'-it:U5riS3frgfe THE WASHINGTON TDIES, MONDAY,' APRIL 1, 1918. 7 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES THE TIMES Useci Car Bureau "ill set you in touch with people who have second hand cars for sale. Phone Main 5260 and -ask for the used car bu reau. We have a number of unusual bargains listed. T I PACKARD LIMOUSINE I An . carriage for the afternoon, theater I ar business. All accessories Intact I not a ta, M I at aa. .aese- MatlutlMAw aa m awa. ess WICIUtU VU WsS f uyuutiici ees rood as -when dellrered: excellent n.- cbutleal condition, harlnr bwa used bpt tv little. Wboerer purchaBM this car will awn one of U. hustltomest motor c&rrlaret In WeuMnjton. and tba price U reasonable. i T LUTTRELL CO., &214 New Hampshire ave. N. W. HUDSON CABRIOLET, 1917. excellent condition; Hudson, 1917; seven passenger West cott,'l9l 7; Chandler, 1917, sev en passenger; Overland, 19 16, five passenger All above cars fully equipped and in excellent condition. . - ROAMER SALES CO., x 1212 Conn. ave. N. W. Franklin 4585 5 ORD, -1916; good condition. ORIENTAL PAPER CO., 111- -6th N. W. 1-5 T-mTB roadster. 111; flrrt elaaa condition. z Krankiln roadsters, series I: 1 aeries 1 To-psjissnrer. 1 Btudehaksr 1)11, four-pas- KEtANKT.TN M0T0E CO., 1 1324 14th St. 2f. TV. ' Phone Frank. 10067. 7 MAXWELL CARBOLET. ThTaja-passsngar classy ear, 4 saw tires; nu- phikb aiaoncauy Quippea.'Sts. '' MR. Jifnnr lflio rvrnn are. Main 7X1. a JSOBD 1918 touring body, in good condition. D0N0- HDE MOTOR CO., 215 Pa. aye. S. E. Line 1400. 3 JKDDECS, Ford touring, rennlebed. M5.M. Sodlas. Ford runabout, rsftilahed, 6i. eword touring bodies. 1100.00. PAUL MOORE, K Pa, are. N. W. . Phono Frank, tw. MiaJLDavaoadster.rn good-euaHltlaflitirlce. t 7S. Phona North tm. a- - 1 CHANDLER" 1917 SEDAN . . ntPTRE EEDAK. JIH. sra SaUrary. Btudebaker Delirery. OOaCBS MOTOR COl. 1109 Conn. art. N. W. nahu-aot King 8, 1916, Touring Car Mechanically O. K. rCOMBS MOTOR CO., 1 100 Conn. Ave TL W. Frank. 4370. JtEMEXBER WKEN TOU3UT HERB RIOHT IT MUST BE. HARPER OVERLAND CO. 1121 CONNXCTICUT AVE. FORD Delivery 1917; panel top; 1915 Ford Delivery, dayton top. 3272 M eL nw. Phone West 569. apl sHUPMOBrLE, 1917, seven passenger; run 4,000 miles; new tires all around. 530 14th et nw. my 13 USED CAR WITHOUT REGRET. Whan yon boy bars right It must be. 8m mr. hXch. rasper overland motor oa. 113 Connactlcnt ATe. mht- ': Miss Velt. 3 Hth at. N. W. fcommercial Bodies for Ford Cars kUs types at 1-ton truck and regular rhsssla. vmr siocs: is oesapLeis. Acme- Wagon Company, I fa. ays. IT. W, Phona Mali Mala in AUTO ACCEgSOnlES. JcNKZK TUbE New, hon-eldd ISxS, standard casing Inner tuba and demountable rim. uau uncom 311. ZLapLI SEAT COVERING, atss ssst, $9 and up. Ford topping a specialty. CU and up. Call CoL lit and our represen tative will call at once. l-mh-jet Miss Ulke, nr V st N W A BIG TUBE, SALE ItJl sundard make lilt gtrlVJ atandard malts rus 1 2x1 is atandard make 11.41 Other sixes in proportion. THE TIRE SHOP, 17 E St. N. W. F. 1114. mhll-tr IF TOW EXPECTTHE BEST RESULTS FROHTTOUR CAR You Should Use the BEST OIL. We sell and etroosjlr recommend Monogram Oils and Greases" They hare stood the Teat National Electrical Supply Co., 132 8-J0 New Torlc Ave. Automobile Supply Oept. sroone aiaid cow. mht:- r OTJTHEHN AUTO rUPFLY CO, laa. 1SXS FA. ATE. N. W. 3BST STOCK. OF WJTVUX Sf CTTT. irayll Henry Vsrdslmaa. 1CM llth st. N. W. CENTRAL AUTO SUPPLY CO., IHO, W4 PeansylTaala Ave. N W. ANTTHJNO FOR AUTOS." AUTOMOBILE rAl.VTlNQ IVE THAT FORD DOLLED UP BY THE BEAUTY DOCTOR. XORDX, 410-13-U MASS. AVE. N. W mUHot TTBB REPAIRUla. TTRB REPAIR GUARANTEED. Rmett workmaashiD on all Ursa. All staad. srd make ef tires sold. Work called far and (silvered. BEDFORD TIRE SERVICE CO, Phone North HIT. 1734 llth st. N. W. l-fan-os FOR RENT. f LARGE street-Boor room. Jx, tor auto specialty: also rsoslr shoo with yard ssaesi UOTOIt TRUCK UNIT CO 7a llth at, n. W. WANTED MOTOHCl CXES. Wn.L PAT CASK for aeoond-hand moior eyele. '11 or "17 modet 70 H at. N W., X none rnuuum . or call. incii JU TTANTrjJ Itli. It and 17 Hsrley Darldsoe POSi. I also sue caj im.m.x.9. also Wear. JOOM B. BKBTatAN. I0U as FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE ACTOHOBIl.ES. TRUCKS. FOR HIRE, haullrg of nny "nd; attention given to unloading car, cheap ratee. trips to Baltimore. Drop card or phone Franklin 2U( tor prompt aerlce. D HER PON. 117 H at. S. W roha-M PHONE LINCOLN 117 MARYLAND AVENUE TAXI NEW HIGH-GRADE FIT and Seven Passenger Touring- Can. Rates Shopping. SI 60 per hour. Seven Pas senger touring special rates. City proper, e. mhlt-to TRUCK FOR HIRE. BUFFALO JUNK CO 01 NEW JERSET AVE. N. mnll.M UT. VERNON AND RETURN, J1Z.00, In a caw Pierce Arrow. Phone N. mi. mhll-SOt lola Truewortliy. Ztl Hth at. N. W. EEVEJ.-PASSKNOER METRO FOR .HIRE FOR THEATER PARTIES OR PRIVATE PARTIES. SPECIAL. RATE8 TO BALTI MORE. MODERATE PRICES. CALL FRANKLIN US1. mhlO-M TRUCK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVE VOR DAT OR WEEK. PHONE COL. 42. mht ONE U-ton truck; (ar hire by sour. Car of weak. 13 hour. Call MR. MURPHY. Franklin 1U2-J. mbs-M Taxicabs and Touring Cars. Calla answered promptly. Popular rata. BT HOUR. 1 Up. No Fords. SHAW'S AUTO SERVICE Phone Franklin 6480. EVER HEADY TAXI SERVICE Ito Tan Blocks. er Lata. dtr Prooer. 