Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TDIES, MONDAY,' APRIL 1, 1918. -K LOST AND FOUND AITO ' "'T-'ooodrrsf fhmair Ireh 31 Izxl tl Car line.- ItewMd. --J Cathedral are. 1'Pone N y- . i"OCkKTllOOK-Black pin aeat contalnlnc H a ftw tar Uet. Mi!!. -oVtt , raids. LHt TjnirrdsJ In 1nsliuniJ . IJr vnid. RetbmaoMIS PKANJ F MJ-". . 1C Glrard -X W. -Phone Columbia-WiAV . SMALL, gold wrisj: ,wa,tch, No 918898915, with LucieiAkers engraved o'njthefbaciwas' left for rejjaltonJtaWrary. 31 with a local jeweler. Call Line. 3U. . ,jf J i ;,i , c ; RPB Black JeaUierJ oaVTarsjiiv ut dock. IB the viclntty.of ,tt an B et W., container bllla stld 3dtlrt receipt Kindly return t Jilt lfc.f, JiVjV w. fceward 11 LEATHER jCABJ smalLtoanraJoing Govern ment pan and and Lsnseurgb'si , war IffMiirflnl&o 1M Isewlon at. Jif. VFWfr II JxSO-TVrttiF4inlmil4"li aia';and festlurr'ad. rOHoir.T!rewsTd. call .1 2B. or ev iuimrtir KINO Small diamond, at bank Tth ard U at. 8. & Liberal reward to finder II F W H1TIXQ. UM Ith- at X. W. 1 STICKPIN XMamorO. t la platinum tro reward. 1. A. fLEMI.SC XW Columbia rd i-bone cot. ULt " T -' DOG Small, white, realhury- tan. tat" V Tar Ka-. Btward. 30JeUilral4 ave . iimi? n varus J B. Jacobs. 133 Pelaflcld pI-X. T. J-TTR In ML ''pleasant car betweeq and I J Satnrda raornlnr. I.l6crap rtwtrd (U 3Jaaa. ava NEr r-- r V ft S SMALTj gold-wrist watclvNo! 9188g89l51rX:ie.lfers engraYedcnsih'Qx-ljaflk was eft forre).airS 6nfl3nMV 31 with a local jeweler-fCaULinc. 3629. ' ' ' 3 KETB-Bunch. an Jttn t. Fla. ate., or on jw Hampthlra are, gal. M. Tut. ,GOU) WRIST W.a,TCHr-ribbon 3 attached: lost In CoIumbla.Theater. Flcder rraae re turn to 3W Eartinttoaaiita. Fhon Col. (UI 3. -Reward ' " ' ' Ur Wllllami. lW nr . ave. , WAj.TEp-AGENTS JtOENTB-liuUei" and rtntleroen'. rromH t tit noWCMInr carnad Or repraantatrrta. lll Oacrrta'ara.' Can ar wrtta. l HELF' WANTED MALE AUTOMOBTLE CHASKRS-AIao borXtnork around caracr ApslyYQiU)AKaEL.liU and V ata. . W , " . -maanf BARBERS-Two, wlUte. NATIONAL- 110 TEL BARBER SHOP; at once... - . I TVjIllam Thomaa. Bureau g. and Print BARBERS-Ouarantetd- Ktftr week.' 0H ta at. y.w. . ., - . i BOY WhitS 'Apply -AlarjSger, Edmonston,- J S3'4 Fst N.W; i-1 Itlaa Oraoa C. "Jarvla. lag O at. X. W. BOT Colored, aa porter In drug atora. Ill R, I. are. K W BOYS -Two; work io lunch room. Good pay. 1792 Columbia Rd. 2 DISS BOTS. 410 wk. Elentor bora, S Ball box. kitchen, and dlali men. Good trasea. - -- Eureka; 1011 N. YorkTare.!nw. BUS BOT Colored. Apply at once, EMPIRE LUNCH. ISM Hlh at. N W. S Mr. Kau UO Lamont at. BOT To learn the jawalrr-optteal tmataaaa; appy at one. T. VL. HTTJ.ann. vat Ii at. N. W. faa-M ursHKLMEX-Tin. - tlrt-cia; .at once. ceo, p-xiay. iajy?-w. n . - BUSHEbMAW--M E R'T-jZ. & MERTZ. 906 F si N. W. 1-1 CAEEENTEBS Seven. Ap plv at 13th and Monroe st. K.W. W.A.K3MMEC 3 CARPENTERS Klfor Ctov- ernment work in this city; 50 laborers; 6 cement finish ers, 3 timber men, and one labor foreman. Apply at once, "UNITED STATES EM PLOYMENT SERVICE, 1410 Pa. ave. N. "W. . 5 WANTED. AT ONCE, ON HARRYIVARDMAN'S BIG-UILDBtfGv OPERATIONS, ' , 30 CARPENTERS For inside trimming; 62J-;cj per hour; one year steady work for good men. 'Apply J Foreman, 2Jth and Wqodlcy , road, one square west ot Conn. are. ... ,-,1 WANTED- FOR" -GOVERNMENT "WORK IN THIS CIT.y,. ' r5CARP.NJERSr ' 25 LABORERS, 6 CEMENT FINISHERS. APPLyrrpNE UNITED, .STATES .EMPLOYMENT, r. - 1410 Penn. ave.N.W-. " . n CHAUFFEUR Wiite. Ap ply 9 a.m., Ip.'yf.jQtby ar , pointmenL- Terminal Taxi Co., 1233'20th st. nw. : " 2 . Mr. Totten. CrandaU'a Theater. DRUa CLERK Registered; alao'anlor elerk with aereral yeara' aiperleaca. Apply 101 R. I. ave. X. W, , , 3, DRIVER White; good salary paid. CrtRlSTO BOTTLING CO 931 Cst: NW, 2 I rii turynuir Colorel" fiuTord furniture truck HOPW OOI S. tli and 1. N : ..... i ' h'JIt ' ' - ' v -WANTED. i I APPt V wAa; ';t 4 VXELL. FAGO. 2d and H sts. N. E. COOKS-.slttrt -oWer. -white or colored. ant ed lit one fWMttiUNW a .IESTIST WANTED. ilust'4)e registered in Dis trict of Columbia; operative work oiilV; permanent posi tion; highest salary paid to right party. DR.