Newspaper Page Text
"". -ttnrrr. K Foe Has Failed to Force Decision arid Battle Scene GERMANS 10 Hff.ATiRESH 0.S.0FFIK Anticipatinjr that the French and American forcis now being rushed to the front will check the German advance, the War Department in iis weekly review of the war, expresses the. belief that the theater of oper ations -will be shifted to other areas. The -American forces rhave been placed unreservedly at .the disposal of the. French and while certain units are being hastened to the "ac tual battle lines others are replac ing veteran French troops, thereby relieving them for the battle lines. Decision Averted. The review points out that In spite or aucceues gained, the large terrain overrun, and th,e great number of prisoners and "war material captured. Field Marshal Hale; has-been able to maintain his basic order of battle and has withdrawn his troops In such a manner as to prevent the en emy from forcing .a decision, this in spite cf the 'fact thaUthe German higher command .has staked. Its for tunes' on the' success oT the spring campaign. 4 The review follows? The period under, review has nat urally beenxne of anxiety for the al lied. Under the pressure 'existed by the enemy, who hss-jut Into; action picked shock-units, long and careful ly .trained in mobile warfare for the particular tasks they were to under take, the British have been compell ed I6mlr' ground. Field .Marshal Halg. .in the face of grays difficulties.. haabren. able to maintain his basic order'.of; battle, at the same time withdrawing. his troops to, more secure, positions.. Vlctery Blades .Enemy. In spite .of the successes gained, the large area. of. terrain qverrun and the great number of prisoners "and war materlal.captured, the enemy has been unable to fores a decision. TtmgKMt Wesahyjsilbee4cora- "AMOSEfflENtS" t mniv' FILM THEATEB. Arrgacnows CRAPALE'S' A1saafHM?4lt AVtf. ROVTrTIlK UlKB-WOLTVcwIUJ ItaZEI,! Mvin st r a vn. TTf9rtT LKAflUALL O today w. s. irAnx In "BLUE BLAZES lUWDEN.' TUES A TTEPr-"Tha BIRTH OF A-yATIOX TODAT-MAn MARFH. In "THF. Pli. : ffiANDALL'5 Sak". PI A7A-f5 " " "vTi I lifUrfl-TODAT ANTT-TOMOnilOW TTHEXEPPELIX-S JST HA1D." IIFAUFRi Lh su s. tv. ULMUtai TxUr and AH AVk VrRGlNlA PEARION In DAUGHTER OP FRANCE." Also Fox Santhlne Comrdr. "A SKLy-MADB T.ADT. - At VMDrr1 TODAY AT oao P. if. i UXilUU IV CHARLnsr RAT In' 1431 V St. "HIS MOTHER'S DOW T CTD AVI! TODAT AXD AUI. WUKK foIlUUlU Ji.etrrllnck-i 'THE ULUE iBIRD.' UnKC mo C Slrrrt .Vorlkraat nUlat TODAT FANNIK "KAHI la "UWOCENT." AIM Chriitr Coniedr. unMC'C CAROI.IXA. TODAT-AIJCB BRADT In "WOMAN ANIiWiro." AIm Hpant-Patbe Neics. rietkCH TODAT-' AND TOMORROW llARUtn- IRENE CUISTI.E In "STL. VIA OT JHE BKCRET; SERVICE." (MdFAUiS;IS.Xu TODAY CONSTANCE -TAI.MADGE In THE SITCTTlKr;. -TOMOItROW EDITH STORCr. in. .'TITE CLAIM." PD srn I '"P TSearr,9th K t. LnAIIlnlii 0 todat douglas FAIRBANKS In "HEADIN' SOUTH." TOMORROW ENID RENNETT In "KETS OF THE RIOHTEOU8." HOI tm 1 f T C Sa-rsr I4h CL r. UUUllALL O TODAT -niE BIRTH I OF A NATION." TOMORROW-MABEI, I NCTRMAND Jn 'tniE FIjOOR BELOW " I 2: itefYnrii VTunlahl, bllS. 3ia. -Tfcnr- Bat. J .304 scats, 2S Sprelal EuUrJIit. Today at 21S . ROUJIUSICAI OOMEDT, PLATERS. HEWIZARDOFOZ" Ttless. -ae; Me? TSe. ttofc Toe Tnat .' ' Pars. IJm. Wat Tax, '7rtxt'Ve.;.t..'"VRY;CO0D. EDDD3" r Tvmon-OTT 4C0! JOU.V ti -:. .'POLTsV-THEATKIli - a AdmlmMofljOO WILLIAM .. . -"VAXINE FAX??" c r ILLIOTT " . 1BENB " TMACLTN . FEN WICK - ARBUCKLE - IN- tORU'AND LAQV. ALQT. KEXT -I,0'R 0. MIKE." TVlth George lliusell. POINIIIF ssLr O n t ssBnl Mike and I " ..... ... .-... . ' ' .... -. . ,(.! , . v 'i j ( bcooRAG6i we a .