71a pries 1 or t pass. Par hour. ttOs. NORTH 88 . aVTntahalm. M B it B. E. PHONE LINCOLN 1647 ABBOT AUTO HIRING COUPANT. Taxleaba. louring; can by hour and day. Epadal Rata (or Shopping or Sghtaacing. -I i-mris . UhJtNHAKDT'S AUTU ShJtVICK. cylinder-Cadillac. Special rata for out (.town trips. Handsome Sterna Limousins, N. tut: emca. 1423 Pa. ave. N. W. U. mi. tPTU Ever Reddy Taxi Service He Ten Blocks. or Leas. City Proper. Tie. Same prtea 1 or I pass. Per hour, .. Lincoln 35 - ATJTOMOB1LH REPAIR. AUTOMOBILE REPAlniNO GUARANTEED WASHTNOTON 24 HOUR BERVlCtS AND ' REEAIR SHOP, PHONE NORTH 1171. REAR 1414 iV St. N. W. sayll WAJCTHD. OLD AUTOMOBILES of avsry daacrlptlem bcught for spot cash; parts of cars for aala. EDGAR BAUM, ta Jtb. st N: W. Phone M. KS. ' te;ns BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ezaxo tchtxcl b georoe.h. elt. b- For years. Sna timer with, E. r. Droop A Sons Co. PhoasOoL JSHJ. B3 CotaHO road. mhs-eo gODAFOPJCTAIJi SUPPLIES. There Is Money' in Soda Water. iey in JUNTA WB CARRT FOUNTAINS IN STOCK FOR QUICK -DELIVER!. New and second band. Liberal terms. Also ererythlng also In fountain and-confeetlonara supplies. Steam tables, ooflse 'urns-and res taurant furniture In stock. Low prices. BURCH RXEPS. Inew tt Pa. are. N. W. "Phone Main til. mhJJi Mrs. A. Bowdsn 1U V stTN. E PAPCRiuiianra ROOMS PAPERED AD PAINTED. UP. BEE US FIRST AND SAVE SoXET, CAPITOL DECORATINa CO.. 3t D ST. N. W. PHONE K. tm . mhllJS Let us do your papsrhsnglng "NOW." De fers tha rush: estimates furnished. CHAS. R. HT8AN, CI H St. N. E. Phons bine. r. , I 1-fsZMM Martin OaUaghsr. SS1I H sL N. W. DUPLICATE LETTEItS. rAC-SIUILE TTPEWRITTEN LETTERS. Mala OX. vn Evans Bldg. 14M New Torlc Ats. PHOTOGRAPUT. CTVTL SERVICE PHOTOS for examinations; mads while you wait; postal cards, por traits and commercial work. METROPOLITAN STUDIOS. (97 Pa. a vs. N. W. and m Pa. ava. N. W fel- HARDWARE. PALVTEHS' SUPPLIES RARDWARE, painters' supplies, glass household utensils, screen doors, screen. Ing, seeds D. DEL VECCHIO, Line. 4044, ltg H st N E.; Lute. 4111. US B St. N. B. John Cunningham. IS3 H st. it. W. BAT RENOVATORS YOUR OLD HAT MADE NEW Cat a CRT8TILE Shins Coating oa That Old Straw Hat. AMERICAN HAT CO., Bachrach A Son.. TS 11th at. N. W. Franklin 171W. mhTM UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL FACTORY. Repairing and Re-covering a Specialty. E St. N. W mhTM CEVEIUI. IIOUSEREPAIRIMG. PAPERH ANGING. bouee palnUnc. carpenter "w. iJtcrnB iinning etc., eetlmatca furrlahed. 3 JOS CATLOTH. Xs lu . S W Phone Franklin 1C17-J. mh-M ARTS AND riCTimB FRAMES. THE WASHGTON UNIVERSAL ART CO, enlargements In water colors, photograph, craion, copying, psatals, home portraits, sepia and ells, statuarlea im th at N. W. Open till I P in. AGENTS WANTED. Mlaa Vernle Douglaa Conduit rd. VIOLIJT REPAIRI.NG. VIOLIN UAKE1L OLD VIOLINS RESTORED. NEW VIOLINS CORRECTED. C CONDIE. 1111 O ST. N W. FURS RE3IOI1ELED. FURS REMODELED, LINED. STEAMED AND CLEANED. MADE LIKE NEW. REASONABLE. WILL CALL FOR OR DERS. M Ilth St. N. W. UPItOLSTERINQ. MARCEROVS. 44 H N W Upholatennr. Repairing and Rcfinlahlng Handled With t-are. a yean experience. l?rep oard, fa-U-W NICKEL PLATING. WE DO NICKEL PLATINO RIGHT. JOHN A. GOTTSMAN CO . W Pierce at. N. W Phone Frank. Ull. FISHING TACKLE, ETC FISHEN'O TACKLE, baseball and tssnls goods, blcydee and susolles MAXWELL'S. 304 7th 8. W. inear 7th at. R. R. Sta.) mhrrtf TAILORS. O. B. FORGY, Tailor. Expert Tailor for Ladles and Gsntlemeo. 143 N street northwest. WORK CH.T.rin FOR AND DELIVERED. mhlO-M MORK1 ill Dysr Ci Laslea' er Gentlemen's Butts Cleaned and Rellned. Til Ui st. N. W. Franklin 3S4. fan-te UNIFORMS and civilian suits mads to order, cleaning, pressing and altering. BARNETT LANDSMAN. Ml . Capitol st. Phone Line. 1477. feltf INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED ALPHA INSTRUMENT CO. m Repairs Instruments of Precision. C M. PIGEON. Mgr. Ill E it. N. Tf. mhH- WIXDOW SUADEI. Oood duality opaque BEST quauty ef opaque: bung 7;. free . 'J6 , nitea to your EC. I window. . . .J Jt- Wm ..ll with .a mrlrs. Ph Line. 171. VI CCDI A T T C JITH JUVPU 2S.M. E. ,..w... w ! FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED. FURNISHED HOUSES AND APARTMENTS John W. Thompson & Co., Inc., . 73 Uth st. N. w. Phono slain 7. f e5p nio.wed.frt.t( BEAUTIFULl.T funnehed house, aouthern exposure. Call Sunday or after I .IS p. ra. during week. U Eatt Capitol at. 2 FURNISHED-IOW KALORAMA ROAD IS rooma. 4 hatha, ecreerod porehea. WW par month: ellver and linen Inclnded. Phone North IKS or call between 10 and U er a to t p m. 4 Fairfax Prater. 6Ii E. Capitol at. WArfTEIJ. ARE you Intereited In tha welfare at babies? I am looking (or a 7. t. or t room house In Takoma Park or nearby auburb-or In the city proper If adjacent to park suitable (or Inlanta Doaraing iwrai wm ua porcnes essential. Phone CoL 1ST. , j WANTED Six rooms and bath, dwelling te rant. Apply BOX 234. Time office. mhl-Mt APARTMENTS TO LET FunyfisiiEP. FURNISHED APTS -To sublet, on Mint wood place, from April 1 to Oct. 1. I noma. ; baths, sleeping porch; ISO per month. Phone Col. OS II WAJSTEI). TO TAKE over .lease of apt.; will consider buvine f urm- ture. Phone North 3769-J, bet 8 and 10 a. m. 1 FOR RENT OFFICES YOU ST. N. W., 1426 Large light office, secorid floor. 