-WYETH, 427 7th St. N.W. Washington, D. C. 31 BIGGER SALARIES Are Enjoyed by Persons Who Qualify as Draftsmen. tteoora var practical couraaa.h Hreat damkad (sr ocr-.(Tadaataa at U) to 2.00 a rear. Drattlnr. MatbamaUos.nPxs.t Indltldu -4 Icsuucuon. day Or nlxnti Cvtnplata couraa 1 1 I to i tnonifca. Eehocl In acaaton all rear. Cet'frra boolf cm drafllni protnptlr. Coral cur tlznai ? COLUMBIA. SCHOOL OF OBARWa UcLaeUaP K.dc.. I0U and O ata. Mla jr 'Urudelrr. 11SJ 7th it. DRIVERS For - Freight, Wagons,' Furniture Vans, - .Baggage Wagons. Highest wages and steady f jobs. toERfcHANTS'TRANSFER '"AND'STORAGE CO., 920 E St. N. ,W. DRIVERS y HtKij rr da. Uborera at turner darrelrbf-liour day "Aturdaj af x'emoona andileral balfday ot; -ant) pay Steady orv Apply "ail VIOLET. Street Cltanlnf SUbTeai-aUey between th and 10th. N and O atreeta northwest 7 WANTED A dish washer; work. from G ,to 1; $9 per week; Apply 3418 11th nw. . X V4 li)fl I ENGINEER At once. Applv ?Sl2fAief Engineer; $85 poF-onojith ;ana --board, eight hoars; union man preferred; Columbia Hospital. 1 ENGINEER in - iiquM. BOX K3. Tlmea offlce. 1 1 ENGINEER. Apply AMERICAN ICE CO., . 15 E St. N. E: 2 ELEVATOR OPERATOR Day, Concord Apartments, New Hampshire and Oregon aves. N. W. 1 ESTlMATER AND GLAZIER-A man rap able of taking- quantltle and alzea from plane, jaiid -rorapetent to aet ruae glaaa aa w-ll ae do ordinary glaxJag Aood ealary to the right man Apply to MANSFIELD SHEAF FER PAINT AND GIJVSS CO . 71VTM tth it. N W . WAGON HELPERS, 555 PER MONTH.' . '' APPLY WELLS FARGO, 2d and lfsls.-N. E. 1 JANITOR for nlglit work, nwdy iw.lllon to reepona'ble pari NATIONAL CAT1TAL PRLH8 CO . ill llth .1 N W. 1 FIREMAN For "kitchen, and other kitchen help. Apply to the Steward. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. 6 L5Pa. ave. N. W. 1 HELPERS and porters nr l shipping department; good wages and bteanv eni)loy ment. Applv at once, PETER GROGAN &S0JTS CO., 817-19 Tth st. N. V. ' 7 HELPERS experienced In orna mental iron rorlc, pood wort;, Fteafly' employment. Apply JORSS, 315 13th. f. W. " mh23 tf ' V LABORERS'- 100' for 10 and 11 -hour shifts. 35c per, hour Tor 8 hours. Time an&.one;haU for overtime. RAYMOND CONCRETE TILE ' ; CQMf ANY, ' ', 19th and! B SL N.,W. LABORERS Steady work. A fti-iT Trtr 'rliin i-fti- liiiitl. Jing, 13th and'F .sts. 1 HELP WANTED MALE' HELP WANTED MALE HELPERS and porters Two, ' , in shipping department; : good wages and steady em ployment. Apply at once, ! PETER GROGAN & SONS CO., 817-19 7th N. W. 7 WANTED YOUNG MEN between the ages of 17 andl9, to learn to be typewriter mechanics. Six months' course in our school oquips young men to earn exc6ptionally high aalary. We pay good salary dur ing training period. Ap ply to L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO., 14th and H Sts. N. W. PLATPpRM-MEN; PERMANENT'VqSITIONS; GOOD SALARIES. APPLY WELLS FARGO, a 2d and H sts. N. E. 1 Mra H. S Venn. SOU Q at. X. TT. MN Wanted o repair aacond-rtand furni ture. Apply H. BAUif SON. ta Pa. are. 1 1 "--'-S MEN WANTED for various kinds of work in paper man ufacturing establishment, and also boys 16 years and oyer to learn paper making; .'steady work; good wages; Apply office DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PAPER MANUFACTURING. ' CO., Potomac and K sts. N. W. x MAN Colored; to run cars on wash block and assist washers. Apply; FEDERAL TAAUAS VJKJ, ll'd. aom St N. W. , 4 MEN Fire. oung, -with or without expert enoe. aleo 2 dlahwaahera. CAPITOL LUNCH. 