- r si;-4 m?4 SS fife -.atot, -, . -ruJ v' s: V1 u.M7y -l . -mt Os-jM.-me last, vf , "soMeuoHeftsL? 5.. XjJiLl. etr s-ocvitrb - . ,. ..i.'j:1;-,? j: -- r HHsK ' ssP-i: K8 rrTJa. - ' )(HBlsBr Jrr - ssssssssssssssssssWIP(-" -- I " ' ssss. gVssssssgLttKJEai ,. . MMnWl. . i . L i mimmmmmmmilmimmmmm" i S iC : J-fl -- , , pelted to retire. and thoenemy .Ills) occupied some points .of primary strategic Importance, as long as th! all'ed armies' are able to' maneuver with the consistent.. unity and flex ibility which, they, havs shown .during the engagements "of the "past "week, so lone- will -vldthrv ahidevthet:nemyr - However, as -thel-Ocrman: higher". Command has- staked. Us-.fortunes, on the success' of' the SDrlne campaign of 1912. and Is apparency determined! to force a .decision or prove 10 iu own satisfaction that it Is unable to do so-, we must he prepared In caie of his failure to. obtajn, major results In the present-theater -of operations.- that he -will -attempt, fur.ther..ottenJy. assaults In adJaCBnfareaeC. French rarllclpillon. From a tactical standpoint, the most Important event of the week has been French participation In the battle. French reserves have been hurried to the scene of action and are Arrayed-along. the southern .flank of the new salient whlch"1he"'enmy has pushed 'out, stretching from Bart sis to MonldiSfcr." "'V-'- - .- Fierce Hghtlng continues' In the Montdldier area, where a successful French counter offensive.'! already outlined In -the vicinity of Lasslgny. North of the Somme the British are holding the enemy on the line run ning from FebcUr through Boyelles, Bucquoy, Beaumoni-Hanrel, Albert to Eatlly-leJEIee.- ''-. '" "--.. - 5 ' To the south'' of theffveif Oie'Oer mans are still forging ahead. The thrust toward Amiens Is being car ried through with great vigor along the line Hamel-Mezleres, Struck At Junction. Strong hostile "assaults have also been directed- against the ;polnt -of Junction of'the'Fjanco-Tlritlsh forces In the hope of being able to strike's decisive blow-here' and roll 'back either the French or British. Our own resources have-been placed unreservedly at the disposal of the allies and our divisions .will be used If and when' needed. Our troops are taking thelr:place"ln"o'thef'parts"'Of the line thus relieving VeftTari French units for emergency service. Euch of our troops as' have received a sufficient amount of training will co-operate with tire latter and In so fsr as they are ahlr, will assume a share of the great burden now so valiantly borne by the French" arid British armies. Other sectors of the western front, 1 not within the Immediate radius of the battle zone, have been relatively quiescent. Artillery activity was gen eral and at the points In which our forces are engaged, heavy shelling took place. . - Bombardment of Paris. The bombardment of Paris hy a long-range gun firing approximately seventy-five rollei. Is noted. From Italy Information reaches us that fresh Austrian divisions are ar riving along the Italian frnt, com ing from Roumania, and important AMUSEMENTS VATiniSJAT 'TOSIGHT AT SCO NA 1 lUWALrr-VEDjlATS- 9 AT. WM.COURTENAY THOMAS A. WISE SEXT WEEK-The Laucktrr of Fool. STRAND AXI,,TIIIS JtVBEK Maeterlinck's THE BLUE BIRD Artcraft't Artatic Triumph WITH Special Ballet Prologue Original Scenery, TJarktlng. Etc. AtqiSO 3(30 7tS0 BlIS GARDEN TODAT MOJ TUKS. IRENE GASTLE i! Sylvia of the Secret Service r.uft'iMifl I tk sselllhtasl VJJIMl VjlIlLl 1 DeLuxe BOSTON BURLESQUERS . With Frank Funny Finney Xxt WealiUly (Beef, Trust) TCatsos, Ike They Look Alike troop movements In the Val Sugani. Renewed activity along the entire front Is recorded