2 F. A Ttnam. Btrvm, Md COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR RENT. braddocx liEiairrs. md. Attractive boose, containing IS -rooms and bath (It bedrooms); completely furnished: large porcbea; well kept grounds! unusual oDDortunltr for boarding house: to lease for tha aeasan, 100. ' THE T. H. SMITH COMPANT, US Fifteenth Street. 'Main- 44. . . . . .. 1-1 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SAUL CABIN JOHN -PARK ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN. HOMZS. Six saw houaea and bungalows ready for Inspection, II tot to (2.M0. Kasy terms. J. 3. TOML1NSON. 214 South. Bldg. M. T44S. COLORED BUYERS-Steam and electric cars cross our subdivision. Lots for com parative prices and small monthly paymsats. No Interest on contract. Location N. E.. by Nat'l Training School: tc fan. W. N. .NEW. BOLD, No. (07 Warder bldg..ttl ith st. S.ST. . M SIX-ROOM HOJUSB. all modern conTsnlenees: gas. electricity, n -w.n , oaio; cellar: cnicsen house, fruit, garden, etc: big lot: one fare. Price. .S3J0O. 1300 down, balanco monthly. Address BOX 112. ML Malnler. Md. Posses sion tneia days. -?1 SIX-ROOM HOUSE. In ftrst-claxs condition: large lot; good location, in lrglnla;"thras minutes to cars; twenty minutes to lfh street; ready for occupancy. Cheap at &du. Terms to suit or would exchanga tor Seattle, wash., property, owner. MRS S. HAMILTON. Box 141, Times ofncfc 4 FOR BARGAINS IN SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE SEE ELMORE POWER, Contra Psrk. lid. Phone M M. 1-1 SIX ROOMS. WATER, SEWER, OAS, BATff, FURNACE. Cellar, large lot: good condition; price $1,000, cash payment. 1100, rcb monthly. JOHN L. KNOPP. IKs Jackson su N. E. (Woodridge) Phone N. rt-J 1.1 r ACRES-l -mils -station. 11 miles out, MA, 4r. bungalow, stable, poultry bouse, fruit. n.:; U00 cash. CO monthly. Three acres at station W. B. A A. electrle. S-room bungalow, poultry house, fruit. nM. ISO cash. Hi aunthly. ARTHUR M. CONNOR, Room S4, 7H 14th st, N. W. mhZMt TO COLORED Two Sao lots, U0: terms tit cash, balance 111 per month, will build your houss: water and sewer available: care t blocks, 1 fare, 35 mlnutss to Treasury. IRViN st SHANK. Owners, 1U0 J st. K. W. Mala XX. fsM-M WE HAVE QUARTER-ACRE TRACTS. II mlnutea from the Treasury by automobile. which wa can Ball from tOOS to X7L0. rood Neighborhood: the cheapeat ground near tLa Iauonai capital E. H. TAGGART. Exduatvs Agent. lxa New York ave. tf TWO BEAUTIFUL cotuges, ready for occu pancy, oca block from car Una: delightful location: all modern convontencee: terms to suit. 13.759. Bargains in lots. Washington Potomae Industrial Corp., 71s Hth at. Ill Union Savings Bank Blog. IT WHJ. PAT TOD Ts Investigate at Once These Beautiful Greater Capitol Heights Lots ONLY 20 EACH SI CASH SI MONTH TAKE H ST. CAR GET OFT list ST. N, JO. ONE CAR FARE. I TICKETS JSS. OFFICES- Main Office. Ml N. T. ave N. W. Oa Grounds Hat and C sta N. E. OWN YOUR OWN HOME IT PAYS. O. B. ZANTINQER. Kt N. Y. ava. N. W. FOR REST. VERY desirable country home on main line of B & O R It., or easy distance of rood suto ro&d; 10 rooma : baths, hot water best, electric lights, heated brlcL garace. room for 3 autoa. 3 eenanta rooma oter garage; large porehea. several seres of lswn snd orchsrd. splendid view of Chesapeake Rai . very cool all sumra-r. countn homo vlth city con leniences; poaaeaslon May 1. Phone CoL (731. FOR SALE OR RENT. S.Dnnm PnHnrMI Rainier. v, twu.i. wuluw xct'. Fruit. Eto. I apjuarea eera LAWRENCE FOR SALE LOTS SOUTH frontejlot W) by IM; bet Ith antl ' ijongrfi'ow rt j w. fnon Oil ms FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 7 rooma and bath; all outbuild Inca. fruit. 4 acres: 47 mlnutea from n cl a bargain. Call cl u at. N. E or phone win- .. sahs-tr MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN CAREFUL INVESTMENTS Of money In First Deeds ef Trust (First Mortgages) on Washington. 1) C., Real Es tste slways give tha full Intereat protnts.d snd ths return of all the principal when due regardleaa of tha varying Incomes snd i slues of other securities, snd the are not subject to taxation A e have been aui...eiiiT.. ... gsged In msklng these lneatmsnts for our Clients lor more man a qusrter or a century Investments ItSO. M to fioono at 5. !4. snd a per cent now ready for delivery. Larger UJVCSHHieju les uiaue WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., SOKTHKRV BUILDIXC. M7 HTH BT MONET TO LOAN en real estate Ioeit rstea crier payment privileges, tsrgs smounts. TYLER A RUTH. ERX)RD. I7 lHh mh3-8 PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT Or THE INTERIOR. WASHINGTON. March 20. llll-Sealed ore- poasla In duplicate will be received et the department until mo ociocx p m , aturaay, April 29. till, and then opened, for the erec tion and completion of semi permanent wsrd bulldmga. dining hall, snd kitchen tor St. Elizabeth's Hospital, ttashlngton. D. C. In aecordsnre with Dlsns and sneclflcatlon. copies of which may be obtained from the chief clerk of the department. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, to walrs technical defects, or to accept ons part and reject ths other, as the Interests of ths Governinent mar require Applicants for plane will be required to deposit with tha department a certified check for ti pa)- anie to ius onr 01 in- oecreiary or the Interior aa a guaranty that tha plana will be returned In good condition Proposals muet be rosrkej "Propoaala for Erection of Heml permanent Buildings st St Elizabeth's Hospital " snd be addressed to the Secre tary of the Interior TTgrhlngton, D. C. S G HufUwi.SS, Asa. nan l SecteLarr , 14UUI FOR SALE HOUSES MOJO IF SOLD THIS WEEK; Ir. and b.. concrete cellar, on Flagler at.; a. m. t. tTH leaa than adjoining houses. 'BOX 141, Tlmea orflce. 1 Miss Roaemarr Swestman. 10(8 th N. E. A BEAUTIFUL SEMI SUBURBAN HOME Of 10 Rooms and 2 Baths NEAR 16TH AND KENNEDY STREETS. A well bunt, detached house, practically new, witn largo lot to parea auey ana garage In rear. Ttile la a vrry attrsctlTS home, hating sTary modem conrenlence. and priced at actual coat for Immediate sals; offers an un usual opportunity to buy In this exeluslrs locality. Act Quickly on this. Price, $10,500 . ITenna can b rrnrd ) GEORGE WM. C1SSEL, Colorado Bldg. Phona Main 487. i 1 SEE THI8-room brlek, near Hth and La ment n. w.; modem lxnprorements. lflU sail right now for tiJO. A. B. CAMPBELL. jus Hn.it. v. TOR HOME8 AND INVEsTMENTaV "8te UAHORNET Jb SL'LUVAN They Know Washington." Mi New Torlc ATe. Tel. Main 7tH. mhlMt FOR SALE Immediate prasecslon. new I reom and bath deucbed ecus with garaga; CheTT Chase. D. C, H,M0. , FULTON R. GORDON, Colorado Building. Xatn BxU l.faiM Miss BHxabath. ' Darts, las N. J. Ats. TOR BALX ONLT tt,TO KACRI SEE THESE COZT HOMaTal. TU-n7-7ia-m.RT. AVE. s. M. NEAR PA. AVE COLONIAL PORCHES. NICE BACKYARDS. EAST TERMS. L. I r. PRINCK, ia H st. lah-M RESIDENCE FOR SALE NEAR NORTH CAPITOL & R STS. Convenient to" CapitoL 6 Rooms and Bath. PRICE,- $3,750. JOSEPHS ZIRKLE, " 20? Colorado'BIdg: mhlB-tf JOHN F. DONOHOE SONS. LMO,. HI PsnnsylTanla Ats. 8. Js. ." ' Let Us Submit Our List of Hemes and Investments Before leu Purchase, 1-fslMf William Moors, lot B. st. N. W. TWO s-rpom houses:. modern Improvements: Sne location. Address owne f, BOX 117, Times ottlcei ' 13. ONE ACRE IS-roomj naw frame; beautiful boms; h.. w.'h.; electricity; carat t can: tenement house: barn? Ia. ave (corner.) Price. KMO: possession. .. Between Irrln and Kenyon onlllb. "rasttl bricks bay-window: 2 stories: Jiardwood .finish; a. w. neat, race, ii.mo. posseasion. E. J. TOTTEN to CO, . 1411 O st. Phono U. Ult. . mhS-M H BT. N. E., easy terms. i:ts Six-room modern hosse; Apply 1111 Sys st, N. E. 1 WANTED HKAL EJTATBt WILL PAY CASK for home sf six rooms. See T. B. BROWN &" rem FOR RENT HALLS LARQE HALL, eeatrally locatsd. sulUMs for ledge purposes, dancing, ete-s available nignxs za ana ein Tussasys lis s aturaaya, I Mondays. Phons Lino. 2E. rs!4-H Roscos E. Mlgua. tor? llth at. N. TV.. CLAIRVOYANTS Ucnuid by th Vittritt of Columbia. MME. SPENCER, One of the World's Moat Distinguished PALMISTS AND LIFE READERS Studio, 924 14th St. N.W. CONSULT THIS dlFTED LADY AND BE CONVINCED PERSONALLY OF THE IION ESTT AND SINCERITY OF HER WORK. Without asking you a question, sbe will tell you the object of your call, giving names of frlenda. relatlvea and actual facta concerning your life and elrcumatanrea which you know to ho absolutely true THE MADAM WILL REFU8U TO ACCEPT ANT FEE UNLESS SHE GIVES THE UTMOST SATISFACTION. Immediately benefited and permanently help ed by conaultlng her at, once. Hours 11 to I 3 MADAM JEAN, Clairvoyant and Palmist Clalnroysnta are born, not made Madam Jean hss been bne since childhood Can positively reunite the aeparat'd Get a reading from thla remark able woman, who tells jou names datrs and facts without asking a question. Special offer this week 12 readings I PERMANENTLY LOCATED 1017 mi ST N. W S MADAME STANLET Rojal Gypsy Pslmllt, Reada your hand like an open book, satis factlonruaranteed Give her a call, ill! II it. N E. (near llth) 4 PROF. STEVENS, Islrrnfted br th Dtitrict of Columbia. UASTEIt MIND OK PSYCHICS. CLAIR VOYANT AND TAMim. Ad. ire on all affairs, of life. Including buI n.ss and speculation If alTalri o; tha heart or emotions of love Interest ou he xItci exact and truthful re.elat.ons. iettla lnvara quarreU, enables ou to win the tcm pd aixection 01 anr one you aeatr cauiea apeedr and happy marriage, tells If the one you lore la true, also date of maniace. restor? It affect Ion. peace and conrtdenc to lovers and iiscoraant ramiues. civea you t! e full aecret how to control faacJnata and charm the one )OU loe. also those jou meet, how to make a person at a distance) think of jou Poslthety reunites the sparated Makes no cnarres in adrante for his rea dints without n-klna ou a question he tells your name In full and the names or those In whom ou are Interested Hours. 