101 Pa ave N. TV. 11 MAN Toung. white, with bteycle or mslar cc,e. for nlrrht work at iranch OITICI. Ad- ply MR. SIMMONS. rana bldg. r-i J 11 Wakefield. 1C Monroe at. X. W. MAN Toung to operate folding machine rood oiDortunlty for advancement. NA TIONAL CAPITAL rr.ESS. 611 11th it. X W. YOUNG MAN Bright, intelli gent, for position with good future; prefer one familiar with citv and office work; bring refer ences. BUSINESS OFFICE, Washington Times. 2 TOL'NO MAN drelrlng permanent potltlon witli bright ruture. gooa aejury to atari. AnrJr at once. THE WASH. NEWS CO.. 313 Mh r w. i Alice Waple. K) Iltt at N, W. THREE COLORED MEN For inside store work. Also one bright energetic Colored Boy. Apply Manager DULIN & MARTIN CO. COUNTER 5IA.N-A little experience necea- par). APDls at once. Kt'inr. L.ui;i. l:l I llth t N W i WANTED" Bright, intelligent messen gers, over 16 years of age. Chance, for advancement and opportunity to learn newspa per work. Apply CITY ROOM, THE TIMES. PAPERHANGERS wanted. Apply 35 II st. N. W. 7 PRESSElt AH round man. at onre J M. 8TEIN & CO . ta Kth at. X. JV 1 T M Tl ampler. 1100 Harvard at X. XT. PORTER For tailor shop: steady work; good salary. Apply 1415 F st. N. W. 1-1 ' TAILOR Good; steady posi tion for right man; old and new work. Apply 131 E S. E. c. TINNERS. TINNERS' HELPERS. COMPOSITION ROOFERS. LABORERS ROSE BROS CO. tl3 GEORGIA AX'E. XW. 1-1 TLNNKRb Five, and five helpera. Room lit, Waihlnvton Loan Truet bldg. a pi WAITERS, colored, 807 14th N. W. 2 WAITEU-Colored. Apply M7 llth eL X. W I WAREHOUSE TRUCKERS; WHITE AND COLORED; 52.75 PER DAY. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 2d and Eye Sts. N. E. 5lf A4o!ph Werner. 1 H at. X. W. !, Free Theater Tickets To Poli's If you find your ri'ame oh these " two Want Ad pages. Every day we pick 100 names at random, from the city directory and scatter them through the want ads. If we happen to pick your name simply call at this- office ,and we will give you one otf the bestseats in the house absolutely free. If it is in . convenient to call write us and we will send you the -tickets.' If you don!t find your name today look for it tomorrow. Remember we pick 100 different names every day. . . HELP WANTED MALE WINDOW CLEANER Experi- enced; colored; good pay and steady position. Apply at once, Supt., MUNSEY BUILDING. 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE BINDERY HANDS Experi enced; also one without ex perience. Washington Print ing Co. 730 13th stN.W. ; L Mri Wm. H. WrlghU 1U1 T at. X. W. CLEANERS and bathroom girls; experienced; salary, S3 5 per month. Apply Housekeeper, I New Washington Hotel, l5th and Pa. ave. N. W. 1 -3 CHAMBERMAIDS-iFbur 3H4t three from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; one from 4 to 12 p. m. Apply Housekeeper SHOREHAM HO TEL, 15th and H sts. N. W. 3 CHAMBERMAIDS-Whlte. Apply RALEIGH HOTEL. Iloueekaeper. a CHAMBERMAID Apply at once, the Housekeeper MET ROPOLITAN HOTEL, 615 Pa. ave. N. W. v 1 GIRLS Young. LADIES' Capitol Shop, 308 llth st. N. W. 3 SALAD GIRL $7 a week to start; three meals a day; also three floor girls; experi ence unnecessary. 3 D O. Woolf. CS 8 it. X. w. GIRLS Over seventeen, for clerical positions. See MR. ALBRIGHT, sixth floor, 1311 Gst.N.W. 3 GIRL White; young; agree able and pleasant to act as waitress in fine family; coun try in Maryland this month, thence to Long Island; state reference and salarv expected. Address Box 139, Times Of fice. 3 GIRLS for blnlery work: experienced and lr- experleiicea giria win nna pieaaani empir ment at a zorxl aalary. NATIONAL CAP TAL PHKS1. HI llth at N. W. 1 COLORED GIRL 15 Years of Age. F6r Beauty Parlor. Must have good education and be very polite; to take care of patients and dust around office. 1214 N. Y.Ave. N. W. 1-5 WHITE GIRLS over 16; light work; no experience; work congenial and instructive. BROWN BAG FILLING MA CHINE CO., 339 Pa. ave. N. W., government seed building. 