and the. Austrlans wer able to, conduct successful operation in tnevrrenzeia' vaney. The snow Js meHlntsiapldly In -the 'mountain arMC-itfd,nhnrfereiarn of good weather it. Is possible that-f ine enemy may attempt a serious of fenslve In this theater. In the eastern theater the Germans are continuing their advance In the A number of engagements are re ported In "which" Austrian forcea were ;driven back. In Siberia; the; Importnjf. strstCip center, Irkutsk, has 'fallen Into the hands of the enemy and a hostile de tachment believed to number innroi. Imately 20.000 is In full possession of ine town. In the Balkans Increasing activity Is again noted. Tfie enemy drove to,iucefiijnaIoBiTBiti,:0. A. Allied aircraft Was active In homb Ing hostile concentrations In the Struma and Vardar valleys. The principal event In. the outly ing theaters or war took place along the Mesopotamian front where an en tire Turkish fores W.aa nearbr cut to pieces twenty-two'rthwst,of MIL The British tpolc J.QOd'prrsonerld guns, and large "quantities of "Sup plies. The British continue In pursuit of the remnants of the routed Turkish forrea and have reached a point foity-flve miles north of lilt., . Situation In Ierla. , ,. From Fersia, news of" the porsl bility of the'Fersiaris JorrtlnCTiaas with the Ceht'ril powers has ben current. ... Turkish units under German lead ership are believed to be. In the vlclplty of Teheran. This ,m.ust be taken Into consideration owing t$ the possibility of the enemy excciit; Ing a flanking movement agalns'the British operating- in .Mesopotamia. ' uoralEORGEiLms ON CANADA FORMEN LONDON'. April 1. Premier Moyd George, in a message cabled the pre miers of Canada and other" British .possessions, calls for more "troops. saying: . "As already announced, n-e. propose to ask Parliament to authorise the raising of fresh fow here. also would urge the Dominion government .to re-enforce their heroic troops In the fullest possible manner with the -smallest possible delay, . The struggle Is only In its opening stages, and It Is our business to see that our armies get the maximum measure of support that we can give them. Let no one think that what even the remotest dominions can do now can be too late. Before this campaign Is finished the last man may count" GERMANY ISSUES. MONEY. PETROORAD, April 1. Germany has Issued new paper money In the occupied Russian territories In de nominations of three rubles, one ruble and smsller amounts. The money Is emitted by the Eastern Bank of Com merce and Industry of Posen. The face bears Inscriptions in German, Polish. Lithuanian and Letttlsh, with no Russian word. Swift & Company' rales of Freih Beef In Washington. D. C. for the week ending Sat urday, March 10, Ills, arararcd 11.S9 cents per pound. Advt. AMUSEMENTS BFKEBTHSi, DP MILY'BSSHII.aSHOL'SM.1 NOTE-'Darlts'ht SavlnfHours, LILLIAN RITA SHAW MARIO Premtsr Vocal I ahd'IIsr' Orchestra Dialect Comedienne I ' "of 13 Girls." Alice Els. 'The Weaker One," Santos A Kays, Moran Mack. Plbtr Hlu. LOEW'S COLUMBIA Continuous 13:10 A. II. to 11 p. M Morn.. MX.. Kc, 15c. KluMs.'lOe, 15c, Tie XotV'IM.AYINO ELSIE FERGUSON in "The Lie" ' THE WASHINGTON TBIES; Do You Know ssrnsPSi -.-. TV- t- aMSSSBSSBSSaasW. it . - . .JigDiKfafit 1 .;." . BSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBkk. . - . . iC & Mfr'i'f: ssssssssssssssssssssssssssm' l iT-'ii'M .asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssK -t-T 'M ssassKsr ssslr, " T-. VsssssssWarrM -iiS3PP, - zest. MmSmKW SHiS4'-' '' " HlflBssslBsscaW.k ' ' " ri&'Ztrti1 )MT;tSMHBPsssVPB - Zii: V ' 1 s f asfcs.aVasaBaaBaMPia,lssssM WILBijRT GAttAAY Crossing policeman, F and Eleventh streets. HE SAYS TO YOU: ,. 