10 a m to 7 p m., dally and Sundar 925 F ST. N. W. "MRS IRS DORA GATi:n-CUlrojant and Cart Resder. Prices tic snd tOc UT 1st St. S. rro". ri.n.ijn iWvi SPIRITUALISM Jccnsed by fee Vittrict of Columbia. Mrs. K. Roth SS." T-a dally. 1017 O at. N TV llth at. care M MRS. MAM10 STEVES f'S!1- Readings dstly; sesnes Tues A Thura evse t p m : Frl-. 1pm L. J01 m n. J. ave. aa PAI.SIIST". MRS C SAUNDERS Indian rarchte-eatro!-egtr; speclsl readme snr snd II; 11 a. m to s p m. U N. York av. N. W t DANCING New York Conservatory Teaching all Istest hi (room dwirlng. one-step, welti. foitrot. Jaxs. fhine' toddle Reason able rates Lsd) a. id gent emsn netru-'tore 506 9lh N. W. Phone Fr. 2766 Pythian Hall Select Dancinjr Morday snd Frldsy, II to u Tickets. Isdy snd gentlemen. Me: eilra ladles. We. On aala S. T Conservatory. KX rth nw. t MISS FISHER Private Leaaona Only. Mi O n. a . Apt. B Phona Line. JCTJ-J. OLOVER-8. IIS JM Prlv. las. any hr.. Ma; class Tues.. Fn Sat. sve.; orchestra: ball room for rent. S3. TV. lift. Latest methods. mhll-aot MISS CHAPPELEAR .... . S!tTUMUr Evenings. W Q it- N. W. VranMla 1Q SPECIAL NOTICES CHRONIC DISEASES can be eursd-Sss thla fPace next Sunday. PROV. H. N. D. PARKER. N D . 1(10 II at. N. TV. Jack Alw.'l. Section 6. Bureau. REPLACE yonr broken wlrd ehleld glsss. K M TARANTO 1111 N T SVS. mhlJ-. TOUR ROUGH, SPLINTERT TVOOR ftocrs rsnoveted, srrsped down smooth an I rolUhM: no floors loo baJ. C. ADAMS. UU usaxaeb si. & SPECIAL NOTICES L-.A. LILLIAN The World's Famous Hair Tonic and Restorer. Are, You Bald Headed? Have you any .trouble with your hair? Have'-yqu any: pimples or blackheads? - ' t Prof. Richard Foss Has his own" method, which t heAwill positively forfeit . . $10.0 . If he fails to make you positively satisfied. WHY SUFFER WITH YOUR HAIR. Our Manicuring OEPARTMENT-JS'THE BEST EQUIPPD IN-WASH1NGTON, AND'WE CAN -SAFELY SAY THE APPOINTMENTS ARE THE MOST MODERN. MY FACIAL AND BODY MAS SAGE, WITH- LADY ASSIST ANT, USING MY OWN METH OD, FORMERLY EMPLOYED IN. THE LEADING ESTAB LISHMENTS IN NEW YORK, PARIS, EGYPT, ANIT- ELSE WHERE, CANNOT BE. IM PROVED UPON. Send for "Lillian" trial 'bottle, $2.00 as this is myown com pound made by a secret process it cannot be bo'ught else where. Open For Business PROF. RICHARD - FOSS & CO., 1214 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Only Distributers of Lillian Tonic I Duplicate Keys, 25c WIIILB TOU WAIT Outside work our specialty TURNER & CLARK Franklin S005. 13(X7 St. N. W BOYS' EASTER SUITS AT SPECIAL PRIGE3 FROM $1.98 to $10.00 THE LEADER, 12SS 7th at. N. TV. mhlt-ltX McCRAY REFRIGERATORS HAVE NO EQUAL. SIcCRAT REFRIGERATOR CO , 111 T X. W-. mhatf Try the French Table D'Hote At ths RICHMOVD HOTEL RESTAURANT, Corner llth and H Sts. N TV. Spectsl Duslreaa slen'a Lurch. Dinner. II 04. Afernoo-l Tea. Under Peraonal Uanagement of P MASON. Lata ef Tlatal Royal. Bruxellea, Belgium mhlMt CITT TENANTS' PROTECTIVE LEAQUB. City tenants who have been asked to pay higher rental, or given IS days' nstlos to va cate would do well to Join without delay. For particulars phone Franklin Id. or call or ad dress crrr tenants- PROTECTIVE LEAuUE, itoom IV., union miuii d.o Building. ; T. L. Msradan, M B at. N. TV. lrtha-M PURE apple elder, made of sound, rips applss. Usds as It should be, free of all preeerva. tlvee. for sals by ths gallon. H gallon and Quart bottlev Finn. 7t II st. ns. Line. ISM. Insure Satisfaction by Buying Your Window Shades fi'geSL THE SHADE SHOP SJMr&i mhl-0t LACKS-Uadelra and diet a apeclaity; fall lire for tsblee Hand-mads aveatrrs of all Linda UR9. R. UELNICOVE. 11! CsctaS Market If J. SIIERRATT. nANOPAl.SjED CHINA. eat UU Til, V. CUBA BOUSES COAt I TO SPANISH YESSE MEXICO CITT, April 1. The ctn- faln Af iYim CtnaM.h lUsmihln Alfonso XIII, which la blnjr at Hatftfaa, hasl cabled to the agents at Vera, Crtirl mat he is unable to continue me Toyag-e, as the Cuban authorities have refilled & supply of bunker coal. The Vera. Cruz accnt Informed him that five .hundred tons of coal had been ob tained at that port for the vessel's re turn voyage and It Is expected me steamship will continue The officers of the company at Bar celona, Spain, are making; an effort to set coal at Havana. DEATHS HETNOTJ3S-URS. CATHARINE K.. widew 01 bnarise A. tteynwas, at oar rssmsnee, tAa Tirssdo apartments. Mass en Tueedsy, April 2. 1KI. at M o'clock, at 6U Paul's Church. Interment In Arlington Cemetery. Helattves InvlteO. 1 VELZAl bis rssldenea. Mil P street north west, en Saturtay, March to, Iflt, at 1:1 pm PAUL, J. PKI.7!, In hi- serentr eerfnOi year. Funeral serrlces irlll be held at his late residence. Tuesday. April :. Hit. at 10 e-elecsT. Burlalto.kJIlll Cemetery. '1 UNDERTAKERS LOUIS T. CLEMENTS, Tuners! Etrsctor. ThesSL Clsmsnts. laanaisr. TTsar SDt. mnaralMstsr. 1U1 Wisconsin ave. -N. W. rSU-e J. WILLIAM LEE. XOtDtatTXKBR AND UVseKX. 't Wm .TS. N. TV. . TsUgiliene; M. 1SB. WABHTNOTON. P. ft FLORAL DESIGNS GEaxrSHAFFER.S5: XXPRE33IVE IXORAl, KUBtXiU I AT MODERATE PRICES. nlhMS J: H. SMALL & SONS, Flotfsts, wrpervisin ana a ats.. .WAaiUNQTON. WaMorf.Ester!a and Hi Uailsoo ar.. Me Tcrlc FInrrs fsr fanerala a Ssedalty.' Prices mederate, i ' ' FyNERALr DESIGNS' ' OftXrtry TJescrlMloO-MociersteJ'rlosa. IBS r BT. N.