1-6 Berna rd iaiboe, ill Tin at. X. W. WANTED help in all depart ments; feeders, catchers, shakers hnd ironers, press operators, makers and assort ers; highest wags paid to component holp. Apply WEST END LAUNDRY, 172 Pa. ave. 2 KITCHEN HELP at once. Annlv Steward, Metropolitan Hotel. WOMAN HELPER In repair ihop. GEO. 1 P KEEN. 1110 r w w W T. Weaver. 134 X it X W. TOUNQ. LADT capable of taking charge of onice. mutt haeaome stenographic ability: exrenent opportunity. Addreaa BOX 11. Tlmea office TOUNG LADT One having aome knowledge Af hnokkeenlnr: rtermanent Doeltlon. with bright future. Apply at once. THE WASH. xews co.t zu na n. w i HELP WANTED FEMALE TWO YOUNG LADIES formsh ers. Apply,-Harrv C Jarboe. manager GAYET Y .THEATER. all ythst N. W. MILLINERY MAKERS with some experience 'at trim" ming; permanent positions. Apply. f JOSEPHINE; ,"'"230d 14th st. N. W. 6 " SEWERS OX DRESSES Good. Apply 113 V at. N. W. 1.1 SALESLADIES wanted for our millinery dept.; good salary and permanent positions for salesladies f. eXOdrUnce BEH RENO'S DEPT?- STORE, 720- 24 7th st. N. W. v v 1-1 B. C. Torke. It tth at. 8. E JULIUS GARFINKLE & CO. desire the services of skilled sewers on women's coats, -skirts and dresses. . " jhh26:U WANTED Skirt and waist drapers and helper and fin isher. Very good opportunity. Call at once, 1128 Conn. ave. WAITRESSES Wanted at MODEL LUNCH. :17 ln it. 8 E. Good wagea. 1 1 WAITRESSES Neat appearing, experienced ; highest wages paid, including all meals. CHILD'S CO., 1433 Pa. ave. nw. 13 WOMAN Toung while. 8 boura; no Sunday work. DAIRV LUNCH. 1M7 F at. X W ;. Alice Tork. US rd it. N E WOMAN Intelligent, one fa miliar with city, pleasant occu pation, with congenial surround ings. Apply with references, BUSINESS OFFICE, Washing ton Times. " 2 A Werner DM H t X. W DOMESTIC. COOK First-class; good wages. 4804 Ga. ave. N. W. 1-4 CHAMBERMAIDS, wait resses, and cooks; colored and white. EUREKA, 1011 N.Y.avcN.W. 1 GIRL Bewteen 12 and 15. to care for small child during day. Beit wagea paid. 40S 7th L B. W. 2 GIRL Colored, to care for 4-year-old boi. 7 to t. Call Cleveland IKi. 1 COLORED, neat, for general housework. Applv Mrs. M. Goldcnstine, 111G 7th" st. N. W. GIRL Colored, to wait on table an-1 aaalst Around the houae ini N et X W 1 Mlaa Annie Zepp. Ill Q at N K. OIRL for general houeeworlc. can stay nlghte; good pay. Call MI 37th el. or phone Clete. K. WOMEN Reliable, for cliamber work and naltrrie: alay nights i:m E,e st N W I WOMAX Colored to do general housework and cook 31 Est. X. W I I.J WOMAN Good, dependable, for general housework. Apply 1KB Mass. ate. X E. 1-1 HELP WANTED MALE AXD FEMALE. SHORTHAND. TTPEWRITINO Few per rons, join small class. Individual lnstrue tlon; use of machine. BOX 119, Ttnjee offlce OUnTflQ tnr Identlflcalloa purposes. rrtU I -0 soo. Finished -promptly. Biooks. tra r at. X. W. l-mh-0t COLLEGE GRADUATE having specialised la English desires to exchange fcr-gluh lessons for Spanish conversation with young Ppan lab-American: haa S yeara of Spanish. Ad ders BOX vn Times offios. H-lf SITUATIONS WANTED MALE VOL NO HAV with car wants outride post Hop with Arm BOX 1-. Times office T WANT a place aa experienced chef cook In or out the city. Call at UUIlHtUK. W. FOR RENT ROOMS CITY RENTAL BUREAU 413 Woodward Bldg. Makea a bualneaa of rentlag noma. Rooma from IK to M0. Rooma with private bath from m to test. Umh-lf FURNISHED. 15TH' ST. S. E., 431 Large hay window front bedrbom in a newly furnished house; convenient to navy yard, apd Marine Barracks. Call Lin coln 3889-W. 7 N ST. N. W., 1207 One large furnished room on second floor; suitable for two. 7 PA. AVE. X. W.. IS Opposite Raleigh Ho tel; lovely rooms; heat and hat water all tlmea: central; no car fare: rate to perma- QMS. 7 7TH ST. N. E., 1024 One nicely furnished front room; second floor; twin beds; electric lights; phone, in new private home- $4 a week each; for two gentlemen. Lincoln 2643-J. 7 E ST. S. E-. 