7'Jt,i& aur'duty.'ti Jip traffic 'ih'Ofiwjj with as much epted mid Bfltttldfrictionastposnible. i,wcfcresiwt!, iere titty would .fight . ftlie eats and dogs for the crossing'. Sometimes, even when we are ' here, you ought to hear tliem wrangling for the right of way. Then' 'has to be someone 'with authority to keep them straight. "The women," pausing with outstretched hand to halt a &6y, seeminghi determined on suicide in, front of-ja street car, "are worse. ' when they take a notion. Vqm can't "The main thing is to keep the traffic dear. Of course, if there's. something tike a. murder.,, we set the signals xmd-attcnd to that. Generally, though our main duty is the traffic" ILL IKE RACE E AS "Cbngressman Guy K. Campbell, of the Thlrty-srcond Pennsylvania dis trict, has announced his candidacy for re-election on a platfor-m that Will no doubt guarantee his success. He will be the candidate of both major parties. "Americans musE. present a. solid front until this war Is over. There must be no middle eraunrt and no division by party lines," Mr. Camp bell says.- "Our national lite and na tional liberty are at stake. They must bo preserved. I. would Intern all German sympathizer and hang all" traitors. We. are 'either " Auserl- cana or not Americans. I shall enter both tho Republican and' Democratic primaries." SENATOR JAMES IMPROVING. Senator Ollle M. Jainos of Ken tucky, who lias been ill, is' steadily Improving. Ho will resume his "Sen-- ate duties this week. Bell-ans ! Absolutely Removes .TnnifTencfinnv rrfimicfc - J'"V"SV"-" "''" "fcfc"-"'l I refund -money, if- it fails; 25c FORHGR IAN BI-PATAN MONDAY, APRIL i; Copyright,' This Policeman ? reason with a woman. U. S. WAR REVIEW The firm official word- here of the captpre of the strategically Important Irkutsk, Siberia, by the Germans was announced In thu War Department's weekly summary today. 'In Siberia, the Important strategic center,. Irkutsk, has fallen 'into the hands of. the enemy nnd , a-hostile de tachment believed to number approx imately 20,000 Is In f"!I possession of tho town," vald tho itement: Apparently, this capture was effect ed by German prisoners in' Siberia. GERMANY DEFINES HERV . lUPOFimiNE MOSCOW. April l.MJermany Tias replied to the Ukraine rada, saying that hc recognizes that the following nine government constitute Ukraine: Volhania, Podolla. Kherson. Taurlda (not Including Crimea), Kief, Poltava. TchernlgovEkaterlnos!av, and Khar hov. The adystneo of the Germans In the Ukraine continues. They captured and burned Poltava on Saturday, and are' today moving toward Kharhov. P.ERSIANjWAIl. VJAy flEW YORK. Vndor a ruling of the Postofflce 'J.1'P''";t"'''" - today, .mail for Persia other than articles sprclally ad. -"&r & SlS'thSSSoS t0 - : : -- KUTKTAKN BYGERMANS AY 1918. rfflill Shift, SajCaKfeFrew; 'i-J'U. . 4 '.4 1918, by E. AsrRuxaley.- IS A PLAYLESS t , j.;;KMother, may I.tqll nteggr t "' "No. my darlinr' daughter:. ' ii,'.ini$ la war.aad Hcovsx.-dear. says you hadn't ougnter. Tti, the food administration has sounded ths death-knell, for this year at least, of Washington's ancient and honored .custom of rolling eggs on 17 si at ak JTiimAr - . -Boisdftjrjyin see, po, festive gfther- titrm n-mrrVeIl!ldren-on the Whltfr, nor in any, of th,e clty.'s parks, 'where in by gone years they "wsro wonx 'to rou hundreds of eggs around In celebra tion of Easter Mbnday. Not alone will the egg-rolling be discontinued, but the White House grounds will be closed to the public, and other events. that featured the day in previous years will be lacMng ",. . Th ir.ter nsraifenn Connecticut avenue yesterday