-W. , t EDUCATIONAL Washiiigton Conservatory of Music . llCa-NITtV HAlrPSHinE AVE. A1TnTpnm mprrr racalry et to Fergn and American Teachers. , ,', .s Invrnatlonal In scope. -. v Stsasau from Europe. .Sacth Amertea, Pbll- ipplnes.'as well as Unned 'States. Xnrelh near, for Oaal term, beginning April 1. and i get yoar grading and letsori credits for ceit. year, either bera -or sfruad. Itsnr talented performers In social. Congres sional and diplomatic -circles are- our pnplls. Bend, for sew, catalogue. apl TOUrr.GRADB Clrll Berries. eismlnaUon for Clerka-Aprlrf-TalUon for enure course. . TKB'. crVU, "SERVICE TRKPARATOBr SCHOOL, .E. Cor. Utb and r sts. Tsle phona rraaldm ceo. mha-tf Trsasa-Haher. 11S D it. ft I. cmt.iSKRTics mantrxmoN. book . Pederst first Orads Clsrieal Examlnaasa iMtruetlon." Prlee lUe. PEARt-UAX'a BOOKiBUOP, a O st- N, TV. Frank. Mil. l-fs2.H UNtyxjlSJIX JEPJJlATOT. laagsagss, zostnernauca, aclancs; altgorsmmsnt exam isausns; moaeraie. UULiUMSlA. UNIVER. srrr school, tor llth so n. tv. mhiue WASHINGTON BUSINESS J .CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL.. Complete Courses la OBJEGO SHORTHAND, 3RARAsf SHORT HAND. TTPEWRriTNQ. BUSINESS ENQLISH, BOOKKEEPING. Cml'-Serrice Clswet Fonamm NOW. IDT Nsw Tork are. S. TT. Mr. Mills. IMS U st. FRFNPH Ersnlng lessons by yeoaa, riUnV.n hlshlr ednesled taaehae. fl Bceclnl. formerly witn Bucdnl School ef New Torfc. Appointment by mall. 1H1 nm st. nw. Civil Service COMPLETE COURSE, $3.00 Psrsocal Instruction. No classes. By mall If preferred. Sta lit. Pleasant at. nw. (sor msely m Rock Creek Churcli road.) fsa M V U A M Cessplete esmraswla TaM.lf.il. rtajiOCScUaaae.. Havana Bkkes; HJXH, Uraftlns; (SXOOI. Prvparatery (sTJO), Accettatenry (a p. A. aula B. C. S. Csnrse). Hay ana Ereslag. Uulletlas aTree. 173S O St. I. W. Standardized Typewriting Big demand and big salarlea for expert typists. Shorthsnd not required. New train lng course makes son erpert In a short tlms. This means for you double-speed, less labor, leas ovsrtlme. a bigger Job. snd quick pro motion. Investigate. THE ASHTON SCHOor. OF STANDARDIZED TYPEWRIT ING, ra i at n. w. ma-v-tt . BE Languages g BERLITZ SCHOOL .asblngtam. 81S 14th st. n.rr. Teraaa May Be Bearna At A.y Tlsse. SPANISH SCHOOL OP WASHINGTON Professors from Spain Cohversstlonsl Meth od. LRapldProresHoine L"eewtjws Hsmr Jsrbos. Gsjetr Thestsr LAKE SCHOOL !".&,. Individual Instruction. 41T Southern Bldg. NATIONAL SCHOOL FINE & APPLIED ART Hsta ITU miX M1RHT ISIS tu rt STEWARD'S BUSINESS COIXEOE. lAh and P STS. NTT. Thorough course In Shorthand, Bookkeenlag ana qvu asrviea. AUCTION SALES OVER IM HORSES and mules sold here every Saturday, private sales dally: watch for our Vtg snnojncetnet t Frldav UcIlENRT BROS . lit llth at X TV nihMM Urn, Lultlch, It Bataa at. V. TV MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE SAFKTT STORAGE it TRANSFER CO. CM MASS. AVE. N. TV. BEFORE MOVINO SEE l'l TTE WILL BATISFT TOU IN PROMPTNESS. AS WELL AS IN PRICE FRANK tig. nHIr) UOVIMJ. PACK1NO, SHIPPISG, and a-ot. ag-NORTHE.a.Sr TRANSfBH A STOR AGE CO.. 100? It IU N. IE. Ph. Line. UTS mhJrl CLEAN! dry storsga for furniture and planoa. EaUmatea cheerfully git en TTESCHLER'S, tie Pa. ate. N. TV. Phone Main 13t- "SAFETf FIRST." ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 8TORAOB. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO. Rooms. : 00 and .p. Moving Packlcr. Phane Main . 41M2 10th at. N. TV. or Franklin ?t3 SEE ME for best prtcee and satisfactory aervlcs. THE PEOPLE'S STORAGE AND EXPRESS. 17a "th at. N. TV. T L. V. MOVINO CO TVE MOVE ANT THINO. ANT TIME. ANT WHERE. TRIPS TO BALTIMORE T ITH AUTO. L. A. TOsI. I.1N. PROP li CHURCH ST. N. TV. MOVING HjRMSHUt. mJ V 11-XV.J PAIDED VANS Phons m. :eic-:o:i. KREIG'S EXPRESS, IM H 8lre-t N. W STORAGE P .CKINO AM PSniPPINO, '-I 5"ree molnrr fer 1or- aae. Pk. 3S3 erPsi...l ppr a TniiAGrVu F loXt it x. ma i -.,,. ..-. ,tw 1 n .- I gjOSMJTHTj RICH MEADE HEIR ! TOPASSTHEBUCK T CAMP MEADE, Aprl! 1. Prtrate William J. Comphtr, of the 312th Ma chine Gun Battalion, who has Inher ited $100,000 and resrns for s, w)fe. Is now retting; mnj letters frese cirls whQ warn -nlm ajajnit ths others who hsye written,, Ther make out strong- cases ag-aJrat, the first applicants, and uaally close by Blvlng- personal descriptions sad, In some cases, pbotOEraphs of them selves. Many letters that start off with the hardest knoeJts end with the loudest .boosts. Compher and his' staff will consider only the boosts. Many girls who show, that ther re skilled typists and business eznerta are( sending- follow-up letters in.a sys tematic way. Just s business houses derelop prospective customers by re peated anneals. . Here are a few'ot the'resent letters: Flaaa CslJUg Star. To My. Unknown Afflnltv; Ma-rba It wi.Hifaf-f.tib. IasI-m totlook over the papers yesterday perhaps a star,. was. ruldteg-rae. Any way x nays iouna SI IMSt, I hsy heard of the man who will make me happy. It is yon. No one else but you. my affinity. It IsTrojUerfurjiist to think- how bappyvI could 'be with you in an adorable little cottars built Just for .two. Jq on,e to bother ,us nothing- to worry about'Wouldn't we be happy. - Maybe we ,coud; hare a little thrift garden that I" could 'tend, after yon har gone "oTer' there." Although I would. If you WQUld let me, follow you ?o the other side and -'cars for you there should you be 111 or wounded. A great many men have called zae beautiful several hare asked me to marry them, but I hae rejected all their offers because my heart has not been touched until "now. KOW 1 feel that there is somethisr-betweeea us. - Is SkV SpeSarT This may seem foolish to you. Per haps you- cannot understand 'how I have been so moted byta man I have never seen. Well, neither eanr I. I jonly know it is so. .. Tou seem to me,, from'what X have re'ad" about you in toa papers, to. Dai me emooaiment of all the fine qusllties. I hjive found wanting in other men. I shall marry a, man of. your type or I shall nbt marry, at" all. I am rather tall and slender but not thin. 1 hare fair skin, and -a lot of color that doesn't coma out. of a box. My eyes 'are brown,' and I think they are- brlzht anvhow a let of people hare told me they, aret My mouth Is small, and my lips are red Just as you said they should be. I have curly hair, and I am Jolly and laugh, a great deal. I'm not a gad-about, tut I like to haye a gopd time I'd be willing to stay, at .home' with. my. husband as often aa he wanted me to, but I would always be rajy to, go about with him ; to places of amusement. I love dancing-, and I- am fond of theaters. I dont know much about cabarets, but when I went to New Tork I went to several and thought th,ey were fine. Ce sVIII Salt Her. I'd love-to make a dear- little home for you, but I am glad you are going to Keep a cner. I can cook pretty well, but IV1 rather have some one else to do it for me when I can af ford it. I make most of my own clothes, because I'm not very rich and can't afford expensive ones,, 'but I have good style- and my friends say I al ways look well dressed. If I could afford to go to the swell shops I noutd always wear those-kinds of tIotb.es. rra telling; you all this be cause I want you to understand that I can make the most of a little or enjoy luxury. Just as things come. So I'm ready for anything. I want you and your money, but I think 1 ufent your money less than you, and If you turn, out to be the sort of chap I think you are I believe we could both be happy ever after even If you lost your fortune. If you are Interested, write me at north west, Washington, D. C Hopefully, GERALD1NE Must Leek Her Over. Eckhart Mines, Md., March 2. Dear Sir: I am a small girl with brown hair I and blue eyes. I don't know if I am good jooKtnr or not. everypoay has to Judge for themselves. I like music very much I play the piano well. I will be seventeen on 30th. this Saturday, so I am going- to look for a birthday card from you. O yes I seen where you were look ing for a wife, but I don't believe that for I think a oung man would soon meet a young lady and learn who she Is and what kind of a girl she Is before he takes himself a wife. Well, I ain't going- to tell you wheth er I cook or not J ain't going to do no praising myself, for Its bad policy. God bless you ancj all the boys that go across the pood. From a little friend. J , Leks Uke a Trifler. Baltimore, Md., March 29. Mr. Compher: After reading the article concerning your search for a bride, I could not resist the temptation to write to you. N'ot that I want a. husband (perhaps I have one), can't say I'm crazy about ou and your money. That part, I think. Is a clever trick of yours I would love to meet you for com pany's sake, and am anxious to see the fellow who could not And a girl without the aid of a rewspaper. One who ties been In the police force must be a nice big fellow. I woti'dn't send you my photo, because It cheapens a girl to get so personal w Ith a fellow she hss never met. But den't be afraid I'm over twenty-one. When It comes to looks I can safely say that I will pass a little above the average, having done considerable work In the "movies" and also have been a suit model. . Here's TVkere lie's Called. -William Compher: Popularity is surely with you. but in my estimation 'tis a poor man who must advertise for a bride. Cut out all this bally tommyrot. There is a saying that In the world two women exist for eery man, but from the tone of those letters published In the paper you are cheating a lot of other perfectly good men. I think you have had enough laughs out of the whole affair. So stop It You know Washington Is not the oniy cy vthlch has pretty girls In It: - .1, .,.n .,,, ,.