0 Bright front room, suitable for two gentlemen, alt modern eonven- leneea; between to car lines. Phone aerrlre. 26TH ST. N. W., 1000 Con venient apt.; second floor front 'room, near bath; six windows in room;twb beds; cars pass door. Phone West 136; 7 NICELY furnished room in private family; for -refined gentleman. Phone Line 477. 1310Dst.E 1 M ST. X. W.. Ul-FurnUbed rooms for ladles or men x 1-. TJ. ST., 1524 Furnished rooms for gentlemen. N. 2863 "W. 1 G ST. N. VT., so-Small Xront.roczn; second poor; BttAm ftrtt. -s NEAL ST. N.' E., 1155 Vety large 2d-floor. front room; large closet; use of bath; also use of parlor; gas; suitable for two or four persons: breakfast if desired; references 'exchanged; private home. Phone Line. 1792-J. 6 P ST. X. W.. KL APART, r Nicely fur nuhed room for one or two gentlemen; ad Joining bath: meals If desired. Phone Frank lin Oii. 1 6TH ST. N. E., 312 Two large newly f unlisted rooms for 3 trr 4J girls; also one large for 2 . '5 MT. RAIXIER-Cor. Xewion and lith sts; furnished rooma. 3 each, at 113 per month: one very large at 111; one extra large parlor. i;e: one tare, w minutes to Treasury. a Baylla Earls. 134 Irving St. RHODE. ISLAND ABi, 952 "One- large second floor front room; nicely furnished; suitable for two. North 1409-W. 1-5 North (S01 Tiro Incl rooms, electric llfbt. iu prim larany- sraucua wui7 Tlclnlir of Kth and R ait. "t THREE, beautifully furnished rdomsExcellent location all modern improvements; for girls only. Call Line. 2586. 1-1 X ST X. W.. I4li Nicely fur. front room. witn board ; private tamuy. reaaonaDM Phone Frank ZZZ. e PHONE LINC Ul( One or two furnlabsd rooms: will furnish on for-1, h. k. If de sired. I Mildred Keyea. 11A Calvert st. FLA. AVE.', 1 766 1 large fur nished front room, near bath; use of parlor; suitable for two young ladies. North 2319. t-5 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N. W.. TH KUr- nisnea rooms ror rent. . .-. MONROE ST.. IK-For one or two gentle men, bedroom den and sleeclnr torch If d'slred. Ml Plearant section. Col. 3T3-J 1 RHODE ISLAND AVE. X. W . 1111 Xlcely" furnished back parlor: light; large and well heated, central, two gentlemen; 0 month. Derore i: or after p. m mnz? ir 1ST ST. N. W., 1335 Newly fur. room, newly papered; reasonable price. North 2115. Mrs. Samuels. K3 P st. 11TH ST. N. W., 718 Desir- ablo front room; also front hall room. F 965. 4 ! THERE'S alwajs room at the Turkish Bath. Most comfort able appointments; thorough service. Never closed. RIGGS BATHS, 15 th & G. Opposite U. S. Treasury. mh28-90t Miss F Mllsteln. 47 H st. NORTH CAPITOL ST , lCW-One large nicely rurnuned room near oatn. an xuouern con veniences, good home cooking If desired, near Union Station on a good car line. Call after i p. m Phone Franklin 35CJ. 7TH ST. N. W., 1237 Two large furnished rooms; all modern conveniences; light housekeeping if desired; single or in suite. 3 M.RTLAND AVE. X E C3-NIcely fur nlshed room nest io batlu 3 L ST. N. W., 927 Neat fur nished room; $8 per month. E CAPITOL ST . 100 Newly furnished room for rent, can accommodate 4 gentlemen tlo a month each, on car line; near Lincoln Park. Phone Lincoln 1004 I Ethel Orlone. ISO! Hh sL MINTWOOD PLACE Furnished apartments to sublet from April 1 to uctoDer i; s rooms. 3 baths, sleeping ponh. 1X0 per month Phone Col H. 1-3. AN EXTRA large room; two rrentlemen or a couple em ployed; $25 a month- Call 1340 Q st. N. W. 2 COL. RD Ills Attractive room for two army or naval officers, southern exposure, on ML Pleaaant car line Phone Col. S51.t COMFORTABLY furnished room, all conven iences, can accommodate one or two gentle- men. Phone Col l7 W 3 IC BT M K.. HOT-Two large rooms for jwe persons: electrto light: near hath. Lino 1111 Gentlemen preferreq. 