reflected" the spirit of lftsr. Khaki was everywhere in evidence, softened. It Is true, by a few dishes of reds and gay blues worn by soma of the women. But. for the most part, even the women's styles wr nf wartime colors khakis, serv ice blues. In military styles, with chic little bonnets rnnd caps fashioned after those vr'o.rh by1 the men In the service. The sUIt ht,as everTwas to bo seen but even this Inevitable" "adjunct of the Easter .wardrobe was not as strong in. numbers, and was ousted trom .its premier piiura u " -d reds', of .officers'' cap's topping the military 'Tlgur'es,.tht strode where olatsft ." As for the women fell,' the mili tary" air was predominant. Skirts were narrower, ,a little longer and a Utile atrala-hter than. last years. Some of the costumes were out:and-ont war outfits. Trim and plain dresses witn pleated Jackets of the blue worn by our allies, the French, wl'Ji pockets cut-Jike .those in the uniform. A swagger "stick adds to the effect, while a. bonnet not unlike the new headpiece adopted by our troops and mSn.nlsh walking boots complete the picture. The weather was Ideal for motor ing, and thousands' of automobiles crowded the streets. Training camps in the vicinity .of the city were thronged with 4vlaitors..Wa.lter Reed Hospltal-was.also via (ttd, by a. steady stream of automobtllsts. All records for previous, years were broken at-the Zoowhers the traffic -officers reported theJargest crowd ever visiting. at -the-soo in one day. The extrsr:hour of daylight did not help: for the soo closes.v.t sundown. Irrespective- of what the- clock says. Churohes were Mled- Ths President did notcattend St.. John's ,on Easter morning, but Mrs. Wilson went. tin. attsnded. -Both she and the Presl. dent, however, attended the 11 o'clock services In the Central Presbyterian Church. MEDALS FOR HOUSEWIVES SAVINGTHE MOST FOOD NEW TORK. April 1 The mayor's committee on 'national defense will award 1,000 medals to housewives saving 'the" most food from March 15 to June IS, according to announce ment today. ' The plan' wis 'devised In conectlon with launching a more extensive casnpalgn In New York city for food conservation. MRS. LLOYD GEORGE TO BUILD BIG UNIVERSITY LONDON- AdHI ll Mrs. Lloyd George, like most people, has a hobby. But unlike, most people's. It will cost at least STB0.q00.r tjrx.dlversion Is the building of fi, great "scientific unlver- altv In m,mnn- nf the linMEera. Sailors. and nurse, of .nnrrttiValea who have been kilie'a'li the y-.r Two hundred and.jSlxtyrnva'tliousamt , dollars has already" been raised. DAY IN CAPITA 'TBy &Q&$er& TTn- Hflbix'es Mist Hire DgktoBiy"GASMir Weir SioWer Straps DALLAS. Tex., April 1. SU Dallas high school girls today ex plained the kind -of husbands-they wsnt. "He must have a chummy -roadster .and earn W.0OO a? year,, and hs must be literary inclined." LolS Boltta-n-? sf r.r,-,.r "My -man miiitr earn-tifmtc' year. He must have . chummy roadster and not belong to Any clubi." Gladys FJnks:- "He must be good looking and a tine dancer and earn St least 1 10.000 a. year."-r-Jewell Root. T- want an ambitious man: bis r .looks and, earning capacity, do - n6t tnittef.ii-iU?XSrast "My' Rtan'mutC faarereflhenvent , and good, morals: the rest can take.' care of 3tself,'VHort4o tSeH berg. "I won't marry unless T can have a lieutenant or s, captain.'