-. ti .4 -v.... SHE may b In rrsnee. nlv knows! weijmxakin -roufco lajdx. . . j-- ....... ,VU... .UWMW OALLWHOKN OCK :BELERPLAN MAYBE WD er mm SAVINGHDURS By srTXIi PXICK. Camouflaging the docks of tie country throagh the daylight eriac law has temporarily restralaed seeavs of the enthasiaim tha t mis t .sevrV been general for John A- Bealae's staggered honref or opening 6eve mental and prvate bustae toststav tlons.'ofHceeyaBd schools latfcfs etsy. It-Is today the; hose of Mr. BeeHr " "L--rr-'tTiiTrimiin'"riwn slon, who 'are stracritec twrttee better street oaf ietrteel ia tsW future that, the . the hands of cloaks -iMI kft ptr maaeatly. dampen the wttttSgajftse sxf government oMcUls totjota Jet wtet 1s" generally declared by them t t the most Important step yet taken x ward'spbstantlal relief. Many high Government one!! hsvre already; written the TJtUit(e) Coraaili slon expressing satisfaction with Use Beeler prtfgram, sad statlnr that est the proper time they-will give ordafs for cKaartntr -the"openlnc hoars ac cordingly. From the acting-head the Wc esrtmentj..was a tetter stating that while that department apprecfated-th fact that lu hoars' had not been changed thar.ewauleV.be wUllpgness to co-operate' with the) uflutlea Comsalssloa-ln. new hoars, If necessary.- - Heads of detsartmeats'SJeer bareas throusrhont the city are consMerisC tha Beeler plan, whieh was laid ke f orejthest by the Utilities Coajtss!osV and It is expected sad hoped tht there wIJJ Txs general aeauieseesce In the prorram 'within a snrt tiimm. In sevral' ins tasees, however, -sas- (Vtubiai. m. .yviubou esv parUcnlsT establishment have only a few hundred employes and that thetr exemption from the Beeler scheme would do little harm. ' Th Interior Department, new opes-, Inr at 8:48-. obleeta to bes-tnstssr eif Her, owing to the daylight. saviSsT law.- Waste Plate Ostgkt ta C Tlrewatlv In a'aswer to. ttils areumewtT JCs. Beeler today stated that In mtisar out a plan for opening goverstaeataa establishments at hours ranging-froaa 70 o'clock to 8ao o'clock ha had given careful sttidy to the reUUee"1 of the different places, the number of employes,-their location as regard car lines, all with the view of'spread- lag .the' morning" strate-oipoa the cars trtittrch a way as to-give comfortable riding- to the public and bring- about Quick- service and prompt transporta tion of people to their work. Any die arrangement of the hours recom mended by him for the various deaartr menfs and bureaus would upset the whole network of his scheme. Mr. Beeler understands that the day light saving law has somewhat re ire n ed the unanimity that might have greet ed his proposition, but believes that with in a week the, people of Washington wUl have readjusted themselves ta the docks and win not longer puxsle -themselves over haw they stand as to time. Objection to the staggered system Js that Mr. Beeler puts many of the Gov ernment shops to work from one hour to a half hour ahead of former hours, which would be one" and a half to two hours earlier when considering the new time. He proposes, for instance, tint 1.050 clerks of the War Risk Insurance Bureau start to work at 3 o'clock in the morning and 500 at USD alock. These clerks now begin at 9 o'clock new time. 8 o'clock old time. Under this plan the bulk of them would begin, work at S o'clock new time and 7 o'clock old time. The Department of tabor, now opening- at 0 o'clock, would begin at 8 o'clock new time, 7 o'clock old time. About 2.100 employes of the bureau ' of engraving- and printing would have to do some early rising stunts. They now go to work at 8 o'clock, day light saving- time, but Mr. Beeler sug gests that 7:30 o'cljck would be bet ter. That would be6:20 o'clock sun time. . No complaints are expected from she Fuel Administration, Interstate Com merce Commission. Council of Na tional Defense. Pensions Bureau. Com mittee on Public Information or Treas ury Department. The hours for these places are shifted from 0 o'clock to 9:30 o'clock. The stately and dignified State De partment is recommended to begin wrrtllng with diplomatic problems. at 8:30 o'clock new time. Instead or 1 o'clock. There are 300 employes ef that department. The Postofflce De partment, with nearly 2,000 employes, would stark work at 8:30 o'clock, would start work at 6:30 o'clock. District building- employes numbering- 1.000 would start upon their dally duties at 8:30 o'clock. Awaiting- Ofaeial AefJem. The utilities commission Is await ing official advices from Government institutions before taking up for de cision ths proposed staggered sys tem. When the answers are in. it will be determined whether the Beeler plan can successfully be worked It is dependent for full suo cess. as already pointed out. on' its adoption by practically all depart ments and bureaus It may be neces sary for the utilities commission to approach Government officials through, further correspondence and visitation In the hope of gaining com plete support Whatever the outcome of the Beeler efforts, it Is the opinion of members of the utilities commission that they must adopt steps to provide for per manent improvements of service. If they cannot put into effect the stag gered hours' plans, they must and something else. It would, they admit. be of great value, probably greater than any other plan, but they also no. derstand that many of the Govern ment's employes may- object to the early hours they will be called upon to report for work, comparing the new and old time. GROWN UP TO StJORT DRESSES. Hub (meeting wife down town) "What makes you so late?" Wife "I stopped to shorten one of daughter's dresses for the party slie'a going- to tonight. I can hardly realise Ovst b' quite grown up now" JJew- Xerk American.