1-fetl tf NICELT furnished south frort rm. In re- sVes -- fisx Arcade, rhon CoL 4417 1 FOR RENT ROOMS FtmXISHKD. BOX U. TIMES OFFICE- room, t . .. fumlsbad or nnfurnljned: tardea, fruit: 3 mlnutee' Tth and At . suburban. 1 UlM 0.m..l lt S.K 13th ST. N7W., 2723 Large front room; newly 'furnish ed; bath; electric lights? hot water and use of telephone; to one or more gentlemen; in private home. 6 r ST. S. W.. gl Large second Boor front: with aJcove; newly furnished: other rooma same floor. i Mlaa 8. Utalncr. 444 K at. C ST. -N. E 111 FurdUhed rooma. heat, as. bath: private family. Phone L. Ull: gentlemen oaly. fsll-tt TWO nicely furnished rooma. Col. 5476. . 2 TOR REXT-To gentlenreB only, a lgrga ry"v ivvni. iwui Deas: eoiiattia ror vwa. wr one single room, Soathern exposure. K; near llth SL and Wyoming are.; convenient (A twA a-ea s 1Isaa a a -i.a sr. t .. . w wvw hex guei4i. uw UsUteUVtlleT. Vemtl Je.t7'UI on- u ATTRACTIVE rooms; elec- incuy ana gas; adjoining bath; near 2 car lines; nearby boafd. Call Col. 7039-J. l-apx OXE large front roomt alcove: foxnlsbed or unfurnished; ttlephone aerrlea. i;0 1st st. X. Tf. 1 Mlaa Marks.. Ill it St. FURXISHKD front room far ons. 14 month. Phone Lincoln UN-I. LARGE front room, nicely fur- nisnea; suitable for two gentle men or srentlemari.and wifer all conveniences; breakfast served. PHone N. 7073-J. 1 ONE large front, furnished room,; suitable for two men; 1200 'block New Hampshire ave. - Ph. Frank. 1437-J. 2 Anna Hesa. writ. CJOlI-HD.. It-Xt&ifeUve, room tor tart army or naval afaeers; eautharn si.eiue. en Ml Pleasant car Una. Pnooe CdL tSsVt rinurisHEo hoox with board 14TH ST. H. W:, 251 1 A few refined persons can be accom modated with 'room and board in a private- family for $6S per nionth; p.ositively no interviews except between 6 and 9 p. m. 1-5 Mary Pettlt. W F st. OXE SUITE OF ROOMS. WlTlf BATH, and other rooms; convenient to bath; with breakfast and dinner, for gentlemen only. Call between a and . m. Phone North en. , :-: 1VITU OR WITHOUT BOARD. NEWLY furnished, outside rooms, with or without board; gentlemen and gentlemen and wives: ready-about-April ; fine locahoit Phone CoL 2716. i-3 TJXSXKXIIHKD. X ST. X. W.. zag Several nnfumUhed rooma for I. n. ic: raaaonaaie. ynone west nw. l Morris Brodsky, 113 7th St. WANTED ROOMS. WANTED by army oraeer and wife, one or two furnished rooma anthboard or near boarding placed .Cleveland. Park or X. W. preferred: give address, particulars., terms, references: must be reasonable. BOX UL Times office. ILanLX WANTED by army officer, single room and ...Iv.., t-,.1.- ...... !., M..I.. ,..4 at... Mil. flrst-claas room and located In northwest will be considered. BOX, IB. Tlmea ofSce. t,..., e I FOUR OR- yrVR unrarplabed rooma far 1 aauital. n. a. gooa locality cesirwcue; .Ml pay ( mentha' down. BOX 1H, Tlmea ofBos. Pansy Brown. 113 Tth st. WAXTED Two or three rooma. desirable lo cation: I. a. k. Address bqul .. -rrmea office. . VTAJfTED BOATtDEHS. GOOD TABLE BOARD k?. Excellent Service Fair Priqes Dinner, 75o 1405 L st. K W. 1 TABLE BOARD llth ST. X. W., IH3 KrceUent meal. t$ week 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED ACCESSORT TTRB AXD vulcanising business for sale cheap: bargain to Quick purchaser; owner In draft, BOX 131. Times offlce. mha-M LUXCHROOM At 37 Pa, ava. X. W.. sale. Business guaranteed. W II. Sannders. Southern bldg. UTKKART MAX uf ability investing tew thousand dollars feltb services can secure Hberal Interest In national magazine. Give phoae ncmber for Interview. Addreaa D! TOA. Postornce Box I44S Washington. D. O. PERSONAL MISS CAINJSSfS'SSJ- f?'pxT"" Apart 1. rhont Main &&, T UISH G. N BERRY racial asd Scalp Tr fat men t, manicuring; open Sundays 10 to 2 p. m. 100 y "t.. Id n t QTer nik?tHerman'e. ? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE BALD ALL YOUR LIFE When X positively guarantee tn reetore yonr hair. By special treatment using my won derfut hair tonic "Lillian I U1 grow hair on your head or forfeit 1100.00. Just writ me and I'll gladly call at? our residence. RICHARD FOSS, 1211 New Tork Ave mb2-nw.we.fri.aa-tf MRS. ORA FIELD. KS NEW TORK AVE. X. W. I I II A RVDN iuir dressing, scalp treat? HJL.A II-" ment high frequency; chiropody. TOO Utb. H.2S. W. Franklin 13. Open evenings. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays till p. m. spl-aj DR. X1CHOL80X-. 1JOJ-H St. N. W. Spe clalty. Xsrvoua Diseases, Skin Affection. Plmplee, Acne. Lupus. Electrto treatment snd wnen wmm imomtw J. s Tomllnson. 3 Southern bldg XESTLK Permanent hair waving done la Washington originally by Mlaa Margaret IS. SHEETZE, MJ7-ai Kenola bldg. Frank. 774L in ll I T-rv MISS JAMERON ZjgSXJ&Si to t p ta 111 X T ave N. W . sec floor DR. REED, SPECIALIST, 804 Seventeenth Street (vit In Yir. mecessful practice In ths UVCr JU I cms cure of Chroalo Xervous and Special Dlseasea of Men and Women, Means health to you if you suffer from Catarrh. Obesity Rheumatlam, Coo stlpatlon. Piles. Throat. Lungs, Brain. Heart. Blood and Skin Dleeas-s. Nervous Debility. Kidney Dtsmse Bladder Trouble. Specific Blood Poisoning, Eruptions. Ulcers, and All Private Diseases Cured for Life by Bare Methods. Of, Bacteria Vaccines, ard all the new a, rums d antl toxins administered. Chaise lvr MMllclne furntahed. Pn ale Walling Room for Ladles. Oflee Hours: 13 to 1. 1 ta t. Sunday. It LP 11. "V. T. H. Brln. 14i G sL X. W. FOR SALE MISCELUNE0US yURXlTURa Jot -sfi-rooe'Ti, S, j whole or Ja part: braaa heel, partar. diaitx room, and -btanom ratal two ekreacewts. floor covering, eta.; mint b sold toelar: Senator'a famity laavlac towa. MJkre-N.E: . z n DRESSIXO Ublee and. chairs, mirrors, an tique scat, carpet, table eatC ebsvertes: used Ave weela. trt nth t. Jt. W. Sd ST S SMITH PREMIER, lotlf Iodjj carriage; good as ntjfr'r sell ing very cheap. Calf-West 687or2228Nst.;N.W, : i Hsnrr Xraaa3Je llth st. X. W: COLLIE PUPS--Hegi8tered: whifi mfrp. -rnririiTa. '', guinea pigs for sale."Eastr gifts. 1211 9tkst. N-Wa vJL CHAIRS SB moving ptcturs; t tana . piano, picture screen, and exsaust J Cot. S4i. l Gaorge Suitor. SI7 13th st, X. W. A SCHOLARSHIP to. one, of the best business colWes in Washington; owner cannot use so will sell "very "reason able. Call Coh 5476. 4 BUTT Black and white checked: S walata; reasonable. coL fsM. Thaddena Sdmlta. 448 Luray st. TWO ICE WAGONS for sal cheap. HZ3- ut at auji. aa .-i. St. l. E. 14 BICYCLES! Buy a Black Beauty! WlU.t vail tar la mp far taiN twlf Vsws tUS. to wsrocfi as rour wkixp:f-a.t on oa of thtM axoallooc btC3rIsv ajor u9Lirsa air. e-joiB jn xooat. HAVERFORD CYCLE CO., t Mth St. X. W. K. HT. ANNOUNCING the opening of our hew stare, with a eamsieia stack of arorertea. OT sta at. . . uayui xsssjtmjt. rrotv -. . .; n....-v.-. T - - .-. r- WOOD FOR SALE Wm deliver woodsawed any length at ym door far HI per card. Tale weed la note with oak. Pine, hickerr mad walnut. Pheae Franklin lftt-J. ma-ae A LARGE LOT Or UXGLA2ED WDTDOW SASH. Me each; X carloads parchaaed at a reosITers sale. These are absolutely new and nrst-grad. aultaMe- far taoloaiBC perttbes. making screens. As. . BATUTUBa AND BDTLDrXa VATlsSTarji I ,fcDrf co Sea maol-tr pcrceuua lavatonea. traa aajao. sujgi WOOD for fuaL eawed tn length -for nrewtaess. tinrlii Brick, ahaathtsg. flooring. amiv- dootsv-r-- er stove. Kt a cord. KM 3-4 cord. Alas ssttt and kindling-wood. Any 'quantities aaJrrereey.- Alra rorsberg. 