr fier a-dlvorce from HermaaKi Howinsteln, a prom inent Washington business man. Urs. Ilowensteln hurried to Baltimore where 4dia. waa. -married, to. Walter C. JIcAdoo., a manufacturer, last lion day. Today-the J coupleAare "h an Aaheville. N. C, hotel on their honey moon. Before her marriage to Howensteln here fifteen years ago. Mrs. ifcAdoo waa prominent In the social set as Mlscs Carolyn Xuehlelsen. Tho McAdoos were- married at the parsonage ot the Associated Congre. gatiomU Church by the pastor, the Rev. C Stnrgla Bali. The ceremony waa performed ..Monday last at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. .Members or, the minister's household were the only witnesses; The couple. In securing their license, stated that both had been divorced. Mrs. HcAdoo- gav her ige Is thirty Ave years ana her .residence as the Kenesaw apartments. Washington." Inquiry at Mr. McAdoo's office in BaU tlmire elicited the. Information that he would sfeturn In ten days. His home Is at Roland Park, Md, He ia vice president and general manager of a Baltimore chemical company. WASHINGTON FOOf CONTROLLER HALTS T ICE PHI m 99 108 T.-. LOCAL BOND MARKET. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bid. Asked TJ. S. Reg. 2's 9TU 83H u. & coupon -s OTU 17. S. Reg. 3's - SStt U. 8. Reg. 4's r. 104J U. S. Coupon 4's 104S Liberty Loan '4's 98.88 Liberty Loan 3H's 96.00 Liberty. Loan conv. 4's.. 97.00 OAS BONDS. Washington Gas C's... 98 RAILROAD BONDS. Cap. Tract. R. R..-. 9SS Metropolitan Br. e'i.. Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4's MISCELLANEOUS BONDS: 103 70 93 81i 83 92S 95 95 94 94 100 100 8: 91 93 93 100 Union Padflo 120 120 120 UCig Stores. 88 87 88 122 122 103 103 42 42 90 90 79 78 42 42 122 UBIndAl... 102 USRublpt. TJSS&R.... 69 US Steel.... 78 Utah Copper. 41 VaCarCm... VaCCpf.... Wabash 7 Wabash pi A. 40 West Union.. 92 Wilson Inc.. 55 Willys Over. 17 122 103 42 90 79 42 104 104 104 40 56 17 7 40 92 55 17 7 40 92 65 17 HIS THOUGHT. "It's a big house. Isn't It?" "Very. I waa Just thinking if no had a place like- this and Ma was to put my dress shirt studs away she never would remember where she'd hidden them. 01 102 102. Potomac Elex, Cons O's Pot. Elec. Lt. 68 Potomac Elec. Potftr 6s Am. TeL & Telga. 4's... Am. T. & T. 4'a A. T. & T. C'tT. Tr. 5s. Am, Grapho. 1st Cs.... D. C. Paper Mfg. Wash. Mark. 6'a 1927.. Wash. Mark. C's 1947.. W. M. Cold Stor. B's.... Sec Stge. & S. D. 6'a... N. & W. Steamboat C's. 100 RIggs Realty O's (long). ... Rlggs Realty B's (short). ... U. S. Realty, B's 101 PUBLIC TJTILITT STOCKS. CaplUl Traction 82 i ... Wash. Ry. & Elec., pfd. 67 70 N.& W. Steamboat 155 165 Washington Gas....... 56 ... Amer. TeL & Telga 100 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergenthaler Linotype.. 113 114 Lanston Monotype 60' ... NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank.... ISO ... Columbia Nat. Bank.... 200 ... Commercial Nat. Bank. ISO District Nat. Bank 143 Tar. & Mcch. Nat. Bank 235 Tederal Nat. Bank 167 Lincoln Nat. Bank 160 National, Metro. Bank... 200 Rlggs Nat. Bank National Bank of Wash. ... TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Am. Sec & Trust 230 250 Nat. Sa. & Trust....... 280 ... Union Trust 120 ... Wash. Loan & Trust.... 240 255 Continental Trust 115 120 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Home Savings 420 ... Bank of Com. tz Sav.... 12 ... East Wash. Sav. Bk.... 11 Sec Sav. & Com. Bk 165 ... FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Ins 8 10 Corcoran Fire Ins 70 ... Firemen's Fire Ins 19 ... Ger. Amer. Fire Ins..... 250 ... Nat. Union Fire Ins.... 614 ... TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Insur... 4 Real Estate Title Ins 80 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Chapin Sacks ISO D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 135 Merch. Tran. S. Storag.. 100 115 Security Storage 135 Sec Stge. o. Safe Dtp.. 110 Washington Market.... IS ... U. S. Realty Co 12a ... Increase in the price of ice to Wash ington consumers, proposed by a num ber of manufacturers here, was halt ed today by District Food Administra tor Clarence R Wilson. , The food administrator noUfleel h manufacturers; and throne-h tr,m th dealers that factors as to costs show ing any increases would have to be ' submitted to him before approval would be given to-higher prices to the consumers during the summer months. The Food Administrator held a con ference with the ice manufacturers Saturday. Three or four of them announced they proposed to Increase prices (today. This morning ifr. Wilson sent all of the manufactur ers a letter calling attention to-the agreement signed by the ice men and himself, providing for storage of v sufficient quantity of ice to carry Waahlngton thrih tv ti r months and providing that "the maa ufactnrer agrees tn-t'tiio iwi jv. duced by .him shall be jsofd'afca price which shall not be unreasonable or extortionate in the opinion of the Federal Food Administrator for the District of Columbia." REEDlLDl NOTAPPLYTQD.Cr rand y ye 200 245 175 480 230 B's, TODAY'S SALES. Capital Traction S's $1.0000100. After Call Capital Traction S500&100. Washington Gas S's. MOO C97. B00 964, 50090. l.OOOSOO'i. Potomac cons. as. si.uuuvs'i, si,ooo 93 . Washington jtatiway ana Electric 4's, S50Sb9. S500C9, S50O$69. rfTfeLOANS HORNING REt.EE. VA. ( South or IUtvty Brlftre) case AutouoDue rrsua iu ana u eta. X. V. A chares alleging violation of the Reed bone-dry amendment 'preferred by the Government against Louis Pappas and Robert Long was Ignored by the grand jury today- It was alleged that they had broucht unlabeled liquor Into the tty. via the Washington and Baltimore elec tric railway. ' When the case was brougnt before Jus tice Stafford on a demurrer the court held that the earning of unlabeled liquor for personal use in private pack ages was not to be construed as mean- -ing "shipping" as stated In the act ot Congress. FINANCIAL, Capital and Surplus. S2.000.000 Current news from the front should make every American doubly determined to see-to it that WE'DOWINthewar., Increase your bank account so you can buy Liberty Bonds and W. S. S. That way of helping America on to victory is open to every" stay-at-home. fJTDeposlU tamed in any sjrount uniform rate or Interest patd. National Savings & Trust Company Cor. 15th and N. Y. Ave. FIFTY-SECOND TEAR. The Safest Investments Are tboea that do net fluctuate durtnc dis turbed conditions of tne money or stock mar kets. First deed of trust notes (first mart cases), erell secured on real estate In tne District of Columbia, continue "srllt ede" investments, and tber do not depend upon tbe financial responsibility of lndlrtduals or cor-.. , pomtiona ror weir etamuiy. we esn supply such investments In amounts from CO up ward. Send for booklet. "Concerning Loans and Investments " SWARTZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., Va lith Street if. W. WMmmm immmam ssm 1 1 1 j j I I I I H1 i