-' Rleta Bishop. GO TO WORK BY NEffiyilAI Washington went to work today on the same old schedule but it was different The sun was lower and the day not near ly so far advanced as usual. - In worAsof.pne of our leading sleep lovers "Thar, old-clock ."dJdnit- fool' me a bit this morning. I knew Jt wasn't S o'clock, when I had to oil onr." This was more or less' the generaTscnti raent on the first working 'day of day light saving. The new time caused a surprisingly" small amount of -'trouble and Inconvenience, however.,' The .Capi tal started .on the new; time- without, a hitch. The Government departments, the stores, and officer-and industry of the city reported but little .tardiness due to the change. Many found It hard to get up beciuse of nature's rebellion against disturb ance of lifelong habits. Apparently .there, were few that forgot to turn up the clock. Many are already forgetting ths change though'there' Is a disposition 0"-flrare time by' old stand arts for purposes of comparison. The change In time was effected en the railroads of the country without a single mischance, vindicating the Judgment the law makers who .insisted that could be done without disturbance. - itMayitising - 1 8 f I S 1 t .r - . Ideal Softer weather; tn'ce-Bnectfoa wlthspeilsjranste 'pregras a4. theitcalieance of the oceWa'at tbvte partfcular" tlirie. 'atlHcteS fag eo rregatlona to all tie servlees At the" local churches yesterday- The, signs.' of springtime were to be seea fa, the bright ; gowns and -flowers worst by thV wiMAeei aHt feMnstsM the. ffmyimi oratire purposes- of tae-eJuireaesj . 8ermns mosOy- es3tflwRh cthe. theme of the Kasarireetldal Ths Rev. Dr: James Lv Gordon at the Flrst-Con-gregatloaal Cbarch preaehed on. ", weits - LOCALCHORte Trip In as Old-Foshioned Ferry- Boat," "The greatest river la the' World Is' ua Hirer or ieatH.r ne' saia. lo-lhs. ahsenea bMhe Rev. Henrr UonketvtJr-tuutor of- the? Lutheran Church ;tf the IncarnaUaa-the'Revvt Dr. H. Dt Boyer preached,- Patriotism. ia uie cosigregauoBt iea uj AHoaga mentof present plans for the con struction of a new edifice. The ae- cumulating- revenue win be donated' to help win the war. "la Death Final" wsar the theme op the'aarmoa last nlrhMaosthe Rev. Dr. Charles Wood, at the Church, of the9 Covenant. "Our reasons said Dr.. Wood, Tor holding tbar death does not end all are!' First "the lraperlth-. ability ot infinitesimal atoms: second the relation ot thought and brain, third, the Inadequacy of bar earthly environment to satisfy 'our holies; longings and deftlffttCand fourth, a conviction 1 TtpproaeKralfV T certainty comes from the-rtstBTectio-a-of Jestii Christ v , 1 Y. Kii'DfLmOAllES " TESTAMENT-EACH MEE A;Blbla,Jkm,llel , Durjng the last month- R- W. "Bone; secreierjf of "the T.'MrC.A.'ivar'WoTl' In the camps. about ihIngton ha traveled J400.' inl)es,,and hss di trlbuted lilOO testaments.. " The men' In. Jh encamps. Jiis reper also shows, .are prollficjetter writ- era, . J. -' " " .1 , In the Jradoth,61flOO'l sheets of let teriaptr 09)00. jsav elopes. 3, kegs, and 31' bottles of" lnVr.l"i gross per points, and a.xross.penhbkisrs werv , distributed, , .."-.-- ---. ! Ths rDort ths same time. ofl 7.07Z -rvigloq totasrs, i,9 dooei It I and,800 snagaxines-wsrs) given to tht Iboys -" - l - Do you want tskin-healtfe? I you are suffering fron eczema oc spnj'e similar djsja15!1? stTn. emotion, 'iwiv don't vdu eetnffat ResihoL plntruent?. nless inc uouDie is auc 10 sorr.c jcnous inter nal disorder, it quidriysyieldr to Rest nol, and in easily healed byit, The HrsCapplicatiorr usually stops itchmg and makes the skin'fect cool and comfortable. We recommend it with the 'utmost confidence because oi its l Charmless, 'ingredients. Aided "by Resinol Soap it acts even more quickly. ' Ctatmcsvssd Realnol V also hatp ta elete la uiltt tveda. Trial of each, has. Dspt, ys.itsaiaoIJfaWawn Ud. - .- HI ' i ii ) 11 1, - 4 1 K n 2 '4 $?&&&?, &L.? . -S J nil-, t. .m... 1, "r