4703 llth st. OLD FASHIOXBB HJaKB RUMBXIT: ftmr Sasor Blood Partner: ranks UM eaar arstem: enrich and trngts tfee blood. thereby eradicating alt sktn disss j. Trea: tncsta for vartooa eHments. -M. A, LOtJI BOX HXRB aVECIAUSTS. B J L K. V. musical rwa-TRtracrri. PIANO Stslnway parlor grand, owner. leav ing city: K tar aulck sal. Ja Mass. av. X. w. T yi riAAO Hign-gTad standard max; perrecx condition: NO; alao.ilM vtetroU. cbeP for cash. l Mass- ave. tf. w; -mtssAtr Mr. BatHT. 8avoy Theater VICTROLA lift stvla: chess- for -cash, es will exxhang for piano.- alt Max. av- ' X. W. 1 All the Latest Hit In 36c 3 for M.M. and Bo ai Phonographs. 310. IS. up to 350. T. P. CULLEY & SON, BOO 0 st. X. W. PIAXOS-1 -btgh grade taed trprlgM ptsmosi . all la serfsoL eowdJUozL lib u-ilzU sssMes ' piano, Bi Also srrl.hw"lr-piaooa. vmm usaa regular yi jli aox eaust. CASH TAUC8. Term to reponle) part. (men until t so. aao rjrnise', fsv grxtjLNK A. SHUB. ta Maaa. in. X. W. U fTBICXaUUXa ncrlght: excellent eonttUea: cost KM: for quick sal. IB. KT.T.IB ss Ai- KOLD. Anetloneers. its G st. M. W. auU BORIBS AJTD .CARRIAOB3, HORSE Splendid -ceenbtaatloov: aoaad aa4 rails: bargain for -right ortr: with r without Oat sadd-av brkU, kaneeav COL. OAFsa. rj r w. or ppon. l-THREE good working tar sale; 1 Applr JB7 iaH wagons, a seta at nai st, X. W. Pbone Mala Mr. Luber. Savoy Theater. SEVEN HORSES and oar aod. seven ds llrerr wagon. Bear Pa, v.'NW. .. mbilt M SETS second-band alagl sad donbteieani. baggy, surrey and plow harness, riding -aed dla and bridle, ten collar all kind: cbean, Cogswell's. t llth. cor. C X W. rr. Sds. CHAMBERS' STABLES . IU llth 3T. X. W. Tforee hired br day. week ar monfh t suit purpose. tiADDLb HUKbfci - PHQXE 3tXDt 1001- " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTsTDwm grr you. beat cash prfce ror all kind of furniture. NOTCS runxi TURK STORE. 14E it, X. W. PhonaTrank- Itn ai. :-fe3 DESK ROOM or mall privilege wrthetrr ographer aervlc and phooa. BOX 13. TtaSJ ofaca. mntJ-rf E. Rlc. C Tth st- X. W- CASH prices rld for old clothe end tboee. 8. WL..DOVSKT. 1713' Ttb at, X. rfW. Phon Xorth K0. tf iiiuv Throw your clothe away? W rr W n I fancy price. Ph. FranlclTO-i- W call promptly, -endls. the alter. BIDS. WR PA V Highest price for casLotf ireer VV C r A I clothing sit D st. X. W Mrs. Irene Mnrdock. loco nth et. X. W. WAXTED Furniture for cash. Sell yeur goods to tbe man who gives - Ui most money. See HOPWOOP. tth and Ki WE buy all kind of scrap troa, metala, sad old machinery. Dunt eetl till yoa-conaou as. PENX JUNK OO.. ph. W. 1T3L my WAXTED JUNK, such aa metal, rags, Ursa.. old furniture. Drop card to 8. WALL, SIOI L st, X. W. njyl Mrs. Summers. IMI Peons, sve. XM TRTIXO to decresse my income tax. that' the -reason I pay euoa uixa prices for Second hand furniture. Be an t call u up before April 1 I01S X. T. ave, M. ssw. tltt rth st. 1. LKVTX PATS $1 For mns second-hand suit. X Pbone or drop card. Ml 41 st, S. W VtankUn 3712. 7 HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off garment. M. BIRTMAN. tBt TU St. N! W. Drop card for nxagemcnL mhlt-M tfiitpc'T- Cash Prtcea paid lor woca --- - cioiaing. eitner iaiee w men" a Send postal or phon J. TS.RSHK3. UQI Tth St. N W, phone North eta. "SELL US YOUR JUNK F. IMJ-CIIICAGO JUNK CO, SU-1T K nw. my is WAXTED All kinds of Junk and secoed hand automobllsa bought and soldV Call nearest shop. 1411 1st st.,8. JE. Phv- Line ttul J3C at st, N. W. ' Ph. JWeei nJ. ROSLTX JUNK CO...Ph. Bos. IL larl John McLaughlin. Walter Reed Horn. NEW and second-hand- safes and vault doors; all sizes. Re pairs of all kinds. G. G. hamner; 1007 9th st. N. W: -rnh3-30t WANTED Furniture, ptanoa, carpets, eta. Plion M USS. for wagon, or bar ua call. -WESCHLER." ISO Pa. ave. X. W. HLI (.OLD AXI ILVKR. I r-iDCW JEWKUlY CO. t. s) 1 WM.l- . .--C? IXj. ett at . COLD tll.VE". "MO lAf)'h5 Facii rM fur old sold, em-er. dlawmods. " urtlflcutt teeth aci! p'atlmlpl. D. " ALPIXER. M G sL "J.. W. Mxta ST5. f.-3 "t r. 'j rx t t cr Z ? " U 4 - - jcSi